

Sammy HossainWhy should Muslims return to the Qur'an Alone without the SunnahOctober 30 at 3:33am · Lol are you guys serious? O man you fools are just hilarious. Jump on the band wagon with the retarded atheists. You wanna return to Islam alone without the sunnah whereas in the Quran it clearly mentions that it is Nabi (saw) who will explain the Quran to us. Honestly, if you don't like Islam then feel free to leave cuz Islam isn't great due to your presence.Like ·oKhidr Amari, Tajudeen

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Sammy HossainWhy should Muslims return to the Qur'an Alone without the Sunnah

October 30 at 3:33am ·

Lol are you guys serious? O man you fools are just hilarious. Jump on the band wagon with the

retarded atheists. You wanna return to Islam alone without the sunnah whereas in the Quran it

clearly mentions that it is Nabi (saw) who will explain the Quran to us. Honestly, if you don't like

Islam then feel free to leave cuz Islam isn't great due to your presence.

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o Khidr Amari, Tajudeen Yahya and 19 others like this.




(1) We are suppose to follow Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/ Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’


(2) We will get guidance from Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ or

(3) We are suppose to believe in Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ ? or

(4) Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of

Messenger) was revealed or sent down (nazala) to Muhammad by ‘NAME’?

October 30 at 3:34am · Like · 2


Khidr Amari Put your proof where your mouth is

October 30 at 3:34am · Like · 2


Khidr Amari Its obvious you don't like the Qur'an.

October 30 at 3:34am · Like · 4


Khidr Amari I see you study so it shouldn't take you no time to validate the

outside books called Hadith and Sunnah right?

October 30 at 3:35am · Like · 1


Sammy Hossain Unlike you buddy I don't have everything ready to be copy and

pasted so please do allow me to my time. Thank you. (Can't say jazakAllahu

Khairan cuz its not in the Quran)

October 30 at 3:38am via mobile · Like · 3


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain don't be mad because I do what Allah ask of us to

verify Surah 17/36

October 30 at 3:47am · Like · 2


Sammy Hossain 1) Obey Allah and obey the Messenger. (Not sure which ayah

but its there, believe me I'm a Haafizul Quran Alhamdulillah)

2) Surah Baqarah ayah 151. Clearly mentions that the Messenger will teach you

(which will lead to guidance)

3)/4) last ayah of surah Fath juz 26

Don't tell me I don't love the Quran. I've got the whole thing memorized and

devoted 3 yrs to it and for the past 6 yrs I been studying it Alhamdulillah.

First off, apparently, you're denying the whole concept of a Rasool. A Rasool is

sent so that he can show us the way and so we can follow him.

Second, your english grammar sucks! You really expect me to or anyone for that

matter to listen to your illogical arguments?

"so it shouldn't take you no time" 2 negatives equal a positive.

Now my turn

Surah Nahl ayah 44, surah Baqarah ayah 151, surah Aale Imraan ayah 164, surah

jumah ayah 2

All mention that the messenger will explain and teach the Quran to you. How

exactly do you expect that to happen with out hadith? These ayahs are also

indirectly indicating that Allah will protect hadith so that the correct meaning of

the Quran remains.

How exactly do you intend on following the Quran when you have no explanation

for it?

I think what the problem here is that you've misunderstood the contrast between

the compilation of hadith and the actual writing of it.

The writing of hadith was found within the very lifetime of Nabi (saw). The

compilation of Hadith only initiated 3 centuries later.

Just in case you were unaware but the people back then had brains better and

much more advanced then any computer you can find today. Do really think that

Allah will not protect His Deen and on top of that just leave us with the Quran

without any sort of explanation or example?

October 30 at 4:00am via mobile · Like · 7


Sammy Hossain Surah 17/36? "Do not pursue in such matters which you have no

knowledge of. Verily your hearing and sight and heart, all of it will be


Honestly, I have no clue what you mean by that. Plz elaborate. Thank you again

October 30 at 4:03am via mobile · Like · 1


Khidr Amari I love it when you Sunnis or Shites say obey the messenger means in

translation to follow or believe in Hadith. You are so predictable. You remind me

of Christians who say 'I and the Father are one' when they try to defend their Jesus

is God doctrine.

Obey the messenger only means to obey the message how do we get the message

that was revealed to the Messenger through the message which was nothing but

the Qur'an.

Specifially in Surah 33/1-3 Allah addresses Muhammad as "Prophet' which

differentiated between hims as a 'Messenger' because even Muhammad/the

Prophet had to follow again what was revealed to him which was the Message/the


“O you prophet, you shall reverence Allah and do not obey the disbelievers and

the hypocrites. Allah is Omniscient, Most Wise. Follow what is revealed to you

from your Lord. Allah is fully Cognizant of everything you all do. And put your

trust in Allah…".

Also Allah says,

“We did not send any messenger except to be obeyed in accordance with Allah’s

will…" 4/64

Now how can we today in 2012 'Obey Muhammad?' Hence, Muhammad will

forever be the Messenger of Allah even after his death because being a messenger

only directs us directly to what he conveyed which was the message.

October 30 at 4:07am · Like · 3


Khidr Amari It does not say the Prophet will wexplain the Qur'an it says he will

make clear to the people not explain. The Qur'an is its own Tafsir/exegesis.

October 30 at 4:09am · Like · 2


Khidr Amari ==> Do not pursue in such matters which you have no knowledge of

<== have you done the research about this Sunnah and Hadith? According to

historical records there was always a split between following Qur'an and

following Hadith. Even Hadith states that the earlier generation of Muslims the

likes of Umar ibn Al Khatab and other so called Caliphs did not follow the

Sunnah. Your own Hadith contradicts Hadith telling us not to follow Hadith. This

Qur'an alone calling is not new.

October 30 at 4:12am · Like · 2


Sammy Hossain "Obey the messenger only means to obey the message how do

we get the message that was revealed to the Messenger through the message

which was nothing but the Qur'an."

I didn't know you were a mufassir (commentator of the Quran) please do back

that up, using another ayah of the quran.


Specifically in Surah 33/1-3 Allah addresses Muhammad as "Prophet' which

differentiated between hims as a 'Messenger' because even Muhammad/the

Prophet had to follow again what was revealed to him which was the Message/the


The Quran also calls Muhammad (saw) a Rasool in the last ayah of surah Fath. So

right from there your argument is baseless. Then even if we had to agree with

your argument, hypothetically speaking, if Nabi (saw) was in need of guidance

then what makes you think you're not in need of it? The very man who received

Wahi directly from Allah and was bestowed with more knowledge than the whole

of creation needs guidance yet you do not so that is why you've decided to follow

yourself and not Nabi (saw)? Interesting indeed.

By Nabi (saw) following the teachings of the Quran he practically demonstrated it

to us. You said it, not me! Over and over again in the Quran Allah mentions the

stories of the different prophets and what they were requested for by their people

and one of those things was for the prophet to be an angel. Why wasn't an angel

sent down? Well cuz we as humans could nvr relate to being which has no

affiliation whatsoever with us. For an angel to act upon the Quran wouldn't really

mean anything whereas a man would serve as a role model.

“We did not send any messenger except to be obeyed in accordance with Allah’s

will…" 4/64

Please do elaborate on "Allahs will" (again ayah from the Quran that we should

NOT follow Nabi (saw))

"Now how can we today in 2012 'Obey Muhammad?' "

Buddy your question is incorrect. Its more like how can you not obey Muhammed

(saw)? I mean I do it everyday. I'm not having any problems. Please present a

situation wherein one would not be able to obey Muhammad (saw)

"It does not say the Prophet will explain the Qur'an it says he will make clear to

the people not explain."

Check again buddy, I think you've read the english translation wrong.

Surah Nahl ayah 44 clearly mentions the word explain (سانلل نيبتل)

And the rest of the other ayahs that I have presented earlier does not have the

word explain, rather a much stronger and accurate word which is teach. You can

not teach without explaining.

"The Qur'an is its own Tafsir/exegesis." Proof plz (from the quran saying that the

quran will explain itself cuz the last time I checked it clearly said Nabi (saw) will

explain it to the ppl)

"==> Do not pursue in such matters which you have no knowledge of <== have

you done the research about this Sunnah and Hadith?"

NO I have not becuz this is NOT a sunnah or hadith. It is the ayah from the Quran

which you presented earlier on (17/36) and I asked you to explain yourself. Seems

as though you're a tad bit confused.

"According to historical records there was always a split between following

Qur'an and following Hadith. "

O really, which historical records? Proof plz. Btw I'm surprised that a person of

your nature is willing to accept "historical records" written by non muslims and

unauthenticated men (even if they are muslims) as opposed to not accepting

hadith. Did I mention that EVERY single narrator of hadith was scrutinized to the


"Even Hadith states that the earlier generation of Muslims the likes of Umar ibn

Al Khatab and other so called Caliphs did not follow the Sunnah."

Please provide proof.

"Your own Hadith contradicts Hadith telling us not to follow Hadith."

Please provide proof

Listen man, if you wanna discuss/ debate please provide reference and proof for

all your statements. In your case, only Quran would serve as a legitimate source

of proof so good luck!

October 30 at 4:41am via mobile · Like · 4


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain seems your not studying the Qur'an carefully.

A messenger perhaps ‘any’ messenger must have a message to be a messenger,

hence, when you call someone a "messenger" you are directly linking them to the

message, no ifs or buts about it.

Allah says in Surah 4:80 “He who ‘yuti’i’ (obeys) the Messenger, ‘aṭā’a’

(obeyed)Allah. But if any turn away, We have not sent thee to watch over their

(evil deeds).”

Now let’s examine the usage of the Arabic word ‘yuṭi’i’ (obeys) in the Qur’an for

further clarity of the matter and how its used.

In Surah 2:285 Allah says, “The Messenger believeth in what hath been revealed

to him from his Lord, as do the men of faith. Each one (of them) believeth in

Allah, His angels, His books, and His apostles. "We make no distinction (they

say) between one and another of His apostles." And they say: "We hear,‘wa-

aṭa’nā’ (and we obeyed): (We seek) Thy forgiveness, our Lord, and to Thee is the

end of all journeys."

Remember also the expression:

“He who ‘yuti’i’ (obeys) the Messenger, ‘aṭā’a’ (obeyed) Allah”

This is not a unique expression for the Prophet Muhammad, thus it is for all of the

Prophets of Allah:

In Surah 26:108, Allah tells us to OBEY Prophet Noah, "So fear Allah, ‘wa-

aṭī’ūni’ (and obey me)"

Also in Surah 71:3, Noah said, “That ye should worship Allah, fear Him ‘wa-

aṭī’ūni’ (and obey me)…”

Allah tells us to OBEY Prophet Hud in Surah 26:126 – “So fear Allah, ‘wa-

aṭī’ūni’ (and obey me)…”

Allah tells us to OBEY Prophet Saaleh in Surah 26:144 “fear Allah, ‘wa-aṭī’ūni’

(and obey me) and in Surah 26:150 “fear Allah, ‘wa-aṭī’ūni’ (and obey me)”

Allah tells us to OBEY Prophet LOT in Surah 26:163 “ You shall fear Allah ‘wa-

aṭī’ūni’(and obey me).”

Allah tells us to OBEY Prophet Shu’aib in Surah 26:179 – “fear Allah ‘wa-

aṭī’ūni’ (and obey me)”

Allah tells us to OBEY Prophet Jesus in Surah 43:63 “When Jesus came with

Clear Signs, he said: "Now have I come to you with Wisdom, and in order to

make clear to you some of the (points) on which ye dispute: therefore fear Allah

‘wa-aṭī’ūni’ (and obey me).”

Now compare what the Prophet Muhammad was instructed to say:

"And ‘wa-aṭī’ū (obey) God and ‘wa-aṭī’ū’ (obey) the messenger and be cautious;

but if you turn back, then know that the sole duty of the messenger is the

deliverance (of the message)" Surah 5:92

"And ‘wa-aṭī’ū’ (obey) God ‘wa-aṭī’ū’ (and obey) the messenger, but if you turn

back, then upon Our messenger is the sole duty of the clear delivery (of the

message)" 64:12

“Whoever ‘yuṭi’i (obeys) Allah and his Messenger will be admitted to gardens

beneath which rivers flow to live there (forever), and that will be the great

achievement” (Surah An-Nisa 4:13)

In Surah 3:132 “ ‘wa-aṭī’ū’ (and obey) Allah and the Messenger; that ye may

obtain mercy.”

In Surah 47:33 Allah says, “O ye who believe! ‘wa-aṭī’ū’ (obey) Allah and ‘wa-

aṭī’ū’ (obey) the Messenger, and make not vain your deeds!”

Now if you research the word Messenger, is derived from the word Message. The

duty of a Messenger is to deliver a Message. Now if there was no message there

would be no messenger. Hence, to Obey the Messenger would thus mean to obey

the message he is delivering.

Further research will make it clear in the Qur’an that in the Book of Allah we

never read anywhere in the Quran words like "Obey God and obey Muhammad"

or obey Jesus, or obey Moses as I have shown earlier.

The words used are always "obey the messenger".

This is to emphasize that it is the "message" of Allah that is to be obeyed and not

the personal words or views of the messenger. Again, the word Messenger is

derived from the word Message and if there was no message there would be no


Hence, to Obey the Messenger means to obey the message he delivered.

Let’s analyze the Arabic word ‘atwi’ou’ (obey) further the root word is Ta’a

which means:

1) To obey, permit

Tau’an means:

1) With witting obedience

Tau’un means:

1) Obedient

Ta’tun means:

1) Obedience

Ta’i’un means:


Tawwa’a means:

1) To permit, consent

Ata’a means:

1) To obey

Muta’un means:

1) Obeyed

When Qur’an instructs us to ‘aṭī’ū’ (obey) God ‘wa-aṭī’ū’ and obey the messenger

it’s not talking about following the Prophet Muhammad in a literal sense and this

is what Christians do when it comes to Prophet Jesus.

Remember Prophet Isa ibn Maryam also said in Surah 43:63 “When Isa came

with Clear Signs, he said:

"Now have I come to you with Wisdom, and in order to make clear to you some

of the (points) on which ye dispute: therefore fear Allah ‘wa-aṭī’ūni’ (and obey


October 30 at 4:46am · Like · 2


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain said,

The Quran also calls Muhammad (saw) a Rasool in the last ayah of surah Fath. So

right from there your argument is baseless. Then even if we had to agree with

your argument, hypothetically speaking, if Nabi (saw) was in need of guidance

then what makes you think you're not in need of it? The very man who received

Wahi directly from Allah and was bestowed with more knowledge than the whole

of creation needs guidance yet you do not so that is why you've decided to follow

yourself and not Nabi (saw)? Interesting indeed. By Nabi (saw) following the

teachings of the Quran he practically demonstrated it to us. You said it, not me!

Over and over again in the Quran Allah mentions the stories of the different

prophets and what they were requested for by their people and one of those things

was for the prophet to be an angel. Why wasn't an angel sent down? Well cuz we

as humans could nvr relate to being which has no affiliation whatsoever with us.

For an angel to act upon the Quran wouldn't really mean anything whereas a man

would serve as a role model.

@Sammy, see Allah tells us that the Messenger is to be obeyed and yes the

Qur'an says Muhammad is the messenger because he had a message. Had he not

had to deliver the message he would not have been a messenger.

When Qur’an instructs us to ‘aṭī’ū’ (obey) God ‘wa-aṭī’ū’ and obey the messenger

it’s not talking about following the Prophet Muhammad in a literal sense and this

is what Christians do when it comes to Prophet Jesus. Remember Prophet Isa ibn

Maryam also said in Surah 43:63 “When Isa came with Clear Signs, he said:

"Now have I come to you with Wisdom, and in order to make clear to you some

of the (points) on which ye dispute: therefore fear Allah ‘wa-aṭī’ūni’ (and obey


What do you mean if the Prophet was in need of guidance he was in need of

guidance didn't Allah find him lost according to the Qur'an? We are all in need of

guidance and the Qur'an alone provides it.

Allah makes it clear:"Say: "Allah's guidance is THE Guidance" [2:120, 3:73,


"Allah has revealed the most beautiful hadith in the form of a Book, consistent

with itself, (yet) repeating (its teaching in various aspects): the skins of those who

fear their Lord tremble thereat; then their skins and their hearts do soften to the

celebration of Allah's praises. Such is THE GUIDANCE of Allah: He guides

therewith whom He pleases, but such as Allah leaves to stray, can have none to

guide." [39:23]

You want to follow Hadith follow the Best Hadith, the Qur'an:

==> Allah has revealed the most beautiful hadith in the form of a Book <==

==> Such is THE GUIDANCE of Allah <==

October 30 at 4:54am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain said,

Surah Nahl ayah 44 clearly mentions the word explain (سانلل نيبتل)

Again @Sammy you should study the Qur'an carefully.

"bil-bayināti (With clear arguments) and scriptures; and We have revealed to you

the Reminder that litubayyina (you may make clear) to people what has been

revealed to them, and that haply they may reflect." 16/44

So here we have:

bil-bayināti (With clear arguments)

litubayyina (you may make clear)

The word does not mean explain anything it means to make clear, obvious so

where are you learning your Arabic from? Do you want more proof?

"And when their messengers came to them And when their messengers came to

them bil-bayināti (with clear proofs), they [merely] rejoiced in what they had of

knowledge, but they were enveloped by what they used to ridicule." 40/83

"And thus do We diversify the verses so the disbelievers will say, "You have

studied," walinubayyinahu (and so We may make it clear) for a people who

know." 6/105

It is Allah, who is the ‘Mufasir’ i.e commentator of the Qur’an, and the Tafsir of

one verse was provided by the revelation of other verses which would throw

light on the subject under discussion.

Thus it is said:

"Ar-Rahmaan (The Beneficent God). It is He who teaches the Qur’an." (55:1-2)

Not only was the revelation, compilation and protection of the Book taken up by

Allah himself, but also its explanation. As we are informed:

"Do not move your tongue with this (Qur'an) to make haste with it. Surely on Us

(devolves) the collecting of it and the reciting of it. Therefore when We have

recited it, follow its recitation. Again on Us (devolves) the explaining of it."


It was not the Prophet Muhammad's job to explain anything Allah clearly said that

Allah will explain His Book.

" See how We repeat the verses that they may understand." (6:65)

"See how We repeat the verses, yet they turn away (from the truth rendered by

recurrence of Ayat)." (6:46)


October 30 at 5:04am · Like


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain again don't worry about my research I can give you

a link to my information. Just worry about refutting the Qur'an and providing your

evidence from Qur'an that validates your outside books called Hadith.

October 30 at 5:05am · Like


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain said,

Buddy your question is incorrect. Its more like how can you not obey Muhammed

(saw)? I mean I do it everyday. I'm not having any problems. Please present a

situation wherein one would not be able to obey Muhammad (saw)

@Again Sammy, if you at the beach and the life guards name was Tommay

would you expect the sign to read:

1) Obey the lifeguard


2) Obey Tommy

Never does the Qur'an say Obey Muhammad there is a big difference between the

two it is always Obey the Messenger.

October 30 at 5:08am · Edited · Like · 2


Khidr Amari Sammy said,

"Proof plz (from the quran saying that the quran will explain itself cuz the last

time I checked it clearly said Nabi (saw) will explain it to the ppl)"

I just provided the proof in the above ayats but here is more:

<unzur kaifa nusarriful a_ya_ti la'allahum yafqahu_n>

"See how We repeat the verses that they may understand." (6:65)

<Wa laqad sarrafna_ lin na_si fi ha_zal qur'a_ni min kulli masal(in), fa aba_

aksarun na_si illa_ kufu_ra>

"And certainly We have repeated for mankind in this Quran, every kind of

similitude, but the majority of mankind do not consent to aught but denying."


"And thus do We repeat the verses and that they may say: You have read; and that

We may make it clear to a people who know." (6:108)

The messenger gave Dars ul Qur-an, by this manner, and the Qur’an was clarified

by the Qur’an itself. This is further supported in Surah Al-Furqan, where a certain

objection of the unbelievers is identified:

<Wa qa_lal lazina kafaru_ lau la_ nuz zila alaihil qur a_nu jumlataw wa_hidah

kaza_lika linusab bita bihi fu a_daka wa rat talna_hu tartila_Wa la_ yatu_naka

bimasalin il la_ jina_ka bil haq qi wa ahsana tafsira>

"The unbelievers say: "Why is not the Qur'an revealed to him all at once? Thus (is

it revealed gradually) that We may strengthen thy heart thereby and We have

rehearsed it to thee in slow well-arranged stages gradually. And no example do

they bring to thee but We bring to thee the truth and the best explanation." (25:32-


“…We have revealed to you tib'yānan (as a clarification) this book likulli (of

every) shayin (thing) wahudan (and a guidance) waraḥmatan (and mercy)

wabush'rā (and glad tidings)..." 16:89

Tibyaan means to clarify something which requires clarification and explanation.

Yet, something which is inherently clear doesn’t require elucidation, lest any

excessive explanations amount to curiosity and mere prattle for which we have no


Do you want more?


October 30 at 5:15am · Like


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain said,

O really, which historical records? Proof plz. Btw I'm surprised that a person of

your nature is willing to accept "historical records" written by non muslims and

unauthenticated men (even if they are muslims) as opposed to not accepting

hadith. Did I mention that EVERY single narrator of hadith was scrutinized to the


"Even Hadith states that the earlier generation of Muslims the likes of Umar ibn

Al Khatab and other so called Caliphs did not follow the Sunnah."

Please provide proof.

"Your own Hadith contradicts Hadith telling us not to follow Hadith."

Please provide proof

Listen man, if you wanna discuss/ debate please provide reference and proof for

all your statements. In your case, only Quran would serve as a legitimate source

of proof so good luck!

@ok Sammy you want more proof then proof you have it.

Hence, just three days before the demise of Prophet, the Messenger of Allah

asked for pen and paper in order to state his last will.

According to Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim an opposition group among the

companions emerged, whose leader was Umar, It is narrated in Sahih Muslim

that: Ibn Abbas said: “Thursday! And how tragic that Thursday was!” Then Ibn

Abbas cried severely so that his tears flowed to his cheeks. Then he added

Prophet said: “Bring me a flat bone or a sheet and an ink so that I could write

(order to write) a statement that will prevent you people to go astray after me.”

They said: “Verily the messenger of Allah is talking no sense.” Reference: Sahih

Muslim, Chapter of “Kitabul-Wasiyyah” in section “Babut-Tarkil-Wasiyyah”,

1980 Edition, Arabic version (Saudi Arabia), v3, P1259, Tradition (#1637/21).

The other version is given by al-Bukhari and Muslim which indicates the role of

Umar in that catastrophe: Sahih al-Bukhari Hadiths: 9.468 and 7.573 Narrated Ibn


When the time of the death of the Prophet approached while there were some men

in the house, and among them was ‘Omar Ibn al-Khatttab, the Prophet said:

“Come near let me write for you a writing after which you will never go astray.”

‘Umar said: “The Prophet is seriously ill, and you have the Qur’an, so Allah’s

Book is sufficient for us.” The people in the house differed and disputed. Some of

them said, “Come near so that Allah’s Apostle may write for you a writing after

which you will not go astray,” while the others said what ‘Omar said. When they

made much noise and quarreled greatly in front of the Prophet, he said to them,

“Go away and leave me.” Ibn `Abbas used to say: “It was a great disaster that

their quarrel and noise prevented Allah’s Apostle from writing a statement for

them. The above tradition can also be found in Sahih Muslim, Chapter of

“Kitabul- Wasiyyah” in section “Babut-Tarkil-Wasiyyah”, 1980 Edition, Arabic

version (Saudi Arabia), v3, p1259, Tradition (#1637/22). Sahih al-Bukhari

Hadith: 5.716 Narrated Ibn Abbas: Thursday! And how tragic that Thursday was!

The ailment of Allah’s Apostle became worse (on Thursday) and he said “Bring

me something so that I (order) to write for you something after which you will

never go astray.” The people (present there) quarreled in this matter, and it was

not right to quarrel in front of prophet. They said, “What is wrong with him? (Do

you think) he is talking no sense (delirious)?” The above tradition is also in Sahih

Muslim, Chapter of “Kitabul-Wasiyyah” in section “Babut-Tarkil-Wasiyyah”,

1980 Edition, Arabic version, (Saudi Arabia), v3, pp 1257-58, tradition


Sahih Bukhari Volume 7: 573

Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas:

When Allah’s Apostle was on his death-bed and in the house there were some

people among whom was ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab, the Prophet said, “Come, let me

write for you a statement AFTER WHICH you will not go astray.” ‘Umar said,

“The Prophet is seriously ill and you have the Qur’an; so the Book of Allah is

enough for us.”

; The people present in the house differed and quarrelled. Some said “Go near so

that the Prophet may write for you a statement after which you will not go astray,”

while the others said as Umar said. When they caused a hue and cry before the

Prophet, Allah’s Apostle said, “Go away!” Narrated ‘Ubaidullah: Ibn ‘Abbas used

to say, “It was VERY UNFORTUNATE that Allah’s Apostle was prevented from

writing that statement for them because of their disagreement and noise.”

Major Points

(a) Muhammad wanted to give something of utmost theological importance which

would keep Muslims in the right path and prevent them from going astray.

(b) Muhammad implied that whatever they had until then (Quran and other

sayings of Muhammad) was not sufficient; but his final new teachings were

required AFTER WHICH he was sure that Muslims will not go astray.

(c) Umar did not allow these most important teachings of Muhammad to be

delivered by Muhammad.

(d) Umar said Quran was sufficient even though Muhammad wanted to give

something more.

(e) Umar and his group justified their decision by saying that Muhammad was

delirious and in a state of unconsciousness.

(f) Ibn Abbas used to cry much realizing that this was a heavy loss.

(g) Muhammad died without completing his mission without delivering

everything that he was supposed to teach.

Now it seems that Umar and those who agreed with Umar was quarreling against

those who wanted Hadith. Umar was write they had the BOOK OF ALLAH and

this is the same argument we are saying today in 2012.

Now those who was for the Book of Allah versus wanting Hadith were some of

the companions of Muhammad who were supposedly the most pious Muslims

who would not allow Prophet Muhammad a sick and dying man to express

himself, it raises some serious concerns.

More addresses for similar traditions: Sahih al-Bukhari, in the chapter named

“The Book of Knowledge” (Kitabul-Ilm), also in the chapter named “The Book of

Medicine” (Kitabut-Tib), also in the chapter named “Kitabul Itisam bil Kitab was-

Sunnah”. Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v1,pp 232, 239, 324f, 336, 355. And much


Also as indicated above (Sahih al-Bukhari Hadiths: 9.468 and 7.573), `Umar said:

“The Prophet is seriously ill, and you have the Qur’an, so Allah’s Book is

sufficient for us.” `Umar and those who supported him prevented prophet from

writing ordering to write that statement, by accusing him of ‘talking no sense’.

This is SERIOUS!!! Umar and some of the Prophet’s closest companions accused

the Prophet Muhammad when he was on his death bed after the Prophet requested

that they bring him something to write with so they won’t go astray, he was called

talking none sense, or speaking delirious.

Food for thought….

But wait there is more where this came from Sammy.

October 30 at 5:26am · Like


Khidr Amari This is your own Hadith I do the same with Christians using their

own Bible.

October 30 at 5:27am · Edited · Like


Khidr Amari Reference:

October 30 at 5:33am · Like


Khidr Amari The rules for hadith science were not developed until the early 11th

century, by Al-Hakim (d.1014) who developed 52 categories, and then Ibn al-

Salah (d.1245) who developed 65 categories.Science of hadith perfect? Science of

hadith came about because of mass corruption in the fidelity of hadith.

The Six authoritative (Sahih) hadith are compiled by:

Sahih Bukhari (810-870); Sahih Muslim (817-874); Daud (817-888); al-Tirmidhi

(821-892); al-Nasai (d.915); al-Darimi (797-868); and Ibn Maja (824-886).

Muhammad’s authority following the Sunnah was developed posthumously,

invented by the religious scholars as a device to wrestle power out of the hands of

the Caliph.

The idea that Muhammad’s political power passed to the Caliph was invented at a

later period (the early Abbasid- post 750 AD), when the idea of Muhammad's

Sunnah was used to undermine the positions of the Caliphs (1986:26).

Besides, when I say that the writing of Hadith is not allowed, I don't take this

information from the Hadith itself. Instead I take it from the authentic data of

Islamic history. The fact that the according to their own sources of Hadith, it's

stated that the Prophet forbade people to write down his words, and also the fact

that during the reign of Abu Bakr Siddiq and Umar bin Khattab thousands of

Hadith were destroyed (BURNED) by them is well known and is found

everywhere in Islamic history.

Majority of the Hadith narrations either have no link with the important values of

the Qur'aan or they altogether clash with the ethics of the Qur'aan. Only a small

amount of narrations conform with the Quraanic dictates. But even concerning

few of those narrations that might conform with the Qur'aan, there is no reason to

presume that these were mentioned by the Prophet is those words.

What came to be regarded by the Sunnites as the `Six Authentic Books' compiled

by Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daud, Ibn Maja, Tirmidhi and al-Nasa`i.

The four Shi'ite compilations are by al-Kulaini, Ibn Babuwayh, al-Murtada and

Ja`afar Muhammad al-Tusi did not exist at the time of the Prophet's death, as the

Quran did, but were made between 210 and 410 years later. Why were the

compilations not made earlier?

Several modern hadith scholars claim that they possess new evidence to prove

that the hadith were written down at the time of the Prophet. They were

memorized and handed down from generation to generation until the second and

third Islamic centuries when the official compilations were made.

The still unanswered question, even if we were to accept the claim, is this:

"Why was the official compilation not made earlier, especially during the time of

the righteous caliphs when the first reporters, i.e., the eye witnesses, were still

alive and could be examined?"


October 30 at 5:37am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari During the second caliph Abu Bakr's administration, Abu Bakr

himself ordered the Prophet's secretary, Zaid ibn Thabit, to compile the Quran

into book form, taking care that all its contents were corroborated by two or more


When the third caliph, Uthman, prepared his official version of the Quran for

dissemination throughout the length and breadth of Islam, he based it on this

version. Thus, the Quran fully satisfies the requirements of a well-corroborated


Why was Hadith forbidden?

There are several hadiths that say Prophet Muhammad forbade his sayings from

being recorded.

Abu Saeed al-Khudri said, “We exerted our best to get the Messenger of Allah to

allow us to write his hadith but he refused.” Recorded by Al-Baghdadi in Taqyid


Narrated Zayd ibn Thabit:

Al-Muttalib ibn Abdullah ibn Hantab said:

Zayd ibn Thabit entered upon Mu'awiyah and asked him about a tradition. He

ordered a man to write it. Zayd said: The Apostle of Allah ordered us not to write

any of his traditions. So he erased it. [Sunan of Abu-Dawood Book 25, Number


The reason most often given by Hadith followers as to why it was forbidden is

formulated by Ramhurmuzi (d. 360 A.H.) as follows:

“Apparently the prohibition was in the beginning to make their attention to the

Qur’an only and to distinguish the recording of the Qur’an from the sunnah

(traditions) of the Prophet and to keep things safe from any kind of mixture or


Muslims claim that in order for one to be a Muslim, one must uphold both the

Quran and the Sunnah (Hadith) of Muhammad. Yet at the same time they claim

that the Sunnah was not written down to prevent it from mixing with the Quran.

It seems to me that for the followers of the hadiths, Quran and Sunnah (Hadith)

are one in the same. Any difference seems to be merely lip service. In reality,

there is no distinction drawn, since both are equally binding according to them.

However, in reality, as per the laws of Allah, it is only the Quran that is binding.

Some more hadith narrations which itself confirm the illegality of the Hadith

institution, by confirming that the Prophet (pbuh) gave orders not to write

anything except the Quraan.

1) Ibn Saeed Al-Khudry reported that the messenger of God had said,

"Do not write anything from me EXCEPT QURAN. Anyone who wrote anything

other than the Quran shall erase it."

The following is reported to have happened 30 years after the death of the Prophet

Muhammed and shows that the Prophet never allowed anyone to write anything

except the Quraan till the end.

Those hadiths that claim or indicate that the Prophet later changed his mind and

allowed the companions to write his sayings are considered fabricated or weak by

the hadith scholars themselves.

But the following which was narrated 30 years after the passing away of the

Prophet (pbuh) is enough to conclude the Prophet Muhammed never authorized

the writing of the hadiths since the time he told his followers not to write anything

except the Quran.

(2) From Ibn Hanbal:

Zayd Ibn Thabit (The Prophet's closest revelation writer) visited the Khalifa

Mu'aawiyah (more than 30 years after the Prophet's death), and told him a story

about the Prophet. Mu'aawiyah liked the story and ordered someone to write it

down. But Zayd said. " the messenger of God ordered us NEVER to write

anything of his hadith,"

(3) The famous book, "Ulum Al-Hadith" by Ibn Al-Salah, reports a hadith by Abu

Hurayra in which Abu Hurayra said the messenger of God came out to us while

we were writing his hadiths and said; "What are you writing?" We said, "Hadiths

that we hear from you, messenger of God."

He said, "A book other than the book of God ?!" We said, "Should we talk about

you?" He said, Talk about me, that would be fine, but those who will lie will go to

Hell. Abu Hurayra said, we collected what we wrote of Hadiths and burned them

in fire.

(4) In the famous book, "Taq-yeed Al-Ilm", Abu Hurayra said, the messenger of

God was informed that some people are writing his hadiths. He took to the pulpit

of the mosque and said, "What are these books that I heard you wrote? I am just a

human being. Anyone who has any of these writings should bring it here. Abu

Hurayra said we collected all these and burned them in fire.

(5) Ibn Hanbal in his Musnad book, narrates a hadith in which Abdullah Ibn Omar

said, "the messenger of God one day came out to us as if he was going to depart

us soon and said, "When I depart you (die), hold to the book of God, prohibit

what it prohibits and accept as halal what it makes halal."

No mention of the Sunnah.

(6) Again, in the book "Taq-yeed Al-Ilm", Abu Saeed Al-Khudry said, " I asked

the messenger of God a permission to write his hadiths, but he refused to give me

a permission."

(7) The farewell Pilgrimage of the Prophet Muhammad is a corner stone in the

Muslim history. The Final Sermon given by the Prophet during this pilgrimage

was witnessed by tens of thousands of Muslims. Yet there are THREE versions of

this sermon in the Hadith books. This by itself reflects the degree of corruption of

the Hadith books as this is the most witnessed speech of the prophet Muhammad.

Prominent figure who was a rejector of Hadith

Abu Bakr at one point was not sure whether to keep what he knows of hadiths or

not. He had collected 500 Hadiths during very long companionship of the Prophet

Muhammed, but he could not sleep the night until he burned them.

Prominent figures who was rejectors of Hadith, if Muslims follow Hadith, why

don't Muslims follow Hadith that prohibit Hadith?



October 30 at 5:39am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Khidr.... Why was the prophet saw sent?

October 30 at 5:58am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan what does the Qur'an say?

The Qur'an clearly says Prophet Muhammad was sent toward an-naas (4:170,

7:158, 34:28) to bring an-naas out of darkness (14:1), to warn an-naas (14:44,

22:49), to judge between an-naas (4:105) by the Book that was sent towards an-

naas (4:105, 10:57, 10:108), and to read the Quran to an-naas (17:106).


October 30 at 6:02am · Like


Naqash Ahmed lol what fitnah, may Allaah save the ummah from such things,

ignorance and arrogance are two deadly combinations.

October 30 at 6:02am · Like


Khidr Amari Yes, may Allah destroy the books of tales of the ancients its no

wonder the Messenger will say on that day my people have abandoned the Qur'an,

Surah 25/30.

October 30 at 6:04am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan 2: do you consider Hadith as revelation? Because the Quran


October 30 at 6:04am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan where does the Qur'an say outside books by

written compiled by Persian Imams Divine Revelation?

October 30 at 6:06am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan If yes then 3: why did Allah consider his speech قطن as wahi in

the opening verses of Surah najm if Quran was enough?

October 30 at 6:07am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan answer my question Hadith are not Divine


October 30 at 6:08am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari There is a clear distinction according to the Qur'an from Wahi and

his Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)

October 30 at 6:09am · Like


Khidr Amari Everything that the Prophet said was not according to Wahi.

October 30 at 6:10am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Ur statement that there's a difference in wahi and speech of

Nabi... Where's the proof that there diff? And you haven't answered my question

as to why has the prophet come to us?

October 30 at 6:16am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan And the Persian imams only recorded what the prophet said,

don't go of subject please

October 30 at 6:17am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari I did answer your question please read above and read carefully

October 30 at 6:18am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Connection didn't allow, answer my questions beside that one


October 30 at 6:21am via mobile · Like


Why should Muslims return to the Qur'an Alone without the Sunnah Mufti Taha

Khan again I presented what the Qur'an said the Propohet was sent for. I also

presented proof that not all of the Prophet's speech was according to Wahi.

October 30 at 6:23am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan The q was, where's your proof of saying one is wahi and

prophets speech is not?

October 30 at 6:23am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan said, Ur statement that there's a difference in wahi

and speech of Nabi... Where's the proof that there diff? And you haven't answered

my question as to why has the prophet come to us?

@Mufti you want proof according to Qur'an here you have it.

how do you explain these mistakes by the Prophet?

Error No 1

8:67 And it was not for any prophet to take prisoners until he is bound by a

campaign. You desire the materials of this world, while God wants the Hereafter

for you. God is Noble, Wise.

8:68 Had it not been previously ordained from God, then a severe punishment

would have afflicted you for what you took.

Error No 2

9:43 God pardons you; why did you give them leave before it became clear to you

who are truthful, and who are lying?

Error No 3

33:37 And you said to the one who was blessed by God, and blessed by you:

Keep your wife and reverence God, and you hid inside yourself what God wished

to proclaim. And you were concerned with the people, while God was more

deserving that you be concerned with. So when Zayd ended his relationship with

his wife, We had you marry her, to establish that there is no wrongdoing for the

believers in marrying the wives of their adopted sons if their relationship is ended.

And the command of God is always done.

Error No 4

66:1 O you prophet, why do you make unlawful what God has made lawful for

you, seeking to please your wives? God is Forgiver, Merciful.

Error No 5

80:1 He frowned and turned away.

80:2 When the blind one came to him.

Error No 6

9:113 It is not for the prophet and those who believe that they should seek

forgiveness for the polytheists, even if they are relatives, after it has been made

clear to them that they are the dwellers of Hell.


October 30 at 6:24am · Like · 1


Naqash Ahmed In essence, “Hadith” refers to an act done, word spoken or a

confirmation given by Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam). “Hadith” has

been accepted as a source of Islamic law, after the Quran. Its status has remained

undisputed throughout the centuries aside from some individuals who have

separated themselves from the mainstream of the Muslim population. Its authority

is evident from the Quran. The Quran repeatedly reminds the believers to follow

Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam).

In order to fulfill the injunctions of the Quran, one is required to accept the

authority Hadith. If one denies the authority of Hadith, it is impossible for him to

fulfill and carry out the injunctions of the Quran, for example, we are commanded

in the Quran to perform salat. But the Quran does not explain the methodology of

salat. The Hadith explains to us the methodology of salat. If one had to rely

simply on following the Quran, and not the hadith, he would not know the

methodology of salat. Therefore, we are required to follow both, the Quran and

Hadith. The Sahaba, Tabi’een and all the pious predecessors were staunch follows

of Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam)

Hereunder are a few verses proving the authority of Hadith:

ا ل ن ط ا

“And obey Allah and the Messenger so that you may be shown mercy” (3:132)

ت ي ا

“And whoever obeys Allah and his messenger, Allah shall admit him in the

gardens underneath which rivers flow” (4:13)

“And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has gone astray into manifest

error” (33:36)

The Muhadditheen (experts in Hadith) have dedicated their lives in the various

sciences of Hadith in order to preserve the authenticity of Ahadith. You may read

more on the subject matter from a book “Authority of Sunnah” by Mufti Taqi

Uthmani Saheb.

And Allah knows best


October 30 at 6:26am · Like · 6


Mufti Taha Khan Your point would have been valid only if Allah did not correct

his Nabi, but he did, reason for making some errors was to show that the prophet

is human and a dependent of Allah.... Also I don't see that u have answered why

the speech of Nabi is not considered wahi, then explain the meaning of the ayah

where Allah calls the speech of Nabi as wahi?????

October 30 at 6:28am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan you said the Prophet's SPEECH was Wahi which

indicates everything he said was of divine Guidance. I exposed you as being

wrong. Allah corrected him because of some of his speech and actions that were

not according to wahi. Yes, he was human and we are not told to follow the

speech of Muhammad, we are told to obey and follow the Messenger. Never does

Allah correct the Messenger at any time why because as a Messenger he was

perfect at conveying the message.

October 30 at 6:31am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Wow... U so lack intellect, the question has not been answered,

u only said why it can't be wahi. U didn't answer why Allah calls it wahi?

October 30 at 6:35am via mobile · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Allah calls what was revealed to him Wahi.

October 30 at 6:48am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Down the road there's gonna be allot coming your way, even

that Hadith rejectors and different versions of the last sermon of prophet saw,

your not going anywhere, imma have you delete me block me like your other

cousin or brother, absolutely no respect for our prophet saw!

October 30 at 6:51am via mobile · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan A side thing! Question still remains! Then according to u even

Allah made mistakes, there were many things that were abrogated, didn't Allah

know better?!?!?

October 30 at 6:58am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan again produce your proof about Hadith just one

ayat put your proof where your mouth is.

October 30 at 6:58am · Like


Khidr Amari The Hadith alone has no respect for our Prophet have you read your

Hadith lately?

October 30 at 6:58am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Bro u trapped urself in answering my question, wahi is what

was revealed to him u said... قطني ام the maa in Arabic is to make something

general and its related to speech and nutq, hence it covers everything the prophet

speaks of, provided evidence, if you still think there's a problem in calling the

prophets speach wahi then give evidence from Quran that its not, not from Hadith

because to u it's not important and the Quran is enough, or provide evidence from

Hadith aswell, if you say that the prophet saw don't write from me.. It dosent

answer the question, if you say the prophet erred... Won't answer it either cuz ur

telling me why it can't be wahi but not why Allah called it wahi, also then Allah

erred in numerous places... ANSWER MY QUESTION cuz ur about to get


October 30 at 11:44am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Side thing, we thought salafis were retarted for wanting only

what's in Hadith, this joker goes further in saying only quran and nothing else, I

don't know what religion u follow cuz not much left if u discard Hadith... An that

ull c in just abit

October 30 at 11:57am via mobile · Like · 4


Mufti Taha Khan Just a reminder... I gave evidence from Quran that prophets

speech is considered wahi, u say no its not, time for u to give evidence supporting

ur claim

October 30 at 12:08pm via mobile · Like


Sammy Hossain Your whole thing about "obeying" just substantiated our view

that you're supposed to obey Nabi (saw).

"Obey" is used in a general context. If you want to specify to a certain type of

obedience you'll need proof for that.

Over and over again Allah is saying OBEY, OBEY, OBEY. Show me one place

where Allah is saying DO NOT OBEY the messenger? Again you're sorta

confused. For a min there I thought I was arguing with the wrong guy.

Honestly I don't know what you're trying to prove from these ayahs. All you

mentioned was let's see how the word "obey" was used. Plz do clarify your exact

point cuz I'm definitely not picking it up.

"Further research will make it clear in the Qur’an that in the Book of Allah we

never read anywhere in the Quran words like "Obey God and obey Muhammad"

or obey Jesus, or obey Moses as I have shown earlier.

The words used are always "obey the messenger"."

As you said the Quran is an Explanation for its self. Allah says messenger and

also clarifies who the messenger is. How much explicit do you want it to get??

"This is to emphasize that it is the "message" of Allah that is to be obeyed and not

the personal words or views of the messenger. Again, the word Messenger is

derived from the word Message and if there was no message there would be no


So by some1 following the Messenger, he will be contradicting the Quran? Wow

makes lots of sense. The Man that was sent down as a messenger to convey it to

us will lead us to misguidance but our english translated versions of the Quran

won't. You claim to be directly following the Quran but in reality you're fooling

yourself by following the man who ever came up with all these ideas. And mind

you, this concept of yours only cropped up not too long ago. Think about it, from

the sahaba till now everyone is following Islam in the wrong method and all of a

sudden out pops the weasel in the last century and claims to have the correct

understanding of deen? Honestly you're a clown!

And btw I think you should show some respect to the man who was the

messenger of Allah. Without him you wouldn't have a Quran.

"When Qur’an instructs us to ‘aṭī’ū’ (obey) God ‘wa-aṭī’ū’ and obey the

messenger it’s not talking about following the Prophet Muhammad in a literal

sense "

You keep on saying not in a literal sense then in what sense is he supposed to be


What was the point of sending down a messenger and taking 23 yrs for its

revelation. Why not just send the book down with an angel? That would have

satisfied everyone. How exactly do you even follow the Quran without the

guidance of Nabi (saw)? How do offer salah? Zakah? Hajj? What was the purpose

of Nabi (saw) then?

"What do you mean if the Prophet was in need of guidance he was in need of

guidance didn't Allah find him lost according to the Qur'an? We are all in need of

guidance and the Qur'an alone provides it. "

What I mean is, and ill be really clear, if Nabi (saw) was in need of guidance then

who are you to not be in need of guidance? Nabi (saw) received wahi whenever

he made a "mistake" so what wahi are you receiving? The Quran alone can not be

guidance cuz not everything is clear cut in the Quran. You need some1 to explain

it. Going back to my point, if the very messenger of Allah needed guidance

despite the fact that he had the Quran what makes you think that you won't err?

Why didn't Nabi (saw) just refer back to the Quran and make the right decision?

""Allah has revealed the most beautiful hadith in the form of a Book, consistent

with itself, (yet) repeating (its teaching in various aspects): the skins of those who

fear their Lord tremble thereat; then their skins and their hearts do soften to the

celebration of Allah's praises. Such is THE GUIDANCE of Allah: He guides

therewith whom He pleases, but such as Allah leaves to stray, can have none to

guide." [39:23]"

This doesn't prove your argument of not following Nabi (saw). So by following

Nabi (saw) you won't get guidance? You'll be mislead to kufr if you had to follow

Nabi (saw)?

Regarding bayinaat. You've just connected the 2 together whereas they are two

complete different things. One is talking about the messenger clarifying and the

other one is about cleat signs. What need would there be to clarify a clear sign?

" See how We repeat the verses that they may understand." (6:65)

Man you are a nut. The word ayah here is not referring to quranic verses. How do

we know? Look back to the beginning of verse and you'll clearly see that Allah is

talking about His greatness. Ayah here refers to its actual meaning which is a


"Again on Us (devolves) the explaining of it." (75:16-19)

It was not the Prophet Muhammad's job to explain anything Allah clearly said that

Allah will explain His Book."

Wait wait wait. Just b4 that you tried proving that its explanation is not needed

and now you're saying it is? And let's agree with you on this one. Plz explain how

exactly Allah has explained everything in the Quran? Where does He explain

salah, hajj, jihad, sawm and etc?

"@Again Sammy, if you at the beach and the life guards name was Tommay

would you expect the sign to read:

1) Obey the lifeguard


2) Obey Tommy "

If tommy is the lifeguard then you'll have to obey him! The messenger is clearly

known. Its Muhammad (saw). You said it yourself over a thousand times that

Muhammad is a messenger. So if it says obey the messenger and we know who

the messenger is then that is who you have to obey or is the messenger unknown

according you?

"The messenger gave Dars ul Qur-an, by this manner, and the Qur’an was

clarified by the Qur’an itself"

What was the need of darsul Quran if it was already self evident? What was the

purpose of Nabi then? Why not have just sent down the book on its own?

"Tibyaan means to clarify something which requires clarification and explanation.

Yet, something which is inherently clear doesn’t require elucidation, lest any

excessive explanations amount to curiosity and mere prattle for which we have no


If that's the case then why does the Quran say you will clarify? There's an obvious


October 30 at 3:45pm via mobile · Like · 1


Sammy Hossain Ill answer the rest of your questions later on.

October 30 at 3:46pm via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan said,

Bro u trapped urself in answering my question, wahi is what was revealed to him

u said... قطني ام the maa in Arabic is to make something general and its related to

speech and nutq, hence it covers everything the prophet speaks of, provided

evidence, if you still think there's a problem in calling the prophets speach wahi

then give evidence from Quran that its not, not from Hadith because to u it's not

important and the Quran is enough, or provide evidence from Hadith aswell, if

you say that the prophet saw don't write from me.. It dosent answer the question,

if you say the prophet erred... Won't answer it either cuz ur telling me why it can't

be wahi but not why Allah called it wahi, also then Allah erred in numerous

places... ANSWER MY QUESTION cuz ur about to get puzzled"

@Mufti, I speak from the Qur'an alone you speaking from Hadith know the

difference. You cannot intellectually debate against Allah's Words.

Allah says in the Qur'an,

9:43 God pardons you; why did you give them leave before it became clear to you

who are truthful, and who are lying?

Now we have in Surah Tauba, Nabi ==> is admonished <== about the

Munafiqeen (Hypocrites) who were reluctant to struggle in the cause of God with

their lives and possessions:

<Afalla_hu 'ank (a), lima azinta lahum hatta_ yatabayyana lakal lazina sadaqu_

wa ta'lamal ka_zibin(a).>

"Allah pardon you! Why did you give them leave until those who spoke the truth

had become manifest to you and you had known the liars?" (9:43)

In the above ayah Nabi is admonished as to why he had given permission to the

Hypocrites until the truthful people were made distinct from the liars. Had

everything spoken by Nabi been a revelation from Allah, then the above Qur’anic

revelation would not have opposed ==> Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) <== in

which he had given the permission to the Hypocrites for nonparticipation in Jihad.

Thus this confirms that whatever Nabi uttered is not revelation but his human

speech is separate from Divine revelations.

In Surah Al-Araaf it is mentioned that when Nabi did not bring them a revelation,

the unbelievers objected and this objection of theirs is identified:

<Wa iza_ lam ta'tihim bi a_yatin qa_lu_ lau lajtabaitaha>

"And when thou bringest not a verse for them they say: Why hast thou not chosen

it?" (7:203)

Once again had everything uttered by Nabi been a revelation from Allah, then in

the above verse it would be meaningless to identify this objection of unbelievers

as to why the messenger has not selected the revelation by himself, as under the

assumption, whatever he speaks is considered as revelation of Allah. Allah has

identified in the above verse that it is the Qur’anic Ayat that are the revelations

that Nabi used to bring to his people, and not everything he uttered as a human


This is further clarified by the rest of the verse:

<qul innama_ attabi'u ma_ yu_ha_ ilayya mir rabbi, ha_za_ basa_'iru mir

rabbikum wa hudaw wa rahmatul liqaumiy yu'minu_n(a).Wa iza_ quri'al qur'a_nu

fastami'u_ lahu_ wa ansitu_ la'allakum turhamu_n(a).

"Say: I follow only that which is inspired in me from my Sustainer. This (Qur'an)

is insight from your Sustainer, and a guidance and a mercy for a people that

believe. And when the Qur'an is recited, give ear to it and pay heed, that ye may

obtain mercy." (7:203-204)

See we see from the Bayyinat (Clear Evidence) that whatever Nabi spoke was not

revelation, as otherwise Allah would not have identified this aspect when He says:

<Wa iza_ lam ta'tihim bi a_yatin> "

"And when thou bringest not a verse for them"

If everything spoken by Nabi were revelation Allah would never have said the

above as everything uttered by Nabi would have then already be revelations from

Allah. Also notice in verse 203, it is confirmed that whatever Nabi spoke again

dealing with the ==> Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) <== was not revelation

why because in verse 204, it is being urged that when the Qur’an is being recited

then it should be listened to attentively, thus indicating that it is the Qur’an which

is the only revelation of Allah.

Why not study the Qur'an carefully? We have in Surah At-Tahrim, it is mentioned

that Nabi made something

prohibited on himself, which Allah had made permissible. Does this sound like

wahi ==> Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) <==

Allah says

"O Nabi! why do you forbid (yourself) that which Allah has made lawful for you;

you seek to please your wives; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." (66:1)

In the above ayat again confirms that whatever Nabi did or acted upon was not

entirely revelation, but he also acted upon his own initiative, otherwise the

admonition from Allah would not have come in which it is said:

<lima tuhar rimu ma_ ahal lal la_hu laka>

"why do you forbid (yourself) that which Allah has made lawful for you"

From the Qur'an we have te Bayyinat (Clear Evidence) that the Nabi also made

decisions on his own and acted on his own initiative at times instead of the

revelation of Allah, and thus proves that all the decisions and actions of Nabi and

the ==> Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) <== were not "wahi" or revelation of



October 30 at 4:52pm · Like


Khidr Amari From the above evidence it is abundantly clear that it is only the

Qur’an which was sent as "wahi" (inspiration) and "nuzuul" (descent or

revelation) from Allah.

In Surah An-Najam where it says that Nabi does not speak of his own desire in

which you Sunnis and Shites love to quote so much that actually speaks against

you you love to quote, but it is "wahi" sent to him, then in this verse the "wahi"

once again refers to ==> the Qur’an alone <== and does not include everything

Nabi uttered in life ==> Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) <== as the above

verses prove to the contrary and establish the Qur’an to be the only revelation

received by the messenger of Allah.

It says in Surah An-Najam:

"By the evidence of the star when it goes down. Your companion does not err, nor

does he go astray; Nor does he speak out of desire. It is naught but revelation that

is revealed."

<In huwa il la_ wahyu yu_ha>" (53:1-4)

In the above verse the particular "Nataq-un-Nabi" (Speech of Nabi) is identified

as <In huwa il la_ wahyu yu_ha> "It is naught but revelation that is revealed."

Now what is this "wahi" that is sent to him? Does this include everything he

utters? The evidence from the Qur’an brought to light above says to the contrary,

and identifies that Nabi was given only the Qur’an as revelation. Then what does

this "wahi" refer to? Allah Himself clarifies this matter in Surah Ash-Shoora:

"And thus have We revealed to you an Arabic Quran, <auhaina_ ilaika qur a_nan

arabiy yan> that you may warn the mother city and those around it, and that you

may give warning of the day of gathering together wherein is no doubt; a party

shall be in the garden and (another) party in the burning fire." (42:7)

Not I, but Allah Himself identifies the ==> "wahi" <== sent to Prophet

Muhammed as the Arabic Qur’an, as indicated by the words ==> auhaina_ ilaika

qur a_nan arabiy yan <==

"We revealed to you an Arabic Quran"

So the Qur'an confirmst that the Nabi also testifies as to what consists of the

"wahi" (revelation) that is sent to him, when he says:

"And this Quran has been revealed to me <u_hiya ilayya ha_zal qur'a_n> that

with it I may warn you and whomsoever it reaches" (6:19)

Bro u trapped urself in answering my question, wahi is what was revealed to him

u said... قطني ام the maa in Arabic is to make something general and its related to

speech and nutq, hence it covers everything the prophet speaks of, provided

evidence, if you still think there's a problem in calling the prophets speach wahi

then give evidence from Quran that its not, not from Hadith because to u it's not

important and the Quran is enough, or provide evidence from Hadith aswell, if

you say that the prophet saw don't write from me.. It dosent answer the question,

if you say the prophet erred... Won't answer it either cuz ur telling me why it can't

be wahi but not why Allah called it wahi, also then Allah erred in numerous

places... ANSWER MY QUESTION cuz ur about to get puzzled"

So you want me to give the Bayyinat (Clear Evidence) from the Qur'an here you

have it. Its clear in the Qur'an we have internal evidence from the Qur’an it self

that testifies about what comprises the "wahi" that is revelation on the messenger

of Allah.

The above irrefutable evidence makes it as clear as the shining of the sun that the

human speech of Nabi

==> Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) <== is separate from ==> wahi/divine

revelations <== and that it is only the Qur’an which is the divine message

bestowed upon him by Allah.


Check mate...

November 3 at 4:41am · Edited · Like


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain said,

Point 1

Your whole thing about "obeying" just substantiated our view that you're

supposed to obey Nabi (saw).

"Obey" is used in a general context. If you want to specify to a certain type of

obedience you'll need proof for that. Over and over again Allah is saying OBEY,

OBEY, OBEY. Show me one place where Allah is saying DO NOT OBEY the

messenger? Again you're sorta confused. For a min there I thought I was arguing

with the wrong guy.

Honestly I don't know what you're trying to prove from these ayahs. All you

mentioned was let's see how the word "obey" was used. Plz do clarify your exact

point cuz I'm definitely not picking it up.

"Further research will make it clear in the Qur’an that in the Book of Allah we

never read anywhere in the Quran words like "Obey God and obey Muhammad"

or obey Jesus, or obey Moses as I have shown earlier.

The words used are always "obey the messenger"."

As you said the Quran is an Explanation for its self. Allah says messenger and

also clarifies who the messenger is. How much explicit do you want it to get??

"This is to emphasize that it is the "message" of Allah that is to be obeyed and not

the personal words or views of the messenger. Again, the word Messenger is

derived from the word Message and if there was no message there would be no



Again, where does Allah says to 'Obey Nabi' Allah once again says 'OBEY THE

MESSENGER'. Prophet Muhammad was the first person to take a hold of the

revelation and follow its guidance, and this is how The Almighty instructed him:

“ittabi (Follow) ūḥiya (what is revealed) ilayka (to you) from your Lord… " 6/106

Another ayat Allah says, “wa-ittabiʿ (and follow) yūḥā (what is revealed) ilayka

(to you), and be patient…" 10/109

Again, Allah says, “wa-ittabiʿ (And follow) ma (what) yūḥā (is revealed) ilayka

(to you) from your Lord. Allah is fully Cognizant of everything you all do." 33/2

Allah says, “Once we recite it, fa-ittabiʿ *(then follow) its recitation." 75/18

“ Then We put you, on an ordained way concerning the matter; fa-ittabiʿ'hā (so

follow it) and do not tattabiʿ (follow) the inclinations of those who do not know."


Once again in Surah 33/1-3 Allah addresses Prophet Muhammad as

"Nabi/Prophet' which differentiated between hims as a 'Messenger' because even

Muhammad/the Prophet had to follow again what was revealed to him which was

the Message/the Qur'an.

“yāayyuhā Nabi (O you prophet), you shall reverence Allah and do not obey the

disbelievers and the hypocrites. Allah is Omniscient, Most Wise. wa-ittabiʿ (And

follow) what yūḥā (is revealed) to you from your Lord. Allah is fully Cognizant

of everything you all do. And put your trust in Allah…".

So here we have the Nabi/Prophet who is Muhammad being told to obey/follow

what was revealed to him from his Lord. Your the confused one Sammy. I'm

clarifying what Allah is telling you. Allah does not say 'Obey Muhammad' if this

was the case then we would also be obeying ==> "Nataq-un-Nabi" (Speech of

Nabi) <== which is not Wahi/Divine Revelation which is the Qur'an.

the human speech is called the "Nataq-un-Nabi" (Speech of Nabi) as you believe

consist of Hadith so this is not the case in Qur'an. Obeying the Messenger means

to obey the message hence the Qur'an.

Allah makes it clear:

"And for every nation rasūlun (is a messenger). So when their messenger comes,

it will be judged between them in justice, and they will not be wronged." 10/47

"And how can you reject when Allah's revelations are being recited to you

wafīkum (and with you) rasūluhu (is His messenger) And whoever holds firmly to

Allah has been guided to the straight path." 3/101

"Muhammad is not the father of any one of you men; rasūla (he is the) Messenger

of Allah and the seal of the prophets: Allah knows everything." 33/40

"wamā (And not) muḥammadun (is Muhammad) but a messenger, like many

messengers that have passed before him. If he dies or is killed will you turn back

on your heels And whoever turns back on his heels, he will not harm Allah in the

least. And Allah will reward the thankful." 3/144

Also Allah says,

“We did not send any messenger except to be obeyed in accordance with Allah’s

will…" 4/64

So if this is the case that Allah did not send any messenger except to be we suppose to also follow these messengers human speech of all of

the messengers as well besides the Divine Revelations given to them?

This is why every prophet went to his people as a messenger with a message with

which he used to speak to them, requesting them to obey him on the basis of this


“I am an honest messenger to you. You shall reverence Allah and obey me…”

26:107/108, and 125/126, and 162/163.

Again, do we obey the human speech of each Prophet or do we obey them as a

Messenger which is obeying the message.

Allah says in Surah 3:31, “Say: “If ye do love Allah, ‘fa-ittabi’ūnī’ (then follow

me): Allah will love you and forgive you your sins: For Allah is Oft-Forgiving,

Most Merciful.”

Now, Allah says, “Say: “If ye do love Allah, ‘fa-ittabi’ūnī’ (then follow me)….”

Hence, to follow definitely does not mean follow the messenger in all his private

matters and hobbies or when he committed mistakes we do the same… and so on

and so on.

Allah makes it clear that the Prophet Muhammad was given a light that was sent

down with him and tells us to follow the light and if we follow it we will prosper.

Allah says,

“Those who ‘yattabi’ūna’ (follow) the apostle, the unlettered Prophet, whom they

find mentioned in their own (scriptures),- in the law and the Gospel;- for he

commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as

lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure);

He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon

them. So it is those who believe in him, honour him, help him, ‘wa-ittaba’ū’ (and

follow) nūra (the light) which is sent down with him,- it is they who will prosper.”

Surah 7:157

Allah says clearly, “So those who believe in him and respect him and support him

and follow the light which was send down with him are the successful ones”.

Hence, the LIGHT that was sent down with him is the Book of Allah, the Qur’an


Now before we can ‘ittibaa’ the Prophet Muhammad we have to atwi’ou which

means to ‘obey’.


October 30 at 5:17pm · Like


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain said,

"The Quran alone can not be guidance cuz not everything is clear cut in the

Quran. You need some1 to explain it. Going back to my point, if the very

messenger of Allah needed guidance despite the fact that he had the Quran what

makes you think that you won't err? Why didn't Nabi (saw) just refer back to the

Quran and make the right decision?"

@Sammy you said and I quote, "The Quran alone can not be guidance cuz not

everything is clear cut in the Quran"

Yet, the Qur'an refutes you entirely. The Qur'an tells the Prophets to follow the

guidance revealed to them.

In Surah 6:90 Allah says, “Those were the (prophets) who received Allah’s


‘iq’tadih’ (follow) the guidance they received; Say: “No reward for this do I ask

of you: this is no less than a Message for the nations.”

It is clear that the path and the guidance we are to follow belong to no human

being separate from the message they bring from Allah and this is what we follow

that which the Prophets themselves were instructed to follow.

Prophet Muhammad was instructed to say, “Say:

“I tell you not that with me are the Treasures of Allah, nor do I know what is

hidden, nor do I tell you I am an angel. I but ‘attabi’u’ (follow) what is revealed to

me.” Say: “Can the blind be held equal to the seeing?” Will ye then consider not?


Prophet Muhammad again was instructed to say:

“Say, “I am not different from other messengers, I have no idea what will happen

to me or to you. I only ‘attabi’u’ (follow) what is revealed to me. I am no more

than a profound warner.” [46:9]

So here we have the Prophets including Muhammad being told to follow the

guidance and even Prophet Muhammad himself was told to say that he is no

different from other messengers and that he is only following what was revealed

to him.

Allah makes it clear:

“Say: “Allah’s guidance is THE Guidance” [2:120, 3:73, 6:71]

“You cannot guide whom you love. But it is Allah who guides whom He wills;

and He is fully aware of those who receive the guidance. [28:56]

“You are not responsible for guiding anyone. Allah is the only one who guides

whomever chooses (to be guided). [2:272]

“Say, “I possess no power to harm you, or BENEFIT you through GUIDING

you.” [72:21]

If the Prophet Muhammad is told by Allah that even he could not guide whom he

loved only Allah guides then how about Prophet Muhammad's ==> Nataq-un-

Nabi" (Speech of Nabi <== some 1,400 years later?

Allah says that the Prophet Muhammad had no power to harm or benefit or

guiding any one.

“Allah has revealed aḥsana (the best) hadithi (narration) in the form of a Book,

consistent with itself, (yet) repeating (its teaching in various aspects): the skins of

those who fear their Lord tremble thereat; then their skins and their hearts do

soften to the celebration of Allah’s praises. Such is THE GUIDANCE of Allah:

He guides therewith whom He pleases, but such as Allah leaves to stray, can have

none to guide.” [39:23]

This is the only Hadith the Prophet Muhammad received:

"Allah has revealed aḥsana (the best) hadithi (narration) in the form of a Book,

consistent with itself..."

"Such is THE GUIDANCE of Allah"

The Qur'ana lone is the Best Hadith consistent of itself not the books of Hadith by

Persian Imams that are not consistent of themselves split between two groups

bickering over who has the authentic Hadith of the Prophet Muammad between

the Sunnis and the Shites. Both groups claim to have the Authentic Hadith yet

rejecting each other's authenticity.

“Indeed there has come to you from Allah nūrun (a Light) and a Clear Book. bihi

(With it) Allah guides whoever follows His good pleasure to the ways of peace

and brings them out from the darkness into the light by His permission: He guides

them onto a straight path.” [5:15-16]

Surah 5:15-16 says,

“Indeed there has come to you from Allah nūrun (a Light) and a Clear Book. bihi

(With it) Allah guides whoever ittabaʿa (follows) His good pleasure to the ways

of peace and brings them out from the darkness into the light by His

permission…” corresponds to Surah 7-157 Allah says,

“He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon

them. So it is those who believe in him, honour him, help him, ‘wa-ittaba’ū’ (and

follow) nūra (the light) which is sent down with him,- it is they who will prosper.”

Surah 7:157IN

Again, the Qur'an contradicts you Sammy....


October 30 at 5:30pm · Like


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain said,

Wait wait wait. Just b4 that you tried proving that its explanation is not needed

and now you're saying it is? And let's agree with you on this one. Plz explain how

exactly Allah has explained everything in the Quran? Where does He explain

salah, hajj, jihad, sawm and etc?


Allah says,

" Lord, make us good Muslims (one who submits himself to God) and from our

descendants make a good Muslim nation. Teach us the rules of worship and

accept our repentance; You are All-forgiving and All-merciful. Our Lord![And]

raise up in them a Messenger from them yatlū (who will recite) ʿalayhim (to

them) āyātika (Your Verses) wayuʿallimuhumu (and will teach them) kitāba (the

Book) wal-ḥik'mata (and the wisdom) wayuzakkīhim

(and purify them)..." (2:129)

Hence, it is also an incontestable fact that the books of traditions called Hadith

that are upheld by varous sects and attributed to the messenger do not contain the

explanation of EACH AND EVERY AYAT of the Qur’an let me make myself

clear on this.

See, a true Sunni or Shia will attest that the Book of Allah, which is free from all

discrepancies, is clear and distinct in its meaning, is applicable in all times but

like you Sammy will say that this same book cannot guide without being

subjected to a body of literature that is contradictory and unreliable.

You Sunnis and Shites who don't agree with your authentic sources believes that

the Qur'an is subjected to man made books called Hadith that are:

1) incomplete,

2) contradictory with itself and established facts of science,

3) is accepted by one sect while rejected by the other, and

4) was compiled and collected by human beings who were not even present

during the period of Qur’anic revelation, but simply compiled there history by

heresy and conjecture.

What exists in those compilations are some ascribed paradoxical reports limited to

certain verses only. No book of tradition called Hadith contains the complete

commentary and explanation of the entire Qur’an from Surah Al-Fatiha, the first

chapter to Surah An-Naas, the last chapter, that it could attribute to the messenger

of Allah this is a fact. How does the Qur'an explain itself?

Allah says,

“…We have revealed to you this book to provide explanations for everything…


When we study the Qur’an it clears up what it has to clear up, and everything that

requires clarification and elucidation has been clarified and elucidated in the

Qur’an and not through some outside books called Hadith and Sunnah compiled

by Sahih Bukhari/Muslim and company.

And something which doesn’t require elucidation is in no need to be elucidated,

especially in a Book whose verses have been detailed from a Most Wise, Most


“…We have revealed to you this book to provide explanations for everything, and

guidance, and mercy, and good news for the submitters. (16:89)”.

Hence, the explanations of the Qur’an are a “guidance” for the believers who are

seeking guidance amongst a mass of ambiguity and uncertainty. The explanations

found in the Qur’an are also a “mercy” for the believers seeking guidance because

it makes known to him/her what was unknown, and it guarantees him/her security

and divine mercy as well as good news.

The details of the Qur’an are also connected to guidance and mercy.

Allah says,

“We have given them a scripture that is fully detailed, with knowledge, guidance,

and mercy for the people who believe. (7:52)”.

Allah informs us that His Book has been kept INDEPENDENT of all sorts of

traditions called Hadith for its exegesis, explanations by indicating that the Qur’an

is its own commentary. The Qur'an is not like an ordinary book, such that most

other books discuss a specific topic at one place and have their subjects compiled

and bifurcated

within specific chapters.

If we were to ascertain as to what Allah's Book says for example about the topic

of divorce we find verses dealing with the subject of divorce in Surah Al-Baqara

which is the second Surah (chapter) of the Qur'an, Surah Al Nisa the fourth

Chapter , then in Surah Al Ahzaab the thirty third chapter and further in Sura At

Tal'aaq which is the sixty fifth chapter of the Qur'an.

By compiling all the verses about the topic of divorce as discussed in all the

locations of the Qur'an we come to know what the Book of Allah has to say about

this subject. And we observe that each verse clarifies and explains the other. Just

like the Arabic words has various meanings and you have to study the ayats and

the context used throughout the Qur'an.

It is by this manner that Allah Himself has dealt with different subjects in His

Book, i.e. by repeating topics in various chapters throughout the Qur'an.

The manner of exegesis is <Tasreef ul Ayaat> or recurrence and repetition of

subjects within the Qur’anic verses, and it is by this method that the Book of

Allah deals with various topics and provides its own explanation. We are


<unzur kaifa nusarriful a_ya_ti la'allahum yafqahu_n>

"See how nuṣarrifu (We explain) the verses that they may understand." (6:65)


October 30 at 6:16pm · Like


Khidr Amari <Wa laqad sarrafna_ lin na_si fi ha_zal qur'a_ni min kulli masal(in),

fa aba_ aksarun na_si illa_ kufu_ra>

"And certainly ṣarrafnā (We have explained) for mankind in this Quran, every

kind of similitude, but the majority of mankind do not consent to aught but

denying." (17:89)

"And thus do nuṣarrifu (We explain) the verses so the disbelievers will say, "You

have studied," walinubayyinahu (and so We may make it clear) for a people who

know..." 6/105

It is evident from the above that the messenger’s lectures on the Qur’an were

based on <tasreef_ul_ayat> and that is overstanding the ==> recurrence of Ayat

<== to clarify topics within the Qur’an. The messenger gave Dars ul Qur-an, by

this manner, and the Qur’an was clarified by the Qur’an itself.

Allah says,

“The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate

His words. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient. (6:115)”.

The word of God has been made complete for us with the Qur’an, and none can

abrogate His word.

“If all the trees on earth were made into pens, and the ocean supplied the ink,

augmented by seven more oceans, the words of Allah would not run out…


The Allah commands us to follow the Qur’an with the exclusion of all else,

“This is My path - a straight one. You shall follow it, and do not follow any other

paths, lest they divert you from His path. These are His commandments to you,

that you may be saved. (6:153)”.

Allah has commanded us to follow the Qur’an, His Straight Path, and has

prohibited us from following any other paths so that the Muslims don’t become

divided and so that they don’t stray far from His Path. What Allah warned us

about has already happened, because the Muslims chose to believe in hadith

falsely between the Sunnis and Shites who attributed to the prophet Muhammad,

and they dispute over the chains of narration. The ‘science of hadith’ attempts to

amend those narrations and the chains of narration.

Its a historical FACT that the rules for hadith science were not developed or

classified until the early ==> 11th century <==, by

1) Al-Hakim (d.1014) who developed 52 categories, and then

2) Ibn al-Salah (d.1245) who developed 65 categories.

This was way late in the centuries the 11 century that is do you know how long

that took after the death of the Prophet in the 6th century.

Also irrefutable facts regardless if you are a Sunni or Shia claiming your Hadith is

authentic or your so called Science of Hadith is water proof the questions that

can’t be answered by either groups is:

1) Does Hadith provide the historical circumstances of each and every verse of

the Qur’an?

2) Is there only one consistent set of data available for this?

3) Does the whole Muslim Ummah have an un errant source for this material or

does every sect have its own version of “Asbaab ul nuzzul”?

What is the ‘Asbaab ul nuzzul’? It suppose to mean the causes of revelation and

historical backgrounds that are attributed to the revelation of verses, are known.

Allah makes it clear that its not upon the Prophet Muhammad to guide any one

basically the Prophet Muhammad COULD NOT GUIDE whom he desired to

guide. If this is the case then how could the Prophet' so called 'Sunnah' guide any


"Not upon you hudāhum (is their guidance), but Allah yahdī (guides) whom He

wills. And whatever you spend in good, it is for yourselves, when you spend not

except seeking Allah's Countenance. And whatever you spend in good, it will be

repaid to you in full, and you shall not be wronged." 2/272

How can the Sunnah of Muhammad be the best of the guidance when Allah

clearly says that the Prophet Muhammad cannot guide. The Qur'an says that


"Say: "And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow

their millatahum (creed). Say, "Indeed, hudā (THE GUIDANCE) of Allah it hudā

(IS THE GUIDANCE)." If you were to follow their desires after what has come

to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper." 2/120

"And do not trust except those who follow your dīnakum (way of conduct)." Say,

"Indeed, hudā (THE TRUE GUIDANCE) hudā (IS THE GUIDANCE) of Allah.

lest someone be given [knowledge] like you were given or that they would

[thereby] argue with you before your Lord?" Say, "Indeed, [all] bounty is in the

hand of Allah - He grants it to whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing

and Wise." 3/73

"Say, "Shall we invoke instead of Allah that which neither benefits us nor harms

us and be turned back on our heels after Allah has guided us? [We would then be]

like one whom the devils enticed [to wander] upon the earth confused, [while] he

has companions inviting him to guidance, [calling], 'Come to us.' " Say, "Indeed,

hudā (THE GUIDANCE) of Allah it hudā (IS THE GUIDANCE); and we have

been commanded to submit to the Lord of the worlds." 6/71

Allah has already said, “…and do not follow any other paths…”


October 30 at 6:16pm · Like


Sammy Hossain Ok let's say I agree with all that you have said. How exactly do I

act on the Quran now? What steps would I have to take and how should I conduct

my life?

October 30 at 6:37pm via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Live the Quranic way of life implementing the Qur'an the Salaat,

Divine System in our lives all day every day.

Allah says in Surah 33/21

"Indeed, in the messenger of Allah us'watun ḥasanatun (a good example) has been

set for you for he who seeks Allah and the Last Day and thinks constantly about


What about Prophet Ibrahim Allah tells us clearly,

"Indeed, there is for you us'watun ḥasanatun (a good example) in Ibrahim and

those with him when they said to their people: Surely we are clear of you and of

what you serve besides Allah; we declare ourselves to be clear of you, and enmity

and hatred have appeared between us and you forever until you believe in Allah

alone-- but not in what Ibrahim said to his father: I would certainly ask

forgiveness for you, and I do not control for you aught from Allah-- Our Lord! on

Thee do we rely, and to Thee do we turn, and to Thee is the eventual coming."

Also in Surah 60/6

"In them, indeed, you have us'watun ḥasanatun (a good example) for everyone

who looks forward to Allah and the Last Day. And if any turns away, Allah is

truly self-sufficient, the One to whom all praise is due."

Now Allah says that Prophet Muhammad, Prophet Ibrahim and his followers in

them we have us'watun hasanatun (a good example) so how can you put Prophet

Muhammad above any other Prophet of Allah.

Allah says,

"Then We inspired to you: "You shall ittabiʿ (follow) millata ibrahima (the way of

Ibrahim), ḥanīfan (upright), and he was not of those who set up partners." 16/123

The infinitive imla’ meaning ‘to dictate’, contains the notion of something which

is dictated from any divine or undivine, mighty or unmighty, holy or non-holy

source. The word milla in its religious sense means a way, a path, or a cult which

is dictated and presented by a divine or perhaps undivine leader or group. Both

cases have been exemplified in the Qur’an:

"Who would abandon millati ib'rāhīma (the creed of Ibrahim) except one who

fools himself? We have selected him in this world, and in the Hereafter, he is of

the reformers." 2/130

Again, Allah is instructing the Prophet Muhammad to call to the millata Ibrahim

(the way of Ibrahim):

"Say, " Allah has told the truth. fa-ittabiʿū (then follow) millata ibrahima (the way

of Ibrahim) inclining toward truth; and he was not of the polytheists." 3/95

"And who is fairer dīnan (in the way) of life than he who submitted his face to

Allah and he is one who is a doer of good wa-ittabaʿa (and follows) millata

ibrahima (the way of Ibrahim), ḥanīfan (upright)? And Allah took Ibrahim to

Himself khalīlan (as a friend)." 4/125

Prophet Yusuf abandoned millita (the way) of his people who didn't belief in

Allah along with rejecting the hereafter:

He said: "There is not any provision of food that will come to you except that I

will tell you of its interpretation before it comes. That is from what my Lord has

taught me. I have just left millata (the way) qawmin (of a people) who do not

believe in Allah, and they are rejecting the Hereafter." 12/37

Again and again we are told by Allah in His Book, the Qur'an to follow what, is it

the Sunnatu Rasoolulllah or the Millata Ibrahim? Prophet Yusuf tells them clearly

who he follows:

Allah says,

"wa-ittabaʿtu (And I follow) millata (the way) ābāī (of my fathers): ib'rāhīma,

Isaac, and Jacob. It was not for us to set up partners with God at all. That is

Allah's blessings over us and over the people, but most of the people are not

thankful." 12/38

All of the above ayats indicates that at Ibrahim’s milla as a divine path and or

way. Hence, since a divine path like that of Ibrahim was revealed and dictated by

Allah, it is called milla in the sense that it is a dictated path that should be

followed by the adherents of that divine dinan (manner of conduct). In either case,

milla in its divine sense is also attributed to the prophet or to the leader of a dinan



October 30 at 6:46pm · Like


Khidr Amari Now if you want specifics straight from Qur'an all we have to do is

study the Qur'an.

Allah instructs the Prophet Muhammad himself to say,

“ ‘Qul’ Say, ‘mā’ (not) ‘kuntu’ (I am) ‘bid'an’ (a new one) ‘mina’ (among) ‘l-

rusuli’ (the Messengers) I have no idea what will happen to me or to you. I only

follow what is revealed to me. I am no more than a profound warner." [46:9]

The Prophet Muhammad once again did not come with a new dinan/system or

'millata/way or sunnah'. The Prophet Muhammad only followed what was

revealed to him from his Lord which was the Qur'an alone.

How do we conduct our life ACCORDING TO THE QUR'AN ALONE?

1. Respect and honour all human beings irrespective of their religion, colour, race,

sex, language, status, property, birth, profession/job and so on [17/70]

2. Talk straight, to the point, without any ambiguity or deception [33/70]

3. Choose best words to speak and say them in the best possible way [17/53, 2/83]

4. Do not shout. Speak politely keeping your voice low. [31/19]

5. Always speak the truth. Shun words that are deceitful and ostentatious [22/30]

6. Do not confound truth with falsehood [2/42]

7. Say with your mouth what is in your heart [3/167]

8. Speak in a civilised manner in a language that is recognised by the society and

is commonly used [4/5]

9. When you voice an opinion, be just, even if it is against a relative [6/152]

10. Do not be a bragging boaster [31/18]

11. Do not talk, listen or do anything vain [23/3, 28/55]

12. Do not participate in any paltry. If you pass near a futile play, then pass by

with dignity [25/72]

13. Do not verge upon any immodesty or lewdness whether surreptitious or overt


14. If, unintentionally, any misconduct occurs by you, then correct yourself

expeditiously [3/134].

15. Do not be contemptuous or arrogant with people [31/18]

16. Do not walk haughtily or with conceit [17/37, 31/18]

17. Be moderate in thy pace [31/19]

18. Walk with humility and sedateness [25/63]

19. Keep your gazes lowered devoid of any lecherous leers and salacious stares

[24/30-31, 40/19].

20. If you do not have complete knowledge about anything, better keep your

mouth shut. You might think that speaking about something without full

knowledge is a trivial matter. But it might have grave consequences [24/15-16]

21. When you hear something malicious about someone, keep a favourable view

about him/her until you attain full knowledge about the matter. Consider others

innocent until they are proven guilty with solid and truthful evidence [24/12-13]

22. Ascertain the truth of any news, lest you smite someone in ignorance and

afterwards repent of what you did [49/6]

23. Do not follow blindly any information of which you have no direct

knowledge. (Using your faculties of perception and conception) you must verify it

for yourself. In the Court of your Lord, you will be held accountable for your

hearing, sight, and the faculty of reasoning [17/36].

24. Never think that you have reached the final stage of knowledge and nobody

knows more than yourself. Remember! Above everyone endowed with knowledge

is another endowed with more knowledge [12/76]. Even the Prophet [p.b.u.h] was

asked to keep praying, "O My sustainer! Advance me in knowledge." [20:114]

25. The believers are but a single Brotherhood. Live like members of one family,

brothers and sisters unto one another [49/10].

26. Do not make mockery of others or ridicule others [49/11]

27. Do not defame others [49/11]

28. Do not insult others by nicknames [49/11]

29. Avoid suspicion and guesswork. Suspicion and guesswork might deplete your

communal energy [49/12]

30. Spy not upon one another [49/12]

31. Do not backbite one another [49/12]

32. When you meet each other, offer good wishes and blessings for safety. One

who conveys to you a message of safety and security and also when a courteous

greeting is offered to you, meet it with a greeting still more courteous or (at least)

of equal courtesy [4/86]

33. When you enter your own home or the home of somebody else, compliment

the inmates [24/61]

34. Do not enter houses other than your own until you have sought permission;

and then greet the inmates and wish them a life of blessing, purity and pleasure


35. Treat kindly

-Your parents


-The orphans

-And those who have been left alone in the society [4/36]

36. Take care of

-The needy,

-The disabled

-Those whose hard earned income is insufficient to meet their needs

-And those whose businesses have stalled

-And those who have lost their jobs. [4/36]

37. Treat kindly

-Your related neighbours, and unrelated neighbours

-Companions by your side in public gatherings, or public transportation. [4/36]

38. Be generous to the needy wayfarer, the homeless son of the street, and the one

who reaches you in a destitute condition [4/36]

39. Be nice to people who work under your care. [4/36]

40. Do not follow up what you have given to others to afflict them with reminders

of your generosity [2/262].

41. Do not expect a return for your good behaviour, not even thanks [76/9]

42. Cooperate with one another in good deeds and do not cooperate with others in

evil and bad matters [5/2]

43. Do no try to impress people on account of self-proclaimed virtues [53/32]

44. You should enjoin right conduct on others but mend your own ways first.

Actions speak louder than words. You must first practice good deeds yourself,

then preach [2/44]

45. Correct yourself and your families first [before trying to correct others] [66/6]

46. Pardon gracefully if anyone among you who commits a bad deed out of

ignorance, and then repents and amends [6/54, 3/134]

47. Divert and sublimate your anger and potentially virulent emotions to creative

energy, and become a source of tranquillity and comfort to people [3/134]

48. Call people to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful exhortation.

Reason with them most decently [16/125]

49. Leave to themselves those who do not give any importance to the Divine code

and have adopted and consider it as mere play and amusement [6/70]

50. Sit not in the company of those who ridicule Divine Law unless they engage

in some other conversation [4/140]

51. Do not be jealous of those who are blessed [4/54]

52. In your collective life, make rooms for others [58/11]

53. When invited to dine, Go at the appointed time. Do not arrive too early to wait

for the preparation of meal or linger after eating to engage in bootless babble.

Such things may cause inconvenience to the host [33/53]

54. Eat and drink [what is lawful] in moderation [7/31].

55. Do not squander your wealth senselessly [17/26]

56. Fulfil your promises and commitments [17/34]

57. Keep yourself clean, pure [9/108, 4/43, 5/6].

58. Dress-up in agreeable attire and adorn yourself with exquisite character from

inside out [7/26]

59. Seek your provision only by fair endeavour [29/17, 2/188]

60. Do not devour the wealth and property of others unjustly, nor bribe the

officials or the judges to deprive others of their possessions [2/188]


October 30 at 6:51pm · Edited · Like


Sammy Hossain But what about jihad? That's clearly mentioned. How could I

know its exact rulings?

What bout the command of salah, zakah, sawm and hajj?

Everything you've said is mentioned in detail in hadith. So how would I be

contradicting any of that if I had to follow hadith?

October 30 at 6:56pm via mobile · Like


Sammy Hossain What exactly is zina? What is riba?

October 30 at 6:57pm via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain have you read the Qur'an about what Allah says

about Jihad, Salaat, Zakat, Sawm, Hajj, Zina and riba? The Qur'an needs no

explanation outside of Allah's Book.

October 30 at 7:00pm · Edited · Like


Khidr Amari You said the Hadith has the detail I will disagree the Hadith

contradict itself especially from Sunnis and Shites point of view and the Hadith

from both groups does not explain the entire Qur'an.

October 30 at 7:01pm · Like


Khidr Amari The problem is you haven't studied and gave the Qur'an the time as

you have done with Hadith. Its no wonder Allah's Messenger will say on that day,

"And the Messenger has said, "O Lord! Surely my people have taken to

themselves this Qur'an as a thing to be forsaken." 25/30

October 30 at 7:04pm · Like · 2


Delwar Hossain I was Sunni and have returned to the quran alone. The following

note that I compiled after that, explain why I think the quran is sole source, and

hadith and siras are just raw material of history's study.

The source of Islam is the quran alone:

October 30 at 7:15pm via mobile · Like · 1


Sammy Hossain Sammy Hossain have you read the Qur'an about what Allah says

about Jihad, Salaat, Zakat, Sawm, Hajj, Zina and riba? The Qur'an needs no

explanation outside of Allah's Book.

No I haven't plz enlighten me.

What about the concept of worship? How are we supposed to worship Allah?

And as you have said b4 that Nabi (saw) is a example for us. So shouldn't an

example be followed?

And what you've mentioned only covers a portion of a persons life where as Islam

is complete. Allah says I have completed this deen.

So what about all the fine aspects of life? Where do we turn to guidance for all


October 30 at 7:31pm via mobile · Like


Sammy Hossain And btw why is it that we've only understood the Quran and

deen now? After soo long? What happened to every1 b4 us that prevented them

from understanding it as you have

October 30 at 7:32pm via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain if you haven't read the Qur'an that is your problem

not mines.

October 30 at 7:40pm · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Sammy decided to drop that one now lol... It's all good there's

still more.. Lol

October 30 at 8:01pm via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan He will never be able to answer our questions

October 30 at 8:01pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Khidr look back at my question an look what answer u gave, ur

telling me his speech can't be wahi because he erred in some places... My question

to u is why did Allah call it wahi???

October 30 at 8:07pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan On one hand ur saying only Quran. Only Quran only Quran,

then one Quran says something ur rejecting it.. U know how they say its not how

much u love a girl that matters, what matters is if she lives u back or not, your

example is of that guy but I'm sorry even the Quran is not supporting you, how

low can u drop urself?

October 30 at 8:13pm via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan SO PLEASE ANSWER My unanswered questions...

October 30 at 8:14pm via mobile · Like


Sammy Hossain I'm asking you to show me cuz I'm unaware of what the Quran

says about salah etc.

Btw gimme the link to your info

October 30 at 8:19pm · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Also khidr, can u tell me the version of that Quran u read, cuz

we read the one where it starts with Fatiha and Surah baqarah and ends with naas..

If that's how ur Quran looks then wasn't Surah alaq first hence u should be reading

that first, in everything u take from Hadith urself but wanna discard it, so 2

questions for u so far besides sammis 1: why QURAN calls it wahi 2: what

version of the Quran do U read cuz the popular qurans surahs order was not set by


October 30 at 8:20pm via mobile · Like · 2


Khidr Amari lol you both Sammy Hossain and Mufti Taha Khan are failing

miserably to defend your doctrine.

October 30 at 8:49pm · Like


Khidr Amari I have answered your pointless question Allah differentiates beteeen

the speech of the Nabi and the wahi/divine revelation you haven't been able to

refute what I have said.

October 30 at 8:50pm · Like


Khidr Amari If you are unware of what the Qur'an says about Salaat then Sammy

Hossain read the Qur'an.

October 30 at 8:50pm · Like


Khidr Amari I read the Qur'an Mufti Taha Khan don't worry about what

translation I read from or how much Arabic I know.

October 30 at 8:51pm · Like


Khidr Amari Where is your proof Mufti Taha Khan that the Speech of the Nabi is

Wahi, meaning Hadith. Show one ayat that the Prophet Muhammad received the

Qur'an and Hadith or Sunnah...

October 30 at 8:52pm · Like


Sammy Hossain You're avoiding my question. I'm asking you what does it say

about salah etc? The only thing I can remember is establish salah.

And no we are not failing miserably. You've just managed to either avoid or twist

a bunch of thing around and claim victory.

October 30 at 8:56pm · Like


Khidr Amari See Sammy Hossain again you want to bombard me with questions

and once I answer them more questions it doens't work that way.

October 30 at 8:58pm · Like


Khidr Amari Answer my questions



(1) We are suppose to follow Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/ Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’


(2) We will get guidance from Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ or

(3) We are suppose to believe in Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ ? or

(4) Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of

Messenger) was revealed or sent down (nazala) to Muhammad by ‘NAME’?

October 30 at 8:59pm · Like


Sammy Hossain I'm sure I've answered those and you helped me substantiate my

view by presenting all those ayahs and then later on twisting up their clear

meanings for your vested interests.

But anyways, what I'd really like to know is that why did it take us so long to

figure the correct version of Islam?

October 30 at 9:01pm · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain you have not answered one point

October 30 at 9:04pm · Like


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain

I know you wish you can if you ask me to show you where Millata Ibrahim is

located this is what clear proof is:

"Then We revealed to you, to ittabiʿ (follow) millata ibrahima (the creed of

Ibrahim), ḥanīfan (upright) and he was not of those who associate with Allah."


"sunnata (That is Our way) for those We had sent before you of Our messengers;

and you will not find lisunnatinā (in Our way) any alteration." 17/77

"sunnata lahi ( This is the established way of Allah) which has occurred before.

And never will you find lisunnati lahi (in the way of Allah) tabdīlan (any

change)." 48/23

Here we have Millta Ibrahim mention by NAME and we have Sunnatu Allah

mention by NAME. Why can't you do the same for Sunnatu Rasoolullah or

Sunnah of Muhammad or Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)?

October 30 at 9:16pm · Edited · Like


Sammy Hossain What do you mean why I can't do the same? I'm not

understanding your question to be honest

October 30 at 9:18pm via mobile · Like


Rehaan Waseem This guy just runs and hides and diverts conversations just like

all the other hadith rejectors. Once he gets cornered, he just refuses to answer.

You can see that from both of my posts

October 30 at 9:22pm via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain the simple question is easy...

If you saying that the Prophet Muhammad received revelations other than Qur'an

such as Nataq-un-Nabi (Speech of Nabi or Sunnatu Rasoolullah then produce the

clear ayat telling us:

(1) We are suppose to follow Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/ Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’


(2) We will get guidance from Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ or

(3) We are suppose to believe in Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ ? or

(4) Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of

Messenger) was revealed or sent down (nazala) to Muhammad by ‘NAME’?

Now I made it clear in terms of what I'm asking you to present or produce. Allah

says if you speak the truth produce the evidence. Where is your evidence from

Qur'an. If I said Allah mentions the millata Ibrahim and tells us throughout the

Qur'an to follow it I can produce the ayat:

"Then We revealed to you, to ittabiʿ (follow) millata ibrahima (the creed of

Ibrahim), ḥanīfan (upright) and he was not of those who associate with Allah."


If I say that Allah mentions His Sunnah throughout the Qur'an yes Sunnah is

mention but it belongs to Allah I can produce the ayat:

"sunnata (That is Our way) for those We had sent before you of Our messengers;

and you will not find lisunnatinā (in Our way) any alteration." 17/77

"sunnata lahi ( This is the established way of Allah) which has occurred before.

And never will you find lisunnati lahi (in the way of Allah) tabdīlan (any

change)." 48/23

So again, here we have Millta Ibrahim mention by NAME and we have Sunnatu

Allah mention by NAME. Why can't you do the same for Sunnatu Rasoolullah or

Sunnah of Muhammad or Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)?

October 30 at 9:22pm · Like


Khidr Amari Why does Allah play a mystery game with the Prophet's Sunnah not

mentioned at all yet we have to figure it out and say 'obey the messenger' or

'follow the example' bla bla bla why can't you just produce one clear ayat telling

us to follow the Sunnatu Rasoolullah or believe in the Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of

Nabi) as Divine Revelation? Does Allah run out of words?

October 30 at 9:24pm · Like


Sammy Hossain You've mentioned is earlier on. "Verily there is beautiful

example for you in the messenger of Allah"

October 30 at 9:27pm via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain again does this mean that the example of the

Prophet is not found in the Best Hadith, the Qur'an? Or should I put down the

Qur'an and go pick up tons of volumes of contridictory Hadith between Sunnis

and Shites.

October 30 at 9:30pm · Like


Khidr Amari Is not this beautiful pattern not found in the Qur'an?

October 30 at 9:31pm · Like


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain let us not jump ship back to my previous post:

uswatun hasanah/excellent example does not say to follow Nataq-un-Nabi”

(Speech of Nabi)/ Sunnatu Rasoolullah.

Sammy Hossain the simple question is easy...

If you saying that the Prophet Muhammad received revelations other than Qur'an

such as Nataq-un-Nabi (Speech of Nabi or Sunnatu Rasoolullah then produce the

clear ayat telling us:

(1) We are suppose to follow Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/ Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’


(2) We will get guidance from Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ or

(3) We are suppose to believe in Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ ? or

(4) Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of

Messenger) was revealed or sent down (nazala) to Muhammad by ‘NAME’?

Now I made it clear in terms of what I'm asking you to present or produce. Allah

says if you speak the truth produce the evidence. Where is your evidence from

Qur'an. If I said Allah mentions the millata Ibrahim and tells us throughout the

Qur'an to follow it I can produce the ayat:

"Then We revealed to you, to ittabiʿ (follow) millata ibrahima (the creed of

Ibrahim), ḥanīfan (upright) and he was not of those who associate with Allah."


If I say that Allah mentions His Sunnah throughout the Qur'an yes Sunnah is

mention but it belongs to Allah I can produce the ayat:

"sunnata (That is Our way) for those We had sent before you of Our messengers;

and you will not find lisunnatinā (in Our way) any alteration." 17/77

"sunnata lahi ( This is the established way of Allah) which has occurred before.

And never will you find lisunnati lahi (in the way of Allah) tabdīlan (any

change)." 48/23

So again, here we have Millta Ibrahim mention by NAME and we have Sunnatu

Allah mention by NAME. Why can't you do the same for Sunnatu Rasoolullah or

Sunnah of Muhammad or Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)?

October 30 at 9:34pm · Like


Sammy Hossain Its not. "Beautiful example" is left general. So that means an

example for everything. From waking up in the morning to using the bathroom.

Can you show me that in the Quran?

There are no contradictions in Hadith. Sunnis and shias are totally different. You

can not compare the two.

October 30 at 9:36pm · Like · 1


Khidr Amari "And who turns away from millati ibrahima (the creed of Ibrahim)

except him who befools himself? Truly, We chose him in this world and verily, in

the Hereafter he will be among the righteous." 2/130

Again, Sammy Hossain this does not answer the question at all. You can't use

==> uswatun hasanah/excellent example <== to say this mean to follow the

Sunnah. You are INFERRING, ASSUMING based upon no clear evidence.

Allah says in Surah 33/21

"Indeed, in the messenger of Allah us'watun ḥasanatun (a good example) has been

set for you for he who seeks Allah and the Last Day and thinks constantly about


What about Prophet Ibrahim Allah tells us clearly once again Prophet Ibrahim is

mentioned by NAME as millata Ibrahim and also having uswatun

hasana/excellent example:

"Indeed, there is for you us'watun ḥasanatun (a good example) in Ibrahim and

those with him when they said to their people: Surely we are clear of you and of

what you serve besides Allah; we declare ourselves to be clear of you, and enmity

and hatred have appeared between us and you forever until you believe in Allah

alone-- but not in what Ibrahim said to his father: I would certainly ask

forgiveness for you, and I do not control for you aught from Allah-- Our Lord! on

Thee do we rely, and to Thee do we turn, and to Thee is the eventual coming."

Also in Surah 60/6

"In them, indeed, you have us'watun ḥasanatun (a good example) for everyone

who looks forward to Allah and the Last Day. And if any turns away, Allah is

truly self-sufficient, the One to whom all praise is due."

Now Allah says that Prophet Muhammad, Prophet Ibrahim and his followers in

them we have us'watun hasanatun (a good example) so how can you put Prophet

Muhammad above any other Prophet of Allah.

Let us go a bit deeper its amazing how you say the Prophet Muhammad is the best

example yet you can't produce one ayat telling us to follow the Sunnatu

Rasoolullah/Sunnah of the Messenger of the Sunnah of Muhammad.

Yet, Allah informs us that Prophet Muhammad was instructed to follow who, the

Millata Ibrahim. Now why is this a problem for those who seem to want to

worship Muhammad? Why is the Prophet Muhammad being instructed to follow

another Prophet of Allah?

This is clear that Prophet Muhammad did not bring anything new of his own.

Why is the Millata Ibrahim mentioned throughout the Qur'an and not one time

does Allah mention in a clear ayat to follow the Sunnatu Rasoolullah or Sunnah of

the Messenger or Sunnah of Muhammad?

Allah says,

"Then We inspired to you: "You shall ittabiʿ (follow) millata ibrahima (the way of

Ibrahim), ḥanīfan (upright), and he was not of those who set up partners." 16/123

The infinitive imla’ meaning ‘to dictate’, contains the notion of something which

is dictated from any divine or undivine, mighty or unmighty, holy or non-holy

source. The word milla in its religious sense means a way, a path, or a cult which

is dictated and presented by a divine or perhaps undivine leader or group. Both

cases have been exemplified in the Qur’an:

"Who would abandon millati ib'rāhīma (the creed of Ibrahim) except one who

fools himself? We have selected him in this world, and in the Hereafter, he is of

the reformers." 2/130

Again, Allah is instructing the Prophet Muhammad to call to the millata Ibrahim

(the way of Ibrahim):

"Say, " Allah has told the truth. fa-ittabiʿū (then follow) millata ibrahima (the way

of Ibrahim) inclining toward truth; and he was not of the polytheists." 3/95

"And who is fairer dīnan (in the way) of life than he who submitted his face to

Allah and he is one who is a doer of good wa-ittabaʿa (and follows) millata

ibrahima (the way of Ibrahim), ḥanīfan (upright)? And Allah took Ibrahim to

Himself khalīlan (as a friend)." 4/125

Prophet Yusuf abandoned millita (the way) of his people who didn't belief in

Allah along with rejecting the hereafter:

He said: "There is not any provision of food that will come to you except that I

will tell you of its interpretation before it comes. That is from what my Lord has

taught me. I have just left millata (the way) qawmin (of a people) who do not

believe in Allah, and they are rejecting the Hereafter." 12/37

Again and again we are told by Allah in His Book, the Qur'an to follow what, is it

the Sunnatu Rasoolulllah or the Millata Ibrahim? Prophet Yusuf tells them clearly

who he follows:

Allah says,

"wa-ittabaʿtu (And I follow) millata (the way) ābāī (of my fathers): ib'rāhīma,

Isaac, and Jacob. It was not for us to set up partners with God at all. That is

Allah's blessings over us and over the people, but most of the people are not

thankful." 12/38

All of the above ayats indicates that at Ibrahim’s milla as a divine path and or

way. Hence, since a divine path like that of Ibrahim was revealed and dictated by

Allah, it is called milla in the sense that it is a dictated path that should be

followed by the adherents of that divine dinan (manner of conduct). In either case,

milla in its divine sense is also attributed to the prophet or to the leader of a dinan


Thus, milla in its most elementary concept is employed to mean path, rite or

system itself, as it may be applicable to people who follow that rite or way.Allah

instructs us to struggle in His way, and also from Allah Himself tells us that our

millatat (the way) is the way of our father Ibrahim. Thus, people are requested to

recognize and practice the divine way of the prophet Ibrahim:

Allah says,

"And struggle for Allah in a true struggling. He elected you and made not for you

in your way of life any impediment. It is millata abīkum ib'rāhīma (the way of

your father Ibrahim). He named you mus'limīna (the ones who submit) to Allah

before and in this Recitation that the Messenger be a witness over you and you are

witnesses over humanity. So perform the formal prayer and give the purifying

alms and cleave firmly to Allah. He is your Defender. How excellent a Defender

and how excellent a Helper!" 22/78

"Say, ‘My Lord hadānī (has guided me) to ṣirāṭin (a path) mus'taqīmin (straight),

dīnan (system) qiyaman (correct) millata ib'rāhīma (the way of Ibrahim), ḥanīfan

(upright). He was not a polytheist." 6/161

Again and and again Prophet Ibrahim is mentioned by NAME where is this

Sunnatu Rasoolullah?

October 30 at 9:45pm · Edited · Like


Khidr Amari Oh yes I can compare both SECTS claim to follow the authentic

Hadith and Sunnah yet both SECTS rejects each others authenticity. Both sects

are confused about their narrations yet we have one man, Prophet Muhammad

with a clear DIVISION over who he was and what he left.

October 30 at 9:47pm · Like


Khidr Amari Does Allah run out of words?

October 30 at 9:51pm · Like


Khidr Amari The Prophet Muhammad once again did not come with a new

dinan/system or 'millata/way or sunnah'. The Prophet Muhammad only followed

what was revealed to him from his Lord which was the Qur'an alone. The Prophet

Muhammad also followed the Millata Ibrahim and did not come with a Sunnah of

his own.

October 30 at 9:55pm · Edited · Like


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain said, Its not. "Beautiful example" is left general. So

that means an example for everything. From waking up in the morning to using

the bathroom. Can you show me that in the Quran? There are no contradictions in

Hadith. Sunnis and shias are totally different. You can not compare the two.


What does it mean to ‘ittibaa/follow?’ Does ‘ittibaa/follow mean to follow the

messenger in all his

1) private matters and

2) hobbies

Does ittibaa/follow mean to follow the messenger when he committed mistakes

and we should do the same and so on?

Some Muslims have been indoctrinated to believe that ‘Obey the Messenger’

means to follow Hadith of Sahih Bukhari and company and I know it’s hard to

digest this.

“He who obeys the Messenger has indeed obeyed Allaah . . .” [al-Nisaa’ 4:80]

I cannot imagine for one second that a great man like the Prophet Muhammad

went around telling people to literally be like him in his personal life.

Would Allah send any Prophet to tell his people to:

1) to look him,

2) act like him,

3) dress like him,

4) think like him,

4) eat like him,

5) sleep like him,

6) drink like him,

7) urinate like him

make love like him

9) stand like him

10 walk like him

11) brush our teeth like him

12) take off our shoes like him

Is this not extreme to obey a human being when Allah tells us not to make any

distinctions from His Prophets? Allah says no Prophet would come and say be a

worshiper but they would call to the worship of Allah. We are told not to make

any distinctions between Allah's Prophets:

“The Apostle believeth in what hath been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the

men of faith. Each one (of them) believeth in Allah, His angels, His books, and

His apostles. "We make no ‘nufarriqu’ (distinction) between one and another of

His (Allah's) apostles." And they say: "We hear, and we obey: (We seek) Thy

forgiveness, our Lord, and to Thee is the end of all journeys." [2:285]

“Say ye: "We believe in Allah, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham,

Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that

given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no ‘nufarriqu’ (distinction)

between one and another of them: And we bow to Allah (in Islam)." [2:136]

“ ‘Qul’ Say, ‘mā’ (not) ‘kuntu’ (I am) ‘bid'an’ (a new one) ‘mina’ (among) ‘l-

rusuli’ (the Messengers) I have no idea what will happen to me or to you. I only

follow what is revealed to me. I am no more than a profound warner." [46:9]

Honestly, we have to ask ourselves does Allah truly want us to be exactly like the

Prophet Muhammad? Sitting on the toiled, eating with our right hand, walking in

the masjid with our right foot?

Is this what Allah wants from us?

Even Allah Himself says that piety is not turning one's face to the east or the west

(i.e. outward actions) but piety is to be a believer, to be kind, charitable, patient


October 30 at 10:07pm · Edited · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Khidr I answered from Quran, on the other u should haveproof

from Quran saying his speech is not wahi! If you don't have proof please don't

open ur mouth, like the Quran says then give ur proof if u are truthful... So what's

ur proof???

Secondly u said don't worry what version I read totally trying to ignore my

question, coward running away when his butts on fire? This is a debate bro what u

mean don't worry?!?!?!?

October 30 at 10:59pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Up until now u haven't answered my questions, what's ur proof

that Allah didn't call prophets speech wahi, I gave mine from Quran directly that

what the prophets speaks of his wahi. What's ur proof bro???? And secondly

what's the first Surah in the Quran u read and what's the last Surah?

October 30 at 11:01pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Please answer my question and don't tell me don't worry about

it, cuz if u do intellectuals consider that a defeat!

October 30 at 11:02pm via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari 66:1 O you prophet, why do you make unlawful what God has made

lawful for you, seeking to please your wives? God is Forgiver, Merciful.

Mufti Taha Khan Allah said that the Prophet made unlawful what Allah made

lawful was this wahi?

October 30 at 11:28pm · Like


Khidr Amari I been answered and refuted your questions a wow ago now answer

my question.

October 30 at 11:29pm · Like


Sammy Hossain Here's something I advice you read. It'll help you clear out all

your cobwebs.

Btw I'd like the link to where you get all your info.

The Authority of Sunnah

In October 1989, I was invited to present a paper on the “ Authority of Sunnah”

i...See More

October 30 at 11:55pm via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain I rather think for myself thank you very much.

October 30 at 11:56pm · Like


Sammy Hossain Here's another one. Consider it a bonus.


Muftisays Islamic Forums :: Ruling On Those Who Reject Ahadith

We spend hundreds of hours ensuring you receive a quality service from this

site...See More

October 30 at 11:59pm via mobile · Like · 2


Khidr Amari I advise you to read this one HADITH A RE-EVALUATION By

Kassim Ahmad

October 31 at 12:00am · Like


Sammy Hossain Mmmm is that what you read? I though u preferred to think for


October 31 at 12:02am · Like · 3


Sammy Hossain Btw is that your main source? Cuz if its not then I'd like the link

to your main source.

October 31 at 12:06am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan I answered ur question long time ago, where ever Allah corrects

the Nabi, what the prophet saw said that time was not wahi, what ever the prophet

said and Allah did not refute it is wahi

October 31 at 12:07am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan My question: Allah made mistakes too, first he says something

and then he says no it's this way, I can give u 10 plus examples, so is the Quran

reliable to u now or it's not.. I'm using the same example cuz u said the prophet

made mistakes so he is not reliable, so my question is that allah made mistakes to,

now is the Quran still reliable to u?

October 31 at 12:12am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari You give me i give you back I have read the Qur'an thoroughly for


October 31 at 12:12am · Like


Khidr Amari lol nah my main sourse is the Best Hadith, The Qur'an

October 31 at 12:12am · Like


Khidr Amari Can you please answer my question....the Prophet made something

unlawful so as Allah says:

66:1 O you prophet, why do you make unlawful what God has made lawful for

you, seeking to please your wives? God is Forgiver, Merciful.

Mufti Taha Khan Allah said that the Prophet made unlawful what Allah made

lawful was this wahi why did Allah correct him in the Divine Revelation ==>

Wahi <== given to him?

October 31 at 12:14am · Edited · Like


Mufti Taha Khan I can also prove that the Quran apparently contradicts itself, in

one place Allah says he created the sky before earth, while in another place he

says he created the earth before the sky? I'm saying this cuz u said the Hadith

contradicts itself, so with all this is the Quran reliable or not??????

October 31 at 12:16am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Why or why not!?

October 31 at 12:16am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Answer my question Mufti Taha Khan

66:1 O you prophet, why do you make unlawful what God has made lawful for

you, seeking to please your wives? God is Forgiver, Merciful.

Mufti Taha Khan Allah said that the Prophet made unlawful what Allah made

lawful was this wahi?

October 31 at 12:17am · Like


Khidr Amari Yes or no

October 31 at 12:17am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Are u blind, scroll up and see the answer, no answer my


October 31 at 12:18am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Till now u haven't answered ANY of my questions!

October 31 at 12:19am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan So answer my question now

October 31 at 12:19am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan That the Quran contradicts itself and he keeps changing what he

said, I'm using ur logic, so is the Quran reliable to u or not?

October 31 at 12:21am via mobile · Like


Sammy Hossain There's still one last question I had which you haven't answered.

If this message is so clear indeed then why did we only stumble upon it a 100 yrs

ago? What happened to the companions of the prophet. What about every1 after


Another thing I'd like to ask is that, considering your statement of Nabi (saw)

speech not being wahi and that it is not any sort of substantial proof, then why

even believe him in the first place? How do we know that Nabi (saw) has actually

given us the entire Quran? What if He threw in a verse of two of His own?

And plz, I'd like straight answers. Not a bunch of ayahs and then have me figure

out exactly what it is that you're trying to say.

October 31 at 12:32am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan said, I can also prove that the Quran apparently

contradicts itself, in one place Allah says he created the sky before earth, while in

another place he says he created the earth before the sky? I'm saying this cuz u

said the Hadith contradicts itself, so with all this is the Quran reliable or not??????

Mufti, you haven't answered my question also you claim the Qur'an contradicts

itself you need to seriously consider reevaluating your belief.

October 31 at 12:33am · Like


Khidr Amari Remember Mufti you said:

"Khidr I answered from Quran, on the other u should haveproof from Quran

saying his speech is not wahi! If you don't have proof please don't open ur mouth,

like the Quran says then give ur proof if u are truthful... So what's ur proof???

Secondly u said don't worry what version I read totally trying to ignore my

question, coward running away when his butts on fire? This is a debate bro what u

mean don't worry?!?!?!?"

So you have not answered my question you wanted me to have proof from Qur'an

about his speech/action not being WAHI so there you have it.

Can you please answer my question....the Prophet made something unlawful so as

Allah says:

66:1 O you prophet, why do you make unlawful what God has made lawful for

you, seeking to please your wives? God is Forgiver, Merciful.

Mufti Taha Khan Allah said that the Prophet made unlawful what Allah made

lawful was this wahi why did Allah correct him in the Divine Revelation ==>

Wahi <== given to him?

October 31 at 12:35am · Edited · Like


Mufti Taha Khan I answered ur question.. Scroll up... Now Allah also contradicts

himself also he changes things like first pray to Jerusalem then sorry turn to the

Kaaba and many more.. So is the Quran reliable to u with all this?

October 31 at 12:38am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan you have not answered any of my questions what

games are you playing?

October 31 at 12:55am · Like


Khidr Amari You saying the Qur'an contradicts itself you have problems with

your belief....answer my question...

October 31 at 12:56am · Like


Khidr Amari Can you please answer my question....the Prophet made something

unlawful so as Allah says:

66:1 O you prophet, why do you make unlawful what God has made lawful for

you, seeking to please your wives? God is Forgiver, Merciful.

Mufti Taha Khan Allah said that the Prophet made unlawful what Allah made

lawful was this wahi why did Allah correct him in the Divine Revelation ==>

Wahi <== given to him?

October 31 at 12:56am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Lemme answer again, wherever Allah corrected him like this

ayah u mentioned was not wahi, but Allah guided his prophet to what was right

and that was the end of it, everything Else Allah didn't correct is wahi, the proof

for that is that Allah simply didn't correct him elsewhere, if all was rubbish what

prophet was sayin and Allah didn't correct it, then Allah did not do his job

correctly, he could have corrected him while he was making mistakes, also

another proof is that with those errors Allah never told the prophet to shut up or

stop talking!

October 31 at 1:04am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Now don't say I never answered, read it carefully

October 31 at 1:04am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Now answer my question buddy, Allah apparently contradicts

himself. He says he created the earth before the sky, then in Surah naziat he says

he created the sky before the earth? Isn't this a clear contradiction! Then also he

says face here then he says no face Kaaba? So is this Devine revelation acceptable

to u or not?

October 31 at 1:09am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan So again my answer is ontop of this comment, and my question

follows here, for Allan's sake don't say I never answered..

October 31 at 1:10am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Hold on Mufti Taha Khan

Remember FIRST Mufti you said:

"Khidr I answered from Quran, on the other u should haveproof from Quran

saying his speech is not wahi! If you don't have proof please don't open ur mouth,

like the Quran says then give ur proof if u are truthful... So what's ur proof???

Now Mufti says:

Lemme answer again, wherever Allah corrected him like this ayah u mentioned

was not wahi, but Allah guided his prophet to what was right and that was the end

of it, everything Else Allah didn't correct is wahi, the proof for that is that Allah

simply didn't correct him elsewhere, if all was rubbish what prophet was sayin

and Allah didn't correct it, then Allah did not do his job correctly, he could have

corrected him while he was making mistakes, also another proof is that with those

errors Allah never told the prophet to shut up or stop talking!


So now Mufti ADMITS that everything the Prophet said WAS NOT Wahi/Divine

Revelation. This here along proves my point. Regardless if Allah guided the

Prophet to what was right that is not what is in dispute. Point is Mufti, you said

that I should have proof from Qur'an to prove that his personal speech or

everything the Prophet said and did was not ALWAYS according to Wahi/Divine


Another example:

9:43 Allah pardons you; why did you give them leave before it became clear to

you who are truthful, and who are lying?

Again, Allah correct the Prophet for him given them leave before it became clear

that they were hypocrites this was not according to wahi/Divine Revelation.

"Say: I follow only that which is inspired in me from my Sustainer. This (Qur'an)

is insight from your Sustainer, and a guidance and a mercy for a people that

believe. And when the Qur'an is recited, give ear to it and pay heed, that ye may

obtain mercy." (7:203-204)

See we see from the Bayyinat (Clear Evidence) that whatever Nabi spoke was not

revelation, as otherwise Allah would not have identified this aspect when He says:

<Wa iza_ lam ta'tihim bi a_yatin> "

"And when thou bringest not a verse for them"

If everything spoken by Nabi were revelation Allah would never have said the

above as everything uttered by Nabi would have then already be revelations from

Allah. Also notice in verse 203, it is confirmed that whatever Nabi spoke again

dealing with the ==> Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) <== was not revelation

why because in verse 204, it is being urged that when the Qur’an is being recited

then it should be listened to attentively, thus indicating that it is the Qur’an which

is the only revelation of Allah.

Why not study the Qur'an carefully? We have in Surah At-Tahrim, it is mentioned

that Nabi made something

prohibited on himself, which Allah had made permissible. Does this sound like

wahi ==> Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) <==

Allah says

"O Nabi! why do you forbid (yourself) that which Allah has made lawful for you;

you seek to please your wives; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." (66:1)

In the above ayat again confirms that whatever Nabi did or acted upon was not

entirely revelation, but he also acted upon his own initiative, otherwise the

admonition from Allah would not have come in which it is said:

<lima tuhar rimu ma_ ahal lal la_hu laka>

"why do you forbid (yourself) that which Allah has made lawful for you"

From the Qur'an and from Mufti admitting the truth we have the Bayyinat (Clear

Evidence) that the Nabi also made decisions on ==> his own and acted on his own

<== initiative at times instead of the revelation of Allah, and thus proves that all

the decisions and actions of Nabi and the ==> Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)

<== were not "wahi" or revelation of Allah.

October 31 at 1:25am · Edited · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Khidr, ur missing the point that Allah corrected him, a builder

constructs a highway, it breaks in the middle, someone else fixes it, according to

intellectuals the highway is complete, according to u it's not!

October 31 at 1:30am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Are u on a bed in the mental hospital typing all this?

October 31 at 1:31am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Again I answered the question, please do tell me what I didn't


October 31 at 1:32am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan PLEASE answer my question now,

October 31 at 1:32am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Is the Quran reliable to you or not with the same type of errors

Allah made?

October 31 at 1:32am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Don't run from our questions

October 31 at 1:33am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan The same errors the prophet made*

October 31 at 1:34am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan your missing the point EVERYTHING the

Prophet said and did was not ALWAYS according to Wahi/Divine Revelation.

October 31 at 1:37am · Like


Khidr Amari That is why were are not suppose to follow the personal Nataq-un-

Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) but the when he spoke the Wahi/Divine Revelation from

Allah is what we are suppose to obey and follow which was the Qur'an.

October 31 at 1:38am · Like


Khidr Amari You asked me for proof I proved it

October 31 at 1:38am · Like


Khidr Amari There are not ERRORS in Qur'an.

October 31 at 1:39am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Khidr. There are way over a billion ahadith, the prophet makes

about 10 errors that Allah CORRECTED, but now even u believe that the rest

where Allah didn't say anything about or didn't correct is wahi!

October 31 at 1:40am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Another question now, what Allah didn't correct from the

prophet saw speech, is that speech wahi to u or not?

October 31 at 1:41am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan the Prophet was HUMAN.

October 31 at 1:41am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari We are not told to follow his human speech or actions we are told to

follow the MESSENGER which his duty was to deliver the MESSAGE. Why

doesn't Allah correct him as a MESSENGER any where throughout the Qur'an?

October 31 at 1:42am · Like


Khidr Amari As a Prophet he was corrected but never do you see as a

MESSENGER any ayat him being corrected...

October 31 at 1:43am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Question not answered, Allah knew the prophet was speaking

about things that were not in Quran like how to pray and stuff, the things he said

without wahi that were wrong Allah corrected, we both agree up to here, my

concern are those sayings of the prophet that Allah did NOT correct, what is the

status of those according to u? Answer just the question please

October 31 at 1:46am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Prophet didn't receive the revelations outside the Quran.

October 31 at 1:51am · Like · 3


Khidr Amari ‘The prophet’ is Muhammad; the man himself, in his life, in his

private affairs, in his social relations with those around him, and in his human

conduct. Owing to his human conduct, he was susceptible to rebuke from God

Almighty. For this reason, he used to be rebuked in his capacity as a prophet, e.g.

1) “O you prophet, why do you prohibit what God has made lawful for you, just

to please your wives?… (66:1)”.

Allah also says on the subject of the prisoners of war of the battle of Badr,

“No prophet shall acquire captives, unless he participates in the fighting. You

people are seeking the materials of this world, while Allah advocates the

Hereafter… (8:67)”.

Allah also says to him,

“Even the prophet cannot take more of the spoils of war than he is entitled to.

Anyone who takes more than his rightful share will have to account for it on the

Day of Resurrection… (3:161)”.

And when he sought forgiveness for some of his relatives, our Lord said to him

“Neither the prophet, nor those who believe shall ask forgiveness for the idol

worshipers, even if they were their nearest of kin, once they realize that they are

destined for Hell. (9:113)”.

Concerning a very hard battle the believers fought, the Allah says

“Allah has redeemed the prophet, and the immigrants (Muhãjireen) and the

supporters who hosted them and gave them refuge (Ansãr), who followed him

during the difficult times. That is when the hearts of some of them almost

wavered… (9:117)”.

Allah also said, instructing the prophet to be reverent of Him, and to follow the

revelation, and to trust in Him, and in prohibiting him from obeying the

disbelievers, He said

“O you prophet, you shall reverence God and do not obey the disbelievers and the

hypocrites. God is Omniscient, Most Wise. Follow what is revealed to you from

your Lord. God is fully Cognizant of everything you all do. And put your trust in

God… (33:1-3)”. All this is addressing him as a prophet.'

The Quranic discussion about the relationship between Muhammad and his wives

– who are the mothers of the believers – also addresses him as a prophet,

“O prophet, say to your wives, “If you are seeking this life and its vanities, then

let me compensate you and allow you to go amicably. (33:28)”, and

“The prophet had trusted some of his wives with a certain statement… (66:3)”.

The Quran was addressing the mothers of the believers, however, it didn’t say

==> ‘O wives of the messenger’ <== its always rather, it said

“O wives of the prophet, if any of you commits a gross sin, the retribution will be

doubled for her. This is easy for God to do. (33:30)”, and

“O wives of the prophet, you are not the same as any other women… (33:32)”.

Hence, the discussion about his relationship with the people around him also

addresses him as a prophet,

“O prophet, tell your wives, your daughters, and the wives of the believers that

they shall lengthen their garments… (33:59)”, and

“The prophet is closer to the believers than they are to each other, and his wives

are like mothers to them… (33:6)”, and

“O you who believe, do not enter the prophet’s homes unless you are given

permission to eat… (33:53)” and

“…Others made up excuses to the prophet: “Our homes are vulnerable,”…

(33:13)”, and so on.

In light of this, ‘the prophet’ is Muhammad the man, in his behaviour, in his

private and public social relations, for this reason, he was addressed as the

prophet to follow the revelation.

Now Mufti Taha Khan when the prophet speaks with the Quran from

WAHI/DIVINE REVELATION, he is the messenger who should be obeyed for

the sake of Allah,

“We did not send any messenger except to be obeyed in accordance with God’s

will… (4:64)”, and “Whoever obeys the messenger is obeying God… (4:80)”.

The prophet Muhammad as a human was the first to obey the Quranic revelation,

and the first to implement it on himself. Whenever the prophet himself was

ordered to follow the revelation, the instruction came to obey the messenger, that

is, to obey the prophet when he spoke using the message, i.e. the Quran,

“Say, “Obey God, and obey the messenger.”… (24:54)”.

There does not occur ==> a single instance <== in the Quran of Allah saying

‘Obey Allah, and obey the prophet.’

Obeying the Nabi would mean obeying ==> "Nataq-un-Nabi" (Speech of Nabi)

<== the human speech of the Prophet Muhammad.

This is because obedience is not due to the prophet who is a human, but it is due

to the message, i.e. the messenger, i.e. the word of Allah which was revealed to

the prophet, and which the prophet was the first to obey.

Hence, there does not occur a single instance in the Quran of the messenger being

rebuked or corrected because the Prophet Muhammad as the messenger only

conveyed the wahi/divine revelation.

October 31 at 1:52am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan I was gonna say this later after u answer my questions but u

didn't, imma show u and talpur that Allah revealed to him something, but that

something is not discussed in the Quran showing u that Allah revealed to him

things that are not in the Quran

October 31 at 1:59am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan I have already proved you wrong. You have to

produce the Bayyinat (Clear Evidence) from Qur'an that the Prophet received

MORE THAN THE QUR'AN. I have the clear evidence proving he only recevied

Qur'an alone without quesiton so please if your going to provide us with

assummptions please study the Qur'an more carefully.

October 31 at 2:04am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Check Surah tahreem in the 28 juz, ayah number 3: Allah says

that he shared something with him... Later in the verse he quotes the prophet that

he said my lord told me.. Check the ayah before opening ur mouth. This verse

clearly tells us there were things Allah told the prophet and didn't share it with


October 31 at 2:06am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan that does not mean anything at all in terms of

bringing it to the WORLD. It wasn't for the WORLD to know about certain

personal matters. This wasn't Wahi/Divine Revelation that was suppose to be

conveyed to the WORLD if he did not convey it to the WORLD he would not be

doing his job as a MESSENGER.

"the duty of the Messenger is nothing but to convey (the message). And Allah

knows all that you reveal and all that you conceal." 5/99

"Whether We show you part of what We have promised them or cause you to die,

your duty is only to convey (the message) and on Us is the reckoning." 13/40

"And We sent not a Messenger except with the language of his people, in order

that he might make (the message) clear for them. then Allah misleads whom He

wills and guides whom He wills. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise." 14/4

"This is a message for mankind (and a clear proof against them), in order that they

may be warned thereby, and that they may know that He is the only One Ilah

(God - Allah) - (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah) - and that men of

understanding may take heed." 14/52

"therefore proclaim openly that which you are commanded, and turn away from

Al-Mushrikun." 15/94

"then, if they turn away, your duty is only to convey (the message) in a clear

way." 16/82

"Say: "Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, but if you turn away, he is only

responsible for the duty placed on him (i.e. to convey Allah's message) and you

for that placed on you. If you obey him, you shall be on the right guidance. the

Messenger's duty is only to convey (the message) in a clear way." 24/54

"And if you deny, then nations before you have denied (their Messengers). And

the duty of the Messenger is only to convey (the message) plainly." 29/18

Mufti if your alluding to Allah giving the Messenger other revelations and he hid

the message from the people once again he would have failed in his duty as a

messenger. So its clear whatever you are referring to that was between Allah, the

Messenger and his wives wasn't for us to know. The Prophet did his job as a

Messenger by delievering the message, the Qur'an.

Allah confirms:

"Messenger, proclaim everything that has been sent down to you from your Lord-

if you do not, then you will not have communicated His message- and God will

protect you from people. God does not guide those who defy Him." 5/67

October 31 at 2:41am · Edited · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Second example of that: Surah baqarah ayah number 142: Allah

says they will say what had turned them away from the qiblah they used to face?

No where in the Quran does it say where they used to face? So what was Allah

referring to and give evidence for it

October 31 at 2:08am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Third example: Allah says in Surah jummah ayah number 9: oh

people of faith, when u are called for Jumma prayer then rush to the Jumma. What

does he mean by calling for jummah? Quran dosent speak of it, ur gonna have to

tell me something besides azaan because that's what Hadith tells us. Please do

provide answers for these verses in the QURAN and what Allah means in them

October 31 at 2:12am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan It either gonna have to tell me what Allah was referring to or

according to u then the Quran has unpacked holes in it cuz why would Allah share

something but won't discuss it, that defeats the purpose of the QURAN, because

Allah sent it so we practice it and seek guidance from it

October 31 at 2:15am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Wow! Too much stuff for u lets slow it down... Allah said when

u r called to Jumma then rush towards it, my question to u is what was that

calling.. Cuz I like what ur saying that Quran is enough, so I wanna know what

Allah means by "when u r called"?

October 31 at 2:21am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Answer accordingly

October 31 at 2:22am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan No one calls me for jummah!

October 31 at 2:26am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan again and again you can try to say this and that

was not revealed and that the Prophet was given secret revelation which is not

validated by the Qur'an your facing a losing battle.

"You who have iman! when nūdiya (the call is made) to salat on the Day of

Jumu‘a, hasten to the remembrance of Allah and abandon trade. That is better for

you if you only knew." 62/9

The same word is used:

"yunādūnahum (They will call them), "Were we not with you?" They will say,

"Yes, but you afflicted yourselves and awaited [misfortune for us] and doubted,

and wishful thinking deluded you until there came the command of Allah. And

the Deceiver deceived you concerning Allah." 57/14

"Then be patient for the decision of your Lord, and be not like the companion of

the fish when nādā (he called out) while he was distressed." 68/48

The call can be any call in terms of calling to Allah on the Day of Assembly. You

want me to provide evidence but you have yet to provide me with my answers.

Any of the believers calling out relating the verses of Allah reminding us of Allah

we should always assemble or gather together.

Allah says the remembrance of Allah hearts find rest:

"Those who believed and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah:

verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest ." 13/28

"O you who believe! Let not your properties or your children divert you from the

remembrance of Allah. And whosoever does that, then they are the losers." 63/9

Allah placed His remembrance above salaat in value by making salaat the means

and remembrance the goal. Allah says,

"Lo! Worship guards one from lewdness and iniquity, but verily, remembrance of

Allah is greater/more important." (29:45)

"He is successful who purifies himself, and remembers the name of his Lord, and

so prays." (87:14-15)

"So establish salaat for My remembrance." (20:14)

So any call that is made rather it be rehearsing the ayats of Allah, peforming

righteous actions for the pleasure of Allah is a call to come togther.

Can you please answer my points if you speak the truth be honest and just say you

don't have the answers.



(1) We are suppose to follow Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/ Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’


(2) We will get guidance from Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ or

(3) We are suppose to believe in Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ ? or

(4) Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of

Messenger) was revealed or sent down (nazala) to Muhammad by ‘NAME’?

Do you have the ANSWERS yes or no? If you give me a clear answer we can

move on.

October 31 at 4:52am · Edited · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Look I will answer this question of urs aswell, but my simple

question is ur claim is that we don't need sunnah and Hadith, my simple question

now is what calling is Allah referring to? Is it a phone call from Allah we are to

receive before jummah, a text or what...

October 31 at 4:52am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Because according to u we don't need sunnah and the Quran is

enough! Allah is saying when u are CALLED! So what is this calling!

October 31 at 4:54am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari I just answered your questions Mufti Taha Khan as i have answered

many of others please answer mines stop beating around the bush.

October 31 at 4:55am · Like


Khidr Amari Do you have the Bayyinat (Clear Evidence) validating your Hadith

or Sunnah, yes or no....

October 31 at 4:55am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Please tell me where u answered this question

October 31 at 4:56am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari I'll repost and please answer my question...

October 31 at 4:57am · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan again and again you can try to say this and that

was not revealed and that the Prophet was given secret revelation which is not

validated by the Qur'an your facing a losing battle.

"You who have iman! when nūdiya (the call is made) to salat on the Day of

Jumu‘a, hasten to the remembrance of Allah and abandon trade. That is better for

you if you only knew." 62/9

The same word is used:

"yunādūnahum (They will call them), "Were we not with you?" They will say,

"Yes, but you afflicted yourselves and awaited [misfortune for us] and doubted,

and wishful thinking deluded you until there came the command of Allah. And

the Deceiver deceived you concerning Allah." 57/14

"Then be patient for the decision of your Lord, and be not like the companion of

the fish when nādā (he called out) while he was distressed." 68/48

The call can be any call in terms of calling to Allah on the Day of Assembly. You

want me to provide evidence but you have yet to provide me with my answers.

Any of the believers calling out relating the verses of Allah reminding us of Allah

we should always assemble or gather together.

Allah says the remembrance of Allah hearts find rest:

"Those who believed and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah:

verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest ." 13/28

"O you who believe! Let not your properties or your children divert you from the

remembrance of Allah. And whosoever does that, then they are the losers." 63/9

Allah placed His remembrance above salaat in value by making salaat the means

and remembrance the goal. Allah says,

"Lo! Worship guards one from lewdness and iniquity, but verily, remembrance of

Allah is greater/more important." (29:45)

"He is successful who purifies himself, and remembers the name of his Lord, and

so prays." (87:14-15)

"So establish salaat for My remembrance." (20:14)

So any call that is made rather it be rehearsing the ayats of Allah, peforming

righteous actions for the pleasure of Allah is a call to come togther.

Can you please answer my points if you speak the truth be honest and just say you

don't have the answers.



(1) We are suppose to follow Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/ Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’


(2) We will get guidance from Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ or

(3) We are suppose to believe in Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ ? or

(4) Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of

Messenger) was revealed or sent down (nazala) to Muhammad by ‘NAME’?

Do you have the ANSWERS yes or no? If you give me a clear answer we can

move on.

October 31 at 4:57am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan U said calling of Allah are those verses where it says establish

salah etc, but why is jummah mentioned seperately? Hence u didn't answer the

question... Plus establish salah is an order, but that ayah says the calling is before


October 31 at 4:59am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan I'm not sure if u know what ءادن in the Arabic language means!

October 31 at 5:00am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan U have no idea how to debate. I answer ur questions u say I

didn't, I ask u a question u ask me a diff question..

October 31 at 5:06am via mobile · Like · 3


Mufti Taha Khan Again.. Nida means to call, not order... What's this calling here

October 31 at 5:13am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Can I call u instead cuz u seem to be dodging my questions, I

will then record our convo and throw it here on FB? Give me ur number lemme

call u

October 31 at 5:15am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Again, Mufti Taha Khan,

"You who have iman! when nūdiya (the call is made) to salat on the Day of

Jumu‘a, hasten to the remembrance of Allah and abandon trade. That is better for

you if you only knew." 62/9

It does not have to mean a specific all as I have indicated through other ayats of

Allah with the same word.

"yunādūnahum (They will call them), "Were we not with you?" They will say,

"Yes, but you afflicted yourselves and awaited [misfortune for us] and doubted,

and wishful thinking deluded you until there came the command of Allah. And

the Deceiver deceived you concerning Allah." 57/14

"Then be patient for the decision of your Lord, and be not like the companion of

the fish when nādā (he called out) while he was distressed." 68/48

Whatever type of calling, bringing together to remember Allah and establishing

the Salaat which has various meanings it also means establishing the Divine

System anything we do to call, to bring together believers to remember Allah is

righteous. Jummah can be a day of gathering to read the ayats of Allah, to

remember Allah.

'ruQ eritne eht tuohguorht desu si i اء an.

"And he gathered fanādā (and called out) " 79/23

"wanādā nūḥun (And Noah called) rabbahu (to his Lord) and said, "My Lord,

indeed my son is of my family; and indeed, Your promise is true; and You are the

most just of judges!" 11/45

So you mean to tell me when Allah says,

"You who have iman! when nūdiya (the call is made) to salat on the Day of

Jumu‘a, hasten to the remembrance of Allah and abandon trade. That is better for

you if you only knew." 62/9

There is a specific way we should call to Salaat other than calling to what is good

come on now.

Nun-Dal-Waw/Ya = proclaim, call, summon, invite, call anyone to convey

something, hail, call out, raising the voice, assembly

Allah says,

"ud'ʿu (Invite/call) to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction,

and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of

who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly]

guided." 16/125

"And keep yourself patient [by being] with those who yadʿūna (cal)l upon their

Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking His countenance. And let not your

eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the worldly life, and do not obey

one whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance and who follows

his desire and whose affair is ever [in] neglect." 18/28

Dal-Ayn-Waw = to seek, desire, ask, demand, call upon, invoke, ascribe, cry out,

call out to, pray, supplicate, petition, require, need, summon, invite, assert

The way Allah tells us in both words its clear that calling, inviting to Allah rather

they be believers or non believers is righteous deeds. Jummah is day of assembly

so the calling is before the gathering so whenever we call its a gathering for

rememberance of Allah. Salaat is establishing the Divine System in our lives

along with communicating with Allah with no RITUALS attached.

October 31 at 5:20am · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan I have posted my points you have not answered

one of them yet....



(1) We are suppose to follow Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/ Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’


(2) We will get guidance from Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ or

(3) We are suppose to believe in Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ ? or

(4) Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of

Messenger) was revealed or sent down (nazala) to Muhammad by ‘NAME’?

Do you have the ANSWERS yes or no? If you give me a clear answer we can

move on.

October 31 at 5:21am · Like


Khidr Amari No one has dodged your questions I have answered your questions

time and time again any one can see by our comments you have yet to produce

one ayat telling us to follow or believe in Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/

Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’

October 31 at 5:22am · Like


Khidr Amari I answered your questions Mufti Taha Khan i want a clear cut ayat

like I presented to you showing you Sunnatu Allah and Millata Ibrahim is right in

Qur'an by NAME do the same for ==> Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/

Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’

October 31 at 5:27am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Give me ur number

October 31 at 5:39am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari I'm not giving you my number Mufti Taha Khan we can continue

our discussion right here in the group.

October 31 at 5:42am · Like


Khidr Amari I'm still waiting for the Bayyinat (Clear Evidence) for my four


October 31 at 5:42am · Edited · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Ur scared?

October 31 at 5:45am via mobile · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Subhan Allah after all what we have discussed thus far I'm scared it

seems your running trying to evade my questions.

October 31 at 5:46am · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan Ur doin that here, but can't on a phone

October 31 at 5:48am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Nah I want people to see our discussions on the telephone wouldn't

be approriate it would be you and I just trying to over talk each other having a

pointless discourse. Here is more organize where we both can express ourselves.

October 31 at 5:50am · Like · 3


Mufti Taha Khan We are gonna throw it on FB. And debates are done better when

we can hear each othet

October 31 at 5:53am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Nah, either you continue here or you can forget about it ... can you

refer back to my four points and answer them

October 31 at 5:55am · Like · 1



69:43 A revelation from the Lord of the worlds.

69:44 And had he attributed anything falsely to Us.

69:45 We would have seized him by the right.

69:46 Then, We would have severed his life-line.

69:47 None of you would be able to prevent it.

17:73 And they nearly diverted you from what We inspired to you so that you

would fabricate something different against Us, and then they would have taken

you as a friend!

17:74 And if We had not made you stand firm, you were about to lean towards

them a little bit.

17:75 Then, We would have made you taste double the retribution in this life and

double the retribution in death. And then you would not find for yourself any

victor against Us.

October 31 at 5:59am · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan I'm gonna answer them in a question format... The Quran u

quoted in all the verses u named the ayah numbers and sura number... I want to

know what Quran u use meaning what Surah it starts with?

October 31 at 6:01am via mobile · Like


Ramla Farah we Quran aloners, atheiests? are you kidding me now? do you not

trust in the Quran that much, aithest dont belive in God while those who try to

walk the Quranic path do, the Quran tells us to believe in God, that is a retarded

argument, sorry but I had to put a few cents in

October 31 at 6:04am · Like · 3


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan, I just want clear cut ayats, Bayyinat (Clear

Evidence) like I gave you Millata Ibrahim and Sunnatu Rasoolullah...can you

produce the ayats telling us clearly not assuming, not using inferences... I want to

know can you find the ayats that tells us to follow or believe or use as a form of

guidance or that these were revealed to the Prophet....



(1) We are suppose to follow Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/ Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’


(2) We will get guidance from Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ or

(3) We are suppose to believe in Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ ? or

(4) Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of

Messenger) was revealed or sent down (nazala) to Muhammad by ‘NAME’?

Millata Ibrahim is mentioned by NAME so is Sunntu Allah....Allah does not run

out of words I know you can do the same for Sunnatu Rasoolullah or Nataq-un-

Nabi” (Speech of Nabi).... show us clearly if you can produce one ayat telling us

to follow or believe in these Hadith/Sunnah of Muhammad I'll follow them.

October 31 at 6:07am · Edited · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan The Quran says what ever the prophet gives u then take it and

what he prevents u from refrain from it!

October 31 at 6:18am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur This verse is about the war booty. Not about his sayings.

October 31 at 6:22am · Like · 3


Ramla Farah read the verse with its context Mufti its about war booty, the context

is about war.

October 31 at 6:23am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari I guess Mufti Taha Khan you can't produce the ayat you have to spin

circles around our heads like Christians do believing in inferences indirect ayats

not clear ayats like I have given you that says to follow Millata Ibrahim. That's a

shame that you can't produce one clear ayat telling us to follow the Nataq-un-

Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/ Sunnatu Rasoolullah.

October 31 at 6:24am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Dear idiots, just because its talking about it does not mean it

can't be used as a general rule

October 31 at 6:26am via mobile · Like




59:7 Whatever God bestowed upon His messenger from the people of the towns,

then it shall be to God and His messenger, and the relatives, and the orphans, and

the poor, and the wayfarer. Thus, it will not remain monopolized by the rich

among you. And you may take what the messenger gives you, but do not take

what he prohibits you from taking. And be aware of God, for God is mighty in


October 31 at 6:27am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan And if the contex is the issue to u,, then Allah says follow me

and follow the prophet..

October 31 at 6:28am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Obedience to Allah and his messenger are not two separate

obediences but one obedience.

October 31 at 6:30am · Like · 1


Ramla Farah When the servant of Allah stands calling on Him, they almost swarm

all over him. Say: 'I call only upon my Lord and do not associate anyone else with

Him.' Say: 'I possess no power to do you harm or to guide you right.' Say: 'No one

can protect me from Allah and I will never find any refuge apart from Him –only

in transmitting from Allah and His Messages. As for him who disobeys Allah and

His Messenger, he will have the Fire of Hell, remaining in it timelessly, for ever

and ever.' So that when they see what they were promised, they will know who

has less support and smaller numbers. Say: 'I do not know whether what you are

promised is close or whether my Lord will appoint a longer time before it.'”


And when Our clear communications are recited to them, those who hope not for

Our meeting say: Bring a Qur’an other than this or change it. Say: It is not for me

to change it of myself; I only follow what has been revealed to me; surely I fear, if

I disobey my Lord, the punishment of a mighty day.”


“Say: ‘I am nothing new among the Messengers. I have no idea what will be done

with me or you. I only follow what has been revealed to me. I am only a clear

warner.’” (46:9)

“Say: O people! indeed there has come to you the truth from your Lord (The

Qur’an), therefore whoever receives guidance, he does so only for the good of his

own soul, and whoever goes astray, he goes astray only to the detriment of it, and

I am not a disposer of affairs for you.

And follow what is revealed to you and be patient till Allah should give judgment,

and He is the best of the judges.”


October 31 at 6:30am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari lol now the name calling begins come on Mufti Taha Khan I know

you can do better than that.

October 31 at 6:30am · Like · 2


Khidr Amari Allah does not run out of words Mufti Taha Khan Allah says His

Book is complete, fully detailed and it explains all things in terms of divine


October 31 at 6:31am · Like · 1


Ramla Farah Am I to desire someone other than Allah as a judge when it is He

Who has sent down the Book explained in detail?" Those We have given the

Book know that it has been sent down from your Lord with truth, so on no

account be among the doubters”

(6: 114)

“Surely We have revealed the Book to you with the truth that you may judge

between people by means of that which Allah has taught you; and be not an

advocate on behalf of the treacherous.”


Muhammad warns by the Qur’an, not by his own wisdom: -

“Say: What thing is the weightiest in testimony? Say: Allah is witness between

you and me; and this Qur’an has been revealed to me that with it I may warn you

and whomsoever it reaches. Do you really bear witness that there are other gods

with Allah? Say: I do not bear witness. Say: He is only one Allah, and surely I am

clear of that which you set up (with Him).”



October 31 at 6:31am · Like · 2


Ramla Farah Allah Decides and the messenger decides the same way, no

separation in this: -

“When Allah and His Messenger have decided something it is not for any man or

woman of the believers to have a choice about it. Anyone who disobeys Allah and

His Messenger is clearly misguided.”


October 31 at 6:35am · Like · 2


Saeed Talpur 4:64 We do not send a messenger except to be obeyed with the

permission of God.

And had they come to you when they had wronged themselves

and sought the forgiveness of God,

and the messenger sought forgiveness for them,

they would have then found God to be Pardoning, Merciful.

October 31 at 6:39am · Edited · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan If everything is in the Quran then why does Allah say then the

people will know who do istinbaat and extract rulings from it?!

October 31 at 6:38am via mobile · Like


Ramla Farah Allah gives us rulings in the Quran

October 31 at 6:40am · Like · 2


Khidr Amari It says Mufti Taha Khan follow the Messenger, even the Prophet had

to follow what was revealed to him.

October 31 at 6:40am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan And if everything is in the Quran then when a woman gets

divorced and she has to spend her iddah and Quran says three periods, the word is

quroo which means both the days she is pure also her periods... Which one is it??

October 31 at 6:42am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan What a stupid answer that the ruling is in the Quran.. The word

extracting rulings is clearly mentioned, why the need for people who extract


October 31 at 6:44am via mobile · Like



6:50 Say: "I do not say to you that I possess the treasures of God, nor do I know

the future, nor do I say to you that I am an angel. I MERELY FOLLOW WHAT

IS INSPIRED TO ME." Say: "Are the blind and the seer the same? Do you not


10:15 And when Our clear revelations were recited to them, those who do not

wish to meet Us said: "Bring a Qur'an other than this, or change it!" Say: "It is not

for me to change it of my own accord, I MERELY FOLLOW WHAT IS

INSPIRED TO ME. I fear, if I disobeyed my Lord, the retribution of a great


October 31 at 6:47am · Edited · Like · 2


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan I guess you give up.

October 31 at 6:48am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Are u forcing a victory????!! I

October 31 at 6:49am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan I'm ready to abandon Hadith only if u tell me where Allah says

how much to give zakah and how to perform hajj! He says pray and give zakah

and perform hajj but details are not mentioned. What do I do????

October 31 at 6:51am via mobile · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur @Mufti Taha Khan

2:228 And those divorced shall wait for three menstruation periods; and it is not

lawful for them to conceal what God has created in their wombs, if they believe in

God and the Last Day. And their husbands would then have just cause to return

together, if they both wish to reconcile. And the obligations owed to them are to

be fulfilled, as are the obligations owed by them. But the men will have a greater

responsibility over them in this. And God is Noble, Wise.

65:4 As for those who have reached menopause from your women, if you have

any doubts, their interim shall be three months - as well as for those who did not

menstruate. And those who are already pregnant, their interim is until they give

birth. And anyone who reverences God, He makes his matters easy for him.

October 31 at 6:53am · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan, How many or how much more Bayyinat (Clear

Evidence) do you want. Have you read the Qur'an in every ayat about Hajj,

Salaat, Zakat, Saum?

Classical Arabic meanings:

= Haa-Jiim-Jiim = to intend to a certain target, aim at, repair, undertake,

repaired/betook himself to or towards a person / place / object of

veneration/respect/honour, went/visit frequently/repeatedly, pilgrimage.

Overcome another by/in argument/evidences/proofs/testimonies, plead,


hajja vb.

perf. act. 2:158

n.vb. 2:189, 2:196, 2:196, 2:196, 2:197, 2:197, 2:197, 3:97, 9:3, 22:27

pcple. act. 9:19

hijaj n.f. (pl. of hijjah) 28:27

hujjah n.f. 2:150, 4:165, 6:83, 6:149, 42:15, 42:16, 45:25

hajja vb.

perf. act. 2:258, 3:20, 3:61, 3:66, 6:80

impf. act. 2:76, 2:139, 3:65, 3:66, 3:73, 6:80, 42:16

tahajja vb. (6) impf. act. 40:47

The Basic fundamentals of Salaat:

The Qur'an gives us the main features of salat prayer but I'm sure you wouldn't

have notice this because your too busy abandoning the Qur'an for man made

guesswork called Hadith. In the Qur'an we are given the following:

1) the normal ablution (5:6),

2) the abnormal ablution (4:43),

3) the proper dress (7:31),

4) standing and facing the qiblah (2:144),

5) the times (11:114, 17:78, 24:58, 2:238, 30:17-18 and 20:130),

6) the bowing and prostrating (2:43,125,3:42, 22:77, 48:29),

7) using moderate voice when saying prayers (17:110),

not calling anyone else besides God in prayer (72:18) and

9) modified mode of prayer at unusual times (4:101,103).

I strongly suggest reading what it says about "salah".

Here is every occurrence:

musalla (يلصم) n. m. - 2:125

salat (ةالص) n. f. sing. - 2:3, 2:43, 2:45, 2:83, 2:110, 2:153, 2:177, 2:238, 2:277,

4:43, 4:77, 4:101, 4:102, 4:103, 4:103, 4:103, 4:142, 4:162, 5:6, 5:12, 5:55, 5:58,

5:91, 5:106, 6:72, 6:92, 6:162, 7:170, 8:3, 8:35, 9:5, 9:11, 9:18, 9:54, 9:71, 9:103,

10:87, 11:87, 11:114, 13:22, 14:31, 14:37, 14:40, 17:78, 17:110, 19:31, 19:55,

19:59, 20:14, 20:132, 21:73, 22:35, 22:41, 22:78, 23:2, 24:37, 24:41, 24:56,

24:58, 24:58, 27:3, 29:45, 29:45, 30:31, 31:4, 31:17, 33:33, 35:18, 35:29, 42:38,

58:13, 62:9, 62:10, 70:23, 70:34, 73:20, 98:5, 107:5 salawat (تا لص) nom. gen.

n. plu. - 2:157, 2:238, 9:99, 22:40, 23:9

salla (يلص) vb.II m.

perf. act. 75:31, 87:15, 96:10

impf. act. 3:39, plu. neg. 4:102, plu. 4:102, tusalli (لصت) neg. 9:84, yusallee

plu. 33:56 (ن لصي) sing. 33:43, yusalloona (يلصي)

salli (لص) impv. 9:103, salloo (ا لص) plu. 33:56, 108:2

musalleena (نيلصم) pcple. act. plu. acc. gen. 70:22, 74:43, 107:4

From my research about Zakat here is every occurrence in Al Quran for you to

look through:

zaka vb. (I)

perf. act. - 24:21 (e.g. chapter 24, verse 21)

zakat n.f. - 2:43, 2:83, 2:110, 2:177, 2:277, 4:77, 4:162, 5:12, 5:55, 7:156, 9:5,

9:11, 9:18, 9:71, 18:81, 19:13, 19:31, 19:55, 21:73, 22:41, 22:78, 23:4, 24:37,

24:56, 27:3, 30:39, 31:4, 33:33, 41:7, 58:13, 73:20, 98:5

zakiy n.m. (adj. comp. azka) - 2:232, 18:19, 18:74, 19:19, 24:28, 24:30

zakka vb. (II)

perf. act. - 91:9

impf. act. - 2:129, 2:151, 2:174, 3:77, 3:164, 4:49, 4:49, 9:103, 24:21, 53:32, 62:2

tazakka vb, (V)

perf. act. - 20:76, 35:18, 79:18, 87:14

impf. act. - 35:18, 80:3, 80:7, 92:18


1) Allah desires not hardship for fasting, al-Baqarah 2:185

2) during the Hajj, al-Baqarah 2:196

3) during Ramadan, al-Baqarah 2:185,

4) exemptions, al-Baqarah 2:184-185

5) hours of, al-Baqarah 2:187

6) al-Baqarah 2:183-184,196

I suggest you study the Qur'an as Allah instructs us to and stop reading Hadith.

Truly get to know Allah's Book.

October 31 at 6:56am · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur Zakah means purification. Zakah does not mean 2.5 % once in a

year. Term Sadaqat is used in the Quran.

2:219 “..And they ask you how much they are to give, say: "The excess." It is thus

that God clarifies for you the revelations that you may think.”

October 31 at 7:02am · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur The Hajj (Pilgrimage) is a visit to the sanctuary of God, which

every adult Muslim must undertake at least once in their life if they can afford it

and are physically able.

The commandment of Hajj is given in verse 3:97.

3:97 In it are clear signs: the station of Abraham. And whoever enters it will be

secure. And God is owed from the people to make Pilgrimage to the Sanctuary,

whoever can make a path to it. And whoever rejects, then God has no need of the




Praise and commemorate God; ask for His guidance and forgiveness

continuously. Devote your worship to Him Alone.

There is no special day to begin or end Hajj within the 4 sacred months, including

Friday. Neither is there any 'type' of Hajj with different names and days. Every

pilgrimage has the same value and a Friday ending does not make a Hajj greater


Once at Mecca, typically the 'Umrah portion can be completed within 2 hours.

The entire pilgrimage (Mecca to Mecca), needs a minimum of 5 days to complete

it comfortably. After 'Umrah, since the present road to 'Arafat goes via Mina, it is

not wrong to halt at Mina on the way, but this halt is not a part of the pilgrimage

steps. After 'Arafat and Muzdalifah, the pilgrim is required to spend at least 2

days at Mina for the animal sacrifice and Jamraat stoning rites.

Be comfortable, cheerful and mentally free from confusion. No religious duty is

meant to be a hardship. Do not deliberately make things hard on yourself or try to

look miserable and burdened. Never innovate religious rules or prohibitions.

Abstain from sexual intercourse and vanities such as shaving and cutting of hair.

Cooperate in matters of righteousness and piety. Avoid arguments, misconduct,

bad language and losing your temper.

Maintain regular hygiene practices such as bathing and washing. It is not wrong to

use soap or brush teeth with toothpaste.

There are no Salat (Contact) Prayers in Islam, except the daily prayers, regardless

of pilgrimage or Ramadan month etc. It is also extremely wrong to prohibit

women from doing the Salat prayer, or performing pilgrimage, or fulfilling any

religious obligation during their menstruation. The religious practices for men and

women are the same.

Kissing of the black stone (Ka'bah) or seeking its blessings is wrong. The stone is

not holy and there is no 'special' side for it.

Touching and commemorating Abraham's supposed footprints (on display) is

wrong and has nothing to do with pilgrimage.

Zam Zam water is not 'magic' or 'holy water'. Ablution or bathing in Zam Zam

water does not enhance your prayer value.

The animal sacrifice offered on the first morning in Mina commemorates God's

intervention to save Ismail and Abraham from Satan's trick. You do not have to

physically sacrifice the animal yourself and can have someone else do it for you.

Rushing to complete the stoning ritual exclusively before noon on the first

morning in Mina is a false belief.

Visiting Madinah or other locations for religious purposes is not part of Islam.

There is only one Sacred Masjid (Ka'bah) designated by God. Offering prayers at

prophet Muhammad's tomb or to commemorate anyone except God is idol

worship (shirk), and nullifies all worship and acts of righteousness in life.

Take measures to keep well and be safe to enjoy and focus on your pilgrimage: It

gets hot in the day. Your skin can blister or you could suffer from heat stroke, so

keep yourself protected accordingly. Water, food, shade and first aid are available

so make appropriate use of them. Stay with your groups to avoid getting lost.

Keep your money and travel documents safely. Watch out for pickpockets and

people posing as guides or officials.

There is no religious Idd (Eid) festival to be celebrated by the world. Obviously,

since there is no particular day to end Hajj. If people want to celebrate completion

of a great obligation to God, it is okay as long as they do not make it a religious


Dealing with certain Hajj and 'Umrah situations. Quran verse 2:196 is self-

explanatory for these situations:

"You shall observe the complete rites of Hajj and`Umrah for GOD. If you are

prevented, you shall send an offering, and do not resume cutting your hair until

your offering has reached its destination. If you are ill, or suffering a head injury

(and you must cut your hair), you shall expiate by fasting, or giving to charity, or

some other form of worship. During the normal Hajj, if you break the state of

Ihraam (sanctity) between `Umrah and Hajj, you shall expiate by offering an

animal sacrifice. If you cannot afford it, you shall fast three days during Hajj and

seven when you return home - this completes ten - provided you do not live at the

Sacred Masjid. You shall observe GOD, and know that GOD is strict in enforcing


Clearing misconceptions about going on Hajj or 'Umrah

* Hajj does not wipe out all your past or future sins. It is just one of your religious

duties. You still have to worship God alone, live righteously and uphold His laws

throughout your life.

* Hajj does not mean you are special or blessed for the rest of your life and that

everything will go great thereon.

* Doing Hajj on particular days, especially ending on Fridays or on days which

prophet Muhammad 'apparently' did them does not make any difference. These do

not enhance the value of the pilgrimage. Performing 'Umrah during Ramadan

does not make it better. The 4 sacred months allow for the world to fulfill their

obligations comfortably.

* Proxy Hajj: No one can do a pilgrimage for anyone else, dead or alive, just like

no one can fast or do Salat for someone else. If you cannot make pilgrimage for

whatever reason, you have to pray and wait till God arranges it for you someday,

if He so wills.

* There is also a false belief that a woman can only perform pilgrimage if she is

accompanied by a male relative such as father, brother, son or husband, referred

to as 'Mihrim or 'Mehram'. This means that a spinster who does not have a father

or brother may find it impossible to do Hajj or will have to legally declare a male

to be like her father or brother. This is a falsehood and we look forward to God

changing this soon.

* You must do Hajj when you can afford it. It is not required to sell your assets

and become poor to go on Hajj and spend the rest of your life in debt and misery.

God is Most Merciful.

* You should also consider going on Hajj when you have developed your soul

well so you can relate to this once in a lifetime opportunity. Likewise, just taking

a child on Hajj is not being fair to the child by telling it that it has fulfilled its

obligation for life. Also, passing over 'Arafat in a plane or such absurd ideas does

not mean you have done Hajj.

Remember, a pilgrimage is a once in a lifetime opportunity and a great occasion

to come very close to God and develop your soul. Be well prepared for it

mentally, spiritually and financially. Keep in mind that Satan will try and corrupt

your Hajj as he has already corrupted several rites and laws in the religion. Most

of what you will be told to do at Hajj is from Hadith & Sunnah books (Satanic

innovations) and has no basis in Quran -- God's only book of religious law for


October 31 at 7:10am · Like · 1


Iam Didiet Mufti Taha Khan...are you really confident to what they call you as

"imam"? pity don't even worth it.

October 31 at 7:11am · Like · 1





















The 12th month of the Islamic calender is called Zu Al-Hijja and that is because it

is the first month of hajj. In 2:31 we read that God taught Adam all the names, or

in other words everything is given its name by God. It is God who called a tree a

tree, and a car a car, and it was also God who named winter as winter and summer

as summer and so on. It follows that it was also God who named the month of

Zhu Al-Hijjah by its name.

The literal meaning of the name Zhu Al-Hijjah is: the (month) of the hajj.

God gave this month this specific name so that we would know that hajj starts

when this arrives.


Indeed the four months for hajj are consecutive. They are the 12th, 1st , 2nd and

3rd months of the Islamic calendar. They are the months of (Zhu Al-Hijjah,

Muharram, Safar and Rabi I). The consecutive nature of these four months is

confirmed in the following verse:

“Once the “hurum” months have “insalakha” you may kill the idol worshipers

(who continue to attack you) when you encounter them, punish them, and resist

every move they make.” 9:5

The key word in the above verse and which is relevant to this matter is the word

“insalakha”. The word literally means “skinned”. This is the sense of how we skin

a snake for example. The movement of skinning a snake means we would remove

the skin gradually from one end to the other, or in other words; a gradual and

consecutive movement.

God deliberately uses this word in 9:5 in connection to the months of hajj. God

could have simply said: when the (hurum) months have passed. So why did God

deliberately use this word?

It is because the word “insalakha” indicates a consecutive meaning, or in other

words it tells us that the 4 hurum months are consecutive months.

October 31 at 7:11am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Sorry zakah and sadaqah are different.. Both are mentioned in

the Quran ... In hajj no mention if order of actions same with salah I can sajdah

dirst then ruku then stand I guess.. So where's the correct order...

October 31 at 7:42am via mobile · Like


Yasrael Medjay mufti khan--here is --THE SALAT AND OTHER ISSUES YOU






October 31 at 7:58am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Sorry bro but it dosent have the order of salah, and if it was left

for us to determine the order then it defeats the purpose, if Allah can tell us u need

u facing a certain direction then to leave out how to perform salah dosent make

sense.. I'm sorry but it dosent make sence

October 31 at 8:12am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Allah said follow the rasool.. He said in the prophet is the best if

examples, what was the need to say such a thing.. Him saying that is saying that

we must follow the prophet in everything.. Now if u say that that's in the things

Allah sent and ur cutting everything else out then u too will have to provide proof

from Quran saying so making that difference or it saying only follow him in

things I sent AND NOTHING ELSe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This addition is from ur pockets

or provide proif

October 31 at 8:16am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Proof*

October 31 at 8:16am via mobile · Like


Iam Didiet what you read from the Quran that is properly, if the order is not

mentioned then it is not necessary. so why do you dispute something if Allah not

making the issue?

Do you think God would forget something important to be our guide, as he has

said, "Say:" Shall I seek for judge other than Allah? - When He it is Who hath

sent unto you the Book, EXPLAINED IN DETAIL. "They know full well, to

Whom We have given the Book, that it hath been sent down from thy Lord in

truth. Never be then of those who doubt . "6:114

Who does not make sense? You or God?

October 31 at 8:28am · Edited · Like · 1


Yasrael Medjay interesting debate--how did people think they could debate the

quran and the people of the quran--they think we are new?--I find it strange did

they forget that many of the quran reciters the most learned had died in wars

according to their recording of history?and secondly are they not following their

own hadith in which according to them their hadith--they say rsululah said I am

but a human being like you so I may error except in matters of revelation I do not

error of you must obey----I remember this from when I was salafi and the shia

would argue /no everything the prophet said is revelation he does not error he is

masum/sinless---so I find it actually somwhat funny but serious that now some

salafiyya are now acting like the shia and are going against their own hadith---

when I get home Ill get that hadith--but masH-ALLAH--the book of Allah was

victorious over those who attempted to foist innovation on they should be happy

though,that we do the same as umar al kitab said--JARRIDUL QURAN--keep the

quran bare /away from traditions /hadith--dont they claim they follow sahabah?

then burn the hadiths as they did as abu bakr and umar and as abu haraira did by

force by some other sahabah--you guys always marvelled how some sahabah

were the most pure according to you--well its because they followed the quran

alone and understood its sciences---of course you have other contradictory hadith

too because you have books from which you can support any school of thought--

whatever you desire

October 31 at 8:27am · Like · 2


Yasrael Medjay khidr may Allah reward you greatly--jazakhallah

October 31 at 8:30am · Like · 4


Yasrael Medjay here according to their hadith the prophet commits errors of

course when hes not guided by revelation or acting under it--it even falsly says he

will judge people according to how eloquent they are and if a muslum accepts that

judgment then hes eating a piece of fire--is this the natiq of the prophet we are

supposed to obey that if we dont we go to hellfire or is this the natiq we obey his

judgment then we go to the fire?






October 31 at 8:59am · Like · 2


Lola Parker Okay. It was asked where does the Quran say NOT to follow the

Prophet... Here's the short answer

>>Allah told MANKIND via the Prophet in

5.87 "O you who believe! do not forbid the good things which Allah has made

lawful for you and do not exceed the limits; surely Allah does not love those who

exceed the limits.

>>Then Allah told MUHAMMAD specifically in

66:1 "O Prophet, why do you prohibit what Allah has made lawful for you,

seeking the approval of your wives? And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful"

In this example the question(s) is, did the prophet sin? The answer is clearly YES.




October 31 at 9:16am · Like · 2


Yasrael Medjay here is the hadith i promised according to your hadith at times the

prophet gives orders from the revelation then that is when you are to obey--but if

its his own personal opinion outside of revelation then you dont have to--




October 31 at 9:22am · Edited · Like · 1


Yasrael Medjay so even in your so called hadith--NOT ALL OF THE




October 31 at 9:21am · Like · 1


Lola Parker Mufti Taha Khan.... I don't mean no harm and I don't mean to

interject but honestly Just like Allah has no partners Allah's word doesn't have or

need partners either in miscellaneous writings of people not mentioned by Allah. I

can see your concern being how do Quran alone Muslims follow the tenets of

Islam from the Book alone but to assert that we can't without hadiths when we in

fact do is ignoring the facts and reason. I read you stating that we shouldn't

indulge in what we know not; but how much don't I know about not only the

authors of the hadiths but the motivation with so many contradicting ideas

running all threw them. I don't think 1% of authentic hadiths so some people think

is true constitutes as what I know.

October 31 at 9:23am · Like · 1


Yasrael Medjay again even more





October 31 at 9:24am · Like


Yasrael Medjay salamu alaikum

October 31 at 9:26am · Like · 1


Lola Parker Yasrael.... Heres the thing. It's reasonable to think the prophet was

asked for his opinion in times when he wasn't quote "receiving revelation". And

as a leader it's reasonable that he gave his input in matters based on his own

intellect and understanding. But the issue is where's the line between what we are

obligated to do and what we aren't. I surmise we are not to follow anyone into sin

even if that person is a prophet.

October 31 at 9:31am · Like · 1


Yasrael Medjay last but not least umar ordered hadiths be burned and also before

that not to write hadith--he even said to other noble sahabah you fight over hadith-

--so dont write them--heres some proofs for you--we are not the first to follow

quran alone--actually many prominent sahabah followed quran alone--umar said

dont past the sayings of the prophet to the next generations or they argue like






October 31 at 9:38am · Like


Yasrael Medjay im now done as salamu alaikum--salat time

October 31 at 9:38am · Like


Yasrael Medjay yes lola the salafiyya brothers above said the prophet only spoke

revelation--not his opinion so sunnah hadiths are revelation part of natiq of the

prophet---okay i really have to ---salamu alaikum

October 31 at 9:41am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan I asked for proof where it says dont follow the prophet if he

speaks on anything besides Quran... Please anyone show me this from Quran

where Allah sayin that

October 31 at 11:43am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Please don't say umer said to burn the Hadith, because u don't

believe in them so don't quote it, and he said because of fear that they may add or

subtract from the prophetic sayings.. U didn't quote the contexts as to why umer

said that

October 31 at 11:45am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Also don't bring up that it contradicts itself, cuz the Quran does

aswell.. Quran says earth was created first then sky in bother place he says

opposite ???

October 31 at 11:47am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan So 2 questions... 1: where Allah say don't follow Nabi if he

speaks about other them wahi?

October 31 at 11:48am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan 2: what did Allah create first the earth or the sky?

October 31 at 11:49am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur 1. When Prophet was alive it was necessary for the believers to

follow personal commands beside the revelations of God. But main duty of the

messenger was to deliver the Quran.

3:144 And Mohammed is but a messenger, like many messengers who have

passed before him. If he dies or is killed will you turn back on your heels? And

whoever turns back on his heels, he will not harm God in the least. And God will

recompense the thankful.

2. Heavens were already there but they were connected with earth so God

separated the heavens from the earth.

21:30 Have those who rejected not seen that the heavens and the earth were one

piece, so We split them apart? And that We have made from the water everything

that lives. Will they not believe?

43:9 And if you asked them: Who has created the heavens and the earth? They

will say: They were created by the One who is the Noble, the Knowledgeable.

October 31 at 8:25pm · Edited · Like


Mufti Taha Khan None of the ayat answer the question... They were one but there

different things... Which one of them was first?

October 31 at 8:31pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan So hard headed!!!

October 31 at 8:31pm via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Also the first question not answered either... U guys keep saying

that follow the prophet BUT only in the message, where is this addition in it, I

want a clear bayyinah! The ayah u quoted is also taken out of contex and does not

prove a single thing... Please research properly then answer

October 31 at 8:36pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan I'm marveling ur answer... I asked which one was made first, u

quoted the ayah saying Allah created them, are u in ur right mind?! Everyone in

this page knows Allah created them, u guys just throw in all the verses that have

the word sky or earth in it...

October 31 at 8:39pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan And talpur ur contradicted urself, u said personal commands

were necessary to follow when he was alive, then in his life he said many things

to the people who came much after him in a message format, ur gonna need proof

for that.. I can show u an ayah where it says the prophets are alive in his

grave!!!!!! So ur put of the picture buddy!!!

October 31 at 8:43pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Infact that verse about prophet is our proof... Look at the

meaning of it

October 31 at 8:48pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan And if u want I can break it down for u to show u

October 31 at 8:49pm via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan Prophet didn't said to write the his sayings even

the hadiths say don't write beside the Quran.

October 31 at 10:03pm · Edited · Like



Prophet Muhammad only followed the Quran. Hadiths came 200 years later after

the death of the prophet Muhammad. Also prophet prohibited to write any of his

sayings (Hadiths) beside the Quran.

1) Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Muslim, al-Darami (the teacher of Bukhari), al-

Termedhi and Nasaei narrated in their Isnad from Abu-Sa’eid al-Khodri: The

Prophet (P) said: “Do not quote me in other than the Quran. So, whoever has

written anything from me other than the Quran, shall erase it.”

2) Ahmad Ibn Hanbal narrated from Zaid Ibn Thabet: “The Messenger of Allah

(P) prohibited us from writing anything from him and he erased them.”

3) Ahmad Ibn Hanbal narrated from Abu-Horayra: “We were sitting writing what

we had heard from the Prophet (P), when the Prophet (P) arrived. He asked what

we were writing. We said: What we have heard from you. He said: Are you

(compiling) a book besides the Book of Allah? We said: (we write) what we hear

from you. He said: “Write the Book of Allah. Write only the Book of Allah. Are

you writing other than the Book of Allah? Write only the Book of Allah.” Abu-

Horayra said: Following the instruction of the Prophet (P) we collected our

writings and burnt them in a fire.”

>>>>>> Amazing Hadith <<<<<<<



Musa b. Talha reported: I and Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him)

happened to pass by people near the date-palm trees. He (the holy prophet) said:

what are these people doing? They said: they are grafting, i. e. they combine the

male with the female (tree) and thus they yield more fruit. Thereupon Allah's

messenger said: I do not find it to be of any use. The people were informed about

it and they abandoned this practice. Allah's Messenger (was later) on informed

(that the yield had dwindled), whereupon he said: if there is any use of it, then

they should do it, for it was just a personal opinion of mine, and do not go after

my personal opinion; but when I say to you anything on behalf of Allah, then do

accept it, for I do not attribute lie to Allah, the Exalted and Glorious (Sahih

Muslim, Book 030, Number 5830).

October 31 at 10:02pm · Like


Mufti Taha Khan First answer my 2 questions, then I'll answer this question!

October 31 at 11:08pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan That's the thing with u people, u guys get cornered then u jump

to something else , please stick to the topic. I asked u for proof where it says in

the Quran that Allah said don't take from the prophet if he says anything besides

the message that to from Quran buddy?

And secondly what did Allah create first????????????????????????

October 31 at 11:10pm via mobile · Like · 3


Mufti Taha Khan I'll answer ur questions when u answer mine !

October 31 at 11:10pm via mobile · Like


Rehaan Waseem They won't answer until you force them to and that too will

never be direct. It will be a long post of copy and pasted translations but will

never give anything unambiguous. Perhaps this post will encourage them to.

November 1 at 12:42am via mobile · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan We will wait till they bring that ayah from Quran where Allah

clearly says that take from the prophet only the message and nothing else besides

the message..... Also the contradiction Allah makes as to what he created first?

The earth or the sky?

November 1 at 12:51am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan We have answers to all your questions! Don't worry but one at a

time please! Just to show u we have answers is that one of u said there are so

many versions to one incident like the last sermon of the prophet.... I'm goin to

bring to your attention that Allah also has many versions of different stories for

example moosa and pharoas story, also Adam and shaitaans story and many more,

and we have answers for all this what I said aswell, but I need them from u!!!

November 1 at 12:55am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan So please answer my questions


November 1 at 12:56am via mobile · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan, I believe we have been fair answering all of your

inquiries yet you have not even answered mines yet I have a big problem with that

how you and Rehaan Waseem like to EVADE questions. Why can't the both of

you come together to answer my FOUR POINTS?

November 1 at 2:56am · Like · 1


Rehaan Waseem ^subhanallah...the way they run and hide. He tried the same

thing with me. Answer the questions if you can. This is exactly what I predicted

would happen. You are stuck in a quagmire and have no way out. If you can

answer, then answer. If you can't, then tell us that you can't

November 1 at 3:03am via mobile · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Rehaan Waseem I have slaughtered you time and time again actually

I fine it comical that you run and hide from my questions.

November 1 at 3:25am · Like


Khidr Amari lol I'm glad you flatter yourself any one who will truly read your

discourse will see clearly that you have nothing more CONJECTURE with no


November 1 at 3:26am · Like


Rehaan Waseem Mufti Taha Khan asked two questions. Answer them

November 1 at 3:27am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Khidr ... That question u asked with 4 points about where does

it say we have to follow the prophet..... I answered that by saying where Allah

says to follow him and the prophet! U then said that ayah is saying follow him in

the message from Allah and nothing else... Now I'm saying that that's incorrect

and I asked for proof from Quran where Allah says that!

November 1 at 3:44am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Basically u asked a question and I answered from Quran.. U had

a problem with my answer and said that's regarding the message of Allah only...

Till now ur statement is mere claim .. Then the way u asked for proof for my

claim the same way now I'm askin u for proof from Quran that supports ur claim

November 1 at 3:46am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan So now please answer my first question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 1 at 3:46am via mobile · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan My question about the earth and the sky was because u were

from the beginning dodging my question and would ask diff questions... Cuz u

said the Hadith contradicts itself.. So I gave evidence from Quran that the Quran

clearly contradicts itself

November 1 at 3:49am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Please don't say now I didn't answer ur question... Ur only

gonna make a fool out of urself!

November 1 at 3:50am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Again answer my 2 questions now please!!!

November 1 at 3:50am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Ur like a hyena that runs when it sees a lion and screams victory

from far.... No running... Answer now!!

November 1 at 3:55am via mobile · Like · 2


Rehaan Waseem He won't be able to...I guarantee it

November 1 at 4:01am via mobile · Like · 1


Anees Ayaz You brothers are wasting your time.... now i know why Muslims are

not leading others in the world....the most important is unity...we are Muslim

Ummah...Unity Comes First

November 1 at 4:02am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Allah gave me some respect, that is why u see a man on the

pulpit by my name and Allah degraded u that's why we see a man covering his

face out of shame next to ur name

November 1 at 4:03am via mobile · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan @anees : no room for thaw people, other people attack from

outside, these people attack inside!!!!! Do you want your children growing up not

believing in Hadith?? Tomorrow these people won't even believe in the Quran!!!!

November 1 at 4:07am via mobile · Like


Anees Ayaz Yes I believe Brother....That comment was for that brother...

November 1 at 4:08am · Like · 2


Anees Ayaz not for you Brother... I think that brother is among the Munkar-e-


November 1 at 4:09am · Like


Anees Ayaz May Allah give him hadaya in this regard

November 1 at 4:10am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Again oh Hadith rejectors! Answer my 2 questions!

November 1 at 4:10am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan Here are your answers.

1: where Allah say don't follow Nabi if he speaks about other then wahi?

Answer: Allah didn’t say follow Nabi if he speak other then Wahi but Allah said


4:64 “We do not send a messenger except to be obeyed with the permission of


So believers must obey the messenger according to the laws of God.

2: what did Allah create first the earth or the sky?

Answer: Heavens were already there but they were connected with earth so God

separated the heavens from the earth.

21:30 Have those who rejected not seen that the heavens and the earth were one

piece, so We split them apart? And that We have made from the water everything

that lives. Will they not believe?

43:9 And if you asked them: Who has created the heavens and the earth? They

will say: They were created by the One who is the Noble, the Knowledgeable.

November 1 at 4:11am · Like


Anees Ayaz Mufti Taha Khan..... I think they dont know the literal meaning oh

Hadith...I studied the importance of Hadith back in Pakistan

November 1 at 4:13am · Like · 2


Saeed Talpur We believe only the Hadith of Allah which is the Quran. We don't

believe man made hadith invented by the allies of Satan to devalue the Quran.

November 1 at 4:15am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan They don't know anything.. Bringing up all that will only

confuse them more

November 1 at 4:15am via mobile · Like


Anees Ayaz Ghamidi is famous hadith rejector...... and Geo Network is

supporting him...Oksam billah....almost everyone hates him there

November 1 at 4:16am · Like


Khidr Amari The COPT OUT!!!! Ask a question with a question:

Mufti Taha Khan said, Khidr ... That question u asked with 4 points about where

does it say we have to follow the prophet..... I answered that by saying where

Allah says to follow him and the prophet! U then said that ayah is saying follow

him in the message from Allah and nothing else... Now I'm saying that that's

incorrect and I asked for proof from Quran where Allah says that!

Again, Mufti, you have proven CLEARLY you can't answer the question because

there is no where in Qur'an that says to follow the Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of

Nabi)/ Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger).

November 1 at 4:16am · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur 7:16 He said: "For that which You have caused me to be misled, I

will stalk for them on Your straight path."

Try to find the straight Path. Allah will guide you. Insha Allah

November 1 at 4:18am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Talpuri: that ayah is in our favor, Allah said that he is to be

obeyed by the permission of god! Telling us that he is not just saying things and

that Allah appointed him that we may obey him!!!

November 1 at 4:18am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Subhanallah how stupid are u... Talpuri dosent know why he is

here also... Scroll up and u will see that first he said that whatever the prophet said

is to be followed aslong as he is living!!!!! Now he is saying that besides the

message u must not follow.....

November 1 at 4:20am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Make up ur mind idiot!!!!

November 1 at 4:20am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan I provided you with a CLEAR AYAT

validating/confirming Millata Ibrahim mentioned by our Lord by NAME you

can't do the same for our Prophet Muhammad.... you clearly admitted it why is

this impossible for you to do because the Prophet Muhammad also followed the

Millata Ibrahim he didn't come with a Sunnah of his own.

The Prophet Muhammad makes it very clear that he DO NOT POSSESS for them


Key operative: ==> Say: Indeed, I do not possess for you any harm and not right


"And when Allah’s servant stood up yadʿūhu (calling upon Him) (Allah), kādū

(they almost) yakūnūna (became) alayhi (around him) libadan (a compacted

mass/crowded) around him. Say: Indeed, I do not possess for you any harm and

not right path. (72:19-20)

November 1 at 4:23am · Edited · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur Monkey Hadith followers. I don't think Allah will remove their veils

if they keep ignoring the fact that Quran is complete.

November 1 at 4:21am · Edited · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Second question is just as stupid as the first... I asked what was

created first??? He answered by saying they were together and Allah seperated

them!!!!! Stupid when they were together did they just appear out if nowhere???

Which one was created first stupid???????????????

November 1 at 4:22am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari So now we are called idiots and stupids and not the name calling

begins I love it it only begins when they know they have been DEFEATED

November 1 at 4:22am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Again show me where Allah says anywhere in the Quran that

don't follow the prophet if he speaks about anything besides the message and

outside being a messenger to the message????????

November 1 at 4:23am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur These etiquettes comes from the Hadiths I guess.

November 1 at 4:24am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Also which one out of the 2 did Allah create first?

November 1 at 4:24am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan Allah NEVER says to follow the Prophet.

November 1 at 4:24am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Allah always says follow the Messenger just like Allah never

corrects Muhammad as the Messenger but Allah always corrects him as the

Prophet, know the difference.

November 1 at 4:25am · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan Both Heavens and earth were together.

November 1 at 4:25am · Edited · Like


Mufti Taha Khan U also twisted the meaning of Quran.... That the ayah means

with the laws if Allah??? Wallah Tell me where it says the laws of Allah?

November 1 at 4:26am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Give up bro Mufti Taha Khan....admit that you don't have the

Bayyinat Clear Evidence telling you to follow the Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of

Nabi)/ Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger).

November 1 at 4:29am · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur Allah's laws are in the Quran.

November 1 at 4:29am · Like


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan Read the Quran carefully.

31:6 And from the people, there are those who accept BASELESS HADITH to

mislead from the path of God without knowledge, and they take it as

entertainment. These will have a humiliating retribution.

6:112 And as such, We have permitted the enemies of every prophet mankind and


DECEIVE. Had your Lord willed, they would not have done it. You shall

disregard them and their fabrications.

68:36 What is wrong with you, how do you judge?


68:38 In it, you can find what you wish?


then say: “This is from God,” so that they can purchase with it a cheap price! Woe

to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they gained.

45:6 These are the revelations of God, We recite them to you with the truth. So, in

which HADITH after God and His revelations do they believe?

52:34 Let them produce a HADITH like this, if they are truthful.

53:59 Are you surprised by this HADITH?

56:81 Are you disregarding this HADITH?

77:50 So in what HADITH, after it, will they believe?

17:36 And do not uphold what you have no knowledge of. For the hearing,

eyesight, and heart, all these you are responsible for.

November 1 at 4:31am · Like


Anees Ayaz Saeed Talpur....Brother.....Allah says in the Holy Quran that Firmly

Hold The Rope Of Quran And Sunnah...but you are rejecting the hadith's....How

comes you are saying "Saeed Talpur We believe only the Hadith of Allah which

is the Quran. We don't believe man made hadith invented by the allies of Satan to

devalue the Quran"' saying this it also means that you monkey hadith

rejectors don't even believe in the Companions of Prophet Mohammad


SATAANS...may Allah give you hadaya

November 1 at 4:32am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Stupid the prophet didn't have a robe that when he puts it on he

is a prophet and when it's off he is not...

November 1 at 4:32am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Look at this idiot! Ally's laws are in Quran.. When did we say

no... I said هللا نداب does not mean laws of Allah... It means permission!

November 1 at 4:34am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Anees Ayaz Where //Allah said in the Holy Quran that Firmly Hold

The Rope Of Quran And Sunnah//? Where is the Sunnah mentioned there?

November 1 at 4:35am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Again khidr .... U still didn't give proof where u make that

addition in the Quran... If u have proof plase provide it

November 1 at 4:35am via mobile · Like


Anees Ayaz Mufti Taha Khan...Brother....saeed talpur is calling the companions

of Mohammad P.B.U.H... the satans...laholey walla quwata

November 1 at 4:35am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Proof please or go home!!!

November 1 at 4:35am via mobile · Like


Rehaan Waseem Did I just see that the fool said both heavens and the earth were

created together?

November 1 at 4:35am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Also talpuri : my son! We know all was together but were both

different things! What I asked was that which one was created first... Lemme

make it easier.. In Surah naziaat when Allah says he then created the earth... What

did he create first that he saying and then we created the earth

November 1 at 4:38am via mobile · Like · 1


Anees Ayaz I also heard the jack ghamidi saying on TV that beard in not the

sunnah of Mohammad P.B.U.H cuz it is not mentioned in Quran...and also

pardaah is not an order from Allah to the Muslims...just for the wives of

Mohammad P.B.U.H

November 1 at 4:38am · Like


Saeed Talpur Bukhari from Bukhara was enemy of the Prophet Muhammad.

Bukhari invented the Hadiths and attributed to the Prophet just like Paul

misguided the Christians.

November 1 at 4:38am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Again u asked a question... I answered by saying that the

prophet has to be obeyed in everything and I showed u the verse !

November 1 at 4:39am via mobile · Like


Anees Ayaz Ghamidi is misleading people in Pakistan...but people dont believe

on him....i feel pity on saeed and khidr ahhahahahahah.....may Allah give you

hadaya Ameen

November 1 at 4:39am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan U said that its referring to speech of Nabi giving the message of

Allah meaning Quran and nothing besides that.... Alls I'm saying is that I didn't

find that verse in the quran

November 1 at 4:40am via mobile · Like


Anees Ayaz Look now saeed is saying that Imam Bukhari is like


November 1 at 4:40am · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan The proof I gave was:

ط ا ط ا ا ل

November 1 at 4:41am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Your addition:

)فيما أوحي اليه ال في غيره(أطيعوا الرسول

November 1 at 4:43am via mobile · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan Where's the bayyinah that supports ur claim!!!!!!

November 1 at 4:43am via mobile · Like


Anees Ayaz Saeed Talpur is in the Quran...I think you never read the

whole Quran...just the versus only which you want to use to mislead the people

hahahahahahahha...oh saeed! i think you should join qadianism hahahahah they

are the same who say that Hadiths are worth nothinG astaghfirullah

November 1 at 4:44am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Anees Ayaz said, Saeed Talpur....Brother.....Allah says in the Holy

Quran that Firmly Hold The Rope Of Quran And Sunnah...but you are rejecting

the hadith's....How comes you are saying "Saeed Talpur We believe only the

Hadith of Allah which is the Quran. We don't believe man made hadith invented

by the allies of Satan to devalue the Quran"' saying this it also means that you

monkey hadith rejectors don't even believe in the Companions of Prophet


SATAANS...may Allah give you hadaya"

@Anees, PLZ show me where it says SUNNAH

November 1 at 4:44am · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur ر منأكمأ مأ سول وأولي الأ وأطيعوا الره أطيعوا للاه

November 1 at 4:45am · Like


Saeed Talpur Do you follow the Hadiths of Ulil Amr too?

November 1 at 4:45am · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan again and again and again I have provided you

with Bayyinat CLEAR EVIDENCE what have you provided to defend your

Hadith/Sunnah Doctrine?

November 1 at 4:45am · Like · 1


Anees Ayaz Mufti Taha Khan....Love you for the proof of ayat from Quran

regarding hold firmly the rope of Quran and Sunnah.....i think saeed is hasn't had

read the whole quran...just the versus which Ghamdi is spread...well i think

Ghamidi even havent had read the whole Quran lolzz hahahah

November 1 at 4:46am · Like · 2


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan where does Allah say the Prophet has to be


November 1 at 4:46am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari I can show you where Allah says the MESSENGER HAS TO BE


November 1 at 4:46am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan I showed you where Allah says Millata Ibrahim

can you do the same and show me where Allah says Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of

Nabi)/ Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger)

November 1 at 4:47am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Lets not go off everyone!!!!

November 1 at 4:48am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Anees Ayaz You told a lie against Allah//You said Allah said in the

Holy Quran that Firmly Hold The Rope Of Quran And Sunnah//.

November 1 at 4:48am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Let them try answering my question first.. All what u saying

comes later cuz that's in Hadith which they don't believe in

November 1 at 4:48am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan That's why I'm using the Quran against them and they can't give

us one single verse where Allah says the don't follow the prophet in his speech...

We said Allah said and follow the prophet! He said that not his own speech and I

simply asked proof for this addition!!!

November 1 at 4:50am via mobile · Like


Anees Ayaz Saeed Talpur..."""Anees Ayaz You told a lie against Allah//You said

Allah said in the Holy Quran that Firmly Hold The Rope Of Quran And

Sunnah"""""...first read the whole Quran then jump in this platform

November 1 at 4:51am · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan We believe only Hadith of Allah not Hadith by

Bukhari and his company.

November 1 at 4:51am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Anees just hold off for abit... Ur giving him a chance to run

from my question.... Talpuri and ur boss khidr!!! Here here answer my questions


November 1 at 4:52am via mobile · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan Allah never tells us to follow the Prophet's speech

because he made mistakes, he at times didn't do what Allah asked of him.

November 1 at 4:53am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Again where the addition ur talking about in quran

November 1 at 4:53am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Saying that follow him in the message and not his speech

November 1 at 4:54am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari This is common sense as the Prophet he is human and has human

speech prone to human ERROR. As the Messenger he's a agent, representative of

Allah, speaking for Allah which means if he speaks for Allah known as Wahi we

are to obey him because its obeying Allah.

November 1 at 4:54am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan One at a time so earth and sky will be asked if u can answer this

November 1 at 4:54am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Talpuri and the big hyena! Please tell me where the addition is?

November 1 at 4:55am via mobile · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur Errors Made by Prophet Muhammad in The Quran

Error No 1

8:67 And it was not for any prophet to take prisoners until he is bound by a

campaign. You desire the materials of this world, while God wants the Hereafter

for you. God is Noble, Wise.

8:68 Had it not been previously ordained from God, then a severe punishment

would have afflicted you for what you took.

Error No 2

9:43 God pardons you; why did you give them leave before it became clear to you

who are truthful, and who are lying?

Error No 3

33:37 And you said to the one who was blessed by God, and blessed by you:

Keep your wife and reverence God, and you hid inside yourself what God wished

to proclaim. And you were concerned with the people, while God was more

deserving that you be concerned with. So when Zayd ended his relationship with

his wife, We had you marry her, to establish that there is no wrongdoing for the

believers in marrying the wives of their adopted sons if their relationship is ended.

And the command of God is always done.

Error No 4

66:1 O you prophet, why do you make unlawful what God has made lawful for

you, seeking to please your wives? God is Forgiver, Merciful.

Error No 5

80:1 He frowned and turned away.

80:2 When the blind one came to him.

Error No 6

9:113 It is not for the prophet and those who believe that they should seek

forgiveness for the polytheists, even if they are relatives, after it has been made

clear to them that they are the dwellers of Hell.

November 1 at 4:55am · Like


Saeed Talpur In the Quran, there are a NUMBER of verses that tell us that the

Messengers did commit mistakes or were ABOUT to make mistakes e.g.

1- Moosa killed a person, 20:40, 28:19,

2- Yunus abandoned his mission, 68:48-49, 37:139-144.

3- Yusuf had almost committed adultery, 12:23-24.

4- Sulaiman missed his prayer while being busy with his horses, 38:30-33

5- Nuh (Noah) cried out for his son and almost protested, 11:45-47.

6- Ibrahim prayed for his rebellious father, 9:114.

7- Mohammad frowned at the blind man, 80:1-2

8- Mohammad came VERY close to yielding the pressure of people around him

and was about to decide a case as per the wishes of people. 17:73-75.

9- Mohammad longed too much for a miracle. 6:34-35

10- Mohammad felt too much distressed for the relatives whom he could see were

heading for hell, and failed to guide them. 16:37, 28:56.

11- Mohammad, asked his verbal son, NOT to divorce his wife, as he was already

told that God wanted him to marry the divorcee of his verbal son. And he did not


November 1 at 4:56am · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan this is what the human Prophet told his people:

"And when Allah’s servant stood up yadʿūhu (calling upon Him) (Allah), kādū

(they almost) yakūnūna (became) alayhi (around him) libadan (a compacted

mass/crowded) around him. Say: Indeed, I do not possess for you any harm and

not right path. (72:19-20)

==> I do not possess for you any harm and not right path. <==

What does this mean to you Mufti?

November 1 at 4:56am · Like · 2


Anees Ayaz saeed talpur...answers the questions of brother mufti the

holy quran then say any thing

November 1 at 4:57am · Like


Khidr Amari Anees Ayaz plz answer my question

November 1 at 4:57am · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur Who authorized Bukhari and co to write the Ahadith books?

What “utensils” were used to authorize a Hadith, quote or factual information to

be true?

Who judged and approved a hadith to be true?

How did he judge and approve the hadith to be true?

What physical evidences were provided to the “judges”?

How did they collect their work?

How did they differentiate between true and false Hadith?

What standards were sat in order to approve true hadith (from false hadith?)

What’s the Percentage of doubt?

How many eye witnesses were used?

Why didn’t the prophet himself write anything?

Why didn’t his companions or family write anything?

How many documents or books were found from the prophet’s life? What did

they use as proofs/evidence for every claim?

Can you find one verse from the Quran confirming and verifying the information

in hadith?

November 1 at 4:58am · Edited · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Good job khidr!! So u agree that we have to follow the prophet

in everything????

November 1 at 4:58am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Repost: Mufti Taha Khan

this is what the human Prophet told his people:

"And when Allah’s servant stood up yadʿūhu (calling upon Him) (Allah), kādū

(they almost) yakūnūna (became) alayhi (around him) libadan (a compacted

mass/crowded) around him. Say: Indeed, I do not possess for you any harm and

not right path. (72:19-20)

==> I do not possess for you any harm and not right path. <==

What does this mean to you Mufti?

November 1 at 4:59am · Like · 2


Khidr Amari If the human Prophet saying he don't have the right path how do you

follow a human Prophet in his personal speech and his personal life when Allah

never tells us to do so?

November 1 at 5:00am · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan Do you believe the Miracles mentioned in the

Hadiths after reading this verse?

6:35 And if their aversion has become too much for you, then perhaps you could

make a tunnel in the earth, or a ladder to the heavens, and bring them a sign. Had

God willed, He would have gathered them to the guidance; so do not be of the

ignorant ones.

November 1 at 5:03am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Don't ask me until u show me a clear bayyinah with the


Secondly the word is ادش and he is twisting its meaning... He saying that I don't

have the power to mislead anyone or to give them hidayah...

November 1 at 5:03am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan So please proof if addition first then other things will be


November 1 at 5:03am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Hidaya means GUIDANCE

November 1 at 5:05am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Come on Mufti Taha Khan you rejecting the ayats of Allah.

November 1 at 5:05am · Like · 1


Anees Ayaz Khidr Amari...what question did you asked....saeed is quite

seems like he just started to read the whole Quran now

November 1 at 5:06am · Like


Khidr Amari Bascially the Prophet Muhammad is literally saying he can't GUIDE

any one when he was ALIVE so how can a Sunnah or his speech 1,400 years

LATER guide any one?

November 1 at 5:06am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Anees Ayaz said, Saeed Talpur....Brother.....Allah says in the Holy

Quran that Firmly Hold The Rope Of Quran And Sunnah...but you are rejecting

the hadith's....How comes you are saying "Saeed Talpur We believe only the

Hadith of Allah which is the Quran. We don't believe man made hadith invented

by the allies of Satan to devalue the Quran"' saying this it also means that you

monkey hadith rejectors don't even believe in the Companions of Prophet


SATAANS...may Allah give you hadaya"

@Anees, PLZ show me where it says SUNNAH

November 1 at 5:07am · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur 28:56 You cannot guide whom you love. But it is God who guides

whom He wills; and He is fully aware of those who receive the guidance.

November 1 at 5:08am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Khidr buddy! The ayah is simply saying that I don't have the

power to misguide or give hidayah... How on earth is that proving ur point..

Please I wanna know

November 1 at 5:08am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Even we say prophet dosent have power to guide anyone, his

job is to be a role model for us as Allah says and that we obey him, as for guiding

and all that's in the hands of Allah...

November 1 at 5:10am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur 93:7 And He found you lost, and He guided you?

November 1 at 5:10am · Like


Saeed Talpur 28:56 You cannot guide whom you love. But it is God who guides

whom He wills; and He is fully aware of those who receive the guidance.

November 1 at 5:10am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Not only are u rejecting the ayaat if Allah where he said follow

prophet, u are also putting words in Allan's mouth by adding things he didn't say

November 1 at 5:11am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Again khidr and talpuri.... Answer and don't run!!!

November 1 at 5:11am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Show me addition in the quran

November 1 at 5:11am via mobile · Like


Anees Ayaz khidr and saeed..answer the questions of mufti sahib first

November 1 at 5:12am · Like


Saeed Talpur Anees Ayaz Tell mufti sahib to read the Quran carefully.

November 1 at 5:13am · Like


Saeed Talpur 7:188 “Say: “I have no power over any good or harm to myself

except as God wills. If I had knowledge of the unseen, I should have multiplied

all good, and no evil should have touched me: I am but a warner, and a bringer of

glad tidings to those who have faith.””

11:31 “”I tell you not that with me are the treasures of God, nor do I know what is

hidden, nor claim I to be an angel. Nor yet do I say, of those whom your eyes do

despise that God will not grant them (all) that is good: God knows best what is in

their souls: I should, if I did, indeed be a wrong-doer.””

10:49 “Say: “I have no power over any harm or profit to myself except as God

wills. To every people is a term appointed: when their term is reached, not an

hour can they cause delay, nor (an hour) can they advance (it in anticipation).””

72:25 “Say: “I know not whether the (Punishment) which ye are promised is near,

or whether my Lord will appoint for it a distant term”

November 1 at 5:16am · Like


Saeed Talpur Prophet only followed the Quran. Hadiths are satanic innovation in


November 1 at 5:18am · Like


Anees Ayaz @Saeed talpur.....Mufti Taha Brother had already read the Holy

Quran carefully...but you and khidr need to read it attentively

November 1 at 5:18am · Like



25:33 For every EXAMPLE (mathalin) they come to you with, We bring you the

TRUTH (bil-Haqi) and the best (wa-a.sana) explanation (tafsiran).

30:58 We have cited for the people in this Quran of every example. If you come

to them with a sign, those who rejected will say, “You are bringing falsehood!”

39:27 We have cited for the people in this Quran from every example, that they

may take heed.

November 1 at 5:21am · Like


Khidr Amari Anees Ayaz Mufti Taha Khan haven't been answering my questions

I have answered his now you answer mines

November 1 at 5:22am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Khidr and talpuri !! Lets answer ur questions again cuz what

both if you are verses that have no connection with our topic.... What is your

question my friend!

November 1 at 5:25am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Anees Ayaz May be your Mufti red the Quran in childhood so tell

him to read it with open mind and seek guidance from God with genuine heart.

Also he must accept the Quran is complete.

November 1 at 5:26am · Edited · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Everyone look at the question and watch my answer

November 1 at 5:26am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Then he gonna say not prophets speech.. I'm goin to say proof

please... He gonna say u didn't answer my question

November 1 at 5:26am via mobile · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan I answered your questions now you answer mine.

Who authorized Bukhari and co to write the Ahadith books?

What “utensils” were used to authorize a Hadith, quote or factual information to

be true?

Who judged and approved a hadith to be true?

How did he judge and approve the hadith to be true?

What physical evidences were provided to the “judges”?

How did they collect their work?

How did they differentiate between true and false Hadith?

What standards were sat in order to approve true hadith (from false hadith?)

What’s the Percentage of doubt?

How many eye witnesses were used?

Why didn’t the prophet himself write anything?

Why didn’t his companions or family write anything?

How many documents or books were found from the prophet’s life? What did

they use as proofs/evidence for every claim?

Can you find one verse from the Quran confirming and verifying the information

in hadith?

November 1 at 5:28am · Edited · Like


Anees Ayaz Saeed Talpur...may be you are in your childhood now or your mind

is like a child

November 1 at 5:28am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Talpuri talking about Quran has every example!!!! Are we

talking about examples yet!!! Nope... First the addition in quran

November 1 at 5:28am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Requoting khidr : he said its common scence !!! Bro according

to u a proof is Quran only so don't say common scence please

November 1 at 5:29am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Please answer my questions don't try to run away like chicken!

Who authorized Bukhari and co to write the Ahadith books?

What “utensils” were used to authorize a Hadith, quote or factual information to

be true?

Who judged and approved a hadith to be true?

How did he judge and approve the hadith to be true?

What physical evidences were provided to the “judges”?

How did they collect their work?

How did they differentiate between true and false Hadith?

What standards were sat in order to approve true hadith (from false hadith?)

What’s the Percentage of doubt?

How many eye witnesses were used?

Why didn’t the prophet himself write anything?

Why didn’t his companions or family write anything?

How many documents or books were found from the prophet’s life? What did

they use as proofs/evidence for every claim?

Can you find one verse from the Quran confirming and verifying the information

in hadith?

November 1 at 5:31am · Like


Khidr Amari Let me expose Mufti Taha Khan the Imam, you said, Khidr buddy!

The ayah is simply saying that I don't have the power to misguide or give

hidayah... How on earth is that proving ur point.. Please I wanna know

@Mufti, what is ==> hidayah <==?

Allah makes it clear that its not upon the Prophet Muhammad to guide any one

basically the Prophet Muhammad COULD NOT GUIDE whom he desired to

guide. If this is the case then how could the Prophet' so called 'Sunnah' guide any


"Not upon you hudāhum (is their guidance), but Allah yahdī (guides) whom He

wills. And whatever you spend in good, it is for yourselves, when you spend not

except seeking Allah's Countenance. And whatever you spend in good, it will be

repaid to you in full, and you shall not be wronged." 2/272

In another Surah/ayat again we are told:

"Indeed, you do not guide whom aḥbabta (you love), but Allah yahdī (guides)

whom He wills. And He is most knowing bil-muh'tadīna (of the rightly guided)."


How can the Sunnah of Muhammad be the best of the guidance when Allah

clearly says that the Prophet Muhammad cannot guide. The Qur'an says that


"Say: "And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow

their millatahum (creed). Say, "Indeed, hudā (THE GUIDANCE) of Allah it hudā

(IS THE GUIDANCE)." If you were to follow their desires after what has come

to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper." 2/120

"And do not trust except those who follow your dīnakum (way of conduct)." Say,

"Indeed, hudā (THE TRUE GUIDANCE) hudā (IS THE GUIDANCE) of Allah.

lest someone be given [knowledge] like you were given or that they would

[thereby] argue with you before your Lord?" Say, "Indeed, [all] bounty is in the

hand of Allah - He grants it to whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing

and Wise." 3/73

"Say, "Shall we invoke instead of Allah that which neither benefits us nor harms

us and be turned back on our heels after Allah has guided us? [We would then be]

like one whom the devils enticed [to wander] upon the earth confused, [while] he

has companions inviting him to guidance, [calling], 'Come to us.' " Say, "Indeed,

hudā (THE GUIDANCE) of Allah it hudā (IS THE GUIDANCE); and we have

been commanded to submit to the Lord of the worlds." 6/71

Allah tells us clearly that the Qur'an is the Best Hadith:

"Allah has sent down the ahsana (best) ا ḥadīthi: a consistent Book wherein

is reiteration. The skins shiver therefrom of those who fear their Lord; then their

skins and their hearts relax at the remembrance of Allah . THAT IS THE

GUIDANCE OF ALLAH of Allah by which He guides whom He wills. And one

whom Allah leaves astray - for him there is no guide." 39/23

"And when Allah’s servant stood up yadʿūhu (calling upon Him) (Allah), kādū

(they almost) yakūnūna (became) alayhi (around him) libadan (a compacted

mass/crowded) around him. Say: Indeed, I do not possess for you any harm and

not rashadan (right path). (72:19-20)

Allah doesn't even use the Arabic word ==> hidayah <== Allah uses ==>

rashadan <==

The same word ==> rashadan <== the Prophet Muhammad said he do not have is

used in Surah 2/256:

" There shall be no compulsion in the system. -rush'du (The right course) has

become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in

Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is

Hearing and Knowing." 2/256

again used in:

"[Mention] when the youths retreated to the cave and said, "Our Lord, grant us

from Yourself mercy and prepare for us from our affair rashadan (right

guidance)." 18/10

"And We had certainly given Abraham his rush'dahu (right guidance) before, and

We were of him well-Knowing" 21/51

So back again to our Prophet Muhammad he said,

""And when Allah’s servant stood up yadʿūhu (calling upon Him) (Allah), kādū

(they almost) yakūnūna (became) alayhi (around him) libadan (a compacted

mass/crowded) around him. Say: Indeed, I do not possess for you any harm and

not rashadan (right path)." 72:19-20

Clear and simple he is saying he does not have the ability to GUIDE ANY ONE

only Allah guides:

"Not upon you hudāhum (is their guidance), but Allah yahdī (guides) whom He

wills. And whatever you spend in good, it is for yourselves, when you spend not

except seeking Allah's Countenance. And whatever you spend in good, it will be

repaid to you in full, and you shall not be wronged." 2/272\

November 1 at 5:33am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Talpuri jumping around again as was taught to him by khidr...

When u get stuck ask him a diff question ... Is there a bug up ur butt that's forcing

u to hop around?

November 1 at 5:34am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Answer my question please and I swear we will answer ur

questions... It's only gonna get worse after wallah

November 1 at 5:35am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan bro Give up now your lies are exposed now. So

please read the Quran carefully.

November 1 at 5:40am · Edited · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Just a taste.... His whole point is how are Hadith reliable... He

said were there any eye witnesses and stuff.. To begin with yes there were, and if

you still don't accept it's authenticity then my question to u is how u know ur

father is ur father????? U didn't see him having sex with ur mom?? This is when u

don't have trust in normal people... How u know there

Exists a wall called china wall? I've never witnessed it!!!! In life trusting people

to some extent is a must

November 1 at 5:39am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Again now back to the question khidr !!! Where's the ayah

saying what ur saying about not accepting the prophets speech... And don't say

common scence again cuz according to u proof is only from quran

November 1 at 5:40am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Talpur to u too again no hopping around bunny

November 1 at 5:40am via mobile · Like


Uzair Rauf so allah doesnt tell us to obey the messenger because that would be

the only way to obey the message (quran) since he was sent to REVEAL the

message? he ordered us to obey the messenger because he wants us to go directly

against the quran by taking the prophet as partners with allah and commit shirk?

ok.. do you know where I can find the commands of the prophet then, because in

the quran, allah does not seem to authorize any other scriptures.. im confused.

why is Allah so irresponsible?

November 1 at 5:42am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Please answer people

November 1 at 5:51am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan to tip it OFF and break the SCALE of your

Batil/Falsehood that the Prophet Muhammad can GUIDE:

Allah says,

"So when we heard alhuda (THE GUIDANCE) we believed in it; and he who

believes in his Lord will neither fear loss nor force." 72/13

"So, as for those who believed in Allah and held fast to Him, He will admit them

to His Mercy and Grace (i.e. Paradise), and guide them to Himself by the ṣirāṭan

(path) mus'taqīman (straight)." 4/175

"And also some of their fathers and their progeny and their brethren, We chose

them, and We guided them to the ṣirāṭin (path) mus'taqīmin (straight) dhālika

(That) hudā (is the Guidance) of Allah." 6/87

So we have it as clear as day Allah GUIDES and no one else even the Prophet

Muhammad could not guide a single soul.

"And upon Allah qaṣdu (is the responsibility) sabīli (of the way)..." 16/9

November 1 at 5:56am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan is DEFEATED he can't validate following Nataq-

un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/ Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger).

I have proven without a doubt that the Prophet Muhammad COULD NOT

GUIDE a single soul not alone his Sunnah that doesn't exist and I have proven

that it is Allah ALONE and His Best Hadith that was revealed to the Prophet

Muhammad that GUIDES.

November 1 at 5:59am · Edited · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur LOL Mufti Taha Khan You should read the Quran from the start


November 1 at 5:59am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Khidr son... Show me where I said that the prophet has power to

guide... Please my son show me where I said that... Obvi. If u can add words that

Allah didn't say then where do I stand... But Allah has prepared hell for you there

and I'll make hell here... So where did I say the prophet has power to guide

November 1 at 6:01am via mobile · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan Another attempt to take the spotlight off my question

November 1 at 6:02am via mobile · Like · 2


Rehaan Waseem It's so cute how desperately these fools try to give themselves

the illusion of victory

November 1 at 6:02am via mobile · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan I'm not the one that's not answering buddy

November 1 at 6:02am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan you said the Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/

Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) guides correct?

November 1 at 6:03am · Edited · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan When I bite... I don't let go till ur finished... U trying to run

away is not gonna help

November 1 at 6:03am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari If you deny that the Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/ Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) does not guide then you and I agree.

November 1 at 6:03am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Didn't I say just answer the question... Then why jump to other


November 1 at 6:04am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari lol I don't need help Mufti Taha Khan I have Qur'an what do you

have? I have answered your questions what have you presented any one who read

these comments between you, Rehaan Waseem and other Sunnis will be ashamed.

November 1 at 6:04am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Now tell me why u running from my wuestion

November 1 at 6:05am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari You have no answers but love to ask the questions Sunni character


November 1 at 6:05am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan does the Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/

Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) guide yes or no

November 1 at 6:06am · Like


Rehaan Waseem You didn't answer anything khidr you ducked and dodged all the


November 1 at 6:06am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Question*

November 1 at 6:06am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan ok I have answered your questions why haven't

you answered mines. Let us make this simple what is your question Mufti after I

answer your you answer mines

November 1 at 6:07am · Like


Khidr Amari I will let people see how you don't like to answer questions....what

was your QUESTION?

November 1 at 6:08am · Like


Khidr Amari I have the truth not afraid to answer questions according to the


November 1 at 6:09am · Like


Saeed Talpur Rehaan Waseem Can you answer these simple questions? Mufti

Taha Khan is trying to avoid my questions for some reason may be you have good

knowledge about the Hadiths.

Who authorized Bokhari and co to write the Ahadith books?

What “utensils” were used to authorize a Hadith, quote or factual information to

be true?

Who judged and approved a hadith to be true?

How did he judge and approve the hadith to be true?

What physical evidences were provided to the “judges”?

How did they collect their work?

How did they differentiate between true and false Hadith?

What standards were sat in order to approve true hadith (from false hadith?)

What’s the Percentage of doubt?

How many eye witnesses were used?

Why didn’t the prophet himself write anything?

Why didn’t his companions or family write anything?

How many documents or books were found from the prophet’s life? What did

they use as proofs/evidence for every claim?

Can you find one verse from the Quran confirming and verifying the information

in hadith?

November 1 at 6:11am · Edited · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Let me answer ur question this way... If we are told by ALLAH

to follow him and his prophet then yes, if no (which u still have to prove) then


November 1 at 6:12am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan we are told to follow Allah's Messenger

November 1 at 6:14am · Like · 1


Rehaan Waseem Stop jumping around Saeed. Everything will be answered STEP

BY STEP. Don't try to divert the attention away from tthe subject

November 1 at 6:14am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Where does the Qur'an say follow the Prophet

November 1 at 6:14am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Talpur cracked his little joke... He got his butt handed to him so

he had to say something... He said it like he just finished the Quran right now....


November 1 at 6:15am via mobile · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan Again khidr... Answer my initial question.... Where is ur proof

that his speech is not to be followed in quran

November 1 at 6:16am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan I think you have wasted your life reading the fake

hadiths. I believe you still have time to understand the Quran.

November 1 at 6:19am · Edited · Like


Mufti Taha Khan I didn't ask for a joke.. I asked for proof? I think u need to

search the Quran... Cuz ur the one who has to provide the answer so why are u

telling me to read

November 1 at 6:22am via mobile · Like


Uzair Rauf following the messenger means following the sunnah of the prophet?

when u follow someone on twitter, are you following their sunnah as well? no, u

are subscribing to the sayings of the person u subscribe to, just as the people were

order to subscribe to the messenger because the message was being revealed

through his mouth.

November 1 at 6:22am via mobile · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan said,

"Again khidr... Answer my initial question.... Where is ur proof that his speech is

not to be followed in quran"

@Mufti, Allah says in Surah 3:31,

“Say: "If ye do love Allah, ‘fa-ittabi’ūnī’ (then follow me): Allah will love you

and forgive you your sins: For Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

What did the Prophet Muhammad follow?

“O you nabiyu (prophet), you shall ittaqi (reverence) Allah and do not obey the

disbelievers and the hypocrites. Allah is Omniscient, Most Wise. wa-ittabiʿ (And

follow) what is yūḥā (revealed) to you from your Lord. Allah is fully Cognizant

of everything you all do. And put your trust in Allah… (33:1-3)

The proof that we are not suppose to follow the Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)

is because Allah tells us to follow what was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad

even he to had to follow it. What was revealed to the Prophet, the Qur'an.

November 1 at 6:25am · Like · 2


Rehaan Waseem @uzair the Quranic language is not the same as Twitter


November 1 at 6:25am via mobile · Like · 1


Uzair Rauf mufti, if we obeyed the sayings of Allah and obeyed the sayings of the

prophet as well, wouldnt that be taking partners with Allah? please use common

sense. Allah is the sole ruler and lawmaker in islam. we are only told to obey the

messenger because the message, the quran, was being revealed through his mouth.

again, common sense

November 1 at 6:26am via mobile · Like · 2


Rehaan Waseem Sorry for the rude awakening

November 1 at 6:27am via mobile · Like


Uzair Rauf oh rehaan, so following the messenger means following the sunnah of

the prophet? ok, could you give me a verse from the quran that tells me where u

can find these scriptures detailing his sunnah, because I cant find it. I guess Allah

is irresponsible for not guiding us correctly.

November 1 at 6:32am via mobile · Like · 1


Uzair Rauf also could you give me a verse about the sahabas recording the actions

of the prophet?

November 1 at 6:33am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan i believe I answered your question now in return

please produce the ayat telling us that the Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/

Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) is suppose to be followed.

November 1 at 6:41am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Can u tell me where u provided me with the ayah supporting ur

claim... I don't see it man... Repost it... And remember till now I was asking u the

verse that says don't follow the prophet in things beside the message... Repost the

verse if you already posted it

November 1 at 6:48am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari The GAMES Sunnis play....

Mufti Taha Khan said,

" Can u tell me where u provided me with the ayah supporting ur claim... I don't

see it man... Repost it... And remember till now I was asking u the verse that says

don't follow the prophet in things beside the message... Repost the verse if you

already posted it"

"Again khidr... Answer my initial question.... Where is ur proof that his speech is

not to be followed in quran"

@Mufti, Allah says in Surah 3:31,

“Say: "If ye do love Allah, ‘fa-ittabi’ūnī’ (then follow me): Allah will love you

and forgive you your sins: For Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

What did the Prophet Muhammad follow?

“O you nabiyu (prophet), you shall ittaqi (reverence) Allah and do not obey the

disbelievers and the hypocrites. Allah is Omniscient, Most Wise. wa-ittabiʿ (And

follow) what is yūḥā (revealed) to you from your Lord. Allah is fully Cognizant

of everything you all do. And put your trust in Allah… (33:1-3)

We are told to follow the Messenger never the Prophet. The Burden of proof

Mufti is on you to produce the AYAT telling us to follow the Prophet. Even in

Surah 33/21 says to follow the messenger's 'uswatun hasana/excellent example so

once again I have proven to you through the ayats that Allah's says to follow what

was revealed to the Prophet and what was revealed, the Qur'an. In terms of

following the messenger's excellent example well his example is in Qur'an also.

Its in the same Book of Guidance that was revealed to him. His example was the

Source he followed and the source we are also told to follow. Where is your proof

Mufti to follow the Prophet, produce the ayat.

November 1 at 6:54am · Like


Rehaan Waseem Don't blame your misguidance on Allah Uzair and these convos

will deal with ONE ISSUE AT A TIME

November 1 at 6:55am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Yes one issue at a time please...

November 1 at 6:56am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Rehaan Waseem you have yet to answer my questions one at a time

I would move on if I was you, Uzair Rauf he has been exposed already bro.

November 1 at 6:56am · Edited · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Khidr said he answered me by providing the ayah where it

supports his claim that Allah said don't follow the prophet in things beside the


November 1 at 6:57am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari You sunnis don't know how to answer questions directly.

November 1 at 6:57am · Like · 2


Rehaan Waseem Lol look at his answer

November 1 at 6:59am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari My point exactly lol you run and hide and evade simple questions.

November 1 at 6:59am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Wow... Didn't answer but now listen... No one comment right

now ... Imma answer him in short questions

November 1 at 7:02am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Khidr and crew... Is the prophet a Nabi ?

November 1 at 7:03am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari I answered it completely now you produce your proof that we are to

follow the Prophet...or follow Hadith or look outside of Qur'an for an explanation

of the Qur'an to Hadith? Waiting......

November 1 at 7:03am · Edited · Like


Mufti Taha Khan I'm answering it by asking baby questions.... Is he a nabi

November 1 at 7:06am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan he's a nabi yes which relates to the human side of

who he is...his speech, his peronal life, we went over this already you don't read it

seems. repost:

‘The prophet’ is Muhammad; the man himself, in his life, in his private affairs, in

his social relations with those around him, and in his human conduct. Owing to

his human conduct, he was susceptible to rebuke from Allah. For this reason, he

used to be rebuked in his capacity as a prophet <==

November 1 at 7:11am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Ok so he is a Nabi....... Now in the Quran in Fatiha Allah

teaches us a dua and says ask me for guidance to the straight path.. The path of

those upon whom Allah favored? Yes or no

November 1 at 7:14am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Yes, no doubt

November 1 at 7:22am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan The Quran also says that the Quran itself is the best form of

tafseer? You have said this before aswell correct?

November 1 at 7:25am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Of course it is Ahsan_ul_Tafsir the best explanation and exegesis of

Allah’s Book.

<Wa la_ yatu_naka bimasalin il la_ jina_ka bil haq qi wa ahsana tafsira>

”And no example do they bring to thee but We bring to thee the truth and the best

‘Tafsir’ (exegesis)” (25:33)

November 1 at 7:29am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Ur gone bro! The Quran explains itself as to what people it

refers to in Fatiha... When he said ask for hidayah and the path of THOSE upon

whom u favored... He explains in fifth juz that the ask me for the path of those

upon whom I favored from NABIYYEEN firstly then siddiqeen and shuhada and

saliheen... What does it equal = ask for hidayah to the straight path.... Path of

nabiyyeen = follow prophet

November 1 at 7:39am via mobile · Like · 5


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan post the ayat where Allah says follow the Nabi its

a simple request....

November 1 at 7:42am · Like


Khidr Amari You asked me questions after questions I answered now I'm asking

you to produce the ayat that says follow the Nabi..................................................

November 1 at 7:42am · Like


Rehaan Waseem You've been proven wrong here Khidr stop being hard headed

November 1 at 7:43am via mobile · Like · 1


Rehaan Waseem Your criteria is of no value here this is very clear cut

November 1 at 7:44am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Answer my question Rehaan Waseem in the other post...

November 1 at 7:46am · Like


Khidr Amari Rehaan Waseem you been exposed please move on.

November 1 at 7:46am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Are u stupid... I just showed u in ur own logic... What problem

do u have with this answer... U accepted him to be a Nabi... U accepted we ask for

guidance from Allah and Allah says the path if those who Allah favored... Then u

accepted the Quran is its best explanation... Then u accepted that Allah makes

clear who he meant .... Hence ur trapped.... So now why is this not enough

evidence from Quran? Everything I said was from Quran and u accepted it every

single step of the way

November 1 at 7:46am via mobile · Like · 6


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan your the one resorting to NAME CALLING

becaue you can't refute the Qur'an. I have been producing ayats after ayats while

you produce NOTHING telling us to follow the Prophet or Sunnah of the Prophet.

Where does Allah say follow the Nabi? You don't know because its no where in

Qur'an. Allah says follow the Messenger over and over again, does Allah run out

of words?

November 1 at 8:36am · Like · 2


Khidr Amari There is a REASON why Allah never says follow the Prophet i have

explained it to you but your illogical thinking won't accept that you have been

exposed. Just give up now Mufti Taha Khan and take this as a learning


November 1 at 8:37am · Like · 2


Uzair Rauf rehaan waseem: "dont blame your misguidance on Allah uzair and

these convos will deal with one issue at a time"... lol youre never going to get to

my 'issue' of stating that there is not a single quranic verse that authorizes other

scriptures to be followed because of that reason alone. there are no quranic verses

that allow for thr following of other scriptures, and you know this. because

evrrytime we ask u to refer us to one, you pretend as though u never even heard

us. You sunnis call us misguided when u have no response or are unable to

respond. Please start using your minds because uts obvious your big bearded

mullah scholars are doing the thinking for you.

November 1 at 8:50am via mobile · Edited · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan Khidr.. U wanted proof from Quran... I took u by the hand like a

child and took u thru the verses.. U accepted everything step by step... It's from

Quran to... Why are u not accepting it... Now don't change topic and say stupid

things like u didn't answer and jump to a diff question.... I just dissed u and ur

telling me u didn't answer the question .....

November 1 at 11:19am via mobile · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan My question to u is what criteria did my answer not


November 1 at 11:19am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan U either gonna give me ur reason for not accepting... Or go

home covering ur face...

November 1 at 11:21am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan So how is my step by step ayat and bayyinaat not acceptable

November 1 at 11:21am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan After this I have ready question after question that u and ur

agents can never answer

November 1 at 11:22am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan I'm just getting started

November 1 at 11:23am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan I'm just as determined as u people... I'm not going anywhere... I

wanna show ur cowardness and stupidity to the world....

November 1 at 11:27am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan So now tell me how I didn't answer ur question... What's

missing especially if u accepted EVERYTHING step by step that too from

Quran... So what is my answer missing.... Either u accept defeat here and we

move on to the next set of questions I have!

November 1 at 11:29am via mobile · Like · 1


Ibraheem Muhammad To the 2 agents of kufr, how do you perform your salaat?

That is if you do. Can you show us the steps of salaat in the Quraan?

November 1 at 11:39am via mobile · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan They'll show u proof from Quran about sajdah and ruku.... But

ask them in what order do I pray... Sajdah is proven but where to place the hands

n all

November 1 at 11:50am via mobile · Like · 1


Ibraheem Muhammad Oh yes I want all details in order! These guys are qadianis,


November 1 at 11:52am · Like · 4


Mufti Taha Khan But just hold for abit... Let him tell me what's wrong with my

answer, because he wanted a verse from Quran showing where we should follow

the prophet and how Allah says follow the path of the prophet.... So now he has to

tell me why he is not accepting my answer

November 1 at 11:53am via mobile · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan again, and again, and again I have shown you clear

ayats please don't talk to me like I'm some child Mufti you have not shown me

obey the Prophet NO WHERE IN QUR'AN. Admit that its not there if your a man

or a truth speaking person stop playing games. No where does Allah say Obey the want to make yourself look good if this is all you have go for it but

we know the truth.

November 1 at 2:34pm · Like


Khidr Amari Any one reading this will see clearly who has provided the Bayyinat

so I'll let those who read this judge for themselves truth needs no support

November 1 at 2:35pm · Like


Khidr Amari Ibraheem Muhammad before you start calling people Kafirs learn

how the Quranic etiquette show some respect.

November 1 at 2:36pm · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Before you come here Ibraheem Muhammad saying how can we do

this and that without Qur'an first maybe you you can muster up the guts to provide

me with an ayat something that Mufti Taha Khan has failed to do that can answre

my four points:



(1) We are suppose to follow Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/ Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’


(2) We will get guidance from Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ or

(3) We are suppose to believe in Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ ? or

(4) Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of

Messenger) was revealed or sent down (nazala) to Muhammad by ‘NAME’?

@again, Mufti has failed, Rehaan Waseem has failed ALL OF THE SUNNIS

with the name thus far has failed.

November 1 at 2:38pm · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan want to talk about Salaat again I provided the

basics from Qur'an, this is Allah's Book now Mufti show me from your Hadith

how to make a complete Salaat from beginning to end using one hadith you won't

be able to do so. You wo n't be able to do so because one hadith isn't enough you

need tons of tons of Hadith to make a Salaat and even then your Hadith will not

show you clearly how to make a full and complege Salaat from beginning to the

very please if you want to talk about Qur'an not having the details you

better talk about your own Hadith not having the details.

November 1 at 2:43pm · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan Khidr... Look back at what U wrote.... U just said I gave u

answer after answer!!!! I NEVER ASKED A NEW QUESTION !!! I asked what's

wrong with my answer?????????????????????? That I gave earlier

November 1 at 8:19pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan One thing at a time please... And I can't help but take u as a

kid.... I'm sorry but it is what it is

November 1 at 8:20pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan So please don't say: mufti taha I answered u again and again

with bayyinaat... Because I never asked u a new question..... My question was that

what is wrong with my answer where I showed u that we are to follow the path of

the prophet

November 1 at 8:22pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan So u have to tell me what's wrong with my answer ONLY

November 1 at 8:23pm via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan What was the question?

November 1 at 8:24pm · Like


Mufti Taha Khan And buddy we don't fail cuz u said we failed ...... Look who's

not telling me what criterions is my answer not meeting?????? Look who's failing


November 1 at 8:24pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Again so I need to know why my answer dosent have... It

clearly said the path of the


November 1 at 8:25pm via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Prophet followed the Straight Path (Sirat e Mustaqeem). 6:161

November 1 at 8:33pm · Edited · Like


Saeed Talpur Allah is also on a Straight Path (Sirat e Mustaqeem). 11:56

November 1 at 8:33pm · Edited · Like


Mufti Taha Khan U idiot... Before u write verses... In a short line tell us what ur

teying to prove then quote.... What are u trying to prove..... U have to tell me why

my answer is incomplete when I proved that Allah says the tread the path of the


November 1 at 8:39pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan And in that ayah Allah said that this is my path!!!! Not that I'm

on it or I'm following it..... So don't misquote it....... He then said the prophet is on

that same path...

November 1 at 8:41pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan So again I showed u that we have to follow the prophet saw .....

Khidr has to tell me what's wrong with the answer I gave u earlier... Also u too

talpuri can try answering...........

November 1 at 8:42pm via mobile · Like


Ibraheem Muhammad Khidr n uzair? U want to follow the quran only fine with

me. Tell us exactly where are your names in the quraan? Uzair can be proven to

be a name in the quraan, but prove from verses that khidr is a name?

November 1 at 8:54pm · Like · 2


Ibraheem Muhammad But u will not answer, because you 2 are worthless

qadianis! No point arguing with u. May Allah show you both the straight path

November 1 at 8:56pm · Like


Saeed Talpur My name saeed is in the Quran in verse 11:105. IF anyone's name

mentioned in the Quran does not make him/her superior or inferior in sight of


November 1 at 9:04pm · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan your self delusional and I love your attacks and

insults calling us names but can't produce one ayat defending your baseless

claims. Your mushrik behavior taking other than the Book of Allah for law is told

to us in Qur'an. Again, you have not produced the AYATS telling us to follow the


You have not produced the ayat telling us to follow Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of

Nabi)/ Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’

Where did you learn your Deen from Mufti not the Qur'an but from conjecture

hadith books I have exposed you too many times any one who takes a look at our

exchange will see who humilated who and its clear as day you have been


November 1 at 10:47pm · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Now Mufti Taha Khan I will give you a warning to watch your

mouth you claim to be following the Qur'an hence the Qur'an says to have respect

it teaches us etiquette stop calling people names no one is an idiot, kid, stupid this

is your warning if you continue to insult us your presence here has already been

EXPOSED as not being able to defend your false doctrine so now if you keep up

the insults you'll be boooted for your foolish behavior.

November 1 at 10:49pm · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Ibraheem Muhammad we follow Qur'an because Allah tells us to

you seem to have a problem with that but if you want us to follow Nataq-un-

Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/ Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’

then produced the AYATS simple as that your other brothers Sunnis have failed

to do so.

November 1 at 10:50pm · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Khidr my man !! Lets do this again and I'm answering u in a

question format.... Do u believe that Allah taught us a dua in Fatiha that oh Allah

GUIDE us... Then Allah says on the path of those who he favored? I'm answering

u so please just answer

November 1 at 11:01pm via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan what your doing is evading my question that is

simple you trying to shy away from a simple question you can't answer because

you don't want to get more embarassed and look more foolish than what you have

been thus far. Its not about Allah guiding us I asked you a simple question can

you produce the ayat that says to follow Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/

Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ its a simple yes or no.

November 1 at 11:04pm · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Ohhhhhh so ur saying that the it has to say the name or Nabi

and follow him?????? U know what ... In the Quran it says regarding 3 people that

they were left behind until the vast earth became narrow upon them.... 11 juz, can

u tell me WHO they were? And what was there story???

November 1 at 11:11pm via mobile · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan Which one of these Hadith do you believe?

Where is God according to the Quran?

6:103 The eyesight cannot reach Him, yet He can reach all eyesight; and He is the

Subtle, the Expert.

Where is God according to BUKHARI Hadith?


Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:

While the Prophet was praying, he saw sputum (on the wall) of the mosque, in the

direction of the Qibla, and so he scraped it off with his hand, and the sign of

disgust (was apparent from his face) and then said, "Whenever anyone of you is in

prayer, he should not spit in front of him (in prayer) because Allah is in front of


Sahih Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 73, Number 132:

What will you do Obey Allah and Obey Messenger or Obey Bukhari?

November 1 at 11:22pm · Edited · Like · 1


Uzair Rauf lol I dont think ill be able to count the number of times kidr and I have

asked u people to produce one shred of evidence from the quran about Allah

authorizing that we follow scriptures outside of the quran... not once have u

answered. youre too busy calling us names and praying that Allah guide us.

typical sunnis.

November 1 at 11:19pm via mobile · Like · 2


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan, does not the Qur'an say in Surah 16/123 Allah

instructs Prophet Muhammad to follow Prophet Ibrahim ==> Millata Ibrahim <==

yes it does have to say it. If you can't produce the ayat this means that the Prophet

Muhammad did not have a Sunnah of his own. Allah never instructs us to follow

Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/ Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger).

Allah tells us to follow the Messenger meaning the message.

lol here we go again evading my question if Allah did not mention the 3 people

you are asking about I can care less about their names and their story if the story

wasn't fully mentioned in the Qur'an. Now if your saying that the 3 people Allah

failed to mention in His Book that Allah tells us that His Book (Al Qur'an) is


THINGS (Qur’aan 6:114-115; 16:89; 6:38; 12:111) yet it fails to mention 3 names

so the 3 names are found in the Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) once again you

need to produce the ayat directing me to put down the Qur'an for these 3 names

and go pick up the books of Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) called Hadith.

Where is the ayat?

November 1 at 11:27pm · Edited · Like · 1


Uzair Rauf following the speech of the prophet would be taking the prophet as

partners with allah and would be committing shirk. im pretty sure a child could

have figured this out, but the big bearded mullah scholars who you people blindly

follow cant. But still, feel free to call us kafirs.

November 1 at 11:49pm via mobile · Edited · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan No jumping all u.... If the Quran has everything in it and all

makes scence in it... Then why did Allah not complete the story ..,, if everything

should make scence

November 1 at 11:48pm via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan And look at uzair... According to him if u listen or follow

someone ur doin shirk... Allah says obey ur parents ???? Remember what u said

firstly... So is that doing shirk ???? U follow ur boss at work... U listen and obey

the rules of this country ... This all makes u a mushrik according to u...

November 1 at 11:51pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan So khidr... Does the Quran make complete scence? And nothing

in it is left where explanation is needed and all the stories are fully explained in

the Quran so the readers don't have any questions?? Yes or no

November 1 at 11:52pm via mobile · Like


Uzair Rauf you sunnis claim that you'put the quran before everything else and

judge everything by the quran first'.. yet when you find something ur parents and

teachers have taught you is not in the quran, you deem the quran, the word of

allah as incomplete. hypocrisy.

November 1 at 11:53pm via mobile · Edited · Like


Mufti Taha Khan And talpuri said that where is Allah according to u cuz there's

different Hadith regarding where he says???

My friend : Allah says he is on the throne in Surah taha... But in qaaf he says we

are closer to u then the jugular vain.. What answer do u give for that

November 1 at 11:56pm via mobile · Like · 1


Uzair Rauf lol mufti, the difference is that im not obeying my boss and parents for

islamic guidance that will determine my afterlife. please use common sense. For

islamic guidance, allah is the sole lawmaker snd ruler and we shall not set any

partners with him.

November 2 at 12:01am via mobile · Edited · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Everyone is asked seperate questions

Khidr was asked: does the Quran make complete scence, it explains

EVERYTHInG so the reader has no question left?

Talpuri was asked: where is Allah according to Quran ... On the throne or our

jugular vain?

And uzair was asked: because his rule is that following or obeying other then

Allah is shirk.. So I asked him why then do u obey the city rules in regards to

speeding and all. And why does he drive the car in his lane and not into oncoming

traffic and why does he listen to his boss ??

November 2 at 12:00am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Lets sit back and look at what answer these people guve

November 2 at 12:00am via mobile · Like · 3


Mufti Taha Khan Look at uzair: his statement was that I don't follow my boss for

guidance right? So he can I ey others if guidance is not the objective... Provide a

verse saying that in non guidance matters we can follow other then Allah!!!!!

From Quran only... Again look at ur claim I wanna know what verse supports ur


November 2 at 12:04am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan As uzair said common scence was his proof.. Everyone please

look back... I'm telling him that's not a proof according to him so give a verse

November 2 at 12:05am via mobile · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan said:

"So khidr... Does the Quran make complete scence? And nothing in it is left

where explanation is needed and all the stories are fully explained in the Quran so

the readers don't have any questions?? Yes or no"

"Everyone is asked seperate questions ....Khidr was asked: does the Quran make

complete scence, it explains EVERYTHInG so the reader has no question left?"


again Not I, but Allah tells us that His Book (Al Qur’aan) is COMPLETE,


(Qur’aan 6:114-115; 16:89; 6:38; 12:111), amazing you just said 'if the qur'an has

everything in it and all makes sense in it then why did Allah not complete the

story ...if everything should make sense"

What does Allah say:

And when Allah made a covenant with those who were given the Book:


(You certainly make it clear) to men walā (and do not) taktumūnahu (conceal it);

but fanabadhūhu (they cast it) warāa (behind) ẓuhūrihim (their backs) and took a

small price for it; so evil is that which they buy." 3/187

Who do you think Allah is speaking about those who made the covenant after

being given the Book that the Prophet made it clear for? You all who believe we

should follow Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/ Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of

Messenger) contained in OUTSIDE books called Hadith compiled by Persian

Imams over 200 years after the Prophet's death written by men have abandoned

the Qur'an.

In Surah At-Tur, the unbelievers are challenged:

"Or do they say: He has forged it. Nay! they do not believe. Then let them bring a

‘Hadith’ similar to it if they are truthful." (52:33-34)

Yet, Mufti this is what you are calling us to another book instead of the Qur'an.

Allah says let disbelievers produce another Hadith like this Qur'an and the

disbelievers took on Allah's challenge without a doubt. What are the Muslims

between Sunnis and Shites following today not the Qur'an, what are you quoting

today, not the Qur'an, its Hadith.

Its no wonder the Prophet Muhammad will say on the day of Judgement that his

people has abandoned the Qur'an.

"And the Messenger has said, "O my Lord, indeed my people have taken this

Qur'an as [a thing] abandoned." 25/30

Now the question is what has the Muslims abandoned the Qur'an for? Easy

question once again its called Hadith which Mufti you would say are the Nataq-

un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/ Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger).

You continue to question Allah's assertions about His Book being complete, fully

detailed and explaining all things in terms of righteous guidance Allah says about

His own Book yet Allah says,

“Whatever argument they come up with, we provide you with the truth, and a

better understanding." 25/33

“…We did not leave anything out of this book… (6:38),” and

“…We have revealed to you this book to provide explanations for everything…

(16:89),” and

“…This is not fabricated Hadith; this (Qur’an) confirms all previous scriptures

[and] provides the details of everything… " (12:111)

The True believers of Allah and His Messenger believes in the Qur'an are in no

hurry to accuse the Book of Allah with deficiency or ambiguity making it in need

of clarification, or that it came to us sketchy and thus it’s in need of someone to

give the details like you Sunnis and Shites, Mufti. We are the ones who believes

in the Qur’an, believes Allah’s assertion that He did not leave anything out of the

Quran and that it came down clarifying and detailing everything.

Allah tells us clearly:

“By the sky that returns (the water). By the earth that cracks (to grow plants). This

is a serious narration. Not to be taken lightly. (86:11-14)”.

“We have given them a scripture that is fully detailed, with knowledge, guidance,

and mercy for the people who believe. (7:52)”.

“A scripture whose verses provide the complete details, in an Arabic Qur’an, for

people who know. (41:3)”.

As for Mufti and other Sunnis and Shites who don’t know, you are the ones who

challenge the Qur’an’s assertions, disbelieving its clarity and not believing that it

details everything; I mean we hear the same old lame questions:

1) 'Where is the number of units of prayer mentioned in the Qur’an?’ or,

2) ‘Where is the method for prayer mentioned in the Qur’an?’ or,

3) ‘How should we perform the pilgrimage?’

4) ‘Where are the days of the week mentioned in the Qur’an?’

Now Allah makes it simple about His Book addressing those who challenged

Allah's Book in the past:

Allah says,

“As for those who saʿaw (constantly challenge) āyātinā (our revelations)

muʿājizīna (to cause failure) those for them ʿadhābun (is a punishment) of foul

nature painful. And see those who have been given the knowlege that what unzila

(is revealed) from your Lord. ḥaqa (It is the truth) wayahdī (and it guides) to ṣirāṭi

(the Path) azīzi

(of the All-Mighty) ḥamīdi (the Praiseworthy)." 34/5

Thus, Allah refers to them in this verse in the past tense, so what of the present

after the death of the Prophet Muhammad up until 2012?

DIRE WARNING to you Mufti and the rest of you who continue to challenge

Allah's assertions:

Allah says,

“wa-alladhīna (As for those who) yasʿawna (consistently challenge) fī (against)

āyātinā (our revelations) muʿājizīna ((to cause failure) those into the punishment

muḥ'ḍarūna (will be brought)." 34/38

All of you who keep questioning Allah's Book claiming deficiencies better take


November 2 at 12:32am · Edited · Like · 2


Uzair Rauf lol mufti.. are u seriousky asking these questions. the qurans purpose

is to guide us so we can be successful in the afterlife. everything the quran talks

about is for the benefit of our guidance. when allah tells us not to take partners

with him, it is partners for islamic guidance. obeying my boss has nothing to do

with the quran or islamic guidance. it is for my worldly success.

November 2 at 12:30am via mobile · Edited · Like · 1


Khidr Amari So who do you believe if your a Sunni/Shite reading this Allah's

Book that it is complete and fully detailed or Mufti?

November 2 at 12:26am · Like


Uzair Rauf and if Allah wants us to obey the speech of the prophet for islamic

guidance, why wont the quran lead me to scriptures so I can do this? does allah

not want me to be guided? does allah not want me to fullfill the important quranic

command of obeying the prophet?

November 2 at 12:29am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Khidr is saying yes the Quran explains everything .... Perfect

and he gave all these verse saying that it is all perfect

So khidr: can I show some places where the Quran is not perfect?

November 2 at 12:49am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan And uzair keeps saying its understood ... That's not a proof to

u... If that's proof to u then I will say that some things are not complete in Quran

so it's UNDERSTOOD that we find something that Allah refers us to and we take

it.... Again provide a verse saying that!!!!

November 2 at 12:51am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan Show us the places where the Quran is not perfect

for guidance.

November 2 at 12:53am · Edited · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Check mate, I didn't say the Qur'an explains everything in terms of

guidance Allah did I'm just repeating what Allah says about His Book. Is this not

total rejection of the Book of Allah denying the ayats? Now Mufti Taha Khan

makes an assumption trying to prove that the Qur'an is imperfect also Subhan


Allah says,

“The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate

His words. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient. (6:115)”.

…Today, I have completed your system, perfected My blessing upon you, and I

have decreed Submission as the system for you… (5:3)”

“If all the trees on earth were made into pens, and the ocean supplied the ink,

augmented by seven more oceans, the words of Allah would not run out…


“Is it not enough of a miracle that we sent down to you this book, being recited to

them? This is indeed a mercy and a reminder for people who believe. (29:51)”.

Allah Himself is witness over the fact that His book is enough, the Almighty says,

“Say, “Allah suffices as a witness between me and you. He knows everything in

the heavens and the earth. Surely, those who believe in falsehood and disbelieve

in Allah are the real losers.” (29:52)”.

“This is the straight path to your Lord. We have explained the revelations for

people who take heed. (6:126)”.

“This is My path - a straight one. You shall follow it, and do not follow any other

paths, lest they divert you from His path. These are His commandments to you,

that you may be saved. (6:153)”.

Mufti sounds so confused right now I wanted Mufti to provide a ayat telling us to

follow Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of

Messenger) by ‘NAME' and of course he has failed to do so as I have shown him

by NAME Millata Ibrahim and provided him with numerous Ayats Allah Himself

saying His Book is complete, fully he is alluding to Allah's Book

being IMPERFECT which Allah says to us to question the Qur'an, study it if there

exist imperfections in Allah's Book then this Book is not from Allah. Mufti I

believe you been studying Hadith too long.

"Do they not then consider the Qur'an carefully? Had it been from other than

Allah, they would surely have found therein many a contradiction." 4/82

November 2 at 12:57am · Like · 3


Mufti Taha Khan Didn't answer my question as to where Allah is according to

Quran .................... So answer that first please till then don't open ur mouth...

Saeed why are u saying complete in guidance... The Quran says its complete in

everything... So rephrase ur question to : show us the places that are incomplete or

not perfect.... If u day no in guidance only then ur goin against the Quran where it

says it is complete in general...

November 2 at 12:58am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari lol Mufti Taha Khan I'm just about DONE with you and your dogma

now you are beginning to be rude and disrespectful. You have been exposed.

November 2 at 1:03am · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan And khidr: I know the answers to all my questions .... But if a

kafir looks in the Quran and sees Allah said he is on the throne and in another

place he sees that he is closer to the jugular vain.... And in one place he sees that

he created the sky first but then he sees he created the earth first .. wHAT

ANsWER wIlL u give him?

November 2 at 1:03am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan Quran is complete and a detailed Book mentioned

in these verses.

6:114 "Shall I seek other than God as a judge when He has sent down to you the

Book fully detailed?" Those to whom We have given the Book know it is sent

down from your Lord with the truth; so do not be of those who have doubt.

6:115 And the word of your Lord has been completed with truth and justice; there

is no changing His words. He is the Hearer, the Knower.

November 2 at 1:03am · Like · 2


Khidr Amari Yet, Mufti Taha Khan is an IMAM...check who you learn your

DEEN from people.

November 2 at 1:03am · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan Talpuri keeps saying that it is complete ... If it is where is he???

For u to khidr? It's complete got it but if a favor sees it and asks u what answer

will u give him??????

November 2 at 1:19am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Salaam to you Mufti Taha Khan I'm finish with our discussion.

November 2 at 1:20am · Like · 1


Uzair Rauf and after 500 comments, the sunnis stilll failed to provide a single

quranic verse mentioning we follow other scriptures for guidance. Yet im the


November 2 at 1:23am via mobile · Edited · Like · 3


Mufti Taha Khan Bye bye khidr... The alternative is still there that Hadith

explains much if Quran and Allah has ordered us to follow his prophet .... If not

then answer the question the kafir posed to u in the example!!!

November 2 at 1:31am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Uzair had the answer to the kafirs question I guess...

November 2 at 1:32am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan is this your intellect calling people kafir because

you failed to provide the evidence. If you claim that the Hadith explains much I

would say show the ayat telling us the Hadith are the extra Wahi/Divine

Revelation if you can't you are again not following the Messenger.

Aagain watch your mouth bro stop being disrespectful.

November 2 at 1:44am · Like · 1


Lola Parker Mufti Taha Khan.... You said "Also don't bring up that it contradicts

itself, cuz the Quran does aswell.. Quran says earth was created first then sky in

bother place he says opposite ???"

LMOL....Well I say in response....


"Then the Messenger will say: "O my Lord! Truly my people (Arabic: Qawmi)

took THIS QURAN for just foolish nonsense / of no account / abandoned it /

forsaken it"


“And We have explained to man, in THIS QURAN, >>EVERY<< kind of

similitude: yet the greater part of men refuse (to receive it) except with


So if you feel THE QURAN has contradictions I think you lack knowledge or the

ability to translate or transliterate correctly. Something ahk....

Like how do you utter such blasphemy!!!!!!!

November 2 at 1:52am · Like · 2


Lola Parker Mufti Taha Khan, It seems that you seek to equate the Allahs' word to

the mere writings of men subject to fallacy... And for what it's worth Khidr Amari

has given you mistakes and sins that the Prophet committed that CLEARLY is

and was not ALLAHS command or wish for him to do.... So the argument that

EVERYTHING he said and did was divine revelation is utter blasphemy... Who

do we look like? CHRIS TANS????? Was the noises he made and words he said

to his wives when he was having sex with them DIVINE revelation???? Yeah like

lets put it on the table strait like that...

November 2 at 1:56am · Like · 2


Saeed Talpur May Allah save our innocent Muslim brothers and sisters from this

kind of Mufti. Astagfirullah

November 2 at 1:59am · Like · 2


Lola Parker lol. Only in 2012 can this ayat not mean anything to quote Islamic



“We know best what they say; and you are not one to overawe them by force. So

admonish with the QURAN such as fear My Warning!”

November 2 at 2:04am · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan Lola; we take the Quran Asa higher authority number one ....

Secondly I didn't call anyone a kafir from u people

Thirdly khidr: again I will say that Allah said obey me and obey the prophet...

That's proof of following him... Also Allah declairs the way of NABI as the right

one ......

November 2 at 2:07am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan again you have lost it. Allah says over and over

again that all messengers said 'obey me' Allah says obey the messenger. Allah

doesn't say obey the prophet that would be obeying his words and not Allah's

Words, know the difference.

November 2 at 2:13am · Like · 1


Lola Parker Mutfi... I can't tell that you hold the Quran in authority calling it a

contradiction TOO.... ard

Also, I didn't make mention to "kafir" but it's interesting how you view us as "u

people" apart from yourself or "people" like you.

Thirdly, To obey the prophet in what he was told to tell the people IS OBEYING

ALLAH subsequently. ALLAH also said judge by the QURAN but I don't here

how you get to only using the Quran but following the prophet threw some other

book(s). Come on..... It's clear you've been taught to except the extra because of

what the extra is suppose to represent.

I understand you wanting to understand the man Muhammad, but with less than

1% of hadiths even being considered authentic I think you really need to stop

indulging in what you know not... And by know not I mean there's no protection

on these hadiths from Allah nomatter who we are to follow.

November 2 at 2:22am · Like · 2


Khidr Amari "And We have revealed the Book to you which has clear explanation

of everything, and a guidance, mercy and good news for those who submit."

(Qur'an 16:89)

“Shall I then seek a Judge other than Allah? When it is He Who has revealed to

you the Book fully detailed?” (Qur'an 6:114)

Mufti Taha Khan, this is for you

Allah says,

"Should We treat the ones who have surrendered the same as those who are

criminals? What is wrong with you, how do you judge? Or do you have another

book which you study? In it you find whatever you wish to find?" (Qur’an 68:36-


==> Or do you have another book which you study?

November 2 at 2:22am · Like · 2


Lola Parker I just can't understand how Allah gave the prophet a guide sitting

right on our desk but some of us is still confused as to what the guide is... smgdh

November 2 at 2:24am · Like · 2


Khidr Amari “This Book has been sent down to you – let there be no anxiety in

your heart about it – so that you may use it to give warning and to remind the

believers (by telling them): ‘Follow what has been sent down to you from your

Lord! Do not follow other masters beside Him. How seldom you take heed!’ ”

(Qur’an 7:2)

“The Messenger’s duty is only to deliver the message: Allah knows what you

reveal and what you conceal.” (Qur’an 5:99)

"And thus do We elaborate the verses so that they may say: 'You have read' and

that We may make it clear to a people who know." (Qur'an 6:105)

Most Muslims today are unaware of what the Qur'an says about concepts of faith

and carry many views on the Qur'an that are distorted and falsified and believe the

Qur'an is imperfect, incomplete without Hadith. Mufti Taha Khan and others

beleive this because they have no direct knowledge of the verses. Again, it is of

no surprise that Allah informs us of a statement of the Prophet Muhammad on the

Day of Judgement:

"And the Messenger said, 'My Lord, my people have deserted this Qur'an' "

(Qur'an 25:30)

"Do they want judgement according to the time of pagan ignorance? Is there any

better judge than Allah for those of firm faith?” (Qur’an 5:50)

“Have you considered those who were asked to accept judgement from Allah’s

Book? When they are asked to accept judgement from Allah’s Book, some of

them turn their backs and walk away!” (Qur’an 3:23)

"This too, is a blessed Book which We have sent down – follow it and be

conscious of your Lord, so that you may receive mercy – lest you say, ‘Books

were sent to two communities before us: we were not aware of what they studied’,

or ‘if only the Book had been sent down to us, we would have been better guided

than them.’ Now your Lord has brought you clear evidence, guidance, and mercy.

Who could be more wrong then someone who rejects Allah’s Revelations and

turns away from them? We shall repay those who turn away from our verses with

a painful punishment." (Qur’an 6:155-157)

"And We made the Qur'an easy to learn. Do any of you wish to learn?" (Qur'an


November 2 at 2:27am · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan Try to understand THE STRAIGHT PATH.



15:39 He said: "My Lord, for that by which You have caused me to be misled, I

will beautify for them what is on the earth, and I will mislead them all."

7:16 He said: "For that which You have caused me to be misled, I will stalk for

them on Your straight path."


15:40 "Except Your servants from among them, the devoted ones."



15:41 He said: "This shall be a straight path to Me."


2:38 We said: "Descend from it all of you, so when the guidance comes from Me,

then whoever follows My guidance, they will have nothing to fear, nor will they



1:6 Guide us to the straight path.



3:51 "God is my Lord and your Lord, so serve Him, this is a straight path."

43:64 God is my Lord and your Lord. So serve Him. This is a straight path.

43:43 You shall hold on to that which is inspired to you; for you are on a straight


6:126 And this is the straight path of your Lord. We have fully detailed the

revelations to a people who remember.

24:46 We have sent down to you clarifying revelations, and God guides whoever

He wills to a straight path.

46:30 They said: O our people, we have heard a Book that was sent down after

Moses, authenticating what is between his hands. IT GUIDES TO THE TRUTH;


36:1 YS.

36:2 And the Quran of wisdom.

36:3 You are one of the messengers.

36:4 Upon a STRAIGHT PATH.

36:5 The revelation of the Most Honorable, the Merciful.



6:153 And this is My path, a straight one. "So follow it, and do not follow the

other paths lest they divert you from His path. That is what He has enjoined you

to that you may be righteous."

67:22 Who is better guided: someone who falls on his face, or someone who

walks steadily on a straight path?

17:9 Surely this Quran guides to that which is most upright and gives good news

to the believers who do good that they shall have a great reward.

Does the HADITHS OR SUNNAH guides to the Straight Path or THE QURAN?

November 2 at 2:29am · Edited · Like


Khidr Amari "And, moreover, hādhā (this) ṣirāṭī (is My path), mus'taqīman

(which is straight), fa-ittabiʿūhu (so follow it); wala (and do not) tattabiʿū (follow)

tattabiʿū (other paths), fatafarraqa (they will separate) you from sabīlihi (His

path). This has He instructed you that you may become righteous." 6/153

November 2 at 2:36am · Edited · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur 46:30 They said: O our people, we have heard a Book that was sent

down after Moses, authenticating what is between his hands. IT GUIDES TO


Jinns didn’t mentioned the Hadiths or Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad but they

said the Book came from God after Moses which guides to the truth and to a

straight path.

November 2 at 2:37am · Like


Lola Parker Khidr Amari Naw Mufti might be under the impression the only

people Iblis vowed to corrupt is the Christians and non practicing Jews... lol

November 2 at 2:39am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan All those paragraphs didn't answer the question ............

November 2 at 2:44am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan According to khidr.... Nabi and rasool are 2 seperate

people!!!!!!! Give me a verse that seperated the 2

November 2 at 2:45am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Talpuri: where is Allah ??

November 2 at 2:47am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Here is my number... I challenge anyone of u to call me and we

will have a debate and this covo will be broadcasted on air everywhere ... We will

set the rules and timings with each other ..... Who is ready?

November 2 at 2:48am via mobile · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan Because all of u guys just dodging my questions... But u won't

be able to do that in public

November 2 at 2:49am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan 818 294 6415

November 2 at 2:50am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti there is nothing knew under the sun the same disbelievers who

didn't want the Qur'an during the time of the Prophet Muhammad are the same

today who don't want the Qur'an but rather the Qur'an be changed, or supported

with Hadith. Instead of believing in Qur'an you believe in Hadith that has taken

the place of Q ur'an.

Allah says,

"Should We treat the ones who have surrendered the same as those who are

criminals? What is wrong with you, how do you judge? Or do you have another

book which you study? In it you find whatever you wish to find?" (Qur’an 68:36-


==> Or do you have another book which you study?

Allah says,

“And when Our Clear Ayat are recited unto them, those who hope not for their

meeting with Us, say: ‘i'ti (Bring us) biqur'ānin (a Qur’an) ghayri (other than)

hādhā (this), or baddil'hu (change it).’ Say: ‘It is not for me to change it on my

own accord; I only follow that which is revealed unto me. Verily, I fear if I were

to disobey my Lord, the torment of the Great Day.”’ Yûnus 10/15

==> “And when Our Clear Ayat are recited unto them, those who hope not for

their meeting with Us, say: ‘i'ti (Bring us) biqur'ānin (a Qur’an) ghayri (other

than) hādhā (this), or baddil'hu (change it).’

November 2 at 2:50am · Like · 1


Tassha Manzoni Can I just add god says obey the messenger doesn't giv a name

which messenger to obey so there for must mean its message the Quran the book

nothing else

November 2 at 2:50am via mobile · Like · 2


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan WHERE IS ALLAH ACCORDING TO


16:50 They fear their Lord from ABOVE THEM, and they do what they are


2:144 We see the shifting of your FACE TOWARDS THE HEAVEN; We will

thus set for you a focal point that will be pleasing to you: "You shall set yourself

towards the Restricted Temple; and wherever you may be, you shall all set

yourselves towards it." Those who have been given the Book know it is the truth

from their Lord. And God is not unaware of what you do.


EYESIGHT; and He is the Subtle, the Expert.


YOU TURN, THERE IS THE FACE OF GOD. God is Encompassing,


50:16 And We have created man and We know what his soul whispers to him,


24:35 God is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light is

like a niche within which there is a lamp, the lamp is encased in a glass, the glass

is like a radiant planet, which is lit from a blessed olive tree that is neither of the

east nor of the west, its oil nearly gives off light even if not touched by fire. Light

upon light, God guides to His light whom He pleases. And God sets forth

examples for the people, and God is aware of all things.

70:3 From God, Possessor of the ascending portals.

70:4 The angels and the Spirit ascend to Him in a day which is equivalent to fifty

thousand years.

13:15 And to God will yield/prostrate/surrender all who are in the heavens and the

earth, willingly and unwillingly, as do their shadows in the morning and the


22:65 Did you not see that God commits to you what is on the earth? And the

ships sail in the sea with His permission. AND HE HOLDS THE SKY SO THAT

IT WOULD NOT COLLAPSE UPON THE EARTH, except by His permission.

Indeed, God is Kind towards the people, Merciful.

35:41 God is the One WHO HOLDS THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH, lest

they cease to exist. And they would certainly cease to exist if anyone else were to

hold them after Him. He is Compassionate, Forgiving.

48:10 Those who pledge allegiance to you, are in-fact pledging allegiance to God;

THE HAND OF GOD IS ABOVE THEIR HANDS. Those of them who violate

such a pledge, are violating it only for themselves. And whoever fulfills what he

has pledged to God, then He will grant him a great re ward.

8:17 It was not you who killed them, but it was God who killed them. And it was


LAUNCHED. And so that the believers would be tested well by Him. God is

Hearer, Knowledgeable.

39:67 And they have not given God His true worth; and the WHOLE EARTH IS



exalted above what they set up.

69:17 And the angels will be on its borders; and the Throne of your Lord will be

carried, above them on that Day, by eight.

42:11 Initiator of the heavens and the earth. He created for you from among

yourselves mates, and also mates for the livestock so they may multiply. THERE

IS NOTHING THAT EQUALS HIM. He is the Hearer, the Seer.

26:217 And put your trust in the Noble, the Merciful.



26:220 He is the Hearer, the Knowledgeable.

10:61 And any matter you are in, or any reciting you do of the qur'an, or any work

you do; we are witnesses over you when you undertake it. Nothing is hidden from

your lord, not even the weight of an atom on the earth or in the heavens, nor

smaller than that nor larger, except it is in a clear record.

57:4 He is the One who has created the heavens and the earth in six days, then He

settled upon the Throne. He knows everything that enters within the earth, and

everything that comes out of it, and everything that comes down from the heaven,

and everything that ascends into it. AND HE IS WITH YOU WHEREVER YOU


November 2 at 2:52am · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan I never said Prophet and Messenger are different

yes they are different in status why does Allah correct Muhammad as Prophet but

never as Messenger?

November 2 at 2:53am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Why does Allah say Obey the Messenger but never obey the

Prophet? Its clear as day why you have to study the Qur'an Mufti Taha Khan I'm

not going to call you save your number. Why can't you produce a ayat tleling us

to follow Hadith?

November 2 at 2:53am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan, any time you want to have a organize debate

come to my city and we can arrange a live debate i would love to engage in this

its senseless to argue on the phone.

November 2 at 2:55am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Actually he does... He says Muhammed the rasool of Allah ...

November 2 at 2:55am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Rasul means Messenger

November 2 at 2:55am · Like


Khidr Amari Obey the Messenger

November 2 at 2:56am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan And khidr : all the ayat are not related to the topic..... Why are u

running from the question!!!! Where is Allah according to the Quran.....

November 2 at 2:56am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Muhammad as Nabi/Prophet is never obeyed because Nabi attributes

the human side of who he is that is prone to error.

November 2 at 2:56am · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khann WHERE IS ALLAH ACCORDING TO


16:50 They fear their Lord from ABOVE THEM, and they do what they are


2:144 We see the shifting of your FACE TOWARDS THE HEAVEN; We will

thus set for you a focal point that will be pleasing to you: "You shall set yourself

towards the Restricted Temple; and wherever you may be, you shall all set

yourselves towards it." Those who have been given the Book know it is the truth

from their Lord. And God is not unaware of what you do.


EYESIGHT; and He is the Subtle, the Expert.


YOU TURN, THERE IS THE FACE OF GOD. God is Encompassing,


50:16 And We have created man and We know what his soul whispers to him,


24:35 God is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light is

like a niche within which there is a lamp, the lamp is encased in a glass, the glass

is like a radiant planet, which is lit from a blessed olive tree that is neither of the

east nor of the west, its oil nearly gives off light even if not touched by fire. Light

upon light, God guides to His light whom He pleases. And God sets forth

examples for the people, and God is aware of all things.

70:3 From God, Possessor of the ascending portals.

70:4 The angels and the Spirit ascend to Him in a day which is equivalent to fifty

thousand years.

13:15 And to God will yield/prostrate/surrender all who are in the heavens and the

earth, willingly and unwillingly, as do their shadows in the morning and the


22:65 Did you not see that God commits to you what is on the earth? And the

ships sail in the sea with His permission. AND HE HOLDS THE SKY SO THAT

IT WOULD NOT COLLAPSE UPON THE EARTH, except by His permission.

Indeed, God is Kind towards the people, Merciful.

35:41 God is the One WHO HOLDS THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH, lest

they cease to exist. And they would certainly cease to exist if anyone else were to

hold them after Him. He is Compassionate, Forgiving.

48:10 Those who pledge allegiance to you, are in-fact pledging allegiance to God;

THE HAND OF GOD IS ABOVE THEIR HANDS. Those of them who violate

such a pledge, are violating it only for themselves. And whoever fulfills what he

has pledged to God, then He will grant him a great re ward.

8:17 It was not you who killed them, but it was God who killed them. And it was


LAUNCHED. And so that the believers would be tested well by Him. God is

Hearer, Knowledgeable.

39:67 And they have not given God His true worth; and the WHOLE EARTH IS



exalted above what they set up.

69:17 And the angels will be on its borders; and the Throne of your Lord will be

carried, above them on that Day, by eight.

42:11 Initiator of the heavens and the earth. He created for you from among

yourselves mates, and also mates for the livestock so they may multiply. THERE

IS NOTHING THAT EQUALS HIM. He is the Hearer, the Seer.

26:217 And put your trust in the Noble, the Merciful.



26:220 He is the Hearer, the Knowledgeable.

10:61 And any matter you are in, or any reciting you do of the qur'an, or any work

you do; we are witnesses over you when you undertake it. Nothing is hidden from

your lord, not even the weight of an atom on the earth or in the heavens, nor

smaller than that nor larger, except it is in a clear record.

57:4 He is the One who has created the heavens and the earth in six days, then He

settled upon the Throne. He knows everything that enters within the earth, and

everything that comes out of it, and everything that comes down from the heaven,

and everything that ascends into it. AND HE IS WITH YOU WHEREVER YOU


November 2 at 2:57am · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan I'm not answering redundant questions posed by

you you haven't answered mines its obvious you can't and don't have an answer.

Where is the Hadith ayat for us to follow

November 2 at 2:58am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Thank you talpuri ..!!!!!!!! So how does that make scence to

u???? He says I'm on my throne then he says I'm closer to I then ur jugular vain?

Which one.....????????

November 2 at 3:02am via mobile · Like · 1


Tassha Manzoni S2-136 say( o Muslims) we believe in Allah and that which is

revealed to us and that which is revealed to abraham,and Ishmael, and Isaac, and

Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received , and that which

prophets received from their lord. WE MAKE NO DISTINCTION BETWEEN


November 2 at 3:04am via mobile · Like · 2


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan Try and find him I gave you the Verses.

November 2 at 3:04am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Allah says : if you love Allah then follow me.... In this verse it

is general, rasool or Nabi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 2 at 3:06am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan What was the Prophet following?

November 2 at 3:07am · Like


Saeed Talpur Rasool and Nabi are used interchangeably in the Quran.

November 2 at 3:09am · Like


Khidr Amari Officially, my discourse, debate with Mufti Taha Khan is over I

believe any one who reads these comments over 500 messages will see who

provided the evidence to back their claim. Rest assured no one can intellecually

argue against Allah's Words contained in His Book. I want to t hank Allah for

giving me the overstanding and the wisdom to expose the falsehood Mufti and

many others presented by bringing Truth. Truth and falsehood does not mix.

“Truth comes and falsehood perishes. Falsehood is inherently perishable” (17:81).

I truly believe in the Sunnis argument that has been very weak from the start has

persished by the way side. Alhumduillah, the Qur'an stands out as it always has

and always will.

November 2 at 3:09am · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan Girl that dosent prove us wrong ... In that ayah Allah dosent call

them rasool.... Allah clearly calls Muhammed rasool!!!!!!! Surah hujraat

November 2 at 3:09am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Try and find him......? Out of all those places where is he.... Is

he wayyyyyyyyyyy up in the heavens??? Or waaauyyyyy down next to us .... If he

is everywhere then why did he say he is on his throne explicitly ???

November 2 at 3:12am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur 2:165 And from among the people are some who take other than

God as equals to Him,

they love them as they love God;

but those who believe love God more strongly;

and when those who were wicked see the retribution,

they will see that all power belongs to God, and that God is severe in retribution.

November 2 at 3:14am · Edited · Like


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan If you really want to see the God then follow the


November 2 at 3:15am · Edited · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan We love god more too but where is he.......??? Ur dodging again

November 2 at 3:17am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Prophet will not intercede for you because on that day all power

belongs to God 2:165.

November 2 at 3:18am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Allah never told us these places so we see him idiot... Ur the

one quoting the verses and u didn't see him ... It's about where he is???????

November 2 at 3:19am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan If you don't know where God is then who do you

prostrate in your Salah? lol

November 2 at 3:20am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Khidr: again claiming victory from behind the bush !!!! Nice ....

November 2 at 3:20am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan Do you prostrate to Kabba or God?

November 2 at 3:21am · Edited · Like


Mufti Taha Khan I provided khidr where Allah says that if u love methen follow

him..... No division as to rasool it Nabi ..!!!!!!!! That's clear from Quran

November 2 at 3:22am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan Allah said:


YOU TURN, THERE IS THE FACE OF GOD. God is Encompassing,


So which side do you prostrate?

November 2 at 3:25am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Talpuri: I prostate to god facing qiblah as he ordered us to....

But question still remains!!!

November 2 at 3:27am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan Where does God said to prostrate towards the

Qibla in the Quran?

November 2 at 3:36am · Edited · Like


Mufti Taha Khan And khidr still has to show me how he is making the verse to

mean that it is rasool and not Nabi where Allah kept it general... Proof from ayah


November 2 at 3:31am via mobile · Like


Jannah Leah lol sunnis

November 2 at 3:32am · Like · 3


Mufti Taha Khan Qiblah means kaba and in baqarah Allah says face the haram as

Ibrahim alaihi Salam makes dua to Allah calling it haram and he accepts his


November 2 at 3:36am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Jannah u can try answering this one too....

November 2 at 3:37am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan Why God told Prophet to change the Qibla?

November 2 at 3:38am · Like


Jannah Leah What are you guys discussing exactly? I got here pretty late and this

is tl;dr.

November 2 at 3:39am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan To see who follows the messenger as he was the imam in prayer

November 2 at 3:46am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan You are dogging my questions. I need clear

answers. Thanks

If you don't know where God is then who do you prostrate in your Salah?

Do you prostrate to Kabba or God?

Allah said:


YOU TURN, THERE IS THE FACE OF GOD. God is Encompassing,


So which side do you prostrate?

Where does God said to prostrate towards the Qibla in the Quran?

Why God told Prophet to change the Qibla?

Why Prophet disliked the First Qibla?

Who Build the fist Qibla and Second Qibla?

November 2 at 3:48am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Wow... I thought u were gonna use that question wisely but u


We prostrate to Allah facing kaba because he told us to.... In the opening verses if

the second juz he says that the stupid people will say what had turned them away

from qiblah they used to face.... Say to them to Allah belongs the east and west

but he guides only whom he wants..... And in verse 149 - 159 he says FACE

KABA !!!

November 2 at 3:58am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 55, Number 636:

Narrated Abu Dhaar:

I said, "O Allah's Apostle! Which mosque was built first?" He replied, "Al-

Masjid-ul-Haram." I asked, "Which (was built) next?" He replied, "Al-Masjid-ul-

Aqs-a (i.e. Jerusalem)." I asked, "What was the period in between them?" He

replied, "Forty (years)." He then added, "Wherever the time for the prayer comes

upon you, perform the prayer, for all the earth is a place of worshipping for you."

Do you believe this Hadith?

Solomon built the second Qibla after 40 years. The gap between Solomon and

Abraham is nearly 40 years.


November 2 at 4:00am · Edited · Like


Mufti Taha Khan I'll answer ur question ..... But first answer my questions ....

Where is Allah...

November 2 at 4:08am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Uve been dodging.. Where do u face why do u face....!!!!

Answer the question buddy

November 2 at 4:09am via mobile · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan And Solomon building the aqsa in the Hadith is ur twist.... Cuz

in the Hadith it didn't say there that Solomon built aqsa.... Ibrahim built kaba and

then 40 years later he builds the aqsa.... In the Hadith we are talking about

Ibrahim building both !!!!!!

November 2 at 4:12am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan As for the part where the prophet says that the entire earth is a

place of worship! You are again missing its meaning... Where in the Hadith it

says there that face any direction... It's simply saying that where ever u are the

entire earth is masjid for u that u can pray anywhere like airport like market like

desert but WHERE .. That's not discussed in the hadith

November 2 at 4:19am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Proved wrong once again!!!!!!! Now what did Allah create first

November 2 at 4:44am via mobile · Like


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan So Abraham built two Qiblas? Where in the

Quran did God mentioned that he built two Qiblas?

November 2 at 5:02am · Like


Saeed Talpur Is there any verse in the Quran which says Abraham built Masjid Al

Aqsa (second Qibla)?

November 2 at 5:04am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan I never

November 2 at 5:05am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan When did I say he made aqsa as a qiblah?????

November 2 at 5:07am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan He made aqsa ... This was then qiblah for us... Then Allah

changed it to kaba ....

November 2 at 5:07am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Talpuri : what did Allah create first ?? The earth or sky

November 2 at 5:08am via mobile · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur You said Prophet liked the Qibla of Abraham so he faced toward

Kabba. What is the proof of he turned his face towards the Kabba he probably

faced towards the Masjid ul Aqsa because Abraham built both of them?

November 2 at 5:37am · Edited · Like


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan Why you keep asking the same question of what

did Allah create first ? The earth or sky.

I told you before the heavens and earth were joined together so Allah separated

them this means they were created at the same time.

21:30 Have those who rejected not seen that the heavens and the earth were one

piece, so We split them apart? And that We have made from the water everything

that lives. Will they not believe?

November 2 at 5:27am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Look at ur question... U don't even make scence... Now stop

running from my question

November 2 at 5:30am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Talpuri: then why did Allah say he create earth after in naziaat

November 2 at 5:38am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan If they were created together

November 2 at 5:39am via mobile · Like


Uzair Rauf lol mufti youve been running from the question of asking u to bring a

verse that authorizes the following of scriptures outside the quran this whole time,

so youre not one to accuse someone of dodging a question.

November 2 at 5:48am via mobile · Edited · Like · 2


Uzair Rauf are you going to call me a kafir everytime I ask that?

November 2 at 5:49am via mobile · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan lol What are you smoking these days in your

hookah? Can't you post the verses?

November 2 at 6:01am · Like


Aymen Michael Mufti Taha Khan, please read this verse:

2:177 Piety is not to turn your faces towards the east and the west, but piety is one

who acknowledges God and the Last day, and the angels, and the book, and the

prophets, and he gives money out of love to the near relatives, and the orphans,

and the needy and the wayfarer, and those who ask, and to free the slaves, and he

observes the Contact prayer, and contributes towards betterment; and those who

keep their pledges when they make a pledge, and those who are patient in the face

of good and bad and during persecution. These are the ones who have been

truthful, and they are the righteous.

Also let us look at what qibla actually means:

10:87 And We inspired to Moses and his brother, "Settle your people in Egypt in

houses and make your houses qib'latan and establish prayer and give good tidings

to the believers."

How would you translate qib'latan?

November 2 at 6:03am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Auman and talpur and uzair are all getting of focus... All three

first answer my question... Which I e been asking? What was first earth or sky...

Because the ayah say then AFTER we created the earth???

November 2 at 6:10am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Uzair ... Scroll up anywhere and show me where I called

anyone kafir!!!

November 2 at 6:11am via mobile · Like


Naqash Ahmed mufti, these people are useless to debate with, after 600+

comments with a mufti given ijazah, it shows how jahil these people are, may

Allaah guide them. its better to leave them to Allaah, agree to disagree, at least u

tried. dont waste ur time anymore. Allaahu akbar kabeera

November 2 at 6:13am · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan Uzair talking about previous scriptures... When the hell was I

talking about previous scriptures with u.... Answer my question and let's see who

has been doing the running

November 2 at 6:16am via mobile · Like


Aymen Michael Allah created first the heaven, then the earth, then everything on

the earth, then he fashioned the heaven into seven heavens and then he asked

them to come, and the did.

This is my knowledge.

November 2 at 6:30am · Like


Aymen Michael 2:29 He is the One who created for you all that is on Earth, then

He attended to the heaven and made it seven heavens, and He is aware of all


November 2 at 6:32am · Like


Aymen Michael Not that this verse does not say he first created everyting on earth

and then created the heaven.

It says he created all things on earth and then attenteted to the heaven and made it

seven heavens.

November 2 at 6:33am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan No the returning to the land is where in the Quran cuz so far

three things are mentioned... 1.. Creation of sky 2.. Decoration of the sky 3..

Creation of the earth... The order of these is not fixed.. We know that with the

creation of sky it was then Meade seven but what about the order that too from a

verse not ur knowledge

November 2 at 6:46am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Naqash Ahmed, if you can do better feel free to produce the

evidence supporting the Sunnah.

November 2 at 6:59am · Like · 1


Aymen Michael The earth and the heaven actually came into existence in this


41:11 Then He settled to the heaven, while it was still gas, and He said to it, and

to the earth: "Come willingly or unwillingly." They said, "We come willingly."

November 2 at 7:16am · Like


Saeed Talpur Naqash Ahmed You have only sent your scape goat Mufti Sahib

here why don't you come forward and prove the Sunnah from the Quran?

November 2 at 8:02am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Here everyone here !!!!! He and other people are seeing u lose

miserably ... Khidr wanted a verse that states follow prophet... I have to him

where Allah said if u loveAllah then follow me... Here it's general so no specifics

that a Nabi or rasool... So khidr now has to provide an ayah that clearly stated the

difference that if its beside the message or if he is a Nabi then don't follow him...

Surah tahreem does not prove so because Allah corrected him... And everything

else that prophet did Allah never corrected ! So he has to provide a clear cut verse

and he ran away

November 2 at 8:10am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Aymen.. U know better that dosent answer the question cuz

Allah said to both are u gonna come willingly or not... Meaning they were both

already created but the question rather is which one was created first.. And to

prove that u need a CLEAR verse... So far no clear verse is found

November 2 at 8:12am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Talpuri dosent even know what he is trying to prove : earlier he

said everything the prophet said was to be accepted until he died and then he said

no only message accept besides that don't accept like his father khidr has said

November 2 at 8:13am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Everyone get together and show us the clear sequence of what

was created first and then what second

November 2 at 8:14am via mobile · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan WERE THE EARTH AND HEAVENS


November 2 at 8:28am · Like


Saeed Talpur Chapter 41 Explained in detail Fussilat: Verse 9

Say: Is it that ye deny Him Who created the earth in two Days? And do ye join

equals with Him? He is the Lord of (all) the Worlds.

Chapter 41 Explained in detail Fussilat: Verse 10

He set on the (earth), mountains standing firm, high above it, and bestowed

blessings on the earth, and measure therein all things to give them nourishment in

due proportion, in four Days, in accordance with (the needs of) those who seek


Chapter 41 Explained in detail Fussilat: Verse 11

Moreover He comprehended in His design the sky, and it had been (as) smoke:

He said to it and to the earth: "Come ye together, willingly or unwillingly." They

said: "We do come (together), in willing obedience."

Chapter 41 Explained in detail Fussilat: Verse 12

So He completed them as seven firmaments in two Days, and He assigned to each

heaven its duty and command. And We adorned the lower heaven with lights, and

(provided it) with guard. Such is the Decree of (Him) the Exalted in Might, Full

of Knowledge.

November 2 at 8:34am · Like


Rohail Waseem 2/142 Soon the fools among the people would say: “What had

made them revert from their Qiblah (Direction of Belief) which they were

attached to.” Say: “To Allah belong the East and the West. He guides whom He

thinks proper to Sirat-al-Mustaqim.

November 2 at 8:36am · Like · 1


Aymen Michael Mufti, 4 things are mentioned also the creation of the things on

the earth, which took 4 days.

Come willingly to where? In existance of course.

November 2 at 10:06am · Edited · Like


Aymen Michael Mohammad, yes. Kind of like as a Christian you only had to

follow Jesus and not the Pope.

They created many lies about Jesus, also about Muhammad. And many believe

them, it's crazy.

November 2 at 9:59am · Edited · Like


Aymen Michael What does following the prophet mean? Does it mean eating like

he does? Does it mean having the same number of wives as he has? Does it mean

claiming to be a messenger from God like he did?

Or does it mean to be a follower of him, like the disciples were followers of

Christ, listen to his teaching, learn from him and follow his religion?

November 2 at 10:02am · Like


Aymen Michael The whole idea of having a ''perfect'' example and trying to live

like this particular person is taghut.

Islam is submission to Allah, not submission to another human being. Many

people who call themselves muslims have forgotten this.

November 2 at 10:04am · Like


Aymen Michael Mufti, 4 things are mentioned also the creation on the things on

the earth, which took 4 days.

November 2 at 10:06am · Like


Khidr Amari Taha Ahmad, what was the teaching of our Prophet Muhammad?

November 2 at 10:35am · Like


Khidr Amari If your not willing to put up or shut up please stand back and let the

real beleivers execute the real teachings of our Prophet do what we need to do to

spread Islam.

November 2 at 10:36am · Like


Aymen Michael Taha Ahmad. If Muhammad himself did not want his teachings

written down, but they got written down anyways, why should we follow them?

Should we trust the information written down by people disobeying the


If Muhammad believed we had to follow his teachings outside of the Quran, why

did he order the people to burn anything they wrote down of him, outside of the


This act actually shows he did not want anything of him remaining except the

Quran, because that is all that is needed for Islam.

November 2 at 11:11am · Edited · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan said

Point 1

"Here everyone here !!!!! He and other people are seeing u lose miserably ...

Khidr wanted a verse that states follow prophet... I have to him where Allah said

if u loveAllah then follow me... Here it's general so no specifics that a Nabi or

rasool... So khidr now has to provide an ayah that clearly stated the difference that

if its beside the message or if he is a Nabi then don't follow him... Surah tahreem

does not prove so because Allah corrected him... And everything else that prophet

did Allah never corrected ! So he has to provide a clear cut verse and he ran


@Mufti, once again you can't produce the ayat that says to follow the Prophet. Its

not a general statement at all its a directive to follow him, who is him, the Prophet

Muhammad. How can we follow the human side of the Prophet prone to error?

He was corrected by Allah committing sins, mistakes as a Prophet but never as a

Messenger. This is why Allah never says to follow the Prophet but always says

follow the Messenger. Yes, he was both a Prophet and Rasul but the Rasul is

higher status than the Nabi because the Nabi role represents the humaness side of

Muhammad again prone to error. The Rasul role represents Allah's agent he

speaks from the authority of Allah. When he speaks as a Messenger he is

speaking Allah's Words so this is why Allah says to obey the Messenger, follow

the Messenger because its the message that links us to the One who sent him. Its

the message he is conveying to the people that has to be obeyed. Thus, even the

Prophet Muhammad himself had to obey then follow the message he delievered.

So this is the difference between the Rasul and the Nabi he was corrected as the

Nabi/Prophet because of the sins/mistakes he committed but never corrected as

the role of the Messenger. Know the difference. I see this is why Mufti its

impossible for you to produce the ayat that says clearly to follow the

Nabi/Prophet because there is no ayat that says to follow the Nabi/Prophet this

would also entail following his personal speech versus following the Wahi/Divine

Revelation. There is a clear distinction between the Nabi/Prophet speech which

represent his human side again that made mistakes and the Wahi/Divine

Revelation which the people had to be attentive to according to the Qur'an. Know

the difference.

November 2 at 11:25am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Point 2:

What does it mean to follow the Messenger? One thing for sure Mufti Taha Khan

you have FAILED miserably being able to provide or produce one ayat, just one

ayat to my four points below.



(1) We are suppose to follow Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/ Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’


(2) We will get guidance from Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ or

(3) We are suppose to believe in Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ ? or

(4) Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi) / Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of

Messenger) was revealed or sent down (nazala) to Muhammad by ‘NAME’?

Hence, there is no ayat with the name that says to follow ==> Nataq-un-Nabi”

(Speech of Nabi)/ Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ <==

No Sunni or Shite can answer these simple points. Yet, its amazing because

Millata Ibrahim is mention by Name along with Sunnatu Allah (Allah's Sunnah)

but no Prophet's Sunnah or Hadith how interesting.

Key points:

Allah says,

"Say: If ye do love Allah, fa-ittabiʿūnī (Follow me): Allah will love you and

forgive you sins." [Qur'ân 3:31]


“He who obeys the Messenger has indeed obeyed Allaah . . .” [al-Nisaa’ 4:80]

Keeping it in context the Qur'an explains itself, Allah's call is one single call and

the Messengers who brings the message is one message. It didn't start with the

Prophet Muhammad.

The Arabic word atwi’ou means to ‘obey’ and this comes first then comes the

Arabic word ‘ittibaa’ means to ‘follow’. We cannot follow without obedience.

The Arabic word ‘ittibaa’ that means to follow is a concept which should be well

overstood and well researched.

What does it mean to ‘ittibaa/follow?’ Does ‘ittibaa/follow mean to follow the

messenger in all his

1) private matters and

2) hobbies

Does ittibaa/follow mean to follow the messenger when he committed mistakes

and we should do the same and so on?

Mufti you have been indoctrinated to believe that ‘Obey the Messenger’ or to

'follow the Messenger' means to follow Hadith of Sahih Bukhari and company

and I know it’s hard to digest this.

Is this not extreme to obey a human being when Allah tells us not to make any

distinctions from His Prophets? Allah says no Prophet would come and say be a

worshiper but they would call to the worship of Allah. We are told not to make

any distinctions between Allah's Prophets:

“The Apostle believeth in what hath been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the

men of faith. Each one (of them) believeth in Allah, His angels, His books, and

His apostles. "We make no ‘nufarriqu’ (distinction) between one and another of

His (Allah's) apostles." And they say: "We hear, and we obey: (We seek) Thy

forgiveness, our Lord, and to Thee is the end of all journeys." [2:285]

“Say ye: "We believe in Allah, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham,

Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that

given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no ‘nufarriqu’ (distinction)

between one and another of them: And we bow to Allah (in Islam)." [2:136]

“ ‘Qul’ Say, ‘mā’ (not) ‘kuntu’ (I am) ‘bid'an’ (a new one) ‘mina’ (among) ‘l-

rusuli’ (the Messengers) I have no idea what will happen to me or to you. I only

follow what is revealed to me. I am no more than a profound warner." [46:9]

November 2 at 12:06pm · Edited · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan I'm so happy u guys type so much non scence... And yet don't

answer my question from Quran ...

November 2 at 11:39am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Point 3:

“He who obeys the Messenger has indeed obeyed Allaah . . .” [al-Nisaa’ 4:80]

I cannot imagine for one second that a great man like the Prophet Muhammad

went around telling people to literally be like him in his personal life.

Allah says in Surah 3:31, “Say: "If ye do love Allah, ‘fa-ittabi’ūnī’ (then follow

me): Allah will love you and forgive you your sins: For Allah is Oft-Forgiving,

Most Merciful."

Now, Allah says, “Say: "If ye do love Allah, ‘fa-ittabi’ūnī’ (then follow me)….”

Would Allah send any Prophet to tell his people to:

1) to look him,

2) act like him,

3) dress like him,

4) think like him,

4) eat like him,

5) sleep like him,

6) drink like him,

7) urinate like him

make love like him

9) stand like him

10 walk like him

11) brush our teeth like him

12) take off our shoes like him

Allah says,

"Those who ‘yattabi’ūna’ (follow) the apostle, the unlettered Prophet, whom they

find mentioned in their own (scriptures),- in the law and the Gospel;- for he

commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as

lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure);

He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon

them. So it is those who believe in him, honour him, help him, ‘wa-ittaba’ū’ (and

follow) nūra (the light) which is sent down with him,- it is they who will prosper."

Surah 7:157

==> So it is those who believe in him, honour him, help him, ‘wa-ittaba’ū’ (and

follow) nūra (the light) which is sent down with him

Allah says clearly, “So those who believe in him and respect him and support him

and follow the light which was send down with him are the successful ones”.

Hence, the LIGHT that was sent down with him is the Book of Allah, the Qur’an


Now before we can ‘ittibaa’ the Prophet Muhammad we have to atwi’ou which

means to ‘obey’.

In Surah 36:20, Allah says, “Then there came running, from the farthest part of

the City, a man saying "O my people! ‘ittabi’ū’ (follow) the messengers:”

In Surah 36:21 Allah says, " ‘ittabi’ū’ (follow) those who ask no reward of you

(for themselves), and who have themselves received Guidance.

Again, 'obey the messengers' or 'follow the messenger' is dual/plural and not

uniquely given to the Prophet Muhammad alone.

Also in Surah 3:55, Allah says, “Behold! Allah said:

"O Isa! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee (of the falsehoods)

of those who blaspheme; I will make those who ‘ittaba’ūka (followed) you

superior to those who reject Faith, to the Day of Resurrection; then shall ye all

return unto Me, and I will judge between you of the matters wherein ye dispute."

==> I will make those who ‘ittaba’ūka (followed) you superior to those who reject


Did Prophet Isa have a Hadith and Sunnah of their own also because his people

had to obey/follow Prophet Isa?

In Surah 6:90 Allah says, “Those were the (prophets) who received Allah's


Allah says,

"Indeed there has come to you from Allah nūrun (a Light) and a Clear Book. bihi

(With it) Allah guides whoever ittabaʿa (follows) His good pleasure to the ways

of peace and brings them out from the darkness into the light by His

permission..." corresponds to Surah 7-157

==> Allah guides whoever ittabaʿa (follows)

Allah says the Prophet Muhammad had to follow that which was REVEALED to


"Say: "I tell you not that with me are the Treasures of Allah, nor do I know what

is hidden, nor do I tell you I am an angel. I attabiʿu (follow) what is revealed to

me." Say: "Can the blind be held equal to the seeing?" Will ye then consider not?"


==> I attabiʿu (follow) what is revealed to me.

"Say, "I am not different from other messengers, I have no idea what will happen

to me or to you. I only follow what is revealed to me. I am no more than a

profound warner." [46:9]

==> I only follow what is revealed to me

"And when thou bringest not a verse for them they say: Why hast thou not chosen

it? Say: I follow only that which is inspired in me from my Lord. This is insight

from your Lord, and a guidance and a mercy for a people that believe. And when

the QURAN is recited, give ear to it and pay heed, that ye may obtain mercy."


==> I follow only that which is inspired in me from my Lord.

"When Our Clear Signs are recited to them, those who do not expect to meet Us

say, ‘Bring a Qur’an other than this one or change it.’ Say: ‘It is not for me to

change it of my own accord. attabi'u (I follow) nothing except what is revealed to

me. I fear, were I to disobey my Lord, the punishment of a Dreadful Day." 10/15

==> attabi'u (I follow) nothing except what is revealed to me.

Again and again the Prophet Muhammad is instructed to say, "I only follow what

is revealed to me." So its obvious that the Prophet Muhammad is not following

his own Hadith or Sunnah in which they assert or led to believe. The Prophet

Muhammad is following the same revelation that was revealed to him which was

the Qur'an.

Allah says when people like you Mufti and other Sunnis who don't use your

reasoning and probably was born into the faith by your parents you are following

what your fathers followed:

"When they are told, ‘Follow what Allah has sent down to you,’ They say, ‘We

are following what we found our fathers doing.’ What, even though their fathers

did not understand a thing and were not guided!" 2/170

==> ‘Follow what Allah has sent down to you

When Isa ibn Maryam had his troubles with those he was sent to he asked who

will assist in the way of Allah. Some of his companions responded and said they

are the helpers of Allah and they believe in Allah and they submitted and obeyed.

"When Isa perceived their unbelief he asked: "Who will help me in the way of

Allah?" "We," the disciples answered, "shall be the helpers of Allah. We believe

in Allah; and you be our witness that we submit and obey. Our Lord, we have

iman in what You have sent down waittabaana (and have followed) the

Messenger, so write us down among the witnesses." 3/52-53

==> Our Lord, we have iman in what You have sent down waittabaana (and have

followed) the Messenger

Did Prophet Isa followers follow him according to Hadith and Sunnah books

outside of Scripture and notice it doesn't say and followed the Nabi/Prophet it


November 2 at 12:08pm · Edited · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Talpuri still has to make up his mind what the hell is he

supporting.. That everything is acceptable when he was living or nothing beside

message is acceptable...

November 2 at 11:40am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Khidr has a bug up his butt I tool him bu the hand and showed

him verses... Also Allah said if I like Allah then follow ME meaning prophet...

Here it's not specified Nabi or rasool something he has a problem with

November 2 at 11:41am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan So now what do u say about this verse

November 2 at 11:41am via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan ?????

November 2 at 11:41am via mobile · Like


Aymen Michael Your question on what was created first the earth or the heaven?

I have no clue.

''In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth''

November 2 at 11:46am · Like · 1


Aymen Michael Mufti, he actually answered you.

November 2 at 11:49am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Ok thank u.. Atleast ur honest... There are different tafasir on

it.... But who answered me and what answer did he give

U were smashed so now ur supporting someone else funny... So who answered

me and how???

November 2 at 11:59am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Point 4

Allah says about Prophet Shu'aib:

"The chiefs who had disbelieved from among his people then said, `If itabatum

(you follow) Shu`aib you shall then, truly be the losers.'

==> `If itabatum (you follow) Shu`aib you shall then, truly be the losers.'

Allah says about Prophet Harun:

walaqad (And verily) qāla ((had said) lahum (to them) Harun before yāqawmi ("O

my people!) Only you are being tested by it and indeed your Lord is the Most

Gracious fa-ittabiʿūnī (so follow me) wa-aṭīʿū (and obey) amrī (my order). They

said never will we cease being devoited to it until returns to us Musa. He said O

Harun! What prevented you when you saw them going astray, that not tattabiʿani

(you follow me). Then you have disobeyed my ord." 20/91-93

Just like the Prophet Muhammad said,

""Say: If ye do love Allah, fa-ittabiʿūnī (Follow me): Allah will love you and

forgive you sins." [Qur'ân 3:31]


“He who obeys the Messenger has indeed obeyed Allaah . . .” [al-Nisaa’ 4:80]

Again this is not unique to our Prophet Muhammad in any way Prophet Harun

came with the same Message with Prophet Musa telling their people to

obey/follow them as Messengers.

==> yāqawmi ("O my people!) Only you are being tested by it and indeed your

Lord is the Most Gracious fa-ittabiʿūnī (so follow me) wa-aṭīʿū (and obey) amrī

(my order).

We have another ayat telling us clearly that the Messengers call not the Prophets

but Messengers call is One Message:

Allah says,

"And warn mankind of a day when the doom will come upon them, and those

who did wrong will say: Our Lord! Reprieve us for a little while. We will

daʿwataka (obey Thy call) wanattabiʿi (and will follow) the messengers. (It will

be answered): Did ye not swear before that there would be no end for you?" Surah


==> We will daʿwataka (obey Thy call) wanattabiʿi (and will follow) the

messengers. <==

Again, and again and again Mufi has been refuted and exposed because he's so

stuck on the Hadith that he does not read the Qur'an CAREFULLY. There is no

single ayat telling the prophets of old followers to follow the Prophets but always

to follow the Messengers. Just because Prophet Muhammad said 'follow me' or

'obey me' is not unique just to him and it does not call us to follow his personal

alleged sayings/actions. Its always been the same unique directive to obey/follow

the One and Only Message revealed through the Scriptures through their Prophets

once conveyed to the people they are messengers.

A good example of this again is when Allah addresses Prophet Muhammad as

"Nabi/Prophet' which differentiated between him as a 'Messenger' because even

Muhammad/the Prophet had to follow again what was revealed to him which was

the Message/the Qur'an.

“yāayyuhā Nabi (O you prophet), you shall reverence Allah and do not obey the

disbelievers and the hypocrites. Allah is Omniscient, Most Wise. wa-ittabiʿ (And

follow) what yūḥā (is revealed) to you from your Lord. Allah is fully Cognizant

of everything you all do. And put your trust in Allah…". 33/1-3

==> yāayyuhā Nabi (O you prophet)

==> wa-ittabiʿ (And follow) what yūḥā (is revealed) to you from your Lord

November 2 at 12:14pm · Edited · Like · 1


Aymen Michael Excuse me who was smashed? You asking me a question and me

not knowing the answer means I am smashed?

November 2 at 12:05pm · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mufti, once again your SMASHED with the Book of Allah either

you believe it or you don't take it or leave it.

November 2 at 12:12pm · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Khidrs answer: he have three points and all three are saying that

he is Nabi and he is prone to make mistakes because Allah corrected him...... I

said to him way before that if he was not to be followed then why didn't Allah tell

him off for the thousands of things he did beside the things Allah corrected him


November 2 at 12:12pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Then when I showed the clear verse that Allah says follow him

without making it clear rasool or prophet then if he is taking it to mean rasool

that's an addition from his pocket !!!!

November 2 at 12:15pm via mobile · Like


Aymen Michael Muhammad is to be followed, but following someone does not

mean being a copycat.

You follow him in being a monotheist and submitting to the message he brought.

November 2 at 12:15pm · Edited · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Also then why does Allah tell us to follow the PATH of the


November 2 at 12:15pm via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari lol redundant he was corrected and provided the proof that as a

Nabi/Prophet he was corrected in the Qur'an, in the very recital he conveyed to

the people. He was corrected in the very message he was as a Prophet was told to

follow. Again, Mufti Taha Khan you don't have the ayat telling us to follow his

personal speech or sunnah. Your running out of excuses.

November 2 at 12:16pm · Like · 1


Khidr Amari No where in the Qur'an does Allah ever say to follow Muhammad,

the Prophet, Isa, Musa....they are always addressed as 'Messengers' because as

Messengers they are representatives of Allah speaking for Allah as Nabi/Prophets

they are human beings all capable of mistakes, error.

November 2 at 12:19pm · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Khidr : when I say follow someone... It means follow what he


November 2 at 12:19pm via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan, so what did the Prophet Muhammad follow?

November 2 at 12:20pm · Like · 1


Aymen Michael Because the Path of the Nabi is the Millat Ibrahim, monotheism.

November 2 at 12:20pm · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Allah says the Prophet Muhammad had to follow that which was

REVEALED to him:

"Say: "I tell you not that with me are the Treasures of Allah, nor do I know what

is hidden, nor do I tell you I am an angel. I attabiʿu (follow) what is revealed to

me." Say: "Can the blind be held equal to the seeing?" Will ye then consider not?"


==> I attabiʿu (follow) what is revealed to me.

"Say, "I am not different from other messengers, I have no idea what will happen

to me or to you. I only follow what is revealed to me. I am no more than a

profound warner." [46:9]

==> I only follow what is revealed to me

"And when thou bringest not a verse for them they say: Why hast thou not chosen

it? Say: I follow only that which is inspired in me from my Lord. This is insight

from your Lord, and a guidance and a mercy for a people that believe. And when

the QURAN is recited, give ear to it and pay heed, that ye may obtain mercy."


==> I follow only that which is inspired in me from my Lord.

"When Our Clear Signs are recited to them, those who do not expect to meet Us

say, ‘Bring a Qur’an other than this one or change it.’ Say: ‘It is not for me to

change it of my own accord. attabi'u (I follow) nothing except what is revealed to

me. I fear, were I to disobey my Lord, the punishment of a Dreadful Day." 10/15

==> attabi'u (I follow) nothing except what is revealed to me.

Again and again the Prophet Muhammad is instructed to say, "I only follow what

is revealed to me." So its obvious that the Prophet Muhammad is not following

his own Hadith or Sunnah in which they assert or led to believe. The Prophet

Muhammad is following the same revelation that was revealed to him which was

the Qur'an.

November 2 at 12:20pm · Like · 1


Aymen Michael Mufti, do you ride a camel?

November 2 at 12:20pm · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan His philosophies the end!! : watch everyone....!!!!!

Khidr : what does uswah mean in Arabic? ة س .....?

November 2 at 12:20pm via mobile · Like


Aymen Michael Have you married a 6 year old girl?

November 2 at 12:20pm · Like · 1


Khidr Amari First answer my question Mufti Taha Khan its in Qur'an that Allah

tells the Prophet to follow what was revealed to him......

Allah says the Prophet Muhammad had to follow that which was REVEALED to


"Say: "I tell you not that with me are the Treasures of Allah, nor do I know what

is hidden, nor do I tell you I am an angel. I attabiʿu (follow) what is revealed to

me." Say: "Can the blind be held equal to the seeing?" Will ye then consider not?"


==> I attabiʿu (follow) what is revealed to me.

"Say, "I am not different from other messengers, I have no idea what will happen

to me or to you. I only follow what is revealed to me. I am no more than a

profound warner." [46:9]

==> I only follow what is revealed to me

"And when thou bringest not a verse for them they say: Why hast thou not chosen

it? Say: I follow only that which is inspired in me from my Lord. This is insight

from your Lord, and a guidance and a mercy for a people that believe. And when

the QURAN is recited, give ear to it and pay heed, that ye may obtain mercy."


==> I follow only that which is inspired in me from my Lord.

"When Our Clear Signs are recited to them, those who do not expect to meet Us

say, ‘Bring a Qur’an other than this one or change it.’ Say: ‘It is not for me to

change it of my own accord. attabi'u (I follow) nothing except what is revealed to

me. I fear, were I to disobey my Lord, the punishment of a Dreadful Day." 10/15

==> attabi'u (I follow) nothing except what is revealed to me.

Again and again the Prophet Muhammad is instructed to say, "I only follow what

is revealed to me." So its obvious that the Prophet Muhammad is not following

his own Hadith or Sunnah in which they assert or led to believe. The Prophet

Muhammad is following the same revelation that was revealed to him which was

the Qur'an.

so what did the Prophet Muhammad follow?

November 2 at 12:22pm · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan What I will prove ?

1 : Allah uses both Nabi and rasool for the prophet not looking at is it the message

he saying so right now he a messenger otherwise a Nabi

2 : he is to be followed in daily life

November 2 at 12:23pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan So khidr and crew !!! What does uswah mean

November 2 at 12:23pm via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Answer my question

November 2 at 12:24pm · Like


Khidr Amari First answer my question Mufti Taha Khan its in Qur'an that Allah

tells the Prophet to follow what was revealed to him......

Allah says the Prophet Muhammad had to follow that which was REVEALED to


"Say: "I tell you not that with me are the Treasures of Allah, nor do I know what

is hidden, nor do I tell you I am an angel. I attabiʿu (follow) what is revealed to

me." Say: "Can the blind be held equal to the seeing?" Will ye then consider not?"


==> I attabiʿu (follow) what is revealed to me.

"Say, "I am not different from other messengers, I have no idea what will happen

to me or to you. I only follow what is revealed to me. I am no more than a

profound warner." [46:9]

==> I only follow what is revealed to me

"And when thou bringest not a verse for them they say: Why hast thou not chosen

it? Say: I follow only that which is inspired in me from my Lord. This is insight

from your Lord, and a guidance and a mercy for a people that believe. And when

the QURAN is recited, give ear to it and pay heed, that ye may obtain mercy."


==> I follow only that which is inspired in me from my Lord.

"When Our Clear Signs are recited to them, those who do not expect to meet Us

say, ‘Bring a Qur’an other than this one or change it.’ Say: ‘It is not for me to

change it of my own accord. attabi'u (I follow) nothing except what is revealed to

me. I fear, were I to disobey my Lord, the punishment of a Dreadful Day." 10/15

==> attabi'u (I follow) nothing except what is revealed to me.

Again and again the Prophet Muhammad is instructed to say, "I only follow what

is revealed to me." So its obvious that the Prophet Muhammad is not following

his own Hadith or Sunnah in which they assert or led to believe. The Prophet

Muhammad is following the same revelation that was revealed to him which was

the Qur'an.

so what did the Prophet Muhammad follow?

November 2 at 12:24pm · Like · 1


Khidr Amari We dealing with the Book of Allah clearly telling us that the Prophet


Prophet Muhammad follow? Mufti Taha Khan answer the question

November 2 at 12:24pm · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan And aymen !!!! Khidr And talpuri were smarter then u, that's

why they ran from the question of which was created first? Cuz it's a

contradiction on Quran that only mug addition explain

November 2 at 12:25pm via mobile · Like


Aymen Michael Are you a kafir? You just said the Quran contradicted itself.

November 2 at 12:26pm · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Whatever Mufti Taha Khan stick to the point I don't engage in

jumping SHIP you don't answer questions but want to ask all the questions. What

did the Prophet follow?

November 2 at 12:26pm · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Note every one who is reading this Mufti Taha Khan does not

ANSWER QUESTIONS this is typical Sunni behavior

November 2 at 12:27pm · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Ur so stupid... Yes the prophet follows what was revealed to

him ... Meaning he dosent follow his desires telling kuffar that this is revelation

that comes to me....

November 2 at 12:27pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan But I wanna use the Quran so first tell me what uswah means

November 2 at 12:27pm via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Note: To every one when trapped and dumbfounded because of the

question not being able to be answered Mufti Taha Khan resorts to insults and

name calling.

November 2 at 12:28pm · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan thank you so you said, ". Yes the prophet follows

what was revealed to him" so its fair and can be proven without a doubt that it is

the Qur'an ALONE that was revealed to the Prophet?

November 2 at 12:28pm · Like · 1


Khidr Amari “Say, “Are there of shurakāikum (your ‘partners) any who yahdī

(guides) to ḥaqi (the truth)?” Say, ” Allah yahdī (guides) lil’ḥaqqi (to the truth).

So is He who yahdī (guides) to ḥaqi (the truth) more worthy that yuttabaʿa (he

should be followed) or he who guides not illā (unless) yuh’dā (he is guided)?

Then what is with you – how do taḥkumūna (you judge)?” 10/35

November 2 at 12:36pm · Edited · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Wow.... The prophet only follows what has been revealed to

him... Correct we believe that to, where ur brain stops working is that everything

revealed to him HAS to be in the Quran, according to us THERE WeRE THINGs


Why do we say that.... Because in Surah tahreem Allah says that the NABI told

some of his wives a secret and when one of them told the other Allah informed

him ..... What Allah told him that's not mentioned in the Quran ... This proves that

Allah used to reveal to the prophet things that ARE NOT IN the Quran

Also another verse : Allah says that they will say thatwhat has turned the people

away from the qiblah they used to face....... What qiblah is he talking about????

November 2 at 12:38pm via mobile · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan So now I just proved to u from Quran that it dosent have to be

in Quran for it to be a message from Allah!!!!

And what qiblah did the Muslims follow????

November 2 at 12:41pm via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan I will divide the questions : for aymen.... I'll answer u buddy but

what does uswah mean?

November 2 at 12:43pm via mobile · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan said, " Wow.... The prophet only follows what has

been revealed to him... Correct we believe that to, where ur brain stops working is

that everything revealed to him HAS to be in the Quran, according to us THERE



@Mufti, claims to believe that the Qur'an was revealed but it shows that he's just

not satisfied with the Qur'an alone by his statement:

"where ur brain stops working is that everything revealed to him HAS to be in the

Quran, according to us THERE WeRE THINGs ThAT WERE RevEAlED TO


This is an assumption he has no proof what so ever indicating that other Divine

Revelations were revealed to him that were supposed to be conveyed to the

people. If he witheld information he would not have done his job as a messenger.

As any one reading Mufti baseless claims he has NO Bayyinat (Clear Evidence)

from Qur'an to back his conjecture.

Allah says:

"And thus have We revealed to you an Arabic Quran, <auhaina_ ilaika qur a_nan

arabiy yan> that you may warn the mother city and those around it, and that you

may give warning of the day of gathering together wherein is no doubt; a party

shall be in the garden and (another) party in the burning fire." (42:7)

"Say: I follow only that which is inspired in me from my Sustainer. This (Qur'an)

is insight from your Sustainer, and a guidance and a mercy for a people that

believe. And when the Qur'an is recited, give ear to it and pay heed, that ye may

obtain mercy." (7:203-204)

"And this Quran has been revealed to me <u_hiya ilayya ha_zal qur'a_n> that

with it I may warn you and whomsoever it reaches" (6:19)

This we know without a doubt it was the Qur'an ALONE revealed to the Prophet.

Mufti said, "Why do we say that.... Because in Surah tahreem Allah says that the

NABI told some of his wives a secret and when one of them told the other Allah

informed him ..... What Allah told him that's not mentioned in the Quran ... This

proves that Allah used to reveal to the prophet things that ARE NOT IN the


@Mufti again this is asummption, conjecture, guesswork to say that what the

Prophet told his wives was Divine revelation Allah does not say what was

between Allah, the Prophet and his wives was Wahi/Divine Revelation. This does

not prove that the Prophet Muhammad was given other Wahi/Divine Revelation

outside of the Qur'an primarily that was supposed to be conveyed to the people.

Allah makes it clear that what was revealed to the Prophet was meant to be

CONVEYED. Whatever Allah speaks of that wasn't conveyed to the people was

not meant to be conveyed and it wasn't Wahi/Divine Revelation for Aalamin (for

the worlds).

Allah says,

“O Messenger! Proclaim which has been sent down to you from your Lord. And

if you do not, then you have not conveyed His Message. Allah will protect you

from mankind. Verily, Allah guides not the people who disbelieve.” 5/67

.==> And if you do not, then you have not conveyed His Message.

Mufti continues to bring conjecture instead of evidence to back his claim.

November 2 at 1:22pm · Edited · Like · 1


Aymen Michael ''like''?

November 2 at 1:16pm · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Again khidr.... All I'm proving is that Allah send him messages

wether it's meant for guidance or not according to u to the prophet... Meaning In a

state of him being a Nabi Allah tells him things we are not aware of ... Correct

from this ayah or no so far? The bigger question is coming after u answer some

common ground questions

November 2 at 1:25pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan I'm proving that the prophet when he is Nabi according to u...

Gets messages and is guided by Allah wether or not its guidance to u or not... To

us everything is guidance in the Quran.... Not according to you because just now u

said Allah dosent say what was between him and wives were revelation... If

everything was for us in the Quran why then is Allah talking tot he prophet in

matters that are not related to us

November 2 at 1:30pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Again ... My proof... That Allah conveys to him things that are

not clear to us meaning in a state of being a Nabi in his normal day activities

November 2 at 1:31pm via mobile · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Do we agree here ? If not then why

November 2 at 1:32pm via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan said, " Wow.... The prophet only follows what has

been revealed to him... Correct we believe that to, where ur brain stops working is

that everything revealed to him HAS to be in the Quran, according to us THERE



@Mufti, claims to believe that the Qur'an was revealed but it shows that he's just

not satisfied with the Qur'an alone by his statement:

"where ur brain stops working is that everything revealed to him HAS to be in the

Quran, according to us THERE WeRE THINGs ThAT WERE RevEAlED TO


This is an assumption he has no proof what so ever indicating that other Divine

Revelations were revealed to him that were supposed to be conveyed to the

people. If he witheld information he would not have done his job as a messenger.

As any one reading Mufti baseless claims he has NO Bayyinat (Clear Evidence)

from Qur'an to back his conjecture.

Allah says:

"And thus have We revealed to you an Arabic Quran, <auhaina_ ilaika qur a_nan

arabiy yan> that you may warn the mother city and those around it, and that you

may give warning of the day of gathering together wherein is no doubt; a party

shall be in the garden and (another) party in the burning fire." (42:7)

"Say: I follow only that which is inspired in me from my Sustainer. This (Qur'an)

is insight from your Sustainer, and a guidance and a mercy for a people that

believe. And when the Qur'an is recited, give ear to it and pay heed, that ye may

obtain mercy." (7:203-204)

"And this Quran has been revealed to me <u_hiya ilayya ha_zal qur'a_n> that

with it I may warn you and whomsoever it reaches" (6:19)

This we know without a doubt it was the Qur'an ALONE revealed to the Prophet.

Mufti said, "Why do we say that.... Because in Surah tahreem Allah says that the

NABI told some of his wives a secret and when one of them told the other Allah

informed him ..... What Allah told him that's not mentioned in the Quran ... This

proves that Allah used to reveal to the prophet things that ARE NOT IN the


@Mufti again this is asummption, conjecture, guesswork to say that what the

Prophet told his wives was Divine revelation Allah does not say what was

between Allah, the Prophet and his wives was Wahi/Divine Revelation. This does

not prove that the Prophet Muhammad was given other Wahi/Divine Revelation

outside of the Qur'an primarily that was supposed to be conveyed to the people.

Allah makes it clear that what was revealed to the Prophet was meant to be

CONVEYED. Whatever Allah speaks of that wasn't conveyed to the people was

not meant to be conveyed and it wasn't Wahi/Divine Revelation for Aalamin (for

the worlds).

Allah says,

“O Messenger! Proclaim which has been sent down to you from your Lord. And

if you do not, then you have not conveyed His Message. Allah will protect you

from mankind. Verily, Allah guides not the people who disbelieve.” 5/67

.==> And if you do not, then you have not conveyed His Message.

“O Messenger! Proclaim which has been sent down to you from your Lord. And

if you do not, then you have not conveyed His Message. Allah will protect you

from mankind. Verily, Allah guides not the people who disbelieve.” 5/67

"The duty of the Messenger is nothing but to convey (the Message). And Allah

knows all that you reveal and all that you conceal." 5/99

"Say: "Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, but if you turn away, he is only

responsible for the duty placed on him and you for that placed on you. If you obey

him, you shall be on the right guidance. The Messenger's duty is only to convey

(the message) in a clear way." 24/54

"And if you deny, then nations before you have denied (their Messengers). And

the duty of the Messenger is only to convey (the Message) plainly." 29/18

"Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger; but if you turn away, then the duty of Our

Messenger is only to convey (the Message) clearly." 64/12

"Obey Allah and obey the Apostle; but if you turn away, then Our Apostle’s duty

is only to communicate in clear terms." 64/12

"So proclaim of what tu'maru (you are ordered)..." 15/94

Mufti continues to bring conjecture instead of evidence to back his claim.

November 2 at 1:33pm · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan said, "I'm proving that the prophet when he is Nabi

according to u... Gets messages and is guided by Allah wether or not its guidance

to u or not... To us everything is guidance in the Quran.... Not according to you

because just now u said Allah dosent say what was between him and wives were

revelation... If everything was for us in the Quran why then is Allah talking tot he

prophet in matters that are not related to us"

Again, Mufti it doesn't matter as a Prophet he was given information that's

redundant Allah did not make it his responsibility to convey it openly. If this

wasn't the case it wasn't Wahi/Divine Revelation and it wasn't for us to know.


Also if you want to make the case Allah uses the same word he used in Surah

53/1-4 "waḥyun" / revelation Allah uses it in Surah 16/18 for the bee:

Allah says,

"By the evidence of the star when it goes down. Your companion does not err, nor

does he go astray; Nor does he speak out of desire. It is naught but waḥyun

(revelation) that is revealed."

"wa-awḥā (And inspired) your Lord to the bees, saying: "Take you habitations in

the mountains and in the trees and in what they erect." 16/18

Are we to say that now since the Bee was given revelation to the bee are Prophets

of Allah? Nah, Your point is pointless and futile. The information the Prophet

received that is conveyed to us in Wahi/Divine Revelation is between the Prophet

and Allah. It doesn't have anything to do with us in terms of open revelation from

Qur'an he was suppose to convey.

November 2 at 1:51pm · Edited · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan notice all I do is present Qur'an take a serious look

at your post what do you present?

November 2 at 1:43pm · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan My friend wether its an ant or a bee... What I'm saying is that

Allah told him things that we are unaware of...... Yes or no

November 2 at 2:19pm via mobile · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan Allah told him also showed him things which we

are unaware of because it was between God and his messenger. Prophet only

delivered what God inspired to him for our guidance and that was the Quran. Yes

or No.

November 2 at 6:49pm · Like


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan Rehaan Waseem, Osman Azhar, Faraaz Merchant,

Shaan Syed, Sammy Hossain, Ibrahim Kaleem Seyed, Abul Qaasim, Faridah

Omar, Nasteha Xaji, Mohammed Samir Wahid, Abukumar Mazimpaka.

Before reading any Hadith keep these verses in your mind. Allah will guide you.

Insha Allah


69:43 A revelation from the Lord of the worlds.

69:44 And had he attributed anything falsely to Us.

69:45 We would have seized him by the right.

69:46 Then, We would have severed his life-line.

69:47 None of you would be able to prevent it.



17:73 And they nearly diverted you from what We inspired to you so that you

would fabricate something different against Us, and then they would have taken

you as a friend!

17:74 And if We had not made you stand firm, you were about to lean towards

them a little bit.

17:75 Then, We would have made you taste double the retribution in this life and

double the retribution in death. And then you would not find for yourself any

victor against Us.

November 2 at 7:10pm · Like


Musab Qazi Salam my brothers. I dont want to argue but please listen to me with

an open heart because there is no point in a heated argument in which both sides

are trying to knock the other out. Allah says in the Quran, Indeed, those who

disbelieve in Allah and His messengers and wish to discriminate between Allah

and His messengers and say, "We believe in some and disbelieve in others," and

wish to adopt a way in between. Those are the disbelievers, truly. And We have

prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment. Differentiating between

Quran and sunnah is equivalent to kufr. Without ahadith you wouldnt know how

to pray even. Then we could just say that Allah said in the Quran that we must

pray and he didn't specify how and so we can pray how we like. Also the sahih

ahadith are extremely authentic and there is not the least bit of doubt in them.

Allah says in surah najm that the prophets talk, even if it was error, is wahi. Allah

made him make those errors so that we could learn what to do when we are in

those situations ourselves and other reasons also. And Allah says in the Quran

"Say, If you love Allah then follow me, Allah will love you and he will forgive

your sins, and Allah is the most forgiving most merciful." So how can we know

how to follow the prophet? Allah doesn't mention his everyday life in the Quran.

And if you really don't want to believe that, then i know you can give 1 million

excuses in the form of ayaat that you think support you so I'm not going to argue.

The Muslim ummat is already so divided, please don't divide it more by adding

more wrong things. Don't you fear Allah? Trust me, the main thing that is

expected from us when we read and understand the Quran is not that we learn to

throw verses of Quran at each other and say im right and you are wrong. The

point of Islam is not to throw proofs. Allah is witness to who is right and wrong.

A person who is adamant, even if given the most obvious proof, won't budge from

his theory because of his ego. The point of Quran is that we become humble,

develop good character, and observe piety and imaan and that we listen open

heartedly to the truth. Judging from your harsh language on your posts, this effect

is not in your life. The Quran teaches us to be loving,soft, lenient, and not to

argue, not to be harsh and rough in speech and always argue. Please don't

misguide yourself and others after you already know Islam. Please try to

understand and please excuse me if I have offended you in anyway. Allah guides

whomsoever he wants. Wasalam.

November 2 at 8:46pm · Like · 1


Uzair Rauf following the messenger automatically means following the daily

actions of the prophet muhammad? not becsuse the quran was being revealed

through him over a period of time and the only way to obey the quran would be to

follow and subscribe to the messenger? very well, then ill ask the same question

ive been asking for the past few days now, where does the quran lead me to these


November 2 at 10:48pm via mobile · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur @Musab Qazi

4:150 Those who rejected God and His messengers, and they want to make a

separation between God and His messengers, and they say: "We believe in some

and reject some!" And they desire to take a path in-between.

Why don’t you read the Quran carefully? Where Does God mention the word

Sunnah in verse 4:150?

You only quoted the verse out of the context without reading and understanding

the above and below verses and claiming that it is talking about the Sunnah.

This verse is talking about the Hypocrites who had soft heart for rejecters from

the people of book so they said we believe in some verses/parts of the Quran and

we reject the other which mention that do not take rejecters as your allies as

mentioned in these verse:

4:139 Those who take the rejecters as allies instead of the believers: "Do they

seek glory with them?" All glory belongs to God.

4:144 O you who believe, do not take the rejecters as allies instead of the

believers. Do you want God to have a reason against you?

Same thing repeated in verse 59:11

59:11 Have you noted those who are hypocrites, they say to their brothers who

have rejected among the people of the Book: If you are driven out we will go out

with you, and we will never obey anyone who opposes you. And if anyone fights

you, we will support you. God bears witness that they are liars.

WE BELIEVE IN SOME AND REJECT SOME is about the Message of God in

the verses of the QURAN. It does not mean Sunnah.

So Wake up!

Musab Qazi Did the Prophet follow the Quran or something else?


3:31 Say: "If you love God then follow me so God will love you and forgive your

sins." God is Forgiver, Merciful.


10:15 And when Our clear revelations were recited to them, those who do not

wish to meet Us said: "Bring a Qur'an other than this, or change it!" Say: "It is not

for me to change it of my own accord, I MERELY FOLLOW WHAT IS

INSPIRED TO ME. I fear, if I disobeyed my Lord, the retribution of a great


6:50 Say: "I do not say to you that I possess the treasures of God, nor do I know

the future, nor do I say to you that I am an angel. I MERELY FOLLOW WHAT

IS INSPIRED TO ME." Say: "Are the blind and the seer the same? Do you not



7:203 And because you do not bring them a sign, they say: "If only you had


MY LORD. This is an evidence from your Lord, and a guide and mercy to a

people who believe."


46:9 Say: I am no different from the other messengers, nor do I know what will

happen to me or to you. I ONLY FOLLOW WHAT IS INSPIRED TO ME. I am

no more than a clear warner.

So Musab Qazi What was inspired to Prophet Muhammad? QURAN or Other


6:21 And who is more wicked than he who invents lies about God, or denies His

revelations! The wicked will never succeed.

November 2 at 11:14pm · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Talpuri : first u accepted that everything the prophet says has to

be followed but only till he is alive..... So first make up ur mind please

November 2 at 11:51pm via mobile · Like · 1


Musab Qazi Also then that means that there is no Eid ul Adha nor an Eid ul Fitr

and it means that there is no salat ul jumuah because allah never mentions that

there is anything special about those days. Allah says that when we are called for

the prayer on Jumuah but he doesn't mention anything about a special prayer. For

all we know he could have been talking about Fajr. Also it means that if

ANYONE, not matter who, even a 5 year old kid steals something, then we would

have to cut off his hand. It also means that islam is just a philosophy, with no

specifics on how to lead our day to day life. Yes Prophet SAW followed what was

revealed to him, but Quran is not the only thing that is revalation. Each and

everything he said or did was revalation as Allah mentions in surah najm.

November 3 at 2:01am · Like · 1


Musab Qazi Oh also how many times a day do muslims pray? (it's not mentioned

in to Quran). Also how much zakat are we supposed to give. And how do we

know what to do in hajj exactly? Do we just go to the Ka'bah and our hajj is

done? Look im not going to try to "prove" you wrong because someone who

doesn't want to believe in something can come up with millions of "proofs" if they

don't want to believe. But I sure as hell am going to show you exactly how utterly

stupid you look. I promise you that you won't be able to answer any one of these

questions from the Qur'an correctly. The reason Allah didn't exactly break it down

to someone with such low intellect as you that you have to follow what the

Prophet said and did by understanding the situation in light of ahadith(because

otherwise you will ask why dont I ride a camel and why don't i marry a 6 year old

girl) is because he made most (obviously not all) humans with this much intellect

that they would understand that you cant follow someone if you don't know a

word they said or anything they did specifically in their day to day life

November 3 at 2:30am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Khidr... The point is that u said he is rasool only when he

recieves a message from Allah.... So I cracked this philosophy of urs as I showed

u that as a Nabi according to u he revealed to him things... So now what does

uswah mean?

November 3 at 4:58am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan And this tells us that he was guided in him being a non rasool

meaning Nabi to u which gives us the point of following him in his speech and

other things !!!!! So what does uswah mean ??

November 3 at 5:11am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan, what Allah shared with the Prophet Muhammad

that we weren't suppose to know is none of our business. Its just that simple.

Case in point: Mufti claims that the Prophet Muhammad was given extra

information that is not presented to us by the Messenger I don't know what Mufti

want to make out of this. Again, it wasn't Wahi/Divine Revelation.

If we want to build a case around the Prophet Muhammad being given

information besides the Qur'an that was between Allah and His Messenger well

we have plenty of other Prophets and all to chose from in Qur'an that Allah did

the same thing with them such as:

Allah called out to Adam and his wife:

"wanādāhumā (And called them both) rabbuhumā (their Lord) alam ("Did not)

anhakumā (I forbid you both)..." 7/22

Prophet Nuh also was given Wahi:

"waūḥiya (And it was inspired) ilā (to) nūḥin (Nuh,)..." 11/36 <==

qāla (He said,) yānūḥu ("O Nuh!) innahu (Indeed, he) is not of your family."


Prophet Ibrahim was given inspiration:

"ḥujjatunā (That is our argument), which we gave to Ibrahim against his qawmihi

(his people.)" 11/26

Prophet Jacob was given inspiration:

"And when the caravan parted/went out , their father said: "That I, I find Joseph's

smell , unless you prove me wrong ." They said, ‘By Allah! Your mind is still

astray.’ But when the bringer of the good news came, he cast it on his face and

sight returned. He said, ‘Did I not say to you before, I know things from Allah

you do not know?’" 12/94-96

Prophet Yusuf/Joseph was given Wahi: <==

"So when they went with him, and agreed to put him in the bottom of the well,

wa-awḥaynā (and We inspired) to him, 'Thou shalt tell them of this their doing

when they are unaware." 12/15

Prophet Musa was given Wahi: <==

"I am your Lord. Take off your sandals. You are in the holy valley of Tuwa."

"And I have chosen you, so listen to what is yūḥā (inspired)." 20/12-13

"walaqad (And verily) awḥaynā (We inspired), Moses, 'Journey by night with my

servants, and strike out for them a dry road in the sea. Fear not pursuit, nor be

afraid!'" 20/77

Prophet Muhammad was given Wahi: <==

"By the evidence of the star when it goes down. Your companion does not err, nor

does he go astray; Nor does he speak out of desire. It is naught but waḥyun

(revelation) that is revealed." 53/1-4

The Bee was given Wahi: <==

"And your Lord wa-awḥā (inspired) the bees, saying: "Take you habitations in the

mountains and in the trees and in what they erect." 16/68

Now we have Prophet Nuh, Yusuf, Musa, Muhammad and the bees all given

Wahi does this mean they all came with their own sayings? Allah gave Prophet

Muhammad information that was not meant to be conveyed to the people and

once again that has nothing to do with us. Allah gave Prophet Jacob information,

Ibrahim information, etc. Again, Prophet Muhammad was given the Qur'an alone

nothing else. If you say that Wahi/Divine Revelation was not limited to the Qur'an

you need to produce the ayat.

November 3 at 5:12am · Edited · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan said, Khidr... The point is that u said he is rasool

only when he recieves a message from Allah.... So I cracked this philosophy of

urs as I showed u that as a Nabi according to u he revealed to him things... So

now what does uswah mean?

@Mufti what part aren't you understanding you haven't cracked anything other

than your continued lack of knowing the Book of Allah. Prove that the Prophet

Muhammad received Wahi/Divine Revelations besides Qur'an. I'm not in dispute

that the Prophet received other information just like I just showed you how other

Prophets were given information Allah didn't mention. That doesn't make it

Wahi/Divine Revelation that is supposed to be conveyed to the people.

November 3 at 5:15am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari With the other information other Prophets received also proves they

to were guided. Uswatun Hasana means/excellent example in Surah 33/21

November 3 at 5:16am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari @Musab, I suggest you read about what Allah says about those who

continue to challenge Allah's Book saying its incomplete.

November 3 at 5:17am · Like · 2


Uzair Rauf musab, search all of these 'where in the quran does it say' questions on

google and you will finx the answers. we're not going to spoonfeed you the

answers just because you are too lazy to study the quran for yourself.

November 3 at 5:25am via mobile · Like · 1


Why should Muslims return to the Qur'an Alone without the Sunnah Mohammed

Samir Wahid because Allah tells us to follow His Book what other book can give

us better guidance?

November 3 at 5:26am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Why do Muslims follow Hadith?

November 3 at 5:27am · Like · 1


Uzair Rauf go on youtube and type proof:zakaat , proof:prayer , or proof: hajj .

these are very informative and detailed videos, and short as well.

November 3 at 5:27am via mobile · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan To understand Quran ..... Now again running away ... What

does uswah mean? Please ...!!

November 3 at 5:32am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan I answered your question a while ago I'm not

answering you again scroll up

November 3 at 5:33am · Like · 1


Uzair Rauf also you say that the quran is not the only revelation from allah, yet it

is the only revelation allah gives the characteristics as perfect, well-guarded,

truthful, contradiction free, etc etc. why arent the hadith revelations u speak of

given these characteristics as well? why arent they even mentioned in the quran?

furthermore, why do they contain mistakes and contradictions and rely on

manmade guessing to determine their authenticity, characteristicly making it the

exact oposite of the quran? does any of this make sense? Allah taking

responsibilty for one revelation and letting man take responsibility for the other

and fail miserably? Is this islam?

November 3 at 5:43am via mobile · Edited · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Repost: this comment was in the early discussion see Mufti Taha

Khan doesn't read what is being given.

Khidr Amari Live the Quranic way of life implementing the Qur'an the Salaat,

Divine System in our lives all day every day.

Allah says in Surah 33/21

"Indeed, in the messenger of Allah us'watun ḥasanatun (a good example) has been

set for you for he who seeks Allah and the Last Day and thinks constantly about


What about Prophet Ibrahim Allah tells us clearly,

"Indeed, there is for you us'watun ḥasanatun (a good example) in Ibrahim and

those with him when they said to their people: Surely we are clear of you and of

what you serve besides Allah; we declare ourselves to be clear of you, and enmity

and hatred have appeared between us and you forever until you believe in Allah

alone-- but not in what Ibrahim said to his father: I would certainly ask

forgiveness for you, and I do not control for you aught from Allah-- Our Lord! on

Thee do we rely, and to Thee do we turn, and to Thee is the eventual coming."

Also in Surah 60/6

"In them, indeed, you have us'watun ḥasanatun (a good example) for everyone

who looks forward to Allah and the Last Day. And if any turns away, Allah is

truly self-sufficient, the One to whom all praise is due."

Now Allah says that Prophet Muhammad, Prophet Ibrahim and his followers in

them we have us'watun hasanatun (a good example) so how can you put Prophet

Muhammad above any other Prophet of Allah.

Allah says,

"Then We inspired to you: "You shall ittabiʿ (follow) millata ibrahima (the way of

Ibrahim), ḥanīfan (upright), and he was not of those who set up partners." 16/123

The infinitive imla’ meaning ‘to dictate’, contains the notion of something which

is dictated from any divine or undivine, mighty or unmighty, holy or non-holy

source. The word milla in its religious sense means a way, a path, or a cult which

is dictated and presented by a divine or perhaps undivine leader or group. Both

cases have been exemplified in the Qur’an:

"Who would abandon millati ib'rāhīma (the creed of Ibrahim) except one who

fools himself? We have selected him in this world, and in the Hereafter, he is of

the reformers." 2/130

Again, Allah is instructing the Prophet Muhammad to call to the millata Ibrahim

(the way of Ibrahim):

"Say, " Allah has told the truth. fa-ittabiʿū (then follow) millata ibrahima (the way

of Ibrahim) inclining toward truth; and he was not of the polytheists." 3/95

"And who is fairer dīnan (in the way) of life than he who submitted his face to

Allah and he is one who is a doer of good wa-ittabaʿa (and follows) millata

ibrahima (the way of Ibrahim), ḥanīfan (upright)? And Allah took Ibrahim to

Himself khalīlan (as a friend)." 4/125

Prophet Yusuf abandoned millita (the way) of his people who didn't belief in

Allah along with rejecting the hereafter:

He said: "There is not any provision of food that will come to you except that I

will tell you of its interpretation before it comes. That is from what my Lord has

taught me. I have just left millata (the way) qawmin (of a people) who do not

believe in Allah, and they are rejecting the Hereafter." 12/37

Again and again we are told by Allah in His Book, the Qur'an to follow what, is it

the Sunnatu Rasoolulllah or the Millata Ibrahim? Prophet Yusuf tells them clearly

who he follows:

Allah says,

"wa-ittabaʿtu (And I follow) millata (the way) ābāī (of my fathers): ib'rāhīma,

Isaac, and Jacob. It was not for us to set up partners with God at all. That is

Allah's blessings over us and over the people, but most of the people are not

thankful." 12/38

All of the above ayats indicates that at Ibrahim’s milla as a divine path and or

way. Hence, since a divine path like that of Ibrahim was revealed and dictated by

Allah, it is called milla in the sense that it is a dictated path that should be

followed by the adherents of that divine dinan (manner of conduct). In either case,

milla in its divine sense is also attributed to the prophet or to the leader of a dinan


November 3 at 5:37am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mohammed Samir Wahid your not presenting anything. The Qur'an

confirms itself by Allah saying if the Qur'an was from any other many

contradictions you would find. Now how do you validate your Hadith?

November 3 at 5:39am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Allah told us to follow the Qur'an, the Wahi/Divine Revelation

through his Messenger.

November 3 at 5:39am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mohammed Samir Wahid, how do I believe the Qur'an is the Qur'an

well because the Qur'an tells me so.

November 3 at 5:40am · Like · 1



60:4 There has been a good example (USWA HUNA) set for you by Abraham

and those with him, when they said to their people: We are innocent from you and

what you serve besides God. We have rejected you, and it appears that there shall

be animosity and hatred between us and you until you believe in God alone.

Except for the saying of Abraham to his father: I will ask forgiveness for you, but

I do not possess any power to protect you from God. Our Lord, we have put our

trust in You, and we turn to You, and to You is the final destiny.


33:21 Indeed, in the messenger of God a good example (USWA HUNA) has been

set for you for he who seeks God and the Last Day and thinks constantly about



16:123 Then We inspired to you: "You shall follow the creed of Abraham,

monotheism, and he was not of the polytheists."

November 3 at 5:44am · Like


Saeed Talpur Where is the Sunnah of Abraham?

November 3 at 5:46am · Edited · Like


Khidr Amari Zubair Baig again stop being foolish the Qur'an says,

"This too, is a blessed Book which We have sent down – follow it and be

conscious of your Lord, so that you may receive mercy – lest you say, ‘Books

were sent to two communities before us: we were not aware of what they studied’,

or ‘if only the Book had been sent down to us, we would have been better guided

than them.’ Now your Lord has brought you clear evidence, guidance, and mercy.

Who could be more wrong then someone who rejects Allah’s Revelations and

turns away from them? We shall repay those who turn away from our verses with

a painful punishment." (Qur’an 6:155-157)

November 3 at 5:45am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Khidr ... Uswah in Arabic means a complete way of life,

example, as lisaanul Arab states.....

Now my question to u is that the prophets complete way of life isn't found in the

Quran... If it is then where is the uswah Allah is talking about??? Remember

uswah are those things that non prophets can do, because why would Allah tell us

to take the prophet in his way of life if its things that are related to him being a

RASOoL?? So where is the uswah??????

November 3 at 5:48am via mobile · Like · 2


Saeed Talpur us'watun

hamza sīn wāw ( س )

to imitate any one. uswah - model, imitation, relief, consolation, pattern, example

worthy of imitation.

November 3 at 5:52am · Like



60:4 There has been a good example (USWA HUNA) set for you by Abraham

and those with him, when they said to their people: We are innocent from you and

what you serve besides God. We have rejected you, and it appears that there shall

be animosity and hatred between us and you until you believe in God alone.

Except for the saying of Abraham to his father: I will ask forgiveness for you, but

I do not possess any power to protect you from God. Our Lord, we have put our

trust in You, and we turn to You, and to You is the final destiny.

November 3 at 5:53am · Like


Saeed Talpur Mufti Taha Khan Uswa Husna means good example God told

Prophet Muhammad to follow Abraham.

November 3 at 5:56am · Like


Saeed Talpur 16:123 Then We inspired to you: "You shall follow the creed of

Abraham, monotheism, and he was not of the polytheists."

November 3 at 5:57am · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan, You just asked me a question I answered it now

you want to ask me another question ok after I answer your question you answer


Your question is the Prophet's ==> PERSONA/PRIVATE <== way of life insn't

in Qur'an and that would be on the Prophet/Human being side and you want to

know where is the Uswatan Hasana Allah is referring to.

Mufti, that's is your own definition believing Uswah means a complete way of life

to me it means the Prophet Muhammad's conduct, behavior, his iman basically

understanding his character he had towards Allah, towards others. Where is the

Uswatun Hasana found its found IN QUR'AN which is the Best Hadith, the most

reliable Hadith.

There are many ayats that tells us about the Uswatun Hasana about the Prophet


1) Prophet Muhammad's dealing with the idol worshippers in Surah 53/19-23

2) Prophet Muhammad' compassion towards the believers in Surah 3:31

3) Prophet Muhammad's fear of failing in Surah 2/214

5) Prophet Muhammad's dealing with his wives’ rebellion. ~~ 33/28-31

6) Prophet Muhammad dealing with his adopted son Surah 33/37

7) Prophet Muhammad's dealing with his followers gently and was not server and

hard-hearted in Surah 3/159

Prophet Muhammad was commanded to take forgiveness, enjoin what was good

and turn away from the ignorant in Surah 7/199

9) Prophet Muhammad showed compassion and grieved that his peole should

perish or fall into distress; he was excessively solicitous of the good of his peole,

and he was most compassionate and merciful (ra’uf-ur-rahim) in Surah 9/128,


10) Prophet Muhammad was commanded by Allah to lower his wing (be kind) in

Surah 15/88, 26/215

11) Prophet Muhammad was most anxious for people’s guidance in Surah 16/37,


12) Prophet Muhammad was commanded to invite people with Hikmah (wisdom)

and beautiful exhortation and to reason with them in the best and most gracious

manner in Surah 16/125

13) Prophet Muhammad was commanded to repel evil with that which was best in

Surah 41/34

Now I want to ask you a counter question Mufti this same word is used for

Prophet Ibrahim in Surah 60/4 and his followers in Surah 60/6 since you claim to

believe the Prophet Muhammad's example is found in Hadith books where is the

Uswatun Hasana found for Prophet Ibrahim?

November 3 at 5:57am · Like · 1


Sammy Hossain God told Muhammed to follow Ibraheem and he told us to

follow Muhammed. Damn you guys are thick.

November 3 at 5:57am · Like · 2


Khidr Amari Mohammed Samir Wahid you just simply reject the Book of Allah I


November 3 at 5:58am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Move on

November 3 at 5:58am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain, we are following Prophet Muhammad in what he

to was told to follow, hence the Qur'an, the question is Millata Ibrahim is found

throughout the Qur'an produce the ayat for Sunnatu Rasoolullah or Nataq-un-

Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)

November 3 at 6:00am · Edited · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Why is Millita Ibrahim found and Sunnatu Allah found but no

Sunnatu Rasoolullah or Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)....go figure Prophet

Muhammad did not come with anything new.

November 3 at 6:02am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mohammed Samir Wahid, again read the Qur'an.

November 3 at 6:04am · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur 2:2 This is the Book in which there is no doubt, a guidance for the


November 3 at 6:06am · Like


Sammy Hossain Honestly, I left this convo mad long ago cuz you just like going

in circles and eventually end up contradicting yourselves. But anyways I'm gonna

leave again. My other questions still unanswered... Why did it take us so long to

figure out the actual message of Quran? The companions didn't get it. The ppl

after them didn't. We're so fortunate that even after 1400 we're the one who have

understood its true meaning. Bravo

November 3 at 6:06am · Like · 4


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain its s imple ==> "In which Hadith, then, after

it, will they believe?" (77:50)

November 3 at 6:08am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari The Qur'an is the Best Hadith versus your johnny come late Hadith

by Bukhari and company.

November 3 at 6:09am · Like · 1


Sammy Hossain I understand. People tend to talk rubbish when they don't have

anything else to say. That still doesn't answer the question.

November 3 at 6:12am · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur Bukhari was the biggest Hadith rejecter. Bukhari collected more

than 600,000 hadiths and accepted 7,275 hadiths and considered 592,725 hadiths

to be un-proven hadiths. LMAO

November 3 at 6:13am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain so Allah is talking rubbish in His Book about


"In which Hadith, then, after it, will they believe?" (77:50)

"Do they not consider the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and whatever

things Allah has created, and that may be their doom shall have drawn nigh; In

which Hadith would they then believe in after this?" (7:185)

"And who is more true in giving Hadith than Allah?" (4:87)

November 3 at 6:14am · Edited · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur Bukhari was MUNKER HADITH. LOL

November 3 at 6:13am · Like · 1


Sammy Hossain Lol you just made an ass of yourself talpuri. I won't even bother

explaining why.

Khidr, the question is pretty straight forward, I don't understand why you can't

seem to understand it. Why did it take us so long to figure out the true message of

the Quran. Btw did I mention that the Quran is clear and self explanatory?

(Sarcasm btw)

November 3 at 6:16am · Like


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain you don't know who got what between your Sunnis

and Shites Hadith that contradict each other in HISTORY, in the narrations chains

its obvious no SECT got it. Yet, you blaming us because we don't want to follow

baseless Hadith?

November 3 at 6:17am · Edited · Like · 1


Sammy Hossain I'm not blaming anything on you bro. I'd just like to know why it

took the muslims so long? Last time I checked the Quran was in arabic not morse


November 3 at 6:18am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain, your own Hadith says that Muslims rejected


November 3 at 6:21am · Like · 1


Sammy Hossain Thank you very much for answering my question... NOT!

November 3 at 6:22am · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur Bukhari and company collected the Hadiths 200 years later after the

death of Prophet so what was the people following during this time?

November 3 at 6:23am · Like


Khidr Amari The call to Qur'an isn't new the majority of those who wanted to

follow Hadith won just like the victors in wars get to write the history those who

wanted Hadith got to eliminate the call to Qur'an alone and wiped any and mostly

those who followed Qur'an alone out of the books. Again, your own Hadith

testifies to the split between Muslims wanting to follow Qur'an alone and those

who wanted to follow Hadith who made Hadith Divine Scripture.

This is what I mean between a split history, get it Muhammad one man yet

because of Hadith we have this mess:


"Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an? If it had been from [any] other than

Allah , they would have found within it much ikh'tilāfan (contradiction)." 4/82

The History of Islam is divided among two major sects the Shias and the Sunnis.

Qualifications for ruler:

Shia ==> Belonging to the family of the Prophet

Sunnu ==> Qualified ruler; chosen by the Ummah

Shia ==> Traditions (Hadith): From the 12 Infallible Imams

Sunni ==> From the Companions of the Prophet

Did Muhammad designate a successor?:

Shia ==> Yes (Ali ibn Abu Talib)

Sunni ==> No

Place of worship:

Shia ==> Mosque (Masjid) and Imam Bargah

Sunni ==> Mosque (Masjid)

Pillars of Islam:


1. Salat (Worship)

2. Sawm (Fast)

3. Hajj (Pilgrimage)

4. Zakaat (Poor-rate)

5. Khums (One-fifth)

6. Amr-Bil-Ma'rūf (Promotion)

7. Nahi-Anil-Munkar (Dissuasion)

8. Tawalla (Re-affirmation)

9. Tabarra (disassociation from the enemies of Islam)


1. Shahadah (Testament of Faith)

2. Salah (Prayer) "

3. Zakat (Alms giving)

4. Sawm (Fasting)

5. Hajj (Pilgrimage)

Articles of Islamic belief:


1. Tawhid (monotheism)

2. Qiyamah (Day of Judgment)

3. Nubuwwah (Prophethood)

4. Imamah (Leadership of the Twelve Imams)

5. Adl (Justice)


1. Allah.

2. His Angels.

3. His Messengers.

4. His Books.

5. The Last Day.

6. Divine Preordainments good or bad.

Origin of Islam


Originating with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, a 7th century Arab

religious and political figure, and believe that his son-in-law, Ali, is his successor.


Originating with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, a 7th century Arab

religious and political figure, and believe that his close friend Abu Bakr was his


Holy days:


1) Ramadan,

2) Ashura,

3) Eid al Fitr,

4) Eid al Adha,

5) Eid al ghadeer


1) Ramadan,

2) Eid al Fitr,

3) Eid al Adha

Main Books of Narration (Hadith):


1) al-Kulaini (d. 328 or 329),

2) Ibn Babuwayh (d. 381),

3) Jaafar Muhammad al-Tusi (d. 411) and

4) al-Murtada (d. 436)


1) Bukhari (d. 256/870),

2) Muslim (d. 261/875),

3) Abu Daud (d. 275/888),

4) Tirmidhi (d. 279/892),

5) Ibn Maja (d. 273/886), and

6) al-Nasa'i (d. 303/915)

Imams identified as:


infallible and perfect examples of humanity. Only legitimate interpreters and

partners of the Quran.


Human leaders who have strong faith in Islam (Quran,Sahi Hadees etc) and love

for God's creatures.

Successors after the Prophet:


12 Infallible Imaams from the Prophets Progeny


Hazrat Abu Bakr (father of the Prophet's favoured wife),Hazrat 'A'ishah (elected

by people of Medina),Hazrat Ali,Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Usman,Hazrat Imam

Hussain & Hazrat Imam Hassan.



1) Imams,

2) Mullahs,

3) Ayatollah,

4) Sayed


1) Mullahs and

2) Caliphs.

Actual successor of the Prophet:


1) Ali ibn Abu Talib...


1) Abu Bakr

Temporary Marriage


1) (Muttah) permitted: Yes


No Strongly prohibbited according to Quran and Sahi Hadees.

Intercession permitted:


Yes (12 Infallibles ONLY)



November 3 at 6:24am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Khidr ... Please answer Samir ... Read the Quran simply isn't an

answer... Also according to u you can follow the bible aswell because where we

say it dosent count in the Quran it's general and we find that in hadith

November 3 at 6:24am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan don't tell me who to answer I have answered all of

your questions you have yet to answer mines.

November 3 at 6:27am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Also we've been waiting for ur salah video all from Quran ... Or

perhaps a link... We know ur too ashamed to show us cuz u can dodge our

questions but ur link or vid of salah will rip u into shreds

November 3 at 6:27am via mobile · Like · 3


Khidr Amari Actually I just did answer his questions with the SPLIT history of

Muhammad between two SECTS.

November 3 at 6:27am · Like · 1


Sammy Hossain So the companions of the Prophet misunderstood the message?

Wow being in the direct company couldn't provide guidance but english

translation did. Btw I read that book you told me. Its a bunch of rubbish. He has

the audacity quote a buncha buddhists but claims Hadith are forged. Shows who

he's siding with.

November 3 at 6:28am · Like · 2


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain you talk much but can't produce nothing I'm done

talking with you all you should shut up sometimes and go study the Qur'an its

obvious you don't know nothing about the Book.

November 3 at 6:30am · Like · 1


Saeed Talpur

November 3 at 6:30am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Writing non related things as an answer is never called

answering buddy... I asked u a question in ur answer but never answered...

November 3 at 6:31am via mobile · Like


Sammy Hossain You do know that a better argument that can be presented for

salah is to take the literal meaning of which is dua. (Credit goes to me) lol

November 3 at 6:31am · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan answer my question

November 3 at 6:31am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Everything I have posted is relevant even the split history between

two deviant sects/Sunnis/Shites

November 3 at 6:32am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan So provide the video link of ur salah please

November 3 at 6:32am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Three simple questions for Mufti Taha Khan, for those tales of the

Ancients, Hadith:

1) Does Hadith provide the historical circumstances of each and every verse of

the Qur’an?

2) Is there only one consistent set of data available for this?...See More

November 3 at 6:33am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari I'm not provided anything we not talking about Salaat

November 3 at 6:33am · Like


Sammy Hossain o yes I really should study. I just don't know what to do with all

those ayahs that are telling me to obey the Messenger. Its clear cut, do I still have

to interpret to something as silly as not him but the message. Then what does obey

Allah mean? Now I'm gonna throw back your favorite line "did Allah run out of


November 3 at 6:34am · Like · 2


Khidr Amari Second time around Mufti Taha Khan, Three simple questions for

Mufti Taha Khan, for those tales of the Ancients, Hadith:

1) Does Hadith provide the historical circumstances of each and every verse of

the Qur’an?

2) Is there only one consistent set of...See More

November 3 at 6:34am · Like


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain its clear cut obey the messenger means to you obey


November 3 at 6:35am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan Also according to u can we follow the bible

November 3 at 6:35am via mobile · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain, Obey the messenger how can we obey Muhammad

if he's dead. How can a Messenger have his own words being obeyed when he's a

messenger? Isn't a Messenger conveying a message that doesn't belong to him? If

the messenger is to be obeyed who sent the messenger? What was the message?

November 3 at 6:36am · Like


Khidr Amari THIRD TIME around Mufti Taha Khan Three simple questions for

Mufti Taha Khan, for those tales of the Ancients, Hadith:

1) Does Hadith provide the historical circumstances of each and every verse of

the Qur’an?

2) Is there only one consistent set of d...See More

November 3 at 6:37am · Edited · Like


Sammy Hossain I don't know. Don't ask me. The Quran says it. Please don't go

against the Quean

November 3 at 6:38am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain,

Allah says,

"Should We treat the ones who have surrendered the same as those who are

criminals? What is wrong with you, how do you judge? Or do you have another

book which you study? In it you find whatever you wish to find?" Surah 68...See


November 3 at 6:39am · Like


Sammy Hossain Quran. Stupid spell check lol

November 3 at 6:39am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan I'm sorry but bukhari is more worthy then ur dad saying he is ur

dad... Simply because there's a chain that dosent break

November 3 at 6:39am via mobile · Like · 1


Khidr Amari the Hadith gives Sunnis/Shites everything they wish for

November 3 at 6:40am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan And u didn't answer my questions ..... Can we follow the bible?

November 3 at 6:40am via mobile · Like


Sammy Hossain NO. Infact leaving out Hadith give you all the freedom you wish


November 3 at 6:41am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Look at him dodging the question.... We not talking about salah

November 3 at 6:42am via mobile · Like


Sammy Hossain Anyways I'm out. Assalaamu Alaikum to those who love Nabi


November 3 at 6:42am · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan So salah and how u pray... And can we follow the bible??

November 3 at 6:42am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Salaam to you Mufti Taha Khan, you never answered:



(1) We are suppose to follow Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of Nabi)/ Sunnatu

Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’...See More

November 3 at 6:44am · Edited · Like


Sammy Hossain Wait I remember answering those questions and I also remember

you saying you've answered but you left one out. That statement of yours just

proves that your questions were answered but you kept twisting things around.

You want proof? You can have a fun time re reading all those posts

November 3 at 6:45am · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan Talpuri posted a video completely off topic... I'm asking him for

his salah firstly... And wait aren't u still suppost me if u made ur mind or not as to

what I support talpuri????????????????

November 3 at 6:45am via mobile · Like · 2


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain stop the lies

November 3 at 6:48am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari No Sunni here with the NAME has answered any of these


November 3 at 6:48am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari You have made a fool out of yourself this long give up.

November 3 at 6:49am · Like · 1


Mufti Taha Khan Khidrs out.... Why??? I simply asked him that ok forget Hadith

.. Show me how u pray without Hadith ..... He leaves telling me u didn't answer

my questions!!!

November 3 at 6:49am via mobile · Like · 1


Sammy Hossain I'm not lying. Lol you can go back and read it UNLESS you

haven't deleted it

November 3 at 6:49am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain does the Qur'an say to follow Nataq-un-Nabi”

(Speech of Nabi)/ Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’

November 3 at 6:50am · Like


Khidr Amari Yes or no

November 3 at 6:50am · Like


Khidr Amari I'm not talking about unclear ayats

November 3 at 6:50am · Like


Khidr Amari Millata Ibrahim is clear

November 3 at 6:50am · Like


Mufti Taha Khan I'll answer all of them again !!!!!! But video first please

November 3 at 6:51am via mobile · Like


Khidr Amari Do you have the ayat saying to follow Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of

Nabi)/ Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunnah of Messenger) by ‘NAME’ like I have the

ayat saying to follow Millata Ibrahim

November 3 at 6:51am · Like


Sammy Hossain It says follow Nabi (saw) and its general so it includes that as

well. If you wish to interpret the clear meaning then you'll need proof to do so.

I'm not letting you go this time

November 3 at 6:52am · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan Everyone please ask khidr for the video and watch him say

Salam to u like he greeted me, atleast you guys will get a greeting from him if not

an answer or verses to support his claims

November 3 at 6:52am via mobile · Like · 3


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain it says to follow the Messenger/Messengers where

does it say follow Nabi

November 3 at 6:54am · Like


Khidr Amari So Sammy Hossain Allah says also follow the Messengers how do

we do that?

November 3 at 6:55am · Like


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan our discussion is through you never answered my

questions nothing more to discuss people reading this will see the truth.

November 3 at 6:56am · Like


Khidr Amari Oral Torah and the Making of the Talmud

At Mount Sinai, God gave God's people the wisdom of the Al Kitab:

1) Written law (part written down by Moses)...See More

November 3 at 6:59am · Edited · Like


Mufti Taha Khan He'll yeah they will !!!!! Video please

November 3 at 6:59am via mobile · Like · 2


Sammy Hossain You wouldn't be asking if you knew the concept of prophethood.

I won't answer bcuz I clearly remember asking you how do you offer salah, zakah

hajj etc and you said "its not my problem you haven't read the Quran" so once

again its not my problem you haven't learned basic Aqeedah

November 3 at 6:59am · Like · 2


Mufti Taha Khan And khidr I showed u how we have to follow Nabi step by

step!!! And then u changed the question to take the spotlight off this and this is

what u said.... " u haven't answered any question of mine"

November 3 at 7:00am via mobile · Like · 2


Khidr Amari I'm done with the both of you my job is finish.

November 3 at 7:01am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mufti Taha Khan stop your lies you didn't show anything again how

you like to delude yourself with your own folly. The Qur'an no where says to

follow the Nabi we know this but to keep it simple Nataq-un-Nabi” (Speech of

Nabi)/ Sunnatu Rasoolullah (Sunn...See More

November 3 at 7:04am · Like · 1


Khidr Amari Mo Ameen..., have you read the entire debate? Or are you rambling

off I have nothing to hide I said for them to start a new thread there are too many

post on this thread. I have nothing to hide. I provided the ayats have they? What

can you do? Present ...See More

November 3 at 6:34pm · Edited · Like


Sammy Hossain Lol you're a joker. Let's get some facts straight. You were not

alone. Your buddies joined in as well. Second, its not that we couldn't handle you.

We just tired of you and loopholes

November 3 at 6:37pm · Like


Khidr Amari Sammy Hossain new thread

November 3 at 6:38pm · Like


Khidr Amari Loop holes you Sunnis don't answer questions and you can't find

nothing in Qur'an that supports you I said new thread.

November 3 at 6:39pm · Like


Sammy Hossain Aight. If its a new thread you want then that's exactly what you'll


November 3 at 6:41pm · Like


Khidr Amari Bring your proofs not conjecture

November 3 at 6:42pm · Like