Money, Knowledge, Success



A story about college corruption

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Mitchell SchrollENGL 106Money, Knowledge, SuccessElliot

Money; said to be the root of all evil, the source of power, and the engine of the world. Money drives our economy; it measures our success, and determines our future. It would seem that in todays society that is especially true with the cost of a college education at an all time high. It is evident that everyone in this room values such an education just by being here, but how much is a college education worth? According to the College Board the average annual cost to attend an in-state college is nearly $25,000. To multiply this by four years and offset it by the four years we could be working is over $230,000! To put that into perspective it would take us until we are 36 to break even with a non-degreed individual, that is, assuming you have no debt.

It is an understatement to say that college tuition has skyrocketed out of control. How much more can the tuition bubble take before it pops? Will it pop? At its current pace college will be one of the most expensive purchase you ever make. But with the substantial pay increase of a degreed individual it would eventually pay off right? If you can get a job. Most bachelors required jobs also require at least some years of experience. So how do you get experience to get a job. Simple you get a job, but again to get that job you need experience. This paradox only seems to affect higher education making it more difficult then it already was to be successful. If it is truly this difficult to get a job after graduating it makes you wonder why the cost for an education is rising. If the cost of an education is rising you would expect to be getting more out of your degree not less. The value of a college education is decreasing every day while the cost just continues to climb. Something must be done.

The people who are responsible for administering higher education are the ones who continue to destroy it. Why do they continue to raise tuition while cutting programs? This imbalance must be addressed soon then later. Someone must stand against this outrageous act. Is unfair tax raises without representation not the reason we broke away from Great Britain? Why do WE the students have no voice in what WE pay? Is it not our education? In the Declaration of Independence it reads, whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government. It is our right as a people to stand against this destructive path and institute change; change for a world that promotes education; education for the world, for a better world. Its a simple equation, a good education leads to a good job, a good job leads to a great salary, a great salary leads to a happy, successful, life. It is our inalienable right. WE are the youth of the world; WE are the future; start today, make history, shape the future!
