Modern Information Retrieval Chapter 3 Retrieval Evaluation


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Modern Information Retrieval

Chapter 3 Retrieval Evaluation

The most common measures of system performance are time and space an inherent tradeoff

Data retrieval time and space indexing

Information retrieval precision of the answer set also important

evaluation considerations query with/without feedback query interface design real data/synthetic data real life/laboratory environment

repeatability and scalability

recall and precision recall: fraction of relevant documents

which has been retrieved precision: fraction of retrieved documents

which is relevant

can we precisely compute precisions? can we precisely compute recalls?

precision versus recall curve: a standard evaluation strategy

interpolation procedure for generating the 11 standard recall levels


where j is in {0,1,2,…,10} andP(r) is a known precision

to evaluate the retrieval strategy over all test queries, the precisions at each recall level are averaged

another approach: compute average precision at given relevant document cutoff values


single value summary for each query average precision at seen relevant

documents example in Figure 3.2 favor systems which retrieve relevant

documents quickly can have a poor overall recall performance

R-precision R: total number of relevant documents examples in Figures 3.2 and 3.3

precision histogram

combining recall and precision the harmonic mean

it assumes a high value only when both recall and precision are high

the E measure

b=1, complement of the harmonic mean b>1, the user is more interested in precision b<1, the user is more interested in recall

user-oriented measures

coverage ratio: fraction of the documents known to be relevant which has been retrieved

the system finds the relevant documents the user expected to see

novelty ratio: fraction of the relevant documents retrieved which was previously unknown to the user

the system reveals new relevant documents previously unknown to the user

relative recall: the ratio between the number of relevant documents found and the number of relevant documents the user expected to find

relative recall=

when the relative recall equals to 1 (the user finds enough relevant documents), the user stops searching

recall effort: the ratio between the number of relevant documents the user expected to find and the number of documents examined in an attempt to find the expected relevant documents

research in IR lack a solid formal framework lack robust and consistent testbeds and

benchmarks Text REtrieval Conference

retrieval techniques methods using automatic thesauri sophisticated term weighting natural language techniques relevance feedback advanced pattern matching

document collection over 1 million documents newspaper, patents, etc.

topics in natural language conversion done by the system

relevant documents the pooling method: for each topic, collect the

top k documents generated by each participating system and decide their relevance by human assessors

the benchmark tasks ad hoc task filtering task Chinese cross languages spoken document retrieval high precision very large collection

evaluation measures summary table statistics: number of

documents retrieved, number of relevant documents retrieved, number of relevant documents not retrieved, etc.

recall-precision averages document level averages: average

precision at seen relevant documents average precision histogram
