My Name Is Steve Geib I Like to See People Smile! Please Click your way Thru the show


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My Name Is

Steve Geib

I Like to See


PleaseClick your way

Thru the show.

Aunt Stefanie



Monterey 1992

1984-My lab

Teaching 1978

Approx 1975

Finally Out1972


. . .Observations of One “Old-Timer”

Who Are They, and What Do They Do?Who Are They, and What Do They Do?

What is their Future ?What is their Future ?

What does it matter to What does it matter to You You ??

Dental TechniciansDental Technicians

““Dental TechniciansDental Technicians””

And What Do They Do?

Who Are They?

It It DoesDoes Depend on Who you Ask ... Depend on Who you Ask ...

But Who


They ~ Really?

They Are the People you rarely see,

Yet Depend on Daily . . .

To Create and Restore SmilesTo Create and Restore SmilesWhen it May not Seem Possible . . .When it May not Seem Possible . . .

And, in Most Cases, Without And, in Most Cases, Without

Even Getting to See the Smiles Even Getting to See the Smiles

They Have Manufactured.They Have Manufactured.


So How do So How do Dental TechniciansDental Technicians Fit Fit within the Dental Health Team?within the Dental Health Team?

Let’s Look at what the A.D.A. Says:Let’s Look at what the A.D.A. Says:

No Wonder You Don’t See Them . . . No Wonder You Don’t See Them . . .

Less than 1%

To Learn How The Gov’t Sees DTs, and forTo Learn How The Gov’t Sees DTs, and for

Actual Numbers, Let’s Check withActual Numbers, Let’s Check with

the Dept. of Labor . . .the Dept. of Labor . . .

First Off, Let me Warn You . . .First Off, Let me Warn You . . .It’s Not a Real Smooth Ride -It’s Not a Real Smooth Ride -

It Can Be Kind of Hard to Find Us.It Can Be Kind of Hard to Find Us.

This Seems Like a Good Place to Start . . .This Seems Like a Good Place to Start . . .

Close, But No Cigar . Close, But No Cigar .

Well, How About Here . . .Well, How About Here . . .

MustMust Be Under This Heading . . . Be Under This Heading . . .

Now This Now This IsIs a Little Strange. a Little Strange.

Where the Heck Did They Put Us?

For Some Reason, For Some Reason, ThisThis wasn’t My 1 wasn’t My 1stst guess. guess.

Was it Yours?!?Was it Yours?!?

Not Bad, Not Bad, But Not But Not GreatGreat..

And Here’s the Re$t of the Story ~And Here’s the Re$t of the Story ~

EducationEducation Should Help Earning Power ~ Should Help Earning Power ~

But What Do these But What Do these 35 Programs Represent?35 Programs Represent?

Only There’s a Fly in the Ointment – Only There’s a Fly in the Ointment – Because Education Because Education is is NotNot Something Something

One One HASHAS to Have . . . to Have . . . To Be a “Dental Tech”To Be a “Dental Tech”

With Current Trends in Demographics and Technology,With Current Trends in Demographics and Technology, The Future for Dental TechnologyThe Future for Dental Technology Should Be Should Be BrightBright . . .. . .

. . . But It’s . . . But It’s NOTNOT ! !

Where Are All Our New Students?Where Are All Our New Students?WhyWhy is This Happening? is This Happening?

It’s It’s DownRight DownRight ScaryScary!!What Effect Does All This Have on Our Job Opportunities?

WhatWhat Job Opportunities?!? Job Opportunities?!?

Results of National Search 6-19-03

This Story Is This Story Is NotNot Going in the Right Direction . . . Going in the Right Direction . . .

At At ThisThis Rate of Demise, There Rate of Demise, There CouldCould Be Be NONO SchoolsSchools of Dental Technology in 12-15 Years . . .of Dental Technology in 12-15 Years . . .

. . . For . . . For A A HappyHappyEnding.Ending.

Why Does This Matter To You??Why Does This Matter To You??

WhoWho Will Create the Appliances Will Create the Appliances Your Patients Are Going to Need?Your Patients Are Going to Need?

Do You Find Do You Find NOWNOW That there are That there are1)1) Too Many, Too Many, 2)2) Too Few, Too Few,

or or 3)3) a Perfect # a Perfect #of Qualified Dental (of Qualified Dental (esp. Dentureesp. Denture) Technicians) Technicians

in in YourYour Practice Area? Practice Area?

RememberRemember ! !You Can’t DependYou Can’t DependOn the On the Tooth FairyTooth FairyForever, Kids.Forever, Kids.

Ask Yourself Ask Yourself This Question:This Question:

Can I Get A Witness ?

Could I Get an Applicant ?

““There’s Just There’s Just TooToo MuchMuch Work” Work”

Can IBeginA NewCareer

? ?

God Bless YOU, Dr. Damon C. Adams

Thank You for YourTime and

Consideration !

Please Drive Safely . . .

© 2003 Plain & Simple Creations, Inc.

Good Good Nite !Nite !

Remember, Remember, You You

Can Get Can Get HurtHurt At At AnyAny Speed! Speed!
