Music Industry Research



Some research on the music video and budgets of a music video

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Music Industry research

The purpose of music videos The idea of a music video first arose in the early 1920s where by people at the time thought about further entertainment for the audiences that they had at the time for music videos. These videos were first originally screened on the TV in between shows as advertisements. The idea of a music video soon increased and became so popular as today we almost see every artist having some sort of further promotional video to increase their fame further.

Music videos in the 1920s were originally used for entertainment purposes and also to promote the artist. However in the more recent years it has become one of the biggest promoting devices to use in the process of selling an artist. In the more recent years, the music industry has become rising in popularity for all artist due to the technology available to editors and creating new original music videos for the different audiences is a way of promotion for a lot of people.

Budgeting During the production of budgeting a music video, there are several things that need to be considered. Some research that I have done made me considered the different things that would need to be budgeted for a music video. As this video is a school project we’ve decided as a group to only spend money on the things that we will definitely need to make our music video characters personalities appear to come out more . Some of the things I found when doing my research were:

Item Cost

Location, Wardrobe and props £3000 +

Production equipment £20,000 +

The cast and crew £15,000 +

Editing and post production 10,000 +

These were some of the things that were on the top of the list in regards to the budgeting of some music videos. The prices of the above items would be the least that each category would cost. Most of these items are a lot more expensive depending on the artist and what they want in their music video.

Artists and the costs of their music videos

1. Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson – Scream (1995) $7,000,000

2. Madonna – Die Another Day (2002) $6,100,000

3. Madonna – Express Yourself (1989) $5,000,000

4. Madonna – Bed Time Story (1995) $5,000,000

5. Guns N Roses – Estranged (1993) $4,000,000

6. Aqua – Cartoon Heroes (2000) $3,500,000

7. Puff Daddy – Victory (1998) $2,700,000

8. MC Hammer – Too Legit To Quit (1992) $2,500,000

9. Michael Jackson – Bad (1987) $2,200,000

My music video…

For my group video, we want to make sure that we convey the ideas of an R&B music video as clear as we can through our use of good music video construction. As well, we hope to use a small budget to add to the scenes in the music video. This will help us get across the story line that we want to throughout the whole music video. We want to buy some form of matching outfits for our back up dancers to show a big contrast with the costume design of our stars image. We plan on a small budget as we plan to use the majority of devices that we have and can afford as a group. It is essential for us as a group to use our advantages as much as we can to produce a well made video on a reasonable budget.
