Mnemonic - Memorization Notes Keyboard



Tips on memorization keyboard notes

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Mnemonic Devices Are Tricks for Memorization

Mnemonic devices are tricks that we can use to help us remember things more easily.

Rhyming is a great memorization tool. If you can make anything rhyme, you'll recall it

much faster simply by reciting the rhyme.

Acronyms are another great way to remember difficult bits of information. We'll use both

of these memorization techniques to help you read music more quickly!

Instructions for Reading Treble and Bass Clef

The top staff is called the treble clef. Use these mnemonic devices for the treble clef lines and spaces:

• FACE is for the Space

• Every Good Boy Does Fine is for the lines

The bottom staff is called the bass clef. Use the following memory tricks for the bass clef

lines and spaces:

• Lines = Good Burritos Don't Fall Apart

• Spaces = All Cows Eat Grass

Use the memorization tricks we talked about! You'll get faster at reading the grand staff

(which is how you refer to both clefs, and in piano music). Counting up each note works,

but it's a slower method than saying to yourself, "Every Good Boy Does Fine."

This is also a good tool for helping kids remember the lines and spaces on the grand

staff of piano sheet music. Feel free to print it out!

Rhyming and Reading Music

Notice that if you say it this way, "FACE is for the space" it rhymes.

"Every Good Boy Does Fine is for the lines," rhymes as well.

This will help with the hardest part for students, which is keeping the memory tools for

the lines and spaces straightened out in your head. Also, keep in mind that there are

four spaces on each staff and five lines. So that helps narrow down the options.

Musical Scale

To be extra clear how the piano's keyboard relates to the grand staff (music notation). I have added a

picture of a scale. Its helpful for young kids to see that as the keys go from left to right on the piano, the

notes on the scale get higher.

Feel free to print it off and keep it by your piano!
