MORE GOOD WORDS UNITY GUILD ENTERTAINMENT · 2017-11-28 · Please renew my subscription ... known...


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U n i t y B u i l d i n g , 913 T r a c y A v e n u e

V O L . I I K A N S A S C I T \ , M O ., T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 21, 1910 N O . 11

MORE GOOD WORDST he follow ing encouraging w ords of

apprecia tion came in a recen t le tte r. We publish them here fo r we feel sure th a t a ll the readers of the W e e k l y U n i t y will be g lad to know th a t it is p rov ing in te r­esting and he lp fu l to those outside as well as the local readers.

D enver, Col.D e a r W e e k l y U n i t y .— Am so g lad to

lea rn , by p ap e r received today , th a t you are s till d istribu ting the P ro sp e rity Banks and th a t they are fo r outsiders as well as local people. H a d w anted one, bu t un­derstood had to call fo r one— i. e., not m ailable. P lease renew m y subscription to the W e e k l y U n i t y under your offer, enro ll me for th e m onth’s p ro sp erity tre a t­m ent, and send the bank. T he W e e k l y U n i t y is a m ost welcome visitor and a l­ways read from beginning to end. I never fa il to find a blessing therein . T he special w ord fo r me in today ’s num ber is, “ R e­m em ber to le t your ligh test words conform to th e T ru th .” I believe th is has been a frequen t cause of stum bling w ith me for undoubtedly the ligh t w ords— the a p p a r­en tly superficial— are the index of the subconscious thought.

V ery sincerely, and w ith genuine a p ­preciation of every b ranch of U nity work. — L. J . H .

WOMAN’S AUXILIARYT he reg u la r m onthly m eeting of the

W om an’s A uxiliary w ill be held F rid a y , Ju ly 29th , a t 2 :3 0 p. m., in the P arlo rs . L e t every m em ber be presen t. A n invi­tation to a ll women of the congregation is cordially extended. Come and jo in the A uxiliary. M r s . M . C. O ’N e il l , Sec’y.

UNITY GUILD ENTERTAINMENTO n account of the circus, no doubt, all

of the U nity people did not a ttend the en­te rta inm en t given by the U nity G uild last T uesday nigh t. H ow ever, those who did come w ere well repa id for the effort it cost them. W e doubt if the circus brought the tru e en joym ent to its spectators th a t the music, recitations and refreshm ents b rought to the ones who came la st Tues­day evening. T he net receipts w ere some­th ing m ore th an $20.00.

T he num bers o f the program m e were fu rn ish ed by the follow ing: M iss M abel 'Bell, Miss E d n a L. C a rte r, M iss Cora G reen, M iss N ell Sullivan, M r. R ickert F illm ore, M iss G ertrude Shackelford, M rs. J . A. Com stock, M isses D oro thy and E l­eanor H atch , and M r. Royal Fillm ore. E v ery num er was roundly applauded. Re­freshm ents in the form of ice cream cones w ere passed du ring the O rchestrelle num­bers and punch was served in the parlor.

W e w ish a ll music lovers could have been present.

NOTES FROM THE FIELDM rs. M arion A ustin D rake , our well

known teacher an d healer, is now in L in ­coln. N ebraska, responding to a special call fo r h er services. W hile the re she m ay be engaged for class w ork in instruc­tion in the p rincip les of the Science of Being, o r for healing.

M rs, D ra k e ’s life is consecrated to the sp read of the G ospel of T ru th and all h e r energies a re devoted to the work. She is a woman of ab ility and rich ex­perience, benefiting and u p lifting all peo­p le w herever she m inisters. A ddress M rs. M arion A ustin D rak e , 208 E a s t 27th st.. U n iversity P lace, L incoln, N eb.





L O W E L L F IL L M O R E . M a n a g in g E d ito r


V o l . 2 $ i . 00 p e r y ear , 2 cts . p e r copy N o . 11

B uttons w ere aw arded to the follow ing prom pt scholars last S unday m orning: M rs. Sloan, M rs. P ru it t and H en ry C hris- ta l.

T he person who le f t the book, “ T he Solitude of N a tu re and of M an,” w ith M rs. Van M arte r can get it from M rs. M athew s in the U nity parlors.

T he m anagem ent a t the U nity In n is re ­ceiving much encouragem ent. P eople are te lling each other how good the m eals are and how restfu l and quiet the atm osphere of the In n seems. A little note which contained a five do llar b ill and ran as fol­lows, was not the least w ord of encourage­ment received:

“ F or the In n , in apprecia tion of the fact th a t it is being run on P rin c ip le .”

UNITY GUILD PICNICN otw ithstanding the intense heat, the

members of U nity G uild and th e ir friends en joyed a most p leasan t outing S atu rd ay afternoon and evening a t B udd P ark . E ach member realizing th a t a picnic was not com plete w ithout refreshm ents, brought an abundance of “ good th ings to ea t.” A committee having been appointed to serve, a m ost tem pting , delicate but substantial luncheon was spread. G old, the G uild color, was very p rom inen t; bou­quets of flowers added to the beauty of the tab le ; and having an abundance of Love and Good-will sp rink led in, a most deligh tfu l luncheon was enjoyed. A fter

p arta k in g of th is tem pting a rra y of de­licious eatables, a tim e was spen t in re- creation , when each one en tered into the “ Jo y of liv ing” ; but th a t was not all, a second rep ast was p repared . W hen the moon was doing her best to furn ish su f­ficient light, ice cold w aterm elons were se rv e d ; but these young people, having learned tem perance, fe lt no ill effects.

Soon a f te r the crowd dispersed and w ent m errily and happ ily to th e ir homes.

T he nex t day being S unday found these same young people in the ir places a t Sun­day School w earing “On T im e” tags.


Ju n e 5, ....................................................$ 2.97“ 12, ........................................... 2.96“ 19, 2.39“ 26, 2.67

T o ta l, ....................................................$10.99E xpenses, ......................................... 7.75

C ash on hand Ju ly 1 , ........................ $42.03F r a n k H a r l i n g .

THE UNITY INNU nity In n is now open under new m an­

agem ent, and everything prom ises success. T h e building has been pain ted on the out­side and some of the rooms have been new­ly papered . T he m anager is en tirely con­secrated to the w ork of the L ord , and, be­ing him self a vegetarian , and believing thoroughly in vegetarian princip les, he 'puts into the In n ’s affairs the force of his faith . H e is also firm ly grounded in the understand ing of the Law of G iving and Receiving, upon which the ru le of free­w ill offerings is based, and very consist­en tly believes th a t, being founded in P r in ­ciple, it can be dem onstrated along all lines.

Good meals are now being served th ree tim es a day. L e t us all give th is branch of the U nity w ork our h earty co-operation and support.



S u n d ay , Ju ly 24

B lessed are the meek for they shall in ­h erit the earth .

Blessed are they which do hunger and th irs t a f te r righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Blessed are the m erciful for they shall ob ta in mercy.

Blessed are the pu re in h ea rt: fo r they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacem akers for they sha ll be called the ch ildren of God.

L e t your ligh t so shine before men th a t they m ay see your good w orks and g lorify your F a th e r which is in heaven.

Ju d g e not th a t ye be not judged . F or w ith w hat judgm en t ye ju d g e , ye shall be jud g ed .

A sk, and it shall be given y o u ; seek, and ye shall f in d ; knock', and it shall be opened unto you.

F o r every one th a t asketh receive tli; and to him th a t knocketh it shall be opened.

L ay not up for yourselves treasu res u p ­on ea rth , w here moth and ru s t doth cor­ru p t, and w here thieves break th rough and s te a l :

B ut lay up for yourselves treasu res in heaven, w here neither moth nor ru st doth co rrup t, and w here thieves do not b reak th rough nor steal.

F or w here your treasu re is the re will your h eart be also.

T he ligh t of the body is the eye: if therefo re th ine eye be single, th y whole body shall be fu ll of light.

I f thou b rin g tliy g ift to the a lta r , and th e re rem em berest th a t th y bro ther hath augh t aga inst th e e ;

Leave the re th y g if t before the a lta r , and go th y w av ; first be reconciled to thy b ro ther, and then come and offer th y g ift.

Be ye therefo re perfec t, even as your F a th e r which is in heaven is perfect.

THINGS TO FORGETI f you see a ta ll fellow ahead of a crowd, A leader o f men, m arching fearless and

proud.A nd you know of a ta le whose mere te ll­

ing aloud.W ould cause his proud heart to in anguish

be bowed.I t ’s a p re tty good p lan to forget it.

I f you know of a skeleton hidden away In a closet, and guarded , and kep t from

the dayIn the d a rk ; and whose showing, whose

sudden disp lay .W ould cause g rie f and sorrow and life­

long dism ay,I t ’s a p re tty good p lan to forget it.

I f you know of a th ing th a t w ill darken the j oy

O f a m an or a woman, a g irl or a boy. T h a t w ill w ipe out a smile, or the least

w ay annoy A fellow, or cause any gladness to cloy,

I t ’s a p re tty good p lan to forget it.— Clipped.

C a l l e r s a t U n i t y H e a d q u a r t e r s D u r in g t h e W e e k

M r. L inden. A tlan ta , Ga.M rs. H . C. C arnagey , Lincoln, Neb.M rs. W aggoner, A lbuquerque, N . M.M r. and M rs. H a r ry G age, M ontrose, Col.

ONE ON THE TEACHERT eacher (to du ll boy in m athem atics) :

You should be asham ed of yourself. W hy, a t your age G eorge W ashington was a surveyor.

P u p il: Yes, s ir ; and a t your age hewas P residen t of the U nited S tates.— S e­lected.

W ant a p ic ture of the fellow who de­ceives you o ftenest? Look in the m irror.

W hen a m an trie s to get som ething for nothing— the only th ing he usually ac­quires is experience .— T he W esterner.


THINGS TO BE REMEMBEREDRemember to keep sm iling— yes, and

also,Remember to let Love in you give other

people th a t which w ill induce a happy spontaneous smile in them.

Remember th a t the best w ay to over­come troubles is to forget them.

Remember tlia t a good thought fa ith ­fu lly held in the m ind is sure to b ring results a f te r its kind.

Remember th a t a tru e statem ent in tim e saves nine doctor bills.

Remember th a t the teachings of U nity are p rac tica l; if you are not app ly ing them to your affairs you are losing the best p a r t of them.

Remember th a t th e re a re alw ays hea l­ers in the U nity parlo rs a t your service.

Remember th a t books along m etaphys­ical lines are sold a n d loaned from the Unit}' L ib ra ry on the first floor of the Building.

Remember the P ro sp e rity B anks.Remember th a t a good vegetarian m eal

can be had a t U n ity In n d irec tly a f te r the Sunday m orning service.

Remember th a t one and one m ake tw o: if every m em ber of the U nity Society would b ring one new m em ber the good w ork done a t th is cen ter would be dou­bled.

Remember th a t app lications fo r mem­bership w ill be received a t the B oard m eeting, M onday evening, J u ly 31st.

Remember th a t this pap e r is going to grow and it needs the co-operation of you who are read ing th is now.

Teacher— “W hat is your fa th e r’s occu­pation ?”

L ittle Boy— “ I can ’t te ll you.”T eacher— “ B u t you m ust.”L ittle Boy— “ M y fa th e r doesn’t w ant

me to te ll.”Teacher— “ I insist on your te lling me.

I have to know.”L ittle Boy ( te a rfu lly )— “ H e ’s— he’s the

f a t lady a t the museum .”— Y outh’s Com­panion.

Unity Auditorium,U N ITY B U IL D IN G , 913 TR A C Y ,

Sunday, July 24, 1910S u n d a y S c h o o l at 10:00 a . m .

A d d r e s s b y J u d g e H . H . B e n s o n

11 a. m.S u b j e c t : “ T he Serm on on the M o u n t."

T h e C o n c e n t r a t i o n C l a s s a t 3:30

A t a p ray e r m eeting held in the back- woods of Rhode Is lan d testim onials w ere requested, and a very old woman to tte red to her feet.

" I w ant te r te ll th is blessed com pany,” her voice quavered, “ th a t I have rheum a- tiz in my back, and rlieum atiz in my shoulders, and rlieum atiz in my legs, and rheum atiz in my arm s, bu t I hev been u p ­held and com forted by the beau tifu l B i­ble verse, ‘G rin and bear it .’ ”— L ip p in - cott’s.

R E G U L A R M E E T I N G S I n U n i t y A u d i t o r i u m

SUNDAYSunday School, 10 a. m.

M rs . IV. G. H a se ltin e , S u p erin ten d en t. R egu lar sarvice, 11 a . m. C harles F illm ore

T h e C oncentration Class 3:3c p. m. MONDAY

H igh Noon Silence, 12 to 12:15. L esson in H ealth and H arm ony 2:30 p. m.

TUESDAY H igh Noon Silence, 12 to 12:15.

Lesson in H ealth and Harm ony, 2:3^ p. m, WEDNESDAY

H igh Noon S ilence, 12 to 12:15. M id-W eek M eeting, 2:30 p. m.

H ealing M eeting 8 p. m. THURSDAY

H igh Noon S ilence, 12 to 12:15. Lesson in H ealth and H arm ony, 2:30 p m

FRIDAYH igh Noon Silence, 12 to 12:15.

Lesson in H ealth and H arm ony, 2:30 p. m. SATURDAY

H igh Noon Silence, 12 to 12-15 Lesson in H ealth and H arm ony. 2:30 p. m