Mini-project «A foreign language in my life» Made by Mukshaev Ayan the student of the 11 th form...


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Mini-project«A foreign language in my life»

Made by Mukshaev Ayan the student of the 11th form School №3, Alexandrov-Gaj

Teacher: Shugaikina S.V.

• I believe that studying foreign languages opens new opportunities and

advantages for people in their life.

• Knowledge of foreign languages helps young people to enter many universities.Now young people in our country have a real chance to study abroad.


Let`s visit any site of job opportunities. Look at the requirements. You will see that one of the most important things for the employer is knowledge of the foreign language . It is still possible to find a good job without knowing it, although very difficult. The employer will always prefer you to a specialist who can speak English. .

• Travel more easily. Communicate with people wherever you go. Ask directions, have a conversation, or… ask for help. Who knows, may be a foreign language will save your life someday!

• I have been studying English for ten years and I am happy, because I can read English books, write letters to my English friends and listen to English songs. Moreover I can communicate with people all over the world.
