Monit Presentation


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Monitor Name: ID No.

Monit is a safety management system, with a real person behind the scenes dedicated to yourcompany called a Monitor. They oversee all of your company’s Workplace Health & Safety data -ONLINE.

You (or your delegated staff member) are provided with a monthly “to-do” checklist, and the resultsof your actions are recorded each month for ongoing Workplace Health & Safety compliance. You canproduce updated reports for management and/or Workplace Health & Safety authorities at any time.

The Monit system is fully compliant with each State and Territory’s Workplace Health & Safetylegislation, and for extra peace of mind Monit is regularly updated to accommodate any changes inthe laws.

The Monit safety management system is fully compliant with the new National Work Health &Safety Regulations (National Workplace Health & Safety Harmonisation), which is due to becomeeffective in 2012.

Monit fulfils your requirement to demonstrate a “dynamic” Workplace Health & Safety systemunder this legislation.

What is –Why Monit?

What is –Why Monit?

The system is currently in operation in a wide range of small to medium sized businesses, whoare successfully using it to comply with the requirements of the Workplace Health & Safety law.

It is a proven and robust system based on best safety management practices tailored to yourindustry.

It evaluates your risk exposure, and provides your company with regular step-by-stepinstructions each month which are based on your industry to reduce your risk.


What is –Why Monit? Cont...

Businesses who use the Monit system can qualify for a specialised Insurance cover. This is aunique insurance policy only available to Monit customers, which covers exposure to Statutory Liabilityfines, and also includes a Directors and Officers Liability component.

You can purchase the Monit Workplace Health & Safety system for as little as $142 per month andMonit can have your safety management system up and running within hours.

A premium service called MonitPLUS is available to customers using the Monit system on a fee-for-service basis. This service has access to the profession’s best Workplace Health & Safetyconsultants, who will be able to advise your business on your statutory liabilities and specificrequirements.

Challenge us with your specific requirements and see how easilyWH&S compliance can be achieved for YOUR business.



Almost all Workplace Health & Safety products and services have features but your Monit system isloaded with them. One of the main features of the Monit system is the ability to calculate yourcompany’s unnecessary risk percentage.

Monit looks at all risks as either necessary or unnecessary. For examplean electrical lead is a necessary risk because there isn’t an alternative. Everyso often it needs to be tested and tagged and so by NOT doing this you havecreated an unnecessary risk. Monit’s goal is to help you remove all yourunnecessary risks. On the front screen of every Monit system is a RiskPercentage calculator that automatically works out your percentage ofunnecessary risk your workplace is currently carrying.

The Monit system is able to calculate the percentage of unnecessary risks that your company iscarrying and then work with you at your speed to reduce these risks. This will enable you to see yourprogress of risk reduction on a monthly basis.

The Monit system is a ‘dynamic Workplace Health & Safety’ system that comes complete with aprofessionally trained Monitor assigned to your account who works with you in achieving the tasks sentto you each month.

Features cont...

The Monitor is responsible for all the data entry into your Monit system, which enables them toassign the necessary tasks each month in the form of a checklist. This eliminates the time you spendthinking “what should I be doing” to comply with the new Workplace Health & Safety laws.

Your Monitor will also be in contact with your company to chase up any missing reports from theprevious month, and to deal with any other outstanding issues.

Monit has national partnerships with various suppliers, and a flyer about these companies goes outto you when a reminder is raised e.g. a reminder to have your equipment tested and tagged willgenerate a flyer for a company that is able to perform that task.

A unique insurance policy exclusively for Monit customers.

NEW!!MonitPLUS for those wanting more. This is an extra service provided by Monit but without the

expense you would expect to normally pay for an expert in this field. Monit can supply OHSprofessionals and experts with the right qualifications to match any situation.



In early 2009, Monit partnered with one of Australia’s leading insurance brokers to develop a trulyunique insurance option.

Monit customers now have a choice to take up a $2M insurance policy, only available for thoserunning the Monit system, which covers all employers, employees, directors & officers as well as thecompany entity against any Workplace Health & Safety fines including reasonable legal costs &associated expenses.

Other insurance policies such as Professional Indemnity (PI), Public Liability (PL) or Directors andOfficers (D&O) Liability insurance policies do not cover Workplace Health & Safety fines.

This incredible insurance cover is yours for as little as $1.25 day.

If you're not insured it doesn't matter…until it does.

About Us

If you’re a Small to Medium size Enterprise (SME) we understand the difficulty in keeping up withyour legal obligations. However as we've seen many times in our own lives, when our world is facedwith a problem there's always someone working on an answer. GST was answered by software,bookkeeping products such as MYOB, the difficulty of working with DOS was answered by Windows,mobile communication by Motorola and now Workplace Health & Safety by Monit.

Current industries:Pubs and Clubs Panel Beating Cool Stores RetailTyre Fitters Windscreen Fitters Building and Construction MechanicalTechnical Colleges Cool Stores Car Dealerships PrintingCommunity Health Golf Courses Hospitality TowingFertilizer Industry Restaurants Real Estate Offices DentalHydraulics Forklift Servicing Office Electrical ContractorsPrimary Schools Roadside Services Fibre Optics HydrotherapyOn-site Shed Installs Fitness Centre's Horse Racing Paint ResellerResource Management Warehousing Medical Products Retail/ServiceManufacturing Farming Livestock Bus Lines HairdressingSecondary Schools Farming Agriculture Engineering

Your industry not listed above? The Monit system can be applied to any industry.

Ask us how we can apply a Workplace Health & Safety Plan to yours!

About Us cont...

Company Profile

Monit has not only challenged other suppliers of Workplace Health & Safety products and services fortheir real effectiveness but also the market paradigm that all Workplace Health & Safety products andservices place a burden on business resources. Even today Monit continues to challenge currentWorkplace Health & Safety paradigms regarding the ‘successful’ running of a Workplace Health & Safetysystem and that is why its methodology carries an Australian Innovation Patent.

With foreign interest looming for Monit’s unique methodology it faced a problem of extending itself tooverseas markets. In 2009 though Monit was launched in New Zealand and not long after received a$15,000 grant from the NZ Department of Commerce to help promote the Monit system amongst thebusiness sector.

Monit has also become a preferred supplier for many Organisations and Associations who see us asa good fit for their members.


HistoryThe invention of Monit's unique Workplace Health & Safety product and its methodology came about

from a veteran tradesman who had simply had enough. For all the talk about health & safety in theworkplace he had never seen anything that even remotely changed the work culture. In order to create asafe work environment a culture of safe thinking is necessary by all workers.

So in 2001, with nothing more than a bold idea and $200 in his back pocket he set out to make a ‘realdifference’. It didn’t take long before he encountered his first obstacle when he discovered the technologyneeded to complete the software wasn’t available; that wouldn't come for another 3 years.

Once the technology was in place fast growth followed which then created another problem, hecouldn’t do everything; so in 2006 Monitors (real people) were introduced into the methodology and thistransformed this once software company into a monitoring company.

On November 2011 Monit became the first franchised Workplace Health & Safety company. Todaythere are over 40 franchisees around Australia with many more to come. That initial $200 investment hasnow grown into an international company responsible for thousands of worker's health & safety.


About Us cont...

Why is Workplace Health & SafetyImportant?

Each day a person is killed or dies in a workplace incident with 140,000 workers seriously injured eachyear. The costs on workers compensation schemes is in excess of $5 billion a year. There are costs interms of pain, suffering, loss of amenity of life and the impact on families. Maintaining a focus onWorkplace Health & Safety will ensure every Australian’s right to return home safe at the end of the day.

There are a lot of direct and indirect costs as a result of occupational accidents and ill health in theworkplace.

Direct Costs include:• Loss of production and disruption to the business due to workers’ absence.• Possible cost of retraining workers for a different position.• First-Aid, along with medical and rehabilitation costs.• Costs of Compensation.• Insurance costs & premium increases.• Fines and legal costs due to accident or ill health.• Repair and replacement of plant & equipment .

Why is Workplace Health & SafetyImportant? Cont…

Indirect Costs include:• Cost of retraining someone else for the job, and possible recruitment costs.• “Human costs”—loss of quality of life and general welfare.• Lower motivation to work ,morale in work force, increased absenteeism.• Enterprise reputation resulting in client and public relations being tarnished.• Damage to the Environment.• Time taken to administer and investigate incidences for both management and enforcing


By placing an emphasis on developing a safe working environment in your business the benefits are adecrease in staff turnover & lower recruitment costs whilst delivering a more productive and committedworkforce. Your staff see and appreciate this care.

Your business may also benefit from increased sales by displaying that you are a socially responsiblebusiness, portraying a positive image within the market place.



The benefits to your business can be summarised as follows:

Control of risk Improved maintenance Improved accountability (due diligence) Savings in payroll costs Improved occupational health & safety Increased morale Improved working environment Increased job satisfaction for staff Community image Legal compliance (individual liability, regulatory enforcement) Possible increased sales

Monit – Workplace Health & SafetySystem.

To not do anything, is not an option as Workplace Health & Safety is a mandatory legalrequirement for every business in Australia, especially with the new National WH&S Harmonisation.

There will be penalties which include on the spot fines starting at $2,500.00, escalating to$6,000.00 for low level non-compliance. Court judgments could be imposed, including a jailsentence. This new legislation should be taken seriously with implementation to start on the 1January 2012.

Monit can be the answer to your Workplace Health & Safety needs and for as little as $4.68 day.

In order to secure your Workplace Health & Safety environment

Remember to quote the Monitor ID No.

Monit – Disclaimer

The purpose of this presentation is to provide information as to developments in Monit & the law. It does not contain afull analysis of the law nor does it constitute an opinion of Monit on the points of law discussed.

No individual who is a member, partner, shareholder, director, employee or consultant of, in or to any constituent part ofMonit (whether or not such individual is described as a “partner”) accepts or assumes responsibility, or has any liability, toany person in respect of this presentation.
