Mission Times Courier - February 2013



The February 2013 edition of Mission Times Courier.

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January 25, 2013 On the Internet at www.MIssIOnTIMesCOurIer.com Volume XX – number 14Allied Gardens • Del Cerro • Grantville • College • Northern La Mesa • Rolando • San Carlos • Fletcher Hills


Guitar GirlSan Carlos resident Taylor George’s skills earn her national attention.Page 15

In His NatureLocal geographer Phil Pryde is an invaluable resource for San Diego history.Page 10

Pop CultureMission Trails Regional Park pops with colorful flora from Februarythrough spring.Page 12

NEWS TIPS(619) 283-9747 X-121Editor@MissionTimesCourier.com

ADVERTISE WITH US(619) 283-9747 X-128Sales@MissionTimesCourier.com

By Cynthia RobertsonFifteen years ago, San

Carlos resident Adrienne Hart changed lives by forming a dance troupe. The group of gals is not what one would immediately picture. Think a more modest version of Palm Springs Follies, and the picture gets a little clearer. But it’s hard to pin these gals down

RhinestoneGRanniesKicK UptheiR heels

commissionappRovesvillaGe at ZionBy Dave Schwab

The San Diego City Planning Commission voted unanimously Jan. 17 in favor of rezoning for Village at Zion, an afford-able senior housing project accommodating up to 60 multi-family units on a 1.2-acre vacant lot currently zoned single-family residen-tial in Allied Gardens.

The vote was 6-0 with commissioner Robert Griswold absent. The com-mission’s recommendation to approve the project, located at 5157 Zion Ave., now moves to the City Council for final action at a future date.

“This project is conve-niently located near a supermarket, a commu-nity center, a library, a senior center and Kaiser medical facilities which are all in the neigh-borhood,” said Robin Madaffer, an attorney representing project devel-opers. “We all know there is a shortage of affordable housing in San Diego.”

Madaffer told commis-sioners studies show San Diego’s senior population, which stood at 11 percent in 2010, is projected to mushroom to 19 percent by 2030.

“Forty-one percent of the people in low-income hous-ing are elderly,” she said.

Madaffer told commis-sioners the project has been significantly redesigned due to public input received from the Allied Gardens Community Council and Navajo Community Planners, Inc.

“It was originally designed to be 3 stories and to provide surface parking, but the commu-nity preferred two stories even if that meant putting parking underground,” she said. “Originally the project was designed with Spanish architecture, but we heard from Allied Gardens and Navajo that they preferred something a little more Craftsman style, so the exterior of the project was completely changed.”

Not everyone in Allied Gardens however was pleased with the prospect of having a multi-family

Windmill FaRms celebRates a decade

By Jeremy Ogul

A decade has passed since Windmill Farms

opened its doors in Del Cerro, but the produce on the shelves is just as fresh as it’s always been.

The grocery store invited customers to celebrate its 10th anniversary with an all-day event last month featuring a free raffle, live music and a free tri-tip sandwich lunch provided by Harris Ranch Beef Co.

As customers milled about, munching on food samples and

filling their baskets with gro-ceries, Windmill Farms owners and employees took a moment to reflect on the milestone.

“It’s grown huge from the day we opened,” said Betsy Boney, who owns the store with her husband, Scott. “There have been other stores that haven’t quite made it in this spot, but we have some really nice, loyal customers we’re very thank-

By Jeremy OgulIf you go to the San Diego

Jewish Film Festival this month expecting a sermon, you will likely be disap-pointed with the lack of proselytizing. If you go expecting an entertaining array of films that happen to

feature Jewish actors, direc-tors or characters, however, you will likely find yourself in good company.

This year marks the 23rd anniversary of a festival that seeks to illuminate Jewish culture and experiences through film. The 47 films in store span a wide range

of subject matter including anti-Semitism, city planning, Arab-Israeli relations, pop music, transgender accep-tance, comic books and Roman Polanski, to name a few.

The festival opens Feb. 7 with “Under African Skies,”

See Film Festival page 9

See Windmill FaRms page 7

See city planninG page 14See GRannies page 22

Hava Nagila

Jewish Film Fest OFFers Diversity

Page 2 MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013

I was reading in the news that a man was attacked in his garage by a bobcat. Then, the cat attacked the man’s grandson as it was leav-ing. The article said the wife shot the bobcat and is receiving anti-rabies shots because there was bobcat blood spatters on her. It was stated it was unusual for the animal to attack. It was not understood a cat would do that unless it was rabid. Could be…but I had my own experience with a bobcat at the lake years ago.

It happened when we could go all the way to the dam. There were a few ducks milling around on the road and a bobcat was ready to pounce on one. I interrupted it. It seemed angry as though it couldn’t make up its mind whether to come after me but it stared at me and edged closer. I think that if I had taken another step towards it, it would have come after me. It was so beautiful that I wanted to get my fill of watching it…but I thought it was better to leave.

Jo and Hank live on Norman Lane and told me that they often saw bobcat families on the side of their hill. A few years ago people were standing around on the lake road by Del Cerro Bay. They were looking up at an electric pole. I stopped and saw a bobcat sitting on top. It probably climbed up to get away from a predator and had to wait until its audience left.

We don’t always see them but they are all over

our community…wildlife that is. Of course we see coyotes, skunks, rabbits and squirrels. When I lived in Del Cerro our neighbors lived above a canyon. Every year they relished the sight of a fox family scrounging around for food. The Smithson’s watched the little ones grow and invited me to see them. From their balcony they would send a basket of berries on a rope down to the foxes. I know we shouldn’t feed the wild animals but this was only done peri-odically when the babies were on exhibit.

Possums, turtles, and birds of all kinds live near or migrate yearly to Lake Murray. Plants, trees and blooms that are a joy to see but we also have our share of invasive trans-plants. We are right in the middle of a suburb with our own animal habitat and arboretum.

I am going to make a comment on Dave Schwab’s article last month about Gen. Bob Cardenas. Many of us know Bob and he is a great hero. But I would also like to recognize his wife who raised and cared for their large family. Accolades go to all wives and husbands that do the joint job of both mother and father while their spouse is gone to protect all of us. Their spouses are heroes, too. I know Bob would agree with that.

During the most frozen morning I can remember, a stalwart few contin-ued their early morning exercise. One day I only

Friends of Lake Murray

lOCAl News

See laKe mURRay page 19

By Marilyn Reed, PresidentThe New Year has

certainly gotten off to a rough start for residents of Allied Gardens. The multifamily residential project called the “Village at Zion” was scheduled to return to the San Diego Planning Commission Jan. 17 for approval of the revised plans. If the Planning Commission remains consistent with its previous decisions regard-ing developments in our community, especially pertaining to multifamily residential construction, I have no doubt the revised plans for the project will be approved and recom-mended to the City Council for acceptance, just as the original plans were.

The revised plans for this project are as follows: The actual building is now proposed to be two stories with underground parking containing 60 spaces for 60 units with a height of 37 feet. The original plans consisted of a three story building with parking on site for 58 units and about one parking space per unit. Very little visitor parking was provided on site. Some

of the concerns voiced at various community meet-ings where the project was presented focused on the lack of adequate park-ing for the project and the density of the com-plex being placed on a 1.2 acre parcel in the heart of Allied Gardens. Although the project did not receive an approval for recommen-dation by the majority of the members on NCPI both times it was presented, it will most likely receive a nod of approval for rec-ommendation to the City Council by the Planning Commission. I hope I will be proved wrong.

Of course, the final deci-sion on this project will lie with the City Council. It will be extremely interest-ing to see how this new council votes on projects such as this. I personally gave Councilmember Scott Sherman and Mayor Bob Filner copies of a letter from AGCC and a petition signed by over 120 resi-dents against the Village at Zion project. Perhaps our efforts will be taken more seriously and not be so callously disregarded as they have been in the past.

Finally, this will be my

last article in the newslet-ter as AGCC president. These last four years (as were my first four) have presented countless chal-lenges in dealing with NCPI and the City of San Diego. AGCC needs to keep a strong representation of AG residents on the Board and I encourage you to vol-unteer. Otherwise, the voice of residents will be over-shadowed by compromise and negotiation, and the benefits can only be a “win” for developers with the rest of us experiencing adverse effects to traffic, parking and other conditions within our community.♦

Allied Gardens Community Council

MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013 Page 3




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By Doug Case, PresidentThe College Area Community

Council annual membership drive is underway. If you are not a member or need to renew you can go our website at www.collegearea.org and click the “Join” button at the top of page. Fill out the form and pay dues (donation options $10-$50) online via PayPal or download the form to mail with your check. Dues are our only source of income and your contribution will allow us to continue our work to improve the quality of life in the College Area. Additionally, the more members we represent, the more powerful our voice will be a City Hall.

Seven seats on the College Area Community Planning Board (CACPB) are up for elec-tion at the March 13 annual membership meeting. Those elected serve concurrently as Executive Board members of the College Area Community Council (CACC). Six of the seats are for full three-year terms; one is for a vacant term expiring in March 2014.

Any registered community member who has attended a minimum of two joint

CACPB/CACC meetings between February 2012 and February 2013 is eligible to run. All CACC members and anyone who completes a CACC Membership/CACPB Registration Form by Feb. 13 is considered a registered com-munity member and eligible to vote at the March 13 election.

If you are interested in being on the board and have not met the attendance requirement, please complete a nomination form and send it to us to keep on file, then attend a couple of meetings. We frequently have mid-year vacancies that are filled by appointment. We are especially looking for board members who reside south of Montezuma Road and east of College Avenue as well as residents east of 67th Street. Additionally, we also need board representation from local businesses. Since El Cajon Boulevard is the community planning boundary, only busi-nesses on the north side of the Boulevard are eligible to serve on the CACPB, although CACC business membership is open to all area businesses who want to support the community.

Board members are required

to attend monthly joint meet-ings of the CACPB/CACC held on the second Wednesday between 7 and 9 p.m. at the College-Rolando Library. Additionally each board member is expected to serve on at least one committee. Most committees meet monthly, although some committees meet quarterly or as needed. There are a total of 20 board members, 18 elected (with staggered 3-year terms), one appointed by San Diego State University and one appointed by SDSU Associated Students.

If you are interested, please complete the form available on our website and return it by Feb. 13 so you can be included on the ballot. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor on the night of the elections, provided the nominee meets the eligibility criteria. ♦

By Jay Wilson, PresidentThe Del Cerro Action

Council (DCAC) e-News Updates are posted exclu-sively on our website: delcerroactioncouncil.org. Sign up on the site to receive updates that will keep you informed about events and concerns/solu-tions for our community. Through the webpage, you have an opportunity to contact the DCAC board directly by sending a com-ment from the site. The quarterly meeting of the DCAC was held Jan. 24. The meeting notes will be

posted on our website. On Jan. 2, I attended

the San Carlos Area Council meeting to listen to Mayor Bob Filner. He reiterated his commit-ment to taking care of our neighborhoods and stressed how important it is to him to make certain the voices of San Diego’s citizens are listened to and responded to in a posi-tive and timely manner. I believe we will soon see the results of the mayor’s commitment. I have con-tacted the mayor’s office and requested that he be the guest speaker at our

April meeting. We have a new Police

Liaison Officer for the Eastern Division. Officer Holland Tafoya is replac-ing Officer Ed Zwibel, who has been working for Police

By John F. Pilch, PresidentIn accordance with our

new meeting schedule, the San Carlos Area Council (SCAC) will not meet in February. Our next meet-ing is scheduled for March 6 at 6 p.m. at the San Carlos Branch Library, 7265 Jackson Dr. The speaker and topic will be announced in the next edition of the Mission Times Courier. This information will also be sent to the SCAC email list, along with a copy of the agenda.

We were extremely for-tunate to have Mayor Bob Filner address the members, residents and guests at our meeting Jan. 2. Filner spoke to a standing-room-only crowd and responded to a variety of questions from the audience. Initially, the mayor addressed his major issues for the City of San Diego. He acknowledged District 7 Councilmember Scott Sherman, who was in atten-dance, and stated he would seek input from Sherman to identify priorities in District 7 neighborhoods, with a goal of making all areas of the city more “livable.” Filner also advised the audience that he plans to change City Boards and Commissions to get more residents involved in the process of government. He also plans to change the Development Services and the Planning Departments to make them more user-friendly. In addition, Filner

proposes to enact a new Port Policy, have more solar panels installed on public buildings and improve trade with Mexico, including decreasing the time to get to and from our neighbor to the south. He praised Mayor Sanders for putting the City on a sound financial basis and improving the bond rating, but much more needs to be done.

Questions from the audi-ence included a revamping of the permit process, pension reform, the underground-ing of utilities and the proposed bridge and paid parking in Balboa Park, which the mayor does not favor. He mentioned the tram system that he and former Councilmember Judy McCarty, who was in the front row at the meet-ing, worked on when both were on the City Council. Unfortunately, the system was not implemented. While she had his attention, McCarty asked the mayor for a new library for San Carlos, since it’s been in the works for more than 15 years. His response was that it will be looked into with Sherman. Filner concluded

College Area Community Council San Carlos Area Council

Del Cerro Action Council

See san caRlos page 21

See del ceRRo page 6

Page 4 MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013

By Enhancery Jewelers, Kathleen White, Graduate Gemologist, GIA


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619-282-3900Visit us on the web at www.enhancery.com or follow us on Facebook


VALENTINE GIFT IDEAS This Valentine’s Day give the gift of time with a beautiful Citizen eco-drive watch for him or her. Eco-drive watches never need a battery and are totally light powered so they save the environment as well. Build memories with a Pandora™, bracelet. Each cherished moment in life can be symbolized with a special bead of silver, gold or Murano glass. When nothing but diamonds will do we have a large selec-tion of colored diamonds as well as the traditional white set in unique earrings, pendants and rings. Silver jewelry by Elle™ is a smart contemporary collection that will fit any budget. Make this Valentine’s Day really special and add a real rose dippedin 24K gold that will last forever.

BIRTHSTONE OF THE MONTH -AMETHYST Amethyst is the beautiful purple birthstone for Pisces and the 6th anniversary stone. It is variety of the quartz family with a hardness of seven. It is a very wearable gemstone, making it a perfect accessory for all occasions. Wearing amethyst is thought to quicken intelligence and protect against evil.


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Family Worship 9:15 AMYouth Sunday School 9:30 AM

Adult Bible Class 10:30 AM

Special Events:Feb. 2 - 7 PM, Sounds of Ascension Presents

“A Year in the Life of a Church Organ” (Concert by Dr. John Howard)

Feb. 3 - 12:30 PM, Super Bowl Fellowship

Feb. 9th- 5:30-7 PM, 50’s Dinner & Dance Time(Benefit for the Ascension Children’s Center)

Feb. 13 - 7 PM, Ash Wednesday Service(Lenten Services on following Wednesdays with 6 PM Soup & Salad Supper)

“Looking Up in Faith-Reaching Out in Love”

Ascension Lutheran Church51st Street & Zion Ave. in Allied Gardens

The billboard touting a new, 25,000-square foot San Carlos library has been prominently perched on a vacant, Jackson Drive park-ing lot since Bill Clinton was in the White House. The faded sign is so old, a draw-ing of the building is barely visible. Plans for the project have been dragging for so long that locals who were tod-dlers when the idea was first broached are now rearing toddlers of their own.

“This has gone on for-ever,” lamented former City Councilwoman and San Carlos resident Judy McCarty.

“Once a week, easily, we get people asking us to take that sign down,” said Rita Glick, branch manager of the aging San Carlos library that is within walking distance of Green Elementary, Pershing Middle and Patrick Henry High schools. “A lot of them say that if we’re not going to build it, there’s no need for that sign.”

Meanwhile, a small staff operates from cramped quar-ters containing a community room that was far too small to accommodate residents recently when Mayor Bob Filner came to address the neighborhood.

The library opened on Jan. 9, 1974.

“You really can’t do justice to what we want to offer in

that small of a space,” said Judy Williams, president of the local Friends of the Library chapter. And while reviews on social networking sites such as Yelp are gener-ally positive, visitors note the small spaces and limited selections.

To a lot of folks who live in San Carlos, the city’s failure to come through on the local library is typical. When San Carlos saw the need for a vis-itor’s center at heavily used Mission Trails Regional Park, it was the neighborhood, not the city, that secured the funding to get it built. When San Carlos saw the need for a local Independence Day party and fireworks show, it was the neighborhood, not the city, that secured the funding to get it done. When San Carlos saw the need to replace a crumbling, dilapi-dated playground at Lake Murray Community Park, it was the neighborhood, not the city, that put the plans in place and the dollars in the bank account to make neces-sity reach fruition.

Since plans were put in place for a new San Carlos branch a generation ago, libraries have been built or rebuilt in the College-Rolando area, Serra Mesa, Mission Valley, La Jolla and else-where. A $185-million central library near Petco Park downtown is set to open this summer. And the city has set aside some $15 million in bond money for new libraries in San Ysidro, Mission Hills and the Skyline Hills area of southeastern San Diego.

Residents here are fed up, but there is little they can do. The 150-member San Carlos Friends of the Library is hoping money to help fund a new branch at Jackson and Golfcrest drives will come from a future capital improvement bond floated by San Diego. Meanwhile, the San Diego Public Library Foundation, the private fund-raising arm of the San Diego Public Library system, has told San Carlos library back-ers that they need to secure up to $5 million in contri-butions before it will begin

soliciting funds on behalf of the San Carlos effort.

“I don’t know anyone in the community who has that kind of money to give us,” Williams said, adding that the latest estimate on the cost of building a new San Carlos library is now in the neighborhood of $14.5 million.

McCarty said the San Carlos Friends of the Library has collected about $150,000 for furniture and fixtures. “I don’t know where we’re going to raise the money they’re telling us we have to raise,” the former councilwoman said.

On the bright side, detailed architectural plans were drawn some five years ago, though they most likely would need some tinkering, depending on today’s con-struction costs. Drawings call for a two-story structure, with the upper level contain-ing 17,000 square feet, all of which would be dedicated library space. Also included is a 2,600-square-foot commu-nity room, along with an area for Friends of the Library book storage and sales.

At a town hall meeting regarding the future library that was held in the summer of 2007, then-Councilman Jim Madaffer told the audi-ence he was hopeful that city bond money needed to begin construction could be secured within 12 to 18 months.

That, however, was before the city nearly went bankrupt and began slashing services, including library hours.

So, will we all be dead before a new library is built? McCarty thinks not.

“I will not die until this is built,” McCarty said.

She is 72. ♦

A Sign of Neglect

DaviD Ogul

MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013 Page 5

Letterfrom the EditorBy genevieve a. Suzuki

Valentine’s Day, like many of our holidays, has become over-commercial-ized. As with the other holidays, the stores busted out the decorations and sweetheart-themed mer-chandise as soon as you could kiss someone “Happy New Year!” There are hearts everywhere now, reminding those of us who have significant others that we need to pen the best poem, deliver the sweetest chocolates and book the most romantic of nights.

Rather than give in to the mass-marketed idea of love, however, we should probably step back and take a better look at what we already have at home. Sincerely appreciating our loved ones is better than any Valentine manufactured by Hallmark. After all, time well spent is a gift you can never get back, making it the most valuable and selfless of contributions.

Mission Times Courier’s sister publication La Mesa Courier’s cooking columnist, Julie White, recently lost her hus-band of 39 years. Rick White was a familiar face around La Mesa. A retired

Grossmont District high school teacher and coach, Rick devoted much of his time to his family and the youth of our com-munity. In addition to having coached football at Christian High in El Cajon, Valhalla and Granite Hills, Rick was also involved in track, basketball and baseball.

“During my career, I certainly had my shares of ups and downs, wins and losses, but my constant desire was to inspire students and ath-

letes to become the best that they could be,” wrote Rick in a sports column for La Mesa Courier.

Rick proudly added that Julie was born and raised in La Mesa and that he and Julie resided in La Mesa on the hill overlook-ing the Helix campus. Rick was a loyal La Mesan through and through, and sought to inspire readers with stories of the town’s local athletes.

“Maybe you’ve noticed that really good coaches know how to inspire and motivate their athletes beyond what they think they are capable of doing,” wrote Rick. “That’s what I want these articles to focus on – ‘inspiration.’ This is not going to be a column on box scores. Athletes at Helix and Grossmont who have overcome extraor-dinary odds to achieve success in their sport and their lives – that’s who I want to focus on.”

Rick was a coach’s coach. For a parent, the best coach a kid could have is a person who knows it’s not the out-come that matters, but the journey.

And while I may not have known Rick person-ally, I am confident that he lived his life with Julie the way he coached his teams – completely, lov-ingly and with all of his heart and soul.

Rest in peace, Rick. May your spirit and inspira-tion live on forever. ♦


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We are having an 80s concert and costume party with this area’s own – HOTT THINGS! We will be doing a benefit that night

for Aurora (A 5 year old girl recently diagnosed with cancer). There is no cover but we will be taking donations and doing raffles.

5147 Waring Rd. in Allied Gardens


FEB 17TH (SUNDAY) We are having our second lobster

boil! Live maine lobsters shipped from Maine and cooked on site with a buffet to add to your plate. Spots are limited.

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and live music (see schedule)

Letter to the EditorSecond amendment Protects all guns

As one who has never been a gun owner, I found your drivel for gun confiscation disgustingly shortsighted. With respect to your self-importance as editor of a neighborhood paper, I’m going to side with the think-ing of America’s Founding Fathers on this one.

In your miniature perspec-tive, has it never dawned on you that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, plus others, surely put deep thought into personal armaments – even with its possibility of occasional con-sequence? Do you not think there were unspeakable rampages with guns in their day? Do you not trust they cared for the well being of America’s future generations of children?

Be assured, these historic titans of authentic progres-siveness studiously weighed every aspect before adjoining their names in law to solidify their judgment.

In translation for you, Genevieve: the guarantee of cherished freedoms, like speaking and living openly, was produced solely from the barrels of its citizenry who took up arms. It was deemed at the time, and has proven itself, to be the ultimate, grassroots insurance policy against enemies and adver-saries – current and coming, foreign and domestic – who would try to crush such human rights.

That’s right, they’re the ultimate shield for all of our human rights because freedom is never a done deal. Inanely, you’re ready to disable and surrender its valued safeguard for “parenting” today. Geez, Genevieve, that’s shame-less pandering, even for a foolish attorney mindset, let alone an ever disingenuous president you fawn over. The both of you need a civics compass. The Bill of Rights

is not a suggestion. Arms of its teeth, period.

In speculating, perhaps you’ve concluded insurgent force, either by manpower or illegal political decree, won’t confront this nation again, rendering guns as unneeded. Uh, yeah, such plights only befall other countries with their 2,500-plus-year his-tories. That would never happen to us, a scant 236-year-old union. Just them, right?

Meanwhile, it’s cruel that calculating liberals like you exploit the tragedy of Sandy Hook for a wonted agenda. (“Never let a good crisis go to waste for politi-cal advantage.” – Rahm Emanuel, former Chief of Staff for Obama).

Your childhood trauma was unfortunate, indeed. Yet, you omitted vast accounts of other vulner-able women, elderly and businesses who defended themselves with firepower in the shadows of thugs and brutality. Come on, you can’t feign ignorance of this.

Also, just their mere threat of defense has certainly saved pools of newspaper ink that would’ve otherwise become heinous stories. Don’t these people count in your world, too, Ms. Editor?

Here’s breaking news for you, dear – sick minds have never ceased anywhere in the world. Anywhere. Still it’s Newtown or larger

carnage by truck bomb in Oklahoma City, evil has its ways. Incidentally, did you call for truck rental control in the slaughter of those 168 murders?

Your article would’ve been better served in urging two simple things: (1) per-sonal civility in present day thought and (2) outrage for Hollywood’s incessant violent images as entertain-ment which consumed Adam Lanza’s malleable, brain-washed mind. Of course, that would mean turning against your fellow leftwing zealots by not seeming “cool” – fat chance there. (But take note, counselor, that public contempt I advise does not extend in abridging Hollywood’s Constitutional right to its product, no matter how rancid).

In closing, the sentiments expressed here are genuine, however, I will not sign a claim for them because, like it or not, they’re in the DNA of freedom for everyone who calls America home.

Of course, don’t blame me in choosing anonymity, Genevieve. Instead, as you do for guns, blame the device – the Xerox Phaser 6500 – which printed this. Imagine that utopia – no such item, no letter of criticism.


Page 6 MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013

Kevin Churchill DRE # 01218785

3914 Murphy Canyon Rd, #A223San Diego, CA 92123


(619) 857-4663

Allied Gardens $424,000 - 449,900

Allied Gardens $424,000 - 449,900

El Cajon$379,000 - 399,900

Mt. Helix $549,000 - 579,000

Allied Gardens, $449,000 This expanded and remodeled canyon view home is move-in ready! The home features a large, spacious family room with a wood burning fireplace, open wood beamed ceiling, and plenty of natural light.


Del Cerro Remodel$749,000-$774,000Del Cerro $609,000Allied Gardens $430,000

Chief Lansdowne for several months. Officer Tafoya is a three-year veteran of the San Diego Police Force. She has stated, “I am here to help you out in any way I can. Some of the things I can do for you, but not limited to, are work with your Neighborhood Watch, coordinate area division police department speakers for your organization, conduct station tours, provide crime preven-tion training or tips, and serve as a liaison for community prob-lems. I would also like to welcome you to the SDPD Eastern Division Facebook page. Please feel free to contact me with any community police-related problems. My email address is Htafoya@pd.sandiego.gov.” I have invited Officer Tafoya to attend our April DCAC meeting. I have also requested she provide current crime statistics for our area. They will be posted on our website.

Cathy and Dan Northcutt of Team Northcutt Realtors have volunteered to adopt the Pasatiempo Open Space Park on the top of Del Cerro to ensure this open space area is cleaned up and maintained. It is about 4 acres and is across the street from the city’s 10-acre site on the top of Del Cerro. There is a spectacular, unobstructed view of San Diego, looking to the west. Park and Recreation Department

Ranger Jason Allen, along with Cathy and Dan, spearheaded a clean-up that was held last October. Please contact Cathy at cathy@teamnorthcutt.com to volunteer on anytime between 9 and 11 a.m., on Saturday, Feb. 2.

We are almost ready to send a proposal to the Park and Recreation Department with our plans for repairing and upgrading the playground and the area adjacent to the Princess Del Cerro Park Playground. As part of our upgrade plan, there will be an opportunity to install more dedicated tiles. If you would like to donate to the fund, and have a personal-ized tile added to those already in place, please contact me at jwilson2@cox.net.

The members of the DCAC board are looking forward to hearing from you. Email us through our webpage or post a comment or concern on the website.

The annual Girl Scout cookie sale is underway, so anticipate a knock on your door in the coming days from a polite Girl Scout or Brownie offer-ing to take your order from a delectable choice of cookies.

Mark your calendar for Friday evening, March 8 for the “Taste of Navajo,” a fundraising event to be held at the Mission Trails Visitor Center, sponsored by the Green Elementary School Foundation to support educational and athletic programs at the school. ♦

Del Cerro, from page 3

By John PetersonTiming is everything, so I

have been told. Now I am a believer. The timing couldn’t have been better when a few days before Thanksgiving Barbara Teemsma, matri-arch of the Ideal Plumbing family, called me and asked if the Grantville-Allied Gardens Kiwanis could use some volunteers in some of their community service projects. We can always use more volunteers so I asked her what she had in mind. Barbara went on to say that the Latter Day Saints Missionaries in the Del Cerro area were looking for a community service project as part of their mission. What a Godsend! The first load of Christmas trees were due at the Kiwanis Christmas tree lot the following Wednesday – about 300 trees to unload and get ready for opening day on Saturday.

On Wednesday morn-ing Elder Lloyd and Elder Tueller were on hand to join in all the fun of unload-ing the trees. Throughout the month of December they helped out at the Kiwanis Christmas tree

lot by coming in to help. They turned out to be not only young and strong but willing to do anything that needed to be done from putting the trees on stands, carrying the trees, unwrap-ping the trees, watering the trees and always with smiles and great attitudes. They even thanked us for allowing them to par-ticipate in our community service fundraising project!

Missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints not only spread the word about their beliefs, but are also charged with doing com-munity service in their communities. They serve two-year missions for their church and then return to their families, schooling or careers. Mormon missionar-ies are known as “Elders” and Elder Lloyd and Elder Tueller were fine examples of the young people from their church.

Elder Casey Tueller is 21 years old and finished his

mission in San Diego Dec. 29. He is originally from South Jordan, Utah, and lived in Honolulu, Hawaii, where his father works at the University of Hawaii. He attended BYU Hawaii for a year before starting his mission and is now attending BYU Idaho where he is pursuing a degree in Business. Elder Tueller says that he loves sports, especially surfing, loves playing baseball and bas-ketball and loves music.

Elder Aaron Lloyd is from Sandy, Utah and came to San Diego to serve a mission for his church after attending Southern Utah University in Cedar City, Utah for one year. He is also working on a bachelor’s degree in Business with a minor in Political Science. He is an Eagle Scout, enjoys singing and music and says he is grateful to be in San Diego.

The Kiwanis Club of Grantville-Allied Gardens would like to thank both Elder Lloyd and Elder Tueller not only for their help at the Kiwanis tree lot but for being such cheer-ful and outgoing young men. They did a great job of showing us what our country’s future can look forward to with such fine young men getting ready to carry on with the values they represent.

By the way, GAG Kiwanis sold 1,133 Christmas trees this year and closed down the lot on Dec. 20 by donating the last 20 trees to the families of enlisted men at Miramar Marine Air Station. Thank you, Navajo Community, for your support! Remember that all profits go back to the community! See you all next year! ♦

Kiwanis Tree Lot Blessed with Help

MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013 Page 7

ful for.”Windmill Farms serves as

many as 11,000 customers a week, according to numbers crunched by store manager Matt Mann, and they all fit a different profile. Some have been shopping for health foods at Boney-owned stores since the 1970s. Others are San Diego State University students who stop by the salad bar for lunch. The customer base grew substan-tially during the epic grocery worker strikes of 2003, as customers looked for stores at which they didn’t have to cross a picket line, Mann said.

A remodel of the store in 2010 allowed Windmill Farms to add a wider variety of products to the shelves, which in turn drove up “basket size,” or the amount of food people were buying on average at each visit to the store, Mann said.

Last fall, Windmill Farms hired an in-house chef who cooks from scratch daily, everything from cedar-plank salmon and lemon herb chicken to salads with bulgur wheat, roasted mush-rooms and kale. The chef’s dishes have been a hit so far, Mann said.

Both Mann and Boney think the store’s employees are a big reason customers return. Most of the employees have been at Windmill Farms for years. Many of them have even worked for the Boneys

at other stores they owned before Windmill Farms.

Nutrition manager Joel Detjen was the second person Scott Boney hired when the store was getting ready to launch in the fall of 2002. Detjen said Windmill Farms distinguishes itself from larger corporate grocery chains by paying close attention to indi-vidual shoppers’ needs.

“The trick is, we don’t dictate what people buy,” he said. “It’s not just our concept -- like or leave it… We let the customers tell us what they would like to see here.”

Cultural trends have probably also contributed to the store’s success. People are more interested now in organic products that were grown sustainably, close to home, Detjen said.

“People are realizing that the farther you go away from the farm, the less nutri-ents you have and the more damage it causes to the body,” Detjen said.

Locally grown organic food isn’t always available, but Windmill Farms stocks it when they can, said produce manager Michael Villegas. Fresh basil, for example, is grown in organic, hydroponic greenhouses at Archi’s Acres near Escondido. Broccoli, greens, squash and other seasonal vegetables come from Suzie’s Farm, which has 140 acres of USDA-certified organic farmland nestled between San Ysidro and Imperial Beach.

Windmill Farms and the local natural food stores like it can be a sort of stepping stone for start-up food companies, said Charlotte Long, owner of Natural Twist Bakery in Poway. Long’s bakery has been selling its vegan, gluten-free cookie dough at farmers markets since 2011. Positive reception at the farmers markets helped Long get her products into grocery stores, including Windmill Farms.

“A lot of people are find-ing out they have allergies or intolerance to certain ingredi-ents,” and they are turning to local food stores for products that meet their health needs, Long said.

Though Windmill Farms managers are focused on serv-ing the local neighborhoods, the store still draws shoppers from afar. Debbie Clapp is an Alpine resident who says she has been shopping at Windmill Farms since the day it opened.

“I travel for the fresh pro-duce, the good prices and the variety,” Clapp said. “It’s a friendly place to shop. It feels like your neighborhood store. Even though I’m from Alpine it’s my neighborhood store.”

Windmill Farms does not currently have plans to expand into other neighbor-hoods, but Boney said she’s looking forward to continuing to do business in Del Cerro.

“I hope we’re here for another 30 years,” she said. ♦

Windmill Farms, from page 1

By Sue Hotz

Happy 2013! Libraries are now open Mondays from 9:30 to 5:30. It’s going to be a great year. To celebrate the July opening of the new Central Library, the Friends of the Library is having a half-price Life Membership sale – just $250. Now is the time to join or renew your SCFOL Membership. Funds stay at local branches.

Congratulations to the San Carlos winners of The 16th Annual Student Writing for Literacy Library Essay Contest. They will be recognized and read their essays at the San Carlos Library on Tuesday, Feb. 5, at 6 p.m. The community is invited.

GROUP ACTIVITIES: Yoga and Meditation clubs continue at their scheduled times. Join our Monday Knitting or Beading classes. Learn new skills; meet new friends! The Librarian’s Book Club selection for February is, In the Garden of the Beast, by Erik Larson, and for March is, The Irregulars, by Jennet Conan. E-reader classes are available.

YOUTH: There are now three kids’ Story-times: Toddlers, Preschoolers, and K-3rd.

KIDS: sign up for “Marta’s Arts & Crafts” Feb. 20 at 2 p.m., to make a Nature Art Embroidery Hoop.

TEENS: check out the second Wednesday, “High School Hang-Out

Nites.” Tutoring is avail-able on Wednesdays.

ART SHOW: The beau-tiful nature-scapes of Sherry Krulle-Beaton will be displayed in the Community Room from Feb. 5-28. See more of Sherry’s works at www.beatonpaths.com. Our Art Coordinator has resigned due to health concerns. If you are interested in this position, contact Judy Williams, SCFOL president.

PROGRAMS: Feb. 22, 2 to 3 p.m., John Van Roekelhen, author of Prisoner Moon, will discuss his novel’s setting: the Michigan, German POW camps during World War II. A fascinating piece of American history. OASIS: Feb. 15 at 1:00, Mark Carlson will tell us about “The Best of…Paul Harvey’s The Rest of the Story.” Sign up with OASIS or at the library.

BOOK SALES: We thank all of our book sale patrons. Proceeds support our library. Our next sales are Feb. 2 and March 2.

Log onto www.sancar-losfriendsofthelibrary.org for details about our branch’s activities. All programs are free and open to the public.♦

San Carlos Friendsof the Library

Page 8 MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013

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By David RozulAt a glance, the stairwell

on the west side of San Diego State University’s Hardy Tower doesn’t look like anything out of the ordinary. But behind the beige colored walls lies a peak into one former stu-dent’s fantasy world.

Hidden behind a coat of wall paint for almost four decades, the vibrant mural, depicting cap-tivating images and creatures out of Alice and Wonderland fantasy has surfaced once more.

Recently, a roof leak caused the exterior paint of the Hardy Tower stair-way to blister and peel, exposing unfamiliar colors beneath. Immediately, San Diego State University’s chair of Anthropology Seth Malios was called in to examine the wall.

Through the use of thermal imagining, pho-tography that can pick up slight variations beneath the surface of the exterior paint, it was confirmed the mystery colors were actually part of a forgotten Alice in Wonderland mural.

According to Malios, after analyzing old photographs and collecting accounts from people who knew of the mural, the mural dates back to the 1940s and was painted over in the 1980s.

Although it is unknown why the mural was painted over, Malios says the mural allows people to have a glimpse of what everyday life was like at SDSU during the Great Depression.

“The Alice in Wonderland mural speaks to the post-war escapism, and peers into the social shift from social realism to fantasy,” Malios said. It offers great

insight into the minds and lives of people of the past.

The artist of the mural has been recently identified as alumnus Albert J. Lewis (’49, ’55). Now 88, he lives in San Diego with a caretaker.

After receiving both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree from SDSU, Lewis became an art teacher. He taught for more than 30

years at Dana Junior High, Clairemont High School and Mesa College.

Currently, a fundraising effort is underway to restore the mural and move it to the Children’s Literature sec-tion of the library.

SDSU hopes to have the restored mural relocated to the library by 2015 in time for the 150th anniversary

of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

“Hopefully soon, the mural can act as a dramatic gateway from children entering that section of the library,” Malios said. ♦

David Rozul, is currently an SDSU senior pursuing a degree in Journalism with an emphasis in Public Relations.

SDSU HiddenMural Uncovered

Mission Trails Regional Park is inviting visitors to strive for enlighten-ment at a free shakuhachi concert featuring Mary Lu Brandwein.

The ancient Japanese bamboo flute, or shaku-hachi, which is used by Zen monks for meditation as well as music, will be

performed by Brandwein at Mission Trails Regional Park Visitors Center Feb. 17 from 3 to 4 p.m.

Brandwein attended San Diego State University as an art major with studies in the Japanese language and coursework in Western music theory. She aspires to make meaningful con-tributions to society by integrating her past experi-ences with her interest in music, art and Eastern phi-losophy. Her current efforts focus on awakening peace through presentations for groups around the country.

Additionally, the Friends of Taka Sumi-e, the tradi-tional Japanese art form of brush painting, will pres-ent a beautiful display and demonstration from 1 to 4 p.m. in the meeting rooms adjacent to the Visitor Center Gallery. ♦

Shakuhachi and Sumi-e at Mission Trails


MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013 Page 9

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a documentary that exam-ines the historical impact of Paul Simon’s controversial trip to South Africa to record his 1986 album “Graceland.” Simon, a Jew, ignored an international cultural boy-cott intended to weaken the apartheid regime, angering many in his pursuit of art. The film was nominated for three Emmy awards and won an audience award at the South by Southwest Film Conference and Festival last year in Austin, Texas.

“Under African Skies” was selected both because Simon is Jewish and because the film touches on the Jewish idea of “tikkun olam,” or “bringing the world together,” said festi-val producer Sandra Kraus.

Organizers at the San Diego Center for Jewish Culture expect the festival to draw an audience of 16,000 or more across venues in Clairemont, La Jolla, Carlsbad and San Marcos. That makes it the largest Jewish cultural event in San Diego.

“The film festival is the one place where I get to see Jews from all across the board, whether they’re con-servative, orthodox, reform, secular, non-affiliated. People come out of the wood-work for this,” said Michele Kipnis, a member of the film selection committee and board member of the Center for Jewish Culture. “It’s a real kind of ecumenical,

secular cultural event that people really love.”

While some connection to Judaism is generally required for a film to be selected, anyone is welcome to attend the festival. Typically, about 10 percent of the audience is non-Jewish, Kraus said.

This year’s films come from 10 countries. Most of them have never been screened in San Diego, and Kraus estimates that only a quarter of them will ever make it to a theatrical release or even to online streaming services such as Netflix.

“Most of our films you will not get a chance to see outside the festival circuit,” she said.

In addition to show-ing the film itself, many of the screenings include live introductions by local speakers who can put the film in context and talk about its significance. Some screenings will include the filmmaker or a subject of the film as a guest.

Erin Gruwell, the uncon-ventional inner-city teacher who was portrayed by Hillary Swank in the 2007 movie “Freedom Writers,” will speak after the screening of the festival’s centerpiece film, “Stories From an Undeclared War,” on Feb. 12. The documentary follows up on the stories of Gruwell and her students, some of whom will also be present for the discussion.

Another special guest this season is Robi Damelin,

a native South African whose son in the Israeli Defense Forces was killed by Palestinian sniper fire. “One Day After Peace” tells the story of how Damelin’s grief spurred her to bring together bereaved Israelis and Palestinians in dia-logue groups. Damelin will join the discussion at the Feb. 8 screening.

Individual tickets for most of the screenings are $13.75, though discounts are available for students, seniors and groups. Passes and ticket packages range in price. The festival offers a free screening of “Under African Skies” in Carlsbad on Feb. 13 as well as a free screening, for teenagers only, of “Stories From an Undeclared War” on Feb. 12.

“Every film that we pres-ent is in some way or another enlightening and educational and contains ‘Aha!’ moments,” said Judy Friedel, president of the San Diego Center for Jewish Culture. “They really speak to the human condition, the human spirit.”

Friedel encouraged anyone interested in the festival to review the film synopses and screening schedule in the brochure, which is available at sdcjc.org or by calling (858) 362-1348.

“Hopefully they find things that will either challenge them or give them comfort,” she said. ♦

Film Festival, from page 1

Troop 959 Pancake BreakfastBoy Scout Troop 959 is

holding its annual Pancake Breakfast Feb. 2 from 6:30 to 11:30 a.m. at San Carlos United Methodist Church. The breakfast will also coin-cide with a blood drive by the San Diego Blood Bank. – a San Diego Blood Mobile will be onsite from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tickets are $4 in advance and $5 at the door. San Carlos United Methodist Church is located 6554 Cowles Mtn. Blvd. For more information, visit www.bsatroop959.com. Contact the troop for more information at scoutmaster@bsatroop959.com. ♦

Page 10 MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013

Choice of: Saucy Oyster Shooters

house infused pepper vodka, cocktail sauceor

Lobster Bisqueor

Beets and Greensgoat cheese, toasted hazelnuts, shaved asparagus honey miso dressing

Suggested Wine: Lamarca Proseco, Italian Sparkling Wine

Choice of: Filet Mignon

porcini red wine sauce, lobster fennel cous cous, market vegetables

Suggested Wine: Gascon Malbec Dukkah Crusted Sea Bass

caramelized onion-thyme cream, sweet potato gnocchi, market vegetables, truffle oilSuggested Wine: Morgan Twelve Clones Pinot Noir

Caramel Black Pepper Glazed Duck Breast uni flan, grilled asparagus, salty port wine caramel

Suggested Wine: Mason Pomelo Sauvignon Blanc

Grilled Vegetable Napoleancaramelized onion, roasted butternut squash risotto

Suggested Wine: Cinnabar Merlot

A Dessert Sampler To ShareSunset Kiss

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Gianduja Crunch Pyramidhazelnut milk chocolate base, gianduja, tuile cookie, dark chocolate mousse chocolate glaze.

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Suggested Wine: Taylor 10 year Tawny$49.00 per person, plus tax & gratuity(wine not included)

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By Cynthia RobertsonGeography is a dry-sounding

subject for a lot of people, conjuring memories of dusty classrooms and bespectacled, wrinkly teachers. But geog-raphers, such as San Carlos resident Phil Pryde, toss away that image like a balled-up wad of paper. To Pryde, San Diego County is a virtual paradise of natural and human history awaiting exploration.

One way Pryde has helped to unlock the doors to San Diego’s diverse beauty is the textbook he penned in 1976. He created “San Diego: An Introduction to the Region” specifically for a San Diego State University. Ironically, the university administration decided to drop that course just a few years later. Pryde then went to work redesigning subsequent editions to the book for a more general audience.

The book gained new life in other universities and col-leges. Most likely, it is because the work is probably the only text currently available that

can serve as an authoritative overview of both the physical geography and human history of San Diego County.

Friend and colleague Mike Matherly, also a San Carlos resident, used Pryde’s book

in his Urban Geography class at Grossmont College. Since most of Matherly’s lecture material looked at national and international examples of urban growth, the book

was an excellent resource for students to understand and relate to local geography.

“So many students lived out in the sterile suburbs and were missing the color and diversity of the inner city,” Matherly said. “Most of all, the fabulous history, origin, and early years of their own central city, that I felt it might be the only collegiate oppor-tunity for them to explore its nooks and crannies.”

“San Diego: An Introduction to the Region” is now in its fourth edition and will soon launch its fifth edition, thanks to San Diego-based Sunbelt Publications, which specializes in the natural and human his-tory of the Southwest.

“The main goal of all the edi-tions has been to help people realize what a special region they have here, and hopefully to motivate them to protect it for future generations,” Pryde said.

Matherly lauds Pryde for his “genius” in having other specialists within the SDSU Geography Department

to write a chapter each on their specialty as it applied to the San Diego story. For instance, Larry Ford, an urban geogra-pher by training, wrote on San Diego’s early years and patterns, while Fred Stutz, a transportation geographer, wrote on the effect of transport innovations such as the streetcar, originally, and, later, the freeways on growth patterns.

Over the last two to three decades, geography has become much more of a computer-based technical science, Pryde explained. The sophisticated course of study is incorporated at University of California, Santa Barbara and SDSU in nationally acclaimed programs such as geographic information systems, remote sensing, biogeography, watershed management, and medical geography.

The most extreme changes Pryde has seen in San Diego since he first penned the book have to do with the rapid population growth and urban-ization in the decades from 1950 through 1990.

“But the remarkable effort to simultaneously create open space preserves, parks, and wildlife refuges to help balance this rapid development would be a close second,” he said.

Keeping San Diego beau-tiful is something that all county residents can help, Pryde believes, by support-ing the many organizations that are working to conserve natural resources, preserve critical habitats, and safe-guard the huge diversity of plants and wildlife.

“There are many of them, and they do good work,” he said.

Preserving San Diego’s unique place on the map is also very much the responsibility of civic leaders. “They can help by realizing that a healthy

economy requires a healthy environ-ment to support it.

“Also, they can interact more with knowledgeable citizens and groups that have a good feel for where help is needed to protect our remarkable natu-ral endowment,” he said.

Locally, Pryde has been responsible since 1986 for the 757-acre Silverwood Wildlife Sanctuary in Lakeside, one of the largest privately owned and operated wildlife preserves in California. “That’s signifi-cant for its diversity of plant and animal life,” Pryde said.

In fact, Pryde is not all books and paper. His most comfortable environment is the outdoors, a natural affinity for any true geogra-pher. His fellow San Diego Audubon members will find him on a walk, sometimes leading field trips.

“My interest in birds began in my youth. I took a 20-year break, and then restarted in the 1970s. I’ve been involved with SDAS since 1975, including two years as its president, and I’ve led field trips for them all over North America,” Pryde said.

The region has a lot to brag about, according to Pryde and his fellow birders. San Diego vies with Los Angeles County for having the greatest number of bird species of any

Documenting San Diego Nature with Pryde

See GeoGRaphy page 20

Phil Pryde

MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013 Page 11

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By Josie BalkowskiAre you experiencing

a cookie craving? A thin chocolaty wafer with a hint of mint perhaps? Well, you’re in luck…it’s Girl Scout Cookie time!

Beginning Jan. 27, your neighborhood Girl Scouts will be knocking at your door with cookies in hand for $4 a box. The super six flavors offered this year are Thin Mints, Samoas, Trefoils, Tagalongs, Do-Si-Dos, and Savannah Smiles. But if you aren’t lucky enough to hear a knock at your door, cookie booth sales will begin Feb. 8 in shopping centers through-out Mission Trails. You can find a nearby cookie booth using the convenient online cookie locator at www.sdg-irlscouts.org/cookies.

One of the best (and pos-sibly least known) aspects of the Girl Scout Cookie Program is Operation Thin

Mint. Since 2002, local Girl Scouts and their customers have sent over 2 million boxes of cookies to military troops stationed around the world. Customers pay $4 a box and a little piece of home is sent to military service men and women across the globe. This year’s Operation Thin Mint sendoff will be held on the USS Midway May 4.

On Jan. 11, some of our local scouts were fortu-nate enough to meet with Jay Wilson, the President of the Del Cerro Action Council and the Executive Director of the Mission Trails Regional Park Foundation. The girls were able to display their cookie selling techniques and meet a true leader in their community – a goal shared by all Mission Trails Girl Scouts.

You may also be sur-prised to know that all proceeds from cookie sales

stay in San Diego to ben-efit our local Girl Scouts. Individual troops earn funds for their activities and community projects, while the Council’s pro-ceeds support events, programs, volunteer train-ing, camps, and facilities. Plus Girl Scouts has a financial assistance pro-gram that keeps Girl Scouting available and affordable for all. So each box of Girl Scout cookies not only satisfies a sweet tooth, but supports local girls as they learn leader-ship and sales skills as well as the importance of giving back to their com-munities through service.

Three of our local Mission Trails Girl Scout troops have been busy spread-ing their own community service wings during the winter months. Benchley Weinberger Elementary School Junior Troop 3003 organized a school wide food drive for the San Diego Food Bank during December. With the out-standing participation of their classmates and com-munity, the girls surpassed their goal of 200 pounds and collected a total of 909 pounds of food! To complete their Bronze Award, the girls are planning a school wide volunteer event at the Food Bank in February.

Our Lady of Grace Junior Troop 3649 is also pursuing their Bronze Award. The girls volunteer monthly

at “Friends of Cats” in El Cajon to socialize and groom the cats and have organized donations of blankets, baskets, treats and homemade toys.

During the month of December, Foster Elementary Junior Troop 3097 participated in the Westfield Malls contest to decorate holiday wreaths and trees throughout their San Diego malls. Troop 3097 decorated a wreath at Horton Plaza in the theme of Girl Scout Founder Juliette Low. Mall visitors and San Diego residents voted throughout the holidays and their wreath was named one of the top

6 in the county. The girls won $250 for their charity: The Juliette Low World Friendship Fund.

Looking forward to the month of February, Mission Trails Girl Scouts will be making Valentines for seniors and collect-ing “Socks for Soldiers,” a program aimed to collect socks for military ser-vice men and women in Afghanistan. In addition, girls will be making trefoil artwork for the Girl Scouts of Connecticut as they prepare a memorial pro-gram in conjunction with the Newtown Girl Scout Service Unit. ♦

It’s Girl Scout Cookie Time!

Page 12 MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013

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By audrey F. Baker, Trail guideLong before California

miners shouted “Eureka!” declaring the discovery of gold, we earned our nick-name, the Golden State, in

recognition of the strikingly beautiful poppies that colo-nize our coastal sage scrub. Uncomplicated and flashing brilliant orange, our state flower, the California Poppy

(Eschscholzia californica) begins to bloom in February and introduces the subse-quent bloomings of other members of the Papaveraceae (Poppy) family. Golden Ear Drops populate dry slopes in April, and May fetches the fabulous Matilija Poppy with its spectacular blooms of up to nine inches across!

True to its name, the California Poppy really does pop! When the seeds reach maturity, they burst upon the scene, ensuring new and successful generations by traveling a fair distance from the parent plant.

While a-trail don’t forgot to look for those other Valentine-season favorites, the Forget-Me-Nots – Baby Blue Eyes and Common Eucrypta, and the deeply pink San Diego Sweet Pea!

Our trail guide-led walks are an opportunity to delve into nature, enjoy chance encounters with multiple bird species, wildlife and other natural wonders. Unique land-scapes and habitats enliven local history and support abundant plant and animal life. The walks are free, inter-esting, fact-filled and geared to all ages and interests.

Morning walks are offered every Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday, from 9:30 to 11 a.m. You’ll start from

the Visitor and Interpretive Center, One Father Junipero Serra Trail, San Carlos. The walk beginning from the Kumeyaay Lake Campground Entry Station, Two Father Junipero Serra Trail, at the San Carlos-Santee border, gives a different perspective of the park and its diverse habi-tats. These walks are offered from 8:30 to 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month, and take in historic Old Mission Dam.

Wildlife Tracking is an 8:30-to-10:30 a.m. adventure teaching classic techniques used by both trackers of Olde California and modern enthusiasts. Tracking team members aid you in identi-fication and interpretation of animal signs, and give

insights into critter habits. On Saturday, Feb. 2, we meet in front of the Visitor Center.

February’s Discovery Table presents “Owl Pellets.” This hands-on activity invites you to dissect an owl pellet and discover what scientists learn by using this important tool to study the fascinating night-time flyers. Our science table is located in the Visitor Center lobby on Saturday, Feb. 9, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Birding the Grove. Resident Birder Jeanne Raimond tells us winter is the best time for birding. Our mild climate is a magnet for migratory spe-cies and local favorites. Join Jeanne on Feb.16, from 8 to 10 a.m. for birding adventure on Oak Grove Loop Trail. Bring binoculars and bird book. Meet in front of the Visitor Center.

Star Party Marvels! MTRP’s Star Gazer George Varga will scope in deep-sky objects including the Orion Nebula, Canis Major’s Little Bee Hive (M41), Taurus’ Crab Nebula (M1) and numerous open clus-ters in Auriga. Come join the party and enjoy the viewing Saturday, Feb. 16 from 5 to 8 p.m. See you at the far end of the Kumeyaay Campground Day Use Parking Lot, Two Father Junipero Serra Trail, Santee.

Birding Basics presented by MTRP Resident Birder Winona Sollock is a 90-minute class that teaches five simple techniques to identify birds “at a glance” and offers tips on field guide use. Bringing one is optional. Class meets inside the Visitor Center on Saturday, Feb. 23 at 1 p.m.

Meanwhile, come on out and enjoy the park! ♦

Visit www.mtrp.org for more information and our events calendar, or call (619) 668-3281. Special walks can be arranged for any club, group, business or school by contacting Ranger Heidi Gutknecht at (619) 668-3279 or at hgutknecht@mtrp.org.

February Means Poppies at MTRP

Photo by gerry Tietje

MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013 Page 13

With purchase of $5 and up. Please present coupon when ordering. Only one per table

After launching a new menu last summer, which included removing dishes, updating recipes and adding new items, Sammy’s Woodfired Pizza & Grill has brought back its original menu in response to customer requests.

The core business values at Sammy’s have always been focused on customer service and innovation and the company spent the last year making improvements throughout the restaurants, including design remodels and the addition of a full bar and handcrafted cocktails at multiple locations, a new logo and website. The new menu changes were part of the brand’s recent updates. “Being an innovatorwhose first priority is our customer means that sometimes adjustments need to be made to provide the best experience and service possible,” said Nicole Abraham, vice president of marketing for the Sammy’s Woodfired Pizza & Grill. “We knew how passionate our diners were about Sammy’s, but after the overwhelming response we realized this, and the importance of returning

to our core business, even more. This is especially true as we continue our growth into 2013.”

Sammy’s “Classics”have been added back to the menu: Lobster Mac ‘n’ Cheese, Thai Chicken Satays, Baba Ghanoush, Crab & Shrimp Dip, Crispy French Fries, Prosciutto Pizza, Five Cheese Pizza, Thai Chicken or Shrimp Pizza, Chinese Chicken Salad and Grilled Chicken & Hummus Wrap.

The following items have returned to their original recipes and preparations: Margherita Pizza (tomatoes, garlic and fresh basil), Garlic Chicken and Shrimp Pizza, The Original Chopped Chicken Salad, Chilled Roasted Vegetable Salad, Oak Roasted Salmon Filet, and Tomato Angel Hair Pasta.

A few new favorites will be added to Sammy’s original menu, including Japanese Style Chicken Meatballs, Shrimp & Grits and Burrata & Pesto Pizza. ♦

For more information and to view the complete menu, visit www.sammyspizza.com.

Brings Back Original Menu

Each year the National Geographic Society sponsors a Geography Bee for grades 4th through 8th. Congratulations to 8th-grader Michael Laumakis as the winner of this year’s St. Therese Academy Geography Bee school competition. First runner-up was Roger Alvarez. From here, Michael will take part in a written exam to determine the state

competitors. A high score qualifies him to compete at the state level. Winners of the state bee proceed on to Washington D.C. to par-ticipate in the National Geographic Bee to be held in May. The national winner receives a $25,000 scholarship and lifetime member-ship in the National Geographic Society. We wish Michael good luck in the next level of com-petition. ♦


March 16. This year’s theme is “PROM Forever Young,” and whether you attended your prom the first time around (or not), get ready to doll up and do it up right this time! Pick your decade and come join us for a night of nostalgic fun! For ticket information or to make a donation to this great fun-filled event, please contact Teresa at Teresa.Wilkinson@CH2M.com.

St. Therese Academy

Page 14 MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013

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senior affordable housing complex in their midst. Several people told commis-sioners the project wasn’t right for their area.

“Do not destroy the very nature, the essence, of the Allied Gardens single-family residential community,” testified Dick Greenleaf, longtime Allied Gardens res-ident, who noted the 1.2-acre lot in question is a portion of a 5-acre lot once designated as a church site.

“There’s no need for senior housing in Allied Gardens, over 90 percent of residents are against the project,” con-tended Greenleaf.

Ralph Richardson, who lives six blocks from the project site, said he was worried about the project’s impact to parking and traf-fic in the area.

“Once apartments are developed overflow park-ing will be pushed onto the streets in the commu-nity, which were developed with very narrow aprons,” Richardson said. “It will make it impossible to do street sweeping once the apartments are developed.

Richardson added “the developers’ right to make a profit does not trump our right to have a safe and clean community.”

“This project would be adjacent to a preschool and near an elementary and middle school,” noted another

neighbor, Patricia Geising. “You’d have hundreds and hundreds of children right in this exact area.”

The longtime Allied Gardens resident said she felt it would be incompat-ible to have a senior complex in the middle of an area set aside for youth.

“This sounds good on paper, but the community as a whole really doesn’t want this,” she argued adding, “I don’t think it would ben-efit businesses that much. It would just add a lot of strangers right in the middle of our children.”

Planning commissioners saw the Village at Zion proj-ect differently.

“The city has got to get real about not only building more affordable housing, but more affordable senior housing,” said Tim Golba, a La Jolla architect who said project opponents speak-ing against the Zion project site as a “horrible location” because it was near a swim-ming pool, churches, a library, shopping, etc. helped convince him to support it.

“I have no issues what-soever with this use at this location,” Golba added. “I can’t see how 60 units of affordable housing can ruin the essence of Allied Gardens.”

Commission chair Eric Naslund concurred with Golba.

“This is an appropriate location for this particu-lar type of project that is in proximity to all the

things it needs to be close to to make this really work here,” Naslund said. “I heard the testimony that this would destroy a single-family neighborhood and I’m not persuaded that’s true. This is as benign a multi-family project, having it being affordable housing for seniors, as it could be. This project would provide necessary, digni-fied housing for low-income seniors. It would be a very important – and significant – enhancement benefit-ing the Navajo and Allied Gardens communities.”

Commissioner Mary Lydon noted senior, and affordable, housing is much needed. She also disagreed with the contention that a senior complex would not fit being surrounded, as it would be, by schools.

“Our senior population is growing dramatically and we as a city have to take the responsibility of looking holitically to find places to put housing for our popula-tion as it continues to age,” she said. “I think this is a very honorable project, and the fact that it is near children would create a wonderful intergenera-tional dynamic.” ♦

Ed. note: Robin Madaffer is an owner of Mission Publishing Group, which owns Mission Times Courier.

City Planning, from page 1

MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013 Page 15

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By Jen van TieghemBetween cheerleading and

choir class, it’s hard to find a teen girl who spends her extra time shredding on the guitar while jamming with a professional drummer. Taylor George may appear to be an ordinary teenager on the sur-face, but her extraordinary talent sets her miles apart from her peers.

The 16-year-old George’s skills recently caught the attention of the VEVO Network, which featured the Patrick Henry High School student on its origi-nal series, “You Play Like a Girl.” The show is part of VEVO’s YouTube network programming and features former Hole drummer Samantha Maloney in the search for young female talents, showcasing their stories and skills.

While she rarely gets nervous playing guitar, meeting Malone and film-ing the segment was “a bit nerve wracking,” according to George. Once she began play-ing, however, she relaxed. In her episode, George also opened up about her family’s struggles and her concern for her mother’s health.

These are stresses she shouldn’t worry about as a teenager, said George, who turns to the guitar to clear her mind and banish the stress.

The resulting episode highlights George’s obvious talents while also portray-ing a sweet, vulnerable teen finding strength through the power of art and music.

A resident of San Carlos, Taylor George started play-ing when she was given a guitar for her eighth birth-day. What she thought may be a fun hobby turned out to be a true passion and she soon discovered that she was blessed with a natural abil-ity. Her first guitar teacher was pleasantly surprised by George’s fast learning and “hand ability and technique.”

From there she continued practicing and improving and challenging herself along the way.

One incredible feat George has mastered is the ability to play certain songs not only forwards, but back-wards as well. Starting with “Eruption” by Van Halen, she decided it would be fun to learn a song in reverse and to post the results on YouTube, setting herself apart from the masses of musicians. The practice also challenges George as a musi-cian and keeps her playing fresh and unique.

The soft-spoken young woman seems to have found her voice through her instru-ment. Normally a quiet, reserved individual, her style of hard rock and wailing gui-tar-playing is anything but demure. George says play-ing offers her a way to come out of her shell. Wise beyond her years, she’s found a key component of life’s happi-ness is channeling struggles and painful emotions into a productive outlet.

The young musician cites some interesting influences on her playing. The aggres-sive rock styles of Slash of Guns N’ Roses and Angus Young of AC/DC were her earliest inspirations. Although she admits that may have had as much to do with their rock ‘n’ roll styles and personas as it did their playing skills. These days George looks up to prolific guitarist Tom Morello, best known for his time in bands like Rage Against The Machine and Audioslave. George said she admires both his technical ability along with his funky, rhyth-mic styling.

For now George says she isn’t looking to join a band, but prefers to focus on becom-ing the best guitar player she can be. She is devoted to improving her craft so she can offer an evolved skill set when she does perform with other musicians down the road. When it comes to songwriting she says she sometimes writes song lyrics but it’s usually “teenager type stuff you write when you’re sad.” It seems this level-headed teenager has found the balance of enjoying her youth while remaining aware of her sincere potential.

After she finishes high school, George has her sights set on studying at Hollywood’s Musicians Institute, a school that develops musicians as indi-vidual artists and offers both performance and industry programs. Seems like a great fit for a smart, talented young lady with extreme potential and a clear vision of how to continue growing as a musician.

To see and hear Taylor George’s work visit her YouTube page: www.youtube.com/johntg123 and tune into her episode of You Play Like a Girl through the following link: Vevo.ly/YXf0Rv. ♦

Teenager’s Skills Capture VEVO’s Attention

Taylor george

Page 16 MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013

Pet of the MonthSan Carlos resident

Deanne Schaleger submitted a photo of her two babies, Roxi (the black dog) and Jake (the tan pooch). They are both rescue dogs from Helen Woodward. Roxi is one of numerous animals left homeless in Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina. “After we adopted her, she was treated at Helen Woodward

for heartworm, and happily has had a complete recov-ery,” said Schaleger. After Roxi was better, Schaleger adopted Jake. “You can see how much they love each other,” she said. “We do not know much about Jake’s past, but he’s a real clown.” ♦

Is your pet print worthy? Submit your favorite photo and a short descrip-tion of your pet to Gen@MissionTimesCourier.com.

By Sari ReisAlthough nothing could

be cuter than an adorable 5-pound puppy jumping up to greet you with doggy kisses and a wagging tail, it is no longer cute once that puppy is 75 pounds. It is downright dangerous, especially for young children and people who are elderly or frail. Teaching your dog not to jump on people is essential since jumping up on someone could potentially cause them injury both physically and emotionally.

The best time to teach your “furry kid” not to jump on people is when he is that ador-able 5 pound puppy. Puppies are fairly easy to train using the appropriate rewards, positive and consistent encour-agement and lots of patience. However, if your adult dog jumps up when greeting people, don’t despair. You can still teach an old dog new tricks and good manners! Training experts agree that the best way to eliminate an unwanted behavior, such as jumping on people, is to ignore it or teach an alternate behavior.

So why does the dog jump up in the first place? He wants attention. What hap-pens when you push him down or tell him to get off? He is getting attention. You have just given him what he wanted and reinforced the undesirable behavior. He will continue to jump up because he is getting what he wants.

If the dog jumps up and you turn away and completely ignore him, however, he is not getting what he wants. There is no reinforcement for jump-ing up, so he eventually stops. It is not going to happen

immediately. Sometimes it can take as long as a few weeks, so patience and perse-verance are important.

The key is consistency. If you do not ignore him every time he jumps, he will only get confused because half the time he is getting the desired atten-tion and half the time he is not. Be sure to have everyone who associates with him on the same page. Tell people, “He is being trained not to jump. If he jumps, please turn away and ignore him.” People generally are happy to comply.

You can also teach your dog a replacement behavior for jumping such as sit-stay. Use a reward the dog loves, a delicious treat, and your dog will learn it is more reward-ing to sit when greeting a new person than to jump for attention. This will also take practice and patience but is well worth it.

Be aware that when you originally start to extinguish a behavior, you often get more of it. The dog continues to try to get the desired result, particu-larly when it has worked in the past. Be consistent and perse-vere. You can do it. Whenever your dog chooses to politely say hello without jumping, he should be rewarded with treats, praise or whatever he finds gratifying.

A well-behaved dog that greets people politely with all feet on the floor is a delight to be around and a pleasure to call your own. ♦

Sari Reis is a Certified Humane Education Specialist and the owner of Mission Valley Pet Sitting Services. For more information you can contact her at 760-644-0289 or www.mis-sionvalleypetsitting.com.

Jumping on People is Not OK

MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013 Page 17

Established 1995, circulation: 30,000. Published 12 times in 2013 and delivered to more than 24,500 homes and businesses in the communities of Allied Gardens, Del Cerro, Fletcher Hills, Grantville, San Carlos, Northern La Mesa, Rolando & the College Area by Mission Publishing Group, LLC. An additional 5,500 copies are distributed to more than 130 businesses and community centers in the communities. Classified ads and articles must be submitted by mail, e-mail or dropped off at our business address, Postal Annex at 6549 Mission Gorge Road, PMB #199, San Diego, CA 92120. (Vons Center)Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisements or material submitted which are deemed to be objectionable. Publisher’s liability for errors: The Mission Times Courier assumes no financial liability for errors nor for omission of copy and upon request will furnish a letter of correction to the advertiser. The Publisher, Mission Publishing Group, LLC., shall not be liable for any error in published advertising unless an advertiser proof is requested in writing 12 days prior to publication date and clearly marked for corrections. If the error is not corrected by the Publisher, the liability, if any, shall not exceed the space occupied for the error. Further, the Publisher shall not be liable for any omission of an advertisement ordered to be published. On written request, Publisher shall reschedule and run the omitted advertisement

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EDITORGenevieve A. Suzuki, ext. 121gen@MissionTimesCourier.com

PUBLISHERMission Publishing Group, LLCJim Madafferjim@MissionPublishingGroup.com

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STAFF WRITERR. Maude Madsenrmm@newsetc.com

COLUMNISTBarbara Cleves Andersonbarbara@MissionTimesCourier.com

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Curious? Enjoy making new discoveries? Looking for adven-ture? Then the Mission Trails Regional Park Nature Club is for you!

It’s a unique opportunity for kids 8 to 12 to explore the natural world and unleash your creativity and imagination.

Nature Club Kids directly interact with Ranger Mika Shimada-Cicirelli as they delve into the secrets of nature and share the experience with other kids.

The free program combines hiking and exploring outings with hands-on science and nature-related activities. Get ready to spend time in the great outdoors, build friendships and develop naturalist skills.

Be part of the magic of life in the wildlands. Here are a few of the subjects you’ll explore: You’ll learn about surviving in nature, journaling/writing about nature, animal behav-ior, geology, and the world of reptiles. Study insects and other arthropods on a scaven-ger hunt. Gain insights into the life of Native Americans by creating willow baskets and clay pottery and to learn about ecology of local plants and animals. Express yourself through painting, sketching and other art projects relating to nature studies.

Discover why participants proclaim, “Nature is Fun!”

The group meets at vari-

ous locations in the park on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon. Sign-up for Nature Club is on a first-come basis and can be made by contacting Ranger

Mika at mikashimada@sandiego.gov or (619) 665-9745. Check our events calendar at www.mtrp.org for more infor-mation on the program.

Nature Club for Kids

catch us online at:www.missiontimesCourier.com

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Poor eating and exercise habits could be the game-changer in the fight against heart disease and stroke deaths, according to the American Heart Association’s “Heart Disease and Stroke Statistical Update 2013,” published in the American Heart Association journal, “Circulation.”

“Americans need to move a lot more, eat healthier and less, and manage risk fac-tors as soon as they develop,” said Alan S. Go, M.D., chair-man of the report’s writing commit-tee and chief of the Cardiovascular and Metabolic Conditions Section of the Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research in Oakland. “If not, we’ll quickly lose the momentum we’ve gained in reducing heart attack and stroke rates and improving survival over the last few decades.”

Between 1999 and 2009, the rate of deaths from car-diovascular disease (CVD) fell 32.7 percent, but still accounted for nearly

one in three deaths in the nation. That’s 2,150 people dying from CVD each day – about one death every 40 seconds.

In 2010, the American Heart Association set a goal to improve car-diovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent and reduce heart disease and stroke deaths 20 per-cent by 2020.

However, accord-ing to projections in the 2013 report, heart health may only improve by 6 percent if current trends continue. The biggest barriers to success are projected increases in obesity and diabetes, and only modest improve-ments in diet and physical activity. On a positive note, smoking, high choles-terol and high blood pressure rates are projected to decline. ♦

February is American Heart Month. For more information on improving your heart health, go to www.MyHeartMyLife.org.

Diet, Exercise More Important Than You Know

Page 18 MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013

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Feb. 28 – The Soulfires at Bar Pink. www.BarPink.com

CLASSICAL Jan. 27 – San Diego Organ/Trombone Collective at First united Methodist Church of

San Diego. Free. http://www.fumcsd.org/events

Jan. 29 – gregg nestor at Tifereth israel Synagogue. $10-$15. http://www.tiferethisrael.com/

Feb. 8-10 – Scheherazade at Copley Symphony Hall. $20-$96. www.SanDiegoSymphony.org

Feb. 13 – Tchaikovsky’s Romeo & Juliet at Copley Symphony Hall. $20- $85. www.SanDiegoSymphony.org

Feb. 14 – Prokofiev’s Cinderella at Copley Symphony Hall. $20 - $85. www.SanDiegoSymphony.com

ALTERNATIvEJan. 29 - nightmare air, Boy King, and vampire at The Griffin. $5 or Free with online RSvP via Facebook. www.ThegriffinSD.com

Jan. 30, Feb. 6, 13, 20, & 27 – Jeff Ouseley at gingham. Free. www.ginghameats.com

Feb. 2 – Saucy Monkey at House of Blues. Free. www.houseofblues.com/

Feb. 8 – Old Tiger at Riviera Supper Club. Free. www.RivieraSupperClub.com

Feb. 9 – gram Rabbit and Hills like elephants at the Casbah. $10. Www.CasbahMusic.com

Feb. 22 – The High Rolling loners at The Riviera Supper Club. Free. www.RivieraSupperClub.com

POPJan. 26 – The Secret Samurai, The Tomorrowmen, and Zombie Surf Camp. $5. thetincan1.wordpress.com/

Jan. 31 – Stevie Harris at Riviera Supper Club. Free. Www.RivieraSupperClub.com

Feb. 2 – Meagan Flint at Riviera Supper Club. Free. www.RivieraSupperClub.com

Feb. 23 – The Styletones at Winston’s. $8. www.winstonsob.com Feb. 28 – g. love and Special Sauce at House of Blues. $25-$35. www.houseofblues.com

Bands, venues, and music-lovers: Please submit listings for this calendar by emailing Jen@ScoopSanDiego.com.


MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013 Page 19

San Diego - If you’ve tried to sell your home yourself, you know that the minute you put the “For Sale by Owner” sign up, the phone will start to ring off the hook. Unfortunately, most calls aren’t from prospective buyers, but rather from every real estate agent in town who will start to hound you for your listing.

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Inside this report, you’ll find 10 inside tips to selling your home by yourself which will help you sell for the best price in the shortest amount of time. You’ll find out what real estate agents don’t want you to know.

To hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report call toll-free 1- 800-270-1494 and enter 1017. You can call any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get your free special report NOW.

Paid Advertisement Courtesy of Dan Smith Re/Max 01346593

How to Sell Your San Diego Home Without an Agent

Allied Gardens Little LeagueTeams Announced

Lake Murray, from page 2

counted three men. The majority were women who kept to their routine. I don’t know if we are dense or dedi-cated. No comment needed.

I am pleased that Kathy Collins, half of the “most beautiful couple” at the lake, will be the Friends February speaker. After she left an administrative job at San Diego State University, Kathy decided that she wanted to learn more about archeology, so she went on a dig in Utah.

Kathy is now doing her thesis, and her presentation is “Archaeology at the Whaley House and Turn of the Twentieth Century Medicine.”

She said she will describe the excavation at the Whaley House, and show the results of her cross site comparison and cross comparison. Kathy will highlight the findings of the study including the characteristics of American Victorian and progressive medicine. As a matter of dis-closure, Kathy wrote what she will be talking about.

Our Feb. 21 meeting will be at St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church in San Carlos. It is located on the corner of Wandermere Drive and Park Ridge Boulevard. It is across the street from Patrick Henry High School. The meeting starts at 5 p.m. ♦

For more information, call Barbara at (619) 463-9706.

By Jay Wilson, MTRP executive DirectorDiane Hunter, the

manager for the County’s Intergenerational Program, asked us to develop a program involving children and active older adults. The goal was to bring older adults and youth together in meaningful activi-ties for the mutual benefit of both age groups. We began last year with a Cub Scout Pack from Boy Scout Troop 975 St. Therese. On Jan. 5, the 3rd-grade Brownies at Hearst Elementary also participated in the intergen-erational program.

The Brownies were inter-ested in bugs and art. They began with a guided trail walk conducted by volunteer trail guide Stacey Miller. Stacey commented, “I had the pleasure of guiding this group on an insect-themed walk. We began in the Native Plant Garden at the Visitor Center and moved on to the Oak Grove Loop in search of insects.

“First was a trapdoor spider burrow. I carefully pried open the well-camouflaged lid to her home. We saw the spider running backward down her silk-lined tunnel. The girls loved it. Along the way we found signs of smaller insects, such as leaf miners on Laurel Sumac and oak apples caused by tiny wasp larvae. We talked about blood-sucking Conenose bugs that live on woodrats and why it’s best to admire impres-sive woodrat nests from afar, the differences between drag-onflies and damselflies, how

stinkbugs are actually beetles, how tarantula hawk are really wasps preying on tarantu-las, and how Western Fence lizards play an important part in minimizing Lyme disease in humans in California.

“This was a fun walk on a beautiful day. I thoroughly enjoyed sharing Mission Trails with them.”

After a snack break, every-one gathered for an art project taught by June Rubin (www.junerubin.com), who is teach-ing children’s art classes at the Tierrasanta Recreation Center through March 14. June gave a lesson on how to draw and paint a Monarch butterfly. She encouraged the creativity of everyone, and the results were very colorful, and produced very creative but-terflies. Remember, Girl Scout Cookies are on sale now.

The entry deadline for our 21st Annual Amateur Photo Contest is April 26. Go to our website, mtrp.org, click on Events, and then Photo Contest.

“Natural World Inspiration” is the art exhibition on display through March 8 at the Visitor Center, featuring seven award-winning artists, each displaying a different medium. On Sunday, Feb. 17, Mary Lu Brandwein will perform on the traditional Japanese Flute at 3 p.m. in the Visitor Center Theater. The San Diego Friends of Taka Sumi-e (an Asian art form depicting nature in black ink on white paper), present their second annual exhibi-

tion, involving sixty pieces of Sumi-e art. Enjoy the demon-stration table and create your own illustration. Photographic artist Jim Respees will also be hosting a reception in the Visitor Center Gallery Feb. 17, from 1 to 4 p.m., featuring his outstanding photographs; those will be on display through March 8.

Nora’s “Art for Children” ages 5 to 12 continues on Saturday, Feb. 16, and 23, and March 2, 9, and 16, at 2 p.m. and will feature a different subject each week. Linda Hawley’s “Nature Adventures!” for children 3 and up concludes for the school year with “Butterflies and Fellow Flutter-bys” on Feb. 18, 19, 20, or 21, and “Arthropods: Insects & Spiders” on Feb. 26, 27, or 28. Classes meet from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Children should attend only one class per topic. Both programs are held in the Visitor Center. Check our website under “Nature Studies” for more information and registration forms.

Mark your calendar for the evening of March 8 for the “A Taste of Navajo” celebrating the great eateries, wineries, and breweries in the Navajo community and surrounding areas to be held at the MTRP Visitor Center. It is sponsored by the Green Elementary School Foundation and proceeds will benefit the edu-cational and athletic programs at the school. ♦

Visit mtrp.org for more information.

Park Inspires Youthful Appreciation

Crusaders Soccer Club (CSC) spring soccer is taking signups and preparing for another spring season of Sunday games at the Pershing Field complex. The first games begin Feb. 24. Please visit the CSC website (www.sandiegocrusaders.com) and click on the “recreational” button at the bottom of the slash page for signup details.

The Crusaders Soccer Club youth soccer program com-prised a recreational program and a competitive program of over 2000 soccer players was

founded in 1971. Our mission is to educate young girls and boys in the international sport of soccer and if they choose, to continue on to learn to play the game at a higher level in the competitive division.

Volunteers from our com-munity are the heart and soul of the CSC organization. These volunteers spend count-less hours teaching the sport of soccer to the youth of our community. Many of these children have never played the sport before. The volun-teers organize and coordinate

the practices, teach the funda-mentals of soccer, and coach at the games. So if you have a player playing on a team now or have a player coming into our soccer program, consider coaching a team, you will make a great difference in the lives of our young people.

Tryouts for CSC competi-tive soccer are scheduled for Feb. 18, 19, 20 & 21 for the U-11, U-12, U-13 and U-14 ages at Pershing Middle School. For more information, please go to www.sandiego-crusaders.com. ♦

Crusaders Soccer Starts Feb. 24

Page 20 MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013


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Geography, from page 10

county in America, each with more than 500.

“This reflects San Diego’s unique assortment of natural regions, from the ocean to coastal wetlands to chapar-ral to high mountains to the Anza-Borrego desert, plus its being situated on the Pacific Flyway,” Pryde said.

Matherly has led some of those birding field trips along with his friend. “He is an incredible birder and almost single-handedly responsible for enlarging the Silverwood sanctuary to almost 800 acres by strategic purchases,” Matherly said.

Over the years, Pryde has also held leadership posi-tions in the Sierra Club, C-3, the San Dieguito River Park, the Audubon Society, and other groups.

“I currently serve on the board of the San Diego River Park Foundation, as well as SDAS. In the past, I served on the board of the San Diego County Water Authority and was chair of the San Diego County Planning Commission. All of these opportunities helped me to get to know and understand our county better,” he said.

As any true geographer, with his retirement in 2001 from SDSU, Pryde simply started the next chapter of his life. He will continue writing about and exploring the area’s wealth, beauty and history.

“It’s well worth getting to know these attributes in more detail, simply saluting our county, which has more natural regions, beauty, and diversity than many entire states,” he said. ♦

Pryde’s book is available through Sunbelt Publications and Amazon.com.

MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013 Page 21




San Diego’s BestLive Music! No Cover!

his remarks by again stating the he plans to have more community involvement in City Hall and wants to know what our priorities are, through Sherman’s office. We thanked Filner for taking the time from his busy schedule to address our group and listen to the concerns of residents.

Prior to the mayor’s remarks, we heard from Capt. Andy Mills of the Eastern Division of SDPD. He men-tioned that AB 109, which allowed for the early release of parolees, was causing an increase in crimes in the Division, especially daytime residential burglaries. On the plus side, eight arrests have been made in the last three weeks, so that number should decrease. The RSVPs are doing a great job helping to notify residents of burglar-ies in their area. Commercial burglaries have decreased, as have violent crimes. Bike patrols are being deployed to “hot spots,” but more bikes are needed. They are stored in the trunks of patrol vehicles and can be used on short notice. Mills concluded his remarks, when the mayor arrived, by suggesting that residents “toughen up” their homes to make it more difficult for bur-glars to enter. He also stated that the mayor and new coun-cilmembers are trying to help resolve the crime problems, but more resources are needed and he is seeking them for the Eastern Division, which now has about 150,000 residents.

Following Filner’s remarks, we had reports from represen-tatives of two newly-elected officials. Michael Lieberman of Assemblymember Brian Maienschein’s office and Jon Staab of Councilmember Sherman’s office introduced themselves and provided con-tact information. Lieberman can be reached at (858) 689-6290. Jon Staab can be reached at (619) 236-6677 and his email address is JStaab@sandiego.gov.

We still do not have any leads about the vandalism to the “Welcome to San Carlos” monument on the Navajo Road median. We continue to work with the City to get repairs

underway sometime soon. With respect to the SD

County Water Authority Re-lining project on Jackson Drive, the work is proceed-ing more quickly than anticipated, per a report from SDCWA spokesman Craig Balben at the Mission Trails Regional Park’s Citizens Advisory Committee meeting on Jan. 8. At our suggestion, additional signage has been put in place for traffic con-trol and the left turn signal at Golfcrest Drive has been turned off. Work is beginning on Lake Shore Drive, just north of Blue Lake Drive, so be extra careful while driving in that area. Craig opined that the project will be completed by mid-summer this year, maybe sooner. For more information, review the project on the SDCWA project website at www.sdcwa.org/mission-trails-lake-murray-pipeline-relining.

The San Carlos Community Garden is growing, liter-ally and figuratively. This ambitious project, headed by a group of San Carlos residents, is located adjacent to Springall Academy on Boulder Lake Avenue at Lake Adlon. Stop by any Saturday morning from 8 to 11 a.m. for a tour, or better yet, to volun-teer your time. Community garden plots/raised boxes are now being sold to the public. If you’re interested in rais-ing vegetables in this garden, please visit their website at www.sancarloscommunitygar-den.com for details.

If you would like to receive information about speak-ers, meeting reminders and agendas and other local news, please send an email message to jfpilch@hotmail.com and request your name be added to the SCAC Interested Party email list. Rest assured that your privacy will be respected and neither your name nor your email address will be shared with anyone. Messages are sent “Bcc” to prevent you from being spammed.

Finally, if you have an issue you wish us to consider or just have a question about the community, please con-tact me at (619) 462-1408 or by email at jfpilch@hotmail.com. Thank you. ♦

san Carlos, from page 3

By Dave SchwabNavajo Community

Planners, Inc. (NCPI) started the New Year with a new leader after the chairmanship of the group, which advises the City of San Diego on land use and related matters, changed hands in December.

Outgoing chair Allen Jones, ineligible to be on the group since he accepted a position with mayor Filner’s office and no longer lives or works in the Navajo area, handed over the reins to vice chair Anthony Wagner, who will fill in as interim chair until group elections in March and election of group officers in April.

The December 2012 meeting also was the last time the group will meet at Temple Emanu-El on Capri Drive. NCPI now meets at 7 p.m. at Zion Avenue Community Church, 4880 Zion Ave.

Wagner, NCPI’s interim chair, is a native San Diegan and third-generation Allied Gardens resident who said he now “raises his own family just 300 yards from the San Diego River.”

Wagner prides himself on his civic activism. An advocate and community volunteer, he is a may-oral appointee to the city of San Diego Citizens’ Review Board on Police Practices, vice presi-dent of Allied Gardens Community Council and an active member and clean-up volunteer for the San Diego River Park Foundation. He is also a youth basketball head coach and former English language mentor to foreign nationals residing in San Diego.

Wagner is also very proud of his volun-teer environmental work with the San Diego River Park Foundation. He has worked directly with the foundation on policy matters, community engagement, and fund-raising. He has donated his skills and many hours to promote the foundation’s core mis-sion to create a healthy and safe river.

Late last year while participating in a river cleanup, Wagner said he was perplexed by the number of discarded paint spray cans in the river leftover from graf-fiti. Eager to understand

the scientific ramifi-cations to the river ecosystem, he took a leadership role in fund-ing a scientific study, “Discarded Spray Paint Cans and the San Diego River: A special scoping study” in February 2012.

Professionally, Wagner serves as Senior Policy and Media Strategist for the Institute for Public Strategies, responsible for coordinating efforts to reduce crime and violence and promote public health and safety throughout San Diego County. His work is fully funded by U.S. Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Justice.

Wagner also is the Strategic Advisor to Claude Petty III and the Petty Family Foundation, coordinat-ing and implementing all philanthropic and environmental /political giving in California. The San Diego River Park Foundation has been a major recipient of that charitable giving.

Wagner gradu-ated Phi Beta Kappa from San Diego State University with dual Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Science Degrees. He attended St. Therese Academy in Del Cerro and gradu-ated from St. Augustine High School. He and his wife, Janet, have two children, Liam 11, and Maeve 5. ♦

For more informa-tion about Wagner, visit his website at Anthony WagnerforSanDiego.com or aw4sd.com for short. His Twitter is @AnthonyWagnerSD.

NCPI meetings are held the third Monday of each month from 7 to 9 p.m.

Native Son Leads NCPIanthony Wagner

Page 22 MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013

Grannies, from page 1

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Libertyfor their very uniqueness.

When Hart, now 73, formed Rhinestone Grannies, she never imag-ined that the group would be such a hit in the community. Hart’s initial motivation to create this lively dance troupe of grandmothers was

borne out of her passion-ate spiritual inner life. She had suffered from nearly 20 years of being housebound with a panic disorder.

“Then, the Lord began to heal me. I wanted to share with my audiences His work in my life and encourage them to bring their struggles to Him as well,” Hart said.

With the Rhinestone Grannies, Hart has been able to kick up her heels in company, never alone again. Together, they perform one-hour shows that include dance, comedy and song. Hart has had a love of danc-ing and a desire to perform since she was a little girl.

She chooses the dancers carefully. Each one must be a grandmother and an experienced performer with a good stage personality and well-trained in line dancing. Hart also prefers that each member perform well in another dance genre such as tap, jazz, Hawaiian or ballroom. Voice or drama experience is also helpful.

The Rhinestone Grannies perform one-hour shows that

include dance, comedy and song. The main mission of the group is to have fun with a purpose. The gran-nies take their line-dancing, clogging, Hawaiian, comedy skits, lip sync and joke-telling acts anywhere that people whose hearts need to be lifted. Nursing homes, retirement facilities, librar-ies, and mobile home parks are some of the common venues as are Red Hat groups and senior centers.

In December, the group performed for a benefit for the Warrior Foundation at the La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center, raising over $500. Some unusual venues have included the parking lot of a farmer’s market and in the street during Oktoberfest.

According to member Janet Piatek, 65, the danc-ing, singing and performing is a good way to give to the community.

“It is personally rewarding to see older adults enjoying our shows and I treasure the time spent talking with them afterward. Sometimes they see themselves in us and sometimes they just want to be entertained. I believe we fulfill that need,” Piatek said.

Dancer Betty Cleveland, 82, agrees. “When I connect with the audience and see them smiling or clapping, it is just so special to me,” she said.

Cleveland’s friend, Crystal Heringer, 71, agrees. “I love to watch their expressions, espe-cially when Betty tells them she’s over 80, wow, they can’t believe it. Our shows have a way of bring-ing a little ray of sunshine to their everyday hum- drum lives,” Heringer said.

That ray of sunshine comes from a higher place, every one of the Rhinestone

See GRannies page 23

vocal ChordsThe community will

come together Feb. 11 for the 2nd annual Patrick Henry High School Cluster Vocal Music Concert.

Students from Patrick Henry choral music will join choirs from Lewis Middle School, Pershing Middle School, Daillard Elementary and Green Elementary to share their musical talents.

This will take place at Lewis Middle School at 6 p.m., and the groups will sing individual selec-tions, and come together for a combined finale. Several surprises are also in store for the audi-ence! This concert is free to the public, and all are invited. Seating is limited, however, and organizers expect a full house. ♦

San Diego music lovers, the arts are alive and con-tinue to thrive at Patrick Henry High School. The Patrick Henry Vocal Department will be pre-senting an exciting evening of dinner theatre with the theme of “Heroes and Villains.”

This annual event has been so popular it is now held on two consecutive nights, Thursday, Feb. 7 and Friday, Feb. 8. Dinner is at 6 p.m., followed by the show at 7 p.m.

You will be entertained by the Patrick Henry High School Bel Canto Ensemble, directed by Carol Fleming, as they explore a wide range of “good and evil” human emotions and characters in songs from Broadway, movies and popular cul-ture. A fabulous steak and chicken dinner will be supplied by the Outback Steakhouse. Dessert will be served at intermission.

Come and enjoy dinner while hearing some old favorites as well as music of recent years, performed by soloists, small groups and the entire ensemble. There will also be a silent auction with some fabulous items to bid on, including tickets to local events and fabulous restaurants. Last year the PHHS Bel Cantos were invited to sing at Carnegie Hall in a National Honor Choir, and proceeds from the dinner theatre’s great success was instrumental in helping all the students participate in the March trip. This year the group will be representing the San Diego community at an America Music Performance festival at the Crystal Cathedral.

The Henry students greatly appreciate the com-munity’s support in their musical endeavors. Please let your friends and neigh-

bors know about this fun evening. So much is in the news about what is wrong with the youth of today, and this is a great opportu-nity to see first hand what is right.

The price is $20 per person, or $15 for students for the dinner and the show. This is a great way to support our students and have a great evening at a good price. Last year we had an amazing turnout,

and expect the same this year, so plan to get your tickets early. ♦

To purchase tickets for the dinner theatre please contact Carol Fleming by phone at (619) 286-7700 ext. 4600 or (619) 300-6705, or email cfleming@sandi.net.

You may also contact Cheryl Slavik at (619) 977-3464, or email cherylslavik@sbcglobal.net. Checks can be made out to Patrick Henry High Choir.

Dinner and a Show at Patrick Henry

MissionTimesCourier.com — January 25, 2013 Page 23

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Grannies believes. Dancer Carol Hamlin, 71, says performing was a personal satisfaction not only in entertaining, but also in watching the joy on the faces of those sitting in wheelchairs.

“When we started going out after each show and greeting each person, that really touched a special place in my heart and I knew this is what God needs us to do,” Hamlin said.

That conviction is strongly stated in the group’s mission of sharing their God-given talents through dance, comedy, and song.

Last year, the group staged over 120 productions. Hart says that the main reason is because the shows simply make people happy.

“Our audiences want us back. Our reputation has grown over the years and most of our new clients are referred to us by others,” she said.

Being a member of the group takes a large commit-ment of time and finances. They all rehearse at least two to three hours a week.

Some of the cost of performing in the group is offset by the several dancers who make most of the costumes. Charlyn Marks, who is the lead vocalist, is also the head costumer and designer.

The group also takes several trips a year to the Los Angeles garment district to purchase fabric, jewelry, and accessories. Although the dancers must be grandmothers, there are a couple of men that they deem essential to the troupe. Richard Hamlin, who was appointed their emcee, had been invited to come to a show as a favor to Carol Hamlin, his then-girlfriend, now wife and Rhinestone Granny. He was impressed with the joy the group felt, but saw that they needed help with the sound equipment.

“But I especially liked Adrienne’s testimony at the end of each performance. It is a wonderful story of hope and encouragement for all to hear. The joy we bring into the lives of the people, the sense of hope and encourage-ment, and Adrienne’s story is what keeps me going,” Hamlin said.

Hart’s husband, Michael Aronstein, has brought the audio equipment from a karaoke machine into the 21st century with the music on a computer, professional mixer and speakers. The productions moved into a more profes-sional presentation.

“The music, dance, song and comedy make the patients more alert and attentive. I think of this as how we give back,” Aronstein said. ♦

Grannies, from page 22

By Judy McCartyCelebrating their club’s

California FRW award for most political hours contributed in all of south-ern California over the past year, Navajo Canyon Republican Women, Fed., enjoyed their annual holi-day party and installed their officers for the coming year. They were especially proud that new District 7 City Councilmember Scott Sherman was present to perform the honors.

Waskah Whelan, who served as the club’s politi-cal chairman during the past year, was sworn in as the new president. Her co-president will be Marjie Siekerka. Other officers installed were Irene Hancock, First Vice

President, Programs; Elaine Fein, Second Vice President, Membership; Diane Randolph, Third Vice President, Ways and Means; Eileen Rugg, Recording Secretary; Susie Cates, Treasurer; Carol Sebastian, Correspondence; and Nancy Amador, Parliamentarian. Outgoing President Phyllis Hinshaw and her board were thanked for their lead-ership this past year. Toys for Tots were also collected.

Brian Kennedy, president of the renowned conserva-tive think tank Claremont Institute, will be the fea-tured speaker of our Feb. 12 meeting at the Brigantine Restaurant in La Mesa. Check-in time is 10:45 a.m. for the 11 a.m. meeting. Cost of the full-course luncheon is $20, and reservations are

required. RSVP to Susie Cates at NCRWF99@gmail.com or (619) 697-2235.

Our membership drive for the new year continues, with dues discounted to $30 through the February meet-ing; thereafter they will be $35. Come to the meeting or contact Diana Stansbury at dlstansbury@earthlink.net. ♦

Watch for details on our exciting new NCRWF satellite club, Downtown Republican Women. District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis will be the speaker for our first meeting, March 21, to be held at Mary Pappas’ restaurant, The Athens Market at First and F streets downtown at 5:30 p.m. Her regular hors d’oeuvres buffet will be served at $15. There will be a no-host bar. Contact dmcrsd@gmail.com.

NCRWF Plans to Expand in New Year

San Diego’s District Attorney, Bonnie Dumanis, will be the keynote speaker at the first meeting of Downtown Republican Women March 21 at The Athens Market at First and F Streets downtown. This new club is being formed to meet the needs of Republican women who live or work in the down-town area and want to stay informed on political issues with like-minded women at a convenient time. It will be a satellite club to our local Navajo Canyon

Republican Women club. Invited speakers will focus on local and national politi-cal issues.

Meetings will be held reg-ularly the third Thursday of each month from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Cost will be $15 for an hors d’oeuvres buffet. A no-host bar is available. Diane Randolph, a down-town resident and member of NCRWF, will head up the project. To RSVP (by March 19, please) or for information, please contact dmcrsd@gmail.com. ♦ – Judy McCarty

Downtown Republican Women Form new Club


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