Minnesota RenFestsarahsonja.com/grid/process/Process_RenFest.pdf · Characters in costume Food and...


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Minnesota RenFestFestival Guide AppSarah Porter | Interaction Design 1 | Fall Semester 2015

THE FESTIVALAbout | Personas | User Experience Maps

The Minnesota Renaissance Festival began in September of 1971 and since then has become the largest Renaissance Festival in the United States with an annual attendance of 300,000. The fairgrounds are located a half our outside of Minneapolis, and draws families and children of all ages. The fair hosts competitions, comedians, feasts, costumed characters, artisans of medieval themed arts and more.

“A Celebration of Nature, Art, and Life!”

The Minnesota Renaissance Festival began in September of 1971 as “A Celebration of Nature, Art, and Life!” Since then the festival has become the largest Renaissance Festival in the United States with an annual attendance of 300,000. The fairgrounds are located a half hour outside of Minneapolis, and draws families and children of all ages. The fair hosts many competitions, comedians, feasts, costumed characters, artisans of medieval themed arts and more.

Tracey is the main planner for her family.

She takes her family including her husband and two daughters (eight and six) to the Renaissance festival every year and it has become a favorite family tradition. Because they have done this all many times before, each member of her family has certain favorite activities and shows that they MUST hit during their limited time at the fair. Tracey knows how to get tickets cheap from her local store, and is determined to make this year a success for her entire family.

NAME: Tracey WillisAGE: 38RESIDENCE: Maple GroveOTHER: Mother of two children

Amy is a Freshman at the University of Minnesota.

She is one of the few out-of-state students, so has been on the lookout for opportunities to make friends and experience Minnesota on the weekends. Some of the other freshmen she met in her orientation group were planning on going to the fair one weekend, so Amy decided to tag along last minute. She will have to buy her ticket at the gate, as all the others already have theirs, but she is excited to experience something so di�erent.

NAME: Amy Li Amy LiAGE: 18RESIDENCE: RESIDENCE: Minneapolis (Prev. Maryland)OTHER: Freshman at the U of M Freshman at the U of M

Adam Brezinahas traveled to Minnesota to take a part in the World Amateur Highland Games Championship.

The games take place at the Renaissance Festival. He will be camping alongside the fair along with his competitors who have become his friends over the eight years he has been competing at the festival. Though his main purpose at the festival is to participate in his events, he has some breaks between events and likes to take advantage of those breaks to enjoy the fair.

NAME: Adam BrezinahasAGE: 28RESIDENCE: ArizonaOTHER: Participant in the Highland Games

Tracey WillisAGE: 38 RESIDENCE: Maple Grove OTHER: Mother of two children

Tracy buys tickets for her entire family discounted from their local gas station. She wants to know when specific events are taking place, and know the location of various vendors beforehand so she can plan out her family’s route to maximize their experience.

• At Home• Gas Station

• What are the ticket prices?• Where can I get discounts?• What when is the fair open?• What is going on, when and where?• What does my family want to see?• Is this activity appropriate for my kids?

• Website• Posters• Directory of ticket sales locations• Newspaper

• Stress• Apprehension

• Car• Parking lot• Kings Gate / Characters• Porta Potties

• Where are my kids?• When does that first show start again?• How do I keep my kids entertained?• Where can I park?• What time does the gate open?

• Brochures with schdules• Some sort of GPS?• Car games/ activities

• Stress• A bit of excitment• Joy

• Characters in costume• Food and souvenir vendors• Mideaval themed sets• Other fair goers

• How do I get to the next activity?• Where is good food that my kids will eat? Bathrooms?• How can I stear my kids away from what is innapropriate for them?• Where are my family’s favorite characters?• How much am I spending?• What is next, and how far away?• Where is the vendor I wanted to buy chimes from, and what is nearby for my kids?

• Schedule• Map• Husband• Family-friendly guide

• Stress• Exileration• Joy• Nesting Instinct

• Vendors with Souvenirs• Kings Gate• Parking lot

• What time does the fair close?• Where is the exit?• Where is my car?• Do I have all my kids/ husband?• How do I get out of the parking lot?

• Lot reminder?• Map

• Tired• Relieved

• At Home• Online• At Work

• I want to share my experience with friends and family.• I want to remember the experience.• I want to see if my kids learned anything

• Pictures from the fair• Souveniers

• Nostalgia• Joy• Pride

Afterwards she would like to share the family’s experience with extended family on social media, and share her feedback with other moms planning to take their families to the festival.







Amy LiAGE: 18 RESIDENCE: Minneapolis (Prev: Maryland) OTHER: Freshman at the University of Minnesota

Amy does not know what to expect, and wants to know what she needs to bring, how to buy her ticket. She also plans on looking up things to do on the car ride over for some last minute planning.

While there she will mostly follow around her new friends, but looks forward to sharing this crazy experience with her friends back home in Maryland.

• Dorm Room/ Lounge• Posters around campus

• What do I need to bring?• What can I expect there?• Where/ when am I meeting my friends?

• Website• Verbal info from friends

• Excitement• FOMO

• Car• Parking lot• Kings Gate / Characters• Porta Potties

• Where / how do I get my ticket?• I need to stay with my friends.• Where am I in realtion to the fair?• How do I enter?• Where do I turn in my ticket?

• Ticket booth with info• Friend’s Knowledge• Map

• Excitement• Anticipation• Social Stimulation

• Characters in costume• Food and souvenir vendors• Mideaval themed sets• Other fair goers

• Where am I in the fiar?• What is going on today?• What do my friends want to do / what are they talking about?• How much money am I spending?

• Brochure / Schedule• Fair Map• Friend’s Knowledge• The fair’s wayfinding

• A bit overwelmed• Exileration

• Vendors with Souvenirs• Kings Gate• Parking lot

• Where is the friend who drove?• I want souveniers to remember this by.• How will I get back to my dorm?

• Lot reminder?• Area Map / Directions

• Tired / Spent• Satisfied

• Dorm Room• Online

• I want to share my experience with friends and family.• I want to remember the experience.

• Pictures from the fair• Souveniers

• Nostalgia• Happiness• Acceptance






Adam BrezinaAGE: 32 RESIDENCE: Arizona OTHER: Participant in the Highland Games

Adam was presented with his ticket after he qualified in the semi-finals earlier that year. He is camping alongside the festival for the weekend and wants to know what is happening in between and nearby his events to pass the time.

Afterwards Adam would love to have some souvenirs from his (hopefully) best Highland Games yet, both digital and physical.

• House in Arizona• Semi-finals competition venue

• What is included with my competator’s ticket or not?• How do I reserve a camping spot?• Which plane ticket should I buy?• When are my events happening?

• Website• Competition coordinators• Internal Map• Schedule

• Excitement• Pride

• Camping Ground• Side entrance

• Where do I go as a competator?• Where is my camping spot?• I need to buy a ticket to get into the rest of the fair.• Where are my fellow competators?

• Internal Map• Welcome packet?

• Excitement• Anticipation

• Characters in costume• Food and souvenir vendors• Mideaval themed sets• Other fair goers

• What is happening in between my events and is close by?• What time are my events?• How far away is food?• How do I get back to my campsite?

• Brochure / Schedule• Fair Map• The fair’s wayfinding

• Excitement• Nervous• Competative

• Camping Grounds

• I need to pack up• Does the fair provide a shuttle to the airport? When/ where?

• Directions to the airport

• Tired

• House in Arizona• Online

• I need to share my experience and the results with my fans on social media.• I want to remember the experience and share it with friends and family.• Where can I find official photos of the competition?

• Official pictures• Awards / Certificates

• Nostalgia• Pride or disappointment






Information Architecture

Original sketches in navigation, information architecture, interactions, etc.

Wireframes - Sketches

Sketches on layout and navigation.

Wireframes - Flows



Days until the Fair





Events Food ATMs



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Time Slot 1

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Time Slot 3


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Coming up...

Time Slot 1

Time Slot 2

Time Slot 3

(Scan Ticket Screen)


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Type of Ticket

Date / Time validIncluded




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App map navigation with initial, low fidelity wireframes. Arrows to indicate the navigation flow through various sections of the app.

Gypsy StageOven Hill Market


Come visit our gypsy stage with performancesby exotic acts from around the disovered world!Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.


10:00 am Black Isle Belly Dancers

11:00 am Black Isle Belly Dancers

12:00 am Fandazzi

1:00 pm Black Isle Belly Dancers




Hours & Info



Search Term

Search Term

Food Vendors

Food Vendors


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One iteration of high fidelity wireframes.

The original map and style inspiration for look and feel.

The final map and various explorations in style.

$ $

FINAL SCREENSFeatures | Task Flows






• Access information about the festival

• View favourited experiences, sorted by type


• Scan and Purchase tickets digitally

• Add multiple tickets for friends, spouses, children, etc.

• QR code so that you don’t have to print your ticket.

• Gives extra information about what is included with your ticket and adds relevant experiences to your favorites.


• Mark your parking spot through GPS


• Icon shows how long to the next show time

• View upcoming performances by stage or performer

• Learn if a show is family friendly or “not for those easily offended”


• See the menu of dishes, sides and treats available at that market


• More shops in an area show on the map the farther it is zoomed in

• View a vendor’s information, favorite them or visit their website


• Search by a term or by category for vendors, food, performances, locations and more


• Zones highlight as you pan around to break the fairgrounds into memorable sections


• Scroll through time and see what acts are happening where throughout the day