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Justin and Lauren the forever fullers

An Interview

What is your favorite memory from our relationship?My favorite memory is when we used to sit outside on the back of your car talking for hours and just not wanting to stop being together.

What’s your least favorite memory from our relationship?My least favorite memories are the two or three times you broke up with me! You’re very lucky I stayed with you!

What are you most looking forward to when we’re married?I’m really excited that we will be spending more of our free time together and we won’t have to drive home after we hang out!

What’s something you hope to remember about us in 20 years?I hope we remember how in love with each other we were, so that if we ever stop loving each other we will remember and try hard to fall in love again.

What’s your biggest fear about our relationship?I’m usually scared that we’ll live like 50 years together then one of us will die or something, it would be so hard to spend our life together then all of a sudden something happen to you and I’d never see you again.

An Interview

Where do you see us in five years?Hopefully in five years we’ll be married and starting our family! That would probably be the latest I would want to have our first kid.

Where would you like our next trip to be (after our honeymoon)?I think our next trip should be out of the country, like to Europe or somewhere. Wherever it is I want it to be beautiful and something we haven’t experienced before.

Which side of the bed do you want to sleep on?The right (if you’re facing the foot of the bed)

Who wears the pants in this relationship?Me, duh.

Ok, but who matches the shirt and tie?Me, I have great taste! Just kidding – you.

Where would you like to retire?Harmons, Jamaica ;). Or Charlotte. Or wherever you want to. Maybe we can just move around once we retire!

What’s one thing you want your kids to know about you? I want them to know what my life was like when I was their age and I want them to know how I feel about you and how much I love you so that they can hopefully use that when they decide if they should be with someone.

How would you describe me to someone who didn’t know me? Crazy. Or super smart, funny, beautiful, creative, and impatient. I would tell them how good you are with kids and how you can make almost anything (as far as sowing and cooking and craftiness things go) really well, and how you are just the best person to be around.

What do you want the number one rule to be for our marriage? Always be transparent and open with each other, no hiding anything.

How long will you let me go without shaving my legs?2.35 weeks

The Proposal

It was December 19, 2012, our second day in New York City. I had guessed that this trip would be when it happened, but the closer we got to being here, the more I was convinced that you didn’t have the ring yet.

I knew that if you were going to propose in New York, it would be on this day. I had told Susannah too many times that I wanted you to propose in the middle of Central Park for it to happen on any other part of the island. When I woke up that day, I was certain I’d have to wait until after New Years (yes, you got me).

The Proposal

That morning, I took my time getting ready. I remember your grandma calling and hearing you say, “No, it hasn’t happened yet.” I didn’t even think that you could be talking about asking me to marry you.

We ate breakfast at Crepes on Columbus, which was amazing. We couldn’t finish even half our food, but I remember that I tried so hard to finish that chocolate crepe that I felt sick afterwards. You were such a gentleman and asked if I’d like to go lay down in the hotel for a little while, even though

I’m sure you were extremely anxious to get to the spot where you were planning to ask me to marry you.

When we finally got to Central Park, your phone had already started ringing multiple times. I must have driven you crazy when I walked through a majority of the park, then decided I was too freezing to continue without some Starbucks. You patiently waited while I mapped out our new route and then sat in Starbucks for a good half hour while I thawed myself out.

The Proposal

I finally got going again, and looking back on it, I could tell that you were extremely anxious at this point. You kept asking if we were going to be at the mall soon. When we got there, you were really into finding someone to take our picture. You handed your phone off to a complete stranger, who took our picture. When they did, you took the phone, looked at it, and gave it back. “Can you just take one more?”

When you got down on one knee, I basically went deaf. I didn’t know what you were saying, only what was happening. Of course, I instantly said,

“YES!” You had to remind me to put the ring on. Thankfully, you practiced what you were going to say so you were able to tell me about it afterwards.

I’m so happy to be marrying you.

A Letter

Dearest J Star,

You are a gem. I can’t believe I get to marry you (alright, alright, I can’t believe YOU get to marry ME!). In just under eight months, you will be stuck with me forever. I have huge plans to not shave my legs and gain a little weight – you better be ready. I will be the best looking 800 pound woman you’ve ever laid eyes on!

Really babe, you’re great. I wouldn’t choose anyone else to clean the toilet seat after. You’re the only one I’d do that for (but really, you need to figure

that one out before December)!

I can’t wait to live in our tiny, 700 square foot apartment together with our ugly furniture that doesn’t match. We will learn so much about each other there. I will also learn how to make green Gatorade look red, just to get away with it ;).

I know this year has already been long, but it’ll be worth it. I can’t wait to be your wife. I love you with all my heart and soul and spirit.

L Moon

Why We Should Get a Cat

Top Ten Reasons

1. You love kittens.2. I’ll let you name it.3. It’s litter box can stay on the

porch (where it’ll be out of the way and won’t smell terrible).

4. It will protect us from bears and axe murderers (bears and axe murderers love cats and would never harm a cat owner).

5. We can cuddle it a lot.6. Our apartment is pet-friendly.7. We can watch it go crazy on


8. We’d be giving an animal a good, loving home.

9. At least I’m not asking for a dog…

10.A happy wife is a happy life.

My Poem to You

UsJoyful Lively

Loving Supporting HelpingJoined by God in Holy Matrimony

Laughing Sharing RespectingForever Beautiful


I love us.

About the Author

My name is Lauren Schwemer. I’m an elementary education major at UNCC. I created this piece to give to my fiancé on the day of our wedding. He is a really great and I hope he loves this gift.