Ms. Zavala



Ms. Zavala. Life Science 2013. Born in Guanajuato Mexico in 1980. I was a student too!. Graduated College 2008. My family:. Dad Mom 4 sisters 2 brothers 2 nephews 2 nieces Tia chole. My family. Husband Miguel Son: Diego (3 years old). I love to:. Camp with my family Go to Disney - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ms. ZavalaLife Science 2013

Born in Guanajuato Mexico in 1980

I was a student too!

Graduated College 2008

My family: Dad Mom 4 sisters 2 brothers 2

nephews 2 nieces Tia chole

My family Husband

Miguel Son:

Diego (3 years old)

I love to: Camp with

my family Go to

Disney Shop at the

mall Read Bake Sleep Eat Travel

My promise to you: Respect you Do my best to teach you the best that I

can Teach differently so that all can learn Be a mentor when you need support Help you achieve your goals

2013-2014 Best Year Ever!

Take notes on the last two pages in your notebook.

Rules and Policies

Before the bell rings Line up against my wall in one single line

facing the outside doors Do not touch my board Come in only after I let you in (do not knock

or wiggle the doorknob) Come in quietly Go straight to your seat Sharpen your pencils and take out all of your

materials Start the Do Now

What do I need for this class

Interactive notebook Three sharpened pencils-no pens only to

correct Tape Flashcards Highlighter

If I forget my materials:

Ask a neighbor to borrow pencil/paper before the bell rings.

Use lined notebook paper and copy the notes at home that night.

Who get the materials:

One person will be assigned from each table to get textbooks, workbooks, lab materials etc.

This same person puts everything back when instructed to do so.

Take care of our materials and


TO THE SCHOOL (Can be against the law) Do now write on textbooks, workbooks, or

desks (detention or referrals will be given) Do not peel textbooks or take book covers off Do not write on book covers Place back all crayons and markers neatly Keep materials box organized and free of



FURNITURE! This is our classroom keep it clean.

RESTROOM POLICY Must have a pass Cannot go when instructions are given If no pass is available to you, you will serve

detention One person at a time Leave your backpack No longer than three minutes MUST sign in and out ( make sure you notify me

when you’re back)

Not allowed: Cell phones I-pods I-pads Headphones Recorders Makeup Cameras Bad attitudes Disrespect

Tardies and Absences

If you are not in your seat when the bell rings, you will be marked tardy.

If you are absent, start on the do now right away before you ask me if you missed anything. After I take roll I will give you any notes and assignments that you missed (it is your responsibility to let me know).

For every day you were absent you have the same amount of days to make it up. Exception if you were absent only one day

1 day-2 days to make up 2 days-3 days to make up3days-4 days to make up.

Please see me if you need more time. Check the absentee folder for notes or activities missed.

What if I want to share?

Do not interrupt. Raise your hand and wait to be called on.

Wait until all the directions are given before you ask questions. I might answer it, if you let me finish.

If it is only a question that has to do with you ask me one-on-one.

(Why does my dog bark?)

What if I need help? Re-read your notes and directions. Ask a partner if allowed to. Raise your hand. Skip the questions and come back to it


Group Work Participate Stay on task Do your part Be inviting Motivate others to participate Take everyone's ideas into consideration Group roles must be obeyed

Bullying Laughing at answers Excluding others Moving away Complaining about your team members Spreading rumors Ignoring teammates Doing all the work because they don’t

know anything

Headings Name Period Date

Life Science


No names will be posted on my cabinet. For each day that it is not claimed it will be marked late.

Late Work Will only be accepted one week late. It

will drop a whole letter grade for each meeting date that it is late.

Retakes Only on Tuesdays Will only be allowed to do up to two weeks

after it is turned back to you.

Grading Scale

A 4.0-3.4

B 3.39-2.7

C 2.69-2.0

NP 1.9-below

Attention getters Will count from 5 to 1 backwards. 5-stop what you are doing4-go back to your seats3- put everything on your desk2- face me1- I have your attention During group work I will ring a bell or

sound a whistle to catch your attention

Dismissal I will dismiss you not the bell. 5 Minutes before the bell rings we will

clean up and pack up. First you clean up my materials, then you

pack up your stuff. I will check the floor, no one leaves until it

is clean. Pick up trash even if it is not yours.

Miscellaneous Playing balls will be kept in a box in front of the

class. You can drink water in class ( no sugary drinks) No eating in class, specially candy or chips NO LEAD ON THE FLOOR!!!!!!! No touching displays or projects. Don’t take classroom supplies, if you take them

accidently, bring them back. Take backpacks off. When you take out papers it is not time to


Miscellaneous Part 2 Don’t play with the rulers Talking during test will result in a zero

which you cannot make up. Making rude and distracting noises during

class will get you a detention.

Classroom Rules 1. When the bell rings be in your seat. 2. Be prepared. 3. Respect yourself, classmates, and the

teacher. 4. Raise your hand to speak. 5 Participate in all classroom activities and

discussions. 6. Strive to always be productive and an

active learner.

Consequences 1. Warning 2. Seat Change/Reflection 3. Detention/Phone call home Office Referral

Detention If your homework is not done: You will do

it during detention. Period 1-4 Lunch that day –You have

fifteen minutes to get your lunch and eat. Period 6- Lunch the next day. Homework

must be done at home and serve study hall detention. 15 to get lunch.

If you miss detention, you will gain an additional day of detention.

Party!!!!!! At the end of each quarter we will have a party.

(PIZZA during lunch or ICE CREAM after school). The class with the most stickers will win! How to get stickers: perfect attendance Top three class averages on tests Perfect homework completion No step 2-4 on the consequence ladder in the class. On task group work for the whole class

Group Roles Red: Make sure that all materials are in the

material box (use list for items). Yellow:

Put textbooks/workbooks backCollect assignments/make sure the name

is on them, organize assignments. Green: Supervise that all lab/activity materials are

returned and put away. Blue: Monitor that tables and floors are clean at

the end of the day.

Team Work Material: 10 pasta items One marshmallow Yarn Paper bag

DirectionsWith your team you will plan for and then build the tallest free standing structure.Restrictions: Tallest Free standing 15 Min Must use all materials Whole Marshmallow goes on top Cannot use additional materials

First …(on the front

cover) Write your full name (first

and last) Write your subject/ period Write teacher’s name/

room number



Ms. Zavala/ ROOM # 117

Next, add your title page


Name (First and Last)Period

*Feel free to decorate this page

Next, add in the Table of Contents

Table of ContentsDate Assignment Page


Skip a few blank pages (~6) for your table of


How to set up your notebook …

1L 1R

Label the left side “1L” and the right side “1R” in the center of bottom


How to set up your notebook …

1L 1R


Make sure you put the date on each new page


How to set up your notebook …

1L 1R


Make sure you title your page and underline it in the center

top margin

Date:Title Date:

Page 1RPage 1L


*Write your own reflections, and questions

Notebook Setup 8/8/13

Questions/Cues/Main Ideas


Notebook Setup8/8/13


Page 1RPage 1L


*Write your own reflections, and questions

Notebook Setup 8/8/13

Questions/Cues/Main Ideas


Right = Shared Space• class/lecture notes• lab activities• questions (as a class)• any activity we do together

in class

Left = Personal Space• Do Now

• brainstorming• Reflection• Individual Questions• any activity you do on

your own• any questions or

comments you have during an activity

Notebook Setup 8/8/13

All science notebook entries must include:

Date in the top right-hand corner.

Underlined title in the center of top margin.

Page number in the center of bottom margin.

‘Observe, Question, Comment’ section on left-page margin.

Activity notes or reflection in the body of the page.

If you run out of space, continue the activity on the next right or left page. Label that page 1R Continued or 1L Continued.

Notebook Setup 08/08/13


Notebook SetupReflection




1R Continued

Check for Understanding

1. What four components must every notebook entry have?

2. What is a right side page used for?

3. What is a left side page used for?

1L Continued


Cornell Notes Every time when we take notes. Always on the right side Highlight topics/cues/questions Highlight definitions to language of the


Page 2R

Next write the date(upper right hand side) Write the title of the notes (Top line, centered,and underlined Write the page number on the bottom of the page.

Read the notes to review and make clarifications

On the left page of your notebook, there is an area for you to reflect and ask questions

Ask questions by raising your hand

Might be done is class or this might be your homework assignment

Page 2RPage 2L


*Write your own reflections, and questions

Cornell Notes Setup 8/8/13

Questions/Cues/Main Ideas


• Highlight questions/Cues/Main ideas

• Highlight language discipline words and their definition

• Skip lines between main ideas

• Summary at the end in your own words.

Cornell Notes Setup 8/8/13


Miscellaneous Part 2 Don’t play with the rulers Talking during test will result in a zero

which you cannot make up. Making rude and distracting noises during

class will get you a detention.