Minimizing Hurricane Damage as Well as Possible



Hurricane damage can be extremely detrimental and it is important to understand how to get your home ready for a hurricane. There are many people that do not realize that if they take time to research and prepare their home, they can prevent a large majority of damage from the storm.

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Minimizing Hurricane Damage as Well as Possible

Hurricane damage can be extremely detrimental and it

is important to understand how to get your home

ready for a hurricane. There are many people that do

not realize that if they take time to research and

prepare their home, they can prevent a large majority

of damage from the storm.

Holding Down the Roof

First, you may want to invest in some hurricane straps

to ensure that your roof does not blow off. Purchasing

the hurricane straps that are going to fit on your home

will be the first step to protecting yourself and your

home when you know that a hurricane is coming into

your town.

When you are inside of your home, you have to be

sure that your home is a form of protection rather than

a more dangerous situation. If your roof blows off,

you are going to be compromising the safety of

yourself and anyone else that is inside of your home.

Get to the Windows

Second, after your hurricane straps are installed you will then want to put up plywood planks up

to protect your windows. As flying debris are making their way through the air, it is possible that

they may come into contact with your windows or even with your glass doors.

As debris flying through the air comes into contact with your windows, it may break through if

you do not have the plywood installed securely. Although plywood is a simple supply, it can

make a huge difference in your home’s ability to fend off any storm damage.

Stop the Flood

Third, you should be sure that you look into flood barriers. Floods are one of the most dangerous

parts of hurricanes and they are often the most destructive part of the hurricane storms.

When you set up your flood barriers, you should understand that they are going to prevent minor

flood damage. The minor floods that you are preventing do not include large surges from the

coast and you have to be sure that you are not expecting your barrier to protect you from this.

If you know that there is a good chance of huge floods, a flood barrier may be a waste of time.

When you set up your flood barrier, you have to understand that as soon as the floodwater comes

over the top of the flood barrier it will not be of

any use.

As flood water accumulates, you also have to

understand that it may breach the area that you

have set up for the barriers. If the flood water

enters from a different area, the barriers are not

going to be successful at protecting your home.

Be Prepared!

When you move into an area that is prone to

hurricane damage, you should be sure that you

are going to get all of your emergency supplies

prepared. Getting them prepared early will

ensure that you do not find yourself in a horrible

situation when a hurricane comes.

As the hurricanes roll in, you should feel as protected and secure as possible. That way, if

hurricane damage does occur you will know that you have done everything that you can to

protect yourself and your home.

Photo Credit: Vvillamon, Seier+seier
