Mo's Summer 2011 Newsletter



First newsletter written and posted to family members. Bullying!

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Living Green to SAVE our EARTH

During the last two months of school, I had to do a project on saving the earth that put me into doing

some community service. I began to start really recycling more and took to my neighborhood along the

WO&D bike trail and picked up litter that people tossed on the ground during their walks, jogging, or

biking rather then put it in the trash where it belongs. I learned that litter kills the earth and it’s

supposedly illegal to litter, but I don’t see anyone enforcing the law on litter. We’re putting dirty toxins in

the ground and hurting the animals and plants. The most simple thing I think we all can do is to just

throw your stuff in the trash where it belongs and recycle what you can. So if you have plastic or glass

that’s recyclable look for a recycle bin. If everyone helps by keeping their community clean, we can live

in a better environment and help save this earth. So get out there and HELP!

Volume 12 June-August 2011 Summer Edition Issue No.4

In This Issue:

Stop the Bullying

Living Green for our Earth

Chili Cook Off!

Driving N Texting

Beware of Your Neighbors

Helping Others – Volunteer!

What’s Been Happening?

Summer Reading: 4 Teens

My Top 10 IPod Hit List

My Movie Reviews

- Transformers3

- Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Beiber Fever <3

Latest Family News:

- Baby Boomers

- 2011 HS Graduates

- Rising graduates (2012)

- Awards

- My Granddad’s Fishing Spree

- New Home / Relocation

- 2012 Multi-Family Vacation

Mo’s Corner:

- My Random “Small Talk”

- Growing Pains

Special Thanks!

- Miss Kelli-Ann

Mom’s Soap Box Moment

- 3 Letter Word: ILY

- Our Kids & Social Networking

Birthday Shot Outs

A Few Topics for Next Issue:

Family Fall Festival

Sporting Events

Vacation/Trips with photos

Recipes to share

and more..

Are you Being Bullied Around?

Bullying isn't a thing to play with; whether it's in the lunchroom, classroom or online, bullying is out there.

Kids are being intimidated, abused, and harassed every day and that’s not good. Did you know that an

incident of bullying occurs every seven minutes? Hmmmm…neither did I because you really don’t hear too

much about it, but it is happening in and around us. Probably right before your eyes at school or on the

internet and you don’t even realize it.

I’ve actually been bullied twice over the past few years. One was a friendship problem that started to turn

into a big problem. That type of bullying was called “ Relationship Bullying.” Relationship bullying is when

you’re being refused to talk to someone ,excluded from groups or activities ,spreading lies or rumors about

someone and making someone do things he or she doesn't want to do. In Elementary, someone decided to

spread a rumor about me against my best friends and they all believed it and started being mean towards me.

Called me names, wanted to pick a fight, turned others against me and so on. This went on for a few days

until the assistant principal stepped in and talked with each of us to get to the bottom of it. My parents told

me to ignore them and focus on school, that’s what I was there for anyway (to learn); not for friendship and

if it continued to talk with the teacher. But that was kinda hard to do. I did however start to learn more

about the word, friendship. The other bullying I experienced was Cyber-Bullying. Some anonymous

person (that’s what their name was) keep writing bad things about me that were lies. I couldn’t figure out

who it could have been and why they were saying the things they said. I admit….it bothered me so I showed

my mother and she told me to stop using that particular site and to ignore what they’re saying because it’s

not true. If I continue to let it bother me then they’ll continue to write more stuff….the best way to deal with

cyber-bullying or any other kind of bullying is to IGNORE those unwanted negative mean people and report

it. I just wanted to use my situations as an example that I didn’t realize I was being bullied until now after

I’ve read and researched about bullying.

There's also 3 other types of bullying; Verbal-Bullying, LGBT Bullying (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,

Transgender), and Physical-Bullying. If you’re ever in one of this situations and feel you can’t handle it on

your own, get some help from an adult (parent, teacher, counselor or even the police if it gets too serious).

Read more on bullying and start to recognize some of the warning signs so you can be more aware and

provide some help to the person being bullying. Everyone should be able to live their life free from fear and

be proud of who they are.

I don’t know if you recall the story back in 2006 when a 13yr old girl named, Megan Meier killed herself

because of being a victim of cyber-bullying. Google it and see for yourself, while you’re at it….take a look

at all the 2011 cases that occurred on FACEBOOK due to Cyber-Bullying. It’s getting crazy and no one

should be a victim nor a static of this. So take a stand to Bullying…..End Bullying now!

Bullying Hotline 1-866-4-U-TREVOR (488-7386).








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I know I can’t be the only one who thinks about the old days of when we used to gather together during

the summer weekends and head up to Dransville to hang out, visit, talk, laugh, play volleyball, kickball,

let the kids run the fields, and just have a grand ole time. I really think we should bring some of that

“family togetherness” back and show our younger generation about family values while spending some

time with their cousins and getting to know them.

I was thinking that every year or maybe every “other” year we should have one family host a multi-

family event (however they like, wherever they like and whenever they like; spring, summer, fall,

winter). Have attending families bring a family size dish for the event and the host will have to do the

rest as far as entertainment, games, music, whatever.

This year, I’d like to kick it off and have a Pumpkin Carving / Chili Cook Off this fall between

late October or mid November. Proposing: October 29th

Here’s what I’ll need for those that are interested:

1. Come dressed for an outdoor Tex-Mex event; so

throw on your denim jeans, boots, cowboy hat (I’ll

have a few on hand), plaid shirt, etc.


pumpkin to carve with your kids. b) Need at least

5-6 chili contestants to cook up a pot of their BEST

Chili ever for a Grand Prize.

3. So we don’t get too much of one thing, I’d like to

assign family members to bring the following:

•Hot Dogs

•Hot Dog Rolls

•Chicken Wings



•Corn Bread

•Dessert (Apple/Lemon Pies)


•Wine Coolers/Wine

•Water Bottles

•Hot Sauce

•Saltine Crackers

•And more….(games, cards, music)

By: Angie

What’s Happening in the

World Today:

•World Cup: USA lost to Japan in what

should have been their VICTORY, but the

Japan team played a good game and ended up

becoming 2011 World Cup Champions.

Congrats to Japan!

• Job Market and Housing: People losing

jobs and their homes due to the economy crisis

our country is in. It’s a sad thing to hear and

watch on the news. I learned a little about

foreclosure, mortgages, and interest rates and it

gave me a headache.

•The Casey Anthony Case: I was at my

grandmothers house when I heard the verdict

on the news and I was so upset. Tears ran

down from my eyes. After hearing everything

that went on during that trail, she deserved to

go to jail. She's a horrible mother.

•Government Slanders: I don’t read much of

this or pay to much attention, but lately on the

news they’re always talking about a political

figure in some kind of trouble or resigning

from their position. At least it takes some, not

much media pressure off of our President.

•Bin Laden shot and killed: He should of

known he was going to get punishment sooner

or later.

•Amy Winehouse death: I was literally

shocked when I heard about it on the news. I

couldn’t believe she was dead. No one has

figured out her death yet. I loved her style and

sense of music. She had a really great voice.

It’s hard to let go of great singers, but Miss

Amy is in a better place now. R.I.P Amy, you

will be missed.

•2011’s Massive Earthquakes: Start counting

<your blessings> people because we have been

blessed and spared the disaster that Chile and

Japan received when 7.1 and 9.0 earthquakes

hit their areas causing some major damage and

peoples lives. So when you think about how

bad it is for you… need to remember that

others (millions) are way worse off than u so

either get over it and move on or deal with it

and learn from it.

Driving and Texting

Texting while driving has become a major issue in the world today on roads

and highways. Its bad enough that we still have people driving after they’ve

been drinking alcohol, but now we people driving while “intentionally” taking

their eyes off the road to read a text message or answer their cell phone. Did

you know that when you take your eyes of the road for about 4.5 seconds that

you have lost about 20% of your focus? It takes only half a second to get into

an accident….and it could be a deadly accident. Adults should know better and

teens who just got their license should LEARN the importance of keeping their

cells off while driving a car.

In 2009 over 6 thousand teens died during a car crash, and guess what they

were doing? Texting. Drivers get a big fine if they’re pulled over for texting; it

starts at $100 and some states are trying to get it higher.

Who has an Android cell phone and find it hard to NOT check every message

as it comes in on your phone while driving? If you are…you need to check out



In recent news during the month of June, you may have seen or heard on the

news about a man living in Falls Church being accused of child molestation.

That man lives in my neighborhood just walking distance from my house.

When mommy had me watch it on the news, I was scared like I don’t know

what. I didn’t want to stay home alone for a while and I still don’t like being

alone after hearing about that. It’s too close to home and you really don’t

think or imagine someone like that living in your own neighborhood.

Mommy told me that they have a website where you can actually find out if a

child predator /sex offender lives in your neck of the woods. So to all the

parents and especially us TEENS (BOYS and girls)….check out this website

if you haven’t done so already and know what’s in and around your

neighborhood so you can be safe.

Get a free $5 Robeks gift card mailed to you if can be the FIRST to figure out this song below

and text your answer to me @ Name of song and who sings it.

Play to WIN a PRIZE

Not so Neighborly – Be SAFE

“There's a fire starting in my heart, Reaching a fever pitch and it's bring me out the dark”

Family Volunteering….make a difference

As my pastor would say, “Wouldn’t it be Marvelous”, if we could gather together and

support others by providing some of our time this year to volunteer in;

•Feeding the homeless or better yet putting together a Thanksgiving basket for a needy


•Befriend the elderly

•Help out in Animal Shelters

•Donate: to needy families, care packages to Troops or a committed college student

•Etc….there’s so much we can do for others with our spare time. Check out this

website below, it has some good ideas.

Congratulations to my cousin,

DaMani Neal for receiving the

Brian Orakpo Certificate of

Excellence Outstanding

Running Back Award. I hear

he’s a great football player

and loves the game. Need to

get out this season to see him

on the football field doing his

thang. Keep up the good

work cousin. Future = NFL

draft day (COWBOYS) .

Your parents won’t have no

choice but to convert over



BABY BOOMERS!! Congratulations to Ashley Faber (Robbie Neal’s daughter) and Robin Neal

(Bobby /Gloria Neal’s daughter) on the birth of their baby boys.

Colby Clay takes home 3rd place in his swim meet

competition that was held late July. Congratulations

Colby, keep swimming for the GOLD (future USA

Olympic swimmer).

Congratulatory Family News!!!

Devon Jr.

May 13, 2011


August 1, 2011

Family News


Nicolas Brown, Jr. (son of Nicky Brown and Sonya)

graduated from C.D. Hylton Senior HS located in

Woodbridge, VA.


Amber Neal, daughter of Robbie and Natasha Neal

graduated from Westfield High School. Amber plans

to do a year at NOVA and then transfer to VCU to

achieve her degree. Congratulations Amber!!


Brandi Smith and Jasmine Young (friends) –

graduated from Hayfield High School. Brandi plans

to attend NC A&T and Jasmine is heading off to

Louisburg College located in N. Carolina as well.

2011 High School Graduates

Rising 2012 High School Graduates

• Melanie Ford – Fredrick Douglas High School

• Brian Ellis - Dominion High School

• Brandon Brown – Briar Woods High School

• Diamond Tutt – McLean High School

An Accomplishment completed, but

still working on the Ultimate Goal

Congrats to Samantha Neal for

receiving a certification in a

medical assistant program.

Samantha is working on

becoming the first family

member to receive a certification

as a Certified Nurse (CN).

Family News

Lately my granddad has been fishing within the past

two weeks with close friends of his, “the Parks

Brothers”. He’s been traveling to the Carolinas

(South and North), Delaware, Ocean City, and even

out to Massachusetts for a great fishing adventure and

has been having the time of his life. I think he’s gone

FISHING CRAZY! All he talks about is when he’s

going back again. Its fishing this, fishing that. I am

just like WOAH! To much fishing talk (LOL) But its

something he enjoys so Granddad, keep on fishing

and making the delicious fish!


My Granddad’s FISHING Expedition

2012 Family Vacation I heard talk recently about a multi-family summer vacation in Florida or South Carolina next year. I hope this

happens because that would be AWESOME if we all could get together away from home (VA) and enjoy a

family fun-filled vacation with cousins, aunts, uncles, parents, and grandparents. So start saving your money

NOW for the trip and look out for more details on the planning stages. My vote is either or, but Mom thinks it

would be ideal “she said” if we go to S. Carolina because the cost would be less (drive instead of purchasing

airfare and less mileage because it’s closer). Also, she said it would be a plus for the men and boys

because of FISHING and Golfing. The men can charter a boat to do some deep sea fishing (male bonding).

Boy would Granddad really enjoy himself on this trip (see below and you’ll know why I said that). Mom also

said that we need to book early to lock in a good place to stay.

NEW HOME… My Aunt Cathy got her own crib in Fairfax, VA and has been enjoying it. She said it was very weird at first being in her own place by herself, but loves the independent feeling and adapted to it fairly quickly. Family is really proud and happy for her….it’s been a long time coming.

Also….Congratulations to The Frisks; Danny and Tasha

on their new home . They moved Late June into a single family home in Warrenton, VA.

Cousin, Jasmine Henry (Donna and Todd’s daughter) is planning on starting a “new chapter” in her life in sunny

Florida next year. How cool is that? Jasmine has a love for hair-styling and will be going to school in Orlando to

learn more about hair and get her Cosmo license. So whenever you see her, wish her well in Florida.

Jasmine is on the MOVE……

Here’s some RANDOMNESS for you to chew on!

Mo’s Random Corner for “Sm

all Talk”


Getting back on the field and ready to play some SOCCER.

I’ve been playing soccer since early elementary and didn’t like it too much, but once I got older and understand the sport more I began to

like it on a whole different level. So this year as I get back into the game, I wanted to try out for the travel league instead of the house

league to see if I fit in with some of these girls who’s been playing at this level for minute. I was rusty as all get out, but I made the ODSL

Travel Team (yeah) and will be playing in tournaments this fall in the Northern Virginia area. I am very excited and need to prepare

myself for some hard workout/drills (just like basketball). So soccer field Monique Ford is back and ready to play!

Amongst 250+ boys there were 8 girls in attendance and 2 of them were none other than, me and my

cousin, Jada . Yep, we crashed the camp with our presence thanks to our parents and took to the courts

to play some basketball with the boys to make us more aggressive. Playing with boys was fun., they

get so into the game and its fascinating to watch them play <and> play against them. At the camp we

played many games, Coach Wooten had lectures on basketball and brought in guest speakers as well.

We also had lessons and demonstrations on things you do in a game, on the court and off the court.

What I got out of the camp was, play your heart out every time you have the opportunity to play and for

your team. As I watched and listened to the coaching staff and guest speakers it made me more

motivated to get better. They talked about how you can talk the talk but can’t walk the walk, which

meant you say a lot of what you can or want to do, but you don’t take the time to actually practice and

get better. They called that the 90-10 rule. Coach Joe Wooten said to us all that, “The only person

who can make you better, is yourself.” My parents and uncles said the same thing. If my parents

allow me, I would do another Wooten Camp again……but with the girls next time.

All Boys Summer Basketball Camp

Growing Pains (A few Lessons Learned)

• Not everyone is going to be your friend, you’ll come to find that the ones you rely on

the most will not always be there for you when you really need them.

• As a teen I’m realizing that I need my parents more than I thought; not for money,

clothes, or any of those types of things, but for moral support . It’s a parents job to

be there for you, but as the teen it’s our responsibility to communicate to them. My

parents told me that they would always be there to help me throughout thick and thin.

• If you have trust issues, then you have them with good reasons.

• Some boys are stupid and no good….they lie too much. Learn to move on because

there’s other fish in the sea and plenty of them.

Recently I was hit with some news that someone of the same sex as me likes me in a way that I found

to be wrong. At first I was grossed out and I didn't want to associate myself anymore with this person

who happens to be a good friend of mine. NO….I will NOT tell who this person or persons is

because I don't want to ruin our friendship. But as I was thinking about the entire situation in a

angry state of mind when she told me how she felt about me, it reminded me of a TV show that I watch called, Degrassi. Last season of

Degrassi (The Next Generation), there was this one girl named Fiona who was finally starting to see her true colors in her life and started

to figure out that she was a lesbian who was into girls and not boys. The girl she liked was her best friend, Holly J. When Holly J found

out she made it clear that she only wanted to be friends went Fiona and nothing more. Fiona wasn't happy at first and eventually she

understood and kept their friendship going strong. I learned something from that episode; that you don't have to ignore the person or

disassociate yourself from them if they have feelings for you. Just tell them how you feel which is NOT the same way she feels about

you and that you don't have a problem remaining their friend as long as they respect that and not cross the line of our friendship. I

respect her for being honest with me even though I questioned it earlier this year and she told me no. Being the friend that I am, I

believed her and didn’t say or question it ever again. So now you can see why I was mad at first <she lied>, but I guess now I get it as to

why she lied. She obviously wasn’t at a place to where she wanted to tell anyone (even me) up until now. As I talked about this with my

parents, I realize that they didn’t see too much of it when they were teens; in this new millennium; LGBT’s are more straight forward

and bold. Today, same sex marriages are allowed in parts of the country. I don’t have a problem with it because for me, I think that if

your happy in the skin you are in and in love then let them be. And if my friend reads this I hope you understand the type of person I am

and know that we, as an item/couple; could never be. But, we as “friends”, can always be. I am NOT going to judge you on who you

are…just be your friend <3.

So…by the time you read this I will probably be stretched out on the beach, sun-bathing in Pompano Beach,

Florida with my family. I hope you like my newsletter and will help contribute to it by sharing with me or

writing your own topic.

Why I’m making a Special

Thanks to Miss Kelli-Ann?

Well, there was a raffle drawing at my

mothers job for 2 tickets to go and see Lil

Wayne at the Jiffy Lube (formerly called

Nissan Pavillon). Miss Kelli-Ann won the

tickets, but wasn’t able to go because of

her commitment to school. She decided to

give me the tickets instead of some of her

other friends. I thought that was so nice of

her. The concert was really great, and I

wouldn’t have gotten to see Lil Wayne if it

wasn’t for Miss Kelli-Ann’s generosity. So

my cousin, Khayln and I couldn’t thank her

enough as we enjoyed that show. Thanks

again Miss Kelli-AnnI


I wish could insert a button on this page where this one particular song by

Stevie Wonder would start to sing, “These 3 Words”. Three words that we

tend to take lightly and not say it enough to our loved ones. Yes, to hear

those three words flow one after another is Sweet and Kind just like the song

says. It’s like a sweet melody to your ear when someone so close and dear

says, I Love You. You know….I’m not sure where and WHY some of our

kids today can easily tell a “new friend” they’ve just met that they ILY. I’ve

noticed that in these kids today ; this “NEW GENERATION” of kids; that

they’ll tell their friends more than their won family (Mom, Dad, siblings,

grandparents) that they love them. The words came out of their mouths so

easily, without hesitation, but yet we can’t seem to get that same token of

affection from our own child. What is that??? And WHY is that??? I had to

analyze that for a minute or two because when I heard my daughter telling

another girl over the phone, “I love you too”….I damn near broke my neck

when I quickly turned my head and looked at her with a puzzled face. Can

we say. WHIPLASH; and Yes…you can best believe I questioned that

feedback she gave her friend and got this response, “we always say that and

NO, I do not like girls that way”. So then I asked other parents about it and

sure nuff…I got the same answer. Months went by and I still have not heard

my girls say, ILY to me, their dad, or no one within the family. So I got the

thinking about when I started taking my daughter to school. I drop her off at

school everyday and BEFORE she gets out of the car she MUST give me a

have a good day kiss good-bye. At first she was like, huh?, but after while

she “always” leaned over before getting out the car without me saying

anything anymore and gave me a heartfelt kiss goodbye. So now it hit me,

maybe I’m not getting the ILY is because I’m not telling them that I love

them. I’m thinking it should come from them all the time or more so, FIRST

before I reciprocate it back to them. I think we parents just need to get our

kids into a loving habit of doing affectionate things for their parents by

teaching them how like; Hugs, Kisses, Random Conversation out of

nowhere, and saying I love you. So think about the Stevie Wonder song, if

you haven’t heard it download it and really listen to it when he says, “When

was the Last Time I heard you say, (These 3 Words) - I Love You?? Tell

someone today who hasn’t heard it from you; that you love them.

Three Letter Word: I Love You (ILY)

MAJOR DISTRACTION in our Teens Today…….Social Networking

Social Networking today has totally corrupted our kids and even some of us adults. This has been one hot topic of discussion for the past

couple of years and will continue to be into the next millennium because I don’t see where it’s going to get any better. This social

networking is a major distraction in our kids lives that has them more concerned on what their friends latest status says or who’s talking

about who rather than focusing on what’s really important….”the next level” in their life, the now and future and how or what it’s going to

take to get there. Meaning school, their sports, a scholarship, family, a JOB, etc and “how” to accomplish it…that’s what’s important.

This craze with Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and all the other cyber socializing network sites brings forth a challenge for teens today as

well as the parents. Teens need to learn how to balance their day to day activities and learn to use these networking sites responsibly. As

for us parents, we should ALWAYS monitor what I kids are doing on and off of these social networking sites by providing limitations and


I think that’s the problem with some kids today….the parents are to loose w/ the kids, grant it that once they become of age (18), it’s pretty

much like watching them learn to walk all over again. Except this time, all you can do is pray and watch that they take those family values

and lessons that you taught them when they were younger and apply it to their everyday life style as an young adult. Some may stray

another direction that’s totally not acceptable to you, but after numerous attempts to pull them in the right shade of light <brightness>, we

tend to have to let them fall and pray that they’ll rise again by leaving it all up to GOD. I know I just went off subject, but if you think

about it…………that’s exactly where social networking is taking “some” our teens today. Off subject of what’s “really important” and

allowing major distractions to set their future to the side. Teens? Focus on homework and studying…social networking is not getting you

into college.

MY NEW FAD OBESESSION this year is : Weezy (Lil Wayne) and Nicki Minaj

Now. Lets talk about my wife, Nicki Minaj. Now here’s someone I really LOVE! I love all of her music and the ones where she collaborated with another artist. To me, she IS one of the best female rappers. I also love her style, it’s so unique. Nicki has many alter egos and I love each and every one. I am like one of the biggest Nicki Minaj fan there is.

Mommy’s Soap Box Moment

My 2011 Summer IPOD Hit List

Junonia By Kevin Henkes

When things don't go as planned during Alice's annual family trip and birthday celebration, she learns that

dealing with disappointment and the unexpected is part of growing up. This artful, charming novel can be

enjoyed by the young reader, but don't underestimate its appeal for slightly older kids. Just as he does in his

whimsical picture books—like Chrysanthemum and Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse—Henkes captures the

honest frustrations and not-so-nice moments of kid-dom, wrapped in spare, lilting language and evocative


Middle School, The Worst Years of My Life By James Patterson & Chris Tebbetts

The beyond-prolific Patterson is passionate about creating fiction for reluctant young readers—particularly

boys. His latest focuses on sweet but struggling Rafe, who is dealing with poor grades, a bully and an

annoying sister. Charming drawings and a funny, misguided but relatable antihero add up to a too-good-to-

resist read.

Falling for Hamlet By Michelle Ray

Teens will happily brush up on their Shakespeare in this wickedly smart retelling of the moody Prince of

Denmark. The updated Hamlet, as seen through the eyes of his on-again,

off-again girlfriend Ophelia, is a troubled texting teen with parent and paparazzi issues.

to read or not to read—most definitely not the question.

1. Break my Heart- Estelle 2. How To Love-Lil Wayne 3. I’m On One- DJ Khalad 4. Sure Thing-Miguel 5. Bring it Back-Travis Porter




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Everyone has it. You can sit there and deny it

but then you find yourself randomly singing

“Baby.” or “One Time.” But one thing about The

Biebs is that he doesn’t care about what people

say about him. For a 17 year old he’s pretty

smart and he encourages his fans to always take

the right road and to “Never Say Never”. He

wants his fans to know no matter

what happens never let someone

mess up your dreams. Justin

wants is fans to like him for his

music and less then his Looks,

but its kind of impossible to not

look at his face and think, “this

kid is gorgeous!” (Well that’s what

I say… LOL)

The Fever for the BEIBER





6. Party Rock Anthem – LMFAO 7. Tonight - Hot Chelle Rae 8. Marvin's Room- Drake 9. Rolling In The Deep- Adele 10. Rehab – Amy Winehouse

A fundamental learning activity for everyone of all ages to broaden our

vocabulary, communication, thinking process, fun, informative,

relaxing, rewarding, and most of all it’s educational.

My Latest Movie Reviews on:

Transformers3 and Rise of the Planet of the Apes

I was very excited to go and see

Transformers3 with Renee, Brandi

and Lauren. All of our thought were

that the last transformers was officially

the best movie ever! I have heard from

people that it was really good and that it

had its moments. But throughout the

WHOLE movie it was really good. It’s a

movie worth paying $12 for. One of my

favorite parts is when the autobots and

the humans are fighting against each

other . The autobots thought that the

world should be ruled by them instead

of humans. That scene had so much

action. This is an action flied movie, if

you enjoy action packed movies, this is

the one for you.

My all time favorite basketball

team, Boston CELTICS! My

favorite player is Rajon

Rondo, the point guard.

He has really good moves

and he’s a good team player. This

season my mom is taking me to go and see a

game in Boston. I am very excited about that and

cant wait to be in their arena.

The most recent movie I saw was the Rise

of the Planet of the Apes. I went to two

friends, Sydney and Lexi. We all enjoyed

the movie and thought that it was pretty

sad but also very entertaining. It’s the

prequel to The Plant Of The Apes. My

favorite part of the movie is when the

Apes attacked the humans to get to the

forest. This movie made me have a

connection to a book I read called Half

Brother. That book had a lot of things in

common with this movie. It had many

parts that were pretty emotional and parts

where there was a lot of action packed in

it. If you enjoy a heart throbbing and

breath taking movie, check this one out.

Birthday Shot Outs

1. Desiree “Tida” Baltimore – June 11

2. Otha Neal – June 12

3. Sherry Wilson – June 14

4. Khalyn Brown – June 16

5. Jacqueline Carter – June

6. Mya San Omalari – June 27

7. Ashley Springs- July 3

8. Brian “Corey” Ellis – July 6

9. Keith Ellis – July 7

10. Doris Stuck- July 9

11. Jada Brown – July 10

12. Steve Brown – July 12

13. Robbie Neal – July 14

14. Yolanda Neal – July 17

15. Natalie Moore – July 21

16. Walter Ellis, Jr – July 22

17. Leon Johnson – July 23

18. Rachel Moore – July 24

19. Cam’ron Scott- July 24

20. Sharon Johnson – July 25

21. John Brown – August 8

22. Betty Brown – August 11

23. Kevin Brown – August 11

24. Alice Johnson – August 11

25. Steve Brown, Jr. – August 18

26. Nicky Brown – August 22

27. Tonya Scott – August 31

1. Jhenna Lebrassuar – June 5th

2. Jasmine Young – July 9th

3. Chelsea Bizimana – July 13

4. Moriah Poliakoff – July 23

5. Madison Payne- August 11th

6. Tyler Lindsey- August 18th

7. Alpha Rogers-August 26th





Some worms, because of their shape and large size, can physically obstruct certain organs. Heavy worm

infections can block the common bile duct and the intestinal tract, making elimination infrequent and difficult.


Certain parasites, primarily protozoa, produce a prostaglandin (hormone-like substances found in various

human tissues), which creates a sodium and chloride loss that can lead to frequent watery stool. The

diarrhea process in parasite infection is thus a function of the parasite, not the body's attempt to rid itself of

an infectious organism.


Some parasites live in the upper small intestine where the inflammation they produce causes both gas and

bloating. Eating harder-to-digest foods such as beans and raw fruits and vegetables can aggravate the

situation. Persistent abdominal distention can often be a sign of hidden invaders. These gastrointestinal

symptoms can persist intermittently for many months or years if the parasites do not get eliminated from the



Parasites can irritate, inflame and coat the intestinal cell wall, leading to a variety of gastrointestinal

symptoms, and cause inadequate absorption of vital nutrients, particularly, fatty substances that are

absolutely essential for the proper inner functioning of our bodies. This malabsorption can lead to bulky stools

and steatorrhea (excess fat in feces).


Some varieties of intestinal worms attach themselves to the mucosal lining of the intestines and then rob vital

nutrients from the human host. If their numbers are large enough they can create sufficient blood loss to

cause a type of iron deficiency or pernicious anemia.


Parasites can irritate and sometimes perforate the intestinal lining, increasing bowel permeability to large

undigested molecules. This can activate the body's immune response to produce increased levels of

eosinophils, a type of the body's fighter cells. The eosinophils can inflame body tissue, resulting in an allergic

reaction. Just like allergies, parasites can also trigger an increase in the production of immunoglobulin E (IgE)


Intestinal worms can cause hives, rashes, weeping eczema, and other allergy-type skin reactions. Cutaneous

ulcers, swellings and sores, itchy dermatitis and a number of types of lesions can all result from protozoan

parasite invasion.

My “Did You Know” page on:

What “may” Live Inside You

This is pretty gross, but at the same time interesting to know and makes you want to be more aware of what you touch

and eat to avoid having a parasite living and moving inside of you and you not even know it. EWWWW!!!

After reading this and doing your own research on it…..I now don’t feel ashame to detox my body and get rid of anything

that still may be hiding and lingering inside my colon or intestines.

Did you Know: The quickest way for parasite larva to enter our bodies is through contaminated foods and

hands? If we don’t wash our hands on a regular basis before touching something that we put in our mouth, we

are putting ourselves at risk of allowing a parasite to enter. Also…all fruits and veggies should be wash

thoroughly before eating or cooking.

Did you Know: Another way of getting parasites inside you is from pets. Most pets (not all) carry several kinds

of parasites, and their eggs are frequently spread into the environment through their poop? GROSS….from their

poop the parasites end up in their coats and you can get infected by petting, hugging, and kissing your pet or

someone else's pet. Or even just by air born (through the air).

Here are some interesting facts below that I pulled from a website while researching this subject on Parasites

and Why people should detox : I just now became a detox-ER for LIFE after reading and seeing some of that

gross stuff, but the worst of it is in those 3rd world countries (poverty).



Parasitic metabolic wastes and toxic substances can serve as irritants to the central nervous system. Restlessness

and anxiety can be the direct result of a systemic parasite infestation. Perhaps that is why after completing a parasite-

cleansing program, many people swear that their persistently grouchy mates or relatives have become a lot more

pleasant and patient. "The most famous tapeworm of recent years belonged to the legendary opera singer Maria

Callas. She had a serious weight and skin problem. When the tapeworm was detected and removed, her weight

dropped, her skin improved and her temperament mellowed." writes Gittleman.


Multiple awakenings during the night, particularly between 2 and 3 A.M., are possibly caused by the body's attempts to

eliminate toxic wastes via the liver. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the liver governs these hours. Sleep

disturbances are also caused by nocturnal exits of certain parasites through the anus, creating intense discomfort and



Parasites depress immune system functioning by decreasing the secretion of immunoglobulin A (IgA). Their presence

continuously stimulates the system response and, over time, can directly or indirectly related to an unclean exhaust

this vital defense system, leaving the body open to colon (due to impacted fecal matter) bacterial and viral infections.


The following conditions may also be telltale signs of a parasitic invasion: weight gain, excessive hunger, weight loss,

asthma, bad taste in the mouth and bad breath, diabetes, epilepsy, acne and migraines.


Young kids and Grown

kids/adults…..EAT MORE Healthier

and make sure you wash your

HANDS after you use the bathroom

and before you pick up something to

eat to put in your mouth. Some

germs and parasites we won’t be able

to avoid if they are “air born”, but all

others we should by doing the things

I just mentioned. And lets not forget

exercising, some kind of cardio

movement; biking, walking, jogging,

dancing, sports, Wii, and so on.



If you’d like to share with others, you can send a copy from Mommy’s family blog: and you can also post your comments/feedbacks there as

well (if you have any).

Special Credits and Sneak Peeks

Special Credits and Thanks …… To my Chief Editors and Layout Designer: Mommy (Angie Ford) and my

sister, Renee Ford for reviewing and helping me with this summer project.

Sneak Peeks for the next newsletter (Fall 2011)

FALLING into FALL - OktoberFest Newsletter: If you would like to add a column or page

of your own, please send it to my email address: by November 30th. I

would gladly add it.

A few new sections I plan on adding:

•Want Ads / For Sale / Free Stuff (If I have any to add)

•Family Spot Light (if I have any)

•Game Schedules (Parents, please send me your childs sporting event game schedules)

•Thanksgiving messages from various family members and photos

•Holiday WISH LIST

•Bringing back FAMILY FUN Events/Outings (by: Angie)

•KB’s Fitness Tip

•Recipes to share

•Spiritual Healing

•Understanding Poverty and How we can help others

Anyone (family/friends): Share some of your family outings, adventures, games,

RECENT vacations (with a few photos), and any exciting news so I can post it in the Fall


What’s on your Wish List for this years Holiday???? Send it to me (big or

small)….you’ll never know if a secret Santa gets it for you.

Please post any comments and/or feedbacks to my email address:

How to Contact me
