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1 Direction: For each of the words below a context is provided. From the given alternatives pick the word or phrase that is closest in the meaning in the given context.

Swerve : He just managed to swerve the car around and save the lives of passengers crossing the road.  

turn upside down

brake his car

turn aside

bring to a jerky halt

2 Direction: For each of the words below a context is provided. From the given alternatives pick the word or phrase that is closest in the meaning in the given context.

Ecclesia : The popular ecclesia of the ancient Athens was a much hyped event.  

puppet show


spiritual service

piano workshop

3 Direction: For each of the words below a context is provided. From the given alternatives pick

the word or phrase that is closest in the meaning in the given context.

Boulevard : This hostel is located on a broad boulevard lined by huge trees.  




country side

4 Direction: Select the option that fills in the blanks most suitably (in the same order)

A queer metamorphosis took place in his disposition, the old adamance, the resolution remained unchanged but the mood of _______ dissent began to fade.  





5 Direction: Select the option that fills in the blanks most suitably (in the same order)

The __________ excesses of the army brought the city close to devastation.  





Passage I


American health care is unique among advanced countries in its heavy reliance on the private sector. It's also uniquely inefficient. We spend far more per person on health care than any other country, yet many Americans lack health insurance and don't receive essential care. A yet another example of just how bad the American system does at providing basic health care is - a study by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation estimates that 20 million working Americans are uninsured; in Texas, which has the worst record, more than 30 percent of the adults under 65 have no insurance. And lack of insurance leads to inadequate medical attention.

Our system is desperately in need of reform. Yet it will be very hard to get useful reform, for two

reasons: vested interests and ideology. A lot of big companies are essentially in the business of

wasting health care resources. The most striking inefficiency of our health system is our huge

medical bureaucracy, which is mainly occupied in trying to get someone else to pay the bills. A

good guess is that two million to three million Americans are employed by insurers and health

care providers not to deliver health care, but to pass the buck to other people.

Yet any effort to reduce this waste would hurt powerful, well-organized interests, which have

already demonstrated their power to block reform. But vested interests aren't the only obstacle to

fixing our health care system. We also have a big problem with ideology. America is ruled by

conservatives, and they have a private obsession: they believe that more privatization, not less, is

always the answer. And their faith persists even when the evidence clearly points to a private

sector gone bad.

A particularly good illustration of ideology-induced obliviousness is the 2004 Economic Report of

the President, which devotes a whole chapter to health care that can be read as a sort of

conservative manifesto on the subject. The main message of that report is that U.S. health care is

doing just fine. Never mind the huge expense, the low life expectancy, the high infant mortality;

it's a market-based system, so it must be good.

The president's economists had only one criticism of the system: insurance is too comprehensive,

which encourages people to consume too much health care. As they see it, insurance covers too

large a percentage of medical costs. The answer to this problem is the creation of private

accounts, which have now superseded tax cuts as the answer to all problems.

But, President Bush didn't cause the crisis in American health care. His health care policies have

made things only a little bit worse. But, the point, instead, is that even though all the evidence

suggests that we would be much better off under a system of universal coverage, any such move

will be fiercely opposed, on principle, by conservatives who want us to move in the opposite

direction. And reform will also be opposed by powerful vested interests.

6 According to the author, the fact that a lot of Americans are uninsured reflects upon the fact that:

 The private sectors are largely incapable.

Inefficacy of the American health system.

Political implosion as is obvious from the attitude of Bush’s government.

A tunnel vision which obviates all the other administrational procedures.

7 The following can be predicted about conservatives from the passage:

 Extreme execration for private sector.

Has somewhat denigrating effect on America’s salubriousness.

It is the actual root cause of all the inherent negativities of the American health care.

Aggrandized acquisitiveness.

8 What can be inferred from the phrase: “to pass the buck to other people……”? (Second paragraph)

 To put animadversion on to someone else.

To exploit existing resources.

To forgo individual benefit in favor of mass interest.

To drop the responsibility into someone's lap.

9 The following are the evidences that support that the private system has gone bad:

 The defensive policies of President Bush.

The current statistics that speak volumes.

The fact that it needs reform.

Because it shows definite sighs of being nonpareil.

10 What cannot be the detrimental effect of the huge medical bureaucracy mentioned in the passage?

 Heterogeneous distribution of available medical resources.

Prosperity of the non-deserving.

Constitution of false ideologies.

Inefficient utilization of insurance.

11 Let k1, k2, ….., k7 and N be integers such that k1 + k2  10 + …….. + k7  106 = N and k1  106 + k2  105 + …….. + k7 = 3N.Which one of the following is a possible value for N?





12 Let ABCD be a rectangle and let P be a point inside the rectangle. If PA = 8, PB = 4, and PD = 7, then PC =




13 For a positive integer n, define S (n) as the product of the base 4 digits of n. For example, since 31 = (133)4, we obtain S (31) = 1  3  3 = 9. What is the value of S(1) + S(2) + S(3) + ………. +S(254) + S(225) ?  






The sum  +  +  +  +  can be written in the form , where a and b are positive integers. The value of the ordered pair (a, b) is

 (9, 10)

(8, 9)

(11, 10)

(9, 9)

15 There are 7 steps in a flight of stairs (not counting the top and bottom of the flight). When going down, you jump over some steps, perhaps even over all 7. How many ways are there to go down the stairs?





16 PQRST is any pentagon. In the given figure all the circles have their centers at the vertices and are all of equal radius r. The sum of areas of the shaded sectors is






17 The integer sequence x1, x2, x3, ... satisfies xn+2 = xn+1 - xn for n > 0. The sum of the first 100 terms

is 305, and the sum of the first 305 terms is 100. Find the sum of the first 2001 terms.





18 9 clay targets are arranged as shown. In how many ways can they be shot (one at a time) if no target can be shot until the target(s) below it have been shot.






19 Two friends Ram and Ghansham promise each other to meet at bus stop between 5 pm to 6 pm. Each will wait for 10 mins. What is the probability that they will meet?


20 Three positive integers X, Y and Z are there such that their product N is 6 times their sum. One of the integers is the sum of the other two. Find the sum of all possible values of N.





21 Direction: is based on the following: There are seven states (A, B, …G) in a country. P is the best player in state A. Q is the best player in state B, and R is the best player in state G. Q is the better player than P, but is a poorer player than R. Y is the third best player in state B. Z is the second best player in G. M is the fourth best player in A. Y is a better player than Z but a poorer player than M.

How many players in the country (at the least) are better players than M?  





22 Direction: is based on the following: There are seven states (A, B, …G) in a country. P is the best player in state A. Q is the best player in state B, and R is the best player in state G. Q is the better player than P, but is a poorer player than R. Y is the third best player in state B. Z is the second best player in G. M is the fourth best player in A. Y is a better player than Z but a poorer player than M.

How many players in the country (at the least) are better players than Z?  





23 Direction: is based on the following: There are seven states (A, B, …G) in a country. P is the best player in state A. Q is the best player in state B, and R is the best player in state G. Q is the better player than P, but is a poorer player than R. Y is the third best player in state B. Z is the second best player in G. M is the fourth best player in A. Y is a better player than Z but a poorer player than M.

How many players in the country (at the least) are better than K, who is the third best player in E?  





Directions for questions 24 – 28: Refer to the following information to answer the questions that


Condition: For any project report that has to be published has to go through the following three

steps in the given order:


(i) Research work & Compilation              (ii) Analysis and Correction                     (iii) Final Presentation

Lakx & Vikx Enterprises, a consulting company has six professionals for research & compilation,

one professional who can analyse & correct the researched & compiled data, and four people for

final presentation.

Project report (‘Category A’) requires, on an average, 12 man-hours of research & compilation (1

man working for 12 hours, 12 men working for 1 hour, etc.), 2 man-hours for analysis and

correction and 1 man hour for final presentation.

Project report (‘Category B’) requires 20 man-hours of research work & compilation, 8 man-hours

of analysis and correction and 2 man hours of final presentation.

Project report (‘Category C’) requires 14 man-hours of research work & compilation, 6 man-hours

of analysis and correction and 2 man-hours of final presentation.

Each person works 10 hours a day.

24 What is the maximum number of projects of ‘Category A’ that can be finished in a day?





25 If two projects of ‘Category A’ are finished in day, what is the maximum number of projects of ‘Category B’ that can also be finished?





26 If only one project of ‘Category C’ is finalized in a day, in total how many man-hours will be idle?





27 If an extra person who can analyse and correct the researched & compiled work is employed, then how many projects of ‘Category B’ can be finished in a day?





None of these

28 If only one ‘Category B’ document is finished in a day, then how many professionals for research & compilation work can take the day off?





29 Direction: Mark the answer as:Is a > b ?I           – 7 a + 7b is negativeII          7a + 7b is positive  

if the question can be answered with the help of one statement alone.

if the question can be answered with the help of each statement independently.

if the question can be answered with the help of both the statements together.

if the question cannot be answered even using both the statements.

30 Direction: Mark the answer as:Find the value of z.I.          The sum of two 3-digit number xyz & yxz is 990II.         z is the ten’s digit of the number (PQ5)2,             where PQ5 is any three digit number.  

if the question can be answered with the help of one statement alone.

if the question can be answered with the help of each statement independently.

if the question can be answered with the help of both the statements together.

if the question cannot be answered even using both the statements.

Analysis of your test

- Correct - Incorrect - Unmarked

Question No. Correct Answer Your Answer Comment

Question No 1 (C) Unmarked

Question No 2 (B) Unmarked

Question No 3 (A) Unmarked

Question No 4 (C) Unmarked

Question No 5 (C) Unmarked

Question No 6 (B) Unmarked

Question No 7 (B) Unmarked

Question No 8 (D) Unmarked

Question No 9 (B) Unmarked

Question No 10 (C) Unmarked

Question No 11 (D) Unmarked

Question No 12 (D) Unmarked

Question No 13 (B) Unmarked

Question No 14 (A) Unmarked

Question No 15 (C) Unmarked

Question No 16 (D) Unmarked

Question No 17 (C) Unmarked

Question No 18 (C) Unmarked

Question No 19 (B) Unmarked

Question No 20 (C) Unmarked

Question No 21 (C) Unmarked

Question No 22 (B) Unmarked

Question No 23 (C) Unmarked

Question No 24 (A) Unmarked

Question No 25 (D) Unmarked

Question No 26 (B) Unmarked

Question No 27 (C) Unmarked

Question No 28 (C) Unmarked

Question No 29 (A) Unmarked

Question No 30 (B) Unmarked


Question 1

Direction: For each of the words below a context is provided. From the given alternatives pick the word or phrase that is closest in the meaning in the given context.

Swerve : He just managed to swerve the car around and save the lives of passengers crossing the road.

(1)  turn upside down    (2)  brake his car    (3)  turn aside    (4)  bring to a jerky halt  

The right answer is turn aside .The dictionary meaning of the word swerve is to turn aside or cause to turn aside sharply. This meaning is explicit in option (3). Thus (3) is the correct answer.


Question 2

Direction: For each of the words below a context is provided. From the given alternatives pick the word or phrase that is closest in the meaning in the given context.

Ecclesia : The popular ecclesia of the ancient Athens was a much hyped event.

(1)  puppet show    (2)  congregation    (3)  spiritual service   (4)  piano workshop 

The right answer is congregation.

The word ecclesia is used for a political assembly of citizens, usually in ancient Greek states. Thus congregation in option (2) is the correct answer.


Question 3

Direction: For each of the words below a context is provided. From the given alternatives pick the word or phrase that is closest in the meaning in the given context.

Boulevard : This hostel is located on a broad boulevard lined by huge trees.

(1)  street    (2)  corner    (3)  crossing   (4)  country side 

The right answer is street .

Boulevard means a broad, well–made street. This option is present in (1). Thus, (1) is the correct answer.


Question 4

Direction: Select the option that fills in the blanks most suitably (in the same order)

A queer metamorphosis took place in his disposition, the old adamance, the resolution remained unchanged but the mood of _______ dissent began to fade.

(1)  diabolic    (2)  didactic    (3)  capricious   (4)  garrulous 

The right answer is capricious.

Sentence says ”resolution remained unchanged but the mood….”. So, we need to fill the blank with a word that is opposite to ‘unchanged’. Obviously, capricious, which means to change suddenly is the correct option. Thus (3) is the correct answer.


Question 5

Direction: Select the option that fills in the blanks most suitably (in the same order)

The __________ excesses of the army brought the city close to devastation.

(1)  shocking    (2)  blatant    (3)  wanton   (4)  limitless 

The right answer is wanton.

We have to go for the best answer. We need a negative word and the best of the given options is ‘wanton’ which means with provocation or unjust. The unjust or unprovoked excesses would be the best option. Thus (3) is the correct answer.


Question 6

According to the author, the fact that a lot of Americans are uninsured reflects upon the fact that:

(1)  The private sectors are largely incapable.    (2)  Inefficacy of the American health system.    (3)  Political implosion as is obvious from the attitude of Bush’s government.  (4)  A tunnel vision which obviates all the other administrational procedures. 

The right answer is Inefficacy of the American health system..

(2) is the correct option as it can be derived from these lines in first paragraph: “A yet another example of just how bad the American system does at providing basic health care……”


Question 7

The following can be predicted about conservatives from the passage:

(1)  Extreme execration for private sector.    (2)  Has somewhat denigrating effect on America’s salubriousness.    (3)  It is the actual root cause of all the inherent negativities of the American health care.   (4)  Aggrandized acquisitiveness. 

The right answer is Has somewhat denigrating effect on America’s salubriousness..

(2) is the correct option and it can be derived from the following lines of the last paragraph: “President Bush didn't cause the crisis in American health care. His health care policies have made things only a little bit worse. But, the point, instead, is that even though all the evidence suggests that we would be much better off under a system of universal coverage, any such move will be fiercely opposed, on principle, by conservatives who want us to move in the opposite direction.”


Question 8

What can be inferred from the phrase: “to pass the buck to other people……”? (Second paragraph)

(1)  To put animadversion on to someone else.    (2)  To exploit existing resources.    (3)  To forgo individual benefit in favor of mass interest.   (4)  To drop the responsibility into someone's lap. 

The right answer is To drop the responsibility into someone's lap..

(4) is the correct option. The phrase is the restatement of the phrase “The most striking inefficiency of our health system is our huge medical bureaucracy, which is mainly occupied in trying to get someone else to pay the bills.”


Question 9

The following are the evidences that support that the private system has gone bad:

(1)  The defensive policies of President Bush.    (2)  The current statistics that speak volumes.    (3)  The fact that it needs reform.   (4)  Because it shows definite sighs of being nonpareil. 

The right answer is The current statistics that speak volumes..(2) is the correct option as is obvious from the first paragraph.


Question 10

What cannot be the detrimental effect of the huge medical bureaucracy mentioned in the passage?

(1)  Heterogeneous distribution of available medical resources.    (2)  Prosperity of the non-deserving.    (3)  Constitution of false ideologies.   (4)  Inefficient utilization of insurance. 

The right answer is Constitution of false ideologies..

(3) is the correct option as the problem in ideologies leads to the bureaucracy mentioned in the passage. It is not the effect of the same.


Question 11

Let k1, k2, ….., k7 and N be integers such that k1 + k2  10 + …….. + k7  106 = N and k1  106

+ k2  105 + …….. + k7 = 3N.Which one of the following is a possible value for N?

(1)  41053290    (2)  51053290    (3)  61053290   (4)  71053290 

The right answer is 71053290.

Observe that 2N = 3N – N = (k1  106 + k2  105 + ……. + k7) – (k1 + k2  10 + ….. + k7  106)= (106 – 1) (k1 – k7) + (105 – 10) (k2 – k6) + (104 – 102) (k3 – k5).

Since 10k – 10 is divisible by 9 for any non-negative integers k and , we see that the last expression above is divisible by 9. It follows that 2N and, hence, N must be divisible by 9.One checks that the only choice of answers divisible by 9 is 71053290. Note that this does not prove that there are kj as in the problem for N = 71053290 (such a proof is not required). For N = 71053290, one can take k1 = 210, k2 = 28, k3 = 28, k4 = 70, k5 = 98, k6 = 0, and k7 = 70. Answer : (4)


Question 12

Let ABCD be a rectangle and let P be a point inside the rectangle. If PA = 8, PB = 4, and PD = 7, then PC =


(1)     (2)  2    (3)     (4)  1 

The right answer is 1.

Drop a perpendicular from P to side , and call the intersection point R. Set AR = x and BR = y.

Similarly, drop a perpendicular from P to side , and call the intersection point S. Set AS = u, and DS = v. The conditions in the problem imply y2 + u2 = PB2 = 42 = 16, u2 + x2 = PA2 = 82 = 64, and x2 + v2 = PD2 = 72 = 49.Hence,PC2 = y2 + v2 = (y2 + u2) + (x2 + v2) – (u2 + x2) = 16 + 49 – 64 = 1. Therefore, PC = 1. Answer: (4)


Question 13

For a positive integer n, define S (n) as the product of the base 4 digits of n. For example, since 31 = (133)4, we obtain S (31) = 1  3  3 = 9. What is the value of S(1) + S(2) + S(3) + ………. +S(254) + S(225) ?

(1)  1496    (2)  1554    (3)  1572   (4)  1596 

The right answer is 1554.

For 1  j  4, let Sj denote the set of positive integers consisting of j digits in base 4. For example, S1 = {1, 2, 3}. The numbers in S1  S2  S3  S4 are precisely the numbers from 1 to 255 = 44 – 1.Observe that as m varies over the elements in Sj, the value of s(m) varies over products of the form d1d2 ….. dj where each dj is a base 4 digit (i.e., some number from the set {0,

1, 2, 3}). We deduce that  = (0 + 1 + 2 + 3)j = 6j

Thus,  = 6 + 62 + 63 + 64 = 6  (1 + 6 + 36 + 216) = 6  259 = 1554. Answer: (2)


Question 14

The sum  +  +  +  +  can be written in the form , where a and b are positive integers. The value of the ordered pair (a, b) is

(1)  (9, 10)    (2)  (8, 9)    (3)  (11, 10)   (4)  (9, 9) 

The right answer is (9, 10).

 +  +  +  +

=  [10C1 + 10C3 + 10C5 + 10C7 + 10C9)

=  =   a = 9, b = 10. Answer: (1)


Question 15

There are 7 steps in a flight of stairs (not counting the top and bottom of the flight). When going down, you jump over some steps, perhaps even over all 7. How many ways are there to go down the stairs?

(1)  7!    (2)  28    (3)  128   (4)  343 

The right answer is 128.

A way to go down the flight of stairs is simply the choice of several steps you are going to step on. Therefore, the question is equivalent to the calculation of the number of the subsets of a 7-element set, and the answer is 27 = 128. Answer: (3)


Question 16

PQRST is any pentagon. In the given figure all the circles have their centers at the vertices and are all of equal radius r. The sum of areas of the shaded sectors is


(1)  r2           (2)  2r2    (3)  5r2/4   (4)  3r2/2 

The right answer is 3r2/2.

Sum of Angles of a pentagon = 540o Hence Area = (540/360)  R2 = 3R2/2. Answer: (4)


Question 17

The integer sequence x1, x2, x3, ... satisfies xn+2 = xn+1 - xn for n > 0. The sum of the first 100 terms is 305, and the sum of the first 305 terms is 100. Find the sum of the first 2001 terms.

(1)  205    (2)  0    (3)  410   (4)  615 

The right answer is 410.

The sequence is x1, x2, x2 – x1, – x1, –x2, x1 – x2, …….. so it is periodic with period 6Also the sum of a complete period of terms is 0 i.e S6 = (x1) + (x2) + (x2 – x1) + (– x1) + (– x2) +(x1) + (– x2) = 0,S12 = S18 = S24 = … = 0 .

As 100 = 4 mod 6Sum of first 100 terms = sum of first four terms = x1 + x2 + x2 – x1 – x1 = 2x2 – x1 = 305Also 305 = 5 mod 6Sum of first 305 terms = sum of first five terms = x1 + x2 + x2 – x1 – x1 – x2  = x2 – x1 = 100Now 2001 = 3 mod 6Sum of first 2001 terms = x1 + x2 + x2 – x1 = 2x2

= 2[(2x2 – x1) – (x2 – x1)]= 2[305 – 100] = 410. Answer. (3)


Question 18

9 clay targets are arranged as shown. In how many ways can they be shot (one at a time) if no target can be shot until the target(s) below it have been shot.


(1)  2576    (2)  4780    (3)  5040   (4)  6025 

The right answer is 5040.


Shooting order is an order of string of three 1’s two 2’s, one 3 and three 4’s.

9 shots can be ordered in  = 5040. Answer. (3)


Question 19

Two friends Ram and Ghansham promise each other to meet at bus stop between 5 pm to 6 pm. Each will wait for 10 mins. What is the probability that they will meet?

(1)     (2)     (3)     (4)   

The right answer is .

The x-axis give the arrival time of one (in minutes after 5pm), the y-axis the arrival time of the other. The arrival times can differ by up to 10 minutes, so the shaded portion gives the arrival pairs (x, y) for which they meet. Total area is 60  60 = 3600Area of shaded portion = 602 – (60 – 10)2 = 1100

Probability that they will meet = .        Answer. (2)



Question 20

Three positive integers X, Y and Z are there such that their product N is 6 times their sum. One of the integers is the sum of the other two. Find the sum of all possible values of N.

(1)  252    (2)  80    (3)  336   (4)  240 

The right answer is 336.

Let the numbers be a, b, a + b. So ab(a + b) = 12(a + b). Hence ab = 12. So {a, b} = {1, 12}, {2, 6} or {3, 4}. Hence N = 156, 96 or 84, sum 336. Answer. (3)


Question 21

Direction: is based on the following: There are seven states (A, B, …G) in a country. P is the best player in state A. Q is the best player in state B, and R is the best player in state G. Q is the better player than P, but is a poorer player than R. Y is the third best player in state B. Z is the second best player in G. M is the fourth best player in A. Y is a better player than Z but a poorer player than M.

How many players in the country (at the least) are better players than M?

(1)  9    (2)  15    (3)  5   (4)  11 

The right answer is 5.

For 21 to 23:A lot of information has been given. We can avoid confusion by using a simple tabulation.(it will also make the information more handy )            A         B         G         C         D         E         F1.         P         Q         R2                            Z3.                  Y4.         M(A player better than another is marked above the latter. Note that  denotes a player whose name or abbreviation is not known).We can also make the following markings:                        R                     M                        Q                     Y                        P                     Z(3) There are three players better than M in A itself. In addition, as R and Q are better players than P, they are better players than M, too. So totally we have noted five players who are better than M. There may be more, but at least these five are better than M. Hence the answer is (3).[Note that the best player of C, D, E, etc. need not necessarily be better players than M].


Question 22

Direction: is based on the following: There are seven states (A, B, …G) in a country. P is the best player in state A. Q is the best player in state B, and R is the best player in state G. Q is the better player than P, but is a poorer player than R. Y is the third best player in state B. Z is the second best player in G. M is the fourth best player in A. Y is a better player than Z but a poorer player than M.

How many players in the country (at the least) are better players than Z?

(1)  13    (2)  8    (3)  19   (4)  20 

The right answer is 8.

(2) There is a better player than Z in G itself (namely R). In addition, Y is a better player than Z. There are two players in B better than Y. So Y and these two players (of B) are all better players than Z.M is also a better player than Z. Hence the best three players of A are also all better players than Z. So totally there are, at least, 1 + 3 + 4 or eight players who are better than Z. (There can be more, as some of the players in C, D etc. – may be than Z, but at least eight players are better than Z).  So the answer is (2).


Question 23

Direction: is based on the following: There are seven states (A, B, …G) in a country. P is the best player in state A. Q is the best player in state B, and R is the best player in state G. Q is the better player than P, but is a poorer player than R. Y is the third best player in state B. Z is the second best player in G. M is the fourth best player in A. Y is a better player than Z but a poorer player than M.

How many players in the country (at the least) are better than K, who is the third best player in E?

(1)  8    (2)  14    (3)  2   (4)  4 

The right answer is 2.

K is the third best player in E. So there are two players in E who are better than two there are no other players in the country better than K. [Note that we are trying to find the least possible figure as the answer. The third best player of one state could well be better that the best players of the other states.]Hence the number of players (at the least) in the country who are better than K is two. So the answer is (3).


Question 24

What is the maximum number of projects of ‘Category A’ that can be finished in a day?

(1)  5    (2)  10    (3)  20   (4)  40 

The right answer is 5.

For 24 – 28: For the given information we can prepare a table as follows:

Stages Number of Persons

Total man-hours Available

Total Man hours required


Research work &


6 6  10 = 60 12 20 14

Analysis and correction

1 1  10 = 10 2 8 6

Final Presentation

4 4  10 = 40 1 2 2

Maximum number of ‘Category A’ projects that can be researched & compiled in a day = = 5.

Maximum number of ‘Category A’ projects that can be analysed & corrected in a day = = 5

Maximum number of ‘Category A’ projects that can be finally presented in a day = = 40.Maximum number of ‘Category A’ documents that can be finished in a day = 5. Answer: (1)


Question 25

If two projects of ‘Category A’ are finished in day, what is the maximum number of projects of ‘Category B’ that can also be finished?

(1)  5    (2)  2    (3)  1   (4)  0 

The right answer is 0.

Two ‘Category A’ projects need 24 man-hours of research work & compilation, 4 of analysis & correction and 2 of final presentation. We are then left with 36 man-hours for research work & compilation, 6 for analysis & correction and 38 for final presentation. Since each ‘Category B’ project needs 8 man-hours of analysis and correction. So, no ‘Category B’ project can be finished on that day. Answer: (4)


Question 26

If only one project of ‘Category C’ is finalized in a day, in total how many man-hours will be idle?

(1)  72    (2)  82    (3)  90   (4)  94 

The right answer is 82.(60 – 14) + (10 – 6) + (40 – 2) = 88 man hours Answer: (2)


Question 27

If an extra person who can analyse and correct the researched & compiled work is employed, then how many projects of ‘Category B’ can be finished in a day?

(1)  3    (2)  1    (3)  2   (4)  None of these 

The right answer is 2.

Maximum number of ‘Category B’ projects that can be researched & compiled = = 3.

Maximum number of ‘Category B’ projects that can be analysed & corrected = = 2.5

Maximum number of ‘Category B’ projects that can be presented = = 20 Maximum number of ‘Category B’ projects that can be finished = 2.     Answer: (3)


Question 28

If only one ‘Category B’ document is finished in a day, then how many professionals for research & compilation work can take the day off?

(1)  1    (2)  2    (3)  4   (4)  0 

The right answer is 4.

One ‘Category B’ project requires 20 man-hours of research work & compilation. Hence 4 professionals for research & compilation may take the day off.      Answer: (3)


Question 29

Direction: Mark the answer as:

Is a > b ?I           – 7 a + 7b is negativeII          7a + 7b is positive

(1)  if the question can be answered with the help of one statement alone.    (2)  if the question can be answered with the help of each statement independently.    (3)  if the question can be answered with the help of both the statements together.   (4)  if the question cannot be answered even using both the statements. 

The right answer is if the question can be answered with the help of one statement alone..

From statement - I  :     - 7 a + 7 b = - 7 (a – b) is negative   a > bFrom statement – II :      we cannot determined. Answer : (1)


Question 30

Direction: Mark the answer as:

Find the value of z.I.          The sum of two 3-digit number xyz & yxz is 990II.         z is the ten’s digit of the number (PQ5)2,             where PQ5 is any three digit number.

(1)  if the question can be answered with the help of one statement alone.    (2)  if the question can be answered with the help of each statement independently.    (3)  if the question can be answered with the help of both the statements together.   (4)  if the question cannot be answered even using both the statements. 

The right answer is if the question can be answered with the help of each statement independently..From statement I, we can conclude that z = 0 From statement II, Q the given number(PQ5) ends with 5 & the last two digit of a square of every no. which ends with 5 are 25. Hence here z = 2. Answer :  (2)
