Motion-based Video Gaming: Fitness, Pedagogy & Technology...


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Motion-based Video Gaming:

Fitness, Pedagogy & Technology

Support Considerations DR. SETH JENNY




Xbox One MBVG

Video Gaming Statistics

59% of Americans play Video Games:

Average Age – 31 years old

48% Female

83% of American children between the ages of 8 and 18 have one or more

video game console:

49% of these children have one in their own bedroom

Approximately half of parents or guardians reported that their kid(s) aged 2 to

17 played video games 6 to 16 or more hours per week

(Entertainment Software Association , 2014; Rideout, Roberts, & Foehr, 2005; Riley, 2007; Wilson, Darden, & Meyler, 2010)

Sedentary Gaming

What are Motion-based Video Games (MBVG)?

Video games that are also a form of exercise that rely on technology that tracks human body movements and reactions.

Utilize software and motion-sensor cameras, flooring, or an infrared sensor and displays them via an onscreen avatar.


Active Video Gaming

Interactive Video Games

Exergames (Jenny, Hushman, & Hushman, 2013)


Energy Expenditure & MBVG

MBVG & Energy Expenditure (EE)

In a study with 8 to 12 year olds it was found that:

EE more than doubles when sedentary screen time is

converted to active MBVG screen time

(Lanningham-Foster, Jensen, Foster, et al., 2006)

MBVG & Energy Expenditure (EE)

MBVG has been shown to produce:

Training heart rate levels and caloric expenditure during 30-minute

sessions well within the ACSM guidelines for daily physical activity

with college students

(Siegel, Haddock, Dubois, et al., 2009)

EE consistent with moderate-intensity walking with children aged 10

to 13 years

(Graf et al., 2009)

MBVG & Energy Expenditure (EE)

MBVG clearly produces greater EE than sedentary

gaming and rest, but…

…is considerably lower than authentic versions of the

sport or physical activity questioning MBVG as a valid EE


(Daley, 2009)

Origins of MBVG

Dance Dance Revolution (DDR)

Commercial MBVG Systems


• Can also have students wear HRM’s or

pedometers to track additional movements

Other forms of MBVG

Interactive Gaming Bikes

Virtual Sport Gaming System: Xavix

MBVG: Nintendo Wii

Balance board simulators: Wii Fit Plus

Other Sample Balance Board Simulators


Golf Simulators

Interactive Video Gaming (WITH NO SCREEN DISPLAYS)

Interactive Video Gaming

Lightspace Active Gaming Wall

Fit Interactive 3 Kick

MBVG & Intrinsic Motivation - Hinson’s 5 C’s

1) Control - individualized nature in which a child participates

in MBVG’s

2) Challenge - a necessary aspect of any quality MBVG

3) Curiosity and uncertainty about the next MBVG level or

entirely new MBVG game aids in keeping a child motivated

(Sheehan & Katz, 2010)

4) Creativity and curiosity - how a child plays the game can

often be an expression of their personality

5) Constant feedback is apparent throughout a MBVG


6) Added: competition, - underlying premise, choose the

difficulty level to ensure experience is rewarding and

demanding…success = self-confidence?

(Sheehan & Katz, 2010)

Hinson’s 5 C’s – Continued…

MBVG in K-12

Fruit Ninja

Sample MBVG PE Set-up

Kinect Party

MBVG Rentals Start a c’motion

Led by c’motion staff

Aimed at K-12 PE or after-school program

3-day session = $7 per student

4-day session = $8 per student


Professional Audio/Video System

Cobalt Flux (dance) Platforms

Digiwalker II Pedometers

Exceptional Fitness Software

Curriculum Guide and Help Manual

Summary Standpoint

MBVG’s can be used to supplement a PE

program, not replace it!

May help increase PA

Exergaming Labs

Sample School Exergaming Lab

Exergaming: Improve Academics, Social

Development, and Health & Fitness (3:10)

Sample Exergaming Lab


Exergaming Labs

U of Minnesota Exergaming Lab

“Gamers Corner” at Winthrop University (NOT JUST FOR MBVG)

MBVG at Winthrop

More Support Considerations

Audio – may need to adjust game system settings, or use wireless headsets

Can use digital projectors – lighting always an issue

HDMI to VGA Converters

Security system for system and games

Need more physical space to play MBVG compared to sedentary games

Safety – PAR-Q questionnaire, breaking monitors with PA

Cons to MBVG in PE

Children could become even more dislocated from their natural environment,

avoiding more traditional outdoor sports Inaccurate feedback

Movements not always biomechanically correct (not creating skill


No force of implements provided (e.g. weight of a baseball bat or bowling

ball, etc.)

Time on Task (only a few people at a time)

Expense of Equipment

Children may become dependent on extrinsic rewards

Risk of “Busy, Happy, Good” environment (Placek, 1983)

Affective learning may be missing

(Wilson, et al., 2010; Shoemaker, 2009)

Concerns of adding MBVG in PE

Why encourage more screen time?

(avg. American spends over 40 hours in front of some sort of screen per week)

Regular physical activity is more beneficial

Active gaming takes more space

Possible lack of durability and reliability of the equipment and technology (& Expense)

Pros to MBVG


Can replace sedentary time for “video gamers”

Can supplement—not replace—traditional physical activity…

in bad weather (i.e., winter)

in some unsafe (urban) environments

Provide opportunities for activities not easily accessible by some students

(e.g., bowling, etc.)

Potential for Increased Motivation for PA

Differentiated Instruction

Continuous Concurrent Feedback

Can assist with Goal Setting in PA

(Wilson, et al., 2010; Shoemaker, 2009)

References Blumberg, F. & Sokol, L. (2004). Boys' and girls' use of cognitive strategy when learning to play video games. The Journal of General Psychology, 131(2), 151-158.

Daley, A. (2009). Can exergaming contribute to improving physical activity levels and health outcomes in children? Pediatrics, 124, 763-771.


Entertainment Software Association (2014). Essential facts about the computer and video game industry: 2014 sales, demographic, and usage data. Retrieved


Fogel, V., Miltenberger, R., Graves, R., & Koehler, S. (2010). The Effects of Exergaming on Physical Activity Among Inactive Children In a Physical Education

Classroom. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 43(4), 591-600.

Graf, D., Pratt, L., Hester, C., Short, K. (2009). Playing active video games increases energy expenditure in children. Pediatrics, 124, 534-540.

Jenny, S. E., Hushman G. F., & Hushman C. J. (2013). Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of motion-based video gaming in physical education. International Journal

of Technology in Teaching and Learning, 9(1), 96-111.

Lanningham-Foster, L., Jensen, T., Foster, R., & Redmond, A. (2006). Energy expenditure of sedentary screen time compared with active screen time for children.

Pediatrics, 118, e1831-e1835. doi: 10.1542/peds.2006-1087

O’Leary, K., Pontifex, M., Scudder, M., Brown, M., & Hillman, C. (2011). The effects of single bouts of aerobic exercise, exergaming, and videogame play on

cognitive control. Clinical Neurophysiology, 22, 1518-1525.

Placek, J. (1983). Conceptions of success in teaching: Busy, happy and good? In T. Templin & J. Olson (Eds.), Teaching in physical education (pp. 46-56).

Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Riley, D. (2007). Amount of time kids spend playing video games is on the rise. The NPD Group. Retrieved from

Sheehan, D., & Katz, L. (2010). Using interactive fitness and exergames to develop physical literacy. Physical & Health Education Journal, 76(1), 12-19.

Shoemaker, M.(2009). Should “exergaming,” or interactive video technology, be included in physical education? Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and

Dance, 80(1), 13-15.

Wilson, S., Darden, G., & Meyler, T. (2010). Developing an "Exergaming" facility: Top 10 considerations and lessons learned. Virginia Association for Health, Physical

Education, Recreation, and Dance, 3, 11-15.

**Photos take from Google Images**



If time…PE of the Future???

Technology in Physical Education at Wood Road Elementary (9:53)
