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Modified from Moseley’s slides Web Applications Development. Lecture 6 Slide 1

Lecture 6: More PHP

Instructor: Dr. Mohammad Anwar Hossain

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PHP Basics

• Variables and arrays• Output• Sequence, repetition and selection …

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This week:

• Forms• Email• Functions• Cookies• Sessions

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Forms: how they work

• We need to know..

1. How forms work.

2. How to access the data in PHP.

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How forms work

Web Server


User requests a particular URL

XHTML Page supplied with Form

User fills in form and submits. Another URL is requested and theForm data is sent to this page either inURL or as a separate piece of data.

XHTML Response

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PHP for Forms

HTML Forms are used to select different kinds of user input.

Make your form using your favourite tool Set the form action attribute to

◦ <form action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>" method="post"> - or

◦ <form action="script.php" method="post">; Make sure that you name each form field that you

want to process as these names will be available to the processing script as variables◦ <input type="text" name="inputtext"> ◦ $inputtext will contain whatever is typed into the text field

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PHP for Forms

• When a form is submitted to a PHP script, any variables from that form will be automatically made available to the script by PHP. If the track_vars configuration option is turned on, then these variables will be located in the associative arrays $HTTP_POST_VARS, $HTTP_GET_VARS, and/or $HTTP_POST_FILES, according to the source of the variable in question.

• Example. Simple form variable <form action="foo.php" method="post"> Name: <input type="text" name="username"><br> <input type="submit"> </form> When the above form is submitted, the value from the text

input will be available in $HTTP_POST_VARS['username'] ; this is an associative array.

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Form Example

<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Form example 1</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><!-- File form1 --><FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION=“script1.php">Enter a numeric value:<BR><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="number"></FORM></BODY></HTML>

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Form Example Processing

<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Form 1 processing</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><!– script1.php --><?php $number = $_POST[‘number’]; echo "The number entered was: $number."; if ($number > 10) echo "<BR>That's a big number.";?></BODY></HTML>

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PHP Predefined variables

PHP has a range of predefined variables available - for example Apache variables, environment variables and PHP-specific variables

$PHP_SELF - the filename of the currently executing script $HTTP_POST_VARS - an associative array of variables passed to the

current script via the HTTP POST method. $HTTP_GET_VARS - an associative array of variables passed to the

current script via the HTTP GET method. $HTTP_ENV_VARS - an associative array of variables passed to the

current script via the parent environment. $SERVER_NAME - the name of the server host under which the current

script is executing. $DOCUMENT_ROOT - the document root directory under which the

current script is executing, as defined in the server's configuration file. $HTTP_REFERER - the address of the page (if any) which referred the

browser to the current page. REMOTE_ADDR - IP address of the client REMOTE_HOST - Host name of the client eg browserEtc – demo phpinfo()

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Sending an email

#recipient's email address$to = $EMAIL;#subject of the message$re = $COURSE_TITLE." Submission";#message from the feedback form$comments ="Hello $student, your submission for ".$COURSE_TITLE." course work has been successful:\n\n";$msg = $comments."\n\nFile: $file_name\n Assignment: $ass\n Size: $file_size bytes\n Type: $file_type\n Receipt Code: $part_code\n\n!Remember to keep a copy of this work!\n";#set the From header$headers = "From: ".$COURSE_EMAIL;#send the email now...mail($to,$re,$msg, $headers);

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Using Custom Functions

If you have some things that you do in a number of different scripts, you might consider putting them into custom functions. You could collect them into a file called functions.php and include them in all your scripts, or you could name them individually and include them only as needed. For example, you might want to make your own mail function which includes some default values. To make it flexible, you will want to pass it information (arguments) to use in different circumstances.

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• You could use the previous email example as a function and turn it into one with the header:

my_mail("My sample subject", $msg, $email);

• You could then include it in all your scripts as:require (“functions.php”);

Using Custom Functions

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Another example of a function:function compute_area($height, $width){

return $height*$width}• Function names are not case sensitive• Return statement terminates function

• Exit() terminates script• If no return statement NULL is returned

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Default Arguments

Eg. function gst($amount, $rate=0.12){

Return $amount*$rate;}• May be called using – to override $rate:

$tax = gst($purchase, 0.08);

Or to use default rate $tax = gst($purchase);

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Cookies and Sessions

• Cookies are useful for storing user info that should be retained from one page to the next. (Overcome the ‘stateless’ nature of the web)

• Cookies are written to the client’s hard drive.• Problems:

• User can disable cookies in the browser• Cookies may be viewed by other users• Can only store 20 cookies; max 4KB.• Some browsers may display incorrectly unless all

options are set in setcookie()

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Creating a Cookie

• setcookie(name,value,expiration);• E.g. setcookie(“fruit”,”banana”,time()+3600); The

cookies is called ‘fruit’ and has a value of ‘banana’; it will expire 1 hr from now.

• E.g. setcookie(“username”,”ralph”,time()+1800);

• Cookie values are sent as part of the HTTP headers (transparent to user). No output should be sent to the browser (echo etc) until the cookie is set else cookie will not be set.

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Accessing a Cookie

• Once created,cookie values are automatically available to PHP scripts as a variable having the same name as the cookie.• Eg. echo “the current user is $username”;

• PHP associative array HTTP_COOKIE_VARS contain the value of every current cookieForeach ($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS as $name =>$value) echo “<BR>$name =>


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Deleting a Cookie

• Automatically deleted after expiration time• Can manually delete by setting negative time


• Other cookie optionssetcookie(name,value,expire,path,domain,secure)path=which scripts have access to cookie values?. By default, any script in the

current server directory downward have access. Parent directory doesn’t.

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Other Cookie Options

domain = by default, a cookie is only available to scripts on the current web server. Specify a domain name for other servers. NOTE that some browsers need at least two dots in the domain name (Netscape).

secure = how cookies are sent.1 = https (secure connection)0 = http (normal connection)


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• Alternative to cookies• Can use a special cookie to identify the session• Or pass the session id from one script to the next

via the URL

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Sessions - Session Variables

• What if user disables cookies? Need to store data on the server. This is done in session variables.

• A session variable is a regular global variable that, when registered as a session variable, keeps its value on all pages that use PHP4 sessions. To register a session variable, assign a value to a variable that is to become a session variable and call• session_register("variable_name"). • On all subsequent pages that uses sessions (by calling

session_start()), the variable variable_name will have the value assigned to it before it was registered as a session variable. Changes to the variable value will be automatically registered in the session and saved for further reference

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Session Functions

• session_start -- Initialise session data• session_destroy -- Destroys all data registered to a session• session_name -- Get and/or set the current session name• session_module_name -- Get and/or set the current session module• session_save_path -- Get and/or set the current session save path• session_id -- Get and/or set the current session id• session_register -- Register one or more variables with the current

session • session_unregister -- Unregister a variable from the current session • session_unset -- Free all session variables • session_is_registered -- Find out if a variable is registered in a session • session_get_cookie_params -- Get the session cookie parameters • session_set_cookie_params -- Set the session cookie parameters • session_decode -- Decodes session data from a string• session_encode -- Encodes the current session data as a string • session_set_save_handler -- Sets user-level session storage functions • session_cache_limiter -- Get and/or set the current cache limiter• session_cache_expire -- Return current cache expire• session_write_close -- Write session data and end session

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<?php session_start();session_register("count");$count++;$msg="You have visited the page $count times in this session";


<html><head><title>Count visits</title></head><body>

<?php echo( $msg ); ?>



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• Using session variables for authentication in conjunction with a database . Create a login-page gives the user a userid and password form and posts to another PHP page (this example uses mysql):  

<?php session_start(); if ($userid && $password) {$res = mysql_query("SELECT userid FROM users WHERE userid='$userid' AND

password='$password'"); if(mysql_num_rows($res) != 0) { $verified_user = $userid; session_register("verified_user"); } } Header("Location: your_main_page.php");?>  • Now, on 'your_main_page.php', you call session_start() and then you

can check the verified_user variable to see if the user has been authenticated (and who he is). Other uses for session variables, easing database load by caching certain values in the session rather than reading them from the database on each page access.

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Destroying a Session

<?php // Initialize the session.// If you are using session_name("something"), // don't forget it now!session_start(); // Unset all of the session variables.session_unset();// Finally, destroy the session.session_destroy();?>

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• Once login data is captured/validated then want to go to a new page.

• Header(“Location: URL”); header("Location:");

• General technique:• Site start page = login page• Login page validates user and set cookies• Redirect to new page• New page uses cookie data to access DB info

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• Forms• Email• Functions• Cookies• Sessions

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Next Week

• Databases: SQL
