Mirza Shaikh 2


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Mirza Shaikh · 32 subscribers11 hours ago · 

If you believe it's your duty to protect the Kuffaar and the hypocrites. Then I believe it's my duty to cut you with the same blade I swing at them :)ہاگر آپ کو یقین ک آپ کا فرض ک کافر اور منافقین کی حفاظت کرنا - تو مجھ بی یقین ک میرا فرض ہے ے ہ ہے ہ ہےی بلیڈ س سوئنگ ک ساتھ کاٹنا ے آپ کو ایک ے ہ ہے:)

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Yousef Al-Khattab So, do we not have a duty to protect Jews & Christians that live in Muslim lands. Do we not have the obligation to look after and protect our Infidel neighbors? I think this posts need a little more clarity.

11 hours ago · Like


Mirza Shaikh Thanks for responding. It's nice to see you can respond here but couldn't respond to a private message I sent with a request. For the record I wasn't thinking about them, I'm thinking about those who attack the deen. It's not my duty to protect them and when I fight back (intellectually) those who claim to be Muslims and defend them will be dealt with in the same manner.

11 hours ago · Like · 1


Mirza Shaikh :)

11 hours ago · Like


Yousef Al-Khattab I didn't see ur message now would you consider the Rasool alehi salat w salam's neighbor the Jew who threw garbage in front of his home as attacking the Deen?

11 hours ago · Like


Mirza Shaikh My friend, good luck in giving dawah to terry jones, salman rushdi and sam bacile.

11 hours ago · Like · 1


Mirza Shaikh And please go do the same with Shirmon Perez and the rest of the clan.

11 hours ago · Like


Yousef Al-Khattab I only know one of those names, that being Rushdie. I specifically mentioned Jews and Christians. I said nothing about da3wa. I am not a mental midget that sculpts my platform around hate of Qadianis or Shiaa etc. I see the enemy of Islam is the one that quotes out of context or speak on the Deen w/o 3lm. Perez occupies Muslim land he is not a guest.

11 hours ago · Like


Mirza Shaikh Qadianis and Shias kill Muslims as well.

11 hours ago · Like


Yousef Al-Khattab So back to my question was the Jew that threw garbage in front of the Rasool's home attacking the Deen in ur opinion?

11 hours ago · Like


Mirza Shaikh They were created to divide the Ummah not for a laugh.

11 hours ago · Like


Mirza Shaikh And unlike some people I don't always bang on about Salafis/Wahabis

11 hours ago · Like


Yousef Al-Khattab I see so they were not created to divide the ummah? Anyway about my question are we calling to Mirza Shaikh or Islam?

11 hours ago · Like


Mirza Shaikh The Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi Wassallam was sent as a Mercy unto mankind, so it was in his nature to be forgiving, but let us look at the lives of the Sahaba RA. They dealt firmly with those who spread fitnah and those who attacked the honour of the Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi Wassallam.

10 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1


Yousef Al-Khattab So our Rasool was sent as a mercy and u were sent as a warrior?

11 hours ago · Like


Yousef Al-Khattab alehi salat w salam

11 hours ago · Like


Mirza Shaikh Where have I claimed to be a warrior?

11 hours ago · Like


Mirza Shaikh What you do 24/7 Salafi bashing is that the act of mercy that the Prophet SAW had?

11 hours ago · Like


Yousef Al-Khattab Yes I see them as enemies of Islam and have dalel for it based on Islam.

11 hours ago · Like


Mirza Shaikh So one rule for you and another for everyone else.

11 hours ago · Like


Yousef Al-Khattab I don't even know btw how ur posts appeared on my wall perhaps u added me. I don't know anybody named Mirza.

11 hours ago · Like


Yousef Al-Khattab Nope

11 hours ago · Like


Yousef Al-Khattab I never said swing the blade at them

11 hours ago · Like


Mirza Shaikh I'm not on your friend list

11 hours ago · Like


Yousef Al-Khattab how are ur posts on my feed?

11 hours ago · Like


Mirza Shaikh You use your tongue (or keyboard) well enough against them to be a blade

11 hours ago · Like


Mirza Shaikh How the hell do I know? I don't work for facebook.

11 hours ago · Like


Umm Imaarah Assalamu alaikum brothers, There is no doubting both your intentions are good, fear Allah and please take the discussion to a private area...Jazakumullah khair

11 hours ago · Edited · Like


Mirza Shaikh Walaikum Assalam

11 hours ago · Like


Yousef Al-Khattab I am subscribed to your posts my fault. Take care Mirza & stay hard bro ur a lion.

11 hours ago · Like · 1


Mirza Shaikh "I am not a mental midget that sculpts my platform around hate of Qadianis or Shiaa" to clarify your ignorance. Qadianis attack the finality of Prophethood Sallallaahu Alayhi Wassallam, claiming their cult founder was a Prophet and the reincarnation of...See More

11 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1


Mirza Shaikh :)

11 hours ago · Like


Zeeshan Khan I have really important exams and took a break from studying.After reading both of your comments, i feel refreshed......lolBut, on a serious note I think Mirza Shaikh is actually correct in his approach. Its high time we deal with things in a stern m...See More

4 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1


Mirza Shaikh Zeeshan Khan have you ever seen me spread violence on my posts? I sometimes speak metaphorically and the blade I swing is exposing their bakwaas. My status was directed at one person who I saw was active on facebook at that precise time and he is covering for the munkareen e hadith but this dude had to come and stick his big nose in the way. 24/7 the dude goes on "wahabi, wahabi, wahabi, wahabi, wahabi, wahabi, wahabi, wahabi, wahabi, wahabi, wahabi, wahabi, wahabi, wahabi, wahabi, wahabi, imran hossein, wahabi, wahabi, wahabi, wahabi, wahabi, wahabi, wahabi, wahabi" and yet has the cheek to accuse me of "spreading hate" against Qadianis and Shias? Same thing is done by the zionist media who accuse Muslims of spreading hate against Qadianis/Shias when a conference is held exposing their beliefs.

4 hours ago · Like · 1


Zeeshan Khan Mirza Shaikh bro, I have not been following your post for a long time cuz I added you recently but I have seen your timeline and I think your posts make perfect sense.You people are doing a fantastic job in the UK, etc. It shows that you people have a...See More

3 hours ago · Like · 1
