My Film Script



film script

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Film Script

For my main character I have decided on Lauren Potter she has featured in other films and TV shows such as the guest room which is a horror and glee which is a teen drama she is physically and mental able to deliver the performance I'm looking for.I have decided that Chloe grace moretz will play grace I think she suits the character she has starred in Carrie, kick-ass and if I stay in all you see what a talented actress she is and in my film there is a big mix of emotions which I think she can deliver.I have decided my director will be Robert Zemeckis who directed Forrest Gump I have chosen him because of the way he showed the disability the advantages and disadvantages and the message he created with the film.I was going to make my film a teen tragedy but I changed my mind and changed it to a teen drama because there is a lot more drama then tragedy and also my film revolves around two teen age girls and the drama in their lives. Also one of the codes and conventions of a teen drama is teen issues which I want to feature in my film so it focuses on other issues instead of her disability this shows she has more to worry about than a typical teenage girl. I have decided my target audience will be 12-25 I think my film will apply more to this age group because its a teen drama so its more likely to apply to teenagers and I think people in their early twenty's may enjoy it as well because there weren't that long ago a teenager and its more for a younger audience.I have decided my budget will be 1,500,000 I think this enough money to cover all the costs and I will still have enough money to advertise the film. I will be realising my film in a box office theatre this way it will be shown to a wider number of people and there will be more advertisement I also think if it is shown to a wider audience people will get the message my film is trying to send and treat disability with more respect not as a joke and show that you can do what you want disability doesnt control you.I have decided to locate my film in a small town in America because in my film the main character Ellie doesnt have any relatives close by because she lives in such a little town and I also wanted to show that even in little places people are still affected by disability and illness. The setting will be mainly on a farm because a big percentage of the film is spent on the farm because Ellies aunt used to own it and Ellie doesnt like leaving.