MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


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  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


    System AnalysisSystem Analysis& Design& Design

    Management Information System Project

  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design



  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


    SYSTEMSYSTEM A system is a set of elements (often called 'components'

    instead) and relationships which are different fromrelationships of the set or its elements to other elementsor sets.

    Systems have behavior , which involves inp ts,processing and o tp ts of material, energy, information,or data.

    Systems may have some f nctions or gro ps off nctions.

  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


    %he Systems &evelopment *ife !ycle%he Systems &evelopment *ife !ycle


  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


    What is the System DevelopmentWhat is the System Development

    Cycle?Cycle?+hat are g idelines for system development

  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


    What is the SDLC?What is the SDLC?

    +hat are the phases of the system development cycle


    Phase 1. Planning

    Phase 2. Analysis

    Phase 3. Design

    Phase 4. ImplementationPhase 5. Support

    evie! p"o#ect "e$%estsP"io"iti&e p"o#ect"e$%ests'llocate "eso%"cesI(enti)y p"o#ect(evelopment team

    Con(%ct p"elimina"y investi*ationPe")o"m (etaile( analysis activities+

    St%(y c%""ent systemDete"mine %se" "e$%i"ementsecommen( sol%tion

    'c$%i"e ha"(!a"ean( so)t!a"e, i)necessa"yDevelop (etails o)system

    Develop p"o*"ams, i) necessa"yInstall an( test ne! systemT"ain %se"sConve"t to ne! system

    Con(%ct post-implementationsystem "evie!I(enti)y e""o"s an( enhancementsMonito" system pe")o"mance

  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


    The 'ctivities o) the 'nalysis PhaseThe 'ctivities o) the 'nalysis Phase

  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


    In)o"mation .athe"in* an( Mo(el /%il(in*In)o"mation .athe"in* an( Mo(el /%il(in*

  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


    Fact Fin(in* Metho(sFact Fin(in* Metho(s

    -eview e isting reports, forms, and proced re descriptions Interview and disc ssion processes with sers #'serve and doc ment ' siness processes / ild prototypes &istri' te and collect 0 estionnaires !ond ct joint application design (1A&) sessions -esearch vendor sol tion

  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


    'nalysis Techni$%e + evie! E0istin* epo"ts'nalysis Techni$%e + evie! E0istin* epo"ts

    Identify ' siness r les, discrepancies, andred ndancies

    /e ca tio s of o tdated material #'tain preliminary nderstanding of processes 2se as g idelines 3 vis al c es to g ide interviews

  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


    Sample Chec2list to P"epa"e )o" 1se" Inte"vie!sSample Chec2list to P"epa"e )o" 1se" Inte"vie!s

  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


    'nalysis Techni$%e +'nalysis Techni$%e +

    O3se"ve an( Doc%ment /%siness P"ocessesO3se"ve an( Doc%ment /%siness P"ocesses

    5aries from office wal6thro gh to performing act al tas6s

    ot necessary to o'serve all processes at same level of detail

    May ma6e sers nervo s, so se common sense

    May 'e doc mented with wor6flow (activity) diagrams

  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


    'nalysis Techni$%e + 4%estionnai"es'nalysis Techni$%e + 4%estionnai"es

    *imited and specific information from a large n m'er ofsta6eholders

    Preliminary insight into ' siness

    ot well s ited for gathering detailed information

    !losed$ended 0 estions direct person answering 0 estion

    #pen$ended 0 estions enco rage disc ssion and ela'oration

  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


    'nalysis Techni$%e+'nalysis Techni$%e+

    5oint 'pplication Desi*n Sessions 65'D7 5oint 'pplication Desi*n Sessions 65'D7

    pedite investigation of systems re0 irements

    See6s to compress fact$finding, modeling, policy formation, andverification activities into shorter time frame

    !ritical factor is to have all important sta6eholders present

  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


  • 8/12/2019 MIS Sysytem Analysis and Design


    'nalysis Techni$%e + St"%ct%"e( !al2th"o%*h'nalysis Techni$%e + St"%ct%"e( !al2th"o%*h

    Important tool for 5alidating the re0 irements

    ffective means of implementing 0 ality control early in project

    5erify and validate system re0 irements

    -eview of findings from investigation and of models 'ased on findings