Mobile Learning



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  • OUTLINE OF THE TOPICDefine M-Learning

    Features of M-Learning

    Advantages of M-Learning

    Limitations of M-Learning

    Technology that support M-Learning

    Concerns\issues raised by researchers in M-Learning

  • DEFINITION OF MOBILE LEARNINGLearning that happens across locations, or that takes advantage of learning opportunities offered by portable technologies

    Technologists place a high emphasis on novelty and the functionality of the devices (phones, PDAs, iPods, PSPs) themselves

  • FEATURES OF MOBILE LEARNINGEnables knowledge building by learners in different contexts.

    Enables learners to construct understandings. Mobile technology often changes the pattern of learning/work activity.

  • FEATURES OF MOBILE LEARNINGfocus is on the mobility of the learner , interacting with portable or fixed technology; and learning in a mobile society, (M-Learning also brings strong portability by replacing books and notes with small RAMs, filled with tailored learning contents )M-learning is convenient, in the sense that it is accessible virtually from anywhere(class, taxi, laundry room, ) M-learning is collaborative; that is sharing is almost instantly among everyone using the same content, which will in turn also lead to receiving instant feedback and tips. That will be the best kind of learning M-learning is engaging and fun. With this kind of learning, it is much easier to combine gaming and learning for a more effective and entertaining experience

  • ADVANTAGES Mobile learning decreases limitation of learning location with the mobility of general portable devices

    It offer the opportunity for choice.

    Mobile learning creates new conditions for learning

  • ADVANTAGES Check e-mail everywhere, easy to use and read, could replace SMS

    Use internet wherever you are

    Mobile learning provide the student more autonomy and flexibility especially in distance education.


  • TECHNICAL CHALLENGESSmall Screen size Small key size Limited Performance, in terms of processor capability, available memory, storage space and battery life. Slow Connectivity of the internet Multiple standards, multiple screen sizes, multiple operating systems Repurposing existing e-Learning materials for mobile platformsLeft- to-right scrolling, web sites too big to see effectively on small screenRisk of theft, rain, mud, breakability, and so on

  • SOCIAL & EDUCATIONAL CHALLENGES Accessibility How to assess learning on mobile phone Developing an appropriate theory of learning for the mobile age Tracking of results and proper use of this information No demographic boundaryMobile communication is still expensive especially from abroad

  • TECHNOLOGIES THAT SUPPORT MOBILE LEARNINGPDA: Personal Digital Assistant, Tablet PCUMPC mobile phonecamera phone Smartphone Learning Mobile Author, e.g. for authoring and publishing WAP, J2ME and SmartPhone Personal audio player, e.g. for listening to audio recordings of lectures Handheld audio and multimedia guides, in museums and galleries Handheld game console, modern gaming consoles



    designing for mobile learning becomes a critical challenge

    We need to develop theory, strategies and techniques

  • CONCERNS AND ISSUES2- Learning Across Contexts

    mobile learning is not just about learning using portable devices, but learning across contexts

    focus should be on the learner and the learning, not on the systems behind the devices


    How can we effectively measure learning in mobile environments? evaluation overlaps with design. Mobile learning is often blended with other types of learning.
