MUNICIPAL TRANSPORTATION MUSEUM. Building of the London museum of a municipal transportation in...


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Building of the London museum of a municipal transportation in Covent-Gardena

First omnibus Shilliber

To the middle of XIX century in all capitals civilised the public transport practically simultaneously has started to operate: omnibuses. All these many-placed vehicles pulled, as before, horses. Only in the end of XIX - their XX- centuries have superseded petrol buses and trams. In territory former covered wholesale area Covent-Garden there is a Museum of a municipal transportation of London. To one of his first exhibits became 20-mestn omnibus Shilliber constructed in 1829.

Carriage affairs the master and the enterprising businessman. George Shilliber at first has organised movement of omnibuses in Paris, and then undertook London. The public transport extremely was necessary to an expanding city . The first route began in suburb of London and came to an end in the centre, distance in 5 miles the omnibus took place for 1 hour. At initial and final stops the movement schedule was hung out . From passengers there was no release.

Trolley buses in a museum exposition

But soon at Shilliber there were competitors - owners of new omnibuses. They began to intercept passengers and often drove horses that the first to arrive to a

place. In five years the number of such many-placed crews in London has grown to 620, but to transport all interested persons all of them equally not could. To

increase an omnibus at length it forbade rules then to owners has come to mind simple, but ingenious idea, - to make to crew a superstructure on which to rise on a spiral staircase. And in the middle of XIX century in London was born dablde-ker

- a two-storeyed omnibus.

Open two-storeyed omnibus

The London museum of a municipal transportation is based in 1980, in it three floors. The first is devoted buses, trams and trolley buses which now in a city are not present. By the way, trolley buses are not present and in Germany where them have invented, except for one line in Эберсвальде. There are no they and in Austria.Special interest in a museum is caused by buses. They have appeared in London in 1920th years, among them were and даблдекеры, painted in red colour. In a museum their samples 1930, 1950th years and the XX century end are exposed some. The last use special attention даблдекеры, named «Роутмастер» - «the owner of roads». Till 2004 they regularly served a city. But their epoch comes to an end - now «Роутмастер» carries out functions of a tours slow omnibus. On a place of drivers of ancient mobile means dummies in a uniform which recreate atmosphere of last years sit .

Exposition of omnibuses
