My Healing Journey Presented By: Dr. Jaime Romo, educator, author and organizational consultant


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My Healing Journey

Presented By: Dr. Jaime Romo, educator, author and organizational


Imaginal cells

Johari Window

Blind Hidden


Granddad and Grandma

• Quien?• Quieres cacahuates?• No seas indio.

K-12 in N.E. LA

College as escape: Storming

Adult/ identity: Forming

Professional Identity: Norming

• M.Ed., UCLA, 1998; Ed.D. USD 1998– “Voices Against Exclusion

and Discrimination: Latino School Leaders’ Narratives for Change”

• Romo, J. & Salerno, C. (2000). Toward Cultural Democracy: The Journey from Knowledge to Action in Diverse Classrooms.

• Romo, J., Bradfield, P., & Serrano, R. (2004). Co-editors Reclaiming Democracy: Multicultural Educators’ Journeys toward Transformative Teaching.

Teaching Teachers: Performing

• University of San Diego Department of Learning and Teaching, Border Pedagogy

• (2005). Border Pedagogy from the inside out: an autoethnographic study. Journal of Latinos and Education.

• (2008). Experience and Context in the Making of a Chicano Activist. In The High School Journal, April/ May. Reprinted, San Francisco: Left Coast Press

Traumatic Transformation• Diagnosed with Post Traumatic

Stress Disorder, 2005• Romo, J. (2007). In Crosses:

Portraits of Clergy Abuse,” Carmine Galasso (Ed.) New York: Trolley Books.

• Took medical leave of absence, 2006

• Intensive treatment, spiritual reconstruction

• Became member of Pilgrim UCC, Carlsbad

Hurting to Healing to HelpingAngerRevengeHatred/ rageJealousyInsecurity, guilt, unworthiness

Fear, grief, depression, despair, powerlessness

Frustration, irritation, impatienceOverwhelmDisappoint-mentDoubtWorry




Joy, knowledge, empowermentfreedom, love appreciationPassionEnthusiasm, eagerness, happinessPositive expectations, beliefOptimism

What has helped?

•Break silence (journal, group)•Connecting with community/ family •Anger into action•New life (spiritual) •Use experience to help others (TIR)•Journey/ discovery/ re-discovery

I- llWe-ll

Past Present Future

Help kids who are poor/ hungry (education as social justice vehicle- teaching, admin, teacher ed)Chiapas, roots, multicultural ed/ border pedagogySchool safe place- Kids play soccer, bonding with my kidsSeminary, then lay leader, Catholic University/ social justice2002, explosionChurchAbuse

Poor/ HungryLatino (grandmother, rosary, service, Spanish, respeto, extended family)Violent alcoholic dad School safe place/ achievementSoccer (escape, travel, dad activity)ChurchAbuse

Now: Integration/ synthesis/ creating something newHelp kids/ adults who have experienced sexual abuse/ social justice (teaching/ writing books, course)Commissioned Minister for Healing and Healthy EnvironmentsPromoting healing/ ending abuse in organizationsWounded healer- explorer/ pioneer, legacy of healing, effective educator/ change agentTrauma Incident Reduction facilitatorSAMHSA consultant/ trainer

Crisis: Danger + Opportunity

• There is problem- widespread trauma, abuse, denial, impact (consequences if untreated)

• There is a solution, beginning with survivors- recognize experience, reconcile, integrate, transform beginning with selves

• Opportunity to break silence and learn with others, wherever in the continuum: victim-> thriver

Physician, heal thyself

• Who am I?• What do I want?• What is my

purpose? How can I serve?

“If you bring forth that which is within you, then that which is within you will be your salvation. If you do not bring forth that which is within you, then that which is within you will destroy you.” –From the Gnostic Gospels

Haim Ginot

“I’ve come to a frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It’s my personal approach that creates the climate. …I can humiliate or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or dehumanized.”

Our deepest fear

• It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.