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Mitsu nano technologies

No job is too small

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Background of

Mitsu Nano-technologies

The huge multi-national Corporation that is Mitsu-Nano was not always the superpower of technological advance that it is today. The humble origins of this Corp belie the gargantuan power house of political and industrial might that it is today.

Mitsu grew from three independent research and development companies that franchised their services out to any company that would hire them. They worked mainly with the construction industry on developing the miniaturisation process for construction. By the end of the 20 th century this small cluster of companies had grown very close to perfecting the miniaturisation process by moving away from contemporary silicone based technology and moving into more experimental avenues.

With the economic and social fall of the late 20th century just around the corner the larger companies floundered like beached whales under the weight of their own debt eventually collapsing in on themselves and disappearing into history. From the ashes of this old and decrepit capitalist era the smaller companies survived and banded together to create what would be the fathers of business and the governors of this new world of post-crash commerce.

In Japan the newly formed Mitsu-Nano crawled from the ashes and rose up above the weeping masses and proclaimed themselves the saviours of the once proud and honourable Japanese nation. They pioneered the use of miniaturisation technology to aid in the regrowth of the infrastructure of the economy and every step of the way absorbed the ruins or the old economic empires that had fallen in the devastation of the previous decade.

Mitsu-Nano’s finest hour came in the early part or 2012 when they revelled in their own glory as they perfected and unveiled the Nanite. These microscopic machines were able to be coded to do anything and in an agreement with the ruling bodies of the nation the Utopia Nanite, as it was named was released into the water system. The effects were almost instant with all civilians being infected with nanite clusters, allowing Mitsu to further the research of their creation.

The nanites however were not going to be caged and the experiment spiralled out of control and by 2014 the nanites had escaped containment and infected every person on the planet, assigning each one a specific utopian code.

Heads turned towards Mitsu and the world looked for a scapegoat. The now Huge mega Corp receded slightly as it licked its wounds and bowed to public opinion. All the while however the Corp was ever researching and designing ways to utilise this set back to their advantage.

While the Governments and other Corporations of the World raged and fought with each other Mitsu-Nano retreated and continued research on the Utopia nanite. It was then that the new Managing Director of the Corporation took control of a business that was teetering on the brink of being crushed by the opinions of the outside world.

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Jiro Ashikaga stood forward and settled the foundations of the company. Claiming Ancestry to the Shogun rulers of old Japan, Jiro redesigned the structure of the company explaining that to grow and expand in this new world the Corporation must look back to the old ways when Japan was ruled by the Shoguns. He began to extoll the virtues of honour and nobility and claimed the title of Shogun for himself. From this lofty perch he promoted the most favoured of his employees to Daimyo’s and signed over the honour of these directorates or “families” to their new heads. From this position Ashikaga pushed Mitsu-Nano back into the corporate world and made an enthralling keynote speech regarding the honour of his new family and explaining the virtues of the Utopian Nanites as a blessing to the world. By this time many countries had seen the value of the nanite clusters and soon after this in 2018 the Utopian nanite code was incorporated in all systems worldwide ensuring the honour and stability of Mitsu-Nano as a world power into the future.

The new self-styled Shogun took Mitsu to new heights by promoting the many uses of Nanotechnology and focused the company on research down very specific lines of coding and typing the nanites to perform miraculous and astonishing scientific advances. So phenomenal were the advances in technology under the new regime that Mitsu Nano rose to gain a total monopoly over the generation of Nano technology and weaponry worldwide and became the most powerful single entity on the island of Japan. Jiro Ashikaga is singly the most powerful man in the Empire, his Corporation spreading like the Clans of old to encompass the land of Japan in one mailed fist with many fingers. He created a new family, adopting all his Daimyo’s into his bloodline, ensuring the loyalty of his employees and stamping the name and honour of Mitsu-Nano in the new world order for many years to come.

This is not to say however that the Corporation is not without its darker side and many a clan member has met the ninja’s blade or the Geishas kiss after slighting another’s honour. All that is done in the shadows, and that which cannot be proved, is acceptable in the game of politics within Mitsu. Being caught and proved to be dishonourable is the only sin in the ranks of this Corp and employees learn early on the true nature of keeping your friends close and your enemies under deep surveillance.

Today Mitsu Nano is the foremost leaders in Nano Tech. They lead the world in Nano weaponry and members are fiercely loyal to their Daimyo’s and through them their Shogun. Honour is paramount in Mitsu society and all employees endeavour to raise their families stock with breakthroughs and results in their various fields.

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Who’s who in

Mitsu Nano-Technologies

Lord Jiro Ashikaga – C.E.O and Shogun of Mitsu Nano

Jiro is a man of far reaching vision and a believer in the old ways of honour and family. He is a hugely

charismatic figure who redesigned the structure of Mitsu-Nano, bringing them back from the brink of

collapse against a wave of public opinion. He retains total control over the corporation with his

Daimyo’s reporting directly to him.

Lady Keiko Tomozaki – Daimyo of the Research Clan

Lady Tomozaki was given her position by Lord Jiro personally after her success in perfecting the Nano

coding process which allowed the creation of uniquely bonded weaponry and armour. Keiko is a driven

and focused individual who holds the honour of her clan above all else and will stop at nothing to

achieve her aims.

Lord Hiro Masemoto – Daimyo of the Warrior Clan

Lord Hiro began his rise to power during the unrest in the early period of economic collapse when

serving in the security forces of one of the smaller parent companies of Mitsu before the merger. Hiro

rose in the ranks and caught the eye of Lord Jiro who promptly tied his honour to his own and gave

him control of the Corporation Samurai, tasking him with the protection of Mitsu-Nano interests

worldwide. Hiro is ruthless in his execution of duty and honour and expects the same of each one of

his soldiers. The only one answer to failure or dishonour in Hiro’s eyes comes on the edge of a blade.

Lady Yumi Ashikaga – Daimyo of the Security Clan

Lady Yumi is the daughter of Lord Jiro and from an early age displayed all of the traits necessary to

run the security clan. To say Yumi is suspicious and distrustful is an understatement. She concerns

herself with the security of all Mitsu holdings and data across the globe and that Mitsu technology

does not fall into the hands of foreigners. Her Clan also looks inward, providing her father with a net of

information on his extended corporate family, ever making sure that he is the first to know of any

problems in the ranks.

Lady Okamaru Mitsu – Daimyo of the Mystic Clan and Shadownet liaison

Lady Mitsu is the granddaughter of one of the founding directors of the largest of the three original

founding companies from which Mitsu-Nano grew from. Okamaru’s Grandfather was one of the

researchers responsible for the major breakthrough in the Utopia Nanites and is revered by some and

reviled by others. Her standing and honour in the Corporation stems from this fact and it was this very

fact that prompted Lord Ashikaga to promote her to Daimyo of her Clan and to be the voice of Mitsu-

Nano in the Shadow war.

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Lord Tetsu Takahashi – Daimyo of the hospitality Clan

Of all the lords and Ladies under the wing of Lord Jiro, Lord Tetsuya is the Daimyo who is looked upon

with the most trepidation. His so called Clan of hospitality officially looks after the public relations and

outward face of the Corporation, ensuring the image of Mitsu-Nano is positive and honourable with the

rest of the world. Looking deeper however opens a totally different picture. The Ninja and Geisha of

this Clan are forever ready to act to cut out problems and extinguish dishonour within and without of

the Corporations walls and as a result Lord Takahashi is shown much honour and reverence by all

those who wish to keep the ninja’s blade from their door.

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Corporate Allies


This Corporation have shown us nothing but respect and we have a strong alliance that is born from

mutual respect in each other’s technology. We have much to learn from them and can see the benefit in

tying our honour to theirs. With our technology combined we could achieve awesome heights of

advancement but we must always remember that it is our technology that allows this to be so. The

honour of this is ours and no one should forget this.

Corporate Indifferences


This collection of doctors and pharmacists have travelled a different path to us and although their

technology is more biological we can still work with them. We seem to have a reason able working

relationship and we do not clash in any of our areas of influence. Their honour in regards to the

outbreak in East Anglia seems admirable but as we know the media can tell any story…

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Trans Continental INC

We have no feelings either way about this logistics firm. Maybe someday we will have need to change

our nonplussed attitude towards them, until then we will just wait it out with one eye open. We see them

for they are, a glorified transport company that we can utilise to further enhance our trade and industry.

On the other hand, he who controls teleportation controls a great deal of power. We should keep that

eye watching very closely.

Psion UK

It is hard to trust people who can peer deep into your mind and know what you are thinking. However as

much as we should always be wary of this organisation we have had no real reason to believe them to

be acting against us and besides we have our own unique powers of the mind. Be respectful but remain


New Horizons Media

As much as New Horizons has never been in a position where we have been directly at odds me should

always remember that they who control the media have historically had questionable honour and have

been known to do anything to gain a story. We remember the media storm that broke upon us when the

Utopia Nanites were released and that is a sleeping giant that we never want to wake. Keep your wits

around this corporation and always think before you talk lest you compromise your honour.

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Our Chinese neighbours have ever been a secretive bunch and it is a bone of contention as to what

exactly it is that this cartel of “textile” Companies actually do. Suffice to say that they have made secrecy

a new art form and the true inner workings of this company seem to be almost impossible to decipher.

We are happy to deal with them as long as they respect and honour our boundaries and do not meddle

in affairs which they have no business in.

Corporate Enemies

Eagle Systems

These Gaijin have no idea about the honourable way to do business. They have been jealous of our

technology for decades and would do anything to get hold of an example of our Nano-tech weaponry.

Never trust these foreign devils and always take any opportunity afford them dishonour.

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Elite Advancement within


Being sold out to Mitsu-Nano is all about nano Technology and the strict Warrior code of Bushido. This

makes Mitsu-Nano the perfect place for soldiers to hone their fighting skills under a rigid system of

codes and training, Specialists and Tech’s who want to explore the wonders of Nano-Tech and

Psionicists who wish to learn the almost mystical art of controlling Nanites with the mind.

Being sold out to Mitsu-Nano gains you the option of buying the skills and equipment listed on the

following page; (it is worth noting that buying any of this and giving it to someone not loyal to the

corporation will earn the ire of The Shogun and his Daimyo’s)

In addition to this equipment and training, Mitsu-Nano specifically trains elite classes suited to Tech’s,

Psionicists, Soldiers and Specialists. In order to access this elite training, you should probably speak to

one of the NPC’s at your event and register your interest.

In addition to this equipment and training, Mitsu-Nano specifically trains elite classes for the following classes:

Specialist & Tech

Nano Chemist

The Nano Chemists of Mitsu are at the very pinnacle of Nano Research and are they scientists who continually push the boundary of Nano Science. Drawn from both Techs and Specialists the Chemists are responsible for all major breakthroughs in Nano-Tech and are able to utilise the phenomenal resources of this Mega Corporation to create new Nanite coding and take huge steps into the world of Scientific advancement.

Nano Surgeon

Outside of the walls of Parasol you will not find more advanced surgeons that those that work for Mitsu. Taken from both Tech and Specialist disciplines these doctors work by using Nanites to create remedies rather than the genetic science employed by their rival pharmaceutical company. They are able to utilise a variety of tools and devices to manipulate and cure almost anything that afflicts you and provide you with the best healthcare money can buy.

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Nano Samurai

The warrior protectors of all things Mitsu, these guardians of honour stand vigilant over the Corporation, protecting its interests wherever the need arise. They are resilient and deadly warriors relying on close quarter combat skills and heavy tactical armour with energy shields to sustain them in combat. Their Nano enhanced metabolisms can sustain a huge amount of punishment to the point of bringing them back from the brink of death and their fanatical loyalty to the Corporation means they will fight to the death to protect the honour of their family.



When it comes to manipulating Nanites there are none more skilled than the Shujenga or Nano Mages of Mitsu Nano. These Psionisist specialise in using the power of the mind to link with the Nanites implanted within a subject or item and manipulate them from range. It is a terrifying thing to realise that these modern day “wizards” could hold your life in their hands and with the slightest mental squeeze could snuff it out as easily as turning off a switch.

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Unique Armour

Armour Description Cost

“Yoroi” Body Armour AV: 2 2500

“Yoroi” Combat Armour AV:3 3000

“Yoroi” Assault Armour AV:4 7000

“Yoroi” Tactical Armour AV: 5 Converts SHOCK and THROUGH to a single point of damage taken on the armour. These immunities cease to function when AV is 0


“Kabuto” Helmet Incorporates Gas Mask, Flare Goggles, Helmet (immune to STUN, CHOKE and FLASH) When worn, the Kabuto may generate a devastating feedback screech that may cause the SHOCK effect once per event.


Basic Nano-Robe AV 1. All Non-Digital AV regenerates at a rate of 1AV per hour, stackable with other

Non-Digital armour


Upgrade Basic to

Advanced Nano-Robe

AV 1. All Non-Digital AV regenerates at a rate of 1AV per 30 minutes, stackable

with other Non-Digital armour


Upgrade Advanced to

Elite Nano-Robe

AV 1. All Non-Digital AV regenerates at a rate of 1AV per 15 minutes, stackable

with other Non-Digital armour


Upgrade Advanced or

Elite Nano-Robe with

Shimmer Shield

Grants the ability to use the “SHIELDED” call as many times as is required to charge an enemy and engage in melee combat. This effect drops once the first melee blow is struck. (does not stack with Nano-Plating)


Add Nano-Plating to


AV +1 (does not stack with Shimmer Shield)


Unique Weapons

Weapon Description Cost

Upgrade any normal

bladed weapon to a

Nano-Edged Weapon

Strikes for THROUGH without the need for Mono-Bladed Skill. Nano-Edged Weapons cannot be broken or made dull. (Requires Advanced Melee)


“Daikyu” Long Bow Arrows fired from this incredibly powerful bow cause REND 2000

“Hankyu” Short


Arrows/bolts fired from this incredibly powerful bow cause THROUGH KNOCKDOWN


Nano-Edged throwing


Strikes for THROUGH without the need for Mono-Bladed Skill. Nano-Edged Weapons cannot be broken or made dull. (Requires Advanced Melee)


“Seppuku” Nano-Blade These incredibly complex bladed weapons require 30 seconds charge time in order for its next strike to strike for ENERGY. This weapon is destroyed upon use.


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Unique Nano-Chemicals

Items Description Cost

Basic Medical Nanite


This injection will act as a surgeon in all respects and is always assumed to have drawn a RED Bead


Advanced Medical Nanite


This injection will act as a surgeon in all respects and is always assumed to have drawn a YELLOW Bead


Elite Medical Nanite


This injection will act as a surgeon in all respects and is always assumed to have drawn a GREEN Bead


Nano-Arsenic Basic Nano-Toxin. Lethal in 10 minutes 2500

Nano-Meta Arsenic Advanced Nano-Toxin. Lethal in 5 minutes 5000

Basic Nano Anti-Toxin Purges a Basic Nano-Toxin in 10 seconds 2500

Advanced Nano Anti-


Purges an Advanced Nano-Toxin in 10 seconds 5000

Unique Training

Skill Description Cost

Advanced Reflexes This skill converts melee damage calls THROUGH and SHOCK effects to 1 normal

hit ignoring the special effects.

(Requires Advanced Melee)


Finance 1 Represents the resources you can request from Mitsu Nano going in to an event.

You may request up to 10000 credits for temporary items, weapons or equipment

per event per level of this skill and with authorisation from your corporation NPC.

Warning, this skill can be overused…


Upgrade Finance 1 to 2 Represents the resources you can request from Mitsu Nano going in to an event.

You may request up to 20000 credits for temporary items, weapons or equipment

per event per level of this skill and with authorisation from your corporation NPC.

Warning, this skill can be overused…


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Corporate Labs

Skill Description Cost

Access to a Basic

Corporate Lab

A Basic Corporate lab negates any additional 500 credit cost for hiring a lab and

grants an additional ½ downtime for the purposes of creating.


Upgrade Access to Basic

Lab to Advanced Lab

An Advanced Corporate lab negates any additional 500 credit cost for hiring a lab

and grants an additional 1 downtime for the purposes of creating.


Upgrade Access to

Advanced Lab to Elite


An Advanced Corporate lab negates any additional 500 credit cost for hiring a lab

and grants an additional 1 downtime for the purposes of creating. In addition, create

costs are halved.