MintoClifford Public School - · Hats, mitts, boots ... to the parent/guardian if it is...


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Minto­Clifford Public School November 2015 Newsletter

R.R. #1, Harriston, ON N0G 1Z0 Ph. # 519­338­2920

Principal: Shelley Grose Vice­Principal: Mark Turner

M. Aitken, Office Coordinator

Principal’s Message Great news! 2 out of 3 unions have agreed on a tentative agreement and have stopped sanctions at the school as of this morning. This means programs we typically run at the schools will start back up if everything is agreed upon. It may take a little bit of time to get everything up and running. While I write this newsletter it surprises me how quickly November has come and now with it the colder weather. Please have your child check the forecast for the day before leaving home to ensure they will be dressed warm enough if the weather cools by midday. This past month our Grade 6 ­ 8 students have had a Cadet’s visit and Jennifer Haines came to discuss graphic novels. Our Grade 7’s have participated in Respect Ed program with our two CYC’s. At the end of the month our Healthy School Committee put on a Halloween Dance / Black and Orange Spirit day for all students which gave some extra needed DPA time prior to the Halloween parties. As a whole school, we have been celebrating the success of our Toronto Blue Jays. It is unfortunate that they didn’t make it all the way to the World Series but they definitely gave their fans a long successful season.

Remembrance Day This year our students at Minto­Clifford PS will remember those that fought for our freedom. The Junior and Intermediate students will walk to the Cenotaph and join our veterans in the Remembrance day service. Our Primary students will remain at the school for a Remembrance day assembly. On November 11th we will have a Canada Spirit day encouraging all to dress in Red and/or White.

A Safety Note Parents and Guardians, thank you for remembering to wait for your child outside at their regular door until the dismissal bell (even during the colder weather). We need to keep our hallways clear for all our little ones to get dress and ready for the end of the day. With your help we have reduced the congestion in the halls and the front foyer. In this way, you are helping the teachers dismiss students in an orderly way and also reducing confusion for younger students finding their bus lines. Remember we need everyone to follow this request, it starts with you. When picking up children please remind them they are not to play on the Junior creative or Kindergarten creative. These structures need to be supervised do to the risk of injury and our staff are patrolling the pathways for only 10 minutes. When the ground freezes and also when the structure is wet, our creative playground equipment is closed. This is a Board policy designed to safeguard our children. Our creative is closed now until March.

Ready to play outside The recent frosty mornings remind us that children must be prepared for the colder weather to come. Hats, mitts, boots and warm coats are necessary for your child to be comfortable during outdoor play times. PLEASE label all outside clothing for your child. This will help ensure your child gets lost items back. All students are expected to go outdoors for our recess periods, if they are too sick to go out for fresh air they are too sick to be in the classroom. We do not want to spread germs. Healthy School Committee ­ Walking is good for everyone

We are excited to announce that this year we will be actively promoting our Active and Safe Routes to School program. Last year we completed school surveys asking students how they get to school and home each day to obtain a baseline of data. We learned that at Minto­Clifford PS 56% of our students are bus students, 44% are potential walkers. Out of our walkers near half get a drive to and/or from school.

How our children travel to school can be a hot topic for discussion. Commuters grumble about the increase in traffic during the hours of the “school run”. Residents living near the school can find their neighbourhoods choked with traffic and noise at the beginning and end of the school day. And parents can be concerned about the safety of their children, as well as getting them to school and themselves to work on time.

Why walk to school? There are many benefits, each month we will post some of them in our school newsletter and members of our Health School committee will interview some of our school walkers on their thoughts.

Concentration at school ­ Evidence shows that children who are physically active on the way to school burn off some of their excess energy and are more able to settle down and focus well in lessons.

Inclement Weather Procedures We are located in North Wellington where it snows!. We are Division 3 Pink Card. At different times during the year, dense fog, icy roads, or snowy weather may result in the cancellation of school buses. The announcement will be

broadcast over radio stations CKNX (FM 102 Wingham), CHYM (96.7 Kitchener or 570 News), Magic (106.1 Guelph) and CJOY (1460 Guelph). Our school is open, even if buses do not run unless it states that schools are closed. It is up to the parent/guardian if it is safe to drive your child(ren) into school on a no­bus day. Please note, if the buses are cancelled in the morning, you will need to make arrangements for picking up your child at the end of the day. A number of staff members drive in from a distance, even when the weather is bad and buses are cancelled. To ensure that staff and students are able to make it home safely during daylight hours, our school day ends at 3:00 pm. Please arrange to have your child(ren) picked up by 3:00 p.m. on no­bus days. This year we will make calls notifying parents if the buses are cancelled using our new phone message system. I hope this helps!

School Photos Retakes Some students may have been absent during our class photos day or their pictures didn’t turn out just the way you wished. Retakes will be taken on Friday, November 20th. starting at 11:30.

Update regarding fall elementary progress report cards Elementary Progress Reports goes home on December 11th. Our teachers’ goals are to clearly communicate with parents what students have learned, their significant strengths, and identify next steps for improvement. Teachers will use parent­friendly language as they strive to help parents understand how they can support their children’s learning at home. If your child receives a Progressing Well, it means they are on track to meeting the Provincial expectations (letter grade B). It is important to note, that students who receive a Progressing with Difficulty are still making progress, but may be struggling with some concept in that area at this time.

Student Absences With the start of cold and flu season, we ask parents and guardians to be explicit in their voicemail messages about the reason for their child’s absence from school. It helps our school to track patterns of illness in a classroom or division. When high levels of illness occur the Health Department asks schools to track the illness for any potential outbreaks. If your child is away for a reason other than illness, just let us know that in your voice mail message. We appreciate your cooperation in this safe school arrival program. As part of our safe school policy we need to know if your child is absent. Please leave a message on the Office Coordinators voice mail by pressing 1 when you call.

We Scare Hunger Food Drive It takes a real hero to stand up to hunger… Millions of people around the world go hungry every day, even in our own backyard. This October, we held a Scare For Hunger food drive, encouraging students for the month to bring in a food product. On October 29th we encouraged students to bring a canned food or food product when entering the Halloween Dance. Commonly needed items are for the food banks are: rice, pasta, flour, canned fish or meat, stew or soup, canned or dried beans, canned fruit or vegetables, 100% juice, canned or powdered milk, cereals, tomato sauce, peanut butter, and baby products (formulas, diapers, baby food). Thank you for helping us to be local heroes and stop hunger in its tracks! Minto­Clifford Cookbooks ­ Snack Program We are fortunate that we are still able to run the Snack Program in which each and every student is encouraged to take a snack first thing in the morning to get their brains thinking. Nutrition helps us wake up and get going. This is not to replace having Breakfast at home or Nutrition break but is a snack to tied students over. Some students get a bowl of cereal at 7:30 and then have to wait until 11:05 to eat again which is a long time. This program is expensive to run and we have been fortunate to get Food and Friend funding but always need more to keep it running. One way you could help is to purchase a Minto­Clifford Cookbook for $12.00. The book is full of Minto­Clifford student and family recipes. All the proceeds go to the Snack Program. If you would like one please let the office know.

Operation Christmas Child Many classes at the school are participating in Operation Christmas Child, which is organized by our Me 2 We students, Ms Cramer & Mrs. McCullouch. For this project, families fill shoe boxes with school supplies, small gifts/toys, hygiene items and hard candy for needy children around the world. Look for further details in a flyer coming home soon. Boxes are being picked up by November 24th. This is one more way our students can think of others especially during the upcoming season of gift giving and getting. School Council Fundraiser This year school council has generously decided to spend this year’s fundraising money on supporting the year end trip for Gr. 7 & 8’s, 4 folding tables for the school, 2 Makey­Makey computer simulator, bussing for whole school theatre trip and building outdoor learning classrooms. Thank you! The first fundraiser of the year was the Elmira Poultry and Harriston Packers box meats. Pick up will be at the school in the gymnasium on Thursday November 12th from 3:00 ­ 5:00. Since the product is frozen meat you will need to pick up at this time or arrange for someone to pick up for you. If you are available to help with unpacking and sorting in the morning please let our School Council (Mary Wick). Meat will be delivered at 10:00 am.

Math Anxiety M­A­T­H... A four­letter word that can bring on headaches, sweaty palms, stomach aches and/or tears. A four­letter word that can begin a verbal battle and end with wounds. A four­letter word that can be dreaded, leaving one confused and hoping for non­existence. What is it about math that can cause a child to be afraid? Attitudes. As a parent/caregiver, you are an invaluable partner in your child’s mathematical education; you are the first educator in your child’s life. Recent research has shown that an adult’s feelings about math and what they say can have an impact on how a child thinks about math and themselves as mathematicians. Below are some verbal tips to help support you in curbing math anxiety in your child:

Instead of... Try...

“You are so smart!” “You have worked so hard to learn all those math facts.”

“I hated math as a child,” or “I was never good at math.”

“I am not sure of the math you are working on. Can you explain it to me?”

“Oh, looks like you made a mistake here.”

“You made a mistake. That is wonderful! Your brain just grew from the learning that just happened!”

“This problem is way too hard for me to help you with.”

“I think you should try this problem without my help. This would be a great opportunity for your brain to struggle so it can grow!”

“Let’s see… Joe started with 15, and now he has 5, so what is 15 take away 5?”

“What do you think this problem is asking you? Can you restate it in your own words?”

“That is the right answer. Good for you!” “That is the wrong answer.”

“How do you know you are right?” “Does that answer make sense to you? Why or why not?” “Is there another way to solve this problem?” “Explain how you got your answer.”

“You are not good at math either, just like me.”

“With hard work, you will get better at math. Don’t give up.”

“You have to learn to know these answers quickly.”

“Take the time you need to figure out the answer. It is more important you understand how to get the answer then knowing it quickly.”

Words have the power to inspire a child to become the mathematician he/she is capable of being. Adapted from: What’s Math Got To Do With It? by Jo Boaler,­let­maths­muddle­you­2/­without­fear/

November’s Environmental Theme: AIR POLLUTION

Air pollution is a big problem. But we can solve it. Know that all over the world, steps are being taken to stop the damage to our environment from air pollution. Scientists study the damaging effects and make recommendations. Governments write laws to control emissions. Canada has a Clean Air Act. And the good news is that recently Ontario became the first province in Canada to no longer make electricity using coal­fired power plants! Perhaps most importantly, teachers in schools and universities are educating our youth to understand the problem and make a difference.

What are some of the ways we can reduce air pollution? Planting trees is a great way to help filter our air and make it clean. If cars are producing too much carbon dioxide then trees will help convert it back into essential pure oxygen. Also, use a push mower instead of a gas­powered mower, or use a snow shovel instead of a power snow remover. Bike and walk more, and look into purchasing a more fuel­efficient car. If you buy locally produced food, trucks won't need to make as many far away deliveries and use as much fuel. You can even help indoor air quality by growing plants indoors, especially spider plants, the peace lily, or bamboo palms to help take toxins out of the air inside. Scientists are also working on how to use energy in a cleaner way. For one example, an alternate fuel source that emits fewer greenhouse gases than conventional fossil fuels comes from an unexpected source ­ vegetable oil! Type "Run Your Car on Vegetable Oil " into Google and find out the pros and cons of this alternative fuel source.

Slogan of the month: Keep our air healthy - plant a tree!

Updates of Support for Students Who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing “I Feel Good!” A Guide to Support the Mental Health and Well­Being of Children and Youth Who Are deaf

and Hard of Hearing Although advances in hearing technology and early intervention programs have made it possible for greater

numbers of children with hearing loss to access sound in order to develop spoken language, some parents continue to express concern that their children are experiencing challenges in their social relationships. To assist families and professionals in supporting the mental health and developing the social skills of children and youth with hearing loss, VOICE for Hearing Impaired Children has produced “I Feel Good!” A Guide to Support the Mental Health and Well­Being of Children and Youth Who Are deaf and Hard of Hearing in Ontario's schools. This publication was developed in collaboration with the Canadian Hearing Society and with input from researchers at Universities of Toronto and Western Ontario as well as clinical psychologists. This resource highlights typical social developmental milestones, the impact hearing loss may have on social interactions and provides suggestions to support developing social skills. The goal of the guide and these proactive strategies is to assist children and youth with hearing loss to develop the skills they need to successfully integrate with peers at school and in the community at large. Be sure to access both the French & English versions on our website (

"Sounds for Success" e­learning course VOICE for Hearing Impaired Children has also launched a new series of videos and resources that support the

unique needs of deaf and hard of hearing students. Our new resources were created to assist educators in Kindergarten to grade 2 in providing an inclusive environment for their students with hearing loss. Visit the VOICE website to view courses and resources, in both English and French, on a variety of topics including Laying the Foundation for Literacy, Developing Social Skills and Effective use of Classroom Amplification Systems. We encourage parents to share this information with their child’s school and classroom teachers and invite them to take advantage of these free and informative resources, as they plan for a successful year for students with hearing loss. See the Resources for Professionals section on the new VOICE website (

Talking About Mental Health ­ Access to Mental Health Services

Dufferin­Guelph–Wellington Here is a quick guide to accessing mental health services in our communities. Hope it is helpful for you and your family. Mental Health Agencies: Child and Youth Services in Dufferin ∙ Dufferin Child and Family Services (DCAFS)

o To access Addictions, Mental Health and Crisis Services § Call 519­941­1530

o Talk in Clinic on Tuesdays 1:00­ 7:00, just drop in to access services § 655 Riddell Road, Orangeville

o Child and Youth Services in Guelph/Wellington and Adult Services in Guelph/Wellington/Dufferin ∙ Canadian Mental Health Association Waterloo Wellington Dufferin Branch (CMHAWWD)

o To access Addictions, Mental Health and Crisis Services § Call HERE247 at 1 844 437 3247 (1 844 HERE247) §

o Walk in Clinic for Children/Youth on Tuesdays, 1:30­ 7:00, just drop in to access services § 485 Silvercreek Pkwy, Guelph


Family Health Teams ­ have counselling supports as well as medical services paid for through OHIP

∙ Dufferin Area Family Health Teams o o 519­938­8802 ext. 314

∙ Guelph Family Health Teams o o 519­837­4444

∙ North Wellington Family Health Teams o (Minto­Mapleton);Telephone: 519­638­2110 o (Mount Forest); Telephone: 519­323­0255

∙ Centre Wellington Family Health Teams o o Phone: 519­843­3947

∙ East Wellington Family Health Team o o Erin: 519­833­9396; Rockwood: 519­856­4611

Community Support Lines ∙ Guelph Wellington Child and Youth Sexual Assault Abuse Team (CYSTAT) 519 400 1263

o For access to supports, referrals and crisis response for: children who have been sexually abused, children who exhibit sexualized behavior and youth who have sexually offended

∙ KIDS LINE o 1­800­265­7293 ext. 3616 o For referrals, prenatal, parenting and child development questions o Speak with a WDG Public Health nurse o Monday to Friday, 8:45 a.m. ­ 4:15 pm

Agencies using Variable Fees ∙ Family Counselling and Support Services (Guelph­Wellington)

o No one is turned away due to income or inability to make payment o Walk in Clinic Wednesday, 1­7pm, just drop in to access services o o 519­824­2431

∙ University of Guelph Couple and Family Therapy Centre o o Fees range from $5 to $75 per hour o 519­824–4120 ext. 56335

∙ Dufferin­Peel Catholic Family Services o No client is refused services because of an inability to pay o o 1-888-940-0584

Private Services (for information purposes) ∙ College of Psychologists

o To find a registered psychologist by city or postal code see: o

∙ Therapists in Guelph o­guelph.aspx

∙ Therapists in Orangeville: o­orangeville.aspx

Note: Costs for some services may be provided through Employee Assistance Programs or benefit packages at parents’/guardians’ workplaces. Dr. Lynn Woodford, Psychologist is the Mental Health and Addiction Lead for Upper Grand District School Board Follow me on twitter: @drlynnwoodford

Public Health provides dental screening for all students in JK, SK, Grade 2, and other students as appropriate. Screening is provided under the Health Protection and Promotion Act and any information is collected according to our privacy policy (Please see the back of this page). We will be visiting your school on November 16, 2015. What is a screening? Screening is a quick look in the mouth by the registered dental hygienist. She uses a sterilized dental mirror and protective vinyl gloves for each child. You will be notified if we see an urgent dental condition. A screening is important. It identifies children who have dental problems and helps them to get care. It also gathers statistics about the dental health of children in our community and helps us to identify programs that may be needed. This screening is not meant to replace a full examination by your family dentist. If you don’t want your child screened at school, please call us at 1­800­265­7293 ext. 2634 one week before the date of our visit. Leave your child’s full name, school, birth date, and grade. What dental programs and services are available at Public Health? Children aged 17 and under, whose families can’t afford dental care, may be eligible for one of our free programs to help with urgent and preventive care. For more information or to book a free appointment please call the Dental Intake Line at 1­800­265­7293 ext. 2661. Yours truly, Dr. Robert Hawkins

Dental Consultant

Did someone say Santa?


8 A.M. – 10:30 A.M.


DONATION ONLY To a local child with a serious illness

For more information , call 519­343­3862

Minto­Clifford PS November 2015 Responsibility

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 Bully Buster Day wear


5 School Council meeting 6:30



8 9



Remembrance Day Red/White/Pink


Chicken pick up in Gym

3:00 - 5:00




Bully Awareness



Dental Screening JK, SK & Gr 2’s


18 19


Picture Retakes



22 23


25 Aladdin - St. Jacob


26 Hat Day

Pride Assembly 2:40

27 PA Day