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03I202011360 - 1375



Counc用ors P「esent: M「・ B Livesey (Vice Chai「), Mrs・ P Livesey, Mr M Talbot, Mr I. Pacey, Mr P. Gr櫛ths,

Mrs ESmith, MrsJ Lanham (from item 1365) and MrA. C「ee (f「om item 1366).

Aiso P「esent‥ CBC C=「S Mr R. Wenham and Mr D. SheIvey and M「s Diana Taibot.

Minutes taken by Mrs Kerri Kiiby (Clerk)

1360 ApoiogiesforAbsence

ApoIogies were received from CIIrs Mr R. Dart (Chair), Dr R. Puritz and Mr S Langton and

CBC C旧M「 i. Dalga「no,

1361 DecIarations of lnterest

The Vice-Chai「 reminded the members of their obIigation to decia「e any matte「s of inte「est now o「 if

they a「ise, during the meeting and to update CentraI Bedfo「dshire Councii of any amendments/additions

to thei「 DecIa「ation of lnterest Fo「ms on iine.

1362 PublicFo「um-None

1363 CrimelPo=ce Repo巾

February Crime Statistics for C桐on were dissemjnated to a= Counc紺o「s prio「 to the meeting

AcknowIedgement of receipt of the OPCC February 2020 NewsIetter - No action req両edi

The Council noted a weicome reduction in the crime statistics for Feb「uary.

1364 CBCReport

C=rs Wenham and SheIvey reported the foIiowing:

丁he Councii was asked ifany VE Day events we「e being o「ganised w軸n the viliage. Theywere

advised that the v紺age had been invited to the Shefford Event.

C冊Daigamo had 「equested that the money was given fo「 the lamp post pIante「s.

SchooIs changing to a two tier system・ - The Council was advised that discussions we「e taking piace

fo「the Samuel Whitb「ead site to become a school taking child「en from pre-SChool to 18 yea「s. A new

SChooi to be built on the site to accommodate the lowe「 years, With a second entrance off Hitchin Lane.

Robert BioomfieId would be cIosed and C旧on Lower SchooI wouid become a primary sch0O上

ProposaIs to be taken to the Executjve Committee in Apr=

Concems we「e 「aised 「egarding the state of the 「oads when developments a「e taking place. Cllr TaIbot

advised he metwith Rick Thompson to discuss b「jngi=g the roads back up to standard. The problems

are caused by the weight and width of the lor「ies deIivering to the deveIopment sites and lorries parking

On the pavements. The CounciI was advised to take photographs to send to deveIopers.

C冊On C「icket Ground 「equire SlO6 money to be transferred from ViiIage Haiis to heIp buiid thei「 new

PaViiion. The Councii found no 「eason not to support.

Parish CounciI to submitthe SlO6 「equest atthe time ofsubmjtting a pla=ning appiication response for

new developments.

1365 Approval ofthe Minutes ofthe Annuai Parish Council meeting he-d on 13th February 2020"

RESOLVED: The minutes ofthe Parish Counc= meeting held on 13th February 2020 where

UNANiMOUSLY APPROVED and signed by the Vice.Chai「 as a true record of proceedings.

1366 Matters a「ising from those minutes -

The CounciI enqui「ed whetherC冊Daigamo metwith PauI SaImon.

Health drop in centre to be put to the Shefford Medical Centre fo「 their conside「ation.

1367 Neighbourhood PIan Report

C旧TaIbot advised that the Neighbou「hood Pian (′′NP’) was p「ogressjng we帖

BRCC - Survey. Need to empIoy services of BRCC to ca「「y out survey. G「ant mo=ey tO be re-


Housing Needs Survey - CBC caIculate needs acco「ding to BRCC.

丁hese minufes remai佃ncon緬med unt掴hey are approved by的e members and signed by the Chair

031202011360 - 1375

C=rs Sheivey and Wenham proposed to use the nationai pian to getthe housing needs figu「e.

lnspector would then be requi「ed to app「ove.

Rep=es have been 「eceived for the land survey. NP Committee currently perusjng informatjon.

NP Committee currently re-WO「king Green lnfra St「uctu「e PIan.

Additionai waIks are required a「Ound v川age. C旧on G「een WheeI -discussion to be heid with

Iandowners requesting permission,

He[iow investigating the possib冊y of insta旧いg a CyCle path to C=fton.

1368 Projects Committee,

P「Og「eSS On the p「Qjects is as fo=ows.

Lamppost flowe「 baskets in the centre of the vⅢage. Money has been ag「eed fo「 the lamp

POSt PIante「s言hanks to Cllr DaIga「no. Bowse「 now 「equired for wate「ing pIante「s

Upgrade to Iighting on the main roads through vi=age. C冊Griffiths has spoken to Andy

Clarke to obtain costs,

Additional seating around the vilIage. C旧Smjth has found sites and Committee is now

Seeking CBC Highways permission.

Provision ofeIectric vehicle charging points in the vi=agei To be put on hoId as Ciir

Daiga「no has a county wide scheme p「oject.

看mproving fac皿ies at A= Saints Academy. AItemative funding is to be made ava=abie for

bu周work fo「the schooi to move from a iower schooi to a p「ima「y school. C=rWenham offe「ed

to meet with those invoived.

1369 Correspondence喜None received.

1370 Community Centre Matte「s-

Approval of costs for repai「s to Community Centre gate・ - After discussion the Counc‖ approved a

quotation f「Om G=ks Fencing at a cost of t1638.93 plus VA丁to remove the oId fencing and repiace with new.

ACTION: Cierk to pIace order.

丁he minutes of the PIaying FieId and Community Centre Committee meeting heId on Thursday 27th

Feb「uary 2020 we「e UNANiMOUSLY RA丁iFIED by the Councii・

Cii「S Wenham and SheIvey Ieft the meeting.

丁he meeting was suspended for the Annuai Parish Meeting to take pIace.

1371 HighwayMatters-

ApprovaI of instalIation costs for flag pole. -After discussion, the Counc= approve the instaIIation cha「ges

Of2420.00. The Council enquired whether the inte「naI haiya「d would create noise in windy conditions・ The

Counci=s to decide which flags they wish to pu「Chase.

AcknowIedgement of recejpt of correspondence regarding concerns crossing Shefford Road -丁he

Counc= acknowIedged receipt of a Ietter expressing conce「ns c「ossing Shefford Road. To be taken to a

Committee meeting for further discussion.

A t「ee is to be co=ected from Langford Nursery as an apoiogy for sending the wrong tree fo「 the W上

Pond - Hay is requi「ed for the nesting boxes.

丁he minutes of the Highways Committee meeting heid on Thursday 27th February 2020 were


1372 PIanning Matters-

Consideration of responses to piaming appiications -丁he Councii app「oved 「esponses to the

PIanning app=catjons beiow.

● CB/20/00627NOC: Wren Park industriai Estate, Hitchin Road, Shefford - Va「iation to Condition

7 to PIanning Pe「mission CB116IO5716/FULL (E「ection of additional B8 indust「ial building comprising

th「ee units, Ca「 Parking and ha「dstanding) The condition 「equi「es a section 278 agreement to be

ente「ed into, We Wish to revise the condition to a=ow wo「ks to start bef。re the condition is

dischargedi - This pianning appiication had been withdrawn.

777eSe minutes ′emain uncon伽77ed u研fhey a′e app′OVed by the membe′S and s匂ned by紡e Chair

0312020I1360 - 1 375

● CB/19/03559/RM: C冊On Farm, Church Street’C冊on - Reserved Matte「s fo=owing outline

application CB/1 8/001 92/OUT (14 Dwe=ings) - Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and

Scaie.一Foiiowing discussion, the Councii agreed that there was no legitimate reason to


C=「丁aIbot advised that a JudiciaI Review for Broad Street Appeal couid not be appiied fo「 afte「 six

months from the lnspectors decision.

1373 FinanceMatte「s-


R.Anderson �FebruarySalary �0.00 �0.00 �0.00 � �B.丁rans

K.Kilby �FebmaリSalaⅣ �0.00 �0.00 �0.00 � �B.Trans

TotalFebruarySaIaries �1791.34 �0.00 �1791.34 � �

HMRC �PAYETaxFebruary �9.40 �0.00 �9.40 � �

HMRC �EmpIoyeeNICFebru叩′ �6.82 �0.00 �6.82 � �

HMRC �EmployerNICFebruary �50.99 �0.00 �50.99 � �

HMRC �NICEmp10ymentA=owance Fcb �-50.99 �0.00 �-50.99 �16.22 �B.T「ans

AdrianCrawIey �GrassCuttingFebruary �340.00 �0.00 �340.00 � �IO3001

D.J.Granger �CemeteryGrassCutO20217 �183.42 �36.68 �220.10 � �

D.J.Granger �GrassCutVi=ageO20243 �645.02 �129.00 �774.02 � �

D.J.Granger �CemeteryGrassCutO20264 �183.42 �36.68 �220.10 �1214.22 �103002

C.Wischhusen �LittcrPickingFebruary �70.00 �0.00 �70.00 � �103003

Npowe「ElectricLtd �CCElectricity �837.99 �0.00 �837.99 �PAID �DD

K.Kilby �Februaけらxpenses �27.79 �0.00 �27,79 � �103004

TescoMobile �Clerksphone �10.I3 �0.00 �10.13 � �DD

CitizensAdviseMidBeds �S137Sma11Grant �100.00 �0.00 �100.00 � �103005

CliftonCricketClub �S137Sma11Grant �500.00 �0.00 �500,00 � �103007

TotalFebruary2020Payments � �4705・33 �202.36 �4907.69 � �

丁he CounciI APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY payment of outstanding invoices produced by the CIerk,

Baiance Sheets as of 29th February 202O・

Copies of the baIance sheets of 29th Feb「uary 2020 were d-SSeminated to a= members. No questions


Adoption of S137 g「ant fo「m and poIicy - The Counc出equested a few changes to the policy and adoptio=

to be taken to the next meeting.

Consideration/ApprovaI of requests for S137 donations from viI!age groups - After discussion, the

Council agreed that the Cricket Club wouid be awarded鵜OO・ The Wanderbus advised they did not require

funds this yea「・ ACTION: Clerk to include cheques for S137 donations in payments"

1374 Items fo「 Future Agendas (for information only).

Discussion on state of cent「e of viiIage to be taken to next Highways Committee meeting.

Sp「ing CIean -Articie to be put on Facebook requesting help.

1375 Nextmeetingdates-

Thursday26th Ma「ch 2020 - PF&CC 7pm, Pianning 7.55pm and Highways 8pm.

丁hursday 9th Ap「i1 2020 - Fuil Counc‖ 7.30pm.

Meeting ciosed at 9.40pm


Signed Date‥  時

777eSe面nutes remain uncon加77ed un肌hey are approved by the membeIS and sゆ7ed by約e Chair
