Monthly - Lajna


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October 2020

He is Allah, the Creator, the Maker, the Fashioner. His are the most beautiful names. All that is in the

heavens and the earth glorifies Him, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.

The Holy Quran - Chapter 59: Verse 25

Jabir narrates that he heard the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, state: “The most excellent way of

remembering Allah is to proclaim: There is no one worthy of worship except Allah. And the best sup-

plication is to profess: All praise belongs to Allah.”


“The Unity of God is a light which illumines the heart only after the negation of all deities, whether

they belong to the inner world or the outer world. It permeates every particle of man’s being. How

can this be acquired without the aid of God and His Messenger? The duty of man is only to bring

death upon his ego and turn his back to devilish pride. He should not boast of his having been

reared in the cradle of knowledge but should consider himself as if he were merely an ignorant per-

son, and occupy himself in supplications. Then the light of Unity will descend upon him from God

and will bestow new life upon Him.”

Roohani Khazain Vol. 22 Haqiqatul-Wahi, p 148

What God wants from you and which concerns your salvation is that you should believe in the abso-

lute Unity of God free of all deified associations such as stone idols, celestial bodies or sons etc.,

otherwise the Declaration of faith: There is none worthy of worship other than Allah is meaningless.

You should examine yourselves to find out what kind of inner idols need to be broken.

One of the commonest kinds of idolatry is the worship of oneself. There have been and are such

people who make their own ego their god. We should pray to God to overlook our weaknesses

which however, is insufficient as long as we do not ask Him for light and guidance. When you will

break this idol you will experience the Grace of God. I advise the members of the Community to puri-

fy themselves and break into pieces all fake gods because as long as they do not purify themselves

they cannot exhibit full faith in the Unity of God.

Friday Sermon delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (atba) on the 31st July, 1992




The Rishta Naata department is working hard to find partners for our children, and by the grace of

Allah the Almighty, the department has been very successful in this field. Alhamdulillah.

You can send the details of your children who are of marriable age to our department via

In Australia, the minimum age a person can get married at, is 18 years.

Mr Mansoor Ahmed is looking after this dept at the moment and will support families in this regard.

You can also contact your Rishta Naata Muwain presidents in your Halqa or Majlis.

Majlis Marsden Park continued organising its reading club, the ‘reading corner’ during the month of

August. The reading club has been organised to motivate members to read the books of the Prom-

ised Messiah (as) for at least thirty minutes each week.

Majlis Langwarrin organised a Taleem class in the month of August and September. The classes in-

cluded sessions on Quran and Salat.

Similarly, Majlis Melbourne East organised a Taleem class via Skype. During the class, Promised Mes-

siah’s sayings from Tazkiya, Malfoozat were shared and discussed.

Lajna of Majlis Melbourne West organised weekly Tarteel class via Skype. A two day Quran camp was

also organised for Lajna which aimed to reinforce the importance and love for Holy Quran within


Majlis Victoria organised its Regional Ijtema for Nasirat and Lajna on Zoom on the 29th and 30th

August for Lajna and 4th and 5th August for Nasirat.

Majlis Melbourne East organized a Tarbiyyati class via Skype. The class aimed to draw members at-

tention to the ‘Importance of Congregational Prayer’ and the ‘Conditions in which prayers can be

joined’. A questions and answer session was also conducted.

Lajna of Majlis Melbourne West organized a Nusrat Jahan Class to cover the book Hazarat Amma Jaan (ra). A class discussing the importance and significance of Durood Shareef was also held.

Majlis Marsden Park organised a Tarbiyyati class via Skype. During the class, the topic of ‘Hajj’,

‘Enhancing Religious Knowledge’ and ‘Parenting in the Western Society’ were covered through vari-

ous means.

Majlis Logan West organised a Tarbiyyati workshop this month. Various topics were discussed includ-

ing ‘Respecting Parents’ and ‘Parenting in a Western Society.’

Majlis Glendenning organised a Jalsa Seerat-un-Nabi in September during which different aspects of

the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saws) were presented and discussed.

Similarly, Majlis Campbelltown organised a Jalsa Seerat-un-Nabi in September via Skype. Seerat-un-Nabi was presented through various ways including speeches, Qaseeda, Naat and Usway Hussana.

Majlis Berwick organised a Tarbiyyati session for Lajna Level 2 this month. Various topics were dis-

cussed in an interactive manner including ’Importance of Purdah’, ’Use of Social Media’, ’Avoiding

Hand Shaking’, ’Significance of being a part of the Nizam-e-Wasiyyat’, and ’Regular Recitation of the

Holy Quran’.

Majlis Berwick organised a Tabligh session for Lajna and Nasirat. Various topics were discussed in-

cluding the ‘Importance of Development in the Field’, ‘Existence of God’ and ‘Atheism’ and the vari-

ous ways of conducting Tabligh. The aim of the session was to clarify and reemphasise basic con-

cepts necessary for conducting Tabligh effectively.


Majlis Marsden Park organised a Sehat-e-Jismani session that focused on issues that aged individuals

often face. The session was conducted by Dr Ayesha Mustafa Sahiba and covered topics such as dia-

betes, blood pressure and cholesterol. The session also included a discussion on ways of living a

health lifestyle while decreasing chances of contracting illness and diseases. A question and answer

session was also held.

Majlis Melbourne West shared information regarding hygiene, healthy lifestyle, diet and health of el-

derly people. Information regarding self-control was also discussed.

Majlis Melbourne East organized a Dars-e-Malfoozat that focused on various topics including ‘Noble

faith’, ‘Development is Impossible without Trials’, and ‘Development caused by trials’. Various ex-

tracts from Malfoozat were presented and discussed.

A Dars-e-Quran was organized by Majlis Melbourne East via Skype.

Similarly, Majlis Langwarrin organized Dars-ul-Quran classes in August.

Majlis Logan West also organized a Dars-ul-Quran that focused on the topic of effectively raising chil-

dren and the responsibilities as an Ahmadi women.

Majlis Berwick organized an online Dars-ul-Quran this month as well. A discussion on the current cir-

cumstances and asking forgiveness from Allah followed the class.

During August, Majlis Marsden Park continued organising Quran classes five days a week for under 7,

Nasirat and Lajna members. Small groups of five-seven members have been formed to ensure that

each member’s recitation of the Holy Quran can be heard and corrected if necessary. A session cov-

ering the concepts of Islam and Christianity and the life of Hazrat Isa, Hazrat Muhammad and Hazrat

Musa (peace and blessing of Allah be upon all of them) was also conducted.

Majlis Melbourne West organised a session for students that focused on the topic of ‘High Status of

Women in Islam’. The class involved a question and answer session and a discussion on the topic.

Similarly Majlis Berwick organised a session for students in August. Various topics were covered in-

cluding ‘Seeking Knowledge is a Duty of Every Muslim Man and Woman’, ‘Significance of Purdah’,

‘Ways of doing Tabligh, and ‘Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle’. The program also included a presentation

and discussion on various contemporary issues including ‘Capital Punishment’ and ‘Justification for

Euthanasia.’ The program concluded with a question and answer session.

Majlis Melbourne East organized a Diyafat seminar via Skype which focused on the ‘Significance of

Hospitality in Islam.’ Sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saws), the Promised Messiah (as) and

the Khulafas were shared with the members.


Majlis Marsden Park organised a Taleemi and Tarbiyyati class for Nasirat via Skype. The class began

with a presentation on travel safety after which the Nasirat continued reading the book ‘Life of Mu-

hammad (saws)’. The class ended with a Kahoot Quiz.

Majlis Glendenning organised a picnic for Nasirat at the Nurragingy Reserve, Doonside. During the

picnic the Nasirat enjoyed many recreational games and enjoyed delicious food.

Majlis Berwick organised an online health and fitness class for Nasirat. The main purpose of this

class was to encourage Nasirat to adopt a healthy lifestyle while staying at home. During the class

Nasirat were taught various kinds of yoga exercises and were encouraged to do other light and fun

exercises at home. The health benefits of consuming fruits and vegetables was also discussed in the


Munaza Sahiba of Majlis Berwick has been blessed with twin children. They have been named Mahid

Ahmad and Anaya Ahmad.

Zarina Sahiba from Majlis Berwick has been blessed with a boy. He has been named Ibraheem Rana.

Ansar Sharif Sahib and Maliha Ansar Sahiba of Majlis Langwarrin have been blessed with a second

daughter who has been named Rabeeya Ansar. The newborn is a part of the blessed scheme of


Tariq Mehmood Sahib and Maaham Shamas Sahiba of Majlis Langwarrin have been blessed with a

baby girl.

Ali Kalim Sahib and Aisha Siddidua Sahiba of Majlis Langwarrin have been blessed with a second


Muzammil Ahmad Sahib and Fariha Naeem Sahiba have been blessed with a boy who has been

name Muawiz Ahmed.

May Allah shower His blessings on all the newborn children and may He give them the ability and

opportunity to become true servants of Islam and Ahmadiyyat. Ameen.

Subhana Kanwal Sahiba, President of Halqa Al-Noor, Majlis Langwarrin requests special prayers for

her mother, Fazilat Kousar Sahiba. She has had severe diverticulitis pain. May Allah grant her com-plete health. Ameen.

Sadia Ruby Goraya Sahiba of Majlis Campbelltown has completed her Bachelor

of Laws from Central Queensland University. She is currently completing her

Masters in Migration Law from the University of Technology, Sydney and is on

her way to becoming an accredited migration lawyer.

May Allah grant her with success in all her future endeavors. Ameen.



The next Newsletter (November’s issue) will be published in December 2020, Inshallah.

The previous issue of the newsletter, the September 2020 issue was incorrectly reported as the

October 2020 issue. We apologise to our readers for that mistake.

Members are encouraged to send in any reports, news/announcements and/or requests for prayers

that might be relevant and appropriate for the next issue of the newsletter.

Please ensure that any material sent for the newsletter is in ‘.doc’ format (Word) and includes the

Halqa/Majlis/Region name. Ensure that any reports submitted only records efforts made by Lajna or

Nasirat. Ensure that any reports submitted clearly states what the main focus/aim/purpose/topic of

the event/activity was and how it was primarily achieved.



Amber Khan

