Mobile Youth By Jimoh Ovbiagele Director of Mobile Youth Branch Development


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Mobile YouthMobile YouthBy Jimoh OvbiageleBy Jimoh Ovbiagele

Director of Mobile Youth Branch DevelopmentDirector of Mobile Youth Branch Development

Save A Mother

Save A Mother was founded in 2007 by Dr.Shiban GanjuSAM educates women about pregnancy, nutrition, immunization, delivery and care of the child. We have since expanded our campaign to combat gender injustices, promote government cooperation, and eradicate other preventable health care issues.

Save A Mother has a Save A Mother has a complementary benefit complementary benefit

inin saving the childsaving the child..

SAM Philosophy

Health is a Responsibility

Change the mindset of less knowledgeable



7 steps towards SAMRegular meetingsPersonal Hygiene Pregnancy PracticeInfant CareCooperation with Public WorkersChild ImmunizationsAdolescence Health Education


1,302 Health Care Activists

854 Villages

300,000 Households

3 million lives

Maternal Mortality Down by 91%

Infant Mortality Down by 74%

Results (May-Nov 2009 v Nov ‘09-July 2010)

1550 Births May-Nov 2009

1532 Births Nov ‘09- July 2010

Maternal Deaths Down by 91%

Infant Deaths Down by 74%

We are proud to say that we operate with ZERO administrative overhead!

It is time we get our youth involved…



Mobile Youth

=SAMMY“Mobilizing on World Healthcare



“…are the bearers of immense responsibility, fearless explorers of new ground, and agents of change. It is of utmost importance for every country to raise socially responsible leaders by first showing the way and then making way for the youth to pave their own leadership roads…”


“You must first have the freedom of choice in order to responsibly elect the right decision. Mobile Youth clubs will foster socially and environmentally responsible leaders on campuses around the nation…”

Mission: Develop healthcare solutions for the poor

“Mobile Youths will mobilize young, caring leaders who are looking to make a difference in their global society, to make an imprint past the far reaches of their countries’ shores; to grow alongside likeminded peers, forging camaraderie's, and honing the skills and experiences that are befit of all great leaders. For this, Sammy’s will unite.”

4 Core Functions

Promote Leadership

Fund raise

Serve & Advocate


Ulterior Goals

Raise $500

Draw in 500 Facebook FollowersChase Community Challenge

How to Start A Branch

1) Club Sponsor2) Complete Documentation3) Fees

$50 New Branch Certification Fee$50 Annual Commitment Fee

4) Garner Members$10 Annual Member Registration Fee

5) Officer Elections

Official Duties


Vice President



Event Coordinator

Training Coordinator



Quarter System

Function: To ensure branches are actively engaged with the exchanging results and feed back.4-8 week quarters= Annual TermQuarterly ReportThemes


Are meant to give direction and to inspire, not to constrict2011-2012 Themes

Camaraderie Enlightenment“Our youth are the future of tomorrow”Create your own theme!

Branch of the year!

Guidance and Advice

SAM Ambassadors

Fund raising Guide
