Multiplexing Cell-Based Assays: Get More Biologically .../media/files/products and...


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©2010, Promega Corporation.

Multiplexing Cell-Based Assays:Get More Biologically Relevant DataFall 2010

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Multiplexing assays for more informative data

• Plate-based assays for viability, cytotoxicity and apoptosis measurement

• Using multiplex assays to understand cell death mechanism

• Monitoring cell response in multiple applications

Distinct enzyme chemistries allow multiplexing in the Dual-Luciferase® Assay

Mix 20µl of cell lysateand 100µl of Luciferase Assay Reagent II in the tube.

Measure the light produced by firefly luciferase.

Add 100µl of Stop & Glo Reagent to the tube.

Measure the light produced byRenilla Luciferase.

Renilla Luciferaselevels vary little with treatment

Control Renilla corrects for:• cell death• bad transfection

The Stop & Glo® Reagents

quench firefly luminescence

and provide the substrate for

Renilla luciferase

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Many of you are multiplexing if you’ve ever used the Dual-Luciferase Assay System. This assay is possible because we use two different luciferases with distinct chemistries that allow us to measure one then the other. The Renilla control revolutionized reporter assays because it corrected for cell death during treatment and could even save you if you had a bad transfection.

Understand overall cellular response to treatment



If only reporter activity is measured, the impact of

compound treatment on cell health may be overlooked.

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Many of you, still continue to use single reporter assays. Maybe you’ve had problems with reporter cross talk or you have stably transfected cell line or any number of reasons. Let’s look at this example at the bottom. You see a rise then a fall in reporter activity (green line) with increasing ionomycin. You might think that the reporter is being upregulated then downregulated. However, if you’d just added one simple assay upstream, you’d see that you really weren’t downregulating the promoter activity but killing the cells. Its important to consider cell health during any cell-based assay.

Live/Dead assays easily added upstream

Perform 2nd assay

using normal protocol

Treat cellsin white or black

wall plates.


30 minutes


AFC & R110 fluorescence

Add CellTiter-Fluor,

CytoTox-Fluor, or



ONE-Glo™ Reporter AssayBright-Glo™ Reporter AssaySteady-Glo® Reporter AssayRenilla-Glo™ Reporter AssayBeta-Glo® Reporter Assay

Caspase-Glo® 3/7 AssayCaspase-Glo® 8 AssayCaspase-Glo® 9 AssayApoONE® Caspase-3/7 Assay*

HDAC-Glo™ I/II Assay (coming soon)

GSH-Glo™ Glutathione AssayP450-Glo™ Cell-Based Assays

CellTiter-Glo® AssayCytoTox-ONE™ Assay

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Measure live/dead cells upstream of any of our bioluminescent assay is straightforward and rather easy. Simply treat your cells like normal, then simply add the CellTiter-Fluor, CytoTox-Fluor or MultiTox-Fluor reagent to the cells and incubate for 30min at 37°C. Pop it into a fluorometer and measure the assay or assays. Your next step is to perform the bioluminescent assay using the normal protocol. There is one simple thing you change from the standard protocols for these three assays: you change the concentration of the reagent so that the fluorescent assay and the bioluminescent assay can fit in the well. All three fluorescent kit protocols include instructions for making a concentrated reagent for multiplexing.

Normalize Reporter Data to viable cells

Steady-Glo® Luciferase Assay

Bright-Glo™ Luciferase Assay GloResponse™ NF-kB Cells at

5K to 25K cells/well

Raw Luminescence

Raw Luminescence



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Here’s an artificial example of how adding CellTiter-Fluor can help you. We purposely pipetted 5000 to 25000 GloResponse cells into the wells of plate. We then performed the CellTiter-Fluor assay followed by either a Bright-Glo Luciferase or Steady-Glo Luciferase Assay. As you can see, the raw luminescent signal is all over the place. However if you normalize it to the AFC fluorescence, the noise calms down and you get something you can work with. Here’s another example...

Monitor changes in GSH levels in cells under stress


Luciferase+ ATP


A change in GSH levels is important in assessment of toxicological responses and is an indicator of oxidative stress, potentially leading to apoptosis or cell death.

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Like I said earlier, apoptosis is a controlled event and typically results from a cellular stress that starts the cascade of events. One stressor is the loss of glutathione in the cell. Glutathione can be lost through detoxifying a drug or through neutralization of oxidative stress. We devised a luminescent assays to measure the amount of oxidized glutathione or GSH in cells. We use glutathione-S-transferase to transfer a side group from a proluciferin to GSH which generates luciferin. The luciferin is converted to light in a luciferase reaction and the amount of light produced is proportional to the amount of GSH in the cells. This graph simply shows that GSH levels are proportional to cell number in healthy cells.

Multiplexing Viability and GSH Levels

Add MultiTox-Fluor Reagent

Add GSH-Glo Reagent,30min

Incubate 30 min

Record Fluorescence

Record Luminescence

Remove medium(GSH background)

Add Luciferin Detection Reagent, 15min

GSH Synthesis Inhibitor

Again, timing is everything.In this window, there is no change in viability but be assured, a lack of GSH will lead to cytotoxicity.

Sticky Note
Here’s the full workflow for this assay. The cells are treated with BSO (too hard to say the real name) then MultiTox-Fluor reagent is added and 30 minutes later, viable and dead cells are measured. The process continues with the normal GSH-Glo Glutathione Assay. The media is removed from the cells (basically to lower background) and the GSH-Glo Reagent containing the GST and proluciferin is added. After 30 minutes, the luciferin detection reagents are added and the luminescence recorded. This was a 24 hour incubation. Again, timing is everything. In this assay timeframe, BSO is not toxic but, rest assured, cells need GSH and lack of it will cause cytotoxicity.

Histone Deacetylases are cancer targets

• Acetylated histones have tight structure, restricting transcription

• Deacetylated histones have a loose structure, encouraging transcription

Hess-Stumpp et. al. 2007

• Balance of acetylation and deacetylation is important & an imbalance is not good.

HDAC-Glo™ I/IISubstrate

HDAC DeveloperReagent



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Here’s another example with a new bioluminescent kit that should be available this year called HDAC-Glo™ I/II Assay. Histone Deacetylases are major cancer targets. Inhibition of their activity promotes many pathways promoting cancer cell death. The acetylation state of histones is important. Acetylated histones have a tight structure and restriction transcription. Deacetylated histones are more open and encourage transcription. The balance is important for a healthy cell. When things get out of whack, bad things like cancer can occur. HDAC-Glo is design to assess the general level of class I or class II histone deacetylases. The assay uses a peptide containing an acetylated lysine side change. Removal of the acetyl group allows a protease in our developer reagent to cleave the peptide forming aminoluciferin. The light produced in the reaction is proportional to HDAC I/II activity.

Help identifying on- and off-target effects

iCell™ U937

Multiplexed measurement of HDAC inhibitor activity with HDAC-Glo™ I/II and cytotoxicity with Multitox-Fluor TM Reagent clearly delineates cell lines that are sensitive to HDAC inhibitors. Exposure of two cell lines to apicidin for 24h followed measurement identified the HDAC inhibitor sensitive cell line and showed good correlation between HDAC inhibition and cytotoxicity.

No apparent cytotoxicity Cytotoxicity

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This, too, can be multiplexed and assayed much like what I showed you earlier with ApoTox-Glo. You can multiplex viability and cytotoxicity with the HDAC inhibition to see if a drug has a target specific effect. In this case, it obviously does. The U937, a human leukemic monocyte cell line, responds to HDAC inhibition with cytotoxicity. iCells appear to be fine.

©2010, Promega Corporation.


What multiplexing can do for you

Multiplexing gives a more complete picture of what’s happening in the cell

• Reduces ambiguity

• Eliminates variables

• Normalizes data

• Increases content

Monitoring the cellular response improves data

ONE-Glo™ Reporter AssayBright-Glo™ Reporter AssaySteady-Glo® Reporter AssayRenilla-Glo™ Reporter AssayBeta-Glo™ Reporter Assay

Caspase-Glo® 3/7 AssayCaspase-Glo® 8 AssayCaspase-Glo® 9 Assay

ApoONE™ Caspase-3/7 Assay*

HDAC-Glo™ I/II Assay (coming soon)

GSH-Glo™ Glutathione AssayP450-Glo™ Cell-Based Assays

CellTiter-Glo® AssayCytoTox-ONE™ Assay

MultiTox-Fluor Multiplex

Cytotoxicity Assay

CytoTox-Fluor™ Cytotoxicity


CellTiter-Fluor™ Cell Viability


Cell health monitoring is easily added upstream of many Promega cell-based assays

ApoTox-Glo™Triplex Assay

ApoLive-Glo™Multiplex Assay

* works with CellTiter-Fluor Assay only

Other multiplexing possibilities exist.

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The Fine Print ©2010 Promega Corporation. ApoONE, Beta-Glo, Caspase-Glo, CellTiter 96, CellTiter-Blue, CellTiter-Glo, CytoTox 96, Dual-Luciferase, Steady-Glo and Stop & Glo are registered trademarks of Promega Corporation. ApoLive-Glo, ApoTox-Glo, Bright-Glo, CaspACE, CellTiter-Fluor, CytoTox-Fluor, CytoTox-ONE, GloResponse, GSH-Glo, HDAC-Glo, ONE-Glo, P450-Glo, Renilla-Glo and UltraGlo are trademarks of Promega Corporation. Products may be covered by issued or pending patents. Please visit for more information. iCells is a trademark of Cellular Dynamics International.
