Mobile: measurability unlocks spending


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Mobile: measurability unlocks spending

Gabriella BergaglioTNS Digital Practice Lead

Cristina ColomboTNS Consumer Insight Director

© TNS 2013

IAB Forum 2013 – Milan, 3rd-4th December


11Device penetration and consumer behavior are aligned to offer advertiser a clear channel to a substantial audience

2Yet the industry is cautious on the value of mobile to brand yowners: main barrier to adoption of mobile marketing investment is data deficit in planning, campaign effectiveness and brand integration

3Passive data collection tackles mobile measurement h llchallenge

4Path to growthPath to growth

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1Mobile device adoption is opening a new era of digital Mobile device adoption is opening a new era of digital marketing, creating a powerful channel for companies to communicate with customers at critical points of the purchase p pdecision cycle


The continued growth of the total potential market is being driven on both dimensions of users and their share of time

2 0 1 3


2 0 1 2

Mobile share of time

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Experience is key, sharing is mainstreamBrands have a powerful communication channel with consumersp

Proportion of people using mobile functions - Italy





Using calendar

Browsing the internet

Taking photos or videos

Sending / receiving SMS





Using Bluetooth

Sending / receiving emails

Listening to music

Using calendar





Sending / receiving MMS

WiFi connection in public areas

Playing games

Social networking





Using GPS

Using instant messaging


Sending / receiving MMS





W t hi li TV h

Scanning QR codes

Reading eBooks/news via an app

Streaming video

Activities with advertising potential – where users can be reached

19Watching live TV shows

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Mobile Life 2013 D1: Out of these features, please tell me which of these statements best reflects your usage of that feature. USE = Daily + Weekly + Less often than once a week

Mobile provides a link between the ‘digital’ world and the real world, allowing users to access whatever they need, wherever they are. g y , yBrands can now meet contextual consumer needs

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A disruptive effect in the in-store environment, particularly for younger consumersconsumers

Average % mobile activities in the path to purchase - Italy

At home In store Mobile



Activities carried out in store

16 15

Activities carried out in store

1216 15

10 11

Research at home

Research at the POS

Purchase in store via mobile (online, contactless payment)

Product information

Product review /social


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Base: Mobile users – Italy 993

F3a. Usage of mobile in the path to purchase

2Yet the industry is cautious on the value of mobile to brand owners


Ready but cautious

73% believe that mobile will be the fastestgrowing media for the next five years

65% mobile will be the primary medium for communicating with the 12 to 24 age 65%

64% believe that mobile search will overtake PC

g ggroup within two years


search by 2015

32% do not fully agree that mobile inventory is good value for money compared to 32% is good value for money compared to other media

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So why don’t we invest in mobile, in-line with how consumers spend their time?

Share of total digital ad spend (%) - Italy 93 7

ti Share of time with devices (%) – Italy

“Other device” not shown

76 21

Tablet SmartphoneLaptopDesktop

Mobile Life 2013 B12. “Thinking about your overall usage of these technology devices, how do you allocate your time between each device?” Devices: Desktop, Notebook/laptop/netbook,

© TNS 2013 10

Smart TV, Tablet, Smartphone. Smart TV not showneMarketer january 2013, Worldwide Ad Spending Forecast. Digital Ad Spend inclused advertising that appears on desktop and laptop PC as well as mobile phones and tablet and it includes all the various format of adv on those platform; it excludes SMS, MMS and P2P messing based advAudiweb Trends Sept 2013 penetration : PC + Smartphone connected individuals any place and device 19,5 million individuals –

Campaign measurement, planning and integration in the brand's strategy are key issues, the Australian industry says gy y , y y

1 52 47 Overall demographics of mobile internet Publishers are more

Understanding of global trends and issues - %








Browsing behaviour on mobile internet

likely to want more information about demographics of mobile users







How to integrate mobile into a brand’s strategy

H t l bil d ti i 10






How to plan mobile advertising

The range of creative possibilities of mobile for advertising

Key topics to support capability on and report

10 72 18 Possibilities for mobile ad campaign measurement

on and report updates/ developments

Q6. Do you feel you have a good enough understanding of the following global trends and issues to include mobile in your business Base: 115

No idea whatsoever Aware of this but should learn more Completely across it

© TNS 2013 11

Key actions identified to increase mobile advertising spend are directly linked to addressing effectiveness, measurement, and y g , ,training.

Single most important issue for the mobile advertising industry to do to increase ad spend on mobile

Top 3 mentions (coded)1. Evidence of effectiveness (19%)2. Measurement (14%)3 More training / education (10%)3. More training / education (10%)

Q25 What single thing would the mobile advertising industry need to do in order for you to increase your advertising spend on mobile? Base: 115

© TNS 2013 12

Integration in the brand strategy is an issue because we do not yet know how mobile fits in

Does it help consumers…

Drive awareness Explore and select

Decide where to buy

Receive Customer Service

Keep in touch with the brand

Become aware of new products / brands that

Decide where to buy the product for the best

ll d l

Stay in touch, and keep up-to-date, with a brand brands that

are available

Explore different

overall deal

Use the product /


products or brands and select the best one for my needs

p /service better and have questions answered about it


© TNS 2013 13

3i d t ll ti How passive data collection

tackles both the mobile measurement and the brand integration issues


Registering consumers mobile behaviour – the case of a European country

An application, which captures smartphone and tablet usage with a passivemeasurement approach is installed in every panelist devicemeasurement approach, is installed in every panelist device.

The indicators are continuously monitored, always and everywhere.

Results following are taken from Mobile 360°, a study on an European country, carriedout in June 2012, observing for 4 weeks, a panel of 1109 smartphone and 96 iPadusers.

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Mobile 360°/2012A European case

Smartphone e tablet have two different behavioural models in terms of content fruition




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Mobile 360°/2012A European case

And channel of fruition differs according to content/context

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Mobile 360°/2012A European case

Granularity of measurement gets to singular activity: 18% of iPad owners has not visited the Appstore in the month we measured

- Tablet (iPad)


( )

© TNS 2013 18

Mobile 360°/2012A European case

Users Typologies: The ‘Mobile Behave Segments’

16%I’m a heavyweight smartphone user, and you can tellfrom my behavior. My profile differs substantially fromthe others. I’m always adjusting my settings to use myphone as efficiently as possible. On top of all “regular smartphone activities” like Social Networking, gamingand WhatsApping, I like to Shop occasionally (not just AppStore shopping, also real Shopping). I’m not afraidto handle some of my financial matters online either. My data usage is a lot higher than my age!My data usage is a lot higher than my age!

© TNS 2013 19Mobile 360°/2012A European case

Actual behavior observation and segmentation provide key information on content fruition, unlocking correlations among activities done, g g

I’m a heavyweight smartphone user, and you can tell frommy behavior.


y be a oMy profile differs substantially from the others. I’m alwaysadjusting my settings to use my phone as efficiently aspossible. On top of all “regular smartphone activities” likeSocial Networking, Gaming and WhatsApping, I like toShop occasionally (not just AppStore shopping also realShop occasionally (not just AppStore shopping, also realShopping). I’m not afraid to handle some of my financialmatters online either.My data usage is a lot higher than my age!

© TNS 2013 20

Mobile 360°/2012A European case

4Path to growthPath to growth


Multiple parameters provide a complete picture with profile, behavioral, purchase and contextual data, to obtain precise measurements of your p , p ycampaign effectiveness.

C t d j t d ti f i t i i bil t bl t tCurrent and projected proportions of campaigns containing mobile or tablet components

Mobiles Tablets% campaigns

h i l d% campaigns that

i l d bl% campaigns that include


% campaigns that include mobile next 2 years

that include tablet

include tabletnext2 years

28% 47% 15% 39%28% 47% 15% 39%

+68% +160%

© TNS 2013 22

Behaviors are changing according to platform: consumers fruitions is more and more customized, according to channels which best fit in the , gneed.

AppsCross device

Path to purchase

Cross device

On mobile web



The Full Value of Mobile

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Mobile is embedded into media, working and shopping habits. Major advertisers recognize mobile as a crucial platform for marketing: g p gintegrate mobile into marketing strategy as a critical channel for customer outreach

Mobile offers conversion

Brand Activation

Mobile enables you to extend

Customer Experience

Mobile offers new ways of

Brand Building

opportunities by targeting customers close to the point

of purchase…

the service you offer, or develop new services


expanding on your brand proposition, and new ways

to deliver it…

Mobile’s unique capability in providing the bridge between online and offline means it offers targeted opportunities across the consumer journey

© TNS 2013

Thank you

@: gabriella bergaglio@tnsglobal com@:

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