Multi Grade Lesson Plan in English2


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Region IV-A CALABARZONDivision of Quezon



ENGLISHPrepared by:


Word Bank

Medicine clinicTeaspoonful feverPediatrician

Republic of the PhilippinesDepartment of Education

Region IV – A CALABARZONDivision of Quezon

Multigrade Lesson Plan in English (Grade IV, V, VI)Grade IV

I. Objectives

GLR: Show enjoyment in listening to a selection.

CT: 1. Answer selections based on the selection heard

2. Follow 3-4 step directions heard.

GOLD: Give 3-4 step direction using connectives first, next. lastly

TS: Do accurate slow reading in order to follow common directions

in medicine labels.

II. Subject Matter

GLR: Selection “Sheyne Had a Fever”

CT: 1. Answering questions based on the selection heard.

2. Follow 3-4 step directions heard.

GOLD: Giving -4 step direction using connectives first, next. Lastly

TS: Doing accurate slow reading in order to follow common

directions in medicine labels.

References: BEC PELC 4, 1.2

For you and Me 4 pp. 17-21 (Lang).

Materials: Medicine bottles, tubes, tables, capsules, pictures show-

me board, activities written on a chart, paper and pencil, crayola

Valuing: Obedience & Carefulness

Grade V

I. Objectives

GLR: Show enjoyment in listening to a selection.

CT: 1. Answer selections based on the selection heard

2. Follow 3-4 step directions heard.

GOLD: Give 3-4 step direction using connectives first, next. lastly

TS: Do accurate slow reading in order to follow common directions

in medicine labels.

II. Subject Matter

GLR: Selection “Sheyne Had a Fever”

CT: 1. Answering questions based on the selection heard.

2. Follow 3-4 step directions heard.

GOLD: Giving -4 step direction using connectives first, next. Lastly

TS: Doing accurate slow reading in order to follow common

directions in medicine labels.

References: BEC PELC 5,

Fun in English 5, pp. 39 and 45 (Language).

Materials: Medicine bottles, tubes, tables, capsules, pictures show-

me board, activities written on a chart, paper and pencil, crayola

Valuing: Obedience & Carefulness

Grade VI

I. Objectives

GLR: Show enjoyment in listening to a selection.

CT: 1. Answer selections based on the selection heard

2. Follow 3-4 step directions heard.

GOLD: Give 3-4 step direction using connectives first, next. lastly

TS: Do accurate slow reading in order to follow common directions

in medicine labels.

II. Subject Matter

GLR: Selection “Sheyne Had a Fever”

CT: 1. Answering questions based on the selection heard.

2. Follow 3-4 step directions heard.

GOLD: Giving -4 step direction using connectives first, next. Lastly

TS: Doing accurate slow reading in order to follow common

directions in medicine labels.

References: BEC PELC 6

English for All Times pp. 32-33 (Language)

Materials: Medicine bottles, tubes, tables, capsules, pictures show-

me board, activities written on a chart, paper and pencil, crayola

Valuing: Obedience & Carefulness

III. Learning ActivitiesA. Genuine Love for Reading

1. Unlocking of DifficultiesSupply the missing word in each sentence. Choose your answer for the word bank

a. A ___________ is a rise of body temperature above normal.b. A ___________ is a facility for diagnosis and treatment of outpatients.c. A ___________ is something used for the treatment of an illnessd. A _________ is as much as a small spoon can hold.e. A __________ is a specialist who takes care and cure diseases of children.

2. Motivation Tandem2.1 Motivation

Ask: Have you experienced having fever?What did your mother do to make you well?

2.2 Motive QuestionWhy did your mother brought Sheyne to the clinic?

3. Listening to a selectionRead this selection to the pupils.Sheyne had a fever. Her mother brought her to the nearest clinic. The pediatrician advice her mother to give her medicine. The doctor said: “First, shake the bottle well. Next, give a teaspoonful three times a day before each meal. Lastly, keep the bottle in a cool dry place. If the fever continues, bring her back to me.”

B. Critical Thinking Answering the motive question

a. Follow-up Questions1. What advice did the pediatrician give to the mother?2. How many directions did he give?3. Where the directions clear?4. Do you think the mother should follow the directions correctly?5. Why?6. Why do you think the pediatrician said that if the fever continues, to bring Sheyne back to him?

b. Engagement ActivityGroup Activity

Grade IVAct as Sheyne having fever(Presentation of the group)

b. Engagement Activity

Group ActivityGrade IV

Act as Sheyne having fever(Presentation of the group)

b. Engagement Activity

Group ActivityGrade IV

Act as Sheyne having fever(Presentation of the group)

A. Guided Oral Language Development

Grade IV

1. Presentation

1.1 Ask what did the pediatrician advice mother if Sheyne’s

fever continues?

Recall the pediatrician’s advice to mother how to give

medicine to Sheyne.

1.2 Have the pupils do each a set of direction

Grade V

Group Activity

Write series of step directions on how to dye a cloth as we have

done in our latest EPP project

Grade VI


Explain in writing the series of step directions in cooking hotcake.

Follow what you have observed when I demonstrated lately.

Grade IV

a. Get a whole sheet of paper, first draw a big heart at

the center, next write your father’s name at the right

portion of the heart, they at the left of it write your

mother’s name, then color it with red, lastly write,

“They are lovers” below the heart.

Grade V Grade VI

b. First write “Jesus loves all children of the world”,

next encircle the word Jesus, then enclose the word

love with a square, lastly underline the word

children twice.

2. Elicitation

What have you notice in the given direction?

What words were used to show the correct order in

giving directions?

3. Generalization

Sequence words or connectives that are used to give the

order of direction. They are followed by action words.

Sequence words are first, next, then, and lastly.

Grade IV

2. Application

Below are 3 – 4 step directions. The steps are not in their

proper order. Arrange them and write the words first, next, then or

lastly on the blanks.

1. Preserving fish by drying.

____________ put appropriate salt

Grade V

2. Lesson Proper

2.1 Presentation

Ask what are the steps in giving medicine to Sheyne as

advised by the pediatrician.

What was the doctor reminder if Sheyne’s fever continues?

2.2 Have the pupils do each set of directions

Grade VI

____________ wash the fish

____________ remove the scales of the fish , gills and


____________ let it be soak in salt for a few hours

____________ dry in under the sun

2. Planting Seedlings of a Tree

____________ water it everyday

____________ dig a hole

____________ plant the

Grade IV

a. On a page of your notebook, first write the complete

date on the upper right hand corner. Next half-inch

margin on the left side of the page. Lastly write the

subject English in capital letters at the center of the

second line.

b. On the same page

First draw a circle, the size of a one-peso or five-peso

coin. Next draw an arrow pointing straight downward

passing through the center of the circle. Lastly shade the

left half on the circle, lightly using ball pen or pencil


Grade V

3. Exercises in following 3-step directions

Have the pupils perform the above exercises, on their seats.

Then call some pupils to illustrate answers on the chalkboard.

4. Generalization

What are the three things to remember in the following


- Read the instruction slowly (or listen carefully to the


Grade VI

Self checkingSelf scoring

- Understand each step

- Perform the steps accurately

Can you identify some of the signal words used in the directions

given? What other signal words may be used?

(first, then, next, afterwards, secondly, thirdly, lastly, finally)

5. Application

Write a series of three steps directions, use signal words to

indicate each step. Read the directions aloud.

Call a classmate to perform them.


2. Lesson Proper

2.1 Presentation

Ask why mother brought Sheyne to the clinic.

Ask the pupils what are the steps in giving medicine to

Sheyne, the pediatrician’s advice to mother

2.2 Have the pupils do each of the set of directions.

a. On a typewriting paper first draw a rose flower with a stem.

Next draw a vase at the bottom of the stem. Lastly color the

flower with red, the stem brown and the vase green.

b. On your notebook

First draw a big ball. Next draw a square inside it. Lastly,

write your nickname at the center of the square

Self – checking

Self scoring


Self – checking

Self scoring


3. Elicitation

c. On a sheet of typewriting

c.1. First draw a big leaf. Next color it with yellow. Lastly

color again with green and write below it what color it


c.2. Have the pupils compare the color of the leaf they draw.

4. Generalization

How do you follow directions?

What are the three things to remember in following


Will you enumerate some of the signal words used in given


5. Application

a. Ask who knows how to cook rice. Let them write three steps

in cooking rice and read it before the class.

b. Write a series of steps directions in planting duranta. Read

the directions aloud

Grade IV

B. Transfer Stage

1. Motivation

Recall the selection “Sheyne Had a Fever”

Grade V

D. Transfer Stage

Grade VI

D. Transfer Stage

What might be the cause of her fever?

How to prevent from getting sick?

2. Presentation

2.1. Show different kinds of medicine (medicines in bottle,

tubes, boxes, tablets, capsules, etc.)

Ask: What do you think is our lesson today?

Say: Here is a sample of a medicine. Read it aloud and

slowly and try to follow the directions.


INDICATIONS: For travel sickness, dizziness, insect and mosquito

bites, cold, flu, headache, muscular pain, antiseptic.

Direction for use:

Apply 2 to 3 drops on the affected area. Massage

gently. If necessary, repeat the process every 2

hours. Can be inhaled when needed. Best way to

inhale is to place 2 to 3 drops onto a handkerchief or

tissue and inhale deeply

Dyad Activity

Copy the rhyme on your notebook. Read it repeatedly until you

can recite it correctly.

The one recites, the other looks at the rhyme and corrects the

one reciting if mistaken. Then vice versa. Until everyone can

recite the rhyme perfectly.

The rhyme

Mother, mother I am sick

Call the doctor very quick

Mother, mother shall I die

No, my darling please don’t cry

Group Activity

2.2 Discussion and Analysis- What is the name of the medicine- It is for external use or can be taken in?- What is the medicine for?- How many drops of white flower must be applied to the

affected area for those with insect and mosquito bites?- What should be done with the affected area after

applying drops of white flower.

Grade V Grade VI

- Can we inhale the medicine? How should we do it?3. Value Integration

Whenever we use medicine, what must we always remember? (Be extra careful in taking medicine.)

4. GeneralizationWhat must we do before taking in medicine? Read the labels. Do accurately, slow reading of the directions and follow them carefully.

5. Application Here is a sample of a medicine in tablet form. Read the directions carefully. Answer the questions after it.For fever: Headache, colds, toothache, earache, muscular ache.Dosage:

Adult: 1 – 2 tablets 3x a dayChildren: 6 – 12 ½ tablet 3x a dayUnder 6 years: see prescribing information

Caution: Do not use to more than 10 days unless prescribed.a. What is the medicine for?b. How many tablets should children age 7 years take?c. How many medicine

Self – checkingSelf scoring

CORRECTIVE INSTRUCTIONS2. Presentation/Lesson Proper

II.1 Motivation

Show samples of doctor’s prescription

Ask: What are written on the doctor’s prescription?

(Show a picture of a patient in the hospital)

Have you ever been sick like the child in the picture? Where

did your mother take you? What did the doctor gave you?

II.2 Unlocking of difficulties

(use demonstration)

Massage – rub

Gently – slowly, smoothly

Show different kinds of medicine (medicines in bottle, tubes, boxes, tablets, capsules, etc.)Let pupils identify and give the names of the medicines.Ask: What do you think is our lesson today?

Say: Here is a sample of a medicine. Read it aloud and slowly and try to follow the directions.

a. For Fever, Headache, Colds, Toothache, Earache, Muscular AcheDosage:Adults: 1 – 2 tables 3x a dayChildren: 6 – 12 years ½ tablet 3x a day Under 6 years see prescribing informationCaution: Do not use for more than 10 days unless prescribed.How many tablets should children age 7 years old take?How many tablets should a four-year old be given?When is it safe to take this drug?

3. CentralizationIt is important to follow directions in medicine prescription?Why?In what ways do following directions help us?

4. Guided PracticeRead the following directions. Let the pupil act out the directions, then choose the correct answer.1. Keep all medicine out of the reach of children.

a. It is safe for children to play with the medicine.b. It is dangerous if the children take medicine by

themselvesc. It is alright if they taste the medicine.

2. Avoid alcoholic drinks after taking this medicine.You may drink or takea. Juice b. wine c. whisky

3. The medicine may cause drowsiness. Do not drive or operate machine.Therefore, take the medicine ____ driving or operating a machine.a. Before b. while c. after

4.1 Independent PracticeRead the directions. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Store below 25oCa. Keep the medicine in the refrigeratorb. Sell the medicine at once

Self – checking

Self scoring


c. Put the medicine under the sun2. Protect from light

a. Leave the medicine under the sunb. Place the medicine near the windowc. Keep it in a cabinet box

5. ApplicationHave the pupils form dyads. Make a conversation about following directions in medicine labels and prescription. The situation is in the hospital.

Self – checking

Self scoring


2. Presentation

Say: Mario is 12 years old. He suffered from severe cough. His

father brought him to the doctor. The doctor prescribed him the

following medicine to take.

May 31. 2007

Name of Patient: Mario Cruz Age: 12 yrs. old

Solvux Syrup

1tsp. 3 x a day for 7 days

IV. Evaluation: Read the directions. Underline the letter of the correct answer.

1. Expiry date 2000 Maya. The medicine is good until May 2000b. It is safe to use the medicine un June 2000c. Use the medicine after May 10, 2000

2. Headache Tablets

Self – checkingSelf scoring


IV. Evaluation:

(Have the pupils read the presentation)2. Discussion and Analysis

What is the prescribed medicine for Mario Cruz (syrup_ How often will Mario take his medicine? (3x a day) What will be used to measure the amount of medicine to

take? (by using teaspoon)

Dose:Adults: 1 or 2 tabletsChildren: 10 to 15 years – 1 tablet 8 to 9 years – ½ tablet 3 to 7 years – ¼ tablet

3. Children under 3 years of age ___________.a. Should never be given aspirinb. Should be given aspirin only on a doctor’s advice.c. Should not be given more than ¼ tablet a day.

4. Dose to be taken three times dailyAdults and children over 12 years = 2 teaspoonfulsChildren 6-12 years = 1 ½ teaspoonfulsChildren 1-5 years = 1 teaspoonfulInfants 3-12 months = ½ teaspoon

Caution: Do not use for more than 12 days unless prescribeda. The medicine is for all members of the family.b. The medicine is for children only.c. The medicine is for babies only.

5. My sister, who is ten years old, should be given this medicine _______________ a. Every three hoursb. After each mealc. Even at midnight

6. It is safe to take this drug ____________.a. All the timeb. For 12 days or morec. For more than 12 days unless prescribed.

Self – checkingSelf scoring


Read and study the prescription very well and answer the questions that follow:

May 25. 2007

Name of Patient: Edgar Ola Age: 9 months

Systrin Syrup 60ml1.2ml twice a day for 7 days

Ronaldo Luz M.D.

1. What is the medicine being prescribed?a. Tablet b. capsule c. syrup

2. How are you going to take the medicine?a. Swallow it b. rub it on the skin c. inject it

3. What will you use to measure the amount of medicine to take?a. Teaspoon b. tablespoon c. medicine dropper

4. How often are you going to take the medicine?a. Once a dayb. Twice a dayc. Three times a day

5. What will you do before taking the medicine?

Self – checkingSelf scoring


What should he always remember when taking medicine? (follow the directions given in prescription)

How will you read the directions in prescription? (by reading it slowly in order to follow the directions)

Values Integration: What must you do to the directions given in the prescription of a doctor? What must you do to avoid illness?

3. Generalization What should you do in following a common directions in

prescription? (Do accurate slow reading in order to follow common directions prescription)

Post Activities1. Application: Group Activity

1. Call on a pupil to pretend a doctor.2. Tell him/her to write a simple prescription for a nine-year

old boy who has a fever.3. Let him/her read to the class the prescription he/she

made.4. How should he/she read the prescription? Why?

Self – checkingSelf scoring


V. Assignment

Cut out directions or writing from medicine bottles or chemical

containers. Write a paragraph explaining the directions.

V. Assignment

Bring samples of doctor’s prescription and present to class tomorrow.

Tell the class on what to do with the doctor’s prescription before taking

the medicine advised by the doctor.

IV. Evaluation

Here are some directions found in medicine. Read them carefully and answer the questions.

Head ache tablets:Dosage:

Adults: 1 or 2 tablets twice a day 10 to 15 years – 1 tablet 2x a day 8 to 9 years – ½ tablet 2x a day 3 to 7 years – ¼ tablet 2x a dayCaution: DO NOT USE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 3 YEARS UNLESS PRESCRIBED BY THE PHYSICIANExpiry Date: May 30, 2008

1. The medicine is good for patients who have ______________. a. Colds and feverb. Headachec. Toothached. Stomach ache

2. Expiry Date: May 30, 2008. This means _________________.a. The medicine is good until May 2009.b. It is safe to use the medicine in June, 2008c. Use the medicine after May 30, 2008d. Use the medicine only until may 30, 2008

3. How many tablets is to be given to a 5-year old child?a. 2 tablets b. 1 tablet c. ½ tablet d. ¼ tablet

4. How many tablets should be given to adults?a. 1 or 2 tablets b. 1 to 2 tablets c. ½ tablet d. ¼ tablet

5. How often should the medicine be given to the patient?a. Once a dayb. Twice a dayc. Thrice a dayd. Four times a day

IV. Assignment

Cut-out directions from medicine bottles, tubes or boxes. Read

carefully the labels and directions. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the medicine for?

2. What is the expiry date of the medicine?

3. What is the dosage of the medicine?

4. Is the medicine for external use?

5. Is the medicine good for children below 3 years old? Why?