Missionary Sharing Time.doc


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7/27/2019 Missionary Sharing Time.doc

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Missionary Sharing Time

door clipart" Go to google image and search for "closed hinged door clipart" Should be the first or secondpicture.


Sharing time- I Can Share the Gospel with my Family and FriendsOctober 2013 week 3

 Having a difficult time finding which Friend magazines these other images came from, I cut them up pre-

blog!Here is what I got so far-

girl praying in front of door with quote- Friend, August 2010 p.29http://res.ldschurch.ch/magazines/thefriend/en/2010/thefriend_2010-08.pdf 

cub scout with door open- Friend, May 2008 p.

29http://res.ldschurch.ch/magazines/thefriend/en/2008/thefriend_2008-05.pdf another cub scout picture- Friend, November 2002, p.47

achievement day girls picture in the Friend, February 2009, p.5boys with cigarette- Friend, April 2010 p. 28 or 

http://www.ldsclipart.com/ under choose the right sectionschool bus with children- Friend, February 2010, p. 5 or 

http://lds.org/churchmagazines/FR_2007_10_00___00670_000_000.pdf  p 22another school picture- Friend, December 2008, p.


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 helping hands picture in Friend, August 2010 p.16.http://res.ldschurch.ch/magazines/thefriend/en/2010/thefriend_2010-08.pdf  

another helping hands picture in the Ensign, August 2010, p. 76 or  http://www.ldsclipart.com/special needs pic that I used, http://lds.org/churchmagazines/2003/Jan2003Friend.pdf  pg 47

but here are some that can be used:wheelchair man- Friend, October 2000, p. 2

wheelchair girl - Friend, June 2009, p.23wheelchair boy - Friend, September 2010, p.

31http://res.ldschurch.ch/magazines/thefriend/en/2010/thefriend_2010-09.pdf angry people- Friend, June 1999, p. 40

http://www.ldsclipart.com/ under choose the right sectionJesus the Christ- http://www.ldsclipart.com/under Jesus Christ section or Primary packet 1-1

Sharing time- I Can Be a Missionary Now! I Can Share the Gospel with my Family and Friends

****Have the missionaries assist with the beginning part of the lesson. Have the missionaries knock onthe door. Sister Pergler opens it. Missionaries- “We are representatives of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and would like to share a special message with you” The missionaries are invited tocome in and teach a little discussion about missionary work. 1) Remind what a missionary does daily andtheir experience as a missionary(last week's lesson). 2) One companion read Matthew 28:19–20 teachingtheir scripture to the “investigators”(Can use pictures of the World, Baptism, First Vision(Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ). 3) Other companion review Doctrine and Covenants 133:37 and remind thatmissionaries are one way that the gospel can be shared in distant lands. The Prophet David O. McKaytaught us that “Every member can be a missionary” and that even means YOU! Have a missionary bear testimony of the first vision (only about 5 minutes for this discussion)

Scriptures-Companion #1-Matthew 28:19 ¶ Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of theFather , and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Companion #2-D&C 133: 37 And this gospel shall be preached unto every nation, and kindred, andtongue, and people.

Sister Pergler’s part - So what opportunities do we have that we can share the gospel with those aroundus and be like these missionaries? Maybe we already have experiences with being a missionary tosomeone. Elder Quentin L. Cook, an apostle of the Lord shares a challenge- “My specific challenge toeach of you is to make a commitment to be a missionary for the rest of your life.” He suggests three waysto help us be missionaries now. 1) Overcome feelings that make you afraid to share the gospel. 2) Do notbe discouraged. 3) Be a good example and take every opportunity to share the gospel (ON FRIENDPOSTER, April 2010. or pg. 11 of http://lds.org/churchmagazines/FR_2010_04_00___09264_000_000.pdf http://lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?

hideNav=1&locale=0&sourceId=e7fcf0a83a097210VgnVCM100000176f620a____&vgnextoid=21bc9fbee98db010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRDSo I have doors that have opportunities on the back of them or ways that we can be a missionary andteach the gospel just like our visitors that came to see us. When called, knock on a door and we will openthe door to the opportunity. Then we can figure out a way to be a missionary or tell of a time whenyou were a missionary in a similar way.


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Construction paper doors covering various pictures-(Have the children knock on the door (could have all the children knock on their chairs) and then reveal

the picture)

Door #1- (picture of girl in wheelchair.) Friend, September 2010, p.31http://res.ldschurch.ch/magazines/thefriend/en/2010/thefriend_2010-09.pdf How can we share thegospel when someone might look different or isn’t able to do the activities that others may be able to?Song: “I’ll Walk with you”

 Door #2- (picture of family) p. 4of  http://lds.org/churchmagazines/FR_2008_11_00___02271_000_000.pdf  How can we share thegospel in our own families? Or when we visit a family member that may not belong to the church? Is therea time when you shared the truth with someone in your family?Song “I Love to See the Temple, verse 2, CS 95)

Door #3- (picture of Cub Scouts) Friend, May 2008 p.29http://res.ldschurch.ch/magazines/thefriend/en/2008/thefriend_2008-05.pdf How can we share thegospel at church activities? Maybe at Scouts, achievement day girls, or ward activities, etc.Song: “Our Door is Always Open” CS 254

Door #4- (picture of someone angry at someone else) How can we be missionaries with someone thatmay not like us or doesn’t seem to want to be our friend? Have you been Christlike to someone that justdidn’t seem to get along with you?

Door #5- (picture of school bus) or p. 45of  http://lds.org/churchmagazines/FR_2008_02_00___02262_000_000.pdf  How can share the gospelat school? With someone that is new there? Have you ever told anyone about the church to someone atschool?

Door #6- (picture of smoking) boys with cigarette- Friend, April 2010 p. 28or http://www.ldsclipart.com/ under choose the right section How can you share the gospel when one of your standards is being tested? Like smoking, listening to bad music, watching an inappropriate show,clothing, etc.?Song: (“The Lord Gave me a Temple", CS, 153)

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Door #7- (picture of Service) Friend, August 2010 p.16.http://res.ldschurch.ch/magazines/thefriend/en/2010/thefriend_2010-08.pdf  How can serving othershelp be a missionary? How does mormon helping hands (our group that goes out and rebuilds homesafter a hurricane or other disaster) help bring the gospel to many lands?

Door #8- (picture of girl praying at a closed

door) http://res.ldschurch.ch/magazines/thefriend/en/2010/thefriend_2010-08.pdf  “Seek me diligently andye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” We can pray for thosethat we would like to be a missionary with. Have you ever prayed for someone to accept a church invite or the gospel?Song:( “Praise to the Man, Hymns, no.27)

Door #9-(picture of Book of Mormon) Sharing the Book of Mormon is a wonderful way to be a missionary.Sharing stories, scriptures can help be a missionary. Has anyone ever had an experience with giving aBook of Mormon to someone or just has a special feeling about the precious book?Song: ("Scripture Power")

Door #10- (picture of Jesus Christ) When we act like Jesus, we are sharing the gospel sometimes without

even knowing we are doing it. When was a time when you were a good example? Has anyone ever toldsomeone about Joseph Smith and the first vision? (show picture of first vision) How did you feel hearingthe testimony of the missionary of that sacred event? Inspire you to want to share your testimony?Song: ("If I Listen with My Heart", p. 28 of 2011 Sharing Time outline)

I hope you will accept Elder Cook's challenge and will be a missionary for the rest of your life. I say thesethings, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.