Mrs. Bloomberg & Mrs. Schwab Hampshire Elementary, 2015-2016 Welcome Kindergarten Families


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Mrs. Bloomberg & Mrs. Schwab Hampshire Elementary, 2015-2016

Welcome Kindergarten Families

Routines and Procedures

It is very important to set up routines and procedures. We talk about, demonstrate, and practice everything. If someone forgets we stop and talk about, demonstrate, and practice it again. Some of these include removing folders from your backpack first thing and knowing where to put them, lining up the correct way, walking the correct way in the hallway, raising your hand and waiting to be recognized before speaking, waiting instead of interrupting, etc.


HES utilizes PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) school wide to encourage and recognize positive behavior and choices made by students on a daily and long term basis. At HES, we show respect for People, Academics, World and Self. Teachers and staff model what respect looks and sounds like in these areas in different school settings (like the classroom, bathroom, lunchroom, bus, etc.) to help all children meet the high expectations we have in order for learning to occur.

In addition, each teacher utilizes in-class systems to further track student and whole class behavior.


Yes…there is home fun in kindergarten. This is an extension of a skill the students are learning in the

classroom. Homefun packets will come home each Monday and

are to be completed and returned each Friday.

We will be going to the school library on Wednesday each week.

Once we know the day of the week, we will let families know!Please remember to put your child’s library book in their backpack to bring back to school on our book checkout day

so that they may check out a new book each week.


• Letters & letter sounds – We introduce the letter sounds through the Jolly Phonics program. Letter names and sounds will be frequently assessed. Once all sounds have been introduced, they will be reviewed and used to begin reading and writing small words, such as CVC words (cat, bed, pop, etc.).Also, using i-Ready, students will be formally assessed and compared to their peers on their knowledge of letters & letter sounds. This benchmark testing is done in the winter and spring.

Starting in the fall, students will be learning sight words. By the end of the year, students should be able to recognize at least 50 of the words we have learned.

• Reading – Students are expected to be reading at grade level by the end of the school year. Students will be instructed at their different skill levels in guided reading groups, starting in fall. While students are working in guided reading groups, other students will be completing independent literacy activities introduced through Daily 5.

• Science and Social Studies- These subjects are integrated into our reading block through read alouds and various activities.



At the beginning of Kindergarten, we will spend time learning and practicing correct letter formation/handwriting. This will include learning a proper pencil grip and placement or size of letters as well.

Students will begin daily journal writing in September, using pictures and eventually words and sentences to describe an idea or event.

Students will utilize a program called Being A Writer four days per week. The Being a Writer program provides a writing process approach to teaching writing that interweaves academic and social emotional learning for students. Using authentic children’s literature, the program provides support for creating a collaborative classroom environment where teachers facilitate student discussion, provide a model for the respectful exchange of ideas, and help students develop their own “voice” when writing.

Second Step

We use a program called Second Step in our classrooms. The goal of this program is to build your child’s social skills and self-esteem by giving him/her the tools to solve everyday problems.

Children who learn and use the skills presented in this program are more likely to get along with other people and perform better in school.

Students will be introduced to a new skill at the beginning of the week, and will continue to practice and reinforce application of the skill in everyday situations throughout the week.


Our math curriculum is Math Expressions.

Skills covered this year are:

•Counting by 1’s and 10’s to 100•Writing numbers 0-20•Counting to tell “how many”•Comparing numbers using greater than, less than or equal•Beginning addition and subtraction skills of numbers within 10•Understanding teen numbers as “tens” and “ones”•Describe objects’ length and weight•Identify flat and solid shapes and their attributes

Daily Special Schedules

All elementary schools in D300 are on a rotating schedule for daily special classes.

Instead of days of week, it is an ABCDE schedule.

Refer to your teacher’s website for your child’s schedule.


Changes in transportation need to be accompanied with a note or email to teacher stating the change. Students that ride the bus will always ride the bus, daycare students will always go to daycare, walkers will always walk, and car riders will always take a car home unless a note/email from a parent is received. We do not always get changes from the office…so please let your teacher know. A phone call to the office also helps ensure your child gave us the note!

Also, be sure your child knows how they are getting home and what bus number they ride!

Early Release Days

There are 15 Fridays throughout the school year where school dismisses at 12pm. Students will still eat lunch

at HES, even on early release days but they will not need a snack.

Be sure to check the HES website for other important dates or days off of school.

Take Home Folder

Your child’s take home folder contains not only completed school work but important communication from your teacher and/or school. Please check it daily and empty it except for the stoplight behavior form.

Also, any notes or important things that need to be brought to school by your child should come in the take home folder. We will check the folders each day for such things.


Anytime you need to send money with your child to school, please be sure it is in a sealed envelope marked with as much information as possible, such as:

Student NameTeacher NameReason for $/Envelope

We have had students lose or misplace money that has been loose or unmarked, and it is a very unfortunate situation.

Food Allergies

Please pay attention to any notices that may come home about food allergy concerns in

your child’s particular classroom.

If your child has a food allergy, be sure you have notified the school nurse and classroom



We are excited to celebrate your child’s birthday while at school. However, it is school

policy that if you chose to share a birthday treat, it must be non-edible.

Currently there are:20 students in Mrs. Bloomberg’s class

19 students in Mrs. Schwab’s class

Conferences/Report Cards

Formal conferences will be held in November. There will be more information in your child’s classroom about how to sign up for a time slot.

Report cards will be completed on a quarterly basis. Please make sure to look them over and discuss them with your child.

Book Orders

Scholastic Reading Club (book orders) will be sent home once a month. The prices are hard to beat. There are two ways to order…online or send the book order into school with a check. Due to district policy, we can not accept cash.


We use parent volunteers in many ways. For example, we need volunteers as party planners, field trip chaperones, and to help at school on a regular basis. The school has a TAP Program. It stands for Teacher Assistance Program.

We have three classroom parties a year; Halloween, Holiday, and Valentine’s Day. We also have an art program called ArtSmart that is looking for parent volunteers to instruct a monthly art lesson. You will have an opportunity to sign up to help plan for these tonight.

*D300 has a policy/form that all interested volunteers must complete, so please pick up one of these forms tonight!*


Our school’s HSO puts on many wonderful events for the families of Hampshire

Elementary to enjoy.

Please consider supporting their efforts and our school through various events. Look for more

information to come throughout the school year regarding HSO.


You can stay up to date by looking at your teacher’s webpage. It will include upcoming events and important information including

frequent classroom newsletters. Check the HES website then click “Our School” and find the Faculty

Staff Directory.

Open Lines of Communication

It is very important that the lines of communication are kept open from home to school and back. Look for

newsletters, plus additional notes as needed.

We check email every morning before school and again after school. Email is a good way to communicate with your teacher. Additionally, there also is a direct phone

line to our classroom. You can always send a note, too.

Homeroom App
