Mount Baker Experience Fall 2010



Mount Baker Experience Fall 2010

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GOING RACE KARTINGGoing fast, going loud,

La Niña:Will this be a year of

record-breaking snow?

FESTIVAL 542: Photos and resu


Great Autumn hikes


2 Mount Baker Experience • Fall 2010

Mount Baker Experience • Fall 2010 3

Welcome to the Mount Baker Experience, the quarterly recreation guide for and about the Mt. Baker area, pub-lished by Point Roberts Press, Inc. Locally owned and operated, the company also publishes The Northern Light, AllPoint Bulletin, Pacific Coast Weddings and Waterside in Blaine, Washington. Point Roberts Press is a member of theWashington Newspaper Publishers Association, chambers of commerce in Whatcom County and the Bellingham/Mt.Baker Convention and Visitors Bureau.

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and are offered for the general interest of readers. We wel-come your letters; however, the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. For circulation and rateinformation, or to send your letters, please address to: Mount Baker Experience, 225 Marine Drive, Blaine, WA 98230,fax them to 360/332-2777 or email

Address: 225 Marine Drive, Blaine, WA 98230Tel: 360/332-1777, Fax: 360/332-2777Email: info@mountbakerexperience.comWeb: www.mountbakerexperience.comNext edition: December Ads due: November 5Publisher/Managing Editor/LayoutPat GrubbAssociate Publisher/Advertising ManagerLouise MugarAdvertising Design Charlie HaganContributors Tim Chandonnet, David Inscho,Grady McCombs, Tara Nelson, Jeremy SchwartzAdvertising Sales Molly Ernst, Janet McCall Office Manager Heidi Holmes


e periencePrinted in Canada Vol XXIV No. 4

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Claudio Valiante had a dream. A dream to build arace kart track where we could all go fast. Really,really, really fast.

6 Shrooms...It’s fall so that means it’s time to hit the woods tosearch for mushrooms. You know what we’re talk-ing about. That’s right, Chanterelles.

9 Artful livingLinda Dorsett has a funny idea about houses. Not only should they be functional, they shouldalso be beautiful. She’s collected a group of craftspeople and customers who feel the same way.

10 Get a hike on!Get your jacket, your boots and trail mix and gofor a hike. Here are some of our favorite trails.

16 Festival 542Sure, we got a little rain. That didn’t dampen thespirits or the determination of competitors whoshook it off and had a great time.

19 Regional Map

it all HAPPENS...

On the coverRide 542by Tim Chandonnet

Sun breaking through at Silver Lake Park.Photo by Pat Grubb

4 Mount Baker Experience • Fall 2010



What flies 100 mph just inchesoff the ground, wails like a banshee,and can make jelly out of a grownman’s knees?

Uh-huh. Go karts. And anyonewho visits the recently opened SumasInternational Motorsports Acade-my (SIMA) in Sumas has the chanceto find out why.

SIMA, which held its grand open-ing on July 31, is one of North Amer-ica’s largest go-kart racing tracks,SIMA owner Claudio Valiante said.Both beginners and racing veter-ans can take advantage of the three-quarter mile track to gain experi-ence and skills at throwing a200-pound collection of metal, rub-ber and excitement around its cor-

ners and straight-aways.Kart racing is usually just for fun

and thrills, but it can lead to a careerin professional racecar driving,Valiante said. Many Formula 1 driv-ers got their start in kart racing andcontinue to race karts to keep theirdriving skills razor sharp.

For those who want to experiencethe thrill of driving a racing kart,the facility rents Category A kartswith a top speed of 40 mph.

A 15-minute session in a Cat Acosts $35. A half an hour of drivingcan be had for $60. SIMA providesthe helmet and race wear.

Want more speed? Rent a fasterCat B kart for $125 per half-hoursession and $225 for one hour. How-ever, before renting one of theserockets at least two hours of track

time in a Cat A kart is required. CatB karts can achieve speeds up to 80mph.

The speed can be ramped up evenmore in a Cat C kart but, again, youneed at least two hours’ experiencein a Cat B kart. These carts cost $150for a half-hour session and $250 fora full hour. These karts have shiftersrequiring more skill and providinggreater challenges. Top speed inthese monsters is around 100 mph.

Want the thrills but don’t wantto drive? Take a four-lap spin witha professional kart-racing driver ina specially designed two-seater kart.This experience will cost $50. Nocharge for the sweaty palms and thepounding pulse.

Caught the bug and want to pur-sue kart racing as a hobby? SIMA

By Jeremy Schwartz

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Mount Baker Experience • Fall 2010 5

has the karts, the advice and toolsto help in this area, too.

Racing karts in general are rela-tively simple racing machines withno suspension, no roll bars and noseatbelt systems. The cost of framesand engines start at $1,500 each andgo up from there.

Kart engines come in two types:two-stroke and four-stroke. Fourstroke engines are generally quieter,more powerful and more environ-mentally friendly. Most kart-racingengines are still two stroke.

Racing karts also come in shifterand non-shifter versions. Shifterkarts, such as the Cat C karts avail-able for rent, comprise the fastercategory of racing karts. Shiftersallow the drivers to manually changegears, allowing for greater control

of speed. Non-shifter karts do notoffer a gear box that can be changedmanually.

SIMA offers driving schools suit-ed for the beginner up to theadvanced level racer. Full-day class-es include instruction on acceler-ating, braking, and the best line toget around the track. Prices rangefrom $550 to $595 for adults and$295 to $495 for those under 16.

SIMA is also the home of ItalianMotors USA (IMUSA), a racing kartparts retailer that began in Van-couver, B.C. IMUSA sells everythinga burgeoning kart driver needs toget started in the world of kart rac-ing.

For more information on kartrentals, the driving school, and eventschedules, visit

s The owner of Sumas InternationalMotorsport Academy (SIMA), ClaudioValiante, and his daughter, Claudia Car-pentier, in front of one of Italian Motors’transport trailers.

S Kart racers from Washington state andCanada participate in the WestwoodClub Race on Sunday, September 12 atthe Sumas International MotorsportAcademy. The event was the inauguralrace at the track.

Top middle: radiator-cooled cart under-going assembly in SIMA’s well-equippedshop.

Photos by Jeremy Schwartz

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6 Mount Baker Experience • Fall 2010


As we settle into a typically wetfall here in the Mt. Baker foothills,mushroom hunters are delightedwith the season’s moisture. Althoughmushrooms fruit year-round, inour area they are most prevalent inthe spring and fall months due tothe high amounts of precipitationand humidity.

Renowned as a healthy foodsource, mushrooms are one of ourmost important local resources.

Mushrooms are heralded as thethe great recyclers in our forestecosystems. Fungi are the primaryactors in the decomposition of theenormous amount of debris creat-ed by our forests. The cellulose inthe wood and leafy material shedby trees is one of the hardest sub-stances in nature to break down,and no organism is more adept atthe job than fungi.

In addition, many species growin symbiosis with trees and plants,using their vast networks (calledmycelium) to extend the root sys-tems of their partners. Through

this shared network plants gainaccess to more nutrients and water,while the fungi receive some of thecarbohydrates produced by theplant’s photosynthesis. Withoutthis partnership, it is doubtful thatour grand northwest forests wouldbe as healthy and successful as theyare. The above-ground mushroomsare the fruit-bodies of these impor-tant underground mycelial net-works.

There are many mushroomspecies that are collected for food,medicine and other uses. Mt. Bak-er’s foothills are home to quite afew of these species and includesome highly sought after gourmetmushrooms. The most popular ofour edible species is the GoldenChanterelle mushroom, which startsshowing itself towards the end ofAugust, and continues on until thefrost comes sometime in late Octo-ber. Other species include the Morels,Boletus species (known to the culi-nary world as Porcini), Oyster mush-rooms, Honey mushrooms, Coralmushrooms, Angel Wings, and Puff-balls.

Hunting the elusiveChanterelle and otherforest delectables...By Grady McCombs

s Fine dining tonight – Shrimp Scampi with Chanterelles

s Oh, beautiful Chanterelles

Photos by Grady McCombs

Shrimp Scampi with Chanterelle Mushrooms

Sauté sliced Chanterelles in medium sized pan with olive oil

Once Chanterelles begin to release their moisture add lightly flouredshrimp

Cook until shrimp turn pink

Add garlic and sauté in oil another 2 minutes

Add a splash of white wine to deglaze

Add 1-2 cups of seafood or chicken stock/broth and 1-2 tablespoons ofbutter

Cook until sauce is thickened to preference

Serve over pasta with minced parsley and parmesan

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Mount Baker Experience • Fall 2010 7

In the medicinal category, thefairly common Turkey Tail mush-roomhas been shown to have anti-cancer properties. There has alsobeen a lot of activity lately study-ing themedicinal properties of somerare mushrooms found in our oldgrowth forests due to their extreme-ly resilient properties. Each of thesemushrooms have their own specif-ic niche in the ecosystem and willthus grow in different areas at dif-ferent times of the year.The autumn season’s most pop-

ular edibles are the Chanterelle andBoletus species. Both species aremycorrhizal, meaning they form asymbiotic relationship with plantsvia their root systems. This traitmakes both species nearly impos-sible to cultivate,making them sole-ly available in the wild.Boletus are generally found in

the higher sub-alpine elevations,whereas the Chanterelle occur any-where from sea-level to mid-eleva-tions. While mushroom huntingcan be dangerous because of thenumber of poisonous species outthere, these two species are greatedibles to begin mushroom hunt-ing because of their unique physi-cal makeups.Both species have unique gill

structures, which is the area underthe cap of the mushroom.Chanterelles has a smooth, wavy,crest and trough structure that iseasily distinguished from the typi-cal separated gills of most mush-rooms. Once you are shown theunderside of a few Chanterelles itwill be hard to mistake it for any-thing else.Boletus species (commonly

referred to as Boletes), on the oth-er hand, have a yellow spongyunder-side that is also very distinguish-ing. This yellow sponge ismade upof tiny spore tubes that easily detachfrom the cap of themushroom. Aswith the Chanterelle, this structure

is one that is hard to confuse withany other species.There are a variety of Boletes that

grow in our area, and not all speciesare choice edibles. Although noneare poisonous it is best to try themin small quantities at first tomakesure they don’t cause any gastroin-testinal problems. The most pop-ular Bolete is theKingBolete, whichhas a smooth tan colored cap.Mushroom hunting can some-

times be a frustrating activity – likefishing you need to be in the rightplace at the right time, but withexperience and some foreknowl-edge, it can be very rewarding. Thefirst step to findingmushrooms isto knowwhat type of environmentyou are seeking.For instance, Chanterelles, being

amycohorrizal species with conifertrees, are only found in or at theedge of forests. They prefer mildlywet soils and occur in medium toyoung-aged forests containingDou-glas Fir and Hemlock trees. Thesevariables are not always guarantees,but are generally good indicators.Youmay find that a forest that seemshomogenous will contain a flushof Chanterelles in one area but willbe depleted in others with seem-ingly no ecological change takingplace.It’s important to remember that

there is a lot going onunder the soilthat wemight not be able to detectimmediately. It is best to use themushrooms as an indicator.Mean-ing, if you have found aChanterellekeep scouring the immediate area,whereas if you haven’t seen aChanterelle in a while don’t wastetoo much time searching an areathat is unsuitable.There are some etiquette guide-

lines to followwhen pickingmush-rooms.With the growing popular-ity of wild mushrooms, it isimportant not to over-pick areas sothat the fungi have a chance to

spread. It is also a good idea to hanga mature mushroom up in a treeevery once in a while to help spreadthe mushrooms spores.One basic rule is to not pick the

mushrooms too young. For mostspecies, themushroom caps shouldbe at least the size of a quarter, orlarger in areas where there is a highamount of mushrooms available.Mushrooms grow so fast that wait-ing a day or two for them to reacha bigger size ismuchmore efficientthan picking them too early.Another rule of etiquette over

which there is a lot of debate, iswhether mushrooms should bepicked from the base or cut off leav-ing a stump. There is no conclusiveevidence that either method willeffect the health of the fungusadversely, or inhibit its ability toregrow mushrooms in the samespot. However, leaving behind astump to rot will invite mold intothe area. For this reason, I believeyou should pickmushrooms fromthe base to avoid spreading moldontomushrooms thatmay be grow-ing nearby.Chanterelle mushrooms are

known for their distinctive earthyflavor. They go well in pasta dish-es, on pizzas, and in sandwiches.When sautéing, it is best to cookthemushrooms by themselves untilthe majority of the moisture hasbeen cooked out, then add oil orbutter to finish.A great recipe for Chanterelles is

to make them an addition to aShrimp Scampi. As with any newfood, if youhaven’t triedChanterellesbefore, it is best to eat a smallamount first tomake sure you don’thave an allergic reaction.

Baker Accommodations, in business since 2002, hasa new office in beautiful downtown Maple Falls. Thebusiness, owned by Kai and Catherine Janson, acts as acentral vacation booking agent for renters and owners.“We offer a wide range of accommodations for visi-

tors and our emphasis is on making it easy for ownersto rent their properties,” Kai says. “Most vacation rentalplaces don’t have offices, just lockboxes. We’re available24/7 for renters.”Kai says the company focuses on providing hassle-free

vacations. Plus, they only use environmentally friendlyproducts for cleaning the properties.The new office will also house the office of another

growing Janson family business,Mt. Baker Coffee Roast-ers ( Beans are grown on theJanson family plantation in Panama and roasted in theFoothills (renters get a complimentary supply).Soon, the office will house work by local artists. “We

want the office to become a local hub for people.” Locat-ed at 7425Mt. Baker Hwy,Maple Falls. Hours are 10 a.m.– 8 p.m., Thursday through Sunday, or by appointment.Call 360/599-1017 or go to a great vacation and a terrific cup of coffee!

S Kai Janson.

New digs!

Maple Falls is the perfect stop along the Mt. Baker Hwy 542.

Plan on having a bite to eat, pick up some groceries, and even fill

up the gas tank. Maps of the area are available free at the Mt. Baker

Foothills Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center, located on the northeast

corner of the highway and Silver Lake Rd.

Northwest Mushroomers21st Annual Wild Mushroom ShowSunday, October 17, 12 – 5 p.m.

Bloedel Donovan2214 Electric Ave, Bellingham

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8 Mount Baker Experience • Fall 2010

It’s Cider Time AgainWhatcom County produces sev-

eral million pounds of apples eachyear. As autumn arrives, a trip toone of the county’s apple farms canbe a great way to get out and enjoythe cool, fall air while getting toknow your local growers.

The following are a few greatplaces to get delicious apples:

BelleWood Acres231 Ten Mile RoadLynden360/398-9187Nestled in the northwest corner

of Whatcom County, BelleWoodAcres is home to more than 25,000apple trees in 16 varieties, not theleast of which is their much-cele-brated variety of Honey Crisp.

Other varieties include Jonagold,Tsugara, Jonamac, MacIntosh, Bel-

la de Boskoop, Fuji, Sonata, Orin,Red Clap, Comice, Gala, Sansa, Zes-tar, Gravenstein, Sunrise and Gold-en Supreme.

John and Dorie Belisle startedthe orchard in 1996 with 30 acresand the idea of growing “the bestapples in Whatcom County” forwholesale. By 2000, however, theBelisles realized they needed to diver-sify to stay afloat.

“By 2000, 25 percent of allorchards in Washington state hadgone under,” Dorie Belisle said.“Everyone seemed to be going outof business and we decided we need-ed to expand if we were going tosurvive. What happened, though,is we realized we really enjoyed work-ing closely with our customers. Thisis probably the funnest thing we’veever done in our lives.”

Since then, the Wisconsin natives

have added more land and now own46 acres producing more than 1.4million pounds of fruit each year.In 2002, the Belisles added a farmstore to showcase their handcraft-ed ciders , apple pies, apple chips,apple cider vinegars, apple syrups,peanut butters, caramel dips, can-dies and specialty jams. The farmstore also offers local arts, craftsand food items such as BackyardBees honey from Bow; HolmquistOrchard hazelnuts, Ferndale; andAldrich Farms syrups, Lynden, aswell as specialty cheeses carefullyselected to pair with their fruit.

Education is one component toencourage customers to come back,she said, and the farm offers regu-lar guided tours on their fleet ofgolf carts.

“When people come to our farm,we want them to see this is a real,working farm and understand whatit takes to do business and make aliving in the agriculture industry,”she said.

Although the farm is not certi-fied organic, the couple use mini-mal non-organic controls and anintegrated pest control manage-ment system that provides the leasttoxic solution to pest problems.Belisle added that the farm is FoodAlliance and Salmon Safe certified,which indicates the farm grows pro-duce in a way that does not harmground or surface water.

Belisle said it was easy to get cer-tification since the farm was alreadycomplying with the standards putforth by those certification pro-grams.

The couple, who previously owneda six-bay mechanic shop in Flori-da, learned about the Pacific North-west while traveling around thecountry in their Volkswagen vanand looking for backpacking trails.

“We came to Seattle and just lovedit,” Dorie said. “We always wantedto come back, so when we heardthey needed growers in WhatcomCounty we thought, ‘Hey, we cando that,’ and that’s what we did.”

The BelleWood Acres farm storeis open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. dai-ly until December 31.

Cloud Mountain Farm6906 Goodwin RoadEverson360/966-5859Cloud Mountain Farm grows

more than 250 varieties of fruits –including heirloom varieties of cool-weather melons – as well as somevegetables, herbs, tree nuts andgrape varietals.

Owners Cheryl and Tom Thorn-ton started the farm on 20 acres ofland in 1978 with the idea of grow-ing apples for retail sale.

Eventually, they began sellingwholesale and to grocery stores andrestaurants but have switched backto focusing on local retail sales.

“We’ve really diversified over theyears,” Tom said. “Some peopleknow us as fruit growers, some peo-ple know us for our apples and oth-ers know us for our nursery plants.It’s fun to see people say, ‘I neverknew you grew this.’”

Some of their produce is rare. Forexample, the aronia berry, a darkantioxidant-rich berry with blue-berry and boysenberry flavors, orthe hardy kiwi, a smooth-skinnedversion of its New Zealand cousinthat can be eaten without peeling.

The Thorntons will hold theirannual Fall Fruit Festival on Octo-ber 2 and 3, offering visitors a tasteof more than 200 varieties of fruitand fruit products. There will belive music and pumpkin picking.

For more information, or to view

s Cloud Mountain’s Fall Fruit Festivalwill be held October 2 and 3.

s Dorie and John Belisle.

By Tara Nelsontheir catalog, visit Their farm store isopen from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednes-day through Saturday and 11 4 p.m. on Sundays.

Other apple farms:Apple Creek Orchards5367 Barr RoadFerndale360/384-0915www.applecreekorchard.comApple Creek Orchards sells u-

pick Jonagold, Melrose and Mutsuapples at 40 cents per pound or $9for a 5-gallon bucket. Eggs, honeyand organic local garlic are alsoavailable.

Hours: Open from 10 a.m. to 4:30p.m. daily until October 1.

F.A. Farm5890 Barr RoadFerndale360/312-0335www.fafarm.orgAll-organic potatoes, beans,

squash, beets, apples and pears usinglow-carbon inputs. Produce salesby appointment only.

Kibbe Acres3770 Aldergrove RoadFerndale360/366-9925Kibbe Acres sells Jonagold, Akane,

Spartan apple varieties as well asBosc and Comice pears and sweetcorn. Their self-service farm standis open from noon to 8 p.m. Sep-tember through early October.

Stoney Ridge Farm2092 Van Dyk FarmEverson360/966-3919www.stoneyridgefarm.comStoney Ridge Farm offers four

varieties of u-pick apples and freshpasteurized cider as well as squash-es, gourds and pumpkins.

Stoney Ridge Farms store is openfrom 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursdaysthrough Saturdays in October.Everson-NooksakEverson-Nooksak

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Mount Baker Experience • Fall 2010 9

Linda Dorsett started the designfirm Finishing Elements with onethought in mind: marketing expertsshould handle the marketing socraftspeople could focus on theircraft.

A few years have passed sinceDorsett first organized the groupof people with whom she current-ly works, and business is expand-ing. Throughout, Dorsett has main-tained her focus on allowing expertsto do quality work without havingto worry about marketing them-selves.

Dorsett, who lives near MapleFalls, was originally approached bya few craftspeople living in thefoothills area interested in havingher market their skills. Dorsett saidshe took this as an opportunity toreach those customers who want-ed more than an everyday take ontheir living spaces but sought artis-tic solutions to the functionalrequirements of single family resi-dences.

Dorsett started the firm with fivecraftspeople and currently workswith eight. She said she is particu-lar about the people with whom sheworks and seldom has craftspeoplewith the same specialty.

“I am constantly bringing in newskills and variety,” Dorsett said.

The list of skills at the firm’s dis-posal is extensive. Dorsett workswith woodworkers, metal artists,stonemasons and stained glass arti-sans. She said she particularly enjoysit when the crafters get the chanceto work together on a project.

“Together they’re marvelouslycreative,” Dorsett said.

Finishing Elements is able toleverage the expertise and range ofservices represented by the variouscraftspeople, and facilitates com-munication with potential cus-tomers. In return for the market-ing, the firm takes a percentage of

the craftspeoples’ project costs. Thisfrees the artisans to focus on theirart and still gain exposure in thefoothills area, she said.

The craftspeople work with thecustomers to to design architec-tural elements that will enhancetheir homes while still serving apurpose.

Quite often a customer has onlythe most basic idea and the artisanwill be given free rein to design,Dorsett said. This can result in thehomeowner benefiting from morethan the designer’s ingenuity. Onehomeowner received a discount ona custom-made stone chimneybecause the stonemason involvedwas allowed to use a design that hadbeen in his head for years.

So far, most of Finishing Ele-ments’ work has been residentialand centered around the foothillsarea, Dorsett said. Some smallerpieces, such as furniture, have alsobeen sold through local art galleries.

The one-off artwork producedby Finishing Elements craftspeo-ple has even found its way intoDorsett’s home. She said she hasalways been interested in architec-ture and the energy of somethingthat has been hand made.

“I designed my home to be a workof art in its own right,” Dorsett said.“I couldn’t imagine anything bet-ter than living in art.”

Dorsett said part of the joy ofrunning Finishing Elements is beingable to share the kind of artisticarchitecture she has in her ownhome with others. She said bothshe and her husband still have the“wow” reaction to the pieces in herhome and wants more people tohave that feeling.

“I want more people cominghome to artistic touches that thrillthem every time they see it,” Dorsettsaid. “I want to have an impact ontheir hearts.”

For info, call 360/599-1493 orvisit

By Jeremy Schwartz

Art with purpose

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10 Mount Baker Experience • Fall 2010

Winchester MountainLength: 1.9 miles, one-way. Elevation gain: 300 feet. Difficulty: More difficultOne trail with spectacular views is Winchester Mountain, a short but difficult trail that winds throughbeautiful meadows to a well-maintained fire lookout with perfect panoramic views of Mt. Baker, Shuk-san, American Border peak and the rugged peaks of the North Cascades.The two-mile trail starts between Twin Lakes and switchbacks through sub-alpine forests and meadows with constant views of the North Cascades before curving around the mountain to the firelookout at 6,500 feet. Alpine flowers and wild blueberries are abundant along the trail and ripe for pick-ing.The lookout, which is maintained by the Mt. Baker Club, is available on a first-come, first-serve basisand provides sleeping room for three.Note of caution - The Forest Service reports that steep snow slopes below the lookout can hold snowwell into summer and recommends individuals check with the ranger station for conditions before hik-ing.Also, use caution when crossing the rock wall midway on the trail, as it is steep and partially eroded.Directions: Take State Route 542 east past Glacier approximately 13.5 miles. Turn left on Forest Serv-ice Road 3065. Look for a sign that reads “Tomyhoi Trail 5, Twin Lakes 7”. The road is steep and

rough for 4.5 miles to the trailhead of Yellow Aster Butte and becomes incredibly bumpy the last twomiles to Twin Lakes as it becomes a section of unmaintained road with no room to pass. Four-wheeldrive may be required past the Yellow Aster Butte trailhead and many individuals park and walk upthe steep road. Camping and fires are permitted. A toilet is located at the lookout.Sauk MountainLocation: 32 miles east of Interstate 5 on State Route 20. Length: 4.2 miles round-trip. Hike time:Approximately 2.5 hours. Difficulty: EasyAlthough the drive from Whatcom County to Sauk Mountain is long, the vibrant alpine meadows andspectacular views of the Cascade mountain range make this hike well worth the travel time. The first1.5 miles of trail switchbacks 26 times through wildflower meadows, providing constant views of theSkagit and Sauk river tributaries to the west and Whitehorse Mountain to the south. Although themeadows are incredibly steep (you’ll feel as though you are walking on the side of a cliff ) the slope ofthe switchback trail ranges from moderate to easy. Following the trail to the left at the end of the switchbacks takes a turn around to the east side of themountain for another half mile to the rocky summit (elevation 5,330 feet). Taking a right turn, how-ever, leads 1.5 miles down (descending 1,000 feet) the east side of the mountain to Sauk Lake. The east side of the mountain is usually covered in snow year-round, which can provide cooling re-

Take a hike!Fall is the perfect time to explore the North Cascades as the cooler temperatures, changing colors and fewer visitors can make hiking a much more pleasant experience. The following are a few favorite day hikes ranging from easy to more difficult in Whatcom and Skagit counties:

Story and photos by Tara Nelson

Mount Baker Experience • Fall 2010 11

freshment on hot days. The top of the ridge provides a 360-degreepanorama of the North Cascades to the east, Mount Baker, and theThree Sisters mountain range to the north. Keep an eye out for mar-mots, or large rodents resembling ground hogs that are abundantnear the top of the mountain. Directions: From Bellingham, take I-5 south to Cook Road exit.Take a left at Cook Road. At the State Route 20 junction in Sedro-Woolley, take a left and travel east for approximately 32 miles. Atmilepost 96 (just past Sauk Mountain Pottery) take another left onSauk Mountain Drive. Follow the gravel road for 7.5 miles to thetrailhead parking lot. The road is narrow and steep with several blindcorners so caution is recommended. Four-wheel drive is helpful, butnot necessary.

Goat MountainLocation: 31 miles east of I-5 on Mt. Baker Highway (SR542).Length: 8 miles round-trip.Elevation gain: 2,000 feet. Hike time: Approximately 4.5. Difficulty: ModerateThis moderately difficult hike rewards hikers with views of the upperNooksack River valley, waterfalls, wildflower meadows and vistas.The view from the first summit at 5,000 feet boasts spectacularsouth-facing views of Mt. Baker, Mt. Shucksan and other Cascadepeaks on a clear day. The trail begins in heavy forest and switch-backs several dozen times before reaching sub-alpine forest and wild-flower meadows and continuing until approximately 5,400 feetelevation on the shoulder of Goat Mountain where hikers can enjoypanoramic views of Price Lake at the bottom of Price Glacier onMt. Shuksan. A few campsites are available in the summer after thesnow melts. The trail is in good condition but the road has beenclosed since June for repair so hikers should add another 1.5 to 2hours to the total trip time.

Church MountainLocation: 38 miles east of I-5 on State Route 542. Length: 8.4mile, Elevation gain: 4,100 feet. Hike time: 5 to 6 hours.Difficulty: More difficultLocated approximately one mile east of the Glacier public servicecenter, Church Mountain offers a challenging hike with rewardingviews for those who are willing to suffer wobbly legs and possibleblisters to get there.The trail begins through dense forest and continues for three mileswith an elevation gain of 1,000 feet per mile before it levels out. Thefirst clearing is at 6,100 feet and opens out into vast wildflowermeadows for a half-mile before it begins to switchback up a rockyridge. An abandoned fire lookout at the top provides panoramicviews of Mt. Baker and Mt. Shuksan. The ridge is part of the High

Divide, a valley of meadows that continues for 10 miles, accordingto Ken Wilcox’s book, Hiking Whatcom County. During the late summer, flies tend to be a nuisance so be sure towear plenty of insect repellant. Extra water is also recommended,although there is a creek near the top of the trail.Directions: From Bellingham, take I-5 exit 255 for SR 542 and fol-low east approximately 38 miles. Turn left on USFS Road #3040.Follow approximately three miles. The trailhead is at the end of theroad. Parking is also available at the creek approximately one milesouth. Trail closed until September 30.

Heather MeadowsLocation: 24 miles east of Glacier on State Route 542. Length: 1.5to 9 miles. Hiking time: 2 to 6 hours. Difficulty: EasyHeather Meadows recreational area is a mecca of scenic vistas andhiking trails, ranging from easy to moderate. Two popular hikes arethe leisurely Bagley Lake trail (1.5 miles with little elevation gain)and the more difficult Chain Lakes trail. To access the Bagley Lakes trail from the Heather Meadows trail-head near the ski area, follow the trail down toward the dam butturn left before crossing the bridge (the path on the other side ofthe dam is not suitable for hiking). Although flat and unchalleng-ing, the Bagley Lakes trail offers consistent and stunning views ofTable Mountain and the various lakes and streams. Such spectacu-lar views were filmed in the movie Call of the Wild. For a leisurely stroll, follow the trail a half-mile around Bagley Lakesto a bridge and take a left to connect to Wild Goose trail, whichloops back to the parking lot. Following the trail across the bridge,on the other hand, leads to Chain Lakes (4 miles) with an elevationgain of 1,100 feet and a descent of 500 feet on the other side of Her-man Mountain.The upper-most portion of Heather Meadows is Artist Point (ele-vation 5,140 feet), which offers 360-degree views of Mt. Baker,Table Mountain and Mt. Shuksan. Most people drive the 2.5 milespast the trail head parking lot to Artist Point, although the rockyridge – usually covered in snow year-round – is also accessible byfollowing the Chain Lakes trail approximately two miles past ChainLakes. The area is so popular among tourists it could very well bedubbed the Disneyland of Mt. Baker. Likewise, those looking formore wilderness and less people may opt for another hike.Be sure also to check out Picture Lake just below the ski area. Directions: From Bellingham, take I-5 exit 255, and follow east onMount Baker Highway for 58 miles. Artist Point at Heather Meadows isthe end of the highway. For updates on road closures and pass reports, callthe DOT at 800/695-7623. State Route 542 (commonly referred to as“Mt. Baker Highway”) is also designated as a National Forest ScenicByway by the Washington State Department of Transportation (DOT).

Heliotrope Ridge Location: 1 mile east of Glacier on State Route 542. Length: 6 to8 miles. Elevation gain: 1,400 feet. Hiking time: 4 to 6 hours. Difficulty: More difficultHeliotrope Ridge offers the closest view of Coleman Glacier withinthe Mt. Baker wilderness – and all from the safety of a well-main-tained trail. This popular hike starts in old growth forest and con-tinues for two miles before reaching open meadows with lots ofwildflowers, streams and waterfalls. Taking a right at the fork in thetrail approximately two miles in leads to the Coleman Glacierclimbers’ route to Mt. Baker’s 10,781-foot summit. Unless youpacked rope, ice axes and crampons, however, you should follow thetrail left, leading to a glacial valley (called a lateral moraine) to thetop of the Heliotrope Ridge crest, where you can enjoy 360-degreeviews of Cascadia and an arm’s-reach view of the glacier. Be sure towear shoes you don’t mind getting wet, as getting to the top requirescrossing several streams, the flow of which is heavily weather andseasonally dependent.Directions: From Bellingham, take I-5 exit 255, and follow east onMt. Baker Highway for 31 miles, about one mile past the town ofGlacier. Turn right on Glacier Springs Road (USFS Road 39). Follow about eight miles to the trailhead parking lot.

Sources:Hiking Whatcom County by Ken Wilcox, Pacific NorthwestHiking by Ron C. Judd and Dan A. Nelson (Foghorn Press), Day Hike North Cascades by Mike McQuaide (SasquatchBooks), Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest Ranger Districtweb site:

Important things to remember:Always check trail conditions ( before youhead out. Sudden, unexpected changes in weather conditionscould result in hikers being stranded or separated from vehicles.Always carry the 10 essentials: map of the area, compass, first aidkit, flashlight with extra batteries and bulb, water and extra food,extra clothing, including rain gear, pocket knife, sunglasses andsunscreen, matches in a waterproof container, and candle or otherfire starter. Always be sure to let someone know where you aregoing hiking and when you plan to return home. Do not expectto rely upon cellphones or GPS devices.Be sure to purchase a recreation pass.

North Fork Nooksack RiverBoundary Way #688 FS RD 31 & TR 635 Hiking 4.1 More Difficult Low 4200Canyon Ridge #689 FS RD 3140 Hiking, Bikes s 10.3 More Difficult Low 4200Damfino Lakes #625 FS RD 31 Hiking 3.0 More Difficult Heavy 4200Hannegan Pass #674 FS RD 32 Hiking 4.0 More Difficult Extra Heavy 3100Hannegan Peak #674.1 TR 674 Hiking 1.0 More Difficult Heavy 3100High Divide #630 FS RD 3060 & SR 542 Hiking 2.5 More Difficult Heavy 1800High Pass #676 FS RD 3065 Hiking 4.0 More Difficult Medium 5200Horseshoe Bend #687 SR 542 Hiking, Family Use 1.5 Easiest Extra Heavy 1200Nooksack Cirque #750 FS RD 32 Hiking 4.5 More Difficult Heavy 2200Silesia Creek #672 FS RD 3065 Hiking 4.5 More Difficult Low 5200Skyline Divide #678 FS RD 37 Hiking 3.5 More Difficult Extra Heavy 4400Tomyhoi Lake #686 FS RD 3065 Hiking 4.0 More Difficult Heavy 4200Yellow Aster Butte #686.1 FS RD 3065 Hiking 2.1 More Difficult Heavy 3600

Mt. Baker / Heather MeadowsTrail Name Access Trail Use Length Difficulty Useage Base

(One-Way Miles) Elev.(ft)

Fire and Ice #684.2 SR 542 Hiking, Barrier Free, Family Use, Interp 0.5 Loop Easiest Heavy 4400Lake Ann #600 SR 542 Hiking 4.1 More Difficult Heavy 4700Picture Lake Path SR 542 Hiking, Barrier free, Family Use, Interp 0.5 Easiest Extra Heavy 4100Ptarmigan Ridge #682.1 SR 542 Hiking 4.0 More Difficult Extra Heavy 5100Table Mountain #681 SR 542 Hiking 1.0 More Difficult Extra Heavy 5100Wild Goose #684.3 SR 542 Hiking 2.5 More Difficult Heavy 4400

More trails to try

12 Mount Baker Experience • Fall 2010

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Mist before the peak– the dreamgoes onThe sound of silenceis all the instructionYou’ll get

– Jack KerouacFor Bellingham resident David

Inscho, the Winchester MountainLookout is like having a bed in thesky.

With 72 panes of glass and locat-ed at 6,400 feet on Winchester Moun-tain near the Twin Lakes, the look-out provides a glorious panoramic

view of the Northern Picket range,Mt. Baker, Mt. Shuksan and Cana-dian and American peaks, as wellas protection from the elements –all at no charge to overnight visi-tors.

But for Inscho, who heads theMt. Baker Club’s Winchester Look-out restoration committee, it’s justa great place to take it all in.

“How many places can you sleepon public land or on a mountainsummit without having to worryabout being snowed on, blown offa cliff or struck by lightning,” hesaid. “That and as a photographer,all you have to do is sit at the desk

and watch the light change untilyou have the right moment.”

Originally built in 1935 andstaffed until 1966, it was slated fordemolition until the Mt. Baker Hik-ing Club, led by Gary Haufle, workedout a deal with the U.S. Forest Serv-ice in 1982 to restore the building.The USFS provided materials andthe club – later known as the Mt.Baker Club, to reflect the group’sever-expansive outdoor activities –provided the labor. Since then, theclub has continued to maintain thelookout on a budget of about $200a year, stocking it with dishes,propane, pots and pans, a stove, adesk, chairs, a bed and maps.

“It represents great dedicationby the club,” said Inscho. “It’s theircrown jewel, a tangible achievementthey can point toward and say, ‘Wedid this,’ and without their involve-ment, the work would not have beendone.”

Winchester Lookout is a 14 by14-foot single room building andone of 58 fire lookouts in Wash-ington state, according to the Nation-

By Tara Nelsonal Historic Lookout Register. Locat-ed less than two miles from the Win-chester Mountain trailhead (#685),the hike is steep and rated “moredifficult” by the U.S. Forest Serv-ice with nearly 1,300 feet in eleva-tion gain. The trail starts at theTwinLakes and switchbacks through sub-alpine forests and meadows withconstant views of the North Cas-cades before curving around the

mountain to the fire lookout at6,500 feet. Alpine flowers and wildblueberries are abundant along thetrail and ripe for picking.

The lookout is generally inac-cessible from early October untilmid summer because of snow. Ifyou are planning on spending thenight in the lookout be aware thelookout may be occupied when youarrive. The lookout is available on

s The original restoration crew. Mt. Baker Club historical photo

Winchester Lookouta room with a view

Between Milepost 20 - 21Mt. Baker Hwy., Deming

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Mount Baker Experience • Fall 2010 13

Snow far, so good

Getting ThereTake State Route 542 east past Glacier approximately 13.5 miles. Turn lefton Forest Service Road 3065. Look for a sign that reads Tomyhoi Trail 5,Twin Lakes 7. The road is steep and rough for 4.5 miles to the trailhead ofYellow Aster Butte.

The last two miles to Twin Lakes are unmaintained with no room to passand is extremely rough. This portion of road is often washed out in theearly part of the season and is only fixed up by the miners at the LoneJack Mine, if they decide to operate the mine that year based on the priceof gold.

Four-wheel drive may be required past the Yellow Aster Butte trailhead somany individuals park and walk up the steep road. Campers should bringfood and water and be prepared to carry out their own waste.

Note of caution

The Forest Service recommends indivuduals check with the ranger stationfor conditions before hiking. Also, use caution when crossing the rock wallmid-way on the trail, as it is steep and partially eroded.

The Forestry and Fire Lookout Association maintains an online databaseof fire lookouts in the United States. Their website is located at

a first-come, first-served basis. How-ever, there are areas outside the look-out to pitch a tent. Although thelookout sleeps three, there is a lim-it of 12 overnight visitors.

The Mt. Baker Club organizesregular group excursions for hik-ing, biking, snow-shoeing, cross-country skiing, canoeing, and kayak-ing, as well as monthly socialactivities in the Mount Baker area.For more information about theclub, visit www.mountbakerclub.orgor call 360/392-1015.

Note: In the summer of 1956,writer Jack Kerouac spent 53 daysin a lookout on Desolation Peak,hoping the absence of drugs, alco-hol and other distractions wouldallow him to write. In this he wasmistaken: according to David Wilmaat, he wroteonly a letter to his mother, somehaiku and entries in his journal.

Could this be another record-breaking snow year? There are somepeople who say this year’s La Niñaweather pattern looks suspicious-ly similar to the big one in 1998.

During the 1998-99 snow season,Mt. Baker established a new worldrecord with 1,140 inches of snow-fall. The previous record was set inthe 1971-72 season with 1,122 inch-es of snow at Mt Rainer.

“This La Niña has strengthenedfor the past four months, is strongnow and is still building,” says cli-matologist Bill Patzert of NASA'sJet Propulsion Laboratory. “It willsurely impact this coming winter’sweather and climate.”

By Jeremy Schwartz In September, the Northwest canexpect above average precipitationfollowed by below normal temper-atures beginning in November.

That has local snowsport enthu-siasts salivating at the prospects.Dylan Rees, manager of Yeager’s skiand snowboard shop, says, “We arehoping for a shellacking.” ThierryWerderits, ski buyer at FairhavenBike & Ski and an instructor up atMt. Baker, said “Rumor has it it’sgoing to snow a lot. Hopefully, soon-er than later.” Gwyn Howat, ski areaoperations manager, said staff firstfigured the ’99 season might be bigwhen serious snow came in mid-November, all at once. Comment-ing on this year, she said, “Hang on,it’s going to be a wild ride.”

s Starry, starry night... Photos left and above by David Inscho

Temperature: A = below normal

October – December

October – December

January – March

January – March

La Niña ProjectionsPrecipitation: A = above normal


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14 Mount Baker Experience • Fall 2010

Ever since the famous Chande-lier restaurant and bar burned downin 2000, Peter Cook said he felt Gla-cier needed a new hangout wherepeople could get a bite to eat, social-ize and just relax.

That’s what inspired him to buildChair 9. “I think it’s every guy’sdream to own a restaurant,” Cooksaid.

Chair 9 Woodstone Pizza and Baron the Mt. Baker Highway celebratedits grand opening on July 17. Sincethen, Cook and his team of employ-ees have been working to fine-tuneGlacier’s newest restaurant.

Cook said the empty lot on whichChair 9 sits was bought with thehelp of his parents and he has keptthe restaurant a family affair byinvolving his sister and brother-in-law as well as his parents in itsdevelopment.

Since the beginning, the keywordfor Cook has been local. The kitchenstocks as much locally sourced foodas possible, such as buffalo meatfrom the Twisted S Ranch in Fern-dale. Everything from rolls to piz-za crust is made in-house.

Head chef and Maple Falls resi-dent Jeremy Moxley said the empha-sis on using local ingredients is oneof the things he likes most aboutthe place. Moxley was involved inthe restaurant from the beginning.His experience at Milano’s Restau-rant (right down the road from Chair9) helped him get the job as headchef.

Cook said 17 years living in thefoothills area made him believe heknew what would work in terms ofa restaurant and bar. Before this,his first foray into the restaurantbusiness, Cook was a home builderuntil the housing bubble burst. Hisexperience as a contractor came inhandy when he decided to do mostof the construction on the Chair 9building.

The personal touches to therestaurant and the focus on localfood seem to be working. Cook saidhe is planning on buying a second

Woodstone oven to handle thedemand for pizzas.

“Business has been slamming,”Cook said, happily.

Cook already has his eyes set onexpansion. He is planning to beginconstruction next spring on a two-story, six-room lodge on land adja-cent to the restaurant.

Glacier lost its largest place tostay when the state bought up theGlacier Creek Lodge for construc-tion of the bridge, Cook said. Hesaid the lodge he’s planning to buildwould fill another niche in town.

Cook said he hopes the restau-rant and the lodge will become asort of common area for the resi-dents of Glacier. A place where par-ents can bring their children wasone of the main aims Cook said hewanted to convey with Chair 9.

Though Cook started with theplan to put something missing backinto Glacier, he said he hopes Chair9 will also provide the town withsomething it has in spades: a senseof community.

“As long as [the customers] arehappy, I’m happy,” Cook said.

Chair 9 is open seven days a week,11 a.m. to 11 p.m., Monday throughThursday and 11 a.m. to last call onFridays, Saturdays and Sundays.For more information, call 360/599-2511 or visit

Why the name Chair 9?Mt. Baker has eight numbered

chairlifts. On 18-hole golf courses,“the 19th hole” is where golfers gofor a drink and a bite to eat.

After skiing the eight chairs upat Baker, where would you go butChair 9?

From the Chandelier to Chair 9By Jeremy Schwartz

s Patrons enjoying a drink, a game and a pizza or two.

s Pulling a pizza out of the Woodstone pizza oven. Photos by Pat Grubb


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Mount Baker Experience • Fall 2010 15

WHAT’S HAPPENINGVANCOUVER SNOW SHOW: Saturday, September 25, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sunday, September 26, 11 a.m. – 5p.m. Features great new ski and snowboard products, mountain resort destinations, travel and tour op-erators and key services. Winter Extreme Swap, pick up great deals on ski and ‘board equipment. Van-couver Convention Centre, Canada Place. For info:

PANCAKE BREAKFAST AND FLEA MARKET: Saturday, September 25, 8 – 11 a.m. Everyone welcome. Free.Sponsored by the Mt. Baker Lions Club. Flea Market, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Kendall elementary school.

PAULA GRAHAM TEXTILE EXHIBIT: September 27 – October 24. Features quilts, wall hangings and othertextile art. Deming Public Library, 5044 Mt. Baker Highway, 592-2422.

FLU SHOT CLINIC: Tuesday September 28, 3 – 4:30 p.m. Sponsored by Visiting Nurse Home Care. Cost cov-ered by Medicare or $25. Deming Public Library, 5044 Mt. Baker Highway, 592-2422.

SILVER LAKE CROSS COUNTRY RUN: Saturday, October 2, 9 a.m. Take part in an open cross country 3.1 milerun in beautiful Silver Lake Park, Maple Falls. For info:

CLOUD MOUNTAIN FALL FRUIT FESTIVAL: October 2 & 3. Enjoy tastings of more than 200 varieties of fruitand fruit products. 6906 Goodwin Rd., Everson. Info: 360/966-5859.

WHATCOM ARTIST STUDIO TOUR: October 2 & 3, 9 & 10, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Over 40 artists exhibit in studiosaround the area. From well-known to secluded artisan, glassworkers, jewelers, painters, carvers, pottersand weavers. Free. Info:

ROME GRANGE COMMUNITY BREAKFAST: First Sunday of the month, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Pancakes, Frenchtoast, biscuits and gravy, sausage, scrambled eggs, juice and coffee. Adults $5; Kids 6 –10 $2; Kids 5 &under free. 2821 Mt. Baker Highway.

HARVEST FESTIVAL: Saturday, October 9, afternoon at the VanZandt Hall. Market day, demonstrations, cre-ate scarecrows, music and potluck.

ROCTOBERFEST GEM AND MINERAL SHOW: Saturday & Sunday, October 9 & 10, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Exhibits,demonstrators, dealers and more. Totem middle school, 7th Street & State Avenue, Marysville. Info: Billat 425/238-8222. For more info:

WASHINGTON KAYAK CLUB NOOKSACK WHITEWATER RACES: Saturday & Sunday, October 9 – 10. Nook-sack River Slalom and Downriver Races. North Fork of the Nooksack River, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie NationalForest Douglas Fir Campground. For more info:

CRAFT AND ANTIQUE SHOW: October 14 – 16. Northwest Washington Fairgrounds, 1775 Front Street,Lynden. Admission, $5. For info:

WILD MUSHROOM SHOW: Sunday, October 17, noon – 5 p.m. Live displays of mushrooms, all locally col-lected and labeled, Chanterelle tasting. Information on poisonous and edible mushrooms and more. $5adults, $3 students and seniors, under 12, free. 2214 Electric Avenue, Bellingham.

SKI AND SNOWBOARD TUNING BASICS WORKSHOP: Monday & Wednesday, October 18 & 20, 6 – 7:30 p.m.Learn how to clean, tune edges, do minor base repairs and wax your skis or snowboard. Free. REI, 400 36thStreet, Bellingham. Info: 360/647-8955.

MOUNTAIN FITNESS CLASS: Tuesday and Thursdays, October 19 – November 11 & November 23 – De-cember 21. 7 – 8 p.m. Circuit class designed to promote fitness for skiers and snowboarders. YMCA. $35/Ymembers, $45/program members. 1256 N. State Street, Bellingham. Info: 360/733-8630.

SNOWSHOEING BASICS WORKSHOP: Wednesday, October 20, 6 – 7:30 p.m. Learn about snowshoe design,backcountry equipment, clothing, places to go and instructional foundations to get you started and en-joying this amazing recreation. Free. REI, 400 36th Street, Bellingham. Info: 360/647-8955.

MT. BAKER FILM FESTIVAL & PRE-WINTER PARTY: Thursday, October 28. Festival highlights independentfilmmakers filming locally and internationally. Vendor expo begins at 6 p.m., movies start at 7:30 p.m. atthe Mt. Baker Theater, 104 N. Commercial Street, Bellingham followed by after-party at Wild Buffalo, 208W. Holly Street, Bellingham.

KOMO KULSHAN SKI CLUB SKI SWAP: Friday October 22, 4 – 9:30 p.m., Saturday, October 23, 9 a.m. – 2p.m. Buy or sell your used gear. Bloedel Donovan Park Gym, Bellingham. Drop off: October 9, 10 a.m. – 2p.m., Mt. Baker Business office or October 21, 4 – 9 p.m., sale site. Info:

WARREN MILLER’S WINTERVENTION: Thursday, November 4, 7:30 p.m., Lincoln Theater, Mt. Vernon; Fri-day November 5, 6:30 – 8 p.m., 9:30 – 11 p.m. Mt. Baker Theatre, Bellingham. $21 per ticket.

A 40-YEAR RETROSPECTIVE OF UNTOLD VALLEY STORIES: November 13, 7:30. A benefit performance byJeff Margolis for the South Fork Valley Community Association. Van Zandt community hall, 4106 Highway9. Info: Jeff Margolis 360/592-2297.

ONGOING MEETINGS/EVENTSEVERSON/NOOKSACK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETING: Fourth Tuesday, noon, Everson Senior Center.For more info, call 360/966-3407 or

FRIENDS OF THE DEMING LIBRARY MEETING: Fourth Tuesday, 7p.m., Deming Library. Info: 592-2422.

GLACIER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETING: Third Tuesday, 7 p.m., Glacier Visitor Center, 9973 Mt. BakerHwy. Email:

MT. BAKER FOOTHILLS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETING: Second Monday of every month, 6:30 p.m.Call 360/599-1518 for location or

MT. BAKER FOOTHILLS VISITOR CENTER: Wednesday – Sunday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., 7802 N. Silver Lake Rd.,Maple Falls. For info, call 360/599-1518 or

MT. BAKER HIKING CLUB ACTIVITIES: Participate in hiking and other activities. For info and costs, call360/734-4461 or visit their website at

Out & About

e-mail: •




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16 Mount Baker Experience • Fall 2010

Buckets of rain falling from thesky did not stop Festival 542 par-ticipants and organizers from rev-eling in the unique atmosphere theevent has provided since its incep-tion eight years ago.

Once simply a grueling bike climbup Mt. Baker Highway, Festival 542has developed into a two-day eventthat includes a cyclocross, cross-country run, a century bike race,food from local restaurants and livemusic.

Sure, the rain shortened the mainMt. Baker summit ride on Sunday,September 12, by almost three milesand canceled the Down Up DownMt. Baker (DUMB) race earlier in

the day, but event organizer Char-lie Heggem said the downpour gaveorganizers an opportunity to learnhow to deal with the unexpected.

“We took advantage of the thingsthat didn’t go according to planand made them work,” Heggemsaid.

Sunday may have presented“Deadliest Catch-type” weather con-ditions, as Heggem put it, but Sat-urday, September 11, provided noth-ing but sunshine for Cross 542 atSilver Lake Park and the 8.5-mileRun 542. Runners started at theWhite Salmon Lodge, traversed thewinding trails in the foothills areanear Glacier, and ended up 1,500feet higher at Artist Point.

“It’s one of the most amazing

runs in North America,” Heggemsaid.

The run had 40 total competi-tors with 21 in the recreational cat-egory and 23 in the competitive cat-egory. Sam Alexander of Bellinghamset a course record with 1:09:59 inthe competitive race, while Julia Jan-icki of Victoria, B.C., made the topof the recreational pack with 1:36:57.

Saturday evening brought thefirst of the rain. Heggem said heand a small group of organizersstayed up into the wee hours of Sun-day morning moving the Ride 542finish line three miles down themountain. “It was just a torrentialdownpour,” he said, describing theconditions during the reset.

The unexpected course alteration

will most likely make the organiz-ing team better prepared to dealwith last-minute changes to thecourse next year if needed, Heggemexplained.

Despite the inclement weather,407 total riders showed up on Sun-day to ride up the mountain.Heggem said he was surprised andpleased with the attendance. Rid-ers also showed a great deal of under-standing about the rain forcing thecourse to be shortened, he said.

“I had the smallest number ofcomplaints I’ve ever had,” Heggempointed out. “In fact, I had none.”

Adrian Hegyvary took first placein the competition grouping witha time of 1:11:52 and an averagespeed of 18.1 mph, Bruce Blatchley

led the recreational fast group witha time of 1:13:49 and an averagespeed of 17.6 mph while Justin Dahltopped the recreation ride list witha time of 1:39:34 and an averagespeed of 13.1 mph. The climb thisyear was approximately 21 mileslong with a vertical gain of 4,000-plus feet.

Heggem said he was genuinelyimpressed with the sense of com-munity Festival 542 inspires in peo-ple. From the individual partici-pants to the local business whodonated their time, everyoneexpressed the desire to do whatev-er was necessary to make the eventrun smoothly, he said.

Even if everyone did get a littlewet at times.

By Jeremy Schwartz

Ride 542Competitive Category

Age Name Time Speed1 M20-29 Adrian Hegyvary 1:11:52 18.1 mph2 M20-29 Morgan Schmitt 1:12:42 17.9 mph3 M20-29 David Stephens 1:12:52 17.9 mph4 M30-39 Daniel MacDonald 1:13:37 17.7 mph5 M50-59 Kerry Farrell 1:13:38 17.7 mph6 M16-19 Shannon Maris 1:13:38 17.7 mph7 M16-19 Davis Shepherd 1:13:39 17.7 mph8 M50-59 Olav Stana 1:13:41 17.7 mph9 M30-39 Noah Bloom 1:14:23 17.5 mph10 M20-29 Ben Rathkamp 1:14:26 17.5 mph11 M30-39 Matthew Karre 1:14:35 17.5 mph12 M16-19 Joel Johnson 1:17:48 16.7 mph13 M30-39 Andy Traslin 1:19:15 16.4 mph14 M20-29 Michael Finley 1:19:18 16.4 mph15 M20-29 Richard Machhein 1:19:38 16.4 mph16 M30-39 Marty Heck 1:20:06 16.3 mph17 M40-49 Joel Blatt 1:20:47 16.1 mph18 M50-59 David Gordon 1:20:53 16.1 mph19 M40-49 Peter Avolio 1:21:08 16.0 mph20 M50-59 Martin Rand 1:21:56 15.9 mph

Recreational Fast!Age Name Time Speed

1 M40-49 Bruce Blatchley 1:13:49 17.6 mph2 M40-49 Peter Krautwald 1:15:29 17.2 mph3 M20-29 HarrisonBush 1:16:06 17.1 mph4 M40-49 Ron Singler 1:23:26 15.6 mph5 M20-29 Bill Booth 1:27:30 14.9 mph6 M30-39 Andrew Fisher 1:27:42 14.8 mph7 M40-49 Craig Johnson 1:29:39 14.5 mph8 M40-49 Scott Hill 1:30:57 14.3 mph9 M30-39 Eric Garcia Hansen 1:30:59 14.3 mph10 M20-29 Joel Sellinger 1:31:03 14.3 mph

RecreationalAge Name Time Speed

1 M20-29 Justin Dahl 1:39:34 13.1 mph2 M30-39 Liam Price 1:45:39 12.3 mph3 M40-49 Andrew Nielsen 1:46:08 12.3 mph4 M30-39 Steve Bloom 1:46:19 12.2 mph5 M30-39 John Pyle 1:47:39 12.1 mph6 M40-49 James Rial 1:49:30 11.9 mph7 M50-59 Scott Newell 1:49:52 11.9 mph8 M20-29 Spencer Livermoore 1:50:04 11.8 mph9 n/a n/a 1:50:06 11.8 mph10 M40-49 Kurt Denadel 1:50:47 11.8 mph

For more info,

Race Results FESTIVAL542

Photo by Pat Grubb


Mount Baker Experience • Fall 2010 17

Photo by Tim Chandonnet

Photo by Tim Chandonnet


o by





Photo by Tim Chandonnet

Photo by Pat Grubb

Photo by Pat Grubb

Photo by Pat Grubb

Festival 542 on September 11 & 12included a cyclocross, cross-country runand a bike race up Mt. Baker highway.

18 Mount Baker Experience • Fall 2010

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XGet outside Equipment Guide

“Adventure is not outside man, it is within” – David Grayson

Thierry: Fischer Motive 74 $599“This system ski includes bindings and is the perfect mountain ski. It’s a Watea in disguise.”

Thierry: Pieps Transceiver $199“What’s really nice is the low price.It’s about the size of a cellphone.When Baker gets a heavy snowfall,sometimes the only way you can geton Chair 1 or 6 is if you have a transceiver.”

Dylan: Fischer Watea 98 $699“The Watea series of skis are very versatile, off-pistewith great edge control. 98 is a fatter twin tip stylemore for the freerider. These are forgiving, playful skis.”

Dylan: Ansai Banff TechnicalJacket $269

“Three layer waterproof, breathable jacket with fullytaped seams comparable to

$400-$600 jackets. Ansai is thefirst Chinese company to design

& market directly to U.S. retailers. A quality technical

garment at a drastically reduced price.”

Dylan: Salomon Shogun $699“This is just great quality construction with apartial bamboo core for lots of strength andspring to it.”

Dylan: Dalbello Axiom 8 $350“A high performance boot for a goodprice. Adjustable flex with a thermalmolding liner. Equal to boots in the $400-$500 range.”







All that talk about LaNiña and the seemingly instantaneousdisappearance of summer has everyone here at the Mount Baker Experience thinking about snow and getting on it.

We talked to two local experts on gear and asked them whatthey recommend for this season.

Dylan Rees is the ski & paddle shop manager at Yeager’sSporting Goods in Bellingham. Thierry Werderits is the Alpineski and back country buyer for Fairhaven Bike & Ski in Fairhaven.Both stores carry a terrific selection of various makes and brandsof ski and snowboards. Here’s what they had to say:

Thierry: Dynafit Stoke $795“I saw these in Europe. A super-light backcountry ski, pretty wideunderfoot (105mm), excellent for Baker backside or longer tours.”



Thierry: Fischer Progressor 120 $599“What we like about these boots is theslight pigeon-heeled angle. Fischer’spatented design allows the knees to trackstraighter when bending.”

Mount Baker Experience • Fall 2010 19

Mt. Baker Highway mile postsMile 1: Junction of I-5 and Mt. Baker Hwy., SunsetDrive.Mile 3: View of Coast Mountain Range in Canada (left).Mile 8: Whatcom County Parks & Recreation Dept. (Right).The headquarters offers a rest area with picnic tables, rest-rooms and a view of Mt. Baker, elevation 10,778 feet. 360/733-2900.Mile 9: Deming Logging Show – second weekend in June.Two-day show: log rolling, tree climbing and axe throwing. Nooksack River Bridge – great fishing spots can be found.Mile 10: Community of Nugent's Corner. Groceries, gas, bank(ATM), bakery, cafe, crafts and other services.Mile 11: U-pick berry farms (right and left). Strawberries inJune, raspberries in July and blueberries in August. Christmas tree farms (right and left). Mount Baker Vineyards (left). Tasting room/gift shop openWednesday – Sunday. Grape Stomp Festival in September.Mile 12: Community of Deming.Stewart Mountain – elev. 3,087 feet (right).Sumas Mountain – elev. 3,430 feet (left).Mile 14: Highway 9 South Junction (right). South to Van Zandt,Acme, Wickersham and Skagit Valley. Attractions: B&B, gen-eral store, mushroom farm, and train ride.Nooksack River Forks (right). Nooksack River forks into threesegments: the North Fork, which Mt. Baker Highway parallels;the Middle Fork, which heads southeast to the southern faceof Mt. Baker; and the South Fork, which heads south into theSkagit Valley. Hwy. 9 follows the South Fork.

Mile 16: Mosquito Lake Road – Bald Eagle Viewing Spot (right).Dec. – Feb. Turn right onto Mosquito Lake Road, drive to thefirst bridge that crosses the North Fork Nooksack. Park on leftshoulder of Mosquito Lake Road Look for eagles.Mile 18: Community of Welcome (left). Grocery store, fire sta-tion, senior center and other services.Mile 21: Kendall Creek Hatchery (right). Turn right onto FishHatchery Road. The hatchery raises chinook, coho and chumsalmon as well as steelhead, rainbow and cutthroat trout. Mile 22: Slide Mountain – elevation 4,884 feet (right). Namedfor a landslide on its north face that may have dammed up theNooksack River in ancient times.Highway 547 North Junction/Kendall Road (left). North toKendall, peaceful Valley, Paradise Lakes, Columbia and Sumas.Gas, groceries, golf, tavern.Mile 23: Community of Kendall. Grocery store and gas (left).Mile 25: Community of Maple Falls, post office, pay phones,cabin rentals, lodging, restaurants, gas, groceries, liquor,library.Silver Lake Park, Silver Lake Road, 3.5 miles north (left). Parksits on 411 acres around Silver Lake. Mile 27: Farm stand (right). Fresh produce, gourmet foodstuffs.Mile 29: View of Nooksack River (right). Highway ascends aledge overlooking the North Fork of the Nooksack River.Mile 30: Mt. Baker Scenic Turnout (right). Mile 33: Glacier – elev. 932 feet. Last community along thehighway. Fire department, post office, library, general store,restaurants, snowboard shop, lodging, phones.Mile 34: Gallup Creek Picnic Area (right). Picnic tables and

trash cans; no restroom.Glacier Public Service Center (right). Open Memorial Day toOctober. Rangers assist with hikes and camp planning, andissues permits. Restrooms , picnic area. 360/599-2714, Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest Boundary National For-est Scenic Byway. Glacier Creek Road (Rd. #39) to Mt. BakerVista (right). Mostly paved, 9.5 mile road leads to Mt. Bakerview.Mile 36: Douglas Fir Campground (left). National forest campbuilt by the CCC in the 1930s. Fees charged. Reservationsaccepted: 1-877-444-6777 or at Bend Trail (right). Access for guided river raftingtours.Washington State Sno-Park (left). Permit required for snowmobiling or cross-country skiing.Mile 37: Church Mountain – elevation 6,245 feet (left). Highelevation trails on the southern slope are often the first in thearea to open for summer hiking.Turnouts to view North Fork Nooksack River (right).Mile 40: Excelsior Group Camp (right). National Forest Camp-ground. No water. Fee charged. Reservations only:1-877-444-6777 or at Falls, Wells Creek Road Road #33 (right). Take WellsCreek Road a half mile down to parking area and fenced view-point. Fall plummets 100 feet.Mile 41: Excelsior Pass Trail (left).Mile 43: North Fork Nooksack Research Natural Area (left).Established in 1937, this is a 1,400-acre preserve of old-growth

Douglas Fir, Hemlock and Western Red Cedar.Mile 44: Nooksack River Viewpoint (right).Mile 46: Twin Lakes Road (Road #3065) at Shuksan HighwayMaintenance Sheds (left). Twin Lakes is not accessible untilearly to mid-August. Hannegan Pass Road (Road #32) (left). Popular cross-countryskiing area in winter.Shuksan Picnic Area – Hannegan Pass Road (left). Tables, arestroom, Nooksack River views. Mining cabin nearby.Silver Fir Campground (right). Fees charged. Reservationsaccepted: 1-877-444-6777 or at 47: Goat Mountain – elevation 6,891 feet. (N.E.). Summergrazing range for one of four bands of mountain goats.Mile 49: View Mt. Shuksan – elevation 9,038 feet. (East).Mile 50: View Mt. Sefrit – elevation 6,015 feet. (Southeast).Mile 52: Mt. Baker Ski area White Salmon Day Lodge (left).Mile 53: Entrance to Heather Meadows. Mile 55: Picture Lake (road forks – stay to the right). PictureLake – elevation 4,100 feet, provides a postcard view of Mt.Shuksan – elev. 9,038 feet. Vista picnic area (right). Picnic area;no restrooms. Mile 56: Austin Pass Picnic Area (right). CCC-built area sits ina bowl-shaped valley with glorious views.Heather Meadows Visitor Center (right). Open mid-July to Sep-tember.Mile 58: Artist Point – elev. 5,140 feet. (End of highway). Park-ing lot surrounded by Mt. Baker’s peak (south), Mt. Shuksan(east) and Table Mountain – elev. 5,628 feet.

Map directory7 MISTY MOUNTAINS REALTY8193 Kendall Rd., Maple Falls • 599-2659

8 SUITE PARADISEGolden Valley Drive, Kendall • 599-1075

9 MOUNTAINSIDE GARDENS GALLERY & GIFTS6900 Mt. Baker Hwy, Maple Falls • 599-2890

10 BAKER ACCOMMODATIONS7425 Mt. Baker Hwy, Maple Falls • 599-1017

11 MT. BAKER LODGING7463 Mt. Baker Hwy, Maple Falls • 599-2463

12 HARVEST MOON BAKERY7466 Mt. Baker Hwy, Maple Falls • 599-1347

19 MT. BAKER VIEW GUESTHOUSE6920 Central Ave., Glacier • 599-2155

20 WAKE ’N BAKERYForest St., Glacier • 599-1568

21 MILANO’S RESTAURANT9990 Mt. Baker Hwy, Glacier • 599-2863

22 GRAHAM’S STORE9989 Mt. Baker Hwy, Glacier • 599-2665

22 GRAHAM’S RESTAURANT9989 Mt. Baker Hwy, Glacier • 599-1964

23 CHAIR 9 WOODSTONE PIZZA & PUB10459 Mt. Baker Hwy, Glacier • 599-2511

24 LUXURY, Glacier • 877-90-BAKER

13 MAPLE FUELS WASH-A-TONCorner of Mt. Baker Hwy & Silver Lake Rd.Maple Falls 599-2222

14 CROSS ROADS GROCERY & VIDEO7802 Silver Lake Rd, Maple Falls • 599-9657

15 INN AT MT. BAKER8174 Mt. Baker Hwy, Glacier • 599-1776 or 877/567-5526

16 THE LOGS7577 Canyon View Dr., Glacier • 599-2711

17 WINTER CREEK B&B9253 Cornell Creek, Glacier • 599-2526

18 SCOTT’S SKI SERVICE9935 Mt. Baker Hwy, Glacier • 599-WAXX

18 MT. BAKER HOMES & LAND9937 Mt. Baker Hwy, Glacier599-1900 or 599-1135

1 BLUE MOUNTAIN GRILL974 Hwy 9, Acme • 595-2200

2 ACME GENERAL STOREHwy 9, Acme • 595-2146

3 EVERYBODY’S STOREHwy 9, Van Zandt • 592-2297

4 DODSON’S IGA3705 Mt. Baker Hwy,Nugent’s Corner • 592-5351

5 KELLEY INSURANCE103 W. Main St., Everson • 966-3732619 Cherry St., Sumas • 988-2462

6 NORTH FORK BREWERY6186 Mt. Baker Hwy, Deming • 599-2337

20 Mount Baker Experience • Fall 2010

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