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Soil Mechanics and Rock Mechanics


Faculty Name:

Dr. A. K. Rai





1 Vision of department

2 Mission of department

3 PEO’s

4 PO’s

5 Course objectives and course outcomes(Co)

6 Mapping of CO’s with PO’s

7 Course syllabus and GATE syllabus

8 Time table

9 Student list

10 Lecture plans

11 Assignments

12 Tutorial sheets

13 Sessional question paper

14 University question paper

15 Question bank

16 Course materials

17 Result

18 Result analysis

19 Quality measurement sheets


To get recognized as prestigious civil engineering program at national and international level

through continuous education, research and innovation.


To create the environment for innovative and smart ideas for generation of professionals

to serve the nation and world with latest technologies in Civil Engineering.

To develop intellectual professionals with skill for work in industry, acedamia and

public sector organizations and entrepreneur with their technical capabilities to succeed

in their fields.

To build up competitiveness, leadership, moral, ethical and managerial skill.


Graduates are expected to attain Program Educational Objectives within three to four years

after the graduation. Following PEOs of Department of Civil Engineering have been laid down

based on the needs of the programs constituencies:

PEO1: Contribute to the development of civil engineering projects being undertaken by Govt.

and private or any other sector companies.

PEO2: Pursue higher education and contribute to teaching, research and development of civil

engineering and related field.

PEO3: Successful career as an entrepreneur in civil engineering industry



Engineering knowledge: An ability to apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,

engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to get the solution of the

engineering problems.

PO2 Problem analysis: Ability to Identify, formulates, review research literature, and

analyze complex engineering problems.

PO3 Design/development of solutions: Ability to design solutions for complex engineering

problems by considering social, economical and environmental aspects.

PO4 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge to

design, conduct analyse experiments to get valid conclusion.

PO5 Modern tool usage: ability to create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, and to

model complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6 The engineer and society: Ability to apply knowledge by considering social health,

safety, legal and cultural issues.

PO7 Environment and sustainability: Understanding of the impact of the adopted

engineering solutions in social and environmental contexts.

pPO8 Ethics: Understanding of the ethical issues of the civil engineering and applying ethical

principles in engineering practices.

PO9 Individual and teamwork: Ability to work effectively as an individual or in team, as a

member or as a leader.

PO10 Communication: An ability to communicate clearly and effectively through different

modes of communication.

PO11 Project management and finance: Ability to handle project and to manage finance

related issue

PO12 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to

engage in independent and life-long learning.


Institute/college Name MuzaffarpurInsittute of Technology, Muzaffarpur

Program Name B.E. Civil (VI semester)

Course Code/course credits 011X15 (5)

Course Name Soil Mechanics and Rock Mechanics

Lecture/ Sessional (per week) 3/3

SEE duration 3 hours

Course objective:

To provide basic understanding of basic principle and engineering behavior of soil and rock and

to addresses the practical challenges in geotechnical engineering.

Course outcomes (CO):

CO1: Understanding of the shear strength behavior of soil and different laboratory

methods for determination of the strength of soil.

CO2: Application of the principles and basic of soil mechanics in the analysis of slope

stability and retaining wall.

CO3: Understanding and evaluation of the basic and engineering behavior of the rock.

CO4: Application of the principles and basic of rock mechanics in the analysis of slope

stability and tunnellling.


CO/PO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 3 - - - - - - - - 1 - 2

CO2 3 3 2 2 1 - - - - 1 - 2

CO3 3 - - - - - - - - 1 - 2

CO4 3 3 2 2 1 - - - - 1 - 2

Correlation level: 1- slight (Low) 2- moderate (Medium) 3-substantial (High)


Shear Strength of Soil:Engineering use of shear strength, Direct and triaxial shear tests, Mohr-

Coulomb strengthcriterion, drained, consolidated undrained and undrained tests, strength of

loose and dense sands, NC and OC soils, dilation, pore pressure and Skempton’s pore pressure


Earth pressure theories & Retaining Walls:Limit equilibrium method, effect of wall

movement on earth pressure, pressure at rest, Rankine state of plastic equilibrium, Coulomb’s

theory, Rebhann and Culmann’sgraphical methods. Sheet piles – Types and uses of sheet piles,

Analysis of Cantilever and anchored sheet piles in cohesionless and cohesive soil, Rowe’s theory

of moment reduction.

Stability of slopes:Limit equilibrium methods, methods of slices, simplified Bishop’s method

and friction circle method, factors of safety, stability under conditions of submergence,

drawdown and steady seepage, location of critical arc, stability number, chart.

Engineering properties of rocks: engineering classification of rocks, Surface and sub-surface

investigation in rock including geophysical studies.

Weathering of rocks: discontinuities, field and laboratory testing of rocks and rock masses,

Stress- strain characteristics, Deformability of rocks, Friction and Shear strength, Slope stability,

effect of water.

Introduction to analysis and design of tunnels, blasting, bolting, tunneling techniques,


GATE Syllabus of geotechnical engineering:

Soil Mechanics: Origin of soils, soil structure and fabric; Three-phase system and phase

relationships, index properties; Unified and Indian standard soil classification system;

Permeability - one dimensional flow, Darcy’s law; Seepage through soils - two-dimensional

flow, flow nets, uplift pressure, piping; Principle of effective stress, capillarity, seepage force and

quicksand condition; Compaction in laboratory and field conditions; Onedimensional

consolidation, time rate of consolidation; Mohr’s circle, stress paths, effective and total shear

strength parameters, characteristics of clays and sand.

Foundation Engineering: Sub-surface investigations - scope, drilling bore holes, sampling,

plate load test, standard penetration and cone penetration tests; Earth pressure theories - Rankine

and Coulomb; Stability of slopes - finite and infinite slopes, method of slices and Bishop’s

method; Stress distribution in soils - Boussinesq’s and Westergaard’s theories, pressure bulbs;

Shallow foundations - Terzaghi’s and Meyerhoff’s bearing capacity theories, effect of water

table; Combined footing and raft foundation; Contact pressure; Settlement analysis in sands and

clays; Deep foundations - types of piles, dynamic and static formulae, load capacity of piles in

sands and clays, pile load test, negative skin friction.


B.Tech. 6th

(Sixth) Semester (2015 Batch) PROVISIONAL TIME TABLE WITH EFFECT FROM 01.02.2018

DAY Branch I (10-10.50AM) II (10.50-11.40AM) III (11.40-12.30PM) IV (12.30-01.20PM) V (01.50-2.40PM) VI (2.40-3.30PM) VII (3.30-4.20PM)

MON Mech


Civil S&Rmch(AP)48 ---- S&Rmch. Practical G-I (AKR+AP) ------





TUE Mech







WED Mech


Civil S&R MCH(AKR)48 -





THU Mech


Civil S&R MCH(AKR)48





FRI Mech







SAT Mech


Civil ---- S&Rmch. Practical.G-II(AKR+AKH+VK) ------

Asst.Prof.-in-charge (TT) Prof.-in-charge (TT) Principal


S.NO. Roll No Name

1 15C01 mohsin jamil md nasir

2 15C02 kumar shubham

3 15C03 santosh kumar

4 15C04 raja babu

5 15C05 krishna kumar

6 15C06 saanjeet kumar

7 15C07 madhu rani

8 15C08 rahul kumar

9 15C10 md. junaid akhter

10 15C12 divesh kumar

11 15C13 dilip kumar

12 15C14 prashant prabhakar

13 15C15 priya kumari

14 15C16 hemant kumar ravi

15 15C17 deepak kumar

16 15C18 chandra rohit kumar

17 15C20 praween kumar

18 15C21 ketan kumar

19 15C22 kumar saurav

20 15C23 priyanshu

21 15C24 ranjeet kumar

22 15C25 chandan kumar

23 15C26 aman kumar

24 15C27 shubham kumar

25 15C28 jay prakash kumar

26 15C29 siraj anwer khan

27 15C30 punahani pahuja

28 15C31 md. zeeshan haider

29 15C32 jay nandan kumar

30 15C33 uma shankar pandit

31 15C34 surbhi rani

32 15C35 rajesh kumar sharma

33 15C37 priyanshu prasad gond

34 15C38 sudhir kumar

35 15C39 md. asif khan

36 15C40 abhishek kumar

37 15C41 abhishek kumar

38 15C42 md. akram

39 15C43 saurabh

40 15C44 puja kumari

41 15C45 pramod kumar

42 15C46 deepak kumar adig

43 15C48 suraj kumar

44 15C49 sumit kumar

45 15C50 rishav raj

46 15C51 jugnu kumar

47 15C52 sanni kumar

48 15C53 mulayam singh kush

49 15C54 venkatesh jha

50 15C56 krishlay kumar keshav

51 15C57 prashant kumar singh

52 15C58 md. firoj alam

53 15C59 surya prakash

54 15C60 sumit kumar sacsena

55 15C61 azhar hussain

56 15C62 chiranjeevi bhushan sharma

57 15C63 rahul kumar

58 15C64 meghnath kumar

59 15C65 akshay kumar

60 16(LE)C02 shabara khanam

61 16(LE)C03 raj bindu prasad

62 16(LE)C04 chandan kumar

63 16(LE)C07 vikash kumar

64 16(LE)C08 anish kumar

65 16(LE)C09 kumar aditya

66 16(LE)C10 sangram singh

67 14C28 ashwani kumar singh

Text Books:

TB1: A text book of soil mechanics and foundation engineering, revised and enlarged 4th edition

1993 by V.N.S. Murthy, Saikripa Technical Consultants, Banglore

TB2: Basic and applied soil mechanics by Gopal Ranjan and ASR Rao, Wiley Easter Ltd., New delhi

TB3: Soil mechanics and foundation engineering by K R Arora, Standard Pub. And Dist. Delhi,


TB4: Introduction to rock mechanics by R E Goodman, John Wiley and Sons, New York.

TB5: Rock Mechanics and Engineering by Jacger, Charles, Cambridge University press, London.

Reference Books:

RB1: Soil mechanics in engineering practice by Terzaghi and Peck, John Wiley and Sons Inc. New

York, 1967

RB2: Soil Mechanics by Lamb and Whitman, Wiley Eastern Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1969.

RB3: Fundamentals of soil mechanics by Taylor, John Wiley and Sons Inc New York, 1948.

RB4: Tunnels: Planning, Design, construction by Megaw, T.M. and J.V. Barlett. International

Edition, Ellis Horwood limited, John Wiley and Sons, New York.


Topic No. Topic No. of


lecture no.

Text book

1. Shear strength of soil 7 TB1, TB2, TB3

Engineering applictaion of shear

strength, Shear stress and

Principal stress relationsheep


Mohr-Coulomb strength



Direct shear and Triaxial shear



Unconsolidated undrained,

Consolidated Undrained and

Consolidated drained test


Stress-Strain response: Dense

and loose sand, NC and OC soil


Pore pressure and Skempton

Pore pressure parameters,

Unconfined compression tests,


Vane Shear test

2. Earth pressure theories and

Retaining wall

7 TB1, TB2, TB3

Introduction : At rest and plastic

equilibrium conditions


Rankine's and Coulomb's earth

pressure theories


Coulomb;s theory, Rebhamnn

and Cuimann's graphical method


Effect of water table and

seepage pressure on earth



Sheet piles-Types and uses of

sheet piles


Analysis of Cantilever and

anchored sheet piles in

cohesionless and cohesive soil


Rowe's theory of moment



3. Stability of slopes 7 TB1, TB2, TB3

Stability of infinite slopes:

Factors of safety, Limit

equilibrium method,


Swedish method; Friction circle;

method, slices method and

Bishop's method of stability



Stability under conditions of (i)

Submergence (ii) Sudden draw

down, and (iii) Steady seepage


Location of critical arc; Stability

number and chart, Remedial

measures against slope failure


4. Engineering Properties of


7 TB4, TB5

Engineering classification of

rock, Surface and sub-surface

investigation in rock


Geophysical studies of rock


5. Weathering of rock 8 TB4, TB5

Discontinuties, Field and

laboratory testing og rocks and

rock masses


Stress-strain characterstics,

Deformability of rocks, Friction

and shear strength


Slope stability, effect of water



Introduction to analysis and

design of tunnels, blasting,

bolting, tunneling techniques,


6 TB4, TB5

Analysis and designing and

analysis of tunnel


Blasting, tunneling techniques

and application


Total Number of Lecture 42


S.No. Assignment Topic No.

1 Assignment 1 1

2 Assignment 2 2

3 Assignment 3 3

4 Assignment 4 4

5 Assignment 5 5

6 Assignment 6 6

Soil Mechanics and Rock mechanics (011X15)

Assignment 1 (Shear strength of soil)

1. The normal stresses acting on two orthogonal planes of a soil sample are 250kN/m2 and 110kN/m

2. Find

out the normal and shear stresses on a plane inclined at 60° to the direction of the major principal stress.

A given soil has unit cohesion of 2t/m2 and an angle of internal friction of 28°. Samples of the soil were

tested in the laboratory in a triaxial apparatus under the undrained condition. Determine:

i) Deviator stress at failure when the cell pressure is 1.5kg/cm2

ii) The applied cell pressure, if the sample fails under a total vertical pressure of 5.09kg/cm2

2. A set of triaxial tests were performed on three samples of a soil. The cell pressure and the deviator

stresses at failure are given below:

Sample no Cell Pr.(kN/m2) Deviator

1 200 690

2 300 855

3 400 1030

Plot Mohr’s circles of stress and determine the apparent cohesion and angle of internal friction.

3. A direct shear test was performed in a 6cm x 6cm shear box on a sample of dry, cohesionless soil. Under

a normal load of 40kg, failure occurred when the shearing force reached 26.65kg. Plot the Mohr’s

strength envelope and determine the angle of shearing resistance of the soil. Determine graphically the

magnitude and direction of the principal stress at failure.

4. Two triaxial tests were performed on samples of a moist soil in an undrained condition. The all-round cell

pressure during these two tests were 2.5kg/cm2

and the samples failed under deviator stresses of

4.85kg/cm2 and 6.70kg/cm

2 respectively. Determine the apparent cohesion and the apparent angle of

shearing resistance of the soil (i) Analytically (ii) Graphically

Do you expect to obtain the same values of the shear parameters if the sample were tested in drained

condition? Explain your answers with reasons.

5. Laboratory triaxial tests were performed on three soil samples of 3.8cm diameter and 7.6cm height. The

following results were obtained;

Sample no Cell pr.(kg/cm2) Deviator load at

failure (kg)

Change in

volume (cc)



1 0.5 45 1.1 0.92

2 1.0 52 1.5 1.15

3 2.0 79.5 1.7 1.22

Plot Mohr’s circles and determine the apparent values of shear parameters of the soil

6. The following results were obtained from a set of consolidated undrained test with arrangement for pore

pressure measurements:

Test no 1 2 3

Cell Pr.(kg/cm2) 1.0 2.0 3.0

Deviator stress (kg/cm2) 1.31 1.62 1.89

Pore pressure (Kg/cm2) 3.18 0.42 0.86

Determine the shear parameters of the soil, considering (i) Total stress (ii) Effective stress

7. An unconfined compression test was performed on a silty clay sample of 4cm diameter and 8cm height.

The sample failed under a compressive load of 23kg and the deformation recorded at failure was 1.42 cm.

A triaxial test was performed on an identical sample of the same soil. The all-round cell pressure was

1kg/cm2 and the sample failed under a deviator load of a 39.5kg. The axial deformation recorded at

failure was 1.18cm. Find out the apparent values of shear parameters. (i) Graphically (ii) Analytically

Soil Mechanics and Rock mechanics (011X15)

Assignment 2(Earth pressure theories and retaining wall)

1. A retaining wall of 4 m height and having smooth vertical back has to retain a sand backfill

having the following properties: Ƴ = 1.85 t/m

3, Ø = 30


i. Determine the total active thrust extorted by the backfill on the wall ii. Determine the percent change in active thrust, if the water table rises from a great depth

to height of 2 m above the base of the wall 2. A 6 m high earth fill is supported by a retaining wall with a smooth vertical back face and carries

a surcharge of 30 kN/m2. The angle of internal friction of the fill soil is 30

o, while its bulk density

is 17.5 kN/m3. Plot the distribution of active earth pressure on the wall. Also determine the

magnitude and point of application of the resultant thrust. 3. A vertical retaining wall has to retain a horizontal backfill up to height of 4 m above G.L. the

properties of the backfill are: C = 0, Ø = 280, G = 2.68, w = 11%, s = 55%, µ = 0.5.

If the wall is rigidly held in positon, what is magnitude of thrust acting on it?

4. With reference to problem 3, determine the percentage changes in active thrust if the wall moves

(i) towards the backfill (ii) away from the backfill

Assume that, the lateral movement of the wall is sufficient to bring about a state of plastic


5. A masonry retaining wall, 5.5 m high, retains a backfill of cohesion-less soil, having a horizontal

top surface. The soil has an angle of internal friction of 27.5o, a void ratio of0.83, and the specific

gravity of solids is 2.65. The water table is located at 2.2 m below the top of the wall. Above the

water table, the average degree of saturation of the soil is 10%. Plot the distribution of active

earth pressure and compute the magnitude and point of the application of the resultant thrust.

6. A cohesion less backfill, retained by a 5 m high retaining wall with a smooth vertical back, is

bounded by a horizontal surface. The water table is at 2 m below the top of the wall. Above the

water table, the angle of internal friction and bulk density of the soil are 18 kN.m3 and 30


respectively. Below the water table, the bulk density increases by the 10 % while the friction

angle decreases by 20%. Determine the resultant active pressure on the wall.

7. A smooth vertical retaining wall has to retain a backfill of cohesion less soil up to a height of 4 m

above G.L. the properties of the backfill are: T = 19 kN/m3, Ø = 36


i. Determine the active thrust on the wall if the backfill has horizontal top surface.

ii. Determine the percent change in the active thrust if, instead of being horizontal, the

backfill is not sloped upwards at an angle of 15o to the horizontal.

8. A masonry wall has to retain a cohesive backfill having an unconfined compressive strength of 4

t/m2 and a bulk density of 1.72 g/cc. the overall height of wall is 6 m. determine:

i. The depth up to which tension cracks will extended.

ii. The magnitude and point of application of the active thrust

9. With reference to problem 8, determine minimum intensity of a uniform surcharge, which when

placed over the backfill, will prevent the formation of tension cracks

Soil Mechanics and Rock mechanics (011X15)

Assignment 3(Stability of slope)

1. An embankment is to be made of a soil which has the following shear strength parameters under

the existing conditions: c’ = 30 kN/m2, Ø’ = 15


if it is assumed that different margins of safety are available for cohesion component and friction

component of shearing strength and mobilized values of cohesion and friction are cm = 22 kN/m2,

Øm = 12o, what is the factor of safety with respect to (a) cohesion and (b) friction? If the average

value of normal effective stress on the failure surface is 120 kN/m2, what is the value of (a) true

factor of safety Fs , (b) FØ when Fc = 1 and (c) FØ when FØ = 1?

2. An infinite slope is made of clay with the following properties; Ƴt = 18 kN/m3; Ƴ’ = 9 kN/m

3; c’

=25 kN/m2, Ø’ = 28

o .if the slope has an inclination of 35

o and height equal to 12 m, determine

the stability of slope, when (a) the lope is submerged and (b) there is seepage parallel to the slope.

3. An excavation is made with a vertical face in a clay soil which has Cu = 50 kN/m2, Ƴt = 18

kN/m3. Determine the maximum depth of exaction so that the excavation is stable.

4. An infinite slope is to be constructed of a clay soil at a slope angle of 30o. the ground water level

is at the ground surface itself, with seepage parallel to the ground. The soil properties are: c’ =

15kN/m2, Ø’ = 22

o, Ƴsat = 20 kN/m

3. What is the factor of safety against movment along a plane

parallel to the ground surface at depth of 4 m and 5.5 m?

Soil Mechanics and Rock mechanics (011X15)

Assignment 4(Engineering Properties of rock)

1. What are the different methods for classification of the rocks? Explain in details.

2. What are the different physical and mechanical properties of the rock? Explain in details.

3. Describe about metamorphic rocks in details.

4. Write about geological/lithological classification of rocks.

Soil Mechanics and Rock mechanics (011X15)

Assignment 5(Weathering of rocks)

1. Describe the direct shear strength test on rocks and punch shear tests on rocks.

2. Write about triaxial unconfined compressive strength of rocks.

3. Write about durability property of rocks.

4. Write about point load strength of rocks.

5. Write about rock quality designation (RQD).

6. What are the different geophysical tests on rock? Also write about the advantages and

disadvantages of geophysical methods.

7. Explain different modes of failure of rock slopes.

8. What are the different tests for the determination of the strength of rock.

Soil Mechanics and Rock mechanics (011X15)

Assignment 6

1. Describe the sampling procedure of rocks. Also, write about the procedure of

preparing samples of rocks for different types of testing.

2. What are the different tunneling techniques? Also write about the instruments used in


3. Write short notes on the rock anchors.

4. Write about the shotcreting and also explain about its utilization.


B.Tech 6th

Semester Mid-Term Examination, 2018

Soil mechanics and Rock Mechanics (011X15)

Time: 2 hours Full Marks: 20

Instructions: (i) Attempt any four questions. Attempt at least one question from group A and B.

(ii) Question No. 1 is compulsory.

(iii) All questions carry equal marks.

1. Chose the correct option of the following

(a) For triaxial test which of the following statement is true

i. Failure plane is horizontal plane

ii. Failure plane is vertical plane

iii. Failure plane makes some angle with horizontal

iv. None of these

(b) In which of the following shear strength test volume change behavior cannot be


(i) Triaxial compression test

(ii) Direct shear test

(iii) Vane shear test

(iv) (i) and (ii) both

(c) According to the ‘Mohs Scale’ harness of diamond is considered as

(i) 10

(ii) 9

(iii) 2

(iv) 1

(d) As per geological classification marble is considered as

(i) Hard Rock

(ii) Metamorphic rock

(iii) Igneous Rock

(iv) Soft Rock

(e) Unconfined compressive strength can be written as

(i) Twice of compressive stress

(ii) Half of unconfined shear strength

(iii) Twice of cohesion of soil

(iv) None of these

Group A

2. What are the different laboratory tests for determination of strength behavior of soil?

Explain any one of the test.

3. A direct shear test was performed in a 6cm x 6cm shear box on a sample of dry,

cohesionless soil. Under a normal load of 40kg, failure occurred when the shearing force

reached 26.65kg. Plot the Mohr’s strength envelope and determine the angle of shearing

resistance of the soil.

4. Derive the expression for the shear strength of soil for vane shear test.

Group B

5. As per geological classification, what are the different types of rocks?

6. Write in brief about slake durability test.

7. Write a short note on the different properties of the rock.

Question Bank:


1. Direct shear test

2. Vane shear test

3. Unconfined compressive strength

4. Triaxial test

5. Brazilian test for tensile strength of rocks

6. Bending test for tensile strength of rocks

7. Uniaxial compressive strength test.

Result of the students

Roll No Name


s of






ss t



d s







s of












a v





15C01 MOHSIN JAMIL MD NASIR 5 5 17 27 5 4 6 15

15C02 KUMAR SHUBHAM 5 5 16 26 5 3 8 16

15C03 SANTOSH KUMAR 5 5 17 27 4 3 7 14

15C04 RAJA BABU 4 4 12 20 4 4 6 14

15C05 KRISHNA KUMAR 4 4 19 27 5 5 7 17

15C06 SAANJEET KUMAR 4 4 11 19 4 4 8 16

15C07 MADHU RANI 5 5 18 28 5 3 9 17

15C08 RAHUL KUMAR 5 5 19 29 5 4 6 15

15C10 MD. JUNAID AKHTER 5 5 14 24 4 4 7 15

15C12 DIVESH KUMAR 4 4 19 27 5 3 6 14

15C13 DILIP KUMAR 4 4 19 27 4 5 8 17

15C14 PRASHANT PRABHAKAR 5 5 17 27 5 3 7 15

15C15 PRIYA KUMARI 5 5 19 29 5 4 8 17

15C16 HEMANT KUMAR RAVI 5 5 20 30 5 5 9 19

15C17 DEEPAK KUMAR 5 5 17 27 5 5 8 18

15C18 CHANDRA ROHIT KUMAR 5 5 14 24 5 4 8 17

15C20 PRAWEEN KUMAR 5 5 15 25 5 3 7 15

15C21 KETAN KUMAR 4 4 20 28 4 4 8 16

15C22 KUMAR SAURAV 5 5 20 30 5 5 10 20

15C23 PRIYANSHU 4 4 11 19 5 5 6 16

15C24 RANJEET KUMAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

15C25 CHANDAN KUMAR 4 4 12 20 4 3 7 14

15C26 AMAN KUMAR 4 4 18 26 5 4 8 17

15C27 SHUBHAM KUMAR 5 5 19 29 5 3 8 16

15C28 JAY PRAKASH KUMAR 5 5 18 28 5 5 10 20

15C29 SIRAJ ANWER KHAN 5 5 15 25 5 5 10 20

15C30 PUNAHANI PAHUJA 4 4 13 21 4 5 8 17

15C31 MD. ZEESHAN HAIDER 4 4 12 20 4 4 8 16

15C32 JAY NANDAN KUMAR 4 4 18 26 5 4 8 17

15C33 UMA SHANKAR PANDIT 4 4 13 21 4 4 6 14

15C34 SURBHI RANI 5 5 19 29 5 5 10 20

15C35 RAJESH KUMAR SHARMA 4 4 19 27 4 4 6 14

15C37 PRIYANSHU PRASAD GOND 5 5 18 28 5 5 10 20

15C38 SUDHIR KUMAR 4 4 11 19 5 3 6 14

15C39 MD. ASIF KHAN 4 4 15 23 4 3 7 14

15C40 ABHISHEK KUMAR 5 5 15 25 4 5 8 17

15C41 ABHISHEK KUMAR 4 4 10 18 4 3 7 14

15C42 MD. AKRAM 4 4 18 26 4 3 7 14

15C43 SAURABH 5 5 20 30 4 4 8 16

15C44 PUJA KUMARI 4 4 14 22 4 3 8 15

15C45 PRAMOD KUMAR 5 5 20 30 5 5 8 18

15C46 DEEPAK KUMAR ADIG 5 5 16 26 5 3 6 14

15C48 SURAJ KUMAR 5 5 19 29 5 4 8 17

15C49 SUMIT KUMAR 5 5 19 29 4 3 7 14

15C50 RISHAV RAJ 4 4 19 27 4 4 8 16

15C51 JUGNU KUMAR 4 4 13 21 4 3 7 14

15C52 SANNI KUMAR 4 4 19 27 4 3 7 14

15C53 MULAYAM SINGH KUSH 5 5 17 27 5 4 10 19

15C54 VENKATESH JHA 4 4 20 28 4 4 8 16

15C56 KRISHLAY KUMAR KESHAV 4 4 16 24 4 3 7 14

15C57 PRASHANT KUMAR SINGH 5 5 14 24 5 3 8 16

15C58 MD. FIROJ ALAM 4 4 12 20 5 3 8 16

15C59 SURYA PRAKASH 5 5 15 25 5 3 7 15

15C60 SUMIT KUMAR SACSENA 4 4 16 24 4 4 6 14

15C61 AZHAR HUSSAIN 5 5 18 28 4 4 6 14

15C62 CHIRANJEEVI BHUSHAN SHARMA 4 4 19 27 4 4 7 15

15C63 RAHUL KUMAR 4 4 18 26 4 5 8 17

15C64 MEGHNATH KUMAR 5 5 14 24 5 5 10 20

15C65 AKSHAY KUMAR 5 5 19 29 5 5 10 20

16(LE)C02 SHABARA KHANAM 5 5 10 20 5 4 8 17

16(LE)C03 RAJ BINDU PRASAD 4 4 9 17 4 3 7 14

16(LE)C04 CHANDAN KUMAR 4 4 14 22 5 4 10 19

16(LE)C07 VIKASH KUMAR 5 5 19 29 5 5 10 20

16(LE)C08 ANISH KUMAR 5 5 20 30 5 4 8 17

16(LE)C09 KUMAR ADITYA 4 4 17 25 4 3 7 14

16(LE)C10 SANGRAM SINGH 4 4 0 8 4 4 6 14

14C28 ASHWANI KUMAR SINGH 4 4 13 21 4 3 7 14











































COs CT1 MSE SEE LAB Assignment

CO1 - Q1, Q2 E1-E4 A1

CO2 - Q1, Q3 - A2-A3

CO3 Q1 Q1, Q5,


E5-E7 A4-A5

CO4 - Q6 - A6

Quality Measurement Sheets

a. Course End Survey

ACADEMIC YEAR: 2018 SEM: 6th DATE: 01/05/2018 COURSE: B.Tech. CLASS: Soil mech. And

rock mech. FACULTY: Dr. A. K. Rai, Dr. Akash Priyadarshee

Please evaluate on the following scale:

Excellent(E) Good(G) Average(A) Poor(P) No Comment(NC) 5 4 3 2 1


G 4

A 3

P 2

NC 1

Avg %

GENERAL OBJECTIVES: 1 Did the course achieve its stated objectives? 5 100 2 Have you acquired the stated skills? 4 60 3 Whether the syllabus content is adequate to achieve the

objectives? 3 60

4 Whether the instructor has helped you in acquiring the stated skills?

4 80

5 Whether the instructor has given real life applications of the course?

4 80

6 Whether tests, assignments, projects and grading were fair? 4 80 7 The instructional approach (es) used was (were) appropriate to

the course. 4 80

8 The instructor motivated me to do my best work. 4 80 9 I gave my best effort in this course 4 80 10 To what extent you feel the course outcomes have been achieved. 4 80 Please provide written comments:

a) What was the most effective part of this course Shear strength of the soil and basic understanding of the rock behavior.

b) What are your suggestions, if any, for changes that would improve this course? Syllabus needs to be modified.

c) Given all that you learned as a result of this course, what do you consider to be most important? Basic understanding of soil and rock behavior.

d) Do you have any additional comments or clarifications to make regarding your responses to

any particular survey item? None

e) Do you have any additional comments or suggestions that go beyond issues addressed on this survey? none


MIT Muzaffarpur Bihar

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Assessment

ACADEMIC YEAR: 2018 SEM:6 th DATE:12/5/2018

COURSE: CLASS: soil and rock


FACULTY: Dr. A. K. Rai, Dr. Akash


Assessment Criteria Used Attainment Level Remarks Direct (d) Theory

External Marks - - Internal Marks (Theory) 2.5/3 83% Assignments 3 100% Tutorials N.A. N.A.

Indirect (id) Course End Survey 4/5 80% Theory: Course Assessment (0.6 × d+ 0.4 × id) 81.8%
