Money To Be Made



This is a book about deciding to not give up. It shows a coach's influence on her students.

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The person that has impact me in my life is Coach LaMonica Williams.

Coach Williams has been by my side on in off the court. I meet Coach Williams three

years ago during volleyball camp when I knew I wonted to become a Lancaster Tiger.

LaMonica Williams was born in raise in Lancaster TX. She went to Lancaster ISD her

whole life. She was an Honor Roll student she played volleyball all through High School.

She went off to South Eastern Oklahoma State in played all four years. She got her

degree to become a teacher. She came back to Lancaster in became the Head Coach of

the volleyball team and Asst. Coach for the track team which she helped get eight state

rings. She also became an English inclusion teacher where she helps me out at a lot.

She has been an impact to me because she is a reasonable strong woman. She believed in

me when I didn’t believe in my self. Times when I gave up on my self she was there to

say “Mirhanda try again”. She is very patient. Coach Williams has been a mentor a coach

a role model all the things a girl needs to make it through life. She has helped me on the

court to be better mentally and physically. She has also helped me on my reading in

writing for the past three years. With that said I passed my English TAKS. In passed all

my classes. She stays on me with my class work. She is always there to give you another

chance. She shows no favoritetism.

She is also like a second mom to me. She stays on me like white on rice. She treats me

like i'm her on. I like that coming from someone that didn’t physically have me. She is a

strong woman she is also raising her two handsome sons Jordan and Jaylon. Which will

grow into strong young men She has a bountiful home. She loves her family dearly.

There always at the games cheering us in her on.

When I get older I won’t to be just like her. Go to college play volleyball. Get my degree.

Come back to Lancaster High School be a head Coach for the volleyball team. In become

a teacher. I don’t won’t to be an English inclusion teacher though. I know Coach William

would tell me to strive to be whatever I won’t to be. Coach Williams has also taught me

to do whatever it takes to get where I won’t to go. Cause everything will not be handed to

you. I really think that I chose a good person that has impact me in my life. I don’t think I

could have came up with any body else other than Coach LaMonica Williams.
