m,s...Ieatn from~the starting of this pro~hecy L~rd i.s trying. to present a picture ·of· what to...


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to;take UJ;) as li~e spa:ce. as. pc;,ssible With ,n;iiPJtlletJtre(,, :we W®ld suggest that·• reader open the

£ Mo~o:o. to too third ehiJpte:r of the Book of beginning at the 30th verse, down to the end chapter; We believe that m.o~t of the Book .of

.,~~~on students .are.quite· familiar· with .the. £ea.ding · liif.proJlJlecy · of Zenos, hut accord{rig to the differ-

. tions and comments that I· haye · heMd I am led to the belief.that an: entirely

'~~~it 1nei~nin1? is taken out pt it; ·

by quoting tfie 31st verse ofthe chap­above: "For behold, . thus saith the

will·· nken · thee,. 0 house of Israel; like un:to a olive tree, which a•man took. and•nourished in

vtne\'ar<i: and it grew, . and waxed Q!d, and beg~n

. Ieatn from~the starting of this pro~hecy L~rd i.s trying. to present a picture ·of· what

to the. ho\fse of Israel,. from her begin­• ·.:1:i:m~•.c10V1m to lhe end c:tf time.. But we fjnd that f,y

through t~e prephecy that between the tame oliv!! tree~ Isr~el,.began to ~y,

the ti.me ~ ~rist when it was. necessllt}'.to of the wild .ofive tree-the Gentiles. · The

vineyard had to do some careful pruning about and nourish this decaying tree of the lsradjn . order to ~e:t it to produce so~

·and .tender· branche~ whkh he afterwa£ds broke pfante~in other parts of his vineyard. at t;h~t time when t~e young ana. J€lldet

were brokem oil, just wchaNloes hap.,en Jo .·. . .. ti:€.'.C? attcl; alsc;J1!1ie' brattthes that .~~te

~ff?··· The prophe.cr.gives·the.alll!Wer~which.is by •. too w:ord. of t}ie. Lord;. as; ·'\ti~J~$ the · ·~·· situati~.t1:in · ·

to this tame olive word of Goo. as was knGwn :as the record of the Jews; . . . • ThisWord of·the ~~~wheti~:yeddid give~pii:­itual str.ength and. noqrishm.ent ·to.the house of Israel, so that they g~ :fr0,~.t ~ut when dis--obeyed it 1'fr .... .. . . ;1no :spiri!JJ;al death. so· we have the stick of Judah to form.rOOttte this mother tree .. B~t at the time of. th!! ~reaki~s;.a~ay of theiosi: tribes; we &d as recorded ~ •~zt:kie:1 tlie I 6th yerse of chap~r 37 that anoth~r stick ~sii:Jes that of Eph­raim. which. was for aU of the cb.ildrent:0f Israel. m,s · comtianions, also .in· Has.ea 12th v'irse. of ch;ipt~' 8. '.A:nd. l. have written t1nto. him. "ijp~r~f · the. g,eat things of my law, but they were <.:n~t~d ~s a strange thing. And.in the second boo!{ot'Ne£hi;. 12th chap­ter, ve®.69, u~dJ shall 3lS€> s~\•ooto tli~ othe~ tribes of.the house .of Israel which.l haveled away, and they '.shal.l write fC' . . •.. ... .. . ...

Now w~ thi~k there can be no ~It bu,f thaftbe wi:iting.s .of tie. lost tri~ ~nt1~~\~y N'ep:hi, an:~ the stick of Ephraim mentioned hr.i~k:iel will .pt the \VOJ;d of th~ l,otdd1ae nas,fotnt¢dJhe ((lotSJot (bo~e b't'ok~n off branches• that·. have · i>toitgt,it · forth <.mttch good fruit in the place wher; th~ ~~cl. .has: hid in. the netootfllD~. ~s. of. ~. \'.t~~~r<:t

We w · l!lopg: to ve~ ij~t whe l . .. . ... ..

t~ey~i.~zy.b¢.onef as I.i~ thee, thatJhey .alsp m!y one in us; ~~dditnay:l,eli'~e t~ thou•hast• ~nt me:· .n:1'so·1~ac

· 21<:l v~tsf ":t\nd the glory w.I.iieh tholl ~~e given them., th,at they. may be one., even as onet V:er~;2~.. "I i~. the111 ~ ilipu in, 11'1e, ,t!ietmay be made perfeetin one, that the w:o~d tnaY know thatdmu hast $ent me, and hast lo~ed diel1'1, as thou ~st loved ~." ·. . . ·. . .·. .. . .. . . . . •

The above quot~tions show dearly the intention of · Pod and Christ is toJ,ring humanity back W· ~t ol:}e, ~es1, ~ith him tfo:ough t>bedienee to the go~pel of ·Je$lls·C~t. Jesus.fol'£! Nic~mllS John 3:5: ''fems 141)1~.e,r~., .. .. . . . .. . vei.;ilr I say µ~to th~e. ~X«J}t a m~ ~e born .. . w1ite:;)100 of /the Spirit, ,he tjtn iroJ ~~;erdnt$). die lcing~1;11.of heaven.'' • The t)ne most

· · i~pi)rM~t ~hii:tg•ill; redel:}lptio~· s .plan is the new birth'. 1

~$ born .into,the .king{fufti by •bapt1Sl1'1· of the watet. ~~ ... t>f ·.the Spi1r,; J>aptized . into material ~at.er, fot: ·the • . ~>0'11" ma~erial Jm4ies, ~d ~~d of t ' r the rideniptia:n <i>f out spiriiual ueings, •

Tlre•.relrde~ ot ~he·.Ait~~.i~'Will no··donbrl,e pointed to ~ .. th~ Ad~oca!:e re~ueed · · ·

. but the oonditfons will ~(>t~iJi;if gf the reg;iil~i. sixtee11\pagtr pa~.·••· J'h~ · to~lf~~1p .}ut't¢ :ind the first half of tµly, both donatio~s . subsc.~4ptions a'l1'10t1nt tp. $l!,J1f~,nly a. litt:le•moi;e. eno~h to pay. fdr .. this is~ue •of thi! Advocat~; enp~h, to -pay• ~e. ;Printer .fol t.he.foU. size. of. ili~ vocate, and siJ:}ee some·of •this must l,e ~p}l'lied ,to debt. ~~se it .. is .gi~~, ~t tha,t: ptu;~se. ~r;; f«e~d .to cnt ilie ~i2;e of .t~' pitper tp Hieet ~ <!eip~s, ·we a~ in hopt!~•.,is ·will nor be. .. next .. ti~, bucit is up .to ¥~: •··. Ar.e .. y.au doini ea~·for the .A.dvocatel •