Mohonasen High School Student Publication - Arrowhead, May ...€¦ · month, the class of 2015...


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June 2015

(Continued on page 7)

Student Spotlight:Senior Officers

As graduation day quickly approaches, seniors here at Mohonasen are starting to feel both excited and melancholy. In less than a month, the class of 2015 will be headed out into the world as full-blown high school graduates. We decided to sit down with five important seniors, the class officers, and get the inside scoop on exactly what is racing through the minds of the graduates-to-be. Molly Sloan, Maddie Egan, Brianna Paige, Danielle Masick, and Rachel Maitino tell us about the final days as high school students here:

Q: What is your best memory here at Mohonasen?Rachel: “Probably prom; it was so much fun!”

Brianna: “Definitely Powderpuff.”Maddie: “Playing on the varsity basket-ball and soccer teams. I met a lot of my great friends through sports!”Molly: “Finding true friends.”Danielle: “Taking AP classes, believe it or not. AP kids are great!”

Q: Where are you headed after graduation?

Danielle: “I’m headed to Russell Sage College.”Maddie: “I’m going to Plattsburg.”Brianna: “Hudson Valley.”Molly: “Emmanuel College. I’m so excited!”Rachel: “I’ll be attending Quinnipiac University.”

Q: Do you feel that high school has prepared you for the next part of your life?Rachel: “For the most part, yes. I’ve learned a lot of

(Continued on page 3)

Teacher Spotlight:Mrs. Malinowski

As another school year winds to a close, Mohonasen students and teachers will say goodbye to a familiar face. Mrs. Malinowski, our Main Office Secretary, will retire after a long and rewarding tenure at Mohonasen. We wanted to sit down with her one last time to say goodbye.

Q: How long have you worked at Mohonasen?

30 years

Q: Have you worked anywhere else? If so, where?

After graduation from high school – I went to work at the State – Agriculture and Markets on the state campus- I worked there for ten years.

Q: What inspired you to work in a school setting?

When my daughter was in second

grade, I started subbing in the offices at Draper School. It was very convenient because since Draper did not provide bussing, I would take her to school and stay there to work where needed. When

a secretarial job opened in the elementary office, Mr. Tebbano, the principal, asked if I would be interested in working for him in the elementary office. I said I would – took the civil service and passed it – that is how I began working for the school system.

Q: If you could have chosen any other career, what would it have been?

I always wanted to be a court

reporter –but never pursued it once I went to the school.

Q: What will you miss most about Mohonasen in general?

I am going to especially miss the students. That is what a school is all about. I looked forward every year to the incoming 9th graders, helping them and getting to learn more about them during their high school experience. I loved following the 10th, 11th and 12th graders through their transition from 9th graders to 12th graders ready to graduate. I will miss the conversations they had with me, and asking for advice to direct them on the right path.

I will also miss the faculty and administrators. They have become my Mohonasen Family. I’ve had many good times with them–ones I will always remember. I will truly miss Cindy Clough and Dina Carroll–my best friends. I have

L-R: Molly Sloan, Maddie Egan, Brianna Paige, Rachel Maitino and Danielle Masick

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you feel a sudden surge of emotion; of sadness, of joy, of excitement, and of despair. You both did it. You’ve

made it through high school together, and now you’re going out into the world to be your own people. You’re leaving behind the awkward days of high school and start-ing fresh.

That’s right; you have a restart. You’re about to go out into the world and make your own way, follow your own path. This is your chance to do something new, and to make a difference in the world. This is your chance to prove wrong anyone who doubts you, and to make proud all of those who support you. Show your teachers that they’ve done a good job guiding you. Show your principals that your time in high school was not a waste. Show your friends that their compassion and love towards you was not in vain. Show your enemies that they’ve made you stronger. Show your parents that you’re ready, and that they’ve raised you right. You are ready, and you can do this.

PreparationsSeniors, you’ve spent four years of your

life preparing to graduate, and three years preparing to prepare to graduate, and even more years before that. You’ve put time and effort into this, and you have finally earned your reward. As a class, you have all been a positive influence on the Mohonasen com-munity. You have set a great example for us as underclassmen, one that will be difficult to live up to. You’ve guided us, and offered us help throughout the years. You’ve been great mentors to us, and we are forever indebted to you. Your personalities are irre-placeable, and your wisdom is monumen-tal. You’ve shared so many memories with us, along with life lessons we’ll not soon forget. For these things we thank you a thousand times over. To us, you’ve already proved your greatness. Now, it’s time to prove it to the world.

Diploma in hand, you reach up and grab the orange and black tassel hanging from your cap. With the rest of your class, you triumphantly move the tassel to the left side of your hat. You’re officially no longer a little kid; you’re a high school graduate. This is it. Congratulations class of 2015, you’ve made it!

-McKenzie Burns


You hear your name called, and every-one claps as you stand from your seat and head towards the stage. The names of your classmates keep rolling out as they each stand to follow you. You mount the stairs and step into the light of the stage. In front of you, an array of adults sit, smiling at you and silently cheering you on. You see the friendly faces that have greeted you every day for the past four years: your teachers. They have led you to this moment, by not only sharing their personal wealth of knowl-edge on academia, but also through life lessons you didn’t even know you learned. That time you were docked points for a late assignment taught you that work is more important than video games. The time you failed a test taught you to work harder, and that time you did quiz corrections taught you that failure is not to be feared. Standing here, on the stage at Proctors, and facing these smiling people, you realize that they have been silent superheroes, leading you safely to this moment, and for that you are eternally grateful.

Pushed along gently by the person behind you, you blush as you quickly continue across the stage. As you approach the oppo-site side, you see more smiling faces, those of your principals, your administrators, and the members of your school board. Head-ing toward them, it’s as if time slows down, and you think about how much these people have done for you in the last four years. Maybe you don’t know each of them person-ally, but deep down you know that they have each played their part in getting you to this moment. After what seems like an eternity of walking, you lock eyes with Mr. Collins as you take his outstretched hand. Four years of memories flash by, in front of you, in a single second; freshman orienta-

Graduation Day: A Farewell to the Class of 2015tion, when you were so excited to finally be a big-shot high schooler. Your first homecoming game, with all your friends there to cheer on the team with you. Your first taste of chicken bowl. Your first regents exam. Starting sophomore year. Hearing Mr. Col-lins on the announcements every morning. Finally making a varsity team. Two Pow-derpuff games and four different twin days. Stressing though junior year. Junior prom. Senior ball. Your last first day of school. Your last homecoming. Your last game, meet, concert, or art show as a Mohonasen High School student. The senior picnic, the break-fast, and finally, you’re back on the stage at Proctors, shaking Mr. Collins’ hand.

Your diplomaHe offers you one last warm smile, and

presents to you a black folder with a piece of cardstock inside. Looking down, you pause another moment. When you take this simple black folder, you’re finally done. You’ll no longer be a high school student. You’ll have successfully earned your diploma. Finally ready, you grasp your black folder and continue down the line of hand shakers. You head down the stairs and out of the light of the stage, glad you can finally shed a tear. As you reach your seat, you look up at the people around you, all in black or white robes just like your own. You see your friends and your enemies and the people you never really got a chance to know, and you, at once, know that they are all a part of you. Somehow, they have all touched your life and made you who you are today. They are your peers, and they are the members of your graduating class, and you know that your bond with them will always be special. Locking eyes now with your best friend,

This is your chance to do something new, and to make a difference in

the world.

The Arrowhead 2014•2015Editor: ....................................................................................................................McKenzie BurnsReporters:... Amanda Bogatka, Alyssa Foti, Gianna Goodwin, Sarah Siegel, Rachel TreersPhotos: ........................................................................................... Sarah Siegel and Alyssa FotiArtwork: ...................................................................................................................Emily CampbellAdvisor: .............................................................................................................. Mrs. Tara Halliday The Arrowhead Policy – It is the policy of The Arrowhead that all letters-to-the-editor

must be signed for verification with the author. However, The Arrowhead will withhold the writer’s name upon request. The Arrowhead reserves the right to edit all submitted manuscripts. Students may place letters or articles in the Arrowhead mailbox located in the guidance office. Opinions expressed on the editorial pages are those of the students and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the administration or the advisor.

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worked with them for many years and we have become very close. I will not let them forget me.

Q: Have the students taught you anything over the years you couldn’t have learned anywhere else?

No matter how tough, quiet, loud or defiant students can be, they all deserve a chance. Many are molded before they

Teacher Spotlight:Mrs. Malinowski

(Continued from page 1 )

Recognition of Honor Society SeniorsSeniors who epitomize all the qualities and characteristics of

their honor societies this year were recognized by their advisors.

enter high school and it is our duty to help them through good times and bad. Many times we are all that they have and feel comfortable talking to school personnel rather than their own parents. Kids make a school and without them a school is nothing.

Q: How do you plan to spend your time during your retirement? Is there something you’ve always been meaning to do?

Well, since this is my first summer not having to work in many years, I am going

MATH HONOR SOCIETY Advisors: Mrs. Eberz and Mr. Hilko

Sarah Benedict“Sara’s obligation to the Math Honor

Society has been evident through her participation in numerous events. She did a tremendous job working with students at Bradt and Pinewood during our Math Elementary Fun Day. She also

was involved with the tangram stations at Family Fun Night. Sarah has always been willing to help others and she is a great representative of (MHS)2.”


Danielle Masick“The purpose of the NY State Sci-

ence Honor Society is to encourage an interest and an understanding of sci-ence. Danielle epitomized this on April 17th during “Demo Day” at Pinewood Elementary, where she helped to pres-

ent the demo “Elephant toothpaste” to all of the Pinewood 4th grade classes. This involved repeating the experiment multiple times throughout the day, organizing her team and providing a memorable experience for the 4th graders.”

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Advisors: Mrs. Guse and Mrs. Hunt

Cara Sherman“Cara Sherman is currently our Vice

President and has always demonstrat-ed the four pillars of National Honor Society; Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. We wish Cara

the best of luck at UAlbany.”

to do things I could not do when working. In July, I will be taking a vacation and maybe a few more during the summer months. My mother is in a nursing home and I will visit her more often –Do some remodeling to my house and just enjoy myself.

I do like to read – so I have many books that I have not read yet.

I like to go on day trips so I think me and my husband will be doing that.

Mrs. Malinowski will truly be missed by both faculty and students alike!

-McKenzie Burns


Mallory Mrozinsky“Mallory has always been very ac-

tive in French Honor Society. She is a hard worker. She is a person you can count on. She gives 100% in all that she does. I wish her good luck at Geneseo next year!!!”

TRI-M HONOR SOCIETY Advisor: Mrs. Kondenar

Emily Scholz“Emily has served as an officer,

but has also gone above and beyond to help me behind the scenes. She helped organize our annual Tri-M Workshop Day this year. Emily is very responsible. I know that she is

someone I can rely on.”

SPANISH HONOR SOCIETY Advisor: Mrs. Clikeman

Molly Sloan“Molly Sloan epitomizes all of the

qualities and characteristics of Span-ish Honor Society. She is currently the president for this organization. Her help with organizing meetings, fundraisers, and service projects has

been crucial to other members of the society. Molly goes above and beyond what is expected of her and is always willing to devote her time and effort to the Society.”

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As the school year comes to a close, we’re suddenly hit with the fact that our favorite class, the seniors, won’t be returning to Mohonasen with us next fall. In honor of their departure, the Arrowhead opens its pages to all of the underclassmen who wish to honor their best senior friends before they’re off into the world. The following notes were submitted to the Arrowhead by various underclassmen, as a sentimental goodbye to their favorite senior.

Nadani B.I’m so lucky to have met such an amazing girl like you. I will miss you and I hope to see you after graduation. –Phoebe

Troy BennettCan’t wait to have your room! –Kyle Bennett

Go put BTA in college!! I love you so much. I’ll cya later today! J -Kyliene DiStefano

Kristin BrazellYou deserve the best and nothing less. Hope you live life to the fullest, and bowl that perfect 300 game. –Michael Tilison

Molly BremMollyyy! I’m gonna miss you so much girl! Thanks for everything! You’re gonna kick butt in Oswego! Love ya!! –Kunika Chaha

I love you Molls! Have a blast at Oswego and I’ll see you soon! J-Kyliene DiStefano

Nate Canfield-LordYou’re a really great person and one of my true friends. Best of luck in the future! –McKenzie Burns

Brian CannonSaucer- Thanks for being the best teammate anyone could ask for. My goal next year is to be a great leader like you. -Kyle Canavally

Harley CrowtherI’m going to miss you so much next year! I’m so happy that we’re best friends. Good luck in college, you’ll do great! –Amber Nicholson

Dannielle CarriganGood luck in college next year! I’m going to miss seeing you every day! Don’t forget me, love you! –Mary Lange

You are truly an amazing friend and I will miss the hilarious times we’ve had together and your outgoing personality. –Grace Lange

I love ya, Harley! Ever since we met in soccer, you’ve been one of my closest friends. Keep in touch! –McKenzie Burns

Sherbet (Shelby Deere)It was great getting to know you better this year. I love you and I’m going to miss you! –Shaunna Ditton

Mia DeMarcoNever forget the Illuminati and their confirmedness.-Zach Gannon

Maddie EganI’m so glad I’ve been able to call you my best friend all throughout middle and high school. You’ll do great at Plattsburgh. I LOVE YOU! #stayclassy –Samantha Purcell

Kyle Fountain and Jacob TarantoTo my “brothers”. I’m going to miss you both next year, but I know you’ll do great things! Love you both! –Bella Catelotti

William FranolichI’m so proud of you and know you have such a bright future ahead. Good luck, I’ll miss you! –Maryam Arshad

Caleb GradoniI love you man. I’m upset that we won’t be playing football together anymore, but good luck in college! –Bryan Smith

Christian GomezGood luck in the future. Don’t forget to stay in touch, my amigo! Never forget that “Anything Goes” in the real world, Mr. Adult! –Amanda Rice

Courtney HartThanks for being a great friend! Good luck next year! I’ll miss you! –Alexis Lott

Tattiana HamiltonI’m going to miss you so much next year! I’m so glad that we became best friends, good luck in college! –Amber Nicholson

Jacob HatfieldThanks for all the great memories and laughs. I’ll miss you man.-Kaila Reagan

We are so proud of you big bro. We’re lucky to follow in you “very big” footsteps. –Alexis, Xena, Mandy, Ethan, Savannah, and Dallas

Anthony JonesThanks for always being there for me. Your hard work is something I’ll always admire. I’ll miss you next season! –Kyle Canavally

Autumn L.I will miss you very much. I hope to see you a lot once you graduate. –Phoebe

Amanda LabombardI hope things go well for you! Hope to see you at marching band stuff in the future! – Victoria BarKowski

Mike LinebackI wish you the best in the future. Thank you for making my life so much brighter! You’re so amazing! –Alexis Lott

Nichole NavarettaNichole!! I’m gonna miss you so much girl! You better come visit and bring some of that pecan pie! –Kunika Chahal

Elyse Piseczny I’m so glad I got to dive with you! I’ll miss you, and good luck with what the future holds! –Sarah Parisi

Thank you for an amazing year! I love you and wish you the best in college! –Emily Bascom

Brittany PlanoI can’t believe you’re leaving me. Remember the 20 mile “run” we went on? We should do that again! Love ya! –Kunika Chahal

Robotics Team SeniorsThanks for an amazing season guys, next year won’t be the same! Good luck in college! –McKenzie Burns

Alexis ReamerI will miss you. Have a great college life. Be smart. –Alexis Trubridge

You’re the life of the party and never forget that. Life wouldn’t be as exciting without you. -Michael Tilison

Juliana RobbinsMy emotions towards you in 20 words or less- You are my sister and I love you. –Your Brother Queen of England

Alissa RossiWe’re going to miss you Alissa! You’re such an amazing friend and we know you’ll do great in the future! –Celine Febbie and Emily Muller

Elena RussoCan’t believe this year is already over, gonna miss you so much. Wish you luck in college! Love you twin! –Alexa DeRuscio

Corey SanfordThank you so much for being there when I needed you. Good luck big brother, love ya! –Little D

Mack SeeleyI love you as my own brother. Through your jokes, all of the sudden my life seems so much better. –Kaila Reagan

Cara ShermanRunning with you has truly been an honor. Best of luck in college and don’t forget to visit! Love, McKenzie Burns

Emily ScholzFrom XC to the Florida Trip to orchestra concerts, having you around always makes my day bright. Love You! –McKenzie Burns

Mason TallmanIt was fun getting to know you, and I’ll truly miss you. Good luck with what the future holds! –Sarah Parisi

Thank you for an amazing year! I love you and wish you the best in college! –Emily Bascom

Senior Class Goodbyes to the Class of 2015

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Bon Voyage!Congratulations to the Class of 2015!• Emily AlmeidaSCCC, Business

• Jonah AmellSCCC, Fire Protection

• Joshua Battease SCCC, Liberal Arts

• Joseph BattaglinoSUNY Buffalo, Undecided

• Sarah BenedictSCCC, Graphic Design

• Steven BennettSUNY Buffalo, Computer Science and Mathematics

• Mahesh Bhoge Siena College, Business

• Cheyenne Boddy SUNY Cobleskill

• Alyssa Boisjoli SUNY Buffalo, Pharmacy

• Erika Bollock SUNY Cobleskill, Animal Science

• Lorenzo Bonzi A. Mapelli

• Molly Brem SUNY Oswego, Biology/Pre-Dental

• Meggin Brooks Franklin Pierce, Pre-Med

• Megan Combs SCCC, Music Ed transfer

• Jesse Coppolo SCCC, Criminal Justice

• Nikolas CotugnoHVCC, Computer Information Systems

• Makayla CrowleyThe College of Saint Rose, English Education 7-12

• Eamon DaleyThe College of Saint Rose, Music Education

• Shelby Deere Utica College, Cybersecurity

• Mia DeMarco UNC Chapel Hill, Biology

• Connor DeSantis SUNY Pottsdam, Criminal Justice

• Nicole Dollar Utica College, Nursing

• Jacob Doyle HVCC

• Madelyn Egan SUNY Plattsburgh, Nursing

• Deja Ellis SCCC, Health Studies

• Christian Gomez SCCC, Performing Arts

• Caleb Gradoni SUNY Plattsburgh or HVCC

• Jacob Hatfield SCCC, Business in Music

• Daniel HokeThe College of Saint Rose, Music Education

• Amanda Labombard GAP Year Program

• Austin LavertySage, Business and Marketing

• Michael LinebackHVCC

• Jordan LyonsAlbany College of Pharmacy/Pre-Pharmacy

• Marina MacheroneFlorida State University, Musical Theatre

• Rachel MaitinoQuinnipiac University, Biomedical Science

• Julie ManikasSyracuse University, Biology/Pre-Med

• Alexander MartinezHVCC or National Guard/Marine Corps

• Connor McDermott SUNY Stony Brook, Graphic Design

• Teresa Mix SCCC

• Samantha Monroe SUNY Delhi, Nursing

• Mallory Mrozinski SUNY Geneseo, Political Science and International Relations

• Alyssa MuleFull Sail University of Florida, Recording Arts

• Nichole Nevaretta University of South Florida, Nursing

• Rachel PetrosinoThe Ohio State University, Architecture and Urban Planning

• Elyse Piseczny SUNY Buffalo, Exercise Science

• Brittany PlanoSCCC transfer to Ithaca College, Music Education

• Joshua Prawdzik Clarkson, Mechanical Engineering

• Veronica Ramirez Undecided

• Tracy Ramlochan HVCC for Political Science

• Julianna RobbinsLeMoyne College/St. Joseph’s College of Nursing, Nursing

• Alissa Rossi SCCC, Business Management

• Elena Russo HVCC, Undecided

• Jena SagendorfMarian University, Elementary Education/Math

• Cristina ScafidiReturning to Italy to finish 13th year of school

• Emily Scholz SUNY New Paltz, Psychology

• Mackenzie SeeleyThe College of Saint Rose, Music Education

• Cara ShermanUniversity at Albany, Science/Undecided

• Danielle SiciliaSCCC transfer to SUNY Oneonta, Education

• Alexandra SinclairSUNY Buffalo, Biomedical/Biology

• Molly SloanEmmanuel College, Secondary Education/Chemistry

• Mason TallmanSUNY Plattsburgh, Economics

• Taylor ThompsonAlbany College of Pharmacy, Health Services

• Joseph WolfHVCC, Mortuary Science and Funeral Direction

• Taylor WoodUndecided, Early Childhood Education

• Molly Zarzycki University of New Haven

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Tomorrowland: Coming out May 22, 2015 Tomorrowland stars Britt Robertson, George Clooney, Judy Greer, and Hugh Laurie. Britt Robertson stars as Casey Newton, a scientifically curious teenager with a knack for adventure. With the help of a middle aged man/former boy genius inventor and prepubescent robot, they try to reach Tomorrowland; a mysterious and perplexing place locked within their memory. Tomorrowland resides in an alternate dimension, and much of the movie is spent trying to find it. Directed by Brad Bird, and produced by Disney, full of action and intriguing mystery, this movie is sure to triumph in the box office.

Outskirts: Debuting June 26, 2015This movie is all about self-image and embracing the people we’re meant to be. Spurred on by a humiliating prank by the so-called “Queen Bee”, played by Bella Thorne, the outcasts of best friends Mindy and Jodi’s high school organize a social revolution. Lead by the best friends, the newly united outcasts, conspire for revenge against the Queen Bee in this classic, opposition-overcomes-superficial alpha female tale of teen angst. Starring a number a of familiar faces, including Avan Jogia, Victoria Justice, and Ashley Rickards, Outskirts aims to send the message that social hierarchy isn’t necessary, and everyone can coexist, if not peacefully, but in a docile manner.

Paper Towns: Paper Towns hits theaters July 24, 2015Written by John Green, an already famous author of last year’s adaptation of “The Fault In Our Stars”, Paper Towns is a forever favorite of fans of John Green’s. Starring Nat Wolff, Cara Delevingne, centered around a coming-of-age story, lies Quentin and his enigmatic neighbor Margo. Margo is already troubling and mysterious enough, until one day she goes missing; leaving cryptic messages for Quentin to decipher. The two had just recently gone on a little late-night adventure, when suddenly this happens, leaving everyone with questions. Quentin does everything in his power to search for Margo. Filled with comedy, perplexity, charm and a little perseverance, Paper Towns surely won’t disappoint.

-Amanda Bogatka

MEDIA NEWS Upcoming 2015 Movies

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Upcoming 2015 Moviesvaluable lessons in school that don’t just apply to academics.”Maddie: “That’s a hard question. Kind of, I guess. I don’t really know, because I haven’t been to the next part yet.”Molly: “Yes, definitely. I’ve learned a lot of life lessons here at Moho-nasen.”Danielle: “Kind of. I know I’ll be fine, but I guess I’ll find out how prepared I am when I get to col-lege.”Brianna: “Yes, of course!”

Q: What part of high school life here at Mohonasen will you miss the most?Brianna and Rachel: “Seeing my friends every day.”

Molly: “Getting to see and hang out with my friends whenever I want to.”Maddie: “Seeing Mr. Collins’ face every day, for sure.”Danielle: “That’s easy; chicken bowl!”

Q: Who has been the most influential or inspirational person you’ve met here at Mohonasen?Molly: ”Mr. Barr.”Danielle: “Probably Mr. Higgins. He’s taught me a lot, and not just calculus.”Rachel: “Definitely Ms. LaPietro. She really is great.”Maddie: “Brianna Paige!”Brianna: “Maddie Egan for sure!” Awwww!

Q: Do you have any advice for next year’s seniors?Brianna: “Don’t procrastinate; get things done on time.”Danielle: “Yeah, hand things in on time. If you just suck it up and get it done, you’ll be a lot happier in the long run.”Rachel: “Just be yourself. You don’t need to go around trying to impress everyone you meet.”Molly: “Don’t stress the small stuff. It really does all work out in the wash.”Maddie: “Try new things and be adventurous. You’ll regret not doing something that you wanted to do, so just do it and thank yourself later.”

Thanks girls, and good luck after graduation! All of Mohonasen is rooting for you! -McKenzie Burns

Senior Officers (Continued from page 1 )

What’s your Summer Vacation Style?1. Would you rather stay home this summer

or travel?a) I’m all for a fun summer at home, I don’t need to go anywhere to enjoy myselfb) Traveling dominates my summersc) Doesn’t matter to me, whatever hap-pens, happens

2. Where are you going on your next

vacation?a) I’m most likely just going to stay home, catch up with some friendsb) Somewhere warm; I don’t care where, but it has to be warmc) I will go anywhere as long as it gets me out of my hometown

3. What do you look for in a summer

vacation? a) If I ever travel, someplace that’s fun and affordableb) Somewhere fun, warm, where I can enjoy myself with my friends and family c) Anywhere within a 100 mile radius from my house is good enough for me

4. Describe your ideal vacation location.a) Not much of the traveling typeb) Someplace with beautiful scenery, full

of tourist attractions and things to do, nice weather, c) I am legitimately up for anything, anyplace, anytime

5. How would you describe you vacationing

personality? a) Rare in frequency because I stay localb) Going where there’s sun, a beach, places to have lasting fun with those clos-est to mec) Sporadic

6. Are you an adventurous traveler? a) Not really...I prefer to keep it simpleb) Of course! I love getting my hands dirty, experiencing new challenges in new places, relaxing and simply having fun in that new environment c) Sometimes, depends where I am

7. Who are your preferred travel

companions?? a) At the very least a small day trip with my brother/sisterb) Anyone and everyone! Family, closest friends, etc.c) Whoever will come along with me

8. What’s your first instinct when you’ve

reached your destination?a) Take a nap in the nearest hotelb) Hit the trendiest shops! Maybe check out the nearest beach

c) Take a walk, check out the areaIf you got mostly A’s, you are a pretty laid back traveler. Your travels are rare in frequency because you love to stay local. School is out and all you can think about is a nice, relaxing sum-mer vacation at home. You would rather take a drive in the summertime with a close friend or family member than go away for an extended period of time. You are more interested in stay-ing close to home and finding exhilarating ways to spend your time in a location you’re already familiar with.

If you got mostly B’s, you are an avid traveler, willing to travel any day or night to paradise. Locations with warm climates and many tourist attractions immediately spark your interest. School’s out and you’re leaving home far behind as you travel to different exotic locations. Getting down and dirty is definitely something that interests you. You can’t wait to go on excursions around the country you’re spending time in, soak up some sun with your best friend or sister at the beach, or going out exploring. Adventure is calling your name, and you’re up for the challenge.

If you got mostly C’s, you are an intermittent traveler. Traveling is certainly pleasurable, but sometimes other things just seem more appeal-ing. When in that mood that just makes you want you get up and go somewhere, you’ll go anywhere at any time in any given place. You are pretty laid back, but also structured in your summer traveling plans. You thrive on adven-ture, just not quite as much as your energetic thrill-seeking companions.

-Amanda Bogatka

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Senior Athletic Spotlight: Connor DeSantis

Senior Connor DeSantis sat down with The Arrowhead to discuss his past four years at Mohonasen as well as where he’s headed next!Q: What sports did you play here at Mohonasen over the past 4 years?A: I played Varsity Basketball for 2 years and Varsity Soccer for 3 years.

Q: What has been your favorite or most rewarding athletic experience here at

Mohonasen over the past four years?A: Being pulled up for Sectionals as a Freshman for soccer and basketball was great. Beating Scotia in soccer my sophomore year in Sectionals in double OT was great. We were only given a

5% chance to win that year! Q: Who have been inspirational or influential in shaping your experiences here at Mohonasen?A: Mr. Gregg has been an inspiration.Q: What are your plans for life beyond Mohonasen?A: I plan to study Criminal Science at SUNY Pottsdam.Q: Is there anything you would change or go back and do differently? Why is this?A: I wish I had focused more on soccer instead of basketball. I stopped playing basketball

because I wanted to play soccer in college. Q: How has Mohonasen Athletics prepared you for the future? A: Mohonasen has prepared me for Varsity sports by having camps when I was young. Working and playing for Mohonasen teams has prepared me to compete, now, at the college level next year.Q; What is one piece of advice you leave for your underclassmen teammates?A: Give it your all, because high school goes fast!

Connor DeSantis

Caleb Gradoni met with The Arrowhead Staff to reflect on his four years at Mohonasen and what lies ahead for his future.Q: What sports did you play here at Mohonasen over the past four years?A: I played Football for all four years, and Indoor and Outdoor track for my Junior and Senior years.Q: What has been your favorite or most rewarding athletic experience here at Mohonasen

over the past four years?A: Winning my last (football) game at Mohonasen vs.

Niskayuna. It was the most fun game I’ve played in (and also the longest).Q: Who have been inspirational or influential in shaping your experiences here at Mohonasen?A: Dennis Corbitt, Keith Polazotto, Jim Huggins, Mrs. Halliday, Thomas Geddes and

Joe Emma (all my coaches).Q: What are your plans for life beyond Mohonasen?A: To attend college, either Plattsburgh or HVCCQ: Is there anything you would change or go back and do differently? Why is this?A: Yes, I would start track earlier. I wish I had done it freshman and sophomore year, because if I had done it, I would be better right now. But I am glad that I got started. Better late than never, right?Q: How has Mohonasen Athletics prepared you for the future?

A: Mohonasen has provided me with great coaches, whom I have developed close relationships with. Also, the great competition level of the schools we compete against has made me stronger.Q: What is one piece of advice you leave for your underclassmen teammates?A: Always strive to be the best. Develop good relationships with your teammates. Believe in yourself. Don’t worry about the team you’re playing against. And most of all, try your best and leave it all on the field. Have no regrets.

Caleb Gradoni

Senior Athlete Mason Tallman dishes to The Arrowhead Staff about his athletic career at Mohonasen and his future at Plattsburgh.Q: What sports did you play here at Mohonasen over the past 4 years?A: In 9th and 10th grades, I played football, basketball and baseball. In my junior year, I played basketball but decided to

try Outdoor Track and Field. My Senior year, I devoted my time to both Indoor

and Outdoor Track and Field.Q: What has been your favorite or most rewarding athletic experience here at Mohonasen over the past four years?A: Definitely competing at the State meet for Indoor Track as a Senior.

Q: Who have been inspirational or influential in shaping your experiences here at Mohonasen?A: My family, coaches and friends have been inspirational. They always pushed me to do great things.Q: What are your plans for life beyond Mohonasen?A: I plan to go to Plattsburgh for economics. I would like to try to make the Olympic Trials during my time there.Q: Is there anything you would change or go back and do

differently? Why is this?A: Yes. I would have done track earlier in my life.Q: How has Mohonasen Athletics prepared you for the future? A: Coming from a small school and facing bigger schools in competition has forced me to work harder and compete smarter. Q: What is one piece of advice you leave for your underclassmen teammates?A: If you work hard enough, you can achieve anything!

Mason Tallman

Senior Athletic Spotlight: Caleb Gradoni

Senior Athletic Spotlight: Mason Tallman