Motels c.m't put up with headaches like that, so a lot...


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s S i i B i j a g

>Wt@B/?m!R "* !"^r«r? BSr r ' tfC!i«pEROOA SfcNTINEL, THURSDAY, /WOWMB.fe?*' I*,-. * ^ ?


TaK Pr©s W e .ire g ra te fu l t o W i l l i a m Hur l ey of 'Lalw Placid ,

c h a i r m a n of t h e Essex C o u a t y B o a r d of S u p e r v i s o r s , io r t h e s t a t e m e n t which he i s sued t o t h i s n e w s p a p e r ex­p la in ing t h j propose:! so-called " c o m b i o a t i o n t a x . "

T h i s levy, as its name impl ies , i s a t h r e e p e r c e n t sa les t ax on des ignated i t ems or se rv ices . Th.vse in­c lude r e s t a u r a n t .tnci t a v e r n c h a r g e s fo r mea l s ami d r i n k s a m o u n t i n g to m o r e t h a n o n e d o l l a r ; hotel , m o t e ! and b o a r d i n g h o u s ; r o o m s w h e n r e s i d e n c y is less t h a n 90 d a y s ; admiss ions and club d u e s ; u t i l i t i e s , inc lud ing t e lephones and e lec t r ic i ty .

Impos i t ion of some f o r m of sa l e s t a x will b e re­qu i red to produce r evenue to m e e t t h e $1,190,000 in­c rease in t h e 1968 county, ku^g-et. O t h e r w i s e , p r o p e r t y t a x e s in mos t of th-o 1 8 t o w n s i n t h e c o u n t y wil l b e doubled.

W e st i l l cannot a g r e e wi th H u r l e y t h a t t h i s is a f a i r " ) a n d equ i t ab le t ax , or One "which will a ch i eve t h e g o a l for which it is des igned.

I n t h e f i r s t p lace, in ea r l i e r d i s cus s ion of a g e n e r a l t w o pe rcen t sales t a x , i t w a s po in t ed o u t t h a t b e s t es t ­i m a t e s ob ta inab le from" all sou rces ind ica ted t h a t i t would p roduce " a t l ea s t " $1 mill ion in r e v e n u e a n d p r o b ­a b l y m o r e . T h u s i t i s l ikely t h a t i t would yield n e a r l y all of t h e budge t increase .

E s t i m a t e s of $700,000 a n n u a l r e v e n u e f rom t h e pro­posed combina t ion t a x on mea ls , l odg ing a n d u t i l i t i e s seem unrea l i s t ica l ly h i g h . C e r t a i n l y a lot of e a t i n g , d r i n k i n g and s leeping is expec t ed f r o m t o u r i s t s w h o m a y v is i t t h e coun ty du r ing t h e s h o r t t w o - m o n t h s u m m e r season.

W e still feel t h a t such a t a x is d i s c r i m i n a t o r y . Dis­c r i m i n a t o r y p r imar i l y a g a i n s t t o u r i s t s a n d those whose bus iness it is to s e r v e t h e m . Al so , i t is d i s c r i m i n a t o r y in t h a t t h o s e who a r e r e c e i v i n g t h e m o s t b e n e f i t s f r o m Medicaid and o t h e r wel fa re p r o g r a m s will be c o n t r i b u t ing l i t t le or n o t h i n g t o w a r d s t h e i r s u p p o r t a n d t h e load will c o n t i n u e to fall on t h o s e a l r e a d y m o s t heav i ly bur­dened wi th t axa t ion .

A d m i t t e d l y , a gene ra l s a b s t a x would affect bu i ld ing costs , inc luding those for new i n d u s t r i e s or p r e s e n t one.-, p l ann ing expans ion p r o g r a m s . I n d u s t r y off ic ials hav.-s t a t e d , howeve r , t h a t a gene ra l sa les t a x would hav.1

less e f fee t on annua l o p e r a t i n g cos ts and would b e m o r e accep tab le t h a n a ma jo r inc rease in p r o p e r t y t a x e s . I! Would seem t h a t such a n n u a l c o s t s a r e m o r e i m p o r t a n t in l o n g - r a n g e p l ann ing t h a n in i t ia l bu i ld ing cos ts .

F ina l ly , t h e combina t ion t ax p roposa l m e a n s , rv-' g a r d l e s s of t e rmino logy , a s a l e s t a x p lus an inc rease in

p r o p e r t y t a x e s . Should t h i s p a r t i c u l a r f o r m of sa les t a x fail t o p roduce t h e e s t i m a t e d r evenue , a s well i t m a y , it, will r e s u l t in ano the r w o r s e cr i s i s l a t e r n e x t y e a r and y e t a n o t h e r t ax .

T h i s is not an e a s y p r o b l e m fac ing the Coun ty Board and t h e r e is no easy solut ion which will be readi­ly accep tab le t o everyone . I t will r e q u i r e careful con­s ide ra t ion b y all s u p e r v i s o r s on t h e Board . All p h a s e s of t h e t a x m e a s u r e s t h u s f a r p roposed shou ld a g a i n be cons idered by the supe rv i so r s w i t h o u t r e g a r d to polit­ical exped iency or m o t i v e s o t h e r t h a n t h e w e l f a r e or

t h e c o u n t y r e s iden t s Only then should one he adop ted .

DISASTER (Continued From Page One)

n ler and rescue wibh the most realistic results. If t he r e we i* flaws, Dhey were not visible and if t he r e -were, the object of tJie<| drill was to correct Such flaw&' It was organized in to minutest d&tail and the cooperation was 100%. T h e PMts lburgh Air Force Base senit a team of e * pairte *o assist i n th© |»akeiU|>cof-fee "casuialMes" andi ! h e results gave a mos t realistic^tredj•nee to the diail. Among t h e injuries depicted were f rac te tea legs (Fred) Holmaai a n d James 'Whit-ford) ; snook (Patrickv I tyan ' and Ken Budkley), Leg amputat ion (Wlfliaim Viiardo), amm amputa­t ion. (T. Carey and Robert Mc-Oaugbisn)., baick injury (Morrison House), ' laMomSarf injury (Tom DtePaulos) Coro-toairy (Robert Moses), h e a d injury (Ricky Mor­rill , b u m s (Burley HEeniry), and teg injur ies (Paul Pockett). The cooperation of these • "actors" was essential to t h e success of true drill. T h e Ambulance Squads f rom Tioonderoga, Hague, 'Sohroon and Moriah re-

'•«fc»wwiN"»iiii tmm*

Adirondack ::Ammal

Humane As&dation



ANIMAL SHELTER r- # > • i tf infroed, Ticonderoga

\? Remember?

,AJ1 Che d$gs and cats Had many visitors pve# the Weekend wfo ah mad© them hapgy W^ #Lso had some appjtcala&is fpr adoptions of our Wle •waifs, Visil Ming hours are 2-4 only, fasx ive h&ve to "be aWe to have tune tdi.-uw/v „„„,•, .jw-^rfsfs^ „,„,_ „, clean the cages and feed t h e ' ^ °fA *fif | | ? f c f i n i m

(togs and cats We make no ^ol\^ ^ T ^ & x ^f^Z ogSs for the Shelter It is make-W ™ tod a mm* ' i^ai bb~

wwuld take all the d»gs and cats] if jt. .weire ptissiible-. as she1

would. However they were 3.H thp lled "with^hej tnj^lsjjttens., , rjfeasy-<3a#i.n»|i $&fe\.\\p her

mind whiethe* 4»^|y" otit or in

&JM and the cages are1 mad

23, YEARS Am Issue of November fy I94&

importation «f graphite from distant Pafcasoto confuses atea fesade.ntfiMt State to fetuM loot nttilitary Wads m Martta—[4 Insdacllees iiciMLttug are etyt tqj^ Dae wagftr-- Aotarati&s at Mne-Mpa raiy "be stiniul$ie4 fcy new psrocec^rj^ke^gr^up to >& de jjeoildamt in dam adfaoto ^-€om mijinucafcioin semper to» Jested as ess&htaX—•Revv Battiel T Hint, pasfcosr oi Ticon!d?irp !M5eilh.odist <2lm«i% rast&gB>E!d to Earre, Vt, —'Dajoce'iat Cowini liili TBiuiiaSng Tme$ $1Q& for'U, S. (X Buna—. AiusfainV Company worker® to cpnupetye k) honid campaign —-WPB halts xnanufactinje of raz-oss ifor civil|anis—Parts aire now fevaaMxUi. fbr mmr r^m^vii: ^iuj^eM-r^llr. ,$nd' MTIS, ^0$ 0j)&§&r; eiejei^raitp:. • t(rie#- .•Ml§

•^Boiin, Tuselala, : $0.[3,,'a'^o?i% to IVlr/iania Mrs. Wa5fe&.:fJuiE&ssj o!f "RiBond'erQga- Essex G^jly's1'

4^c fc and fyictio-n

,Th,e thriBly early residents looked in inany and any direcr tifon to eiaim, cash or to raise oar secure. som£t3nng thattcDuJd Se tJuiEnie'(l1IiniJ;otcash osr traded for "store goodis" In fher begmmmg •a-gireait deal of 1te "ttradoing"— a, t e " ^ ^ ^ ©till nse today—itook place in Veorcnonife wtoere fe stores wigire and a! fenry to Ver> moult -was established as early -ais l787. The store; Uhere at Iar-aibee's Point aiso had an enor-$0$8'•'Jjpgffite.-itt the] winter across, '^V-lo^; ^ IBtiiis, l^h, berries ^

turns and 5oxm Ifennos. -virere }»&.-uig sfhiipp d all oveir the world. Vermotabeirs may Del you ibaf the Civil yfw: ended the great fioirtun'es in Merino* sheep Surf; i am ieality the Civil %iar ihad ia-[creased, the dsemand lw "wool mfejtoriail fot <• unifoirnls. Tlhe gr$„a|. 45ooiUiapse; ortihe H/fednD sheep fortunes in Vermont wp$ both; gNfisl and p^ide Veptnainit s!he?lP raisers hiad„JBa?led tt> pro^at by fceveKpeMenee of tttie Crowin

Wts and pieces but t h e •nojnert1s ^ ,i _ *• . •*.-••£*..r> J - ,i to ^ M r r i s ' a re w a o n a n d S f ^ ^ T m v ^ ^ B ^ ^ fed which is a s tfi» S l t e i t e r - i s , ^ "? toeT ff %Mf& W f - - 'gavie he r much . s p n o a t t e ; and plawmed. We' repea t t h i t ^ h ^ H u : -niBu.3 Soclcity is s&t u p f oy gtrays oajly. A great mainy people sesf-nl, to believe that unwanted pets

ahbemitiOTi which- -sJBi§f! ad'oa'cd1

Daisy was . o u t I ' ^ I Jhe ' ^omc ' t u t b u t we thought w e , m i g h t con


nague , wunjro&n ana JHUI-HUI i e - i „ „ , ftAptm tihmrif. K««-.4h«4N4s*^aflr }BW%$&,W*£*-IiC^

uaga-L^ < u w f l e r amd o^ty a ve tenmanan can.*4 ^ ^^..JX..: -_' help you. ,- . • *

Our e'ieabric typewri ter is un­workable a t the moment and

Hospital Fire Safety Unit Set . ALBANY — Establish meat of a fire safety advisory committee to assist fhe State HeailLli De-pafftonient in ifts hospi tal ' and nluinsdinig 'home program has b«en ainmouiiced by Dr. Hollas S. Ingra-hlalm, sbaite 'health commiisiori' r.

"We want to assure patients of tlhe hiighiest s tandards of fire protection," Dr. Ingraham said.

This comrniitt&e will be of iin-poiritant pi i^ i ical help."

Serviinig on the committee a re : Chdief Waiter R. Bell of the New Btochelte Fire DepaitmcrU; Will A i b a n Cannon Jr., par tner in the Niagaira Falls architectural f irm of Camrjon, Tmele. Betz, Can-jnon, ShackeLcn & Fitzgerald; Cliairles R. Dorman, asaistiat ctir-eatojr, State Division of F i re Safety, and Hoba.t E. Fountain, ausfetiainoB manager, New York F i re Insurance Hating Organiza­tion;^ New York Ci'ty.

Four State Heajuh Depart-m'Sint bufreau d. :ectors who also ^ane o n the c o m m i t s a.e: Dr. George Warner, Long T e r m Oaire Bureau; Dr. Julius Kau-Ziv'e, Hospital Certific-ii.ien Buir-

The comrnittee will mee t again am November 17 at t h e State HeaJjth Depar tment cenbral off­ice, 84 HoLiaind Avenue, Albany.

The Hospital Code, enacted in 1946', requires that aiQ new hos--pitals and nursing homes cover­ed by t h e Code moist be of fire-resis tant construction and must hiaive ftire a larms and sprinkler sysfceTriis. Existing niuinsing homeb ar-e requi red to have eitrier an ailarm or a sprinikiLeir syste'm.

The commibtee wdil consider vvbalt oifcher types of fine safety equipment sihould b e recjUired in existing nursing homes, which in many cases are converted res-i d : nces of frame construction.

More t han 400 hospitals and 6O0 nursiing homes a re subject to the provisions of the Slate Hospital Code. T f e institutions aire surveyed periodflcaLly by physicianis, niiirees, engineers and o ther specialists of the Health Department . Those approved re­ceive operat ing cevtuaca^s .

senoiusness, aignocy aaia | calm •efficiency as did the local fire companies. Loc^al and state police, who would be vital in dealing wJbh a real disaster to ' direct traffic, were piresent and cooperating.

The ambulances came into the hospital grounds, one after another, unloaded the victims and departed a s they would in a real disaster and for i much longer period of t ime. The "vic­t ims" were examined, tagged, given first aid and immediately transferred to x-maiy or othi-r d'epartmenits for additional care. The office procedure of admis­sion was carred on as if the pa­tient were actuaflly entered in the hospital. The doctors, Glavin, Martin, Vilardo, Walsh and Cum­mins took time Lorn their busy schedules to be present r.,.ict to examine and treat "patients from disaster. ' Mrs. Joan New-] hall, superintendent of nurses htaid organized the nurses and out of service or inactive nurses amid all responded to the call for help. The credit of Mrs. Frances Lang's (Hospital Super­intend! nt) efficient organization every cn-duty and off-dut.y em­ployee of the Moses Ludixigton Hospital was present during the cMl. The Women's Auxiliary of the HospJtal was also p res t ' i t to rum e r i a i d s and make itself ganerally useful Mrs. A r t h u r Poster's kitchen staff immediate­ly made coffee for part icipants as in a real disaster they would have to be prepared to feed the workers.

As we walked in the emer­gency door almost the first one we saw was Father Fa'don, and Doctor • Glavin's unfailing fore-sightedlnieBs was made more ap-pu.einit a s we saw more and more clergymen and " realized in a t ime of r ea l d isas ter , ' the clergymen' wtouid give solace to mainy victims ais well as to rela­tives of vtotirns.

J ames Couchey, director of Essex County Civil Defense, said tlhiat "It was one »-of the most realistic and' practical- ex­ercises I hiave ever witnessed.*'

It was realistic. Of course, i n a real disii j ier maairy oithgr prop- a veter inar ian can, < ' •, .u ' m • -•• M.- •> * J , t , r a u i s W i U I v o " | d o g bit terly resented- 'her pre­sence in he r own r o o m so we

bad to find another spot for her —away firom - he r oirigiinal en-

we have a portable t ha t be longs ^ D ^ ^ lw&s ^ ^ y T h e cats los?t to Frances Lang, i n e cars n>st, „ , - „ „ J,A.„ - A „ n t . . . ,„„„,

we were using a por tab le again. zr~ •,,•?.,„ ^ J l ~ „„„„ /„ .^

Black Watch Library

jfc-tween two dog&in;cnir«T>«ctir"o, .. . & . hismsf in New York State

20 YEARS AGO \ v j I s s ^ i t t f Navember 6, 1M? •""

.' Ammst&e Day' cele'bration is s la ted • iEor Tuesday —$182,290 coailWaiGt awarded 'by State for imprpoViipg Route 8—Road block amid vajndfaMsm here on Hallowe­'en—TbiEt of $389 is repor ted i n t h e Western TJinion office at Ray's stay© here—Rt. Rev. Rob­e r t Kfeegan of New York City •amid, well known summer resi-dienlt o!f Fr iends Point, Hague, dued Tuiesday—James Lonergan w t o sapeirvisoT post here—'Mis's Callhiei'iinie LaMarque and .Tohn 'Fcitiinio marr ied Tuesday at Sclhroon Liatee — Se'otonal All-State Music Progsraim to be held 'here Nov-. 14, 15—Born, Satur-1

day, Noveniber 1, a daughter to Mir. and Mrs. Eairl Clemons of Putniani—Vets' bonus is approv­ed ihere by 952 margin.

10 YEARS AGO Issue of November 7, 1(45?

B'inigo approval carried in county—'Open House' in schools he re set for Thursday — Mrs. Agnies Mairslhail, former resident of Ticonderoga, daad Thursday a t West Hempstead, L. I.—Born, Friday, Nov. 1, a son to Mr. and

„ ,-. „ . . ,Mrs . Anthony Ezzo of Tioonder-2 -6 p . m. 'Qga— Pr ior siervicemen sought

by Air Force— Miss Mary Elte-JaDe'fch Hiaaiiairad of Port Henry

—— • and Stanley Kissiel of Ticonder-

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ^ D ™ * i e ( 1 Saturday at ^ NOTICE IS HEREBY G I V E N . S f 1 ^ " S r a t m e J s d s t 9 ^ L a Ke

Ticonderoga Hours

Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.

7-2 - 6 & 7 -

2 - 6 & 7 -7

9 p . m. 9 p. m Closed

9 p . m. 9 p . m

fascinated silence watching the keys and probably planning some way to catch t h e m . Sylves­t e r ' s face is very solemn buiti Ohairlie's eyes glisten, and they both prove distracting. We tooK Sylvester to Dr. Pierce last week to have his teeLh taken care of and he is probably the best cat patient Dr. Pierce ever has. He site on t h e table and purrs a loud song which stops only wiben he has to open his moutih. He does not have to be held or tied down. Aftsrv. ards wnen we chat with the Pierces, he curls up on the operat ing table and goes to sleep. We went to Dir. Pierce's agam without SylvesitLT amd Carole Potter Jor­dan was th'&ie with her cat who protested with long wails and let ev>o.yo'n>e know just what thait separa te she tihought of the situation. She s o u

is a blajK cat with r.duculous white whiskers. She probably did not care for the presence of a dog who was also leaving. The • dog, Lassie, was from Clemons, 1, Ticonderoga, New York. and ahe cettadnly was glad t o ! . S e a l e d b l d s v / l U be « c c 5 see the man of her famuy and for-a Contract entitled "Sani ta ry

• - J • • Sewer" forv Elementary. & MfcP d ie Sehooil, • -Ticonderoga, -ijfew York by said Board of. Educa-*

.b^r bui^iiifss tooftgiht -.tne\ fiist *e^3y exitenstve operations and VM'diijSt-o'f. fo^tmnes, -oiten realiz^j ^ed^'heigain!;. ,-M some ilxjicai 'a^eas M% Ij&a' ' . l i a s , ' untaxable arid | : \ 8 W U ^ ' l ^ - \ b m g l i i t f6r;th -the] idea of (t3a»ng ^sh'eep .or-whejth-' g r wool; "was. a comimodity that fydts "recognised a s marketable is debatalble. A t any r a t e any fasnmeir wlio could afford to buyj iihaep began to ra ise them. This was am uncer taki business be­cause, as" 'B/Jfers. Sheldon wrote in •her naffsraittve, t h e wolves were a cbnstaihlt nuenace to t h e sheep. The mainy miles of low stone fences din tlhe counltryside around Ticcindeiroga are indicative of t t e exlberat of t h e sheep raising b u s t a s s and 1805 a five doCllair bounty was paid-for each woilf killed. However they could cimiy ra ise forty dcHairs a year flcr Hhis purpoEe and the bounty e n wolves continued until 1814 wtoein presumiatbly t h e wolves had moved back from the set­t l ed arreas, 'or had been elimin­ated.

I t was the wool t t a t was im­por tant to t h e farmers . Lamb and mut ton a® food apparently did n o t appeal t o t h e settlers. Joton PbcDter made the carding machine for the first wool fac­to ry bui l t by John Ar thur on t h e upper side of the lower falls in 1808. Soon abou t 20,000"


liked' W ^tf-.t&it.'hie; 'receJ|ia]A'a'

Tel. JU 5-7380.

possdlbl t o the saaircih these fiaijtoiB would make the rescue work even m a r e •diffi­cult, arjd itiherefoire it is addi-tionailly iimportant tha t every rescue amgile b e rebearsed thoir-ougiMiy in advamce of any such possibility.

, As a m a t t e r of fiaiot, in o rder Hospitals operated by the fed-1 t o f a c e peaijjty, i t would be in-

|eral goverrantwt and the SUte I fcere&timg to have a miaike-beli&ve eau , Irving Mermen, Hospital Depai tment of Mental Hygiene disaster unannounced and (Jonutructrjon Services Bureau, I aire not covered by the Code, a n d Edward Howard, Hospital | Piroprietary hospitals in i\cw Bind Instituitional Engineering: York Ci-ty are subject to tnat Buceaiu. i City's regulations.

sealed bids a r e j h t and requested for the

performance according to speci­fications of a certain contract to b e let by tlie Board of Educa­tion, Central School District No.

Ticonderoga, New York. Sealed bids will be received

bore a as cats

be wais glad to see her. cat on i h e other hand girudge against Cairole as w w - . . . c _ ^ -,.„„* .• ., „ „, wull ana • was unforgiving, t w a b f t w ^ e n ^ 3 0 a m: and 7:00. though she clung to CtoroiA Dm P - J ^ v mvtf> t

N ? v e m t o 21, of Mm. P i e i f c e ^ o c k e r s was a H W ? M mJ?f ^ ^ ? 1 % ^ - . so puirclia^d-.^Lhile we weo^ S f f < ^ « V f c ^ » • &^M t he re «d& $B has two addra'ble" p ^ d g > m^^>M^> Wev^.Vwfcjj

^ • 0 m ¥ ^ ™ * arc ' s ^ [ 0 m m ^ ^ s ^ . H ^

•mere amitt s n e ws two a w m « amfl'T^^tMJIbffidlV onened««nd mm^miem for adoption. , S S » S l S S

: T'he ,<aheutfer anpnals a re g o t S g ^ J l ^ w i l f b ^ g n ^ i t i r i g t a l t ^ u M y stAuated for w i n - i ^ ^ ^ s ^ ^ y . . , • xi'i&&*~*-1

tor and: &%e dogs from * h e S f e S l S S ^ S S v ^ l b a i ^ p ^ t - o i ^ e b a ^ r h a v e been1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ! T o g a S ^ f ^ ^ J moyeifi initio 'ttoe fircnit' wheore tbe

Placid' High, 38 to (K- Movie Club being forrrnecli in Ticonder­oga to sihqw the best in foreign and American .fiitos—Lttle mis­chief r e p o r t e d o n Hallowe'en— •Mrs. Mairy TJhatclier of Crown Point X5eil|eibrai6ed' he r 91st'hia ,th-dlay T h u ^ i a y — Tlh© Rev. ©ra-haorn Hodgfes, fcir&ii'er pa!stcir'heTl-r

•hiais- wcrtifean' bbqlc'''50 'OhMdren's Setofih^*' ;beiflJfpjJbliSh i- sSori' •- toeiralff' ---Jcpi^-pcw!v'Iey£^e-| tire® .after l^^KacuVe (fafeeet,

Shleep criaize w'aisovea: barns am oyer Veirtocijit/begSn *o coliaipse, ^ o d •#111 areii v/doi-e n mjits kept-.going fop de^ad^s, they soon had: to begin lobbing ouitsvdle of .Verntont for their fieeces.

Ticonderoga residents were well aware of t h e great for­tunes that were being m a d e / i n Vermont at t h e peak of t h e Merino raising and tradiii'g—-to which of course tihe magSHlicent fleeces aldded handsome sums of money. Sheep -faiirnieris and ci t ta- Tconderbga residiieailtls be­gan to ianprove the i r flocks by aididing Merinos. Probably the forst 1jo amrive in Ticdnldferogia w e r e 32 full bloods of tkewJervis stock from Shorehani.'";ill 1847 which were purchased' by G. D, C l a r k Shortly thereafter^ Clark; t h e Cookk, tihe DiBiLianos, Phelps, Aimpton, Gibbs, Maler, .Thomp­son, tihe Wickers, 'Rogers and Moses purchased moire Merinos. Thei r flocks grew i n size and improved in q u a l t y and some shieiEip. r a c e r s had d o s e to a

L'tJhousatoid :in tKeiir fitoeks. These



pounds of wool per year was j were .not all Merinos, "of feourse.

'#ps|o!ni; ; -^ l |g ' | |^e^^v^e|rmg( 'J^Snrnis.3n. l ^ l ' i i ^ c p n f e l i g ^

gbpveS'- W$. Boib Woodtod and a

Tic^fl&iftti N ^ f b * k ^ >

be submittet l in|: firiealtd w h o voiumbeeired his s e r - ! £ r ( J2 f ; ~$SRK,"" ; i " a ^ " X , ^ v - i c e s ^ a o ^ d t h e cagies i n ^ feu» f S i ^ ^ ^ l c f ] S ^ m ^ $& of llhe ba in . Tne^first ^ ^ ^ ^ i S ^ . s l ! t e S I d ^ ^ t i a | d i ' ^ i e ' f i | F e s all the^dfgs r

leans would en te r : tihe j a m m m g ZITJjir' ^ S ^ l ^ einiovrn'S-' 'ffift of me t e l e p h o n e | R ^ h b o a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ R f e f | « t h e lmmeinsa tnalffJiC jam, and *.-- v i ; j ••-&-..**.«—«*«i iuuA^-ivaJP t h e relatives of the victims or

JH';TJrawing rv:S|!i( "ither Contract l)dc-j mnmm moae jam, and g j m ^ W d ^ ^ ^ 1 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

i t t ^ . y i p # of the Su_ l'^ift: ^''fbliobls, ric-ind'er^a-




RUTH M. TEFFT, Publisher * ' WILLIAM E. J. HUNTER, Editor

, * Entered at Post Office at Ticonderoga, N. Y. as second :*^rfs lirfatter.

C£AR&6ST CIRCULATION I N ESSEX COUNTY * t ' ' , | ^ ' ' 1 '•'' • • ' : — • — — ' • — - — ' • — :

, BusinoDS notices 20 cenfs a line. Rates for display ad-1/srj'ia3rig. made ftnown on application ot business office.

^Tf£ Sentinel asDumes no financiol responsibility for typa$$0htea\-'errors in adverfisgwjionts but will reprint that pztf; ©i on odvorticomont in which the typographical error

f J O W ^ c d . , / '• -'•",•• ' - ' : ' • ' " • ' - ' • ' " „ ' " " • " • ' : ' • • - • ' 1 : '''.• ,•" Disasters a r e not pre­planned and iit would be inter­esting to see the response time-wise in an unannounced drlH.

This was sh amazingly success­ful rehearsal. Doctor Glavin and all the cooperating u i t t s work­ed with efficiency tot is reas - | and suring can

p a r e n s t * 'cui | ' ' u p in tih® opeh-iing-'Wlhefe^lfe'si.jove piige g o e | tteoiu'gjh td te o ther m a m . Oats a r e mdiv idu^fe t s aiH righlt, and it is msuaMy tte saime Cat you' wdl find im t h e same unusua l , ^ j ^ ^ j b f o S a r n e d from the sleeping place, :\Mm&M$m&'bv vack b idde r

We n a v e so many w o n d ^ u l C | ? | t ^ S ^ L . • L - \ ^ J P f f

sLa'nd why they aire n o t a S i M v | j ^ ' - ^ i - ^ 3 v - u . • _ . t i m u i ^ adopted. We h a v e one ;white | * •*•* *• hall g iown puppy wi th a beau*

processed a t this factory during a whote a rea for some time, though la ter o the r and lacgeitt| faatojies were built. The shetlp farxtmer1? m Ticonderoga made-momley dur ing this period and some became iflbeirested i n im^ proving thiesr stock, and t h u s mi-(proyjlng .Dhear wool crop and maifelag more money. . M iVermqinit in t h e meantirhe.:

grealt; fe>rituinl£B-^w©re being made.] in- ins Vaniie-iijidustry. Tictodeti.] 6gj3irifs, e enr ^teresued in.makr ing- 'te-^M^e'-gfeait' ^rt^'& :

.v i galed^ aid' i|f>unid- that '%$£; *ffioifegtV- Mexp ,'miproying their fiotfe%iiihi'l|&ifeQ:- si#e|»», •in^;-jffie^^irt-^igflif|Ei^ _ r^^|ky?c|(^|| Md^cante; to -l dn--

^'ilply'las, 'eair y'ias- the:': Wfik WOMB® i flcgiy.lhSid brought]

in "tbe-Croivn:

'•fluffiimfi;- '^||lii''3aEeai^Boi'flj<

p3a-MifiaLy|, Mmp^mShm. ^ i M i|i anfd: -M^^llpiui.^rdbn Of

[ ;A i^|e|p^ig;, | |^p$i^gariS'e [•Sevenisbii-, m^^^-t^^kmx^-

deroga, Ji.iedtfSulllay*at-AlBtoy rr4B0fiard '^1n^^^fitoat]6d. 0 %$!M&$& ••!$ ^wft&f^pji;t^busSds," Rotund. i»,^ft.p?|h)&#hn Wili-rlajftis restldpf^." '£n•; Surgoyne-Rdad wfflfe' rebiaking danuagesl .e^u^edby;vi»"&f> ' -";•-•- -- ' :l , '. > , . . . . •''..•J-.- :-^-.'-vWt]V-,a. «.>

The Merinos were :TJit(rehas6d merely to improvie Hfoe linjes. Sheiarinlg.. d>mpe)titidtis" were; a yearly event and cbnifietilajcm w*as-. keen, amd had mjany, s'iidie bets om the wainnieir of flh.^- fleece of 4ih&' greatest weigtot.' , ' • WteesTicandeirciga Sheep rais­ers • weife .not iflidigeinit, they Ad not 'bufy-nor sell Merino;-.sheep «U theHi ime scale #hait Vearmont .iaSatneris did. Most ishei&'g Jraisers hiefce -were -cdntent, wiltb -a gewd •sodidr- stock' aliid iitt feet -tttetre ware not TOO finaaajg np; Ijeji me hivirjlyed in tltoe ,llfe1r|p»!

J:'.,'6i'|z(j |!«iieMii1»-tihe extent bf-'|ni|E!Jhasfhg_ sbtoe'MerinlQS. "" ''"'"- *'



iusly Mough 'smM, nwmbef

•Jfipk ^Eli i^l^selBteds from time , ^ J j | i ^ f r | ; ^ o V # n ^ e i i ! t J s in SWe-•d^%Psus,sr|a; a ^ - f e a i n c e .aj'-a;l . d j ^ ^ ^ a v ^ - . - 'iliowsife ."with. th^-;l

N r i ^ ^ tge: llfcrof.'of t h e Mef-f* ;li&^E@8p-..'siB^ j ® t | » I f e Croi#?' ?alie['-'ifcr> 'Kie. ©randleiies-'-- eaf ly -in '****" £8(MfJ$Q!&e<AiMos svfgnit1

^glaia^'bTit- ' p a l -tl-niortthr .jal6^.jeltesaie'. -*i te :nbt>^l^af toyiy ' •airid t t e y d|d-'-njE>t -snipvive.', % • y ^ j ^ r > w - ; l i i 6 g ^ ^ s ;nWviea? com-:

SPENDEiRS •Eatanilieis with a n I&1EI

come of over $5;O0u iaiv©rage-of 1^4».*li7 .their intoome on tsd . aifiid^most iff t ha t if'fOT ily- automobile.

SrtaJc 4n-ahd'.4lit.

^cerit.olr; i'battoW*


be refcurSLed" to iFMufdii^e re^n. W. d .^

^c i - ci * ^- •- *u ' *• ,i$pi$&'Mi#M: condition within tefui so&jxnA-im v the one t l,k t ^ | ^ opening of bi Is. 1 i who has the tm patch over .onej;:^-|i6(^S^-€Tw»^V-sp«i- a eye which ® ih^t appealfiig; H j f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ we were adopting a dog we; m^^o'JfeCe^aminsd at toeM-would never be able to resist loAgAlant-rooms on on afiter that on>e. One'family from Port faoVe&eri:6: 196?' , Henry oanne in the other day! .-^jr.:w, 1S@4» Corp., 16 Russell

dedtbeiratiOn Mfetft- * - : - L 2 * - ' ™ J - •«

| ;Tlals,.,fedj,i^-;fr^i^g^tagainii|

'(Ms a?.ir^^™^^^_ie^^qK.

able' ba^w§,/|hii;'niare :cafiitjial-cuts ar^ a~na!f |ia|4of fiaite. Bjit

}agaii!h!,*Mi'-ifSie hic#'#ius«al/nian-ner. The lip. Bi#£>ns asad, #msr-icans; tome ••sfcaaied - :a- -'hatters^ Ibooni. by digging, up jjuany, ones to' TOUM oitt ^^"iChaMcte#'J6f Wfafe^-«w^i i |^ . mppM to'| putt tdge/-toei ;i si©;''ial!oiiJGh ;ats*, jten-gallontacss, Our Ganig comedy caips, unblocked Mts with flop­py brims Amid the, ihafc most JikeOy to get ahead fastest >vill

3522 have Wo things going- for ib -Nievvjit w^s oxigjnaJly wortt by men

, , , , / . like d'E'rb'ies, fedora®, caps, „,.,„ _,..,.. York ConMrue-jtenHgallonB, or'iefee itAatetnade B^I^$ei»Jbc., 8$A Waiter-] th^ sieene> recenxly bftr teenage

idols. * had better be $i warm'Bind

- , i -^--» -—r- / ---.«,»* ^.-.yw^^w,-.w., *»™ **»..» gentle wind, though, if you serious injury and deitJh. to diay and adoipted £n angora k# bung; Street,, Schenectady, New ^ear one of the newest wedding

ua,«,„« ^jgerr::^ote wibh. a ;fac% "mm /•'•y^v'J*. :• • gowns They a»& waHaiblein pa-rii«st' deposit/per, TJh nianuEaiDturer assumes

after some



nlibg rtefttfeQms us. ' ' ' '. I S n i d fife|ir minds and take a f S " jfoil gcowiridog jn such arid suchj -' m^em, a cage. We aih'e.alilways roote than *i

fe Bldg,, Albamy

ie COjfp., Syracuse,

t rees and shirubs.

WELL FED Americar.s consume

sSucb .as.icel mlk ®nd

wilfih -his - <bjdi'

ten—*a tfeail •re paibiled''- only the face ciniS sees' on a pansy btossow. „ _ ^

ah&ut She w'asbarik to a day or so and 'anp^ 21.3 quiai.-ts, per peirson of. ice tbok a shidit hair yeEow' Mbteii.!form and subject to the^ eondi- CEIllItflED mmmtd other frozen _-•dia&ry!:Iieir 'Mo, very rttee childrea a iionis ptroviffd: in th^ Instruc- *lfty n&r cert of ,rJew^Yor14 -HMWI.^ a , -* , - w . w * .^l .^. ,ani„ a;giif.about 10,and 41 tohs^^dd^/;',:;;. d»2 kitmevs plantI certmed o i seed!

securl^r ijn. the j you wall wear it only once'

:-. g^i-lo^sdipesiihoS 'to

l*Hl;via(fl|a.3>ygr TttC&uO .went id \et^-:'^^^0^.^m&.- -'and? '0M 2(pWLIot^.:wer^-^riipy

Wft;-*::""'•:'', -.'•'•',:''.. '••• ;• IfeM'OjS; regidred g«jat .care ia1aia.-lp,irjhl|!y dMfiiot get ii, they-•,dfi |tfot fis^d^v.-Ma^^-il^ftl $f&0gm, J hiaft .•.WiUiarn 3arvis-' :si^^(J.'fnttt!d|i^r:Way to Vcr-Jnwt"i$m&'$)gsevere .climate': :^|le!(|..tien| and' ifieiT already l|puiriiou$ jtsoaSS vbecanie 'more luxq^ous. VeMttpniterSf who al-relady raised, sheep, became ob­sessed with the IdeSa of improv­ing, their stock and tli-jy also| a'dted eniormous wealth to then-h'oldainglsi. SonOie of th6 most pre-tentnous. early Vemi^iit^ houses carhe^oni ^h^p tor-tadles. The fairniexs jvied. v^h <&a& other lor better and better s£ock And1 $ffl desire to havfe Mibftf stock (Soaii'ed tbe prices. Pe,digree!?, jesloustes, ainbitjton, medals, .quality ©£ the" fleeces, puide amd £i&e oX tU!e fl'ocks en-| tered into the compcMion. to oa4, nationar and" inlorftational fairs weie cntercrl and prizes won. Prie&s socrcd to fi.1000-97500. for one Sfcrfno ot mt

'^feitttom'New » I i i % clock a. m. on. t h e ^ f t , . d ^ 5 t . oveniibea", 1967, for'ip^iw&^s

C'holdhtg a public W ^ f ^ t e pfl&e ffinla'tive budgfet'CiiT' iS Cdunfy for the fisca|'y!e|fc;,il| gjhniing January 1, 1 8.'-. :;;.:;; . . Futtter" notice- is ;|einetet ^ | -

en'ifihif copies o{ ,'saiiH t^iWv1©

PLUMPNESS C0.UjfS-;V3% ' Wh0n ' buying wM#-£ryer>

cnicbens, look for m^y.onef liavimg short legs1" attdfi ol^R-wel-ifilled bodleis. 4^n)pd^ratfe

covering, indi<aj^"by^a^i|^: fowiish or cirjea!in->ctip|0oli - jp^r •un'diefr the skin,:- -r|ptefe.1SeiRB:' fiarvoir, texture, amd'ii I


•N«w.oe is'hfc!iie%'M#af:^


budget\anae aiyaiable k\|% ;^fl-ice"if'tfe Clerl of •&#£§$& of Suparvisors at E^zabetf t^Si-, !;New- York,, -ftlheire lih^y"#ayt$k ' 'jn^peroted.. .or ptrbcured 'ibyv4in^ SSIeiOjgKed peafeon duaihg: -ifBspr e^TiouTs.- " ' ' ' "'"-•'

PUTSUIJJ; to Seotiod 359 Of the County Law the hiaximurct salairies that may be fhed pid PSWy^ dumiig said Ifecal y^ar of -ntemibeirs of said Boajd of Supeirivisrjffis and to the Oh ir ,' -man tteeof,1 irrespectively, are hereby spedfied as follavsj

Mfihbfers of the Board of Su-pervisomg <cach) $3000

Ctouteatti! of the Board. o£ S«-pTOob \ JOOO

Budget Director.. v $50O By Oyder of the Board of Su­

pervisors D tsd. Novemlbar Ik i<&7

Zehna A. Cook' Cl&rk of tho Boaid of Sn-

perv/ews 4wl




DCUUDCROOf bfMTTlNcI ihURSDAY, tlO'/ETiviBFR 16, WSt iwesirwvt-

HURLEY (Cuntiuutd T iom I 'a^t O m )

17 '1 H i ' i U i uo lai llic 1 r county lax on th •> 1 / ' mdl on

#dol la ig would U d sar>u,000 tr>

•girlie CO1-! ot this ton tmclmii If hucn 4 comp^av \\tat aasnil •with such ui e\pansion p^-grjam, it would be ijtsd with a

^ %% ^alcs tax on all Or most of " it's purchla* ess irom that taae on *\t Some of the largest industries \ sen. Dhe County ate agamst this ^ 12% sales iu, and we have to

CQnclud& that they hiaive foaijd <§they pay more in tihe 2% tax; ithani. >Uhey save im real-estate

taxes, With thev3% conttbin tiqn %[x m eifJect thesei companies

1 would isnjoy aisar-ge ta-x-sayibng <Ai Mqpn (yea!l-«i aijie, •v/ble being

1 assfelssedj, only on iphear ele?cir«

t *" I th n om ii Weill , ,ind UIL i 1 \ ould U tu. til( L \ k n t oi 1 c j> u i i ) . l t d tu t u c _ i fcQiC 1 l

"Jtn *t poll oi ftotth EUn U\ papers, the t x <-'ple! favoied a Zci> comtonatith *&\ over the ol-t&rnalives of n general $a,x or nr> ta:> at jatL Since* INforih Emafs smconte is derwpd alnxtet solely (firotd visitors to tli£ are&, we must condads that the peo­ple IOJE" isteth. Ellia do not con-Mese a 3% combmaiatin tax -un­fair tr> thedr guesis). Consequent­ly , we eonkadefr the argument thiaifc ddh a tax is daSorfl,pnnatory tt> be completely uwsoynd

"Finaiy^ 4he 2% genier^l^ales tax is eisfymafced tp produce a revenue of ,<|5pB,0QO irom the

to %s County 'and

ft &o that?W a ^ j g ^ ^ t 4 S ^ %^ fAs an example of. najfc thisL '"&&?%*>• combination tax,

^t jx b u ^ S S i n o u n t t o , W» V * ? ^ f l ^ f ^ ^ f ^ f c Dh& tihfle'e largest ahd 1to»A STO I t * f t e 2%^ i lH * ^

^nd lopk ait Hhenr tax- strnctureHVMMJ^ J? <Mpo , |n lV»t4 a sav-(^7NOTE The toBeSi'«»gt0 ^^aspayers-of an estrni-

' A*P«, i N^»^ ^ I ^ S ^ ^ S aljed ?7OQ,OO0, This result> TO

f . __ . . ' • • •> . -ft Tt

«ed below represent, w OTOer * •Shape of the W68 budget fop the

?*$ tftwaiS ! listed; 'fcho. increase in. w-thien'r shaire" ove£ 1967j their es-,

tunated ishaice of the budgeit vpl!ft£ *p a 3 perceailt combina%on ta^jan^

> the estimated increase with such

l a te ) ' ' -• Iseiwiis, $29,10128, $14,34602,

$20,648 24> $5,892 98, Essex, $39,256 76, $19,352 36, $27,853-8!6, $7,94946; Notrth Hudson, $48,Q23 25, $23,969 75, $34499 -6g, $9,646,165 Moriah, $235,117.-$--•* •--$L15,&0&78fr $l«6 f823.18, f47;«.llvl3; IMonthElmi: $498 r

• # 3 . 2 8 , $245,7:86<05, $3§3i,7?9.85, . $3iD0;962v62; TSeonderoga, $349,-t , 815.48, $172,448.15, $248,204,62, 4 $70^37.29

,J % t lhietee flguresairte approximate, .^&it w i t h t h e r ecen t compilation

" ' # • t h e Cbunty budget , they a r e ' very nieairly correct . "

. - "We refer to t h e 3 % tax as a ttCom!binairlon Tax" since it ap-

'pj les t o only four i tems. These sure enumieraited in sect ion 1105

" to tlhe tats law a s : (E) tax on 5. .>ujtiUitai'eis, (eiecMciifcy, pliomes • . icjtic.), (D) t ax on resta'urant and

tavern charges where checks aTet . for more than' $1.00, (E) ' tax on

.'•rn'otel, hotel a n d boarrdfag house ... rooms, when' residettcy is for

leisjs t h a n 90 days, <F0. t ax on ad-. - •: missions w h e r e t h e ' t icket i s

* m o r e t h a n 10c, thds.^ includes ... .duieis to .social amd athlet tc clubs,

.,.,,."egJca. ...... ..-,...' ..• . : . ;._'/ If ., "As t o t h e s ta tement t ha t this • f - 3 % comibination--test is discrim-

, iniatoiry, l e t u^ say t h a t everyone -• .wftio u se s tbiesie; facilities pays

thetis)aim© tax whe ther the is a a^esadient of Essex County or not.

" I t ' 1 ; couild b e consddered dis-' • catminaitory at all , i t would ap­

ply t o visitors t o Essex County, • si^iioe'they would b e us ing t he se

fiariiitaies to a liarger overall ex

t h e savings t o the undiu&ual fowin!s to. pioportionA- Jto tbear indiiividual Counly lax bill on the^ basas of the1- figures given lafooVe" l * > ,

} * • - ^ - . ,

BUDGET (Continued t i o m Page One)

l-rt&tireanent systems' which m-creaises H I th is i tem firom $72,475 •to $101,356.

T h e Cournty jiaH costs are up $14,000 a® a resul t of additional personnel ainid safliary increases.-

•WeMare employes will in^ crease by Wie airlidition of two cleiriks aind one - accournt c lerk needfed for the 'rpeddoalid pro­gram!

The Highway Depar tment A Co.

t ?„ GORY "VICTIM" — Thomas DePaoiis, employs «ff International Paper Company's s^T^contderoga'-mill, one of several yolunte&rs who took pprt in last week's simulated chs &|tep drjfl her^ undergoes examination at Moses Ludington Hospiral by Dr William Vit-,ardo, assisted by operating room nurse Maxine Shfeehan,„left, with back to camera, Nurse Mary, Michalak and Nurses Aid Pat Cooke, right. {Photo by Waller Grisbkot) * * / * i i

3-iyi^on TMF, oirtih Caro

LEGION (Continued P r o m Page One)

88-15, 2nd Majrfme1

Camp L e tftune, Inn a 28542

Robert L Rayno 916 56-46 USS Compton, DD705 FPO New York, N? Y. 09501.

Herb&nt F . Hail, '210 Coral Sea NAS, Lemoore, ' Cailifornia 93245. ,

AMJS/SC Sherman R. Thatch­e r 53'3M6-63,..Maffette Bay, West Niavy, Sunnyvale, OaOdfornia.

L/Cpl . FC Weihrman 2300906, GRRC 20, Ct E Bn.

Uouj ^ i ( D i l l

budget i s u p from $75,000 for improvements to $106,000 "nec­essary if we a r e going to main-tadn and improve county roads," a spokesman said.

Cost increases in various wel­fare categories, state mandated, plus the cost of operat ing two in-Qrmairies, and t h e fact it will b e moire expensive for the coun­ty on a pe r pat ient cost for in-firmiarry care, aiE again contri­bute to various budget i tems in­creases.


V . I t * " ' i



EMERGENCY SQUAD The Ticonderoga '-•Ent&rgency

Squad repor t s that dur ing the month of October, t he t h r ee am-buLafncas travelle'd a total of 1,-202 miles. This included: ID lo­cal cadis; six t r ips to Burlington, Vt.; five t r ips to Grown Point and two to Glens Falls. A total of 125 m a n hours were donated by the squad members .

Advertise In The Sentinel

MCRD, San Diego, Calif. 92140. M/Sgt. William J. Williams

HSMC, 8681 Midway Drive, El Toro, Santa Anna, Calif.

Pfc. Lynn C. Whitford RA 11536805, 278th GS Co., Ft. Devenis, Macs. 01433.

Pfc. Reginald M. Smith US 52721021, 70th Trans. Co., APO 09045, New York, N. Y.

Rlaindall B. Pra t t J r . CT-2, U SS Georgetown (ARTR-2) RT Division, FPO New York, N. Y. 09501.

Pvt. Lawrence F. Laduc Jr . US56829570, .HHD 97th MP Bn., AP(J San FfanciscO, California 96312.

Pfc. Ronnie Shaw RA5159-2341, 247th Supply Co., Fort Car­son, Colorado.

Edward W. Pa lmer STMI-687-01-66, USS Robinson DDG-12, Fox Division, FPO San Fran­cisco, California 96601.

Robert J. Palmer 778-85-27, USS Tamhall DDG-19, FPO New York, New York 09501.

JURY (Continued l i o w Page One)

Richard Earl Iihnn, 21, and an other classified as a you'hiul offender foi second degree rob bery, t h u d deg iee grand lar ceny and conspiracy in Laki. Placid on Sept. 30.

MiChaiel Ryan, 21 , of Sehnn-ectaidiy for operat ing a motor ; ' 1

vehicle while intoxicated a n d : ' 1 ' driving wihile ability wais ini-i im­paired and reckless daiving in! Crown Point Dec. 24, 1966. | —

Bernard R. Colburn of North P J '•' HudKon for the same charge , •' S1

in Scbroon on J u n e o. I •'-David Harry Jacobs, 26, o l j 1 ' ;' '

Webster, Ma. .s., was indicted for . ' ' second degree grand larcen;. : ';.i and petty larceny in Lewis on Aug. 17, 1967.

Jaekson, 31, of New indicted on two

issuing a fraudulent Edward Groeno of

for criminal negii-

CANTOM— A geological .his­tory entitled " T h e Adirondack Region. Tliree Billion Years in the Making," lias been produced by St. Lawrence University ;<nd the New York State, Technical Services Program.

Wri t ten and edited by Dr. Robert O. Bloomer and Dr. Will iaim T. Elberty of t h e Uni\ er sity 's geolog>- depar tment , the publication was produced lor distribution by t h e Geolog'.c.d Information and ' Referral Ser­vice at St. Lawrence University. Dor. Bloomer is J ames lh-tiry Chapin Professor of geology pnd mineralogy, and head of the de­par tment . Dr. Elberty is a n as­sociate professor of gaulc-gy.

The Seryce wais established last year at the University by the State Teilmieal Services Pro gram tu industrial firms cerned with the exploration and development of rock and min­eral resources within t h e state.

Included in the i l lustrated 23-p-age publication is a geologic history of 1 he Adrondacks as de­termined by the four observable rock assemblages found, in the region and a discussion of the processes which led to the for­mation of Adirondack minerals .

According to the authors, t he Adirondacks can provide the

uculwm providing many species for: col­lectors.

Copies of the publication may be--obtained from Dr. J i i i u s S. Street, project geologist and dir­ector of the Geological Inform­ation aind Referral S> a t t he 'Mversa ty .


WILDLIFE FRIENDS The Bureau of Sport !•'

ius amd Wildlife, Dept. u Interior, administers some _';, 559,382 acres of Fedeiai wild life refuges in the United Stales, ' including Alaska and Hawaii. -.—.



Montcalm St. — 585-7776 Across from Grand Union



th iperadion o fa mot resulting in death in! enterprising and knowledgeaole

u n ( , u developer with a variety —*•'' \ K. Donahue, 19. of' minable products such as ^ -lu'ld, Conn. for Ibst t a ' r a n c ' z ' n c u r e a s ^Q^ a s S1*3" i a n d ' l a r c e n v and t h i r d . P h - t e a n d garnet,

bur j ia .v . and unlawful' Tlu '-V a l s o di'scribc the region g as one of the most challenging

0f rock complexes in the world for ' geological research and a verit­

able treasure trove of minerals

in North

la.y, and unlaw!'u ", l.:,ke IMacid on Aug. 6 ;e Avda Sequin, ~i'J,

I akc. lor operai \v,J, a i 'uclc w hile intox.i'

' ! ' . ' : d on Aug. 15. ••ui ALerlijidcll of • . i ,'.:;i i- of Ihe

\ i .,. mi May !'i. • • .! ^'irajiuro. ,!:i. for

<•' • -MOII and cui r_,in i '...'..,. : i.iii w capon a id

. .lird decree assault iveene] K 1 | ) a „ n Aim 17. - . :vu .v Hcvnard Coriow. 27. of Lake

', Placid for carnal abuse of hi;.IMi and nior.ds oi ;' chil;i. ;ind third decree assault m Lake Placid on Air..1 20.

The T & C Lumber Company of Ticonderoga and Crown cat oL-ivic-.-., t ' » - : p o i n t i u W n e c j a n d operated by Lester Harpp and Linwoofl Abbots, commercial a n o _ h completed the building contract for our new h o m e on t h e s that are con- ] B h c k F o ^ n t R o a d

To Les, Lin and the i r competent workmen, Dave, Jim, Bucky, J im and Lou, our most hearty and grateful appreciat ion for the manne r in which this contract was completed. 'Inasmuch as they have their own equipment and materials for excavating, building, electrical and plumbing, they do a complete and skillful job.

For anyone who plans to build or remodel the i r 'home in this area, we will open our doors, by appointment, so they may see the finished work they have done. Words cannot express our grat i tude for doing such a complete job in the short t ime from June 27 to October 30, 1967. Their special efforts to com­plete the neglected details that usually prevail in building a new home are outstanding.

In the beginning, we only had our dreams to go by but they put them on paper and built the home we had always dream­ed of.

To our good friend and neighbor, Bill Crossman of A-C El­ectric, our thanks for opening his t reasure chest for supplies which we would have had to wait for delivery.

Yes, in their supply store in Crown Point, they have many other colors than the heliotrope (orchid) that is on the exterior jf the house.

Again, many thanks to all—•

Bob, Peg, Pam and Ron Vanderwarlker

ic heat demonstration sounds dull, call it a holiday.

1 «.*'•.-!.'

Carry & Save Sif BASK i W l ^ l M MATERIALS

^^^:f^g^m *&




-14 x 4 * 8 Exterior 5 ^ x 4 x 8 Exterior 1 /2x4x8 Exterior 3 4 x 4 x 8 Exterior

jSide ,2.95

4.40 5.60


2 Sides £.52 7.68 8,40


^jgjj^^^? 4^'' '% l l 'J&Jft"' , ' , l l l:i '-1 '1 ' ••>** JMW'WL. aJJUlMCTW^I


J.2Q 1.4Q 1.50 1.80 2.45 1.35 3.95 1.25 65c

4& '


% ^

SHEETROCK % x 4 x 6 Sheet % x 4 x 7 Sheet* % x 4 x 8 Sheet . % x 4 * 9 Sheet Ready Mix Porfataps Gal. 250'ft. Roll T a p s ' Perfafape^ Joint Sys tem 250 ft .

Perfatape Joinjr System 60 ft. Perf;dfaead (Corner 8 ft.-

ZOM0UTE EC©M©FIILL (Attic Insulation)

3 cu". ft Bag 2 " Thick Covers 20 Sq. Ft.

», Z'1 Thick OwsSrt 13 Sq. Ft. i 4" Thicfc Covcfs 10 Sq. Ft.




• • \ • ^Finishes at $4.70 ' * S^r t iek Finishes at $7.20


% x.4.x; RSH^et ' . Va x,4-x?8 Sheet % J C 4 X 8 Sheet

FIBERGLASS INSULATION Foil Faced Per Roll 2" x 16"'— 100 sq. ft. 4.15 * 2" X.24"— 153 sq. ft. &%* 3"x 16"—70 sq.ft. . . $$£,: Z'i x 24'' — 167 sq. ft . $JS..> &' x 16" __ 50 sq. ft. .''4^6 > $" x 24" — 69 sq. ff, :, -.-#§'•";

Just chock into n modern motel and relax. You're trying out electric hoc ' i t--and that's a foolproof excuse (if there ever w,is one) for taking a few days leave from the kids. But don't have such a good time you forget what you're thoic for. Electric h>\it is unobtrusive. You may have to look for it. In baseti'i.irds, wall units, or hidden in the ceiling. May­be in a bathroom heat lamp. Notice how quickly it re­sponds when you turn it up or down. Check out the floors. Warm. Move around the room. No cold spots. No drafts. No angry phone calls. No letters of complaint. Motels c.m't put up with headaches like that, so a lot of them buy electric heat. Follow their lead. And keep in mind that while motels like to make travelers com­

fortable, they also like to make money. Want a pleasant demonstration? Send the coupon for a list of the electrically heated motels in Upstate New York. Visit one of them. Electric heat is quick and easy to install. It doesn't make dirt. It doesn't waste valuable space. And it doesn't include repair bills. It does cost a little more. But like most things that cost • more, it's worth more. Our point:

You don't pay for electric Iicat with headaches . %

NIAGARA MOHAWK Working hard to make electricity work harder for you.

i.WWni». 'y^,' J

I^MSTEONG <iiONC5 T i p Np. 202 Plain White - Coated Bevel \ r

12" *4JP» — 10c sq. tf. No. 241 B Plain White Coated Bevel

12" x 24" — 12e sq. ff. No. 102 Perforated - Acoustical

IS'/ac sq.ft. '?':.' 4e l imf t , 1.25 W Furring Strips — 1" x 3'

I ill' if' '•< iliiliiiiB mi" mumii i i j l i


2-0 rf«J ' 2-4 x 6-8

2-6 xVf i

2-8 x 6-8

3-0 k (6-8

" &30;

Store Hours > 8i00 -12:00 Mon. tljrul Set. - l l ^ f l - 4:38

185 South Main Street Port Menry> Mi, Y.


M • -isf






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