MTp Blfltfclft REVIEtr TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1963 ¿eut Un ... · im COMMERCIAL LEADER MTp SOUTH...


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FOOTBAu equipment


¿etuUn TVomoK O4 *7¿e TVeeé

( E o m m e r a a l ï e a à e t South Bergen Dad

Ç J W e v e ry Thurudav by The Commercial L rider Printing CompanyR id g e Road, Lyndhurst, N. J. Telephone GEn-va R-8700-8701

ty sa4 ol Ihe M »lr H a lr t f rm e n und C%AiHH'»l»KtNt» liiwrlallaaMU »hr «Ib ihK r \ M « l Urne«u jt *r, m Imt«* national and Mar*


SffoiMÍ (;|jiw» poUagr paid al Rutherford, N. J,

I ,yiullmr*t. N. J., N ovrm V r 26. 1963

Erie - Lackawanna Miseries

F a r thousands at Curtiss-W rifht in W se4 R M |« this w ill be m dreary ltuojis- ( M s | D ay. Aa defense contracts run out •be h o g* W ood-Ridge plant is feeling the d h c t s . Thousands have lost their Jobs, f a a n who have worked with the company • I M B J aa 2> years have gone on unem- glojrm ent relief.

T h e picture im tragic. It is hoped that a a a t ft ia a e w ill soon be such that Curtias- W rifh t w ill call its people back to work.• M eanwhile, it may be an object lesson

faraolicanM n, teachers and the big body of p H a serv an ts who continually complain

that they are not paid enough.It has always been acknowledged that

tbe civil servants have other compensations^ They cannot be discharged without cause— therefore, they are spared the anxiety of wondering if the job they hold today w ill be there tomorrow. They have generous pension systems and working conditions which generally arc pleasant.

In tunes of booming prosperity the c iv il jobs seem inadequate. Bu t experience* through which the Curtias-W right workers are now passing should be aoW ing to a lii,






ThanksA t this point let us give • mead of

iks to tke A m erican farmer, a blessed t w ho ha* m ade the live« of all of us s r and m ore fru itfu l On T h an k sgiv in g Day when we sit

m bef ore the roasted turkey we know ; the herd w ill bo plump, sweetly odored tender a« butter. This is the triumph

Only a generation ago a turkey wasl a sometime thing. Sometimes it was tender, sometimes tough. You counted the kind of holiday it was by the kind of turkey it was. But today those Messed birds are chesty and leggy. They are blissfully suc­culent.

Yes, a vote for thanks for our farmer friends.

Golf Equipment

(■Mh on the hjirtmr widr arr thr fen trr« at heantlftil roftldfnliul Seetlon». In IH** bay, rlow lo ||m- Hty, IradHion nayn, In IIn> auaken lUlk of a Hpaalah holdlag S treaaare from Ihr mine* ol P ern . A ttrm pta to find the w n n i have bre« fatile. For th.

shortages for a whileWe aervlee what we «HI

Beck’s Radio ft TV. Nutleym - ttnThe State Colleges

t: O u r s ta te colleges are providing thous-4 h b of m ore se a ts than they did just a Ms* years ago.

Tbe re su lts are startlingly clear in ossa o f the finest of the colleges,

th e a s » enrollm ent data shows that there A * I f N I en ro lled o f whom M3 are men

, E ssex leads the counties in tbe nurtiber• students a t M ontclair with 7M. Bergen• d o se behind w ith S it . Passaic has 428.\ ' M ontclair, located in one of the most baeoNt «t ia i ^ ih n s i poasible for coDegiatr StsMhr, la a a excellen t symbol of bow our d e l s ss llsg s system ia progressing.■i M ee t o f th ose w ho em erge from Mont- l la lr . w here tu ition costs are at a mlni- aa— wiM haaaaae t eachers. Tbe fact that

President Ike’s Book



S 5 . 9 9 P,» lay

OF 8 B B 6 5

/ 'o n i r

G E 8 - 4 5 0 5

A . C h a s a r & s u r


M iW W ®

D eS tau lo R ock« Up 242 Y a rd s A s B ock F o r W a g n e r C o lle g e

□ iff Lith , « lh lfty halfback trio, a Junior fra il Rutherford. and tram Oakland, led the Wagner Col- DiStaulo each caught 12 pane*, lege Seahawtu In scoring and in Lish caught nine pane*. BUb- ruahln4 during the 1963 season. nowskl eight, end Jim McCabe o4

One of the iparfcptug« an the Brooklyn dx. Splrttn flv». K e lly team which roiled t u i H record two and end» Ja y Abbe* ot New and the co-champ Jonah tp of the Monmouth, Vtn Riccordella of Sta- Northern College Wviaion o< the ten Island and George Jasous ot Middle Atlantic Conference, Uah Brooklyn one each ■cored »even touchdown* tor 42 Bubnow*ki waa the second top point« and rushed for 29S yank scorer with 34 point*, followed by on 64 Carrie*, an average of 4.6 Kotlte with 24, Coughlin with 14 tor the talented Junior. and DiStaulo and Aeanfrto with

R s q i r a n w t s p

M nsic n s frn c ffo nB A Z A A R

S p au o n d by Woman’« American ORT.




Dec. 1st A 2nd P.M.

H H t « J U I . a ^ . I........■M kiRtM rii n a n o ■ u r i a i SL -A g— • . f i r c a n E a n■i Attiæ k * r n > i M t t tì&tìSL. V I C T O * C T a y S f c F R A N O I P A N m eads - m u B co.

l t t F ranklin Ava., N utley, N. JN O rth 7 4 3 0 5

TV S e rv ic eD w l W a T hat L a b , Late

1 — f i l l Up—W e W «leave NIGHT CALLS

VELTRE T-V REPAIRSTa b — T o t a l Fra*


Nut toy Contractor ftlnaa l td )

U v im QCTOrS

FRANK J. CRUPI, INC. All kinds of Masonry Work. Extent)on* and

Alterations Fo r estim ate caU

GEneva 8-0238


OB R u rn ers COMPLETE SERVICEPliona WYman 1-5627W e H z F n e lO f l

O IL B U R N ER S F U E L O ILt Z m Z * b e d r e ^ ta v S n y i. t o ____ T i x « * on U carrie* tor an aver-visit the* retail n n i " Na- n T T S age of » J yan k a can y .

taawa M t o a l i a i * " ■" ** ' *** *' ' — ■ - i Mike Kelly, a sophomore haU-^ — _ _ _ W t t a l * r u r r m , back from Teaneck, need lo r

n- i wa ***** h«na«lss, ARC. Ed Johaaaa. K yard* and a 1.3 average. Jim have ike h m d **teeM*a a t tk . f * **.’? * * ** **••• '1 [̂ rumxoo4ei a Junior fullback fromw ry Im a t peteea a v r iU k . Aka M W t. tl PiiJiaadc, churned up 75 yard* andplay pea*, ate Daky W a n frm n a 4.4 average. Sophomore fullbackH I • r a MWF M l • p m . «a*. ............ Cre* Knapp of Palisade* t j - — M k a C m , M k «a. TO* .HE DECORATORA contributed 41 yard* and a 6.8LadL N. 4 . aa the « M e . F*naar- pakrfk*. wallpapertaf, aght nr- average|y aneeteaa BtMpa. Gdi TT1-*T7t. pealsr wsrk. Frss »«»la iakia 111 Quarterback Dan Coughlin of--------- — ------- ** O ika( Way, tj « a n I. WK » H it Ovoktn, completed 75 of 1J2

W ESTER* HIOTUUN H * - « paa.., for 1.1» yard* and eightM ga * i.* i hm. >ap*r flaan gss ' ~.r~~. ~1 touchdown« Sophomore signal-call-healer <MM RTV. «MMP. U M _________ FWOtOeFATS ______ „ ^ ^ E R y U * ,^ ,(iuodrirh Itrra rfaaa A lob®. $ * » » PB<ttywT. _ ■rmijp v n i! w a it completed four of nine panes torC * C it im o 11.» PaOTOW A T » W lM l^ IW WATT ^ ^ ^ ^ touchdown ^

LA TOST A BEEV H A E A «O K U ■_ - - If Haal ii BrajklyTldl<a 1« fau. — — rni Pr.H : ■ ■ _ , found the range on all three of hia

* T . - W AN TBD TO B U T IP « « « for 35 yard*tad Orie aan J a w Ma> „ ---— j Dtck 'Miami" Kotlte, a aopho-. : ' Z ~ ATTKNT10N—PA TER H CENTS more end from Brooklyn, hauled 1 per fcMdrad; bn**, sapper, laad. in 25 pane* for 43* yard« andM g a l . HOT W ATER TANK bakeries. Iron (araaoe*. U N iH r touchdown«, fcnd L*> Acanwith nttlaga sad gas hsatar ttt. raagea. Ksarap »(e ia l. I t S«»v*e

T V R E N T A LSOajr . Waafc . Month

C a ll anytlm o

FRISTIK & DEGERDONM* H I« « , a « * * * ' ' Ñ í r t a Af l l n f t î r

W Y 1-4369J O H i r s

R ad io TV S e rv ic eGE 8-9120


V erilhac


P in n e : WY »5211

P a in te rs & D e c o ra to rs


General Repairs Work Guaranteed

free Estimate %W Y 8-2355

North Arlington, N. J. DRIVE SAFELYM yles E le c tr ic

“ Dt - R - “ s s s s r z s s r_ a «_• u a t _ AMBASSADOR A METROPtanMag N atiagFlaatrleal < — a U a a 2S m m ilu *““ S C IO iuK ii aappnaa 5 5 l<r. 5

, „ . » , T . . . S B KAMaLKK 4 dr. aMn SSink*. Bath lu b a . To ilet*, nat r a m il ik « s.. «Mas„ , _ . . r . Air C M W M IMBaaina, Gaa Rangaa, A Hoc- aaay « « <• «rka tricai Snpplie*. Bathroom ^ r < k *

V*njin r T ^ r ..<!̂ CT'Ta O rdar k w a f w * a m w a t m 1« .

E a s t R u th e r fo r d p elm a u t o sa lesA n . K e an e , W L I .


Open Your1 9 6 4 W i

Christmas Club Today!

S udoIv C o m o an v3 !d i r !i!w « X r ^

R. B a lt u t i l I W E S-M St-14

R é ir lg e r a to rS e r v ic e

Frank's CarageAuthorized Sales





1,000.00H e*




' North Arlington. N J

.H f in n n ------- a a ^ w A A w

Uajttiie Reefing A PmnivH 4S Magnaba Averrao -

Kevny. N- J-

Ti» OUrsJ FintncUl Ini/Hulkm I» Ttum — SAucr ill#

Kearny Federal SaviGeneral Contractor380 Dtoaias Awwmm 5 LyfidKurst, N. J .

D O *Y O UK N O W . . .N E W J E R S E Y


Franklin PT A Show » Film


Taxpaying Servant of a Orasi Staf*

MRS. p a n g r e nG arst R a a « fa r Um t p i

M A LE H i n iU UMat« ApOTM* « U l W ««

VY 1-9282Mancy-wiir families have found a modern way to keep budgets healthier.

G u e s s w h o s i g n s t h e c h e c k s i n t h is f a m i l y ?CHANGE OVER NOW TO AN . . .

A ™ e m c A N - S t a n d a r dCOMPLETELY AUTOMATIC



rivO O U HANDED, I t n » '

Th* answer may surprise you. You see, they both do, because eacJi has a separate checking account.

Why <■* accounts? Like many families, they’ve found this is not only a wonderful convenience, but a ninnry MTtr a* well. Ai family treasurer, the uses hm aopQWU to handle regular operating expenses. Hit account takes care of the larger and less frequent payaaaM*. There’s less chance Cor misunderstand­in g h m harmony all around.

tfcit idea ((worth trying injm r family. It's

one of the exclusive advantage« offered l>y a fu ll, urri(f hank—such as ours Anti bccause you ran save and make all kinds of loans at the same place, this full range of services adds up to easier one-stop banking.

There are important extras, loo. O ne is the sound financial standing you can uuild by doing all your banking at one place. Another is (he really helpful counsel we are glad to give you on financial deci­sions, big or small. Why not see how all these ad­vantages can benefity<m? Visit us soon!


P E O P L E S T R U S T COMPANY"©•r s n o w c x x n iT f



T H U R SD A Y , N O V n rfB ER 21,1968 THE |iq « T H AHLWGTOW I U P C T

Engagement Party For Miu SabatinoMr «od M n . J « p h S»b«lino

tag Day unU IM I. Since the change-over the rivalry ha* be come one of the greatest In Ber­gen County.

C ta fa n a n F o r O lym pic UnitMayor Robert F. Wagner yes­

terday appointed Edw in H. (Ed )

/ember 9 at their home in honor of daughter Barbara and her fi- mce, Peter Christ of lomdhurst.

Party pretty were the pink and* ■* ■ «-»--- ■ 1«L — - --1 —■ ---- * —wime ms urn non* wnn ip rtw i

taken of the table centerpiece. a

floral engagement rtng made u p

of pink carnations and white chry­santhemums and snapdragons As the piece de resistance, there w a s

a pink and w h i t e cake appmpri atety topped with love birds, cn ;agement ring, and ribbon bear­ing the words “ Happiness a n d

DODGE. 1M # CORONET CON- IN S PONTIAC STAR C H IEF . i vertfMe reape, white. Msefc top; mem tires and battery. Need» help, automatic ttmm, pvwer ateeriag ft tH . ('a ll W E t-«*4. I I w

a' ^ T . ^ W»KA. (TMKKEE TABIJC, HI M , kitchen net. Diahea. ikwt«%, «*4

(O M BfNATIO N STORM W IN rrrorda. («11 G E S-IU2. I I W dowa (S) MX«7. Make s lie r. I I -------Fourth S I., N. Artlngtiia. 11-24 M Ti* « V W G ROOM L— -hair* «ml a .1 Hpced Vornado winTHE NEW STUD EN T R E F E R tkm Ian. W Y I « It». II-M

M a y " W e k i|g e s / f# r 1 T h a n k sg iv in g D a y •

tropolitan New York Committee •'or The 1964 Olympics. (

Mr. Mosler. who is chairman of ‘he board of The Mouler Safe Co.. w ill head a committee comprised if the mayors of communities in the greater New York Metropoli­tan area. Acting ss executive vice chairman with Mr. Mosler w ill be

M O V IE C A M E R A . F liN M ) light», rxnel1«*at cimditiun, IÌ.M . W Y **730 . If !6


W A L N U T CH INA CI/M tET. blflMl roHec tabi«* sad matching «ad tables, round mahogany Her table. Eaaemon hi |i aud«.. (hload). mahogany TV 21 lack Sy l\ ania. ( a ll G E S f t « after & p.m. l i t *

M ANX IK H ttC - SK A T ES 10', sew, I jMhew figure akatc* •*, ; 3 pair» « I eM M rra'* »kal«*«. AImm I steel wardrobe, (a ll G E * r « 2.

i m

I »51 PO N HAC I DOOR SEDAN. »&». ( ail W E r* m . II-W

H O IiD A Y SMM T U R R ET LEN Srle d rir rye movie canter», carr> lag case, aad light bur »la. ( all «Iter 3 p.m. S ill Valley Brook Ave­nue, LyndhunU. I l 2*






m4m»o| Mtudents today taking Rtwl balla aad M iffing glue l«*r what I believe ia referred to aa •‘klcka.”

Ihr onde.We caa alt back and esafldeatly

aay that oar children are good eHlldrea — that we have raW-d then» right aad that the> would


S o busy... yet so relaxed... thanks to her new kitchen phoneThe hustle of Thanksgiving preparations points up a year-round fact. The kitchen phone is a busy cook's best friend. Helps her get things done so efficiently . . . saves steps by the hun- q dreds for pennies a day. Wouldn’t an extension phone -for your kitchen be a yood iuea? NEW JERSEY BELL

* R O U T E i ** H . l AV P T . n * 1


See One This W e e k e n dMovies Are Greater Than Evere r e T o G o — W h a t T o D o S e e In S o u th B e r g e n

11 Hal not Court a t *4500 annually. I l-ury Ann M Piutia sU . Httls- (lair. wuk appointed principal clerk in the office of Ihr superintendent¡of adwote. «I MOW.

Spotlight on Yonr Stars | Mr and Mr*. George T. Green sold a piece of land to the Coun­ty for $5,300 which enable« the county to m w w truct a road from the Emerson Borough line to

'Washington Avenue.Utodnl t« t v U'Mftcr .hate him Daaay Kaye «raps ItMEW YO RK — Well, we notice aU up so that you love him

tfud our advice to T V s Awfal I Why*Boj. Je«r> te»>s. came to# lata. Not ton* ago there waa a great Thf ABC mantel's for whom he performer who had solved the my- «*0*101 were apparently watching stery of what makes one man thH shot - as we »err and a* a likeable and another hateaMegrept segment of the nation was I His name is Arthur Godfrey, not. ■,* if liodfrey once fired a singer

¿> last week the> told Je rry named I-a Rosa from one of his Lewi* h r m o through They cut shows. When LaRoaa’s Inna oto short his 40-week contract, hand- jectrd Godfrey said that LaX ou ed him $4.001.000 and said. Go lacked humility, and s n no more - on our chan . Whether that was the reason or

l o o k i n g r o eA N K X P C f t T

S O C IA L D A N C g T E A C H E R ?

Doris Opdyke

Freeholders Give Award

Enjoy A Festive Holiday Turkey Dinner at the

COPPER HOODComplete Roast Young

Tom Turkey DinnerWith all the trimmin's on,y From Soup to Nuts « a f a

And Apple Cider TOO! 5w.DII

Jo h n M au reenW a y n e O ’ H ara

•Me C U N T O C K ”


D eb bie R eyn o ld s -WARY. MARY"

K en n eth C on n o r “CARRY ON

RIX jA R bl.ESS’

Wed. Thru Sat.

NO Re*ervat!on* NeededW e’re serving a complete Holiday Dinner M enu

T H E C O PPER H O O D1 P a rk A v e ., L y n d h u rst • Ju s t Off Rt. 3 • W E 3-3332

Ja m e s S a n d raS te w a rt D ee


-HARBOR LIGHTS-, Coming Soon -

n ‘THE V.l.P.” Elizafx-th Taylofr &

Richard Borton

Free Electric In C ar H eaters-FLIPPER"

The Fabulous Dolphinsaid it it gJrpected that work will begin next week, and will be com­pleted in about six months.

w on twisters to dance to sing to j lc Service Electric and O ai O S i-T " ~ ~ — *—«■ ~srs *• ™ iss t z s r s v j z enrollment jL - * a K s r Hl« ■— I * Z - --------------------------- af Director» deefend a dividend Public school enrollments in

o . . . i i , . . Of SS cents per share on the Com- New Jersey totaled 1.214,352 as of,N il** N J < r * n a i r non *ock payaUe on. d t 'before ¡September 30. tx reedb^ by m ore14 Ua < ( S a l n i i i December X , MB. to hoU en of tfcan 8.000 pupils the number pre

record Novembkf flt MB. Ttiis ia dieted in August. Commissioner of liuabe th -Marshall. the South ¡an Incrsear a t i cent* per share Education Frederick M Rautan

Orange con t S T pianist, will be the per quarter own- the M cents per ger announced today KU^t soioM Sdth the New Jersey share quarterly dividend Mid on I “As la usual in our expanding I Symphony Wi lli a m as they open the Common Btatk since die Ml educational system, the actual j the|r Newark Popr Series at the quarter of 1M 2 . growth o# our school populationMoique Theatre » Sunday after-' The o th« regular dividend, lor again outstripped our estimate," | notet December W . (he fourth quarter a t ISO which the Cbmmlaslonrr declared.

/J graduate of the Vienna Acs were declared today by the Board The total represents an increase : demy of Music with highest hon of Directors are: t l .U a share of 57.000 over the 1962 figure, a orsj Miss Marshall began her stu- i«n the 4.M per cent Cumulative five-year increase of 23)1.000 pupils die! at a very early age undei Preferred Stock: SUMS a share on and a ten-year growth of 455.000 Ihct direction of ( f r mother While ithe 4.11 per cent Cumulative Pre- Pour counties - Essex. Bergen, atuj In high Schcrt. she received (erred; *1 075 a share d l the 4.30 Middlesex and Union — reported a lch o ia rah ip te '^Hilliard Prep« per cent Oimulaltve Preferred: enrollments of more than 100.000 r a t t y School an i -studied under1» » » on the 9.18 per eeht Cu- with totals of 1E2.457 . 151.»7a l . X Cariston After her gradua mulative Preferred: H a on the 104.099 and 100,496 respective-tion tram the Vienna Academy. 5 » per cent Cumulative Prefer- ly.shd studied at & d tgan Germany **d. *dd ** cents a share on th e . Counties with school enrollments fort two years add is presently » 4 1 Dividend Preference Com-¡ranging between 50.000 and 100,- wofhing for her Master i Degree mon Stock. AD dividends lor this 000 Include Burlington 54.433. Cam a! (he Manhattan 8fch<»il of Music quarter are payable on or before den 7«,648, Hudson 80.070. Mon-

S ie 24 year oM pianist has <t x v ¡December 90. IMS. to stockhoid-1 mouth 79.131. Morris 62.651. and c e j is rd and appeared as soloist era of record November 29. IMS. Passaic 74,738 » <t h orchestral ui Austria ao<1 Mr Luc' alM #nnounced that The other eleven lounties and Gefmany and was presented by the management af the Company their September 30 enrollmentsAuSlria in 1 4 rentals at the Brus- ......................... nTT- r nm'i , ....s e a World's Kkir as s Viennatrained America» a n a l She made W t I s H m il IJU h M M b r m d l o f L iq u o n , W & Mbed debut at To m « a ll in March I 1of Jthis year and earned praise m d b m n . W e M r N h o t b u te k o o . L o d io t In v it e d . ’frejn the New Y e i Times critic for* the ability " to .deal as a nth arifativeiy with 4m 1 dee^ es well as the brilliant, and one looks for-


CHRISTMAS CLUBS At Boiling Springs


AH niüdc |»oM*ililf w ith a « Ii\ iilcn il- rarn ing (!lin«tm ad ('.Itti» ut B o ilin g Springs.


LOOK WHAT YOU GET . . . LOOK HOW LITTLE YOU GET IT FOR! Disc brakes on aD 4 wheels - « j paad transmission with soorts-car control for 2S' increase in power - • to Id MPH in 1C.S seconds (fan- tasticl) - Four door* (not two) with childproof safety lock* • “natural" power steering with aasy parking - Individual wheel suspension, coil springs, air-assisted

-load levelers for aasier ride - 8 cu. ft. of trunk apace all in one place - Whitewall tires - Anti-freese . Front

Double Barrel's Tavern

è u k a top high ’ in the Trtum- Aida. ” The pro-

NOW PLAYINGFaB Vinyl interior • Greater traction — nevet snow tire» - one of the beat heaters available

. . . arid it's all yours for only

b y j Matt irk

"VW1T TO A SMALL PLANET"Thursday, $1J0 Friday and S aturday, 12.44

letarday aad Saaday IM PJL S it*• new musical varatici of the. beleved dzssic

"T H f WIZARD .OF O Z" R u t h e r f o r d ' i M o t o r s


o k W T « -U W f a r l i la — a d ì



T U ISD A T , N O V EM BER 26, 1VÓ3 T U X C U M M t i l U A L ■“ “ “ A N D S O U T H U U K ttE N U U V U W . P A G E T H t U t t i

Prospective Bride will be the Thursday

b a n will cooaial of M r benkers enjoyed y w r c o n ç u * .

Industry tai ele ttile power, trans­portation, chemicals, ee well ee A ftaan to ^mining company end a raOwsÿi system. They wUl be accompaniedby Mcoordinator* from the Japan Pro- ^ Settembrino'« daughter

Studyductivity Center.

The Human Relationa Mm wUl primarily be

further their understanding of U.S. Industrial Psychology. The project was organised and programmed through the cooperation of Lean-

J, Smith of Rutherford, who is Executive Director far the American Society of Pereonnel Ad-

Photo by LynwoodMr. and Mrs. George McGavin, ley School, East Orange. She is

631 New York A ven u e , Lyndhurst, ,a secretary with the IBM Educa-annDunced the engagement of tton Center in Newark, their daughter. M arianne, to Tho-j Mr. Cvelich. a lso a graduate of m as Cvelich. son of M r and M rs Lyndhurst High School, is a stu Joh n Cvelich. 379 Harding Ave- , dent at Fairleigh Dickinson Uni- nue. Lyndhurst. a t a dinner for varsity. Rutherford. He is employ the two families an Sunday at «ni with the Grand Union Com M ajch io s Restaurant pany. Carls'adt

Miss M cGavin is a graduate of : A Septem ber wedding is plan- Lyndhurst High School and Berke- ned.

gasala of the tank toDecember SNl H h

_ a aariow ■Ma*. Wa troat yon ta d a il —SrftH evento* John, we

formu-our Installations <,f at

Chairmanja» Caggiano will have a lull re­pon at our next recular meeting

We m ee clewed to h aar broth-

wri I a fla home anda aerkma operation

Happy Birthday ûreetlw

Sound World Is Explor ed

les (o rability to leant. Mr. stay, extra

— ? lndurt" 1 “ • u" ¿Jefferson U m A b « e d o n '* " " « « W i l l U *m . the them* for the month, The Daniel Chkodrello, Harold Fi*. WdHd of Sound.” Music waa pre-lharrtl. Paul Buggle. Nicholas Floe- sentcd by meana of home made rv' Joseph Treacy and Andrew toy« ami musical Instruments. Hid- Sacrlalello received Bob Cat Pin», den noises w ere made on s ta te Scout Handbook» and Scoutcr

to and the audience guessed their orl- ( pins were presented to

Dr John Lathrop. Headmaatar,

Brother Tom Kist from thr whole gin. tnf DanielHappy Thanksgiving holiday to

all our members and

M argaret Monica McMann W ed Sunday To Mr. PetrocelflM a s M argaret Monica Me Uann. with P an Chemical Corporation in

daughter of Mrs. John Me Gann. Hawthorne 244 Clinton Terrace, and the late ------------------ — -

The team 's program waa out­lined by Mr ffeglia as toUows: they arc due to arrive a t the Na­tional Community Bank’s Ruther­ford Office at 10 a.m on Thurs­day, December 5th. They will then be Introduced to William L. Staeh- le. President, and other officers of the bank, and guided through the main oflior at 24 Park A ve­

to view Its facilities T h e group will then be tran^arted to the Stuyvesant Avenue Office of

bank located in Lyrxtiun« to view the date processing center In operation Escorting the team In behalf of the bank and explain­ing the operation. wtU he Mr. ter La Barba, Vice P resident and Cashier.

Following luncheon, the study group will visit the Garden State Plaza, w han they w il review Ok

of the Bargen County^ -s' - — ---uearm g

handles all inter-bank check clear- Bernard Sklar, public re­

lations director of the Garden State Plaza, has arranged to

the team as guests of the and will permit them to

view the public and private facili­ties of the Center.

ties. Enjoy it and hove fun Hope mony They w ere received f o r by Cubmaster Stewart M e Fad-Tfoop 88 by Michael Chile and den.Michael Donovan I Advancement «wank ’Tfce Pf»-UbatVim l

The scrap drive for the month sentcd: denner badge. Robert Mi- gratfcs Mn amounted to 6248 pounds Boys ttci; wolf badge. Richard Viggia- who each had over 1000 pounds ¡no; lion badge. Joseph Kosalow- were Richard De Cecco. Michael ski. William Heller a*d Scarlatelli. Michael Dayermanjian. (Mc Fadden. who also received Dominick Ferone snd Joseph Ko- gold and a silver arrow; gold I salowski | rows. Dominick Barone. Henry

Men who collected w ere Joseph 'press and Krith M ara«, who » - Kosalowski. Thomas Ferone. Char- jceived two airows and a one year

O see you all at our next regular meeting. Friday. Dec. 13th God Bless you all.

ELKS NEWSThe solemn <B

of the past week aeem to truns- oead an else We of Bkdom feel a special kinship to the late P resi­dent since he exempBBH the avowed goals of Elhdom. d,-<lim Hon to God and country and the to thenaent of the beotherhcl of

i. We of ïlkdom pause and

Japan Team Visits HereHenry N. Neglia. V ice President

C, land Public Relations O fficer of

West End NotesOur last meeting was well

tended and we bope it Will ¡»nue in the future. The abeea members missed a good nlfun

We w ere surprised but happy

theii fami-

Bufano and Fred C m - and ■ sullo w ere promoted to Boy Scouts pack

mother. I t e . .Paul BuggW, three new mem bors of the

committee, Johnby the Webelos graduation cere- Ja m e s Judge and C h arles M arass « - f i a t a rrtvm v TK i.i w n m I'o/./iti —A f > > à *̂ --a-------*— »■ - - U a V u l .

lu r e n t -Faculty discussions to eva­luate guidance and education i work ing tools for our children.

F . Albert G raeter acted 1

Faculty* sUbJectspecialty through thr

M rs Cecil Lord, discussed In

the Kindergart<-n Mr Gustaf Karl---- a..^i--U- I f - , L *---s— --- —H u , r r v q n w n w n w n in . i> iH | tn .

Mrs Herman Shuart. Chlld-Teaeh- er-Parent rdattonaMpa. Mr. Stuart

c h i l d John Watan-

iMrtt— . JWrtinant to « t o :discussion ftirticlpBtim:were. Mr. Mervym Mont­

gomery, (littori attorney. Mr Eu gene Dinallo, Passaic lawyer; Hon. Joseph R. Letcher, Lyndhurst magistrate.

P aren ts and teachers agreed, ul- ttmate aid is tor students continu­ing development in higher educa-

fluence as significant achievitnent factor.

M b. Seorae Peck. Präsident. Hon». School A ssociati« ! prrtìf- ' ed at a meeting, precvding (lie panel discussion

Drive Carefully

mt sigh; "TO Our Abeen« Bn> r. and then we go on as we

muet, with new dedication and de­termination that these goals will

M r. Me Gann, becam e the bride of R ich ard A. Petrocelli, son of Mrs. Andrew Petrocelli, 340* Weart Ave.. and the late Mr. Petrocelli. on Sunday.

Tlie cerem ony w as perform ed at 4 p.m at Sacred H eart R . C.Church The hride w as g iven In National Community Bank,m arriage by her brother, Ja m e s nounced this week that a Human to see brother John M anne at lieMe Gann, of New Y o rk City T V Relations Study Team from Japan (meeting after a long absence duereception w as held at San C arlo 's |Restaurant.

M iss M ary Ann P ave l of North Arlbigton w as maid of bancs B ridesm aids were the M isses Lor­raine Petrocelli. s ister of t h e groom. Lyndharst, and P atricia Doyle. niece of the bride, of P a rk

The Lodge wishes to .« te n d a sincere welcome to the new mem­bers Initiated Saturday. November 23rd Activity In Lodge aHairs is

fastest way of accUhnntuv one’s self to the Lodge. B ec«n e active members of the Lsdge and you wUl reap the full benefits ol Elkdom.

Tickets tor the New Year’s E ve Party sre svsllabie now lor mem

■ of the U % e. Use«-* at ton» I be r t strtwsd to Lod>> m m -

Ssrs until December 18th sf which e any remaining tickets will made available to 1k» fcublu-

ke your reserva tion» early. H.-


Industrial W aste Removal



NOrth 7-8080




GEiwva 8-5045e t n a * Oflce: M KEASN Y ST , LTN D HO BSI, M. 1.

T h s s a a n s g i m l t assd s ra p lo y sc s o l V an K s u r s n t S on Jain th e wwrld in m o u rn in g tb» p a ss in g o f o u r bs lovod P r» a id an t J o h n F . K ennedy .

M ay th e g r ie f o f U » fam ily b» so ften ed by th e raa B sa - tio n th a t h» d ied f a r h is co u n try .

M ay o a r a a w Isad s r P re s id e n t Lyndon B. Jo h n so n , rsc an rs C o d ’s h e lp in BMSfing th e re sp o n sib ilitie s th ru s t a p o a h im .

V A N E E L K E N « SONA v a n a* E a s t N e w a rk , New

H U 4-1400

man and the ushers were M ich ae l1Di ^ ta ra o ruid Thomas La R u s so .. a ll o f Lyndhurst.

Th<' bride wore a gown of silk organ/a with sweetheart neckline and short sleeves, the bodice beim; trim m ed with appliques of lace H er full skirt w as finished in chapel train. A p earl crown held h er three-tier illusion veil. She car- ; ried white ruses centered by a w hile orchid.

Bridal attendants wore lm d es cent green taffeta gowns with : scoop necklines and long s la v e s They worn headpieces of the sam e m aterial in leaves and pearl trim ­med flow cis. They carried ye l­low roses centered by white or­chids.

T|>e roupie are spending their ; honrymoon at Mt. A iry Lodge in ! the Poconos, P a They will live, ( tem porarily at 340 Weart A ve M rs : P etrocelli is a graduate of Queen ; of P eace High School. North A r­lington. and is with the Guild/Oi Prescription Opticians of Am eri­ca . in Newark.

l ie r husband, graduate of Lynd- hurst High School is attending eve­ning classes at Rutgers U niver­sity. He Is a laboratory technician

PREMIUM Fresh Mined CoalN O N E B E T T E R A T A N Y P R I C E

Nut or Stove $24.00 Buckwheat $19.00

Pea coal 21.00 Stoker Rice 19.00




BETTER DRIVEWAYS Asphalt Blacktop!

PARKING LOTS, CURBS & CEMENT WORKProper Planning. Correct r iw h l ln aad An Materials

Plus KAclent and Train ad Man, S«»aW l a a PerfaM Drive. W E TRY TO M AKS THEM M Y W B A N T B


NOrth 7-8977 - 8842


I «UTHBtfORD Po>* * ’ d A m" A .I * ID G IH IU > Broad Ave. at Trail" '

SAM W IDP»*««' •st- ° ’" 1 A,r'r C A * lS T A D T ii i HaekntaekSU

n o r t h a r u m o t o n m K°~ le a s t P A T W S O N Market St. a„d V s . R iper

LYNDHURST 1 S is » » * sa a * A *« .

LYNDHURST R i d . . Kd. and Vaile,[A S T RUTHERFORD Vater.«» Ave. s » d l l ^ k S . WALLIN O TO N M oia a»d HaUtead Aret.

j O H S iS T W S O U U »

I Notlonof C aw innnHy■ p .o . Box 250, N- J -‘ G entlem sn: . to « i n o 1944.C hrilttnoï_• Endosad Is my check *<**— ^ j . p o j i t ond * » fconkm oj

Club. T h . wssWly ! « " * £ ' . indlcotsd below,t oH ke most conv»ni*nt to t m r m M + Q * M » P » « ^

; n t.»i h * w**k U le sp «t ___________ _5 Ham a ---------- (Mam P*ai)


The Finest in Color. . .th e fin e st in fu rn itu re

AndreaColor TV

Belmont Color TVBonded, |lare-p«)of color picture tube • Pam oui Andrea boriaootaT c fc M M 'V R a j-SU r Nuviator turret tuner • Tone control * Walnut venaer cabinet » Optjonal, All-Channel V H F -U H F tuner • One year warranty «n all tub«» and parte. (Umt U frr a d e m o ru tn U io * o j c o lo r T V a t i l r t * r l . e e « M I N A M D M A O M

M E L R A Y 'S« Ridga Road W *¿]

r, F r i d a y T B • P .M .


| 0p w n a — ^ .NOW. . .


FOR '6 4 . . .

Here is an easy way to got an early start for a "Merrier Christmas" next year. Just complete and mail the ’$4 membership blank

above, and open an NCB Christmas Club for as little as 50* (or as much as $20.00) a week. It makes sense to sign up early. . . so do it

today! And, how about one for each member of your family?



Keep Your Faith» Go To Church Every Sunday And Holy Days — — — — - . ... .... _ / _ , _ / ■ / /HW hiftfeJbtoflH

■ S J S S y - ** H tw l i m y A n .

MOUNT CARMEL CBAPEL c . p f W A w m — , L p a * ta n t

B andar M M m k M l , I M , H *

IO U B . 1C H I'R C *

a. c .

» % • »«M aa< r a o A*I n

I I *

1 .

■hurrh member« afe urged to at­tend.

3 se p.m. Sttb-Diatrtet Rally «I Methodist Youth FrUowsblp t )e held at Hillsdale OiurchMonday. December 2:

3 30 p jn. Youth Choir

Thtrtday,12 » p.m Covered (Bah luncheon

WS.CS. Chrtsrmaa prorram anil follow In charge ai Orela 3.

hare will be arab t p.m Adult choto Then--« a welcome to «11 at the

i'hurrh on the corner oI Stuyve- •ant and Tortine A'

▼allay M

OE l - W I

Sunday Dec. 1:I »45 am Bible School i *w all ajcea. Mr. Everett wVI apeak to the Senta- Depart.

r a n C B l'K C a o r C S B B T nwnl conccrnin* the work of the

r m r m a t l:M A M . w i 1 M T M . r ss»sU H U |. ezoapt Prt-* a j i

E. P li m p sn t A U acoln Ae(.irWwi Society. vited to attend

11 00 a m morning worship eer- tH# *»ether Church. TN Tapir "Steps to Happiness "

, l " " f •* Text Matthew * 33


N. J .

Everyone is kv-

Wodnesday. Nov. 17: w * # m k ^ e y f t m T i n a a« * 00 Unk» Thanksgiving

• « £"••••* «« tMtimwiH af Eve Servire will be held in the Ï M a . r a ^ Ü S r . î Y » u « î r  S i Weatmlmder Preahytertan Orurch

*etn Monday through satureay, l 1 (The Rev Edward I. George w il - ‘ -Pc«* « the topic. < k n Gsod-

neaa to A m erica ."F riday , Nov » :

9 00 pm . Couple«' match between Reed and Weatminater at the North Ar­lington Lane*.

Sunday Sendee. II a.m. g rbaal IK — ry lt'JO a.

* f . M 7I

1 1 1

W E S ndN S T C B

I n . B. J. M it« Baa* L y a O w n l

r K I M■ » M S

a t 1 1 . N a n a t f a r a l i

a l 4 i

treokfaot Sunday fo r Kniqhts Of C .At s recent meeting presided

over by G K. Thomas MeUaccio, the members present heard a de­tailed report on the Council s 41st Annual Corporate Communion and Breakfast to be held on Sunday. Dec 1st next.

a will be held at St Ml- chad 's Church a t S a m At the

as guard of honor, led by PG.K. Jaseph Fischer, consisting V>f 4th Degree Members will pre­cede Hie members and ladies Is the alter rail to receive Commun-

tunday. Nov 24:%munk» services at 8.30

a.m. and U a.m.Church School 9:30 a.m.

Wednesday. Nov 27:I p.m. Union Thanksgiving aer­

a i Westminster R ward I. George, speaker.

OBITUARIESM r s . E . Y a c o b u c c

Mrs. Elvira Fos<4iini Yacoburci. M New York Ave . died on Fri­

day morning at her home after

After Mass. breakfast will be served at the Council's new home at SIS Now York Ave.

Slate Deputy Charles Gardner will be the lay speaker and a prominent c lergy speaker is ex-

Kd- pcctsd to be presentState Warden and P.G.k Frank

Brady will be toast master.Catholic Action Chaiisnan

Uam A yers heads mirtee on arrangements.

C o tM b x P T AM - ^ *»•■ ■ »W m v s T i w ^

I The Columbus PTA held a par­ent education meeting on Monday when a film ft Smoking Worth It" was It showed that j eight percen t of those who smoke 1» pack of' cigarettes a day are ilikely to have long cancer while out of those who smoke two pseks s day 21 per cent get lung can­cer.

The book fair m this school con­tinued through Friday Work of the fkvt grade was on dtylay.

Mothers of fifth grade children furnished the refreshments served durint a fellowship hour which !ol-


Bloomfield School Lists Thom«* H a I*

am* fr« . _as *a«ai haliea/e.

*«ieeory .«ara Sondar karvtaa.

Man’» protection from evU in fluences through an understand­ing a t (iod will be the thrine at all O vudan Science churcbea thU Sunday The title ot the Bible Les­son is Aix iefit and Modem Nw- romancy alias Meameriein a n d Hypnotism. Denounced."

The S<Tiptual verse T o r what- ¡Tueaday, D ec 3 soever is bom o( God overcometh ! * 00 p.m. session meeting the w orld." II John 5:4) wiU be W ednesday. Dec. 4:

Monday. Dec J :8 00 p.m. Nominating committee


Thomas John Hale of 452 Sec­ond Avenue. Lyndhurst. has been

. named to the Dean's AcademicIons illness She was horn ln)Honor high academic

Italy and came to the United ;»»n, F.n*ine*rlB« Draftliving firat » H» ^ g n , North Jersey Indus-

*n L*nd'.tr ia l Drafting School. 1ST Grove ”r*r‘ ¡Street, Bloomfield.

She waa a member of Sacred I llale has averaged 97 per centHeart R . C. Church and of the in his studies and la doing workMt. Carmel Society in the fallowing araas 0« Engi­

neering Drafting: mechanical de- Michael. died fei jig,, mechanical drafting, tool de-

Sutea in 1900. bolsnn for 21 y a w s and hunt for the p u t 41

1940. algn. machine design, structural drafting, architectural drafting, electrical drafting, and electronic drafting.

The program pursued hy Hale

She loaves four daughters. Mr».Joseph iRoael Polcar. Mrs. Gas- per i Icta t ouvert. Mrs. Samuel(Q M aace) leonte and Mrs Jo- ____seph (Josephine! Franchini, ajl of fully'approved'by the New Jer- Uyndhurst; 12 grmndcMhfcm and v > j,a te Board of Educaban and

D ic l i M a t h i e s e n P r o m o t i o n W i n n e r

Rk-tosrd Mathiesen of Lyndhurst, has been promoted to airm an third class Hi tlx United States A i r Force.

Airman M.ithiesen, son of Mr. and Mrs. William M athiesen of 471 Willow Ave.. Lyndhurst. is pre­sently a stnd4*nt at the Kee*ler Technical Training Center.

A g ra d u a l of Essex Catholic High School at Newark, he at-

VWrleigh Dickinson Col-

George Kapkwikt. 8 Page Ave., has Just been discharged from the U. S. Arm\ after three years of service, th* past twoand-s-half y e an In Germany On his return home he had as a guest for a week one of his army companions. Larry M e r e r of Buhl. Idaho

■ d j^ a d s ih flessisi* safl»■ i p u i i r o w t r

Tcdks Offered


Hnoalng small aftpliulc«*. and eMa of a son.M la new in apallancea. November m b

lano. 20* Peal Are

Orive Carefully

la new In appllancea. November 13th at Uat Clara U iu s Fbr furthar bA sanllial the Hoaplul. BaUevtSe. Mrs Mo Don-

Home Agent. Mrs l ia r M i Tho- ald Is lift former Waa Betty FU-" Adequate Houae Power” says mas, may be caalacM at Ik* Ex- lano. daughter of Mrs Jamea r e ­

public Service, is the "service tension Office. Diamond 1-2*»Wire drop from .pole to houae " There la no charge for this pro- Adequate houae power might be gram.

to the woman who must 1 ■ - 1 ,manage all of the household equip-1 Mr and Mm. Jack Me ponald, ment This la no mean accom|iUah- 4 0 Riverside Ave.. a re 1»ie p a r ment. Tam experts will be ad-! dressing homemakers at an "open meetkig" on daxaing the juat right" equipment or appliance for her household. There will be Upa on buying for self or Christ mas gifts, advice on bow to gel eua- tom-made" satisfaction a n d the beat value tor the dollar

Mias Mary Brudcr. Public Ser vice Advisor from Hackensack, and Miss Becky Hayes. Assistant Director, Appliance aad H o m e Care, Good Housekeeping Institute,New York, will present the rntor- matkm. sponsored by Uie Bergen Ctotmty Extension Service In Home Economics on Wednesday, Decem­ber 4, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Education Center, Room 314A,Administrative Building In Hack enaack.

® a Mayes Win apcaX about the wlces In large household appli­

ance*. and Miss Binder will talkN O T IC IO-^itroa of Mirti»! rrsvbyts,

de<^«n>d. are hy order of olt.L c. J O B Su rrogate e t B *n r»n Couaty.datMl fk-toWr U l»«a ttpon «toUch-tlon of thè «ahoerther n o t lla d to hrtps •« the lr dahts, 4*nuinSa and c ls im * Mmtnef hi» eatat« under «»ath. w ith in aia m onih* troni abovo daU. In s ila H. Cohen, Eaq.10SS R rrad H trre t .» a ra r li. K J .

A t tornayM a ry Lubow lack l I t i ("hapm an Street Irv in a to a , N . J .

^ , l-JaacutrlsDatad Nov. T-14-21-H. Dee. *. 1»<U Feaa. $15 00

L l ì great-grandchildren.

presented in the responsive read- ing.

The following passage from the denominational textbook will also be read “The Christian Scientist has enlisted to lessen evil, dis­ease. and death; and he will over­come them by understanding their nothingness and the aUnesa of God, or good” (Science a n d Health with K ey to the Scriptures by M ary B aker Eddy, p. 450).

L r o H n j U T a r r r n o D iS T c h u r c h

Tfca R ot. K adfse W. l a w s

M l T s s tta s A r

Sunday, December 1:• 45 a m. Church School with

classes far all ages.11:15 a.m. Public worship with

&ermon by the pastor on "We Faint Not.**

3 00 p.m. Quarterly Conference wiU be held in charge of the Dis­trict Superintendent, the Rev. fo r­est M. Fuess. Annual reports of all officers and organizations of the church will be given. A 1 1

8:00 p.m prayer meeting


the American Society Education.

(or Engi-

Pott Office Hours


The luneral was yesterday Mon­day. from the Naiare Memorial Home. Inc.. « 1 Ridge Road u>Sacred Heart R. C. Church, where __at 10 a m a Ssiemn High Mam Rutherford Post Office andwas oObrad. Interment was in 8«. «* branrtea wffl be cloaed Thanks Joseph's Cemetery, Lyndhurst tivta« Day, Thursday, November

_________ ____ ,28. Of»-

i Then? will be no carrier or win­dow service.

Jamea E. Waring. X I WenitAve., died «addenly Thursday in < The lobby West Gilford Township H e has win be ‘

Jamas E. Waring

been in ill health for som e time. He was 54 years aid, was born

US Vallay Brssfc

»B1T O IQ H I IA R B Tc a r a c a

U vr. Passale A n , » atts rtsiiEer. Georgs SaaU

30 Woodward A re,Pboae: Otea«« M IN

"N O W T H A N K W g A L L O U K C O B * ' M art i« Rincfcsvt

“ New Aaalt wa all ese OstiW.ik la tri m J Iim Ì . aa4 valsas.

W U m i m » lltiag* lu l l wkaa, t lw w U rajeteas.

W li . fees, ewe a u i la e 'e aesM H atk k L w i m. m e a r way

W ut. caawtltM gift« al lava,I A J ot« 11 I* our* taJay.”

S I M E M ^ ____•A t m s pstor h rlag in« the m o « u | i of peace ta tha e tN a ia s f gUsnkorg. Germ any. after th irty year« af war, am red P as to r M art in g in ckart to oger a prayer af thanksg iv ing i s h is «tudy and then, tak ing kl« pan. He m ad s Chie ssn tribu tlon to h>ainody by «»ha Ckara^, “Noa Thank W* All Our God.**

ftsm s r TaUsy Brsak A w * aad ^ Lyndhurst for the past 16 ysars, Tra s s ts Placa, L j a t k s n t ¡previously in Newark and in Wash-

Kav. Gs s r t s IflsMse, P a n « lington. He was self employed in T ravsrs Ptaaa. I j i f t i i general contracting.

He isavea Ms wile, Mrs. Emma B (Juoos Waring; three daugh­ters, Iits . Charles (Dorothy) Ru- ctnskl of Lyndhurst. Mrs. Dennis (Rnth) Male« of Wayne, and Mias Kathleen Waring, at home; a bro­ther, Kenneth Waring of Oakland. Calif : four sisters. Mrs. Frances Sutton, of Haniocks Creek, Pa., Mrs. Leo (Laura) Rogun of Liv­ingston, Mrs. Ethel Lewis of Ply­mouth. Ps . and Mrs. Harry (Jeanne) Kinsells of Brea. Calif.;


8 30 p n í box holders.

mail will be delivered as usual.All mail received will be dis­


The Rev. Edward I. George of th e R e e d Memorial United Pres­byterian Chyrch conducted a fu­neral service at the Steever Fu­neral Home, 253 Stuyvesant Ave., yesterday, Monday, a t 2 p.m. In-

■sot was In Hillside Cemetry. Lyndhurst.

of the Main Office from 6:30 a.m. to the convenience of

Cold Beer Wine & Liquors Free DeliveryCoaplet« Catirhtg Service

W E D D I N G S — B A N Q U E T S P A R T I E S — E T C .

aH O M E M A D E

Cola Slaw Baked BeamPotato Salad h Macaroni Salad

Clam Chowder •


Sundav morning . . .

EVERYMAN’S BIBLE CLASSat Rutherford's noled

LYNDHURST DAY* Re». Robert J. tngelLe. guest speaker* Arthur F. Lane, guest Chaplain* Everyman** Bible Clas» Orchestra Rutherford High School - Sun., Dec. 1-9:15 a.iu.

Ladies invited!

Kiszm «■! KIELBASY

Hours Dally: 8 A.M. to 11 P.M.

SUNDAYI« . « , ti I P.M.


«18 PACE M E. (Cor. t a n )


WE 9 - 2 9 5 0Winter motorists should increase

their following distances regard- i of how d e a r frozen roads

seme, F. J. G assed. Jr.. director af safety for the Allstate Motor Club, emphasises. The driver ahead may sin suddenly on a piece of dry pavement, which might force the car behind to stop aa a patch of ice.

L r r fh « « .N . J . W E *7115

S ' s s ;C ip Am é p » * tt In Y o u r Scrapbook !

SINCERITY DI6NITY REVERENCERendered In A Hom elike Atmospher«


42S RIDGE ROAD LYNDHURST, N. 3. GEneva 8^4664

Porting Facilitiw O a f a s h n A ia O O NDEnO ND «S A B I

B É ÉS b

B«rk Fuwral HoatDirectors

John L . s a * ■“ Pau l I — É l

Prompt, Efficient, Dependable Service

52 Ridge RmA LyaA wrat VEhsier *0*90 ( t a a p N i Are.)

Air coadW oaodyeor r^md

, Jersey City OSis* * « ^ FsKsdfe » » ^

You're Invited To Our


Saturday November 30th7:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M.

FREE GIFTS REFRESHMENTS NOR PRIZES1 1 : 0 0 « . M. t t 1 : 0 0 P.M.

A COMPLETE U N E OT i»i , . . . . . „ ,__ .LI MBER • IKMIRS - WINDOWS - HARDWARE J * 1 *“ Sahirday at our Open House

MOULDINGS - CEMENT - BRICK • SANI) " ” *ny "P**“ "* OBr n<‘wlr «"Urged and remodeledTOOLS • HARDWARE - P IPE - PAINT showroom. Here you will find displays on the newest

STONE - ROOFING - INSULATION and finest products available. We also ofer you oneTaoa-tf-b. a ! 2 ? D̂ 2 i W L , oat tbe coapsa T * *he area,below aBd drop It la our prise raffle boa. " * »*“ to aar maay friends and iiatruiia who

NO FUKCHA8 E NECE8 8 ABT have helped make this renovation possible.I----- “ “ “ “ “ 1 Our personnel are equipped to help and advise youI Nama ......................................... , on any of your Aaine improvement projects.| Street AMrsss m>t Ti»it witl> “ * this Saturday?

^ T s rn ............. Phone .......... I James 5amm*rco,

501“Evtryftlng To m û AflytMng,f

W0NWT DELIYE1Y 10. 4 , T400East Newark

Rouge Bouqueti» la a nnr-m ^a grava today,* *r » " « • apado nor pick


LYNDHURST, N . J . , NOVEMBER 2 6 . 196.1

Everynan’* Clast To Hoaor Lyadhurst Now Markiag Ita Forty Sacaad Yoar

The non - sectarian Rutherford hurst reunion" because many for- E very man • B ible Clara, now in m er m em bers living -vh ew h ere it* 42nd year, w ill honor Lynd- will attend.♦urst at K ulheriord High School, Btm v Ms organ isation by the

Sunday morning. Decem ber 1 , at late Dr. L rater H. O re in 1922, j 15 o clock. Rev. Robert J . En- hundreds o f Lyndhurst men hsve gelke. pastor of W estminster Pres- been active m em bers and officers i byterian Church, will be the guest of the interdenominational croup speaker Before assum ing the which at one tim e w as one of the i.yndhurst pastorate, Rev. Mr. En- largest of its type ill the United ««•Ike w as Associate to Dr. Fred .States S ix of the c lass ' thirty-one M asters Holloway, First Presby Presidents lived In Lyndhurst terian Church, Rutherford. Dr while holding office. The currentlollouay is a form er Leader of Lyndhurst D ay observant-• marks

the Rutherford C lass. Arthur F . the third time in the four <V<-ade Lane, of Ridgewood, form er C lass span of the South Bergen class Vice President then residing ia that Lyndhurst h a s bead m sp e-, Lyndhurst. will be guest Chaplain ria l recognition.

Greetings on behalf of the com- The C lass history "Brotherhood munity will be extended by Mayor in Action” records that tin* only John C. G arde. J r . Recognition rtgu lar C lass session ever held will be paid to important Clara of- outside of Rutherford w as a Ladies fleers who a re residents of Lynd- Day at Lyndhurst's RKO Theater, hurst. President R . R . Shafer, of Sunday morning, April 17. 1932. 36 Stuyvesant Avenue, will pre- Gustave Bottner, J r . . now of ijt t le side over the neighborhood ses- S ilver, la ter a C lass president, sion. The C lass Secretary John was Chairm an for the observance Radleigh. of 345 Livingston Ave- Kev. Charles A lexander Ross was nue, will announce the attendance the speaker, count. in welcom ing the C lass to Lynd-

Invitations have been sent to hurst on that historic occasion. Lyndhurst township officials as M ayor Horace M. Bogl« . said, well a s cfcric. fraternal and vet- “ Lyndhurst is proud of the ac- erans organizations and many <t>mpiishmcnts of E verym an s B i­delegations are expected. C lass of- ble C lass; it is one of the most fleers arranging the program *m- ¡effective organizations of its kind phasizc tfiat this unique neighbor- in New Je rse y .* ’ The 1932 Lynd- hood session is a Ladies Day. The hurst Ladies D ay attendant* was session is expected to be a "L yn d 1 , 1 OR.

^lo iy

H . bid tkoirtxxKas stealtkily In tka m«1 of tko land tkay i M fUd away.Now ovar tk« g ra n akruat a

PROBABLE STARTING LINE-UPLTNDHUKST C h a rle s M ango B a r r y K e ln e r B a r r y Jo h n so n V in cen t In tin d o ia Fred R M R u sse ll K en n in g Rog e r G u id ttt i A it h u r Ja c o b s W illiam R u c ln sk i P e te r F a lc o F ra n k R u g g ie ro

à w k k t k . k ic k -« « slatod far : l«>M A .M . , - j.

Lynd burnt will haw IT n u m b — of III aquari digitile far the JaW■ ■ - . - t . i l - r- . B a A k M 4 m lr« rannw w n itr r> m n t m n i u u ^ w w

have no less than 14 p layers rnutbing scholastic togs lor the §aal time. The total of 3 1 p l i y w i WÊÊ scheduled for graduation M U

"Son Bowl" Game Scheduled Here For Next Sunday

N am eA la n B e c k e r R ich a rd P ap p as B en C a la n z a ro Jo h n S c h n ie d e r Jo h n F a r in a P e te r D ai R a y m o n d Z a le w s k i W a lter L am p m an n Ja m e s B a n k s W illia m T e ll R o sa r io M au ro

Coach Kenneth Sinofsky w ill pm* bably g ive starting node to a M V

I of his departing 14 p layers. Walt I "T h e Riflem an Lam pm — a «M l William Tell are two b a d d M i starters wearing the M u t M a a l i G ra y for the last time. 1 % aH the line, ends Alan Becfctr « a d R a y Zalewski. guards Beh Q iM h zaro and Johnny F arin a an d kle Richie Pappas will tw i M r scholastic grid c a r e e n . OtfNT

[Wildcat senior classm en kMfeMIe Bud Zalarick . D ave F e r r a r i K a n Shorter. Rich M uller. V in o * L a llla , Ed Bode and Dennis H a l im .

Of the 17 p layers Coach J a e O - polla is losing at Lyndhurst 14 are expected tu s**e plenty of attffcai in tlie Turkey D ay claah. FHa backfleld perform ers bowing am are Co Captain Frank R a n t * * Pete Falco. Jim W lttorff, Alt A - cobs and Bobby L aG u an fla . A d lt- th back. C o^aptain Johnny R*bt- netti, suffered a broken right art* while practicing for the Patefltta

, Central gam e, and will mt ptafef on Thursday. Linemen doing tfcaIf

I au revoir will be Vine* IntM d#», ! Rennie W eyersbarg, B arry Je fe >

! son. Mike Sabino. Nick Tom Biiotta, Fred R icci, P at R e-

On this new-made band.S t. M ichae l's sw o rd d a r t s th ro u g h th e a ir A nd towch os th a au re o le o n Kua h a ir A s he aaaa t h a n s a lu tin g th e ra ,H i t s ta lw a r t so n s ;A nd P a tr ic k , B rig id , C o lum kill R ejo ice th a t h i wains o l w a r r io r s s till T h a G aaTs blood ru n s .A nd u p to Haawan’s d o o rw a y f lo a ts .F ro m th a w ood aallad R o u g e B ouquet,A delica t e cloud o f b u g le no tea T h a t so ftly s a y :"Farewell

Legion Honors Late President

Sugar Plums At Meeting

Jim Scotti Elected President Of Little League, Succeeds Rowe

been seast to the gowarnor and State League of MunicapoUtie

It w as a sign that local offici­a ls are becoming restive over the state s assumption of meadowland Tranltsgiving Day

Prqgram OfferedAn assem bly program w as pre­

sented at Je ffe rson School on Tues­day by the third grade taught by M rs. Anna G ra f. 35 parents and friends attended.

A playlet, ‘ Thanksgiving Wish­bone’ ' w as given by Victoria Gau- ci, Ja m e s Nelson. Susan Salvati, T erry Eckert, Linda Pinto, Renee D artan , M arilyn Werner. Richard Staiton. Theodore Stichler, a n d E dw ard Zaw acki.

Those who took part in "T h e , T u rkey ’s Thanksgiving'' were B r i­

an Ja e g e r . Ja m e s Nelson, T eresa P al no, Deborah Good heart a n d B arb ara Shutt.

. April B ayliss w as the announcer.

. Another feature of the program ( w as singing. All pupils in the

c lass had some part in the pro- ’ gram .

Cub Pack 89 Inducts NineThe state position is particular­

ly irksome in places such as Lynd- hurst where efforts to sell seven­ty a cres to Radio Station W.O.R. have been stym ied in Trenton. A l­though application for permission tgr the Lyndhurst sale has been in Trenton for months there has been no action.

New Je rs e y s claim is based upon the tidal effects of stream s running through the meadows The slate c laim s ownership of all land adjacent to tidal stream s although in the past Its only claim was to r ip arian ligh ts within the stream s

IN IS CO U NTIES The meadowlands resolution not­

ed that 13 N ew ' Je rse y counties contain meadowlands and that sub­stantial portions of cities such as N ew ark. Hoboken, North Bergen. Cam den and Atlantic City a re con­structed on such terrains. Hun­dreds of millions of dollars have been invested by private owners la developing meadowlands, it add-

Until recently, the league de­clared . the sta te 's ownership w as assumed tb cover only those tidal water areas that lie within the bads of bays. rivers, creeks and

CLAIMS BY STATE The laagtulkai said fla t Within

jk »a* yean prim arily*ka a ction , o l the State n e e l w < , New Je rsey

*».<*■*■* MUa "H att landa that “ » llL .il H f* i wa-T. T* ■*** taan no reutw n- Memorial Services

A t Hebrew Center For Pre*. Kennedy

The Bergen Passaic Section ol the New Je rs e y Home Economics Association will hold its annual Rpm ittm ent B a m a r and T ea meet, ing at the Teaneck High School M Wednesday afternoon. Decem­ber 4. a t 3:30 p.m. to 6:06 p.m. T h e Art of French Cookery." »

motion picture In color, will be duwn. Mrs. Je a n Carroll oi the Brrgeft County Extension Service

Lyndhurst and East Rutherford.A drawing for a b u k s t o l loa«

Is to be hdd « December 8 with the proceeds gotag io. Mie. fam ily.

Tema has two sfctwa sad a
