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Edition No. 1572


':'he N .B. C. Dads Club is sponsoring a ·•ather & Son Might for all N.B.C. boys .,1.nd their dads on Tuesday, March 30th at J:00 o'clock in the clubhouse. -~~e World Series of 1964 between the Card­i ~als and Yankees will be shown in color .t,d to give the clubhouse t ho real atmos-9~1ere of the ball park we 111 even have ,~nders selling peanuts and crackerjack. tlso every boy who comes with his dad will Jet a FRE~ BO'ITIE OF ICE COLD POP. The picture shows many of the great plays in slow motion and the real one to watch for is the play when Gibson, Card's pitch­er runs off the mound towards third to r'ield a slow grounder, and while completely off balance throws the man out at first. What a play!


he annual Gym Demonstration Show will be ,ld this week WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, Mar. 1st and April 1st at 7:30 P.M. in the evere Fieldhouse. The theme of the show s 11EVERYTHING A la CARTE11 • The various cts which will be presented will include ifferent types of Dancing, such as modern

~1zz, tap, social and folk. The boys from t he Club will present Tumbling and March­ing drills. There will als o be a skit resented by the pre-school group. ~~kets may be purchased from arry member f the show or at the fieldhouse for 25¢. ' ~re is a special practice for all boys

the show on Monday & Tuesd:.y at 4:00 i the fieldhouse. Everyone must attend 1ese practices -- let I s make the tumbling.,

.elays and marching THE BEST!

BLUE OX HUNT PRACTICE ~ince the Blue Ox Hunt is one of the main vents in the Paul Bunyan activities we'd i ke to have a special B1u.e Ox HllI_t p:.:ac­,ice on Thursday, April h it at 4:00 P,H. '9mbers of the Pirates, \fa.cps, Bot-..:a.t j , . ougars and Hornets report to Rich at that ,ime.


TEAM LEAGUE SCORING GANES GOU S 11 7J7 10 77 10 52 11 60 ? 36

11 60

OPPOSITION 53 39 52 67 58


INdependence 3-18IJ8 CHICAGO 18, ILL

March 29, 1965


The undefeated league-leaders overwhelmed the ineffective Tarantulas 9 to 1. The Pirates scored 4 in the first period, 2 in the middle, and 3 in the last. The Tarantulas only score came on a goal by Bob Rage in the middle period. Steve Veith gained scoring honors with 4 goals • Fred Lohse added 3 and Ray Anetsberger and Bob Knack each had 1 for the victors.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -DRAGONS BIA NK RAVENS

The big Ravens were unable to break the Dragons I defense and went down to a 4 to O defeat. The Dragons had 2 goals in each of the first and last periods. Kevin McGuire, Don Illing, Mike McCarty, and Jim Dhooghe each tallied for the winners.

- - - - - - - - - - - -COUGARS TRIM BOBCATS

Bruce Stake smashed in 4 goals and Dave Hall added another but it wasn't enough as the Bobcats lost to the Cougars 6 to 5. John Schmitz and Wally 11Mousy11 Sari­bekian each scored 2 for the Cougars while Larry Bergner and Jack Miller each had 1.

SCORP11NS STING CENTIPmES The Scorpi or.s srna3hed in 4 goals in the middle period to assure a 6 to J victory over the Cent i pedes. Jim Kartheiser gained scoring honors with 4 goals . Tom Cc:1ch and Bi ll Laaten P..lso scored for t!~3 Scarp~. Ed Kozak scored 2 and John Meier had l for the Centipedes .

HASPS CHECK RAVENS A 3-goal o;tburst by Russ Gebhardt saved t he Hasps in the final period as they s,,uee~ --:d past. the Ravens 6 to 4, Geb­ had enc tl1er or.e in the first per­i od along with T-:-n r~eyer and Bill Schnei­der ~cored in the fi~al period for the Wasps. Heury scored 2 for the Rav-·ns i n the r.,lc!d.le period and Jerry Gir:·'.:.s r tallied 2 in the last period for t ~.e l osers.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ST. BEtJS BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT

Teams that have boys on the Teams play­ing at St. Bens this week will not forfe:it their games if they do not have enough boys to play. BEST OF LUCK TO ALL OF YOU WHO ARE PI.A YING!

................................................. " ................................... . Page 2 MONKEYSHINES March 29, 1965 ....................................................................... ' .............. .


PUP BLUES Fri. Apr. 2, 4.00 - Wasps - Bobcats Fri. 11 2, 4.00 -Centipedes- Hawks

rup W!IITES ·i-:mrs. Apr. l, 4.00 - Jaguars - Spiders

Pflp REDS ·.;a£:"Apr. 3, 10.00 - Leopards - Cards Snt. 11 3, 11.00 - Eagles - Falcons Sat. II 10, 10.00 - Leopards - Eagles ~1.,_t. II 10, 11.00 - Cardinals- Falcons 'lon. II 12, 4.oo - Leopards - Falcons don. II 12, 4.00 - Eagles ..: Cardinals

- - - - -------11cupn PIAY-OFFS

1'!1llTES .-:at. Apr . 3, 10.00 - Scorpions - Hornets

II II 3, 10.00 - Spiders - Jaguars Mon. II 5, 4.00 - Scorpions - Hornets

11 11 5, 4.00 - Spiders - Jaguars Wed. 11 7, 4.00 - Scorpi 0ns - Hornets Wed. II 7, 4.00 - Spiders - Jaguars Fri. II 9, 4,00 - Scorpions - Hornets Fri. II 9, 4, 00 - Spiders - Jaguars

BLUES Tues.Apr. 5, PLAY-OFFS begin with first team playing )rd and 2nd playing 4th place. 'fhe whole play-offs will be explained at your meeting so don1t miss it this week.

TRIBE REDS Non. Mar. 29, 4.00 - Pirates - Bobcats lfon. 11 29, 5,00 - Wasps - Centipedes Fri. Apr. 2, 4,00 - Scorpions- Tarantulas Fri. 11 2, 5.00 - Cougars - Centipedes Sat. 11 3, 9.00 - Pirates - Cougars S<it. 11 J,10.00 - Hornets - Tarantulas

.. on. 11 ·5, 4. 00 - Scorpions- Bohcats Non. 11 5, 5.oo - Hornets - Wasps

TRIBE BLUES 'led. i-far. 31, 4.00 - Bluejays - F1:.lcons Wed, 11 31, 5.00 - Cardinals- Ravens 7:•i. Apr. 2, 6.00 - Dragons - B::,os f.:ri. 11 2, 7 .00 - Spidu:-s - l•Jopards Sat. 11 3,11.00 - Dragons - Leopar ds Sat, 11 3,12.00 - Spiders - Bees Wed. 11 7, 4,00 - Ravens - L:r ~ards Wed, 11 7, 5.00 - Cards - Bl".lcj.:1ys

TEAM IEAGUE ! ,on. Mar. 29, 7,00 - Eagles - Bobcats ~-1on • II 29, 8.00 - Wasps - B1.1.cca • r,;d • II 31, 1.00 - Ta,:-.:ntulas-i: <:ic.::1.ts ·,!ed . II 31 , 8.00 - Ea,;les - B!l.: ~ 5

frl. Apr. 2, 8.oo - Tarantulas -Eag· l~i. II 2, 9.00 - Bobcat s - Was~)s i,fon. II 5, 1.00 - Buccs - Ra·,c:ns !·k>n. II 5, 8.00 - Tarantulas-Wasps Wed. II 1, 1.00 - Eagles - Ravei-s l!ed. II 7, 8.oo - Buccs - EcbQ2.. t,s Fri. II 9, 8.00 - Tarantulas-Ravens Fri. II 9, 9.00 - Eagles - Wasps

- - - - - - - -Note: The 11Cup11 play-offs will start im­mediately after this, A 5-game series be ­tween first & third - then a 5-game ser­ies between 2nd & 4th. The winners will then play a 7-game series for the title.

TAR/1.NTUL~S SUPPRESS BUCCS The faltering Tarantulas kept their hopes alive by defeating the hapless Buccs 4 to ). The score was tied at 2 to 2 and) to 3 at the periods. Jim Pasch~ll and Bill Kasten had the first period goals for the Tarantulas and Rich Fabry and Kutchinski had the Bucc goals, Jim Gruber scored for the Buccs in the middle period and Jurgen Feichtinger scored goals in the final two periods for the Tarantulas. Amedeo for the Buccs and Kasten and Faichtinger for the Tarantulas played good games in the nets. Ken Rockwell and Rich Swanson for the Tarantulas and Waym: Beutin and Jim Catomer for the Buccs also played fine games.

EAGLES NIP RAVENS The RED-HOT Eagles protected an early lead to defeat the Ravens 3 to 2. Randy Salton scored a first period goal for the Eagles. In the second period Ernie Gonzales p~ped in two goals to provide the winning margin for the Eagles. Larry Kosabucki scored for the Ravens in the middle period and Jerry Ginter tallied in the final period.

RA.VEHS BLAST BOBCATS Henry Boomer smashed in 5 goals to lead the Ravens to a 11 to 6 victory over the Bobcats. Larry Kosabucki and Jerry Gin­ter each had J for the winners. George Wild again led the Bobcats with 2 goals while Den Zelasko, Brent Stake, Bob Cole, and Stauberg each had 1. The period scores were 2 to 2 and 5 to 3 Ravens,

EAGLES TAKE LEAD: DEFEAT WASPS The Gonzales brat.hers tcmucd up for 5 goaJ~ to vault the Eagles into first place with a 8 to 4 victory over the Wasps. The Eagles ]cd J to 2 at the per­iod and the game was tied 3 to 3 at the end of 2. But the Eagles erupted for 5 goals in the final period to crush the former leaders. Ernie Gonzales had 3 goals to gain scoring ~onors. Rich Gon­~ales had 2 and Randy Salton, Keith Knap­ci!c, and P.:-.t Wal::h e2.CTh ha:i 1 for t~e ,.-: nners . Ru.:;s G.:.b!12~C:t, Werner Kief, J i ::il H.:l.s:J.wP.n:er and John Hartl scored the Wasp goals.

TOP TSA.11 LEAGUE SC1)RERS N?rr9 '!LAM GAMES GOALS J ;-;ei ~r. tinger 'l'arantulas 10 31 R. Gebh&rdt Wasps 10 26 J ~ Fa::;chall Tarantulas 10 21 J. Hartl Wasps 10 20 R, Swanson Tn:..·:...ntulas 10 18 G. Wild Eohccts 11 18 B, St~~•:dder Wa::;;,.3 10 17 D. Yan:;er R.1. ,rens 10 17 G. Gln-'.:.e r Ravens 10 17 B. G~l e Bobcats 11 15 K. Knapcik Eagles 10 13 E. Gonzales Eagles 10 12 L. Kosabucki Ravens 10 12 J. Gruber Buccs 9 11 L. Schutz Bobcats 11 ll w. Eeutin Buccs 9 10 R. Salton Eagles 10 10


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3 MONKEYSHINES March 29, 1965 ••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• s ••••••••••••••









7 2 0 7 J · · .. 0 3 6 o 3 7 O 2 9 · 0

8 0 5 2 4 3 · 3 3 3 2 l 4 l 6 0 5

8 0 6 2 5 2 2 5 l 5 0 i 0 () · a

20 6 19 7 17 · a 11 · 14

3 ' ·22 0: 25·

17 . 16

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 0

·o ·o

0 0 l

. 1 ' .. 0 ·O

CLTIIB WINS RACE; MECK CLAIMS FOUL TIBD. PrS •. The well-publicized and long- awaited race -r 7r- around the park between Ph±l ·11Locomotive'.'

1 7;~ Cline and Ricky 11Diesel11 Meck was held l 7.!:! . ;I.?-s:t ~ !3,t"ll'day, March 27 at HIGH NOON. A 2 4 crowd of beT.ween 50 ·and· 100 people were. 2 4 on hand to witness the spectacle. Czar O 2 b~ought out the starters gun .and Jim

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

0 0 0 0 0 0

·O 0

0 0 0

·-o. 0 0,.

0 0

Pa~chall had the stopwatch to add a little color to the race. After starting the

8 race Czar fired several shots at the 5 runner s but unfortunately missed 4 every one. Ricky held the lead for about 3½ one-qua:i;-ter of the· race. But Phil claimec. 3 · the pace was ·gettii1g too slow for him so 1 then he took the l~ad, never to fall be-1 hind again. After rounding the last turn ½ Ricky stopped, b_ei11g too tired to· continu1:! .

Phil finished the race in an astounding 2 minutes 11.J seconds. After walking

7!a part of the way Ricky was pelted by snow-6 balls by the spectators and put on the 5 fastest burst of speed for the day as he 2 ran into the club~ouse about 5 minutes bo-1 hind Phil. Ricky crune in screaming - -

. 0 FOUL. He said the~• had both agreed to 0 sit .down at the poi.1t where he had stopped 0 and not finished but· fhil cheate.d him.

Sure. Now Phil wants to be known as ·· Cassiwn Muhammed Cline X. He went around

20 the Club for some' time ,1.fter with ·shouts .19 of 11I am pretty1i· . : ··The ~tiamp has now been .16½ chall~nged by Ch~f Boy-,ar-Has himself, · lo½ Jim 11Gemini1i Hasl\.ianter to r ace around the

3 p~rk a week fro~ this ~~ming Saturday on 0 April . l,O at h.igh -noon. He will train on

his menu i)f 'tlie .week. Congratulations

16 16

Phil! - - -·-


15 12

3 l

·7 ·. 7 9

2 O· 0 ' 0 ' 15 11 YOU '.\.ND r'£n

13 20 22

0 • 1 1

0 0 0

_ 12 2½ ½

- - - -Note: Standi.ngs include all gan,e~ of Friday, March 26th.

i'' , . 11YOU AND ME11 , By:· Paschall

· •;fr. Herb Veith· trycd to display .his g_oa; J..i powers Friday night against U1e 'Eeam T.::r­antulas·. However they pelted him with so many goals he couldn't see straight by the time he left the gym. Well, that just shows the effects of growing old9~. Rory Wagner again showed up Sat.rday wear­ing his indestructible orange Gordon Tech sweat shirt. Come on, will ya. John Meier is muscle b~und - bound to get :r-:uscles. ~t.eve Kukla of the TricJ Bobcats jo:'.ned t:ie Brainstonn Club last week. When Rich mentioned the showing of t!1e World Series at the Dads Club Heeti ng dur­i ng the Hornets -weekly meeting, Mart), l~:: Hugh asked in all seriousness if we woujd show the whole series. T 'e serie s lasted seven games and at an average of 2½ hours a game it would only take 17½ hours of viewing.

------ By: Paschall Tony Castiglioni thinks ~e is beautiful. Boy does he ~have another thing c_onµ._ng. Since Bob B~cker has refvsed to cooperate, Ricley Mecl< 1 s s:i,.gnal- c()rps has been .disband-ed. ·· -- ... - . Rtch Paschall said I'd better put his n~ne in this colu~.n this week or else, Or else He ' d tell m,)m. ~ob Becker is now the Big Red Bird and FL:, Pa '3lhall is Top Cci.t. FromriowonJ~.m HasJt-~anter and George Wild are· going to wear their ·indestr-uctibh ;-,,_;;-,tt shirts whenever they are in the Rev~re gym. Jim 1'N"'-;" '1 Gule serian finally made it. He ~,as e l '?c Jed 11 Uncou-r,h Barbarian" of the W.:i :::k with a r:r:ire 31 votes. Jc:':l:ri Sr.fm1it.r; and \ 1;i.lly 11Mousy11 Saribekian hs.d bet·~er rtay ;m,i.y from ! .il Cl.i1ie I s man-e~tine plants if they know "hatis good f nr i .hem. It i:,:; n :mc:ced t hat t he mice used to run Brrt~don 1s Eoi.b a~e also Rich 's sales m m cger s for selling his breakfast cereal 11Finki es. 11

CHEF BOY-AR-HAS 1S TEAM MENU Sirloin Clinaphi nt Stake with Kasten au Gratin and Squash Zelasko topped off with Cole Slaw madg with the best Greene Cab­

Jim Haslwanter wants to committee.

form a non-violence bage. Also that Lenten favorite Hartl boiled Duckhorn eggs.


,. .• t

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t ••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ' •••

Page 4 M O N K E Y s· H I N E S March 29, 1965 ...................................................................................... - -

LEOPARDS WASH CHAIRS . BOYS BENEFIT RAFFLE By: Rich Swanson The annual Boys Bene·fit Raffle will start

The Tribe League Leopards had their team in about two weeks. This is the raffle project on Saturday and ll boys showed. in which you can earn all the sports e-For their first project, Jim Paschall was quipment you need for the year if you're thrown into the snow for saying that the willing to put forth an effort. It 1s for Leopards wouldn 1t come. Then they all got Team, Tribe and Pup Leaguers. More infor-busy washing the chairs !'ran the office mation regarding this will be published and did a mighty fine job. After this they next week - watch for it! ~leaned up the game roan and went to play - - - - - - - - - - - - -in the T.C. room. 'l'he 11 boys who came are : Ron. Moyers, George Mazglaracina, Jim Hubb~rts, Jim Geldmeyer, Moose Musial, . Jerry Miller., :?.ich Burja, Kevin 0 1I.eary, David Aikman, Larry Cariata and Mike lesser. Hext week is the Tribe League Centipedes J O let' s all be here at 1:00 P.M.

MEETING SCHEDIJLE TRIBE TEAMS: (Note: Teams underlined have a new meeting time • ) ·











7:00 - Leopards, Bobcats 7:30 - Falcons

5:00 - Pl.rates, Dragons 7:00 - Ravena, Cardinals,

Spiders 7:JO - Scorpions, Cougars,

Bees. 7 :00 - Hornets

7 :00 - Tarantulas, Vikings ·

4:00 - Leopards, Cardinals 4:00 - Falcons, Eagles

4:00 - Polecats, Bluejays 4:00 - Cougars, Locusts,

Ravens. 4:00 - Cheetahs, Bees, Tigers

4:00 - Scorpions, Centipedes 4:00 - Wasps, Spiders

4:00 - Bobcats, Hawks

PAUL BUNYON NEARS PLAY-OFF FOR oVERNrrE This week teams will gather to compete in Paul Bunyon events six and seven. Log Dragging cancelled last week due to snow will be held along with log thrusting. In all previous events the teams that were short of help turned in the poorest r esults. Thi~ go~s to prove that your team needs ~he support oi all its member~ . Let's all show up to carry the team to the Play-offs for the over-nite and team party. Thus far the Centipedes and Pir­ates lead their respective divisions. The Centipedes and Pirates HAVE G:'.XJD ATTE••­DANCE. The Cardinals, Leopards, Ravens, and Bobcats have shown great team spirit and are to be commended for their efforts. Next week, the last event before the play­offs??? _ - It'll be the BLUE OX HUNT with Dr. Dan,

POINT STANDINGS MIGHTY MITES DLV. Cen·t.ipedes $8 Cardinals .55* Leopards 46* Dragons 43 Spiders 40 Cougars hO Blue jays 33 * Bonus for good

GREEN GIANTS DIV. Pirates $8 Wasps 57 Ravens 48 Tarantulas 45 Scorpions 41 Bobcats 40* Hornets 35

attendance •.

LOO SAWING RESULTS Centipedes Cardinals leopards Cougars

:49 Scorpions :.51 Pirates

1:07 Wasps 1:08 Tarantulas 1:23 Ravens

Hornets Bobcats

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

:JB :.51 :$9

1:01 1:02 1:08 1:1)