MS Bulletin · 2015. 1. 22. · MS BULLETIN PAGNA 2 Għeżież membri, merħba. Din hija l - ewwel...


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  • Committee members of the MS Society of Malta 2014 In This Issue:





    Health well-being

    HARGA 29; SETTEMBRU 2014

    MS Bulletin

    A word from the Editor

    Welcome all to this year’s bulletin. Hope you all enjoy the summer, but make sure to be protected from the UV rays. Hope to see a lot of new people coming to the Society’s activities and meetings.

    A word from the committee members

    Kif naħseb li innutajtu din is-sena qegħdin norganizzaw ħafna attiv-itajiet, biex b’hekk ikollna biex inħallsu t-terapija. Aħna nixtiequ li s-sezzjonijiet tat-terapija jerġgħu jiġu kif kienu qabel ta’ darbtejn f’ġimgħa. Napprezzaw ħafna l-parteċipazzjoni tagħkom u l-appoġġ li tistgħu tagħtu f’dawn l-attivitajiet. Din is-sena minbarra l-ikliet żiedna ukoll car wash u hemm il-ħsieb li nerġgħu nagħmlu oħra fix-xhur li ġejjin. Nixtieqilkom is-sajf it-tajjeb. - Carmen Muscat

    MS is a chronic, often disabling disease that attacks the central nerv-ous system, that is the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. The de-velopment, gravity and specific symptoms of the disease are unpre-dictable and tend to differ depending on the individual. Yet despite certain uncertainties and fears, one should not let themselves get defeated. One has to have a positive attitude to combat it – you need to create the drive within yourself to fight it and carry on. Do not let yourself give up, or give in! - Kenneth Muscat

    Il-kumitat sikwit jiltaqa’ sabiex flimkien nieħdu l-aħjar deċiżjonijiet, għall-għaqda tagħna. Irridu nkunu aħna l-membri tas-Soċjeta’ li nistinkaw favur kuxjenza akbar dwar l-MS. L-appoġġ tagħkom ikom-pli jqawwielna qalbna sabiex inkomplu bil-ħidma tagħna. Nawguralkhom sajf mimli saħħa u kuntentizza! - Louise Zahra Nixtieq nappella lill-membri kollha biex kemm jista’ jkun jibdew jattendu, kemm għal-laqgħat li jkollna kif ukoll għall-attivitajiet li jiġu organizzati minn żmien għall-ieħor, permezz ta’ dawn l-attivitajiet jinġabru fondi li tkunu tistgħu tibbenifikaw minnhom inthom ukoll. - Alexander Degabriele

    Carmen Muscat - President Kenneth Muscat - Vice-President

    Louise Zahra - Secretary Therese Agius - Treasurer

    Alastair Farrugia - PRO Alexander Degabriele -


    Audrey Micallef - Membru Stephanie Micallef - Membru

    Mary Buhagiar - Membru Emmanuel Buhagiar - Membru


    Għeżież membri,

    merħba. Din hija l-

    ewwel darba tiegħi li

    qed nikteb artiklu għal

    din ir-rivista u bi pjaċir

    ngħid li ħassejt il-bżonn li

    nagħmel dan. Ir-raġuni

    hija li mindu sirt naf li

    għandi l-MS, saru ħafna

    bidliet f’ħajti mingħajr

    ma ridt.

    L-ewwelnett kien ta’

    xokk għalija x’ħin sirt naf

    bl-aħbar, għax jien

    bniedma normalment

    attiva, speċjalment fejn

    jidħol l-użu tal-moħħ u t-

    tieni ma stajtx nifhem kif

    is-sistema immunitarja

    tiegħi setgħet tagħmel

    affarijiet mingħajr jien

    ma kont qed

    inġiegħlha,meta din

    suppost taħdem favori-

    ja u mhux kontrija.

    Hawnhekk bdiet il-

    battalja miegħi nnifsi

    jekk għandix nieħu l-

    mediċini li offrewli jew

    le. Kienet deċiżjoni kbira

    għalija onestament;

    imma min-naħa l-oħra

    jien bniedma li nem-

    men ħafna fi kliem in-

    nanniet fejn dejjem

    jisħqu biex nitfejqu b’af-

    farijiet naturali kif

    bagħathomlna l-

    Bambin. U minn hawn

    bdiet il-mixja tiegħi ma' l


    Mela bdejt bl-ewwel

    pass. Xtrajt kotba u lit-

    teralment tkissirt fuq l-

    internet infittex għal

    soluzzjonijiet biex nis-

    kopri x’hemm tajjeb u

    x’m'hemmx. Jissemmew

    ħafna dieti imma mid-

    dehra dieta apposta

    għall-MS hi waħda

    partikolari u mhux bħal

    ħut simili peress li fih ħaf-

    na merkurju. Fi studji li

    saru nstab li nies li jbatu

    bl-MS għandhom kwan-

    tita’ ta’ toxins fihom.

    Dan jista’ jiġi ikkaġunat

    kemm mill-arja imniġġsa

    ta’ barra, mill-pestiċidi li

    jkun hemm mal-frott u l-

    ħaxix, ħut ‘farmed’, kif

    ukoll mis-silver amalgam

    fillings ġo ħalqna. Jien

    iddeċidejt li nibdel

    dawn il-fillings għal

    dawk bojod biex nevita

    kull eventwalita’ ta’ tox-

    ins li nista’ nibla’ maż-

    żmien. Prodott ieħor im-

    portanti ħafna li nik-

    konsmaw huwa is-

    seaweed (algae).

    Hawn Malta hija xi ftit

    problema biex nieħdu

    minn dan il-prodott im-

    ma għandek issib minn

    health shops ewlenin.

    Dejjem inżommu ġisim-

    na fi stat idratat sew

    biex nevitaw li niġu de-

    hydrated; dan billi nixor-

    bu biżżejjed ilma frisk u

    pur matul il-ġurnata.

    Irridu nixorbu mill-anqas

    2 litri ta’ ilma jew likwidi.

    Qatt m’għandna nixor-

    bu l-ilma eżatt wara ikla

    għax inkella l-ikel ma

    jiġix assorbit kif suppost.

    Jien inħobb nibda l-

    ġurnata bi ftit misħun

    b’nofs lumija magħsura

    fih. Dan jipprepara lill-

    kliewi u l-fwied għal ġur-

    nata ta’ affarijiet oħra li

    ser nirċievu. Jekk forsi fix

    -xitwa tippreferi xarbiet

    sħan, tista’ tixrob herbal


    filgħaxija imma bħala

    snack filgħodu. Lanqas

    m’għandek tieklu eżatt

    wara xi ikla kbira għax

    inkella l-ġisem iġġibu fi

    stat aċiduz u ma jkunx

    jista’ jiġi assorbit. Frott

    tajjeb ħafna huma l-

    cranberries għax ukoll

    jevitawlek li taqbdek

    infezzjoni fil-pipi. Meta

    nixtru l-cranberries tal-

    pakkett niċċekkjaw li

    ma jkunx fih zokkor

    għax jagħmel aktar

    deni milli ġid. Dan jap-

    plika għal kull frott ieħor


    Idejalment nieħdu

    mgħarfa żejt taż-

    żebbuġa kuljum, jew

    ma’ xi salad frisk jew

    direttament mill-

    imgħarfa. Iż-żejt irid ikun

    Extra Virgin u cold

    pressed biex b’hekk ma

    nieħdux żejt ip-

    proċessat, bħal żejt

    veġetali. Nevitaw l-użu

    tal-butir. Hawnhekk ir-

    ridu nitkellmu fuq kemm

    hu importanti li nikkons-

    maw l-omega 3. Din

    insibuha speċjalment fil-

    ħut żejtni imma hawn

    irridu noqogħdu attenti

    x’tip ta’ ħut nieklu. Is-

    salamun hija l-iktar ħuta

    tajba imma trid tkun

    ‘wild caught’ u mhux

    dak ‘farmed’ bħal dak li

    nsibu għand tal-

    vannijiet. B’hekk f’dan il

    -każ l-aħjar nixtru tal-

    friża. Tajjeb ukoll li

    nieħdu l-erringi u sardin

    (imma evitaw jekk

    għandek pressjoni

    għolja). Jekk se tixtri tal-

    bott, araw li jkun ġoż-

    żejt taż-żebbuġa u

    mhux veġetali. Hemm

    dibattitu jekk għandniex

    nieħdu tonn taż-żejt u

    ta’ xi ħadd li sempliċi-

    ment irid jonqos mill-piz

    jew biex iżomm ruħu

    b’saħħtu. Aħna ta' l-MS

    għandna bżonn dieta u

    stil ta’ ħajja speċjali.

    F’dan il-każ mhux “you

    are what you eat” IM-

    MA “you are what you

    eat and what you don’t

    eat as well”. Ir-regola

    hija li l-ġisem iġġibu fi

    stat alkaline u m'hux

    aċiduż. Il-paleo diet hija

    tajba ħafna għal dan l-

    iskop. U dan huwa dak

    li skoprejt.

    L-ewwel fil-lista li

    m’għandniex nieklu hu-

    wa l-qamħ (wheat),

    kemm abjad kif ukoll

    ismar. Il-qamħ ma

    jagħmilx ġid fil-moħħ ta’

    xi ħadd bl-MS. Hija ftit

    diffiċli sakemm taddat-

    ta għax kwazi il-qamħ

    jidħol mhux biss fil-ħobż,

    għaġin, pasti u kejkijiet

    imma anke f’ċerti

    ċerejali, zlazi, etc. Min-

    flok tista’ tuza’ ross pre-

    feribilment ismar. Fil-

    bidu li tibda tnaqqas il-

    qamħ, tibda tħossok

    kwazi agħar milli tkun

    bdejt għax it-toxins fix-

    xaħam tal-ġisem jibdew

    jinħallu u jiġru fid-demm

    sakemm jiġu eleminati

    mill-ġisem. Eventwal-

    ment tibda tħossok

    tajba u terġa' tiġik ftit l-

    enerġija. Wara l-qamħ

    importanti li nnaqqsu iz-

    zokkor ipproċessat. Jekk

    tiġik leblieba għal xi

    ħaġa ħelwa, ħu frotta

    jew żebbuġa minflok.

    Importanti ħafna li jekk

    tbati bid-diabete evita li

    tieħu banana u xi frott

    ieħor skont kif jindikalek

    it-tabib. Il-frott qatt

    m’għandu jittiekel tard

    Jien, l-MS u kull ma nassorbi


    Tkompli ...

    Kemm jista’ jkun nevi-

    taw li nippreparaw

    ikliet fejn ikun hemm

    proteini u karboidrati

    flimkien; eżempju

    laħam mal-patata jew

    ross il-forn. Dan iġib il-

    ġisem fi stat aċiduż.

    Minflok nistgħu nieħdu

    laħam bil-ħaxix

    miegħu. Fix-xitwa,

    m’hemmx aħjar minn

    platt soppa msajra bi

    ħxejjex friski. Evitaw id-

    dadi totalment. Minflok

    tistgħu tużaw ħxejjex

    aromatiċi bħat-

    turmeric, oregano jew

    rosemary. Jekk tridu l-

    platt xi ftit mielaħ użaw

    il-pink salt flok il-melħ

    normali. Dan huwa

    melħ mhux ipproċessat

    miġbur mill-muntanji tal

    -Himalayas. Issibuh mill-

    health shops ewlenin.

    Tajjeb ħafna jekk nevi-

    taw il-laħam tal-majjal

    u b’aktar moderazjoni

    tal-baqra. Imma tajjeb

    ngħidu li il-laħam tal-

    fenek, tal-ħaruf u tad-

    dundjan huma sorsi

    aħjar ta’ proteini. Nies li

    għandhom l-MS ibatu

    minn nuqqas ta’ vita-

    mini u minerali bħal

    Vitamina B12, D3 u

    magnesium. Aħna

    ixxurtjati li ngħixu f’art

    bix-xemx kwazi s-sena

    kollha imma jekk nid-

    delku spiss b’ħafna

    kremi, xorta mhux qed

    inħallu x-xemx tippen-

    etra f’ġisimna. Daqs 15

    -il minuta kuljum f’xemx

    diretta hija importanti.

    Fis-Sajf nevitaw ix-xemx

    ta’ bejn il-ħdax ta’

    filgħodu u l-erbgħa ta’

    wara nofsinhar.

    kopru kif inkunu aktar

    komdi matul din il-mixja

    tagħna. Il-Bambin


    Sylvia Bugeja

    Waqt it-tiftix tiegħi

    skoprejt ktieb ta’ Peter

    D’Adamo jismu “Eat

    right for your type” u

    dan tefagħni f’dinja

    oħra ta’ skoperti.

    Skoprejt li għalkemm

    hemm dieta ġenerali

    għal kull tip ta’ marda

    kronika importanti

    nieklu skont x’inhu t-tip

    ta’ demm tagħna. Sibt

    li dawk blood group

    type B, importanti li jev-

    itaw ikel li normalment

    jitqies tajjeb, bħal

    tiġieġ u ġunġlien.

    Il-ħalib tal-baqra huwa

    għadu ieħor għan-nies

    bl-MS. Hemm alternat-

    tivi oħra bħal ħalib tar-

    ross u soya. Minn hawn

    u minn hemm dejjem

    ser ikollna platt imħaw-

    war tajjeb allavolja

    hemm affarijiet li ma

    nistgħux nieklu.

    Hemm ħafna xi tgħid u

    aktar u aktar x’titgħal-

    lem fuq din il-

    kundizzjoni kronika im-

    ma sadanittant jien

    dejjem ngħid li dieta

    tajba u ftit eżerċizzji

    ħfief qatt m’għamlu

    ħazin lil ħadd. Eżerċizzji

    ta’ rilassament tistgħu

    tipprovaw il-Yoga jew

    Tai Chi fejn jgħinuk

    iżżomm ukoll il-bilanċ


    Nieħu gost jekk xi ħadd

    li qed jaqra dan l-

    artiklu u sabu inter-

    essanti, jikkuntatjawni

    billi jkellmu lis-segretarja

    jew il-president ta' l-


    Nemmen li flimkien nist-

    għu ngħinu lil xulxin nis-

    Laqgħa ma’ Dr. Parnis Psychologist


    Laqgħa ma’ Mr James Muscat Nutritionist


    Launching of MS sub-committee in Gozo

    The meeting was held on Saturday 8th February 2014 in the Ministry for Gozo, Pjazza San Frangisk, Victo-ria, Gozo. Present for the occasion were Carmen Muscat, Pres-ident MS Malta, Audrey Micallef, Committee Mem-ber, Sandy Apap, Gozo sub-committee Chairperson, Marthese Mugliett Presi-dent of Malta Federation of People Disability MOFPD, the Hon Dr Anton Refalo and the Hon Dr Franco Mercieca.

    Sandy Apap on behalf of the Gozo sub-committee made an opening speech. She spoke about her fight for the past 23 years against MS and dealing with the symptoms on a daily basis. She outlined the difficulties the Gozitans face in having to travel should they wish to attend meetings in Malta. Of special mention are the rough seas. The importance of the family’s support not to give up in spite of limita-tions, difficulties and the psychological problems MS presents and to be under-stood. The enthusiasm and idea of having a Gozo sub-committee to participate, force in numbers, to hold meetings about MS devel-opments, fund raising and invite experts. To get to know each other, co-operate, work to better ser-vices and work. She stressed the importance of recognising MS symptoms and difficulties.

    Ms Carmen Muscat, on behalf of the MS Society Malta related how she had been contacted by Ms Sandy Apap, who wished to set up a sub-committee in

    Gozo. Ms Carmen Muscat said that she welcomed a Gozo sub-committee and outlined that the Society had been in existence for the past 16 years offering therapy to its members. Due to low funds, therapy was now being offered once a week. The Society spends €18,000 every year on physiotherapy and offers guidance and support to many families. The members feel com-fortable meeting others in the same situation. The Society has a facebook page and website to keep members informed about events and developments. She outlined the im-portance of having the Gozo sub-committee, which would provide a point of reference for Gozitan families living with MS.

    The problems Gozitan MS patients face were different. Although being members of the Society, the Gozitans were not fully aware of what was going on in Malta. The importance for all organi-zations to support each other as well as patients’ rights related to health and work matters was

    mentioned. Those present were informed that the Society was a member of the EMSP and of the MFOPD, which supports employment and health in all fields. Ms Sandy Apap introduced the other 3 members of the Gozo sub-committee and said that meetings were to be held not only to discuss poli-cies but also to be updated with current information. She said that any articles coming to light would be passed on. Since MS af-fects everybodydifferent-ly, every person has their individual rights.

    Ms Sandy Apap invited the public to put forward their views and went on to mention the fact that pa-tients were often not un-derstood properly as Mul-tiple Sclerosis includes many hidden symp-tomsand one can’t make comparisons. Patients needed to insist on their rights. The public brought to light the following problems: the need for a Medical advisor within the Gozo General Hospi-tal; trained staff to deal with MS patients’ needs - especially when adminis-tering the treatment re-

    quired; video conferenc-ing; financial assistance for installation of lifts in homes and the need for more blue badges (sticker). Ms Sandy Apap spoke about her personal experience on the matter and outlined the shortfalls she encountered. Ms Car-men Muscat expressed her disappointment that the idea of having an MS trained nurse did not seem to have materialized as the EMSP did not offer the required training. Ms Sandy Apap mentioned the importance of patients keeping their appoint-ments, the need to once again have a visiting neu-rologist, having air condi-tioning in work places and a subsidy on electricity for MS patients to be able to deal with the heat, which worsens MS symptoms. A problem was that in many cases, MS was a hidden disability and not visible. Ms. Muscat men-tioned the fact that in 2014, the Society would not be receiving any fund-ing from the Community Chest Fund as funds were only being given for par-ticular projects.


    Continued ...

    The Hon Dr Anton Refalo said that the Society was to put forward these problems in point form. He outlined the importance of there being feedback and that the Government’s main priority was the provision of work as this was one’s right. He mentioned the Cen-tru Santa Marta, which was set up to receive people with disability from the age of 14. He said that problems had to be identified and a list of priorities made keeping in mind that the problems in Gozo differed fromthose in Malta. He said that the Government was ready to help financially.

    Ms Sandy Apap said that there should be cross training in treat-ments, administration of medi-cines and availability of consult-ants. In Gozo there are about 20 MS patients.

    The Hon Dr Franco Mercieca

    mentioned that Consultants will have a clause which states that they would have to come to Gozo. He said that blue stickers were being abused of and spoke about how treatment had advanced and that Gilen-yawould hopefully be offered in April or May 2014.

    Ms Sandy Apap,

    Ms Carmen Muscat,

    Ms Marthese Mugliett

    Many people may think

    that being healthy

    means not beng sick.

    Or maybe if the person

    looks normal, s/he is

    healthy. There is much

    more than that to good

    health. Sometimes we

    see a person feeling

    sad. Will that person

    be healthy?

    Health and


    Health is a

    combination of physical, intellectual, emotional and social well-being. A healthy

    person feels good about himself/herself and get along with

    others well.

    Physical Health

    1. Includes total care of

    your body and meeting

    the demands of life each


    2. Keeping your body fit

    and eating a well

    balanced diet.

    3. Includes knowing and

    practising good habits.

    Social Health

    1. Gets along well with

    others and working

    well in a group.

    2. Making and keeping


    3. Giving and getting

    support when it is


    Intellectual Health

    1. Being able to learn.

    2. Instil in yourself certain


    3. Evaluate and reflect.

    4. Give opinions

    Emotional Health

    1. Liking who you are

    and accepting


    2. Expressing your

    emotions in a healthy


    3. Facing life’s problems

    and dealing with



    12 Steps to Healthy Eating


















    Eat a nutritious diet based on a variety of foods originating mainly from plants rather than animals.

    Eat bread, grains, pasta, rice or potatoes several times per day.

    Eat a variety of vegetables and fruits, preferably fresh and local several times per day.

    Maintain body weight between the recommended limits by taking moderate levels of physical activity, preferably daily.

    Control fat intake (not more than 30% of daily energy) and replace most saturated fats with

    unsaturated vegetable oils.

    Replace fatty meat and meat products with beans, legumes, lentils, fish, poultry or lean meat.

    Use milk and dairy products that are low in both fat and salt.

    Select foods that are low in sugar, limiting the frequency of sugary drinks and sweets.

    Choose a low salt diet. Total salt intake should not be more than 6g per day including the salt in

    preserved foods.

    If alcohol is consumed, limit intake to no more than 2 drinks (each containing 10g of alcohol) per day.

    Prepare food in a safe and hygienic way. Steam, bake, boil or microwave to help reduce the amount of added fat.

    Don’t forget to drink 2 - 3 litres of water everyday.


    Pasta Night

    Photos taken throughout the year During fund raising activities

    Car Wash -June

    MS Walk


    L- għarfien fuq il-Multiple Sclerosis

    Sklerożi Multipla, bl-Ingliż Multiple Sclerosis f’Malta s’issa nafu li hawn madwar 320 ruħ.

    B’danakollu teżisti soċjeta’ biex tagħti kull għajnuna lil min hu milqut minnha. Il-kundizzjoni

    sa ftit snin ilu peress li kienet rari, kienet injorata f’dak li hu għarfien u tagħrif fuqha. F’dan l-

    artiklu se naraw kif żviluppa l-għarfien tal-MS f’pajjiżi oħra.

    Meta wieħed jifli ftit l-istorja medika għandu jsib li l-MS m’hiex kundizzjoni moderna. Anzi,

    aktar ma jgħaddi ż-żmien aktar qed niskopru fuq l-istorja ta’ din il-kundizzjoni li kif jidher ilha

    teżisti għal perjodu twil ta’ snin, jekk mhux eluf. Nibdew biex ngħidu li s-sintomi ta’ l-MS huma

    dokumentati sew fil-letteratura u sew fil-poeżija Ingliża. Għalkemm jidher sew li l-istorja

    tagħha m’hiex ċara biżżejjed, la għandha bidu u wisq anqas tmiem. Tant li mhux facli li taqbad

    tarf, aktarx hi bħal storja ta’ taħbil il-moħħ, b’seklu ta’ misteri li n-newroloġisti ilhom snin

    jgħaqqdu flimkien biċċa biċċa. Hawn nistgħu ngħidu li kien biss f’dawn l-aħħar snin li x-xjentisti

    għamlu progress f’dak li hu dijanjosi u trattament għaliha.

    L-MS bħala kundizzjoni speċifika Minn rapporti mediċi jidher li l-kundizzjoni MS kienet xjentifikament deskritta fil-bidu tas-

    seklu 19 fejn minn riċerki fuq awtopsji li bdew isiru fil-bidu tas-sena 1838, ġiet stabbilita b’mod

    ċar l-MS. B’danakollu kien għadu kmieni biex it-tobba setgħu jagħtu spjegazzjoni ċara fuqha.

    L-Iskoperta tal-“Myelin” Il-bniedem dejjem ikompli jiskopri u fis-sena 1916 Dr. James Dawson skopra mikroskopju li bih

    seta’ jagħmel eżamijiet dettaljati fuq l-imħuħ ta’ persuni li kellhom l-MS. Hawn wera l-

    inflammazzjoni u l-ħsara fil-“Myelin”, dik il-qoxra jew kisja xaħam ta’ fuq in-nervituri. Iżda

    b’danakollu Dr. Dawson naqas li jispjega l-kawża ta’ din il-ħsara.

    Il-ħtieġa ta’ twaqqif għal soċjeta’ L-ewwel soċjeta’ nazzjonali ta’ l-MS kienet twaqqfet fl-Istati Uniti fis-sena 1946 minn Syliva

    Lawry. Fil-Brittanja, is-soċjeta’ ta’ l-MS twaqqfet fi-sena 1953 minn Sir Richard Cave. F’Malta s-

    soċjeta’ ta’ l-MS twaqqfet fis-sena 1997 minn Dr. Norbert Vella.

    Rose Grech


    Persons with MS are known to encounter various benefits and barriers which can motivate or discourage them from engaging in physical activity (PA). This study aimed to identify perceived benefits and barriers to PA by PwMS via the use of the exercise benefits/barriers scale (EBBS). The study also aimed to investigate whether perceived benefits and barriers in persons with MS of different mobility levels are significantly different. 71.9% of adults in Malta were found to be physically inactive according to a study conducted by Hallal et al. in 2012. Persons with MS are known to have PA levels which are below those of the general population. Decreased PA levels are known to have various negative effects on health, including increased risk of developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes, depression, and general physical deconditioning. This, in combination with the various effects MS can have on wellbeing, could lead to decreased quality of life. Increased PA levels have been associated with positive effects in persons with MS, including decreased levels of depression and fatigue, and improved quality of life and physical function. The ability to walk and engage in normal daily routines was also found to improve

    following participation in physical activity. In addition, studies have shown that PA and exercise do not cause MS exacerbations and lead to no foreseeable consequences, when conducted properly. Questionnaires were distributed and persons with MS were asked to identify perceived benefits and barriers to engaging in PA. The results of this study were very similar to those of previous studies conducted on the same topic by other authors in different countries. The main perceived benefits were related to physical performance and preventive health, while the main perceived barriers were related to physical exertion, time expenditure, and the exercise environment. In addition, persons who were wheelchair users identified the most barriers to PA, followed by users of other aids (such as a stick or rollator), and those who use no aid identified the least barriers and most benefits. There were found to be various significant relations between benefits and barriers identified through the study, perhaps the most significant being that improvements in physical performance and life enhancement were related to decreased physical exertion. Physical performance and life enhancement both increase as the person

    engages in more PA. This thus supports findings by previous authors that as the person engages in more PA, fitness levels, mental wellbeing, and quality of life are expected to increase, and there is an associated decrease in fatigue and physical deconditioning. There are various sources of information to help persons with MS engage in PA. The MS Trust in the UK offers free PA programmes specifically designed for persons with MS ( Local physiotherapists are also well-trained to offer advice and support. Group activities and discussions are encouraged. It is essential for Persons with MS to have high motivation and a good support network to enjoy the best possible life. The more confident the person feels in their ability to engage in PA, the more likely they are to be physically active.

    Daniela Spiteri Fiteni The author would like to thank the MS Society and all its members for their help & cooperation while this study was being conducted.

    The Perceived Benefits and Barriers to Physical Activity

    in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis in Malta


    Sleep and melatonin

    Sleep is important for all people, and even more for those with MS. When we get very little sleep, we feel tired and weak, and find it difficult to stay awake and concentrate. That is a prob-lem, but it is only a sign of other problems.

    When we're asleep, the body does not use energy to fight or move, and it uses the opportunity to fight infections and manufac-ture hormones. People who do not get 7 - 9 hours of sleep a day are at much higher risk of heart attack, diabetes, early memory decline and several other diseas-es. Melatonin is a powerful anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory molecule, and is therefore im-portant in keeping us healthy. Melatonin is also an important factor in getting a good night's sleep, and the body produces more of it when it is dark. This is why we often stay awake when the lights are on, and go to sleep when it is dark. It is actually the blue wave-lengths that trigger the drop in melatonin, since we usually see blue skies in the morning. Artifi-cial lighting from neon tubes, TVs and computer monitors, can

    therefore disrupt the production of melatonin. One way of avoiding that problem is to turn off the bright lights, TV and electronic devices, and go to bed. An-other way is to wear yellow laborato-ry glasses, since the yellow glass stops blue light from reaching our eyes. I managed to get yellow lab glasses from in Mriehel Industrial Estate for less than € 10, but phone beforehand to make sure that they have some in stock. In the morning, try to look at the blue sky, so your body will stop producing melatonin. If you leave any lights on at night (in case you need to use the toilet) it's best to make them yellow lights. It is also possible to take mel-atonin pills 1 to 3 hours before you plan on sleeping, but it is better to turn off (or block) the blue light. (Information for this article was taken from "The Wahls Protocol", a book written by a professor of medicine who has MS.) Alastair Farrugia


    Preżentazzjoni ta’ donazzjoni mill-Fratellanza Karmelitana Żurrieq

    Kuncert Marci Funebri ta’ Giezu r-Rabat

    MS Fatigue

    F atigue is the most common MS symptom and, in conjunction with pain, is the most frustrating for people to manage. It is unpredictable and invisible and is often misattributed, not to the MS disease process, but to depression, denial, disinterest, self-pity, disorganization, poor planning or just plain laziness. As many as 90 percent of people with MS have fatigue–probably half of them expe-rience it every day. One third of people with MS describe it as their most trouble-some symptom. Fatigue is a frequent cause of disability. Fatigue is difficult to define because it is a collection of different symptoms that vary in frequency and intensity. Although fa-tigue is a big problem, it is a slightly dif-ferent problem for each person who has it, so it is difficult to measure and therefore difficult to study.

  • Editur: Tatiana Muscat Typesetting u diżinn: Tatiana Muscat

    Mitbugħ: Mr Jesmond Arpa, Five Star Printing Ltd.

    Multiple Sclerosis Society of Malta, Address: PO Box 63, B’Kara BKR1000 Tel: (+356) 27 806 127

    E-mail: Website:

    SMS: 5061 8941 For € 6.99 donation

    Bank Account:Swift Code (HSBC Bank Malta P.L.C.) : MMEBMTMT

    IBAN: MT97MMEB44163000000016196495050

    Benefactors’s List 2014

    Malta Community Chest Fund HSBC Trustees

    Stephanie Micallef and her team who took part in the Malta Marathon Matthew Ellul

    St Joseph school, Blata l-Bajda Edmond Buhagiar

    Alf. Mizzi Foundation Carmel Farrugia

    BHS Lombard Bank Sliema

    Expressions Ta’ Giezu Concert - Rabat (Memoriam Team)

    47 Summer Nights (pasta night) Wirja tal-vari / magazine adverts

    Concert held in Mosta at Razzett Markis Mallia Tabone Consolidated Biscuits

    Marsovin B4 Textiles Fgura

    Paradise Bay Hotel Felice Pharmacy Zabbar

    Fornaio Zabbar A.P.E Zabbar

    Polymer Pharmacy Zabbar Tal-Karmnu Fratellenza Zurrieq

    Prime Ltd Smart Offices

    Irish Emerald Society Claudette Chetcuti
