Mizoram Pollution Control Board (MPCB) Vol.10 No. 2...


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  • Mizoram Pollution Control Board (MPCB) Vol.10 No. 2 September 2015

    Mat BridgeSerchhip Road

  • MIZO - ENVIS September 2015

    1Visit : http://www.mizenvis.nic.in e-mail : miz@envis.nic.inSource : Mizoram Pollution Control Board ( MPCB )


    JUNE 2015

    S I. N o . S am p lin g Location

    O B S E RV E D V A LU E IN µg/ m 3

    R S P M (P M 1 0 ) N O 2 S O 2

    M E A N M A X. M E A N M A X. M E A N M A X .

    1 K h atla 4 2 6 6 1 0 .1 1 4 .4 0 .2 0 .5

    2 Laipu itlân g 3 4 6 2 0 .7 2 .6 0 0 .2

    3 B aw n gk aw n 3 8 5 1 1 1 1 4 .2 0 0 .6

    4 D aw rpu i 5 9 9 5 1 7 .5 2 2 .3 0 .5 2

    5 L>n gpu i 3 4 6 1 1 .6 5 .1 0 .3 1 .1

    6 C h am ph ai K ah raw t 2 4 2 8 2 .1 3 1 .2 1 .7

    7 C h am ph ai V en gth lan g 2 9 3 5 1 .3 1 .9 0 .8 1 .1

    8 K o lasib P ro ject V >n g 1 9 2 5 2 .5 3 .4 0 .8 1 .1

    9 K o lasib D iak k ^w n 4 5 5 2 4 .5 5 .2 1 .9 2 .2

    1 0 Lu n glei F arm V >n g - - - - - -

    1 1 Lu n glei C h an m ari - - - - - -

    1 2N atio n al A m b ien t A irQ u ali ty S tan dard A n n u alA v erage

    6 0 4 0 5 0

    SI. No. Sam pling Location

    OBS ERVE D V ALUE IN µg/m 3

    RSP M (PM 10 ) NO 2 SO 2


    1 Khatla 31 59 7 .2 1 3 0 .1 0 .9

    2 Laipu itlâng 21 34 0 .1 0 .3 0 0

    3 Baw ngkaw n 29 38 9 1 1 .8 0 0

    4 Daw rpu i 31 49 1 8 .3 2 2 .1 0 .1 0 .4

    5 L>ngpu i 16 23 0 .8 1 .7 0 .5 1 .5

    6 Cham phai K ahrawt 22 27 0 .9 1 .6 0 .6 1 .3

    7 Cham phai V engthlang 34 45 1 1 .9 0 .8 1 .1

    8 Kolasib P roject V>ng 24 29 3 .5 4 .5 1 .5 2

    9 Kolasib Diak k^w n 46 51 5 .2 5 .8 2 .2 2 .5

    1 0 Lunglei Farm V >ng 19 40 0 0 0 0

    11 Lunglei Chanm ari 23 39 0 0 0 0

    1 2National Am bient A irQu ality S tandard AnnualAverage

    60 4 0 50

  • 2Visit : http://www.mizenvis.nic.in e-mail : miz@envis.nic.in

    MIZO - ENVISNewsletter

    Editorial TeamChief Editor:

    C. LalduhawmaEditors:

    Dr. LalnuntluangaDr. H.T. LalremsangaDr. John Zothanzama

    LalduhthlanaK. VanlalfamkimaProduction Team:C. Malsawmzuali

    Elizabeth B. LaldikzualiR. Zoramsangi

    ADDRESSEnvironmental Information System

    (ENVIS) Centre, MizoramMizoram Pollution Control Board,

    Silver House, Tuikhuahtlang,Near A.I.R, Aizawl Station Main Gate

    Aizawl - 796001, MizoramVoice

    0389 - 2326173/2316590Fax

    0389 - 2316591email




    § Air Quality Data of Mizoram,May 2015, June 2015July 2015, August 2015 1

    § Water Quality Data of Mizoram,May 2015, June 2015

    July 2015, August 2015 4§ Local Environmental News:

    - Landslide damages graves;- Best protection award;- Study on landslide;- India Water Week;- Orchid Park;- Heavy rain lashed Aizawl City;- Swachh Bharat Meeting 8

    § E-Waste in Mizoram : A brief scenario- John Zothanzama, Mizoram University, Deptt. of Environmental Science;- Samuel Lalmals^wma, Directorate of Science & Technology, Govt. of Mizoram 10

    § World Environment day, 2015 14

    § Green Mizoram Day, 2015 15§ Pictures for the Records 17§ Global Environmental News,

    - Earth has 3 trillion trees but they’re falling at alarming rate;- India’s monsoon rains seen falling short of previous forecast;- July was hottest month recorded worldwide: U.S. scientists;- Myanmar evacuates thousands as worst floods in decades hit 19

    § Special Report,Shri Abhay Kumar (IES),Dy. Economic Adviser, ENVIS Cell,MoEF&CC visit to ENVIS Centre, Mizoramon 22nd - 24th August, 2015 21

    MIZO - ENVIS September 2015

    Published by Mizoram ENVIS Centre,Mizoram Pollution Control Board,Silver House, Tuikhuahtlâng, Aizawl

    Printed at KL. Offset Printers,Upper Khatla, Aizawl - 796001

    Electronic version of the Newsletter isavailable in our website :http://www.mizenvis.nic.in

    ISSN 2454 - 3845 MIZO-ENVIS

  • 3Visit : http://www.mizenvis.nic.in e-mail : miz@envis.nic.in

    MIZO - ENVIS September 2015

    Source : Mizoram Pollution Control Board ( MPCB )

    S I. N o. Sam pling Location

    OB S E RV E D V A LUE IN µg/m 3

    RSP M (PM10

    ) N O2


    M E A N M A X. M E A N M A X. M E A N M A X.

    1 Khatla 32 53 7 .7 1 0 .6 0 .1 0 .3

    2 Laipu itlâng 20 43 0 0 0 0

    3 B aw ngkaw n 24 29 8 .6 1 1 .5 0 0

    4 Daw rpu i 41 55 1 3 .9 1 8 .4 0 .2 1 .1

    5 L>ngpu i 20 51 0 .5 1 .3 0 .4 1 .1

    6 Cham phai K ahrawt 20 21 0 .8 1 .3 0 .4 1 .0

    7 Cham phai V engthlang 37 37 0 .5 0 .5 0 .6 0 .6

    8 Ko lasib P roject V >ng 18 25 0 0 0 0

    9 Kolasib Diak k^w n 44 52 0 0 0 0

    1 0 Lunglei Farm V >ng 11 20 0 0 0 0

    11 Lunglei C hanm ari 18 39 0 0 0 0

    1 2National A m bient A irQu ality S tandard A nnualA verage

    60 4 0 50


    S I. N o. Sam pling Location

    O B S E RV E D V A LUE IN µg/m 3

    RSP M (PM 10 ) N O 2 SO 2

    M E A N M A X. M E A N M A X. M E A N M A X.

    1 K hatla 38 65 5 .1 9 .3 0 0

    2 Laipu itlâng 18 26 0 0 0 0

    3 B aw ngkaw n 26 32 7 .6 1 0 .6 0 0

    4 Daw rpu i 41 65 1 3 .9 1 6 .1 0 .0 0 .4

    5 L>ngpu i 27 66 0 .1 0 .6 0 .1 0 .4

    6 Cham phai K ahraw t 19 22 0 .9 2 .1 0 .4 0 .8

    7 Cham phai V ength lang - - - - - -

    8 K o lasib P roject V >ng 19 24 0 0 0 0

    9 K o lasib Diak k^w n 46 51 0 0 0 0

    1 0 Lunglei Farm V >ng 13 16 0 0 0 0

    11 Lunglei C hanm ari 29 42 0 0 0 0

    1 2National A m bient A irQ u ality S tandard A nnualA verage

    60 4 0 50

    August 2015

  • 4Visit : http://www.mizenvis.nic.in e-mail : miz@envis.nic.in

    MIZO - ENVIS September 2015

    Source : Mizoram Pollution Control Board ( MPCB )

    Tlaw ngUpper

    Stream :2050

    Tuiria l Upper

    Stream :2052

    Serlui S tream ,

    Re iek Ka i:3710

    Mat Rive r, Lunglei:


    Chhim tuipui Kaw lchaw

    Sa iha :3744

    Tiau River,


    37561 2 3 4 5 6

    1 W eather Rainy Rainy Clear Clear Clear Cloudy

    2 Depth of water body (m)1 0.3 0.7 1.5 2.3 N/A

    3 Colour Pale Yellow Pale Yellow Pale Yellow Pale Yellow Colourless Turbid4 Odour Odourless Odourless Odourless Odourless Odourless Odourless5 Velocity of Flow(m/sec) 1.5 0.5 1.8 0.2 1.4 0.316 W ater Temp. (oC) 26 26 24 27 29 327 D.O(mg/L) 7.1 6.3 6.2 7 7.3 7.68 Major polluting sources Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Domestic Domestic -

    9Use of water at or in down stream of monitoring stations

    Use as public water supply


    Use as public water supply




    10 pH 8.6 8.2 8.4 8.6 8 8.311 Conductivity(us/cm) 260 202 212 68 227 22012 BOD (mg/L) 1.2 0.7 1.1 0.8 0.7 1.2

    13Nitrogen- Nitrite(N-NO 2) (mg/L)

    0.036 0.04 0.044 0.088 0.135 0.074

    14 Faecal Coliform NA NA NA NA NA NA15 Total Coliform NA NA NA NA NA NA

    16 Turbidity (NTU)17 Alkalinity (mg/L) 59.5 59.5 54.4 38.8 76.5 76.518 Chloride (mg/L) 7.5 6.8 15.1 6.8 7.5 7.5

    19Nitrogen Ammonia(N-NH3) (mg/L)

    0.11 0.277 0.353 0.399 1.079 0.342

    20 Total hardness (mg/L) 50 4.8 70 44 70 70

    21 Calcium (mg/L) 12 10.4 18.4 12.8 17.6 18.422 Magnesium (mg/L) 4.8 5.2 5.7 2.8 6.2 5.723 Sodium (mg/L) 18.5 23.5 30.5 32 7.5 22.524 TDS (mg/L) 130 120 120 150 130 14025 TSS (mg/L) 60 50 50 60 60 7026 Phosphate (mg/L) 0.073 0.055 0.066 0.165 0.269 0.014








  • 5Visit : http://www.mizenvis.nic.in e-mail : miz@envis.nic.in

    MIZO - ENVIS September 2015

    Source : Mizoram Pollution Control Board ( MPCB )

    Tlaw ngUpper

    Stream :2050

    Tuiria l Upper

    Stream :2052

    Serlui S tream ,

    Re iek Ka i:3710

    Mat Rive r, Lunglei:


    Chhim tuipui Kaw lchaw

    Sa iha :3744

    Tiau River,


    37561 2 3 4 5 6

    1 W eather Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear

    2 Depth of water body (m)1.5 0.6 1 2 2.3 0.3

    3 Colour Pale Yellow Pale Yellow Pale Yellow Colourless Colourless Turbid4 Odour Odourless Odourless Odourless Odourless Odourless Odourless5 Velocity of Flow(m/sec) 2.5 0.3 1.5 0.3 1.1 0.616 W ater Temp. (oC) 25 21 24 26 32 237 D.O(mg/L) 7.1 5.8 4.2 7.3 6.6 9.28 Major polluting sources Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Domestic

    9Use of water at or in down stream of monitoring stations

    Use as public water supply


    Use as public water supply



    supplyW ashing

    10 pH 7.8 8.3 8.3 8 7.6 7.611 Conductivity(us/cm) 116 1.7 170 60 223 19412 BOD (mg/L) 0.7 1.1 0.5 1.1 1.7 1.5

    13Nitrogen- Nitrite(N-NO 2) (mg/L)

    0.108 0.087 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.124

    14 Faecal Coliform NA NA NA NA NA NA15 Total Coliform NA NA NA NA NA NA

    16 Turbidity (NTU)17 Alkalinity (mg/L) 28.9 42.5 39.1 28.9 68 71.418 Chloride (mg/L) 6.8 7.5 12.8 7.5 7.5 7.5

    19Nitrogen Ammonia(N-NH3) (mg/L)

    0.129 0.593 0.426 0.426 0.125 0.251

    20 Total hardness (mg/L) 46 34 64 42 60 62

    21 Calcium (mg/L) 11.2 9.6 16 10.4 15.2 12.822 Magnesium (mg/L) 4.3 2.4 5.7 3.8 5.2 7.223 Sodium (mg/L) 24 29 35 24.5 28 2524 TDS (mg/L) 130 110 100 140 150 13025 TSS (mg/L) 60 40 50 60 60 6026 Phosphate (mg/L) 0.085 0.141 0.079 0.071 0.079 0.215








  • 6Visit : http://www.mizenvis.nic.in e-mail : miz@envis.nic.in

    MIZO - ENVIS September 2015

    Tlaw ngUpper

    Stream :2050

    Tuiria l Upper

    Stream :2052

    Serlui S tream ,

    Re iek Ka i:3710

    Mat Rive r, Lunglei:


    Chhim tuipui Kaw lchaw

    Sa iha :3744

    Tiau River,


    37561 2 3 4 5 6

    1 W eather Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Rain Cloudy

    2 Depth of water body (m)1.5 0.2 1.2 3 3.1 2.5

    3 Colour Pale Yellow Pale Yellow Pale Yellow Pale Yellow Pale Yellow Colourless4 Odour Odourless Odourless Odourless Odourless Odourless Odourless5 Velocity of Flow(m/sec) 2 0.3 3 0.6 3 0.86 W ater Temp. (oC) 22 25 21 23 28 227 D.O(mg/L) 6.8 6.4 6.6 8.1 - 12.98 Major polluting sources Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Domestic

    9Use of water at or in down stream of monitoring stations

    Use as public water supply


    Use as public water supply



    supplyW ashing

    10 pH 7.4 7.9 7.2 6.8 9.2 8.611 Conductivity(us/cm) 88 174 181 86 137 24012 BOD (mg/L) 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.2 6.3

    13Nitrogen- Nitrite(N-NO 2) (mg/L)

    - 0.04 - - 0.066 0.067

    14 Faecal Coliform NA NA NA NA NA NA15 Total Coliform NA NA NA NA NA NA

    16 Turbidity (NTU)17 Alkalinity (mg/L) 29.7 53.4 41.5 29.7 49.5 73.218 Chloride (mg/L) 7.5 7.5 15.9 7.5 3.7 9.1

    19Nitrogen Ammonia(N-NH3) (mg/L)

    - 0.266 - - 0.194 0.209

    20 Total hardness (mg/L) 50 42 70 40 36 70

    21 Calcium (mg/L) 10.4 12 18.4 9.6 8.8 16.822 Magnesium (mg/L) 5.7 2.8 5.7 3.8 3.3 6.723 Sodium (mg/L) 13.5 36 18.5 22.5 25.7 3724 TDS (mg/L) 120 130 110 130 140 15025 TSS (mg/L) 50 60 40 60 70 7026 Phosphate (mg/L) - 0.032 - - 0.087 0.056








    Source : Mizoram Pollution Control Board ( MPCB )

  • 7Visit : http://www.mizenvis.nic.in e-mail : miz@envis.nic.in

    MIZO - ENVIS September 2015

    Tlaw ngUpper

    Stream :2050

    Tuiria l Upper

    Stream :2052

    Serlui S tream ,

    Re iek Ka i:3710

    Mat Rive r, Lunglei:


    Chhim tuipui Kaw lchaw

    Sa iha :3744

    Tiau River,


    37561 2 3 4 5 6

    1 W eather Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy

    2 Depth of water body (m)3 0.6 1.5 2.5 3.8 0.6

    3 Colour Pale Yellow Pale Yellow Pale Yellow Muddy Yellow Turbid4 Odour Odourless Odourless Odourless Odourless Odourless Odourless5 Velocity of Flow(m/sec) 3 0.4 3.5 0.5 2.2 1.16 W ater Temp. (oC) 24 24 21 24 25 197 D.O(mg/L) 6.4 6.8 6.4 8.1 7.8 4.88 Major polluting sources Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Domestic Domestic Domestic

    9Use of water at or in down stream of monitoring stations

    Use as public water supply


    Use as public water supply



    supplyW ashing

    10 pH 7.4 6.6 6.7 7.2 7.2 811 Conductivity(us/cm) 100 87 120 104 135 55312 BOD (mg/L) 1.5 1.8 1.7 2.1 1.8 3.6

    13Nitrogen- Nitrite(N-NO 2) (mg/L)

    0.066 0.089 0.046 - 0.013 0.032

    14 Faecal Coliform NA NA NA NA NA NA15 Total Coliform NA NA NA NA NA NA

    16 Turbidity (NTU)17 Alkalinity (mg/L) 29.7 49.5 35.6 29.7 45.5 138.618 Chloride (mg/L) 6.9 8.9 4.9 6.8 4.5 17.4

    19Nitrogen Ammonia(N-NH3) (mg/L)

    1.136 0.794 0.486 - 0.243 0.627

    20 Total hardness (mg/L) 32 46 30 44 46 28

    21 Calcium (mg/L) 8 10.4 7.2 9.6 10.4 6.422 Magnesium (mg/L) 2.8 4.8 2.8 4.8 4.8 2.823 Sodium (mg/L) 18 32.5 16 12 4 9724 TDS (mg/L) 160 150 120 120 160 13025 TSS (mg/L) 70 70 60 50 60 6026 Phosphate (mg/L) 0.166 0.302 0.13 - 0.618 0.109








    Source : Mizoram Pollution Control Board ( MPCB )

  • 8Visit : http://www.mizenvis.nic.in e-mail : miz@envis.nic.in

    MIZO - ENVIS September 2015

    LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL NEWSLandslide damages graves

    Dt. 20.06.2015At least 27 graves of a cemetery were

    damaged in rain- triggered landslide in Muannalocality here, officials said that day.

    Locals joined the rescue officials in removingand shifting bodies and skeletons from thecemetery, besides helping in the restorationwork which resumed that day, district SPC. Laldina that day said.

    Majority of the damaged graves in the burialground were recently dug ones, he said.(Source: Newslink Vol- XVII No. 136)

    Best protection award:Dt. 25.06.2015

    Champhai District’s Fisheries Departmentoffice disburse an incentive cash prize of Rs40,000 each to three joint YMA and one YMAbranch for best protection of riverine livingbeings within their respective jurisdiction duringa simple ceremony at its office on June 24.Recipients of cash award were- Ngopa jointYMA, Khawbung joint YMA, Khawzawl groupYMA and Khawzawl’s Dinthar Branch YMA.

    Champhai YMA sub- Hqrs allocates oneeach silpouline to mark their efforts in thesame function. A concern department arrangesuch cash prize from centrally sponsoredscheme of RKVY.(Source: Newslink Vol- XVII No. 140)

    Study on landslide:Dt. 23.07.2015

    Geological Survey of India (GSI), New Delhiand Disaster Management and RehabilitationDepartment jointly organised a consultationprogramme on landslide at SecretariatConference Hall, Khatla on 22nd July forkey officials of the State. Resource personsof the consultation highlighted thatmost of the landslip are caused by humanactivities and can be prevented if we takeprecautionary measures.(Source: Newslink Vol- XVII No. 163)

    India Water WeekDt. 20.8.2015

    India Water week (Hamara Jaal, hamaraJeevan or Our Water Our Life) was kicked off inAizawl by Dr. Franklin Laltinkhuma, Aizawl DCand Chairman of Aizawl District LevelOrganizing Committee on India Water Week,2015 at I&PR Auditorium on August 19. The

    DC said the week was observed early since2012 in the country with workshops andseminars under different themes. Observationof the week aims to create public awarenesson the importance of water sources.(Source: Newslink Vol.XVII No. 186)

    Orchid ParkDt. 25.8.2015

    Lunglei’s Zobawk group YMA and SairepYMA branch jointly established an ‘Orchid Park’along the two village’s boundary. The park wasopened on August 22.(Source: Newslink Vol.XVII No. 190)

    Heavy rain lashed Aizawl CityDt. 27.8.2015

    Heavy rain lashed Aizawl City on the nightof 26th August, 2015 (Wednesday) causinghavoc in different parts of the City.

    Landslide occurred at Ramhlun VengtharCemetary and Chaltlang North (Lily Veng)Cemetary, around 137 graves and 60 graveswere reported damaged respectivlely.

    The sinking area along National Highway54 at Hunthar locality was worsened by theheavy downpour.

    Two houses owned by Pi Vanlalruati andPu Lalnuntluanga occupied by five differentfamilies was vacated on 24th August, 2015 dueto sinking of the road. Two small shops andone automobile workshop namely RVL AutoWorks were also damaged by the sunken road.

    The sinking of road started from 19th August,2015. It stopped for a while but it was felt againon 26th August, 2015 and the situation gotworst on 27th August, 2015 (Thursday) morningand sunk about 3 feet deeper.

    Chhawnzinga Tuikhuah a local dam atHunthar locality was damaged by landslide on27th August, 2017 around 2:00am. in themorning. The debris from the landslidecompletely blocked the well. It also damagedPHE water pump house nearby.

    Chhawnzinga Tuikhuah is the main sourceof water supply for those living at such localitiesas Chanmari ‘W, Hunthar, Edenthar, etc.

    Large debris brought down by heavy rainflooded the drainage system constructedbetween two houses owned by Pu Ringzualaand Pu Thangkhuma at Edenthar locality. Fourfamilies have to vacate their homes. Nocasualty was reported. Three bikes and one

  • 9Visit : http://www.mizenvis.nic.in e-mail : miz@envis.nic.in

    MIZO - ENVIS September 2015scooty parked along the roadside were buriedby the flooded debris.

    On 27th August, 2015 around 2:00am aretaining wall collapse at Chanmari ‘W’ locality.The collapsing wall hit an Assam type buildingnearby. Three families had to vacate their homes.

    On 27 th August, 2015 around 1:30amlandslide occurred between Thuampui andBawngkawn blocking the main road. Thelandslide buried two bikes and one pick up. Italso damaged two Assam-type houses.

    A building under-construction alongBawngkawn main road is also at risk becauseof sliding of land underneath it.

    Around 3-4 a.m on 27th August, 2015 heavyrain caused damaged to five residents and oneGovt. Bawngkawn Primary School atBawngkawn Hmar Veng locality.

    One house owned by Pu Lalnithanga wasflooded with debris. All their belongings were lost.

    Other houses belonged to Pu Lalnithara,Pi Ringliani, Pu J. Ramsanga, Pu Lalthanfelaand Pu Lalsangluaia.

    Pu K. Buangthanga’s house at BawngkawnHmar Veng was also completely damagedby landslide.

    Sliding of land occurred at Laipuitlanglocality on 26th August, 2015 around 4:00am.The site is where a building once collapsedaround 2 years ago causing the life of severalinnocent people. Landslide was experiencedat this place several times before and nearbyresidents have evacuated their homes forsafer places.

    Because of the recent landslide, PiRinthangi’s house occupied by three familiesis vacated and nearby residents also moved tosafer places. Pi Rinthangi’s house was knockeddown by rescue force on 27th August, 2015 forsafety measure.

    Landslide occurred at several places withinMission Vengthlang locality as a result of heavydownpour.

    Landslide is also seen at World Bank Roadnear Hualngohmun, blocking the mainentrance of Southern part of Mizoram. Theincident occurred around 2:00am on 26 th

    August, 2015. The road block was cleared byearth excavator for all vehicles around 11:00amon 27th August, 2015.

    Landslide occurred at Bethlehem Venglocality on 27th August, 2015 around 2:00amblocking the road which was later cleared afterone hour.

    Massive landslide was seen at the junctionbetween Ramhlun Indoor Stadium andLalbiakliana Filling station. Clearing ofroadblock caused by the landslide was doneimmediately by local volunteers.

    Landslide occurred near Baptist Church atRamhlun ‘S’ locality. The landslide buried oneMaruti Van and one bike parked along theroadside.

    Landslide blocked the road at Sairanglocality. Tree uprooted by the landslide blockedthe main road. PWD officials and local volunteersput an effort for clearing the road block.

    Heavy rainfall on the night of 26th August,2015 (Thursday) resulted in cracking of housesoccupied by 20 families at Ramhlun SportsComplex.

    On 27 th August, 2015 around 1:15amlandslide near Presbyterian Church at Tuikual‘C’ Mual destroy an Assam-type building ownedby Pu Vanlalmuana. No casualty was reported.

    Heavy rain also caused problems in otherparts of the State as well.

    The non-stop rain had led to overflowing ofKhawthlangtluipui (Kamaphuli) river along theMizoram-Bangladesh border. Hundreds ofpeople have fled their homes as flood watersentered eight villages and a portion of a townin southern Mizoram’s Lunglei district.

    Landslide near Seling that blocked Aizawl-Champhai road for about 3 days was cleared forall vehicles around 7:00pm on 27th August, 2015.

    Massive landslide occurred at Kawnpuivillage around 5:00pm on 27th August, 2015.The landslide blocked National Highway 54, theroad connecting Mizoram with the rest of thecountry. Around 200 vehicles and 500passengers remained stranded.(Source : ENVIS Centre, Mizoram)

    Swachh Bharat MeetingDt. 4.9.2014

    The second quarterly meeting of ChamphaiDistrict Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin)Committee was held at the office chamber ofits Chairman and DC of Champhai onSeptember 3. The Chairman highlighted thatthe mission aims at reduction of opendefecation and introduction of more toilets inthe rural and urban areas. The meeting alsodiscussed introduction of solid and liquid wastemanagement system, individual householdlatrines and community sanitary complex atthe notified area in the rural areas.(Source: Newsling Vol. XVI No. 199)

  • 10Visit : http://www.mizenvis.nic.in e-mail : miz@envis.nic.in

    MIZO - ENVIS September 2015

    Pics : C. Lalbiaka, DFO, E&F

    Pic : E&F Department.E-Waste in Mizoram : A brief scenarioJohn Zothanzama

    Department of Environmental Science, Mizoram University

    Samuel LalmalsawmaDirectorate of Science and Technology, Govt. of Mizoram


    The electronic market is one of fastest growing market in Mizoram. Increase in salesofelectronic goods and their rapid obsolescence due to fast growth in technology hasresultedin generation of e-waste. In Mizoram, the e-waste generated is currently not managed. Atmostof the places e-waste is treated along with municipal solid waste and dumped away orburned.

    Since Mizoram does not have a State policy nor dedicated any legislation formanagement of its e-waste there is a need for a move in this direction. This paper revealsthe current scenario of E-waste generation in Mizoram, and assesses the existing practicesin the state.

    Keywords: e-waste, management, toxic, environmentEmail: john_zza@yahoo.co.in


    The rapid increase in the usage oftechnology and economic activities in theindustrialized world have caused newenvironmental problems such as E-wastedisposal and its management. ElectronicWaste or e-waste is the term used to describeold, end-of-life electronic appliances such ascomputers, laptops, TVs, DVD players,mobile phones, mp3 players etc. which havebeen disposed of by their original users.Asper the CPCB (Central Pollution ControlBoard, India) Guidelines, 2008, and theE-Waste (Management and Handling) Rules2011 (Anon., 2011), and E-waste is definedas waste generated from used electronicdevices andhousehold appliances which arenot fit for their originally intended use andare destined for recovery, recycling anddisposal.

    E-wastes are considered dangerous, ascertain components of some electronicproducts contain materials that are

    hazardous, depending on their condition anddensity. The hazardous content of thesematerials pose a threat to human health andenvironment. Discarded computers,televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, faxmachines, electric lamps, cell phones, audioequipment and batteries if improperlydisposed can leach lead and other substancesinto soil and groundwater. Hazardousmaterials such as lead, cadmium, mercurypolychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),brominated flame retardants, antimonyoxide, dioxins, furans and hexavalentchromium in one form or the other arepresent in such wastes (Devi et al, 2004;Mehra, 2004). The cadmium from one mobilephone battery is enough to pollute 600 m3of water (Trick, 2002).The quantity ofcadmium in landfill sites is significant, andconsiderable toxic contamination is causedby the inevitable medium and long-termeffects of cadmium leaking into thesurrounding soil (Envocare, 2001).

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    MIZO - ENVIS September 2015

    A brief look into the advent ofelectronics goods and thereto e-waste intothe state of Mizoram is a pre-requisite inorder to have an insight to the problemsfaced by the state today. Mizoram is a smallstate with a population of1,091,014 as per2011 census. There are hardly any industriesin the state and till about the advent of muchelectronic goods in the 1990s, the state wasmore or less free from electronic wastes. Inthe 1980’s only a handful of households hadtelevision sets. Before this time, radio wasperhaps the only electronic device that wasever seen by the Mizos. From about the year1990, television became popular. The firstcomputers arrived in the state from aboutthe year 1990. However, it was only by theyear 2000 that most of the households inthe city, private enterprises and governmentoffices began to have computers. Mobilephones were very rare till about the year2002. But from about the year 2004-2005 itbecame popular and today, a household mayhave almost all the members having theirown mobile phones.


    It has been said that the businesssector is estimated to account for 78% of allinstalled computers in India (Toxics Link,2003). Today the computer has now becomea common and widely used gadget in allkinds of activities ranging from schools,residences and offices in the state. The samegoes with television, refrigerator and mobilephones which could be found in everyhousehold in Aizawl city. As there are nomanufacturers in the state, the electronicsgoods are imported in Mizoram state fromother state, and of course, illegally from theeast, owing to her location and longinternational boundary. Most of theseelectronics goods after they are used up,never find their way out again and this isthe main silent problem faced by the state.The term silent is preferred because the stateshave not yet awakento the e-waste invasion

    till today. For a long time now, theseelectronic goods have been welcomed for thepleasures and services it offers, but there hasnever any thought been given about theiradverse effects. As always, invention winsover the beauty of nature here too.

    According to a report of Confederationof Indian Industries, the total wastegenerated by obsolete or broken downelectronic and electrical equipment in Indiahas been estimated to be 1,46,000 tons peryear (CII, 2006).The major kinds of e-wastesin Mizoram comprises of computer sets andtheir parts, television sets, refrigerator,mobile phones, photocopiers and cartridges.It is estimated that 80% of e-wastes in thestate are stored due to uncertainty of how tomanage it. These electronic junks lieunattended in houses, offices, storehousesetc. and normally mixed with household oroffice wastes, which are mainly, finallydisposed at the Municipal Solid Wastedisposal sites. Thus, much of the e-wastesare simply disposed at these sites by dumpingand burning along with other solid wastes.No reusable material is salvaged from thesee-wastes and so almost all of them are justsimply thrown away.

    As there is no separate collection of e-waste in Mizoram, there is no clear data onthe quantity generated and disposed. Thereis no management system adopted or anyother policy formulated. Public awareness isalso very low. The state is technologicallybackward and there isn’t even a singlerecycling unit or collection centerfor e-wastein the state. The mass of the people do notknow what to do with their e-waste exceptbut to throw them away. The presentsituation does not offer any other option.Allthese necessitate concrete managementmeasures.

    Inventory survey result of MPCBAn inventory of e-waste in Aizawl city

    was conducted under the Mizoram PollutionControl Board (MPCB) in 2010. It is

  • MIZO - ENVIS September 2015

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    estimated that about 70% and perhaps more than this, of E-Waste in the state are generatedfrom this city alone. Table 1 shows the data which are from information collected fromgovernment sectors and the private sectors without data from households. The survey wasthe first of its kind in the state.

    Table 1. Data on E-waste generated from 12 Computer Shops, 4 Refrigerator Dealers,6 Electronics Shops, 20 Mobile Phone Shops and 83 Offices conducted bythe MPCB in 2010

    Table 1 is a summary of the inventory which shows that from the E-waste sourceincluding shops, enterprises and government offices totaling 351 nos., the total e-wastegenerated was 18,241.80 kgs. The average weight of the e-wastes UPS, CPU + Monitor,Printer, Photocopiers, Fax machine, Printer Cartridge, TV Sets, Refrigerator and Mobilephone are 5.78, 11.69, 5, 30, 1, 1, 20, 50, 0.15 kg respectively.The average lifetime usage ofthe UPS, CPU+Monitor and printer was around 10 years whereas the Refrigerators and TVsets were 12 and 13 respectively.

    Waste TypeNo. of Sites


    Total No. ofWastes


    Total Weight(Kgs)

    AverageWeight (Kgs)

    AverageUsage (Yrs)

    UPS 48 167 966 5.78 10.75

    CPU + Monitor 93 401 4688 11.69 10.18

    Printer 61 269 1345 5.00 10.26

    Photocopiers 23 34 1020 30.00 12.86

    Fax Machine 14 15 15 1.00 9.35

    Printer Cartridge 66 1938 1938 1.00 N/A

    TV Sets 11 115 2300 20.00 13.00

    Refrigerator 15 119 5950 50.00 12.00

    Mobile Phone 20 132 19.80 0.15 N/A

    Total 351 18,241.80


    The scenario of E-waste in Aizawlcityin particular and Mizoram as a whole couldbe summarized in different points as below:

    i. Quantity of E-wastes:The total quantity in terms of weight

    was 18241kgsfrom a source of 351 nos.It may be mentioned that the quantity is notonly those of a single year and hence a morecomprehensive detailed survey based onvarious parameters may be done so that aclearer picture may be arrived at. It is alsonoteworthy here that the clear picture of

    e-waste generated in total with those fromhouseholds may even give an alarming resultconsidering the pace at which technology hasgrown and the scramble for the latest gadgetsand electronics.

    ii. Need for management of e-waste:No steps have been yet adopted by the

    state for management of e-waste. As such,the government undertakings as well as theprivate sector are left without any idea as tohow to manage their e-waste. Although someof them have condemnation board, and some

  • MIZO - ENVIS September 2015

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    of them have even tried to dispose theire-waste in a more economical and safemanner. But most of these attempts faileddue to absence of a good management planor policy.

    iii. Low awareness of damage caused to the health and environment:

    The general mass of the people areunaware of the possible damage that couldbe caused by e-waste to their health as wellas their environment. The general trend tilldate is to simply dump them along with theother solid wastes and burnt.


    i. E-Waste Management Policy/Strategy:The Government may adopt suitable

    and implementable e-waste managementsteps with policy and acts for the whole state.TheE-Waste (Management and Handling)Rules 2011may be consulted formanagement and handlingof e-wasteandincorporated in the steps or policy to beundertaken.

    ii. Record keeping:For immediate activity, separate files

    or record keeping may be taken up bythe various Government departments as wellas privateto assess their electronic assets aswell as their e-wastes and keep good trackand maintenance of them for record andfuture reference.

    iii. Recycling Unit:Recycling and reuse of material are the

    next level of potential options to reducee-waste (Ramachandra and Saira, 2004).There are no recycling units in the state. Assuch, establishing recycling units can beuseful. Recovery of metals, plastic, glass andother materials reduces the magnitude of e-waste. These options have a potential toconserve the energy and keep theenvironment free of toxic material that wouldotherwise be released.

    iv. Collection Centre:There are no collection centers of

    e-wastes in the state. If big housing(warehouse) could be built as a collectioncenter with easy access to it, it would providea good opportunity for some as a good sourceof income generation once Recycling Unit isestablished.

    v. Public Awareness:To stop or minimize the generation of

    e-waste, much awareness needed to becreated among the masses at all levels.

    Acknowledgement:The authors thank the Mizoram

    Pollution Control Board(MPCB) for access tothe data generated during the survey workmade in 2010 in Aizawl city and to all theestablishments that participatedwholeheartedly during the process.

    References: Anon.(2011). Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India, Central Pollution

    Control Board, Delhi, 2011, “Implementation of E-Waste Rules 2011 Guidelines”, Availableat , (Accessed 11 January,2013).

    CII (2006). “E-waste management”, Green Business Opportunities, Vol.12,Issue 1,Confederation of Indian Industry, Delhi.

    Devi B.S, Shobha S. V, Kamble R. K. (2004). E-Waste: The Hidden harm ofTechnological Revolution, Journal IAEM, Vol.31, pp.196-205.

    Envocare (2001). Mobile Phone Recycling at www.envocare.co.uk (accessed on28th August 2005)

    Mehra H.C. (2004). PC waste leaves toxic taste, The Tribune, 22nd March. Ramachandra T.V and Saira V. K. (2004). Environmentally sound options for

    waste management, Envis Journal of Human Settlements, March 2004. Toxic links (2003). Scrapping the Hi-Tech Myth Computer Waste in India,

    www.toxiclink.org accessed on June 2006.

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    MIZO - ENVIS September 2015


    The Mizoram Envis Team took active participation in the programme organized by a localenvironmental NGO, namely Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Network (BIOCONE) inobservation of the World Environment Day, 2015 at Mizoram University Campus. The programmewas funded by Yes Bank, Aizawl and the Envis team participated in the programme andcontributed its services by covering the programme, publisizing the events and taking parts inthe tree plantation. 43 nos. of saplings were planted within the University Campus includingtree species such as, Mesua ferrea, Cinnamomum tamala, Syzygium cumini, Ficus retusa, Greveliarobusta, Delonix regia, Magnolia champaca and Cinnamomum verum.

    The Envis Centre visited various programmesorganized by different agencies in Aizawl cityin observance of WED, 2015 and collectedinformation on the activities carried out bythese agencies in observance of the WorldEnvironment Day, 2015. The collectedinformations alongwith pictures taken wereuploaded in the Envis Website for creatingpublic awareness on the importance ofprotection our environment.

    Environment & Forest Department, Govt. ofMizoram marked the day bybanner campaign. Colourful andattractive banners relevant forthe day were put up at fivedifferent places within the city.

    Zoram Entu Pawl (ZEP), a wellknown local NGO in Mizoramrun by Roman Catholic Church,organized a drawing competitionat Monfort School,Hualngohmun in observation ofWorld Environment Day, 2015on the theme ‘Sustainableconsumption and production’.

    Caretakers of Dampa TigerReserve in association withAssociation for EnvironmentalPreservation (ASEP) organized a

    programme at West Phaileng Community Hallon 5 th June, 2015 in observation ofWorld Environment Day and attended bymore than 400 students and leaders of differentlocal bodies like Village Cpincil, YMA,MUP and MHIP.

    Save Environment Association (SENVA) inassociation with C.K. Hyundai Companyorganised a tree planting programme at|amdil Wet Land in observation of WorldEnvironment Day, 2015.

    In Champhai, WorldEnvironment Day, 2015 wasobserved with the districtDeputy Commissioner atChamphai DFO’s office alongwith different Governmentofficials, local NGOs and mediapersonnel. The function washeaded by Mr. Vanlalchuailova,DFO, Champhai. Mr. P.C.Laltanpuia gave an introductoryspeech which was followed byquestion and answer round.Ways for protecting theenvironment within the districtwere also discussed during thefunction.

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    roadside reserve often caused fire which leadsto loss of planted trees. So it is the duty of all thepeople with the true feeling of citizenship to look

    In Aizawl District, the main observation ofthe Day was held at Hmuifang Tourist Resortwhere Lt. Gen. Nirbhay Sharma, Hon’bleGovernor of Mizoramgraced the function asChief Guest. LalThanhawla, ChiefMinister, Ministers,officials, students, NGOsand ENVIS teamattended the treeplanting ceremony.

    Addressing theCeremony, the ChiefGuest said that eventhough the state hasvast area of greencovers, it has a very lessdense forest. “Mass Treeplantation programmecarried out in Mizoramhas a long termperspective which willnot only be beneficialfor the State but for theentire nation. It isimportant to look afterthe planted trees for theirsurvival. This messageshould be conveyed toother districts as well,”he said.

    Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla, whoaddressed the function as Guest of Honour,expressed the need for proper care andnurturing for survival of planted trees. Hepointed out that more than 36 lakhs saplingshave already been planted on such occasionas Green Mizoram Day and if they had allsurvive Mizoram would have been a beautifuland pleasant place to live but that is not thecase. Due to lack of proper care many plantedtrees died especially during slash and burnactivity of jhoom burning period. “It is sad thatthe activities of many people who do not mind the

    after the planted trees,”he added.

    Green Mizoram Dayhas been observed since1998. Saiha District hasthe highest percentageof survival rate ofplanted trees at 81.21%while the lowestsurvival rate wasobserved in ChamphaiDistrict at 14.68%.

    On the occasion ofGreen Mizoram Day,390 saplings wereplanted at HmuifangTourist Complex and LalThanhawla Park. TheChief Guest, Guest ofHonour and theirspouses, Ministers,Chief Secretary andother officials plantedtrees to mark the day.The Governor alsoplanted trees at hisresidence. Differentg o v e r n m e n td e p a r t m e n t s ,volunteers from

    Pic: Lt. Gen. Nirbhay Sharma,Governor of Mizoram

    Pic: Shri Lalthanhawla,Chief Minister of Mizoram

    different schools, colleges, etc. also plantedtrees at different places.

    In Aizawl, Green Mizoram Network, a localNGO organized a programme in observation ofGreen Mizoram Day, 2015. The day was spendplanting new saplings and looking after thetrees planted before at different places asReferal Hospital, Falkawn, Hmuifang, Selesih,Beraw Tlang, etc. The observation was closedwith a simple ceremony at Tourist Lodge,Chaltlang where 11 outstanding members whoput extra effort in environmental protectionwere honoured.

    GREEN MIZORAM DAY11th June, 2015

    Green Mizoram Day, 2015 was observed all over the State on 11th June, 2015 with the theme‘Plant Trees For Your Survival’.

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    In Lunglei, Green Mizoram Day was observedat Centenary Park, Pûkpui. The function waschaired by Ashish Madhaorao, Lunglei DC andChairman, District Green Mizoram Committee.S. Laldingliana, Chairman, High PowerCommittee, Lunglei graced the function asChief Guest.

    The Chief Guest said that it is upon thepresent population to make a better world forthe future generation. “Besides the Governmentinitiatives for planting trees and protecting theenvironment, it is also important for differentschools, churches and NGOs to step forward inthis aspect,” he added.

    According to a report presented byH. Lianmawia, DFO, Lunglei during the lastGreen Mizoram Day 268 saplings was plantedby different Government departments andother organizations. Green Mizoram Day, 2015was observed with planting of new saplings andtending planted trees by all Governmentdepartments and different NGOs.

    In Saiha, a function was had at the court-yard of CEM’s bungalow in observation of GreenMizoram Day, 2015. N. Chakhai, Additional D.Cpresided over the function and R. T. Zachono,CEM participated as the Chief Guest.

    The Chief Guest said that God had createdwildlife, trees and bamboos and gave man thetask of looking after them, “Mizoram Govern-ment and MADC gives top priority in protectingtrees and bamboos,” he said.

    In Lawngtlai, opening Ceremony as part ofobservation of Green Mizoram Day, 2015 washeld at D.C Conference Hall. The programmewas followed by mass tree plantation withinthe town and along the roadside.

    R. Lalsangliana, Additional D.C, addressingthe gathering as Chief Guest questioned aboutthe fate of the future generation if the presentpopulation used up all the fresh air, trees andbamboos. He continued that this is animportant question that the present generationneeds to respond through their action. TheChief Guest also thanked all the Governmentofficials who set out to participate at the treeplanting programme.

    In Serchhip, a function was organised atConference Hall, D.C, Serchhip bungalow inobservation of Green Mizoram Day, 2015 whereWomen’s Commission Chairman,Vanlalawmpuii, MLA graced the function asChief Guest.

    The Chief Guest stated that not only plantingtrees is important but also looking after of the

    planted trees is of equal importance. “GreenMizoram Day is observed for so many years nowand we are fully aware of its purpose and themessage it conveyed. So it is our duty to act uponthem. Even if we are not into planting trees let usat least helped in protecting those trees plantedby others,” she urged.

    The function was followed by tree plantingalong the roadside and Eklavya Scool com-pound. 525 saplings were planted on the day.

    In Champhai, Green Mizoram Day, 2015 wasobserved at a function organised at the court-yard of CHANEM building. VanlalchuailovaDFO, Champhai chaired the function withC. Lalchuangkima, Project Director, DRDAacting as Chief Guest. The function waswitnessed by different government officials,NGOs and students. R.P. Meena, SP, Champhaialso attended the function.

    1000 saplings were planted by differentgovernment officials, NGOs and students at 11different sites within Champhai town to markGreen Mizoram Day.

    In Kolasib, Green Mizoram Day, 2015 wasobserved at Highway Restaurant, Thingdawlwhich was presided over by Jitender Yadav,D.C, Kolasib. Hmingdailova Khiangte,Parliamnetary Secretary addressed thegathering as Chief guest stated that GreenMizoram Day cannot be achieved in just oneday. “After the observation of Green Mizoram Dayis over, the main purpose of the day which isplanting and looking after of the planted will com-mence,” he said.

    According to a report given by SaurabhSharma, DFO, Kolasib 55,000 saplingshave already been planted so far withinKolasib district.

    In Mamit, an opening ceremony was held atChhim Veng YMA in observation of GreenMizoram Day, 2015. C. Lalnunmawia, S.P,Mamit headed the function andVanlalngaihsaka, D.C, Mamit graced thefunction as Chief Guest.

    The Chief guest stated that within MamitDistrict new saplings are planted every yearon Green Mizoram Day and 46,094 seedlingshave already been planted so far. He urgedthe gathering to put more effort in plantingand protecting trees.

    After the ceremony different governmentdepartments planted trees along the nationalhighway. 120 saplings were planted on theday. Trees planted from previous years werealso tended.

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    Pics : Landslides in Aizawl, Mizoram

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    MIZO - ENVIS September 2015

    Pics : Landslides in Aizawl, Mizoram

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    MIZO - ENVIS September 2015

    GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL NEWSEarth has 3 trillion trees but they’re

    falling at alarming rate

    Earth is home to just over 3 trillion trees -the redwoods of California, the olive trees ofTunisia, the cherry trees of Japan, theeucalyptus of Australia and so many more -but they are being lost at an alarming ratebecause of human activities.

    Those are the findings of researchers whoon Wednesday unveiled the mostcomprehensive assessment of global treepopulations ever conducted, using dataincluding satellite imagery and ground-basedtree density estimates from more than 400,000locations worldwide.

    The estimate of 3.04 trillion trees - anestimated 422 for every person - is about eighttimes higher than a previous estimate of 400billion trees that was based on satellite imagerybut less data from the ground.

    The new findings leave abundant reason forconcern - with people at the root of the problem.The number of trees has fallen by about 46percent since the start of human civilizationand each year there is a gross loss of 15 billiontrees and a net loss of 10 billion, said YaleUniversity ecologist Thomas Crowther, who ledthe study published in the journal Nature.

    The study found that while the highest treedensities were in the sub-Arctic regions ofRussia, Scandinavia and North America, thelargest forested areas were in the tropics, hometo about 43 percent of the global tree total.

    (Source : http://planetark.org/enviro-news/item/73602)

    India’s monsoon rains seen falling short ofprevious forecast

    India’s monsoon rains are likely to be belowthe prior forecast of 88 percent of the long-term average, the weather office chief said,which could make it the driest year since2009 and worsen rural distress by cuttingfarm output.

    The July-September rains irrigate nearlyhalf of India’s farmlands, bringing relief tomillions of poor farmers who till small plots ofland to sustain their families.

    This would be the second straight year ofdrought- or drought-like conditions for onlythe fourth time in 115 years, which is anothersetback for Prime Minister Narendra Modistruggling to win over political oppositionto pass reforms and unshackle Asia’s third-largest economy.

    The World Meteorological Organization saidon Tuesday that the current El Nino weatherphenomenon, which leads to dry weather insome parts of the world and causes floods inother, was expected to peak between Octoberand January and could turn into one of thestrongest on record.

    The monsoon was 88 percent of the averagein 2014 and cut grains output by 4.7 percentin the crop year to June 2015. Output couldfall about 3 percent this year, said D.H. PaiPanandiker, president of non-profitorganization RPG Foundation.

    (Source : http://planetark.org/enviro-news/item/73603)

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    MIZO - ENVIS September 2015July was hottest month recorded

    worldwide: U.S. scientists

    July was the warmest month ever on recordworldwide and 2015 has been so far thehottest year, the U.S. National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration said on Thursday,just over three months to go before worldleaders seek to reach a climate agreementin Paris.

    In its monthly global climate report releasedonline on Thursday, NOAA said many countriesand the world’s oceans experienced heatwaves,with the Earth’s oceans temperature alsohitting record highs last month.

    This July was the all-time highest monthlytemperature in the records that date back to1880, at 61.86 degrees Fahrenheit (16.61degree Celsius), according to NOAA.

    The first seven months of 2015 comprisedthe warmest such period on record globally, at1.53 F (0.85 C) above the 20th century average,and surpassing the previous record set in 2010by 0.16 F (0.09 C), it said.

    One of the goals of the UN climate talks isto stop global temperatures from rising morethan 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industriallevels, which scientists say is the limit beyondwhich the world will suffer ever worseningfloods, droughts, storms and rising seas.

    Earlier this month, the Obamaadministration unveiled the Clean Power Plan,the centerpiece of its broader climate changestrategy that aims to slash carbon emissionsfrom the country’s power plants.

    The U.S. agency says that the rapid riseis mainly attributable to humans burningfossil fuels.

    (Source : http://planetark.org/enviro-news/item/73559)

    Myanmar evacuates thousands as worstfloods in decades hit

    Myanmar was evacuating parts of a city onWednesday after mudslides wiped awayhundreds of houses and torrential rainthreatened further damage in the worst floodsto hit the country in decades.

    The government in Hakha, the capital ofimpoverished Chin state in northwestMyanmar, was moving nearly 4,000 people tosafety after landslides caused by rainsdestroyed 375 houses, Chin Finance MinisterNan Zamon told Reuters.

    At least 103 people have been killed andmore than one million “critically affected” bythe flooding, according to the government andthe U.N. Office for the Coordination ofHumanitarian Affairs. It is the worst naturaldisaster since Cyclone Nargis killed nearly140,000 people in May 2008.

    Five out of six townships in Hakha,population 50,000, had been hit by landslidesand another 900 houses were in danger of beingdamaged, Nan Zamon said.

    The government has declared Chin andthree other areas disaster zones and appealedfor international help. At least a dozen countrieshave donated cash, with China dispatching aconvoy of trucks with relief supplies, India andAustralia flying in military aircraft to deliversupplies and the European Union and UnitedStates pledging funds for the relief effort.

    Nan Zamon said another 3,000 people fromnearby villages were also being moved totemporary shelters at government buildingsand churches.

    (Source : http://planetark.org/enviro-news/item/73516)

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    MIZO - ENVIS September 2015SHRI ABHAY KUMAR (IES),


    VISIT TO ENVIS CENTRE, MIZOAM on 22nd - 24th AUGUST, 2015

    Environmental Information System (ENVIS) Centre, Mizoram hosted by the office ofMizoram State Pollution Control Board was visited by Shri Abhay Kumar (IES), DeputyEconomic Advisor, ENVIS Cell & Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Changeduring 22nd - 24th August, 2015. The purpose of the visit was for physical verification,assessment and interaction with officials.

    Special Report

    Shri AbhayKumar (IES) arrivedAizawl on the evening of22nd August, 2015(Saturday). He and theENVIS staff had abriefing at the Centre’soffice located atTuikhuahtlang on thevery same day. The timewas spent discussing thestatus of the Centre andthe various activitiesperformed by the Centre.The Centre’s website(www.mizenvis.nic.in)

    was also studied. Datagap were identified anddifferent actions to betaken for improving theweakness of the Centre’swebsite were alsosuggested. Variousproblems faced with theCentre’s website such asuploading data, pictures,creating new module, etc.and other issues faced bythe Centre was reported

    to the visiting official.

    Pic : Shri C. Lalduhawma, Member Secretary, MPCB & Co-ordinator, ENVIS Centre,Mizoram with

    Shri Abhay Kumar (IES), Deputy Economic Adviser, ENVIS Cell, MoEF&CC

    Pic : Shri RC. Thanga (IFS Rtd.), Chairman, MPCB,Shri C. Lalduhawma, Member Secretary, MPCB & Co-ordinator, ENVIS Centre, Mizoram

    and Shri Abhay Kumar (IES), Deputy Economic Adviser, ENVIS Cell, MoEF&CC

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    MIZO - ENVIS September 2015The ENVIS Team were encouraged

    to make an extra effort for upgrading thestatus of the Centre.

    On 23rd August, 2015 (Sunday)ENVIS Team showed Shri Abhay Kumar,IES around the City.

    On 24th August, 2015 (Monday)morning, Shri Abhay Kumar (IES) visitedthe office again. He met with Shri C.Lalduhawma, Member Secretary, MizoramState Pollution Control Board &Coordinator, ENVIS Centre, Mizoram, ShriRC. Thanga, (IFS Rtd.), Chairman,Mizoram State Pollution Control Boardand Dr. Lalramnghaki Pachuau, Scientist‘B’, Mizoram State Pollution Control Board& Officer i/c ENVIS Centre, Mizoram.Different matters relating to ENVIS Centreand the State Polution Control Board werediscussed.

    Shri Abhay Kumar (IES) left Aizawl for Delhi on the afternoon of 24th August,2015 (Monday).

    Pic : Shri Abhay Kumar (IES), Deputy Economic Adviser,ENVIS Cell, MoEF&CC with Dr. Lalramnghaki Pachuau, Sc. ‘B’,

    MPCB & ENVIS staffs, Mizoram


    NEWSLETTERElectronic version available : http://www.mizenvis.nic.in


    Scientific classificationKingdom : PlanteaDivision : MagnoliophytaClass : MagnoliopsidaOrder : Myrtales

    Family : MelastomataceaeGenus : TibouchinaSpecies : SemidecandraMizo Name : Builukham

    Tibouchina semidecandra(Builukham P^r)
