Music Magazine Evaluation. F orms and C onventions… My magazine slightly challenges some of the...


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Music Magazine


Forms and Conventions…

• My magazine slightly challenges some of the conventions particularly with the fonts in on the front cover. … …..different however still keeps the colour scheme of the front cover in it.

Picture of fonts on front cover

My magazine represents youth and adults interested in West African culture, in particular, the contribution they make to the music industry. In the beginning I decided on the age group ranging from 18 – 35. This allows those staring and in University to gain extra knowledge on other cultures and also at the top end on the age group for those simply into finding out how people from their background. After making my magazine however, my ideas for the age groups varied due to the models I had for the front cover. In my first draft I made a girl group out of 3 girls in college which would more likely appeal to the bottom end of the target age group of around 18. However, the second model in my second draft I had was slightly older appealing to the higher end of the target group.

Representational Issues

Initially at the beginning when brainstorming ideas I thought of having incorporating both genders to be aimed at this magazine. I still stuck with this idea however I do feel that if this magazine were to be sold, the majority how may buy it would be females. Even with this, males may still be incised with the picture and if there were articles that may interest them, they may then be interested to by it.

Institutions• An institution that may distribute my magazine

could be shops that maybe sale African wear or sale African food items, so that people already introduced to the this culture, would be lured in to buying it.

• However in spite of all this, it is always best to try and make as many people be exposed to this magazine so by also stocking it up in local convenient stores could broaden the audience in age, gender and even ethnicity.

Target Audience

• So after completing the magazine and looking over the final outcome, the target audience would be those who are willing to know more about the changing cultural music in West Africa

Attracting the Audience

What makes the audience interested in something such as a magazine is the first impressions of colour and individuality. My second draft of the final outcome of my from cover looked a bit cluttered which is more likely to distract the audience and make them not want to continue on reading. So I adapted this in my third draft making more of the words look similar and only changing the font sizes. The Mast Heads in many magazines are usually bold and bright, however in my magazine, it imitates the elegance of which the model brings and allows it to seem more subtle and therefore more mature in a way. The story of the singer is only the idea that she is a brand new artist and her name stands out the most.

Technologies: Software's and Photography

• I have learnt a huge amount just by simply experimenting with different buttons on Photoshop only to gain simple yet beneficial tips of creating something such as a Double Page Spread or the Front Cover with only a photograph. Changing around the colours and brightness of the photographs helped pictures that were not perfectly taken still look quite good. My photography skills initially were fairly good, but by learning things such as having the model looking directly at the camera, looking over their shoulders and taking the shots from different angles, all improved the final outcome of my work.

Preliminary Versus Main TaskLooking over the previous task we were given at the beginning of the year, both the presentation and the finishing of the final outcome shows that I have learnt a lot over the course of this task. The front cover of the Preliminary task just shows a picture taken unexpectedly and which then influenced the name for the Mast Head “Perplexed”. The magazine itself was produced over the software PowerPoint so the finishing was not particularly as professional as maybe Adobe Photoshop.

However doing the task still helped me in a way because it allowed me to go into the main task with a bit of knowledge into magazine front covers and to understand the basic conventions of what is required on the front cover of a magazine