Moore et al. 2002


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  • 7/31/2019 Moore et al. 2002


    Latitudinal variation in plasma testosterone levels in birds of

    the genus Zonotrichia

    Ignacio T. Moore,a,* Nicole Perfito,a Haruka Wada,b Todd S. Sperry,a

    and John C. Wingfielda

    a Department of Zoology, Box 351800, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USAb Section of Integrative Biology, Mail Code C0900, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712, USA

    Accepted 18 April 2002


    Birds breeding in northern latitudes generally have elevated plasma testosterone levels throughout the breeding season with a

    peak at the onset of the breeding season. In contrast, tropical birds tend to have extremely low plasma testosterone levels year round

    with only a slight increase during breeding. While these patterns have been consistent in the species investigated, closely related

    species have not been investigated across a range of latitudes. Birds of the genus Zonotrichia present an ideal opportunity to in-

    vestigate latitudinal variation in plasma testosterone levels as breeding populations occur from northern Alaska to southern Ar-

    gentina. We studied three taxa of Zonotrichia: (1) Gambels white-crowned sparrows, Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii, breeding at

    high latitude in northern Alaska, (2) Puget Sound white-crowned sparrows, Z. l. pugetensis, breeding at mid-latitude in Washington

    state, and (3) an equatorial population of the rufous-collared sparrow, Z. capensis, in Ecuador. To compare both baseline breeding

    and maximal testosterone levels, males from the three taxa were either bled immediately upon capture during the breeding season or

    first challenged with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and then bled. As a control, another group of birds experienced a

    saline challenge. Two-way ANCOVA, with treatment and taxa as factors and testis volume as a covariate, showed a significant effect

    of treatment on plasma testosterone levels. There was also a significant interaction between taxa and treatment. Contrary to ex-

    pectations, the equatorial species exhibited greater plasma testosterone levels in response to the GnRH challenge than the high

    latitude species. There were no differences between the mid- and high-latitude species. The equatorial species had the smallest

    average testis size and within each taxa there were no relationships between plasma testosterone and testis size. These data suggest

    that latitudinal clines in plasma testosterone levels in Zonotrichia do not follow previously described patterns and that tropical birds

    can have levels of testosterone similar to northern latitude species.

    2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Testosterone; GnRH; Zonotrichia capensis; Zonotrichia leucophrys; Bird; Tropics; Arctic

    1. Introduction

    Studies of a wide variety of vertebrates have estab-

    lished important roles for the sex steroid hormone tes-

    tosterone in reproduction and territorial aggression

    (Nelson, 1995; Wingfield and Kenagy, 1991). Field in-

    vestigations have revealed complex seasonal patterns of

    testosterone levels in free-living vertebrates, especially

    birds (Wingfield et al., 1997) with patterns differing

    dramatically even among closely related taxa (Wingfield

    and Farner, 1978a,b, 1980). Some of the variationwithin birds appears to be associated with differences in

    latitude of the breeding site (Wingfield et al., 1992,

    1997). Species breeding in northern latitudes frequently

    have shorter breeding seasons than lower latitude

    breeding species (Wingfield et al., 1997) and corre-

    sponding shorter periods of elevated testosterone.

    However, northern latitude species also tend to have

    testosterone peaks of greater magnitude associated with

    socially unstable situations during territory establish-

    ment (Hunt et al., 1995). These elevations in plasma

    testosterone levels above baseline breeding levels

    occur during the breeding season when the testes are

    General and Comparative Endocrinology 129 (2002) 1319



    * Corresponding author. Fax: 206-543-3041.

    E-mail address: (I.T. Moore).

    0016-6480/02/$ - see front matter 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.

    PI I : S 0 0 1 6 - 6 4 8 0 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 5 6 3 - 4
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    recrudesced and are consistent across species breeding

    in the high arctic (Hunt et al., 1995).

    Equatorial species of birds generally have extremely

    low plasma steroid levels and/or low amplitude cycles

    (Dittami, 1986, 1987; Dittami and Knauer, 1986;

    Gwinner and Scheuerlein, 1999; Hau, 2001; Hau et al.,

    2000; Levin and Wingfield, 1992; Lormee et al., 2000;Wikelski et al., 2000) with possible slight elevations in

    plasma testosterone in males occurring during times ofbreeding (Wingfield et al., 1991). Testosterone levels are

    generally maximal during periods of social instability,

    such as after conspecific territorial challenge (Hau, 2001;

    Wikelski et al., 1999b). While it is not clearly understood

    why equatorial birds generally have low plasma testos-

    terone levels, this trend is consistent across a variety of

    new and old world equatorial species. A few investiga-

    tors have proposed evolutionary explanations for low

    testosterone in male tropical birds. For example, the

    potential of greater exposure to parasites in the tropicsand the immunosuppressive effects of testosterone have

    been advanced as a potential explanation for this ob-

    servation (Folstad and Karter, 1992; Hillgarth et al.,

    1997; Levin and Wingfield, 1992; Moller, 1998; Peters,

    2000; Saino et al., 1995). Fewer extra-pair fertilizations

    in tropical species has also been advanced to explain

    lower plasma testosterone levels in tropical birds (Stut-

    chbury and Morton, 2001). Few studies have investi-

    gated the proximate causes for the observed differences

    in plasma testosterone between tropical and temperate

    zone bird species. Understanding the physiological

    mechanisms underlying differences in plasma testoster-

    one, such as differences in activity of the hypothalamic

    pituitarygonadal (HPG) axis, can give further insightinto ultimate causes for observed differences.

    We investigated the plasma testosterone response to

    stimulation in three taxa of emberizine sparrows of the

    genus Zonotrichia. These three taxa have different sea-

    sonal patterns of territoriality and reproduction associ-

    ated with their respective breeding latitudes. We tested

    the hypothesis that there is a positive relationship be-

    tween both basal and maximum plasma testosterone

    levels and latitude of the breeding population. To test

    this hypothesis we captured birds breeding at different

    latitudes and obtained blood samples immediately orchallenged the captured birds with the same dose of

    gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and mea-

    sured resulting plasma levels of testosterone.

    2. Methods

    2.1. Study animals

    Gambels white-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia leu-

    cophrys gambelii, (GWCS) is a long distance migrant (as

    much as 5000km) that overwinters in the southwestern

    United States and northern Mexico and breeds in

    Alaska during the brief summer period (Blanchard and

    Erickson, 1949; Cortopassi and Mewaldt, 1965; King

    et al., 1966). Maximum testosterone levels are associated

    with territory establishment at the beginning of the

    breeding season and levels remain elevated for as little as

    one week (Hunt et al., 1995; Wingfield and Farner,1978a). However, males breeding at the northern limit

    of the range do not show an increase in plasma levels oftestosterone in response to short-term territorial chal-

    lenges (Meddle et al., 2002). We investigated this species

    at the summer breeding grounds at the Toolik Field

    Station, Alaska (68N latitude, 720 m elevation) and

    during fall migration in central Washington (Sunnyside,

    WA; 46N latitude, 235 m elevation).

    The Puget Sound white-crowned sparrow, Zonotri-

    chia leucophrys pugetensis, (PWCS) is a short distance

    migrant that breeds west of the Cascade-Sierra Moun-

    tain divide from southern British Columbia to northernCalifornia. Breeding occurs for an extended period

    during the late spring and summer (Blanchard, 1941;

    Cortopassi and Mewaldt, 1965). This species exhibits

    social modulation of plasma testosterone levels with

    plasma testosterone levels rising in response to short-

    term territorial challenges (Wingfield and Hahn, 1994).

    This species overwinters from southern Oregon to cen-

    tral California. We investigated this species during the

    early part of the breeding season at Pack Experimental

    Forest in western Washington (47N latitude, 275 m


    The equatorial population of the rufous-collared

    sparrow, Zonotrichia capensis, (RUFS) we studied is

    non-migratory and breeds in the high Andes near Pa-pallacta, Ecuador (0210 S latitude, 3300 m elevation).

    This species ranges from southern Mexico to southern

    Argentina. Previous studies have described year-round

    reproduction in a population in Columbia (Miller, 1961,

    1962; Miller and Miller, 1968). We chose the Papallacta,

    Ecuador population for its proximity to the equator and

    the relative aseasonal nature of the environment at the

    high elevation site near the equator. These birds appear

    to be socially monogamous and pairs occupy the same

    home ranges year round and defend them when breed-

    ing. In addition, these birds have extended breedingseasons but a synchronized pre-basic molt. However,

    they do not appear to respond to short-term territorial

    challenges with an increase in plasma testosterone (I.T.

    Moore, in review).

    2.2. GnRH challenge

    Birds were challenged with GnRH to measure the

    absolute responsiveness of the HPG axis in terms of

    plasma levels of testosterone (Levin and Wingfield,

    1992; Wingfield and Farner, 1993; Wingfield et al.,

    1991). Male birds from the three species were challenged

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    with the major gonadotropin-releasing hormone

    (GnRH) in passerine birds, chicken-1 (Glu 8) luteinizing

    hormone releasing hormone (Sherwood et al., 1988).

    Birds were captured in mist-nets, either passively or at-

    tracted with short bouts (10 min or less) of prerecorded

    playback of conspecific song. Previous studies have

    found no effect of less than 10 min of conspecific songplayback on plasma testosterone levels in birds (Wing-

    field and Wada, 1989) and we saw no difference betweenbirds captured by the two methods. Upon capture in-

    dividuals were randomly assigned to a treatment group.

    Experimental animals (hereafter referred to as the

    GnRH group) were challenged with a jugular injection

    of 500 ng of chicken-1 GnRH (Sigma L0637) dissolved

    in 10lL of lactated saline. This dose of GnRH elicits a

    rapid and maximal activation of the HPG axis (Wing-

    field and Farner, 1993). To control for the experimental

    manipulation a second group received a 10lL jugular

    injection of lactated saline alone (hereafter referred to asthe saline group). Birds from these two groups were bled

    30 min after treatment. A third group of birds received

    no treatment or injection and were bled within 10 min of

    capture (hereafter referred to as the control group). This

    group was therefore indicative of baseline hormone

    levels. All blood samples were obtained by puncturing

    the alar wing vein and collecting the blood in heparin-

    ized micro-capillary tubes. During the period between

    capture and blood sampling, birds were isolated in small

    cloth bags. After blood sampling, laparotomies were

    performed to measure the length and width of the left

    testis. Testis volume was calculated using a formula for

    ellipsoid cylinders (4=3pa2b, where a is half the testiswidth and b is half the length).

    GWCS were sampled during the early breeding sea-

    son (June 517, 2000) at Toolik Field Station, Alaska.

    The fall sampling period consisted of birds captured

    during fall migration (SeptemberOctober, 2000) in

    eastern Washington and held in outdoor aviaries at the

    University of Washington for a period of approximately

    one month before sampling (October 31November 3,

    2000). GWCS are known to acclimate to captive con-

    ditions during this period (Wingfield et al., 1982). All

    these individuals were adults, judging from plumage,

    and should have been photosensitive at that time(Wingfield and Farner, 1978a). During both sampling

    periods, birds were randomly divided into the three

    groups (N 8 each): (1) control, (2) saline, and (3)GnRH. PWCS were captured during the early breeding

    season (May 218, 2000) from Pack Experimental For-

    est in western Washington and randomly assigned to

    one of the three treatment groups: (1) control (N 8),(2) saline (N 8), and (3) GnRH (N 9). RUFS weresampled from August 18September 13, 2000 near Pa-

    pallacta, Ecuador and randomly assigned to one of

    the three treatment groups: (1) control (N 34), (2)

    saline (N 8), and (3) GnRH (N 12). This period is

    equivalent to pre-breeding in northern latitude species

    and no individuals were in molt.

    Blood samples were stored on ice until return from

    the field each day when the plasma was separated and

    frozen until the hormone assays were completed. All

    blood samples were analyzed in duplicate by radioim-

    munoassay following the procedures of Wingfield et al.(1991). Limits of detection for the assay were 0.06

    0.19 ng/mL depending on the volume of the plasmasample (range 17555lL). The samples were run in four

    assays with intraassay and interassay variations of 10%

    and 15%, respectively. Samples from GWCS and PWCS

    were analyzed in a direct assay, with no chromatogra-

    phy, and thus measured total androgen. RUFS samples

    were assayed after short column chromatography and

    measured testosterone alone.

    2.3. Statistics

    Differences in plasma testosterone levels were ana-

    lyzed in a two-way ANCOVA with species and treat-

    ment as factors and testis volume as a covariate. We

    excluded the fall GWCS samples from the model be-

    cause non-breeding season samples were only collected

    for that species. However, they do provide a useful

    comparison as a non-breeding group. Testosterone lev-

    els were not normally distributed and were log10 trans-

    formed prior to analysis. Homogeneity of slopes was

    confirmed to proceed with the ANCOVA. Post hoc

    analysis was done using Fishers LSD. Statistical

    analyses were done using Systat 9.0 and Statview 5.0.

    Differences in plasma testosterone levels within the

    fall GWCS samples were analyzed by ANOVA. Todetermine if plasma testosterone levels were related to

    reproductive condition, the relationships between testis

    volume and plasma testosterone levels were analyzed by

    linear regression analysis. Differences in testis volume

    between treatment groups within species were analyzed

    by ANOVA.

    3. Results

    After accounting for species, there was a significanteffect of treatment on plasma testosterone levels (Fig. 1;

    F2;91 16:18; P < 0:001). The plasma testosterone levelsin the GnRH group were significantly higher than in the

    control P < 0:001 or saline groups (P < 0:001) and thecontrol group was higher than the saline group

    (P 0:015). There was no effect of testis volume (Fig. 2;F1;91 1:65; P 0:20). After accounting for treatmenteffects, species does not explain a significant amount of the

    variationthat is left (F2;91 0:24; P 0:79)but there wasa significant interaction between species and treatment

    (F4;91 4:05; P 0:005). Post hoc analysis showed

    the following differences within each species. The

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    RUFS-GnRH group had significantly higher plasma

    testosterone than the RUFS-control P < 0:001 andRUFS-saline P < 0:001 groups. The PWCS-GnRHgroup had significantly higher plasma testosterone than

    the PWCS-saline group P < 0:001and the PWCS-salinegroup had significantly lower plasma testosterone levels

    than the PWCS-control group P < 0:001. There wereno significant differences between the GWCS treatment

    groups P > 0:05. For the between species analysis we

    report the differences between similar treatment groups.

    The RUFS-GnRH group had significantly higher plasma

    testosterone levels than the GWCS-GnRH group

    (P 0:02) but was not different from PWCS-GnRH(P 0:24). There were no differences in plasma testos-terone between the control groups P > 0:05. ThePWCS-saline group had significantly lower testosterone

    levels than the GWCS-saline group (P 0:03) but notdifferent from the RUFS-saline group (P 0:15).

    Within the spring GWCS samples, there were no sig-

    nificant relationships between plasma androgen levels

    and testis volume within the GnRH group (linear re-

    gression, r2 0:275; P 0:18), saline injected (linearregression, r2 0:13; P 0:38) or control birds (linearregression, r2 0:001; P 0:95). During this samplingperiod all birds had maximally recrudesced testes so there

    were no differences in testis volume between the treatment

    groups (F4;34 1:16; P 0:33). During the fall, therewas no difference in plasma androgen levels between the

    treatment groups (Fig. 1, F2;21 1:85; P 0:18) or intestis volume between the treatment groups (F2;21 1:38; P 0:26).

    For the PWCS, there were no relationships betweenplasma androgen levels and testis volume within the

    GnRH treated (linear regression, r2 0:11; P 0:39),saline injected (linear regression, r2 0:25; P 0:20) orcontrol birds (linear regression, r2 0:24; P 0:21).During this sampling period all birds had maximally

    recrudesced testes so there were no differences in testis

    volume between the treatment groups (F2;22 1:35;P 0:28).

    For the RUFS, there were no significant relationships

    between plasma androgen levels and testis volume

    within the GnRH treated (Fig. 3, linear regression,

    r2 0:09; P 0:34), saline treated (linear regression,

    Fig. 2. RUFS had smaller testes, averaged across all three treatment

    groups, but greater variation than either PWCS or GWCS during the

    spring breeding period. Bars represent the average and standard de-

    viations of the data for each treatment group for each species. GWCS-fall birds had completely regressed gonads with an average volume of


    Fig. 3. There is no relationship between plasma testosterone levels and

    testis size in male RUFS in either of the three treatment groups. There

    was great variation in both testis volume and plasma testosterone

    levels in all three groups during the period of this study. Even males

    with regressed testes were capable of producing elevated plasma tes-

    tosterone levels.

    Fig. 1. Baseline and maximal plasma testosterone levels in male birds

    of the genus Zonotrichia from different latitudes. There was a signifi-

    cant effect of treatment as well as the interaction of species and

    treatment on plasma testosterone levels. Presented comparisons arelimited to within species and within the same treatment groups across

    species. Different letters above the groups signify significant differences

    P< 0:05. GWCS-fall samples were not statistically compared withthe other groups because they were sampled during a unique period

    not replicated in the other species.

    16 I.T. Moore et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 129 (2002) 1319

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    r2 0:41; P 0:09) or control birds (linear regression,r

    2 0:11; P 0:07). However, there were significantdifferences in testis volume between the treatment

    groups (F2;49 3:22; P 0:049) with the GnRH groupbeing significantly greater than the saline group

    (P 0:016). There was great variation in testis volume

    (range: 5324 mm3) in male RUFS.

    4. Discussion

    In this study, we investigated congeneric birds that

    breed at different latitudes to determine whether latitu-

    dinal variation in basal and peak plasma testosterone

    levels followed patterns previously described across spe-

    cies and families of birds. We hypothesized, based on

    these previous studies, that plasma testosterone would be

    positively associated with the latitude of the breeding site,

    with higher baseline and peak breeding levels in thenorthern populations. However, we found that the

    equatorial population of RUFS had higher maximal

    levels of plasma testosterone than the high-latitude

    breeding GWCS. There was also no difference in plasma

    testosterone levels between the mid- and high-latitude

    breeding species. It is worth noting that the apparent

    difference in maximal androgen levels between the RUFS

    and the GWCS and PWCS is probably even greater than

    we document. For the RUFS samples, we used column

    chromatography to separate the androgens from one

    another before the radioimmunoassay and thus only

    measured testosterone. For the GWCS and PWCS sam-

    ples we used a direct assay, without chromatography, and

    measured plasma levels of total androgen (at least tes-tosterone and dihydrotestosterone which have 60% cross-

    reactivity with the antibody we used; Wien Laboratories,

    Succasunna, NJ). Therefore the differences between these

    species are probably even greater than reported here. The

    lower testosterone levels in the saline group relative to the

    controls probably represents the effect of 30 min of con-

    finement before the blood sample was obtained.

    Previous studies of tropical birds from multiple

    families have reported extremely low plasma levels of

    testosterone, relative to northern temperate species,

    throughout the reproductive cycle (Dittami, 1986, 1987;Dittami and Knauer, 1986; Gwinner and Scheuerlein,

    1999; Hau, 2001; Hau et al., 2000; Levin and Wingfield,

    1992; Lormee et al., 2000; Wikelski et al., 1999a, 2000).

    For example, the well-studied male spotted antbird,Hylophylax naevioides naevioides, from Panama, has

    consistently low plasma testosterone levels and yet is

    territorial year-round (Hau, 2001; Wikelski et al., 2000).

    The spotted antbird also has only a small rise in plasma

    testosterone in response to GnRH challenge (M. Hau,

    personal communication). The tropical white-browed

    sparrow weavers, Plocepasser mahali, have a luteinizing

    hormone surge in response to GnRH challenge that is

    similar to northern latitude birds (Levin and Wingfield,

    1992; Wingfield et al., 1991). However, the accompanying

    rise in testosterone is much lower than in northern lati-

    tude birds, suggesting that the differences may lie at the

    level of the testis. Paradoxically, testis levels of testos-

    terone are similar to northern latitude species (Levin and

    Wingfield, 1992). However, as many of the tropical spe-cies that have been examined come from exclusively

    tropical families, it is very difficult to make comparisonswith northern latitude species. In the current study, we

    investigated three congeneric emberizine sparrows whose

    breeding grounds span almost 70 latitude. To our

    knowledge, RUFS are the first equatorial species to have

    levels of testosterone comparable to northern latitude

    species. Thus, it appears that the low levels of testosterone

    so far reported in other tropical birds are not the result of

    tropical distribution alone. In contrast to many other

    equatorial species, male RUFS near Papallacta, Ecuador

    are not aggressive year round (I.T. Moore, in review) andthus are more similar in terms of seasonal territorial be-

    havior to their northern congeners. Papallacta, Ecuador

    is also at high elevation while other studies of tropical

    birds have been done at relatively low altitude. It is pos-

    sible that high altitude has made the habitat in Papallacta

    similar to higher latitude areas. Further studies need to be

    completed on tropical species along an altitudinal cline to

    investigate whether this is a potential factor in plasma

    testosterone levels, territoriality and seasonal breeding.

    In addition, studies of species with an equatorial phylo-

    genetic history, such as the spotted antbird (Hau, 2001),

    versus species such as RUFS, that breed at many lati-

    tudes, need to be performed to determine the importance

    of phylogenetics in hormone-behavior differences.The biological significance of the extreme elevation in

    plasma testosterone levels is unclear in male RUFS.

    Free-living male RUFS can be caught with high plasma

    testosterone levels but do not respond to short-term

    territorial challenges with increases in plasma testoster-

    one (I.T. Moore, in review). It is possible that testos-

    terone is elevated only during extended periods of social

    instability and supports the aggressive behaviors neces-

    sary at that time to claim the territory (Smith, 1978).

    Such a relationship has been described in the spotted

    antbird where territorial challenges of greater than 2 hare necessary to elicit an increase in plasma testosterone

    (Wikelski et al., 1999b). It is also possible that baseline

    levels in male RUFS are high enough to support

    aggressive territorial behaviors and an increase is not

    necessary. Low levels of testosterone are sufficient to

    support the aggressive territorial behavior in the spotted

    antbird and northern latitude song sparrows, Melospiza

    melodia, during the non-breeding season (Hau et al.,

    1999; Soma et al., 2000a,b). Future studies will

    investigate the role of testosterone, both at basal and

    elevated plasma levels, in social interactions in the male


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    Male PWCS show social modulation of plasma tes-

    tosterone as they exhibit an increase in plasma testos-

    terone in response to simulated territorial intrusions

    during the breeding season (Wingfield and Hahn, 1994).

    However, the GnRH stimulated levels we report here

    are higher than reported in response to simulated terri-

    torial challenges (Wingfield and Hahn, 1994) but aresimilar to maximal levels resulting from social instability

    during the breeding season (Wingfield and Farner,1978b). This indicates that social cues can be an im-

    portant regulator of plasma testosterone levels. Male

    GWCS breeding in northern Alaska, at the limit of their

    range, do not show social modulation of plasma tes-

    tosterone levels (Meddle et al., 2002) and our data

    suggest that plasma testosterone levels are indeed max-

    imal or close to maximal at this time of year (Wingfield

    and Farner, 1978a). Thus, RUFS are similar to GWCS

    in not showing social modulation of plasma testosterone

    levels but the reason is different as the HPG axis inRUFS is not maximally activated and can respond to

    stimulation, such as a GnRH challenge, as in PWCS.

    RUFS were able to respond to stimulation of the

    HPG axis regardless of gonad size. The ability of male

    RUFS with relatively regressed gonads to produce ex-

    tremely high plasma testosterone levels within 30 min

    suggests that these birds are capable of initiating tes-

    tosterone dependent activities during most periods of the

    reproductive cycle. The RUFS samples were collected

    during a month long period when individuals were found

    in most reproductive states, including actively breeding,

    but none of the individuals had as completely regressed

    testes as the GWCS sampled in the fall. Further studies

    support the idea that this period is roughly equivalent topre-breeding in northern temperate species (I.T. Moore,

    unpublished data). It is possible that male RUFS may be

    insensitive to GnRH challenge during other times of the

    year (e.g., molt) when the testes are fully regressed. In

    contrast, male PWCS and GWCS exhibit synchronized

    seasonal gonadal growth and a positive correlation with

    plasma testosterone across seasons but not within any

    particular season (Wingfield and Farner, 1978a,b). We

    did not see a testosterone response in male GWCS

    challenged with GnRH during the fall, when they were

    photosensitive but their testes were fully regressed(Wingfield and Farner, 1978a). During this period, the

    anterior pituitary of GWCS is sensitive to GnRH

    (Wingfield and Farner, 1993) suggesting that the gonads

    are less sensitive to the luteinizing hormone resulting

    from the bolus injection of GnRH.


    We thank the Fundacion Terra and the Termas de

    Papallacta in Ecuador, especially Patricio Pillajo, and

    the staff at the Toolik Lake Field Station in Alaska. We

    thank L. Belden and W. Goymann for statistical advice

    and critically reading the manuscript and L. Erckmann

    for steroid assay assistance. This research was approved

    by the University of Washington IACUC. This research

    was supported by NSF OPP-9911333 and IBN-9905679

    to J.C.W. I.T.M. was supported by a NSF Minority

    Postdoctoral Fellowship DBI-9904144-001. T.S.S. wassupported by an NIH Reproductive Biology Training

    Grant to the University of Washington.


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