MONTH ~ 2014 VOL. #4 ~ ISSUE#21


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SIVAN; MONTH- June 2014 VOL. #4 ~ ISSUE #21

Tehillim: t.hi.lah – root Translation: adoration Definition: To praise or to be boastful. [The Book of Psalms]

Praise Yah! I thank with all my heart,

In the company of the straight, and of the

congregation. Great are the works of ,

Searched for by all who delight in them.

Splendour and greatness are His work, And

His righteousness stands forever. He has

made His wonders to be remembered;

shows favour and is compassionate. He has

given food to those who fear Him; He

remembers His covenant forever. He has

shown His people the power of His works, To

give them the inheritance of the nations. The

works of His hands are truth and right-

ruling, All His orders are trustworthy, They

are upheld forever and ever, Performed in

truth and straightness. He sent redemption to

His people, He has commanded His covenant

forever. Set-apart and awesome is His Name.

The fear of is the beginning of wisdom,

All those doing them have a good

understanding. His praise is standing

forever. Tehillim (Ps.) 111:1-10

As we come before the Melech’ of Abraham, Yitzhak

and Ya’acob (King of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob)

YHWH , let us come forth in prayer; to assist

those who are truly in need: the poor, hungry,

homeless, jobless, visit the widows, orphans,(James

1:27) incarcerated, elderly in nursing homes and

shelters. Let us remember to pray for the sick;

mentally, physically and spiritually confused, for we

know their journeys are difficult but they are able to

overcome as also Ya’acob was named Yisra’el;

So he asked him, “What is your name?” And He said

Ya’acob.” And He said, “Your name is no longer

called Ya’acob, but Yisra’el, because you have striven

with Elohim and with men, and have overcome.”

Gen.32:27, 28

MISHLE: M.Sh.L – root Translation: Regulate Definition: To govern or correct according to rule; to bring order, method or uniformity to; to compare one thing to another in the sense of a rule or measurement, often as a proverb or parable. [The Book of Proverbs]

My son, do not forget my Torah, And let your

heart watch over my commands; For length

of days and long life And peace they add to

you. Let not loving-commitment and truth

forsake you – Bind them around your neck,

Write them on the tablet of your heart, Thus

finding favour and good insight In the eyes of

Elohim and man. Trust in with all your

heart, And lean not on your own

understanding; Know Him in all your ways,

And He makes all your paths straight. Do not

be wise in your own eyes; Fear and

turn away from evil. It is healing to your

navel, And moistening to your bones. Esteem

with your goods, And with the first-

fruits of all your increase; Then your

storehouses shall be filled with plenty, And

your vats overflow with new wine. Mishle

(Proverbs) 3:1-10

In Prayer: When in prayer, please mention these names:

Queen Mothers/Mothers: Callie, Helen,

Doris, Pat, Meimi, Devorah, Ananiah,,

Altheria, Sarai, Adarah, Ba’tyah

The Harrington’s




And their families, through Yahushua’

Ha’Mashiach’s name we pray; Bless the

Comforter ~

Feast of Weeks ~ firstfruits. Pentecost – 50

th Day

As YHWH’s – feast was increased and

celebrated at ‘The Black Lion Clan/Academy,

tables were prepared and food enjoyed as His

‘chosen’ or Set-apart ‘Children’ assembled and

gathered in prayer, worship and rejoicing in His

Name as in accordance with His Covenants,

Commands and Statutes. With celebration comes

responsibility and commitment, that all is done in

order as instructed by YHWH for His Elder priests

(Kohen) and. the families (community) he teaches.

For none are to come in empty handed and present

an offering to YHWH as He has ‘blessed’ increased


But seek the place which your Elohim

chooses, out of all your tribes, to put His Name

there, for His Dwelling Place, and there you shall

enter. “And there you shall take your ascending

offerings, and your slaughters, and your tithes, and

the contributions of your hand, and your vowed

offerings, and your voluntary offerings, and the

firstlings of your herd and of your flock. “And there

you shall eat before your Elohim, and shall

rejoice in all that you put your hand to, you and your

households, in which your Elohim has blessed

you. Deut. 12:5-7

BIKKURIM; First-fruits; Feast of Weeks- now

called: Shavuot: or Pentecost (50th


Traditionally this ‘High/Great’ feast is thought to

commemorate the giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai.

But as you will read further in the writings, it had a

significant effect on ALL who continually kept and

guarded YHWH’s Appointed Times as Yahushua:

had even informed His chosen ones to wait

in Yerushalayim (Acts 1:4-8). Harvest feast have

taken place for years, some even before they became

written laws, for Yisra’el acknowledged YHWH for

the blessed grains (first-fruits) and yearly reap:

And spoke to Moshe, saying, “Speak to the

children of Yisra’el, and you shall say to them,

‘When you come into the land which I give you, and

shall reap its harvest, then you shall bring a sheaf of

the first-fruits of your harvest to the priest. Lev.

23:9, 10

SIVAN: 3rd MONTH ~ 2014 VOL. #4 ~ ISSUE#21

How great is Your goodness, Which You have laid up

for those fearing You, Which You have prepared for

those taking refuge in You In the sight of the sons of

men! Psalms 31:19

You spread before me a table in the face of

my enemies; You have anointed my head with

oil; My cup runs over. Ps. 23:5

See how good and how pleasant it is

for brothers to dwell in unity –

Psalms 133:1


In a land of the so-called “Free”

With much freedom comes responsibility:

‘Chag Ha Mazot or the feast of ‘Unleavened Bread’ is

a reminder of Yisra’el redemption- or shuah: which

means to rescue/deliverance from bondage or slavery,

we refer to it as Mitsrayim/Egypt. Yisra’el found itself

in bondage or enslavement for 210 years thus, in

transgression against Torah they could not practice

their faith by shamar: guarding/keeping the Sabbaths.

When we compare the nearly 400 years of slavery our

ancestors here in the United States of America, we find

ourselves in “Mitsrayim’ the sequel or the same

situation that Yisra’el of the ancient times found

themselves, trying to establish ourselves with “Father

YHWH.” Once you have lost your language, history,

religion, culture and norms you’ve taken on another

people’s history, language, culture, religion and norms,

thus re-enslaving a people. And in the USA, we are still

dealing with the slave masters thumb because our true

history has been shaved off so that we would not know

who we really are. As a nation, we lost the importance

of honoring YHWH and His Appointed Times

(Sabbaths) plus…..

We lost count of the true weekly Sabbath, as it

was replaced by the ‘Day of the Sun (Sunday);

being forced to work seven days a week, losing

track of hours, days, months- moons, and years.

Thus as a whole nation, we separated ourselves

from keeping His ‘Appointed Times’.

We, Yisra’el, have assimilated to our slave masters

in the western hemisphere. Adopting the European

lifestyle of those who held us captive, taking on

the traits of our European oppressors to walk, talk

and act like them, thus, following or calling on;

Greek deities, “Holidays”, pagan rituals,

celebrations, i.e., Gentile ways.

Clearly we had adopted the task masters beliefs and we

are just now as Remnant Y’srael, slowly making our

way out of the horrific bondage that was placed upon

us. As written; Galatians 5:7-9; 1Corin. 5:6-8; we

strive to be the Shadow of Elohim but we must

understand the importance of keeping His Sabbaths and

what each one represents, e.g.

Pesahk: Passover “The beginning of our


- “Our Chag Ha Mazot: Unleavened Bread

overcoming Bondage”

Shabuoth/Bikkurim: First-fruits: – “Our



Bikkurim or first-fruits is an “Ancient African

Harvest Festival” which has been celebrated

throughout African cultural life and is still proudly

celebrated. The Zulu’s and Swazi’s continue to

celebrate Bikkurim/First-fruits today.

First-fruits ceremonies originate from the strong

relationship between agriculture, the people’s ability

to survive and the people’s belief in their Most High.

Ysrael’s dependency on crops for food for the

following year was vital and in the African/Kushim

region, the summer rainfall was very important,

because a shortage of rain, which was common,

could cause starvation. Reliance upon YHWH: ,

as well as His instructions (commands) is essential.

Kwanzaa is also based off of First-fruits celebration.

In Swahili, “Matunda Yah Kwanzaa” means

(Firstfruits) and this celebration is written about in

Ancient Egypt in the ‘Tell El Armana Text’. There is

evidence that Firstfruits was celebrated even earlier

in the other regions of Africa. Bikkurim/First-fruits

observance is Kushim Ysrael coming together to tell

and re-tell the story of our history to our families and


ALL Bikkurim or First-fruits offerings are supposed

to be given to the Priest/Kohanim or Chiefs to offer

to YHWH Elohim. A portion of the First-fruits was

for them to keep, for it was their primary resource

(income) for the ‘Kohen’ to live on and maintain the

upkeep of the temples;

Leviticus 2:8-12; 23:10-14

2Chronicles 31:5

Ezekiel 44:30

Every Kushim of Ysrael who possessed the means of

agricultural productivity was obligated to give First-

fruits. Remember that Ysrael was an Agrarian

Society and not an Industrial Society as we are

today. Here’s a question: As an Industrial Society,

what do we have to give that is of substance to Our

‘Most High’-YHWH ?

3rd MONTH: Sivan ~ 2014 Volume: #4 Issue: #21

JUNE 2014

1st Day

2nd Day

3rd Day

4th Day

5th Day

6th Day

7th Day Sabbath

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30

With so many national, inter-

national and local websites

that have biblical, Scriptural

information, learning the

Hebraic language is an asset

for understanding and

studying His Word. Word

etymology is finding the

origin- ‘root’ to words that

have and are spoken,

translated, revised,

transliterated, etc. So it’s

important that all who read

‘The Bread’ will corroborate

(verify) the message sent,

scriptural verses and

described events with their

own sources for study.

Manuals, books and many

documentary videos are

available for researching, so

misinterpretation will not be

a reason for controversy.

As mentioned before, Y’srael was an Agrarian Society; living

off the land’ by cultivating, breeding and giving that which was

produced as offerings to YHWH: as instructed (Lev.

23:15-22). The root word of ‘Bikkurim’ is ‘Bekor: , which

means “First born”. First fruit & first born are synonymous to

each other as YHWH required the ‘First-Fruits and/or First

born of all things; Ex. 13:1,2; 22:29; 34:19 – Lev. 2:14;

23:10-14, 16,17; 27:26 – Num. 3:13 – Neh. 10:35-37

Bikkurim was also observed by the Greeks, Romans

and eventually Christian faiths, for it was an individual

obligation. The Ashkenazi or ‘Jews’ of today do not celebrate

Bikkurim because of its Agrarian nature, in fact, it has NOT

been celebrated by modern Jews in any degree for some time.

Judaism focuses on the “counting of Omer”, which is not

required by Torah Law!! This observance by Judaism is the

rejoicing over the giving of the Torah (Commandments) at

Mount Sinai. ‘And from the morrow after the Sabbath, from the day that you

brought the sheaf of the wave offering, you shall count for

yourselves: seven completed Sabbaths. ‘Until the morrow after

the seventh Sabbath you count fifty days, then you shall bring a

new grain offering to . ~’And the priest shall wave them,

besides the bread of the first-fruits, as a wave offering before

, besides the two lambs. They are set-apart to for the

priest. ‘And on this same day you shall proclaim a set-apart

gathering for yourselves, you do no servile work on it – a law

forever in all your dwellings throughout your generations.

Wayyiqra (Lev.) 23:15,16+20,21
