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GFAR MT-072011-01

Draft Minutes from the 21st GFAR Management Team Meeting

28 March 2011

Abitart Hotel, Rome









28 March 2011

Abitart Hotel, Rome


Prof. Monty Jones (Chair)

Dr. Claudio Barriga (Vice-Chair)

Dr. Anton Mangstl

Dr. Rodney Cooke

Dr. Shantanu Mathur

Dr. Raj Paroda (Chair of Programme Committee)

Dr. Mark Holderness (Ex officio)

Also in attendance

Mr. Pierluigi Masciotta

Dr. Aggrey Agumya

Chair’s summary of outcomes

The GFAR Management Team (MT) agreed that all minutes should be circulated for review

as a draft by the MT or SC within 6 weeks from the end of the meeting and that all minutes

should be properly numbered. All documents for the MT meeting should be submitted no

later than 2 weeks before that meeting; if there should be delays, the MT members should be

sent the docs a minimum of 5 working days before the meeting.

The MT agreed that the financial reports and the balanced budget for 2011 were acceptable

and approved both.

The MT members were pleased that the Executive Secretary has made considerable progress

advocating for GFAR and increasing the visibility of GFAR. He has participated in many

meetings, some very high level, and this awareness creation should continue. To increase

reach of GFAR’s scope and engagement, the members of the MT and the SC should be

requested by the Secretariat to participate and represent GFAR in other meetings where


The GFAR response to the Fund Council on the CGIAR Strategy & Results Framework

(SRF) should be brief and to the point, perhaps including no more than the top 4 or 5 key

issues we would like to present. GFAR should look at issues such as partnership and not

focus so much on the technical programmatic issues. While some of the CRPs did very well

involving regional fora and others as collaborators (e.g. CRP 1.1), other CRPs showed less

evidence of true partnership.


In regards to GCARD 2012, the MT looked at the expressions of interest from 3 countries and

decided on Uruguay because it showed very strong commitment and facilities, with high-level

Cabinet support and wider backing from other countries in the region. The Organizing

Committee composition will follow that agreed in the Steering Committee and will most

likely be divided into sub-committees for practical operation, with the Chair of the Organizing

Committee serving on both sub-committees. The first meeting of the Organizing Committee

will take place in May, during which time the frequency of the following meetings will be

decided. The Organizing Committee will send updates to the SC via the GFAR chair.

Certain key issues for possible inclusion in the GCARD programme were highlighted by the

MT, including the need for integration of CGIAR and other partner activities into the

GCARD; value for money; and avoidance of fragmentation. The MT emphasized the need to

come up with a very good concise presentation on the GCARD explaining how the CGIAR

can benefit from the GCARD process. Dr. Holderness and Dr. Paroda will work on this, but

all members should return their comments and a final draft should be sent to the Chair by the

1st of April.

Consultants need to be hired by the Secretariat to draft the GFAR Medium Term Plan (MTP),

an outline draft of which needs to be completed by the end of June; a final draft should go to

the SC in October for endorsement. The MT recognizes that there are some areas of the

Charter that are now becoming outdated and require revision, for example, the highest organ

of GFAR needs to be clearly identified. There are also important governance issues that need

to be addressed in ensuring effective inclusion in GFAR of all sectors involved in AR4D.

These issues should be identified from the MTP and then it should be considered by the SC

whether the Charter needs to be revised.

Following Jonathan Wadsworth’s departure, the donors need to decide how they wish to be

represented in GFAR in both the SC and MT. The Global Donor Platform on Rural

Development’s agricultural research group is an important new development that was

facilitated by GFAR. Shantanu and IFAD will follow up on this issue with the donors and

identify the most effective representation basis in GFAR’s governance.

The two new secondments from France were officially endorsed by the MT; GFAR will write

to extend thanks to the French government and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.

GFAR Secretariat has begun recruitment processes for an information technology officer and

a senior officer to address the GFAR pillar on science/society linkages and reshaping AR4D

institutions. The MT agreed that there was a great need for a technical support person to the

Executive Secretary to strengthen the Secretariat’s operations and documents/procedures

processing. The SC has not yet endorsed this position and so the MT endorsed a consultancy

position which will be reviewed by the SC for possible conversion to a project position.

It was decided that henceforward all MT members will travel Business Class on all flights;

these will be purchased through the GFAR account with ICARDA.

The proposed dates for the next PC and SC are September and October respectively, with one

month in between the meetings. Dr Holderness will send around some possible dates for each

meeting. The next MT meeting will be held in July; the MT will have 3 meetings a year.


The Chair observed that the Secretariat is the executive arm of GFAR; the Secretariat should

not wait to respond to issues arising even if the SC has not itself fully responded.

Detailed Minutes

1.a Opening remarks by the Chair

The Chair opened the meeting at 0840 hours and thanked MT members for coming to

participate in the meeting. He registered his appreciation of MT members for their

contributions to reviewing the GCARD roadmap and the CGIAR’s Strategy and Results

Framework (SRF). He commended GFAR’s Programme Committee for finalising the 2011

Programme of Work and Budget within the agreed time frame. He acknowledged the

Secretariat’s achievements since the last MT meeting, in particular its advocacy for increased

and better targeted investment in agricultural research, its contribution towards finalisation of

the GCARD roadmap and solicitation of comments on the SRF from GFAR constituents.

The Chair announced recent and imminent changes in the MT’s membership. He recognized

and thanked Dr. Jonathan Wadsworth who had been leading the GFAR Donor Support Group

(DSG), for all his efforts in support of GFAR. Dr Wadsworth took up a new appointment as

Executive Secretary of the CGIAR Fund Office in March 2011. Dr. Anton Mangstl was

about to retire from FAO. He conveyed the MT’s appreciation to Dr. Mangstl for the

valuable support he extended to GFAR.

The Chair reminded the MT that it serves as the interface between the Steering Committee

and the Secretariat where among other functions it strengthens the management capacity of

the Secretariat and provides oversight with regard to implementation of the SC’s decisions.

He informed members that as the Chair of GFAR he had been invited to present a keynote

address on the role of AR4D on development at the upcoming G20 high-level donor meeting

in Paris. He had also been invited to update the CGIAR Funders Forum about preparations for

GCARD 2012.

He ended his opening remarks by drawing the MT’s attention on the need for clarity about

who can communicate GFAR’s official position to the outside world and that the Steering

Committee members should be encouraged to take on more responsibility for attending events

on behalf of GFAR and promoting GFAR’s messages around the world.

1.b Review of the agenda

Clarity on responsibilities of the management team was welcomed; especially in monitoring

and talking forward the implementation of SC decisions.

Dr Paroda requested that Minutes of the last SC and in particular the action items arising

should be reviewed, as these had not been addressed in detail in the last MT meeting. The

Chair agreed to this inclusion.

With this amendment, the Agenda was adopted.

Moved by Anton Mangstl; Seconded by Claudio Barriga


1.c Matters arising from Minutes of last MT meeting

Action points

Action Item 1: Linkage with the reformed CGIAR. The GFAR Chair and Executive Secretary met with the Carlos Perez del Castillo, Consortium

Board Chair, Anne Marie Izac, Consortium Chief Scientific Officer and Mahmoud Solh,

Alliance Chair, in September 2010. This meeting helped build mutual understanding in regard

to expectations of the GCARD process and also led to GFAR agreeing to provide funding for

an additional consultant to address partnership concepts and other issues in revision of the

CGIAR Strategy & Results Framework. In January 2011, Mark Holderness met with Lloyd

Le Page, the incoming CEO of the Consortium and introduced the role of GFAR, resolving

some misconceptions and discussed a specific proposal raised by CIAT and the CIARD group

to help mobilize agricultural knowledge in the FORAGRO region. Prof. Jones and Dr

Holderness will be meeting with Inger Anderson, CGIAR Chair, at the Fund Council meeting

in Montpellier in April. (Ongoing Action: Chair, Vice-Chair and Executive Secretary)

Action Item 2: Strengthening involvement in the Global Forum on Rural Advisory

Services (GFRAS).

The Secretariat has notified GFRAS that Raj Paroda will now represent GFAR in the GFRAS

steering committee. GFRAS have acknowledged the change and are now communicating

direct with Dr Paroda. GFRAS visited FAO and interacted with GFAR Secretariat to

strengthen the relationship, which was also elaborated during the Zurich CAADP workshop

co-sponsored by GFAR.

Action Item 5: CGIAR Representation

The CGIAR Consortium have now notified the Secretariat that they will henceforward be

represented in GFAR Steering Committee by Dr Anne-Marie Izac, Chief Scientific Officer.

Action Item 11: CGIAR representation in GCARD II planning

The CGIAR Consortium have notified GFAR Secretariat that Dr Anne-Marie Izac and Dr

Ruben Echeverria will represent the Consortium and CGIAR Centre Directors respectively in

the GCARD Organizing Committee

Actions 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 and 10 are addressed during this meeting’s agenda.

1.d Other matters arising from the Minutes:

Status of the PC Chair in the MT

It was agreed in the last MT meeting that the PC Chair should be considered a full member of

the MT. This was reiterated and a motion will be put to the next SC to amend the Charter


Better linking innovation and development


Mark Holderness reported on the session organized with GFAR Secretariat in the World Bank

Rural Week presentation. This outlined how the GCARD Roadmap can be used as a

framework for better linking innovation and development. The GDPRD interested in a setting

up a research policy group to establish how research investments can impact in rural

development and how policies on research can be better coordinated.

Global Consortium on Higher Education & Research in Agriculture (GCHERA).

An Executive Meeting of GCHERA was hosted by FAO in January and co-sponsored by

GFAR. This was a productive session that did much to revitalize the need for a global

platform on higher education and they are keen to link with GFAR. It was agreed that GFAR

should follow up on these links in relation to strengthening capacity development processes

around the world, towards GCARD 2012. The next GCHERA Conference will be in

Beauvais, France, from 27-28 June 2011 and those involved in the GCARD 2010 capacity

development group have requested that GFAR helps facilitate a session on capacity

development linked to the GCHERA meeting http://www.gchera.com/gchera-2011-beauvais-


The GFRAS and GCHERA linkages raised the wider need of broadening representation in

GFAR’s governance to better reflect all sectors involved in AR4D. The MT agreed on the

strong need for GFAR to develop specific linkages for effective global representation of civil

society groups and of international research centres beyond the CGIAR, of Higher education

institutions worldwide (GCHERA) and Advisory services (GFRAS).

Action 1: Secretariat to pursue stronger linkage with representative bodies of each sector and

develop a position paper on implications for GFAR’s governance to next GFAR SC meeting.

Paragraph 3.5

IFAD’s funding was inaccurately described and is to be deleted.

Production of GFAR Meeting Minutes

Concerns were expressed by members that meeting Minutes were not being produced in a

timely manner

Action 2: In future, all Minutes will be circulated in draft within 6 weeks of a meeting.

Documents for MT, PC or SC should be sent to members ideally 2 weeks prior to the

date of the meeting and no later than 5 working days before each meeting.

Action 3: Existing Programme Committee minutes should be circulated to the full SC.

Action 10 is to be discussed later

Action 11 is already covered.

Minutes Adopted. Moved by Raj Paroda, Seconded by Claudio Barriga

1.e Review of progress on actions recommended by the Steering Committee

1.e.1: A draft outline of the Medium Term Plan and draft of the Annual report were

anticipated from the Secretariat by first quarter of 2011. Pressure of other commitments


including the Roadmap finalization has meant that these documents have been delayed. Chair

is to write to the SC to recognize the delay and indicate new dates for their production (see

MTP notes below). These documents will be reviewed and cleared by the MT.

Action 4: Executive Secretary and Chair to notify Steering Committee of the delay

1.e.2: GFAR’s participation in the Committee on Food Security. MT recommends that there

would be marginal value from direct participation in the CFS, given the time commitment it

would entail and that GFAR should request to be represented by IFAD in the Committee.

GFAR will continue to link with CFS in addressing common practical themes such as post-

conflict institution rebuilding.

Action 5: GFAR to request formal recognition status via IFAD

1.e.3: FAO status. It was recognized that there is little scope for additional contribution at

present, but much leverage is being achieved through programmatic linkages.

IFAD status: to develop funding support beyond that already provided, GFAR’s programmes

should have a much sharper focus on results and should prioritise on specific areas.

It was noted that the MT need to be kept updated on implementation of the agreed action


Action 6: MT to receive reports on progress towards implementation of the SC action items in

matters arising.

2. Discussion on financial situation

It was questioned whether all expenditures had been directly sanctioned by the PC. It was

clarified that the budget was the same as that produced from the PC and agreed in the last

MT, with the exception of some items that were carried forward from planned expenditure in

the 2010 programme, as agreed by the SC or, in one case where new funding had been

obtained from EIARD-GIZ, new income subsequent to the last MT and PC meetings. To

ensure best practice going forwards, it was agreed that in future a threshold should be

established, beyond which commissioning of new work by the Secretariat would require

discussion by the PC/PC Chair and approval by the MT. The threshold level of USD 50k was

agreed for future new programme disbursements by the Secretariat, with the wider approval

required above this. The Chair re-emphasized the need for GFAR to work through the

regional fora for activities specific to the regions concerned.

Decision: Secretariat has authority to spend up to 50K on programme-related actions. Future

clearance of expenditures of over 50K will require consultation with the PC or PC Chair and

approval by the MT.

It was noted that GFAR has started building some reserves. The MT discussed a target for

these and it was agreed that reserves should be at least 80 days of the secretariat core costs

and they should not be touched without SC approval.

Decision: Secretariat to seek to progressively build GFAR reserves until they reach USD



Some future issues were flagged regarding GFAR funding. Both EC and DFID funds are

drawn from their respective allocations for multilateral research. Consistent advocacy will be

required to ensure these are protected and strengthened alongside increased funding for

multilateral research implementation, in particular if they should all come to be distributed

through the CGIAR Fund.

The basis for investment in YPARD was queried. YPARD is hosted and supported

administratively, and in seeking external funding, by GFAR Secretariat as a process to

strengthen youth involvement in AR4D. It was agreed that in future hosting arrangements for

such programmes should attract a levy to offset Secretariat administrative costs. GFAR

should adopt a cost recovery policy of 5% for pass through and 13% for overhead where work

is directly involving the GFAR account. These are indicative figures and some flexibility will

be required.

Action: Secretariat to introduce the overhead policy on future such contracts and provide the

MT with updates on YPARD’s progress.

Given the complexities of contracts through FAO, it was discussed whether to move the

funding basis more towards the GFAR account at ICARDA. Although transactions through

this account are levied by an overhead to ICARDA, it was agreed that this should be balanced

with the flexibility it offered for rapid disbursement and actions. This must also recognize

donor preferences for the funding mechanism to be used. Mechanisms should be explored to

enable movement of funds from FAO to ICARDA account, but the funds held at ICARDA

should not exceed 20% of total income.

Decision: The budget was endorsed as presented.

3. Update on implementation of the programme of work

Issues summarized and discussed included:

The Executive Secretary reported that the GCARD Roadmap was finalised and endorsed by

the end of February 2011. Much effort by a number of actors went into its finalization and

their efforts were gratefully acknowledged.

Advocacy has focused on promoting the GCARD principles articulated in the roadmap. In

highlighting the linkage between research and development the Secretariat has engaged very

constructively with the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, EIARD and others. Through

engagement with the World Bank and FAO, the CARD Roadmap’s key principles are now

incorporated into the proposed G20 statement on strengthening agricultural research for


The CGIAR Fund Council meeting last year requested a forward-looking review of what the

GCARD 2010 delivered for the CGIAR and what it should expect from the next GCARD

(2012). This was being addressed through the existing in-depth participant survey and through

discussion with the CGIAR representatives now put forward for the GCARD Organizing


Actions with the Regional Fora have included the Post-GCARD conference by AARINENA,

developing ADB linkages with APAARI and attendance at the APAARI and AARINENA

Executive Committees, support to the PAEPARD meeting in Florence and to lesson learning


for similar processes between Europe and other regions, funding (through Italian Government

support to GFAR) of African participants in the Zurich CAADP meeting and further

discussions with APLU on North American representation and involvement in GFAR.

Capacity development actions have included support to the revitalization of GCHERA and

inputs to the RUFORUM Ministerial Conference on Higher Education in Agriculture at which

the GFAR Executive Secretary formally represented both GFAR and FAO. The MT

recognized a strong need for GFAR’s involvement in capacity building and for capacity

building initiatives to link through GFAR.

The proposed Rwanda conference on the role of agricultural knowledge in post-conflict

capacity rebuilding was welcomed and the outcomes of the meeting were seen as very

relevant both in and beyond Africa.

Other issues noted included supporting action on climate change, including regional

representative’s participation in the Cancun meeting, taking forward the farmers and markets

agenda and seeking support for this in new ways with discussion of a restructured programme

and secondment of an officer from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) in

support of information sharing from the fast-growing economies.

Discussion of the Executive Secretary’s report.

The Chair expressed deep appreciation and commendation for the work done and led by the

Secretariat. Stronger linkages with FAO-OEKD synergies were now being realised and these

were very much welcomed. The list of activities is impressive, and the GDPRD linkage was

also much appreciated as opening new connection to donor policy. A discernible change was

being recognized inside and outside GFAR through these actions in the relevance and role

played by GFAR as the space for dialogue and brokering of innovative partnerships and

actions e.g. it should be the first contact for developing networks around new CRPs.

The contact with G20 is considered very important. The linkage with ASTI to develop

baseline studies is commended and will help in measuring the contribution of the Roadmap

processes over time.

The linkages made in taking forward GFAR’s agenda are considered very important and it

was recognized that this requires presence at key meetings, which was demanding of a small

Secretariat. It was recommended that GFAR Steering Committee should also be encouraged

to represent GFAR and its work at international meetings to make GFAR more visible.

Brochures are also required to help in this advocacy.

It was highlighted that there is a need to communicate what GFAR is doing to all the

constituents so that they can see how much is going on. GFAR communications should be

strengthened through, among others, a newsletter including news from the Regional Fora and

other GFAR constituencies. In particular this should be a channel where success stories can

be highlighted.


4. Response to CGIAR Strategy & results framework (SRF):

The 12 point document provided by the Secretariat is a condensed version of that previously

submitted by GFAR to the Fund Council’s e-consultation and the MT agreed this focus was


Opinions from MT on other documents received were:

In the Inception report for evaluation arrangements (IEA), the end user perspective is missing.

The MT considered that neither the IEA nor the SRF were sufficiently highlighting the

GCARD Roadmap as a key and relevant framework. GFAR should be recognised in the

evaluation process for its GCARD role in monitoring and awareness of the CGIAR


CRP 2 does not have the desired linkages with GFAR and requires considerable

further work to be acceptable to wider GFAR Stakeholders. GFAR could not support

the proposal as stands. Needs to better with the GFAR linking smallholder farmers to

the market agendas.

CRP6 is clear and supports partnerships It needs some further work to highlight the

links to reforestation.

Commend CRP1.1 for its approach to partnership building

Send comments on the 12 points and the CRPs to the chair immediately before the end

of the month.

GFAR should mobilize and sensitize other Fund Council constituents about the issues that it

wants to advance so they approach issues with a common position.

Action 7: arrange a meeting of southern partners on key issues in Montpellier in advance of

the FC meeting. Dr Paroda to identify who will represent India.

It was agreed that GFAR should present its issues on the proposals based on its comparative

advantages and thus on process issues rather than technical questions.

Action 8: Consolidated response on the SRF and CRPs should be forwarded to the

Consortium Board.

Action 9: GFAR Secretariat to notify GFAR constituencies of CGIAR papers for comment in

advance of required submission dates for comments

5. Preparations for GCARD 2012

Presentation to be made by GFAR Chair at the CGIAR Fund Council on GCARD 2012 will

highlight the key elements of this event. GFAR needs to ensure the CGIAR reform process is

effectively reflected in this event so that it brings both value and public accountability to the

CGIAR reform process.

Update on expressions of interest: Ministerial expressions of interest have been received from

Uruguay and Egypt, together with a university from Jordan. The relative merits of each were

discussed. Uruguay was considered the most advanced and suitable expression, with good

Conference facilities in Punta del Este and strong backing for the expression from both the


Minister of Agriculture and the wider Cabinet. Support and strong interest from wider South

American partners and from the CGIAR centers in the region were also noted. Mario Allegri

& Claudio Barriga were commended for their efforts in spearheading this and thanks were

also expressed to former GFAR Chair Prof Adel El-Beltagy for having generated interest

from Egypt.

Uruguay was thus chosen to be the venue for GCARD 2012, with a preferred date of the last

quarter of 2012.

Decision: GFAR should formally accept the offer of Uruguay, indicating October 2012 as the

preferred date.

It was separately noted that China has informally indicated strong interest in linking the

Global Leaders in Agricultural Science and Technology Conference (GLAST) to the GCARD

process, but there are no details available as yet and it was agreed that while linkage would be

welcomed this should not disturb the GCARD agenda.

The GCARD Organizing Committee (GOC)

From the SC’s recommendation on composition, the GOC may comprise up to 17 potential

members. In light of this large number it would be necessary to sub-divide the committee with

specific sub-committee responsibilities. Sub-committees would be overseen by the Chair,

with Mark Holderness as the convenor and key contact person in the first instance, pending

the creation of a GCARD administrative unit in the Secretariat. The Chair observed that we

should draw extensive lessons from the last GCARD’s preparations.

An initial GOC meeting is proposed for early May. This will agree on frequency of meetings,

roles, expectations etc. GFAR Secretariat should go ahead with appointing a consultant

conference coordinator as soon as possible and consider hire of consultants to support content


Action 10: Raj Paroda & Mark Holderness to draft GCARD 2012 presentation and send it to

the Chair by 1 April for presentation at CGIAR Funders Forum.

Proposed GCARD theme: innovations for sustainable livelihoods impact on

smallholders—to be refined by the organising committee

Issues were discussed drawing on the outline framework given in the background paper.

Issues include:

Highlighting technologies that can reduce the cost of inputs and are sustainable and

linking farmers to markets.

The meeting must recognize contributions of the various stakeholders.

Important to recognize the new partners in AR4D: fast growing economies (BRICS),

GCHERA, GFRAS, non CGIAR Research centres etc.


Organising themes are proposed as the 6 pillars of the roadmap, as a matrix of

consideration with the CGIAR system level outcomes

Mention innovation systems and political commitment. So a policy forum is proposed

to be included, addressing women & youth in agriculture

Private sector engagement—concrete guide on how to implement this engagement.

There has been a lot of talk about this subject with little walk

Market place element with a competition for impact evidence.

Potential for a GFAR business session before or after the event.

Issue of business session for the GCARD was not discussed.

It is important to highlight to the CGIAR managers what they will get from the GCARD as a

way of encouraging their contribution. The overall costs should be based on the agenda and

agreed scale.

The CGIAR presentation should highlight the following:

GFAR and CGIAR partnerships

Integration (addressing system fragmentation), partnerships, value-for-money

Demonstrate how much it will otherwise cost the CGIAR to mobilise all these partners


6. GFAR Medium Term Plan and Governance Review

Mark Holderness outlined the process for developing an MTP. The PC will serve as the

sounding board and provide practical input to the process and refining the Plan before the

SC’s approval and its development will also make use of e-consultation, where required, for

stakeholder input. The MTP will draw on inputs from the GCARD process and Roadmap as

well as previous GFAR plans and programmes, the SRF of the CGIAR and strategies agreed

through the UN agencies involved. The time frame is to produce a draft content outline for a 3

year plan by the end of June, with the MTP finalised by October 2011 before the GFAR SC

and with completion by year end.

The MTP should include a chapter on governance in GFAR and how this relates to delivering

on the MTP. A Governance review was discussed, including representation of stakeholders

and review and revision of the charter.

Decision: the revision of the charter should be considered after the MTP is developed as the

MTP will inform what should be in the Charter.

7. Donor Support Group:

Decision: IFAD (Shantanu Mathur) will follow up on the identification of a DSG Chair,

nominated by the donor community, that will become the DSG representative in the SC and

MT, considering also the implications of the GDPRD Research Group for GFAR and how this

group addressing donor policy should be represented in GFAR.


8. Secretariat Issues

Secondment of Harry Palmier from IRD was confirmed 28 March 2011 and he will

join GFAR as soon as final arrangements are made for his travel. Harry Palmier will

be responsible for the Partnerships pillar and issues around the CGIAR reform.

An MAEE (France) seconded Senior Foresight and Monitoring officer is due to take

up his role in May 2011).

The proposed ICT officer position has also now been established but is awaiting final

approval of terms before advertisement.

Terms have been approved for a senior officer to address pillar 2 – institutional

transformation and strengthening the link between civil society and science

Officer in charge responsibility in the absence of the Executive Secretary will be

rotated as new staff come into the Secretariat, beginning with Dr Maru.

Chair is to write formally to extend thanks to the French government for these placements of

senior officers that also represent a significant cost saving on staff costs otherwise required to

be covered.

Action 11: Secretariat to draft

GFAR Secretariat has sought appointment of a general support officer to Mark Holderness at

P3 level, to work, among other roles in processing the governance papers of GFAR meetings.

The move was supported by the MT, but creation of a new extra-budgetary position requires

SC approval.

Decision: Engage a consultancy for this function and seek approval of position by the SC.

The position TORs to be reviewed by the Chair and Vice-Chair.

Communication strategy.

A proposed communication strategy was presented and discussed. It was emphasized by the

MT that the structures of FAO, in particular regional meetings, should be used to advance

governmental policy advocacy for the Roadmap. The Chair should schedule a meeting with

the FAO Director General and Ms Ann Tutwiler, DDG, Knowledge, when next in Rome, to

advocate for adoption of the Road Map into FAO regional meetings and promote support for

GFAR. The MT wishes to explore an increased contribution and cross-linked involvement of

FAO in GFAR, to advance the Roadmap’s advocacy and turn principles into practice.

A full newsletter should be disseminated and for this a mechanism will be developed to solicit

relevant inputs from GFAR constituents.

The GCARD roadmap is a priority for our communication strategy and the Secretariat should

engage external companies to promote this. It is only recently that GFAR obtained the

CGIAR’s clearance of the roadmap but we still need to meet with Anne-Marie Izac and

Ruben Echeverria to discuss its promotion through CGIAR networks. Formal endorsement

through FAO should also be requested.

Action 12: Secretariat to prepare and take forward a revised paper on the communication



9. Travel

Strong concern was raised by MT members about their lack of eligibility for business class


Decision: All members of the MT are now considered eligible to travel by business class on

GFAR official travel. This will be implemented through the ICARDA account.

10. Upcoming Meetings

Date and agenda of SC and PC (mid-October and mid-September respectively. Next MT in

July. Specific dates to be established as soon as possible and Secretariat to circulate proposed


Action 13: Secretariat to discuss with Chair and circulate proposed dates

11. Any Other Business

The Vice-Chair is keen to represent GFAR in some events. Use of Google calendar on

www.egfar.org will help to flag events to MT members.

For the forthcoming CRPs: we need a coherent mechanism by which GFAR responds to them

beyond the Secretariat’s input.

Action 14: flag the CRPs to SC members with a deadline for comments..

Action 15: Mark Holderness is to share the Secretariat’s report on meetings attended by the

Secretariat with the rest of the SC.

12. Closing remarks

Chair recapped the action points above and expected the minutes to be circulated for review

within 6 weeks of the meeting.

Chair commended the Secretariat for the work done in advocacy and in raising the profile of

GFAR, recognizing also the need for greater involvement of the SC in representing GFAR.

New processes are set in place enabling GFAR Secretariat to seek input from the GFAR

constituencies in responding to key documents such as those of the CGIAR. The Chair

thanked members for their active participations and considered that the meeting had been very

fruitful. He highlighted the Secretariat’s role as the functional arm of GFAR and that it

should drive forward GFAR’s agenda. He thanked Mark Holderness and the Secretariat team

for putting together the documents. The Chair expressed his satisfaction with the Executive

Secretary’s leadership and recognized the need to maintain high morale in the Secretariat

staff. As part of this the MT would like next time, to meet with and get to know the wider

Secretariat team. Chair recognised Raj Paroda’s dedication, IFAD for championing the

fundraising of GFAR. He particularly thanked Anton Mangstl for his very solid support of

GFAR and requested that a suitable retirement gift be arranged for Anton on behalf of all in



Raj Paroda thanked the Chair on behalf of all. Claudio Barriga congratulated the Chair and

Executive Secretary for covering a huge agenda in a short time.

Mark Holderness paid a personal tribute to Anton Mangstl. Since he took over FAO portfolio

responsibility for GFAR there has been a tremendous positive impact.

Anton Mangstl thanked the MT and considered that his involvement in GFAR has been very

productive and offered himself to be of future support whenever requested.

13. Adjournment

The Chair declared the meeting closed at 18.20 hours.


Annex 1

Draft Agenda for GFAR Management Team meeting,

28 March 2011


Abitart Hotel , Ostiense (near FAO), Rome Agenda items 1. Review of draft Minutes of previous Management Team meeting and progress since the last SC and PC meeting (Chair) 2. Review of GFAR's financial situation and approval of financial contributions provided by GFAR (Secretariat) 3. Update on implementation of the programme of work (Secretariat) 4. Response to the CGIAR's SRF, finalized CRPs and evaluation document (Secretariat) 5. Preparations for GCARD 2012 (update on expressions of interest; constitution of organizing committee) (GCARD Organizing Committee Chair) 6. Update on preparation of Medium Term Plan and Governance Review (Secretariat) 7. Future DSG representation on the SC & MT (Chair) 8. Secretariat issues (follow up on recruitment of the four positions approved at the last MT meeting; development of a communication strategy; designation of officer to be in charge when the ES travels etc;) (Secretariat) 9. Travel terms and conditions for Management Team and Steering Committee 10. Proposed Dates, venues and agenda items for the next SC and PC meetings (Chair)
