Miracles of Hinduism


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Extreme Lies!!!!Miracles are only possible if you are a

ChristianHeaven is only possible if you are a Christian. Only Jesus can save youOnly Christ has performed miraclesYou have to do sacrifice to attain Moksh

(salvation)Hindus believe in many godsYou don’t have to go to Mandir to prayOnly a Pandit can pray or do rituals for youYou need to know Hindi to pray

Facts!!!!Miracles can happen to everyoneAnyone who prays with faith and devotion will go to

heavenBhagawan loves you always, you don’t need other

religions, Krishna, Ram, Shiva, Vishnu are all the same and great

All the Avtars of Hinduism have performed great miracles long before Jesus was born

Jesus did things that were all done beforeYou don’t need a Pandit to pray for youThe only sacrifice you need to make is good behaviour

and prayerHindus have one god onlyYou don’t need to know Hindi…prayer is from the heart

and any language works…just be sincere

What is a miracle??Its an event that appears inexplicable by the

laws of nature, so it is understood to be supernatural or an act of god.

Word is from latin: miraculum or an object of wonder.

Things that cannot be explained by our knowledge and a cause for amazement are today called miracles

In hinduism there are too many miracles to discuss in one session so we will talk about the main miracles

Miracle 1: “OM”

What is so special?Vedas say sound is transcendental, special and has

cosmic vibration.The Chandayoga Upnishad says from the cosmic

sound of om the universe was born (creation)Vedic literature states the sound and chanting of om

purifies and gives moksha (liberation/heaven)Even the dumb can chant this aloud!The Chaitanya Charitamrita states that only this type

of yajna (samgkirtanyajna/chanting) is necessary in kalyug

In the vedas, it is described as the greatest name of God

What is so special?In the beginning was the almighty godFrom the sound “OM” was born the maha VishnuFrom this Vishnu was born the architect of the

universe lord BrahmaFrom the Brahma was born Lord ShivaThese 3 first beings modeled the universe under

the instructions of the supreme lord “OM”After all material non-living things were created…

living things came into beingMankind and 8 400 000 other species to

accompany them

Miracle 3. The Vedas

What is so special?The only revealed text in HinduismDirect words of god (Omkar Bhagavan)Not man-made, or written by humansClassified as a Shruti…the only of its kind in

HinduismRe-established in the modern world by

Maharishi Swami Dayananda SaraswatiAll scriptures in hinduism must agree with

the vedas or they are wrong!

Miracle 4. ProphetsWho is this great soul?When was he born?Who wrote the story of

his life?What was the name of

the story?Who was the main

demon he killed?What special thing

about this person do you love?

Do you know what this photograph is?Do you know what is this

photograph is?

Who is this great soul?When was he born?Who wrote the story of

his life?What was the name of

the story?Who was the main

demon he killed?What special thing

about this person do you love?

He lifted mount Goverdhan to shelter us

He gave us the Bhagavad Gita

He walked on waterHe fed thousands

with one grain of riceHe brought the dead

to life e.g PariksitHe loves us allHe promises us

heaven if we behave and pray with devotion

Who is this great soul?

Where was he born?What was the main

focus of his life?Which is the most

popular book he wrote?

How did he die?What special thing

about this person do you love?

Miracle 5: You!You are extremely special!Omkar bhagavan, Sri Ram and Sri Krishna

loves youSwami Dayanand died to give you freedom to

learn the vedasSri Ram and Sri Krishna killed all demons,

because they love you (none will bother you)You are “God’s” miracle for your parentsHaving a human birth is a special thing –

treasure it

How do I become a good Hindu?Attend Mandir regularlyPractice truth at all times, there are no “good”

liesLearn the Gayatri MantraPractice the OM jaap, or other jaap as

recommended by your panditBe respectful to everyoneStay focused on improving your well-being along

with othersSay prayers at least twice daily: first in the

morning, and at bedtime

Do not smoke anything, or drink any alcoholPractice good hygieneAbstain from violence and bad companyDiscuss all problems with your parentsDo not discuss strengths and weakness of Hinduism

with a non-believer, “OM” is lord of everything, he lives in you and loves you very much

STAY IN SCHOOL: a proper education is necessary for success

NEVER think about killing yourselfALWAYS REMEMBER that your religion is the


