Most Recommended Translation Agency in 9 Countries



Lyric labs offers translation services in over 140 languages with more than 1500 professional and certified translators in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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Most recommended translation agency in 9 countries

If you ask me what the best way to penetrate a foreign market is, I would say “marketing”. “What is new inthat?” you might ask. Well, it’s not just marketing; it is marketing in their native language; explaining the features of your products or services in a language they are accustomed to. And unless that is taken care of, no matter how wonderful your product is, you might find it extremely hard to find takers for them. This is where the role of certified translation services has become more relevant than ever.

But then, another question arises. What if you intend to sell your product or service in more than one country; a truly global product? Well, then you can’t go pick just any translation service. You need to go in with the best; someone who has a proven track record of translating multiple languages, who has delivered time-bound, quality services time and over again to an international client base. Perhaps it’s time you learned about (i.e. if you already haven’t) about Lyric Labs, the most recommended translation agency in 9 countries!

And this is not just some offshoot company that boasts of an impressive profile on paper. Lyric Labs have been in this business for almost a decade and have a salubrious clientele to certify to their conscientiousness. So how do they cater to the varying needs of such a vast language base? The answeris indeed simple once I say it. They have more than 1500 certified translators in their payroll who are experts in translating over (hope you are sitting down for this) 140 languages! Their client base include Microsoft, Oracle, GE Medical, Credit Suisse, Cater pillar, Ford, Capgemini and about 3000 more. 6. Theyspecialize in technical translation, legal translation, automotive, engineering, website translation, certificate translation for immigration, university admissions and translation for court purposes among many others. They have an annual translation capacity of 10 million words. Yet, is it really a surprise that Lyric Labs have evolved as the most recommended translation agency in 9 countries? Make sure you visit right away.

Delivering high quality services alone isn’t going to take the world by storm. Lyric Labs realized this shortly after they set up their services. So they combined high quality translation with affordable rates for their clients who found it simply too good to resist. Today, Lyric labs offer their certified translation servicesat a 30% discounted rate than the others. This is at a time when project management costs of clients are sky rocketing. Additionally, they go that extra mile in ensuring total client satisfaction by offering a 24 hour support service where their clients can contact for any queries or updates regarding their respective projects. You can find more about this on their website.

Other than certified translation services, Lyric Labs have proven their mettle in challenging domains like Voice over services, desktop publishing services, software and website localization services. A complete range of the products and services they offer can be found at
